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The New World Order Conspiracy is Just Another Diversion

by Maple Fink

Does a New World Order Conspiracy Exist?

My own Experience

I have studied the subject of the New World Order Conspiracy since the age of 12 years old. I am lucky in the fact that I can read almost exponentially faster than the average reader, thus I have been able to read dozens of books on the subject, plus, I have read thousands of articles, emails, and newsletters dealing with criminal conspiracies in our highest offices.

I have questioned lawyers, doctors, prosecutors, judges, police officers, and I have even been a co-conspirator with government officials (under duress and threat to my continued ability to breathe oxygen, that is). I have a rare first-hand experience of how conspiracy works in all levels of government, from the judicial branch, to the executive branch.

It was by a great deal of luck and by knowing the right people to appeal to that I survived a conspiracy against my own life. But that is another story that will take some time to tell in the distant future.

Educated People are Often Anti-Conspiracy

In this day and age, many supposedly educated, mainstream people claim that conspiracy theories are whacko, baseless, outlandish, unsupported, etcetera, yadda, yadda. I sometimes have to suppress chuckles when seeing these people present their arguments, because, as I stated, I was forced to participate in a government conspiracy that went all the way up to some of the highest offices in the United States. My survival was ensured only by my prompt and diligent efforts to make myself a scapegoat for the crimes of other powerful people. And I had to deduce the right words to speak to get desired responses from mentally ill officials full of ego and barbarism. Thus, I do feel the need to chuckle and sometimes cry when I am met with the statements of people who tend to denounce conspiracy theories and glorify our government as the best the world has ever been blessed with. Such mindless patriotism is worthy of any Roman Centurion.

Philosophy vs. PHILOSOPHY

I could begin a very long list, journaling all kinds of evidence that conspiracies fulminate in our highest institutions--conspiracies to obsolete the concepts of freedom and liberty in preference to the new "Work Ethic" and "War on Terrorism." These are manipulative government tricks that have been used for countless centuries to enslave populations. I could probably write a very fat book on the subject. But most of those facts and evidences have already been chronicled and are just a mouse click away for millions of Americans to read. Therefore, at this time I will focus more on the philosophy of opposing forces, i.e., the forces of thralldom and hegemony vs. the forces of liberty and personal accountability.

There is not a Conspiracy to Establish a Police State!

This leads us to the direction of this essay. There are people who would firmly convince all others that there is no such thing as a conspiracy to enslave America under a totalitarian New World Order regime. They would tell us that it is not possible for the great American Democracy to sink to the pit of an Orwellian police state and media state that suppresses all resistance with brutality, brainwashing, and unlawful cruelty. They laugh at claims of conspiracy and treason, and they insist that there is no proof to support the outrageous claims of doomsayers.

Bad News

I don't even argue this point. When an American President gives a public speech praising the New World Order, it is a moot point.

I have bad news. I will prove there is NOT a conspiracy to bind America with a police state. How can a conspiracy exist with an objective that has already been accomplished?

Really Bad News

Americans already DO live under a full-fledged police state, just like George Orwell predicted. The only difference is that our police state still has some semblance of competing factions, each wanting complete control over this police state without sharing power with any others who help perpetuate the regime. This is the heart of the situation that almost all conspiracy theorists are completely blind to. Due to severe brainwashing, these theorists claim there is a conspiracy to establish a police state. But they are so blinded by the most subtle propaganda that they don't realize we already are subjects of the king and his royal guard.

Who are the Bad Guys?

But, is this police state the result of a New World Order Conspiracy? Although I believe in conspiracies, and given my first hand experience proving their existence to me, can I say there actually exists a conspiracy operating on a global scale to enslave all people under a one world government? And if so, who is responsible? Before we sally into too many questions all at once, I will give attention to a few of these matters now.

Noah Webster Deserves Sainthood

Many of us know that Noah Webster compiled the first "authoritative" dictionary of American English. He gave the definitions for over 70 thousand words in that tome. The reason we have dictionaries is so that there is a standard for defining, spelling, and pronouncing all words, and to prevent unwarranted deviation from that standard. Otherwise, it could get rather difficult for people from one part of the soil to understand people from another place. It behooves each American to be his own "Websterite": Go back to the source of a word or phrase and find out what it really means before basing arguments on it.

Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary assists the fledgling Websterite:

POLICE . . . The word police has three significations, namely . . . The second has for its object to procure to the authorities the means of detecting even the smallest attempts to commit crime, in order that the guilty may be arrested before their plans are carried into execution, and delivered over to the justice of the country. [Pre-emptive strike mentality]

A visit to the online dictionary at Dictionary.com nets this:

police state n.

A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

And this:

police state n :

a country that maintains repressive control over the people by means of police (especially secret police)

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Distilled Description of a Police State

A police state is a government that polices its law-abiding citizens, making criminals of anyone that would "potentially" break the law, even when they have not in fact broken any just, reasonable law. It exerts extremely rigid control over every facet of its subjects lives in areas of economy, industry, group assembly, arms, private transportation, ownership of property, raising of children, etc. It exerts these extremely rigid controls in an attempt to prevent even the possibility of breaking the law, being thusly anathema to liberty and democratic republican government.

A Notable Quote

"In a free society, government protects citizens from threats against their persons and property. In a police state, government deploys its law enforcement assets to protect itself against the 'threat' posed by its own subjects."

--- W. N. Grigg

Constitutional Approach Toward Criminals

The Constitution provides that government can only repress and punish an individual after that man has been found guilty of a crime by a properly selected jury. Only then can any right be limited, and only to a very limited extent, for the duration of the lawful sentence handed down by the jury, not meted by a judge. Instead we have judges and prosecutors rigging juries, telling juries that the jury cannot decide the justice of the law, and in fact commanding juries to find defendants guilty against the will of the jury. Then judges hand out draconian sentences that few juries would ever consent to. Most of these draconian sentences are served upon patriots, tax protestors, peaceful demonstrators, people defending themselves, and parents who will not bend to government demands on how to live their personal lives and order their families. The rapists and child molesters get out in a few months in many cases.

Privacy is Virtually Impossible

Americans now live in a society where privacy is made impossible by the government for any man not endowed with exorbitant wealth and social privilege. We are fingerprinted, thumb-scanned, drug-tested, forced to undergo urinalysis, photographed, questioned, accused and harassed constantly by a government that "knows what is good for us." The state purports to be protecting us by denying us our most fundamental rights to be absolutely left alone unless we are found committing an act that intrinsically and wrongly harms a victim of that particular act. Credit goes to the news media and "educated" jurists for propagandizing the birth of the "victimless crime."

A man generally cannot even get a job today without accepting a state ID card that requires him or her to disclose information such as home address, name, birth date, race, appearance, and a photograph. The government never did and still does not have any right to know who you are, where you live, what you look like, or who your parents are. Yet you are forced to give up this information under the threat that you will not be able to make a living. People invent all sorts of justifications for this invasion of privacy, not realizing that the more a government knows about people, the easier it is to control them. Control is the opposite of liberty. But people educated in our current system of thought are taught the Orwellian Newspeak that the opposite of liberty(police control) will somehow protect its antithesis(freedom). This fallacy is destroying freedom by redefining it. This is the process of Orwellian Newspeak.

A New Definition For Freedom

Freedom: In the United States of America, the right to do what you are told, when you are told, and the responsibility to always obey the government even when the government is wrong and causing you substantial harm. The right to do as the Romans do when you are in Rome.

If the signers of the Constitution believed in always obeying draconian laws and "working within the framework of the system" to effect change, then why did they pick up guns and start killing the British? Because the very people who wrote the constitution did not believe that a man should endure injustice under color of law. But today, "educated" people insist that you can gather figs of thorns (work with a fatally flawed system). And so it is easy for propaganda to convince these people that although we see all the repression and abuse of a police state, we don't actually live in a police state!

Most of today's legislation and policy lean toward dissolving the rights of law-abiding citizens so that there is no possibility of breaking the law in the first place. But then perfectly normal behaviors are made into crimes as a pretext to justify further invasion of privacy, to ensure that laws can't be broken in the first place. And from there the spiral goes straight to Bill Clinton's blue jeans, or hell, whichever is worse.

I have a right to work. That is an unalienable right that predates any constitution or government. Then tell me why fellow countrymen would argue that I must submit to getting a social security number, photo ID, and sign a contract to pay income taxes on my wages before I can even get a job! That is all an invasion of privacy and a denial of my right to work.

I have a right to travel upon the highways by whatever conventional means is available. That is an unalienable right that predates any constitution or government. Then tell me why fellow countrymen who would argue that I must submit to getting a drivers license that turns my right to travel into a privilege that the government can take away? Tell me why, when I have broken no law, and harmed no man, a so-called police officer can pull me over and demand to see my "identification papers" before I am allowed to continue to exercise my unalienable right to traverse the highways unmolested?

These presents are all indicative of a government operating as a police state. The government is supposed to protect us from foreign powers, not private criminals. The common law judicial process and reeve of shire(sheriff) are the only lawful mechanisms to apprehend and punish private criminals. But instead, our state and local governments deign themselves mighty enough to enact criminal statutes that circumscribe a large bulk of completely harmless behavior, requiring us to divulge sensitive private information to the government, when it does not even have a right to know our names, let alone how much income we make or whether or not we have insurance covering our motor vehicles. Welcome to the United States of America. A police state.

Orwellian Newspeak

If you have not read George Orwell's 1984, I suggest you immediately call a sick day from work, buy it at the nearest bookseller, and hole up in a quiet place until you have read the entire book. It was written decades ago, and describes the current state of affairs in the United States of America.

Orwell's 1984 protagonist is a man named Wilson, one who represents the average American Citizen, but in Oceania instead of America. The antagonist is power itself, represented in the man of a malicious state police officer named O'Brien.

The nations of the earth are divided into 3 major warring factions. Wilson lives in Oceania. Oceania is constantly at war with, or impending war with, some foreign "terrorist" power. The people are constantly stirred up to a patriotic frenzy against a fictitious enemy named "Goldstein," the leader of the "terrorists." In the name of fighting the terrorists, the government party has taken most of the people's rights and polices the citizenry for even the slightest hint of a potential lawbreaker.

Wilson works for the news media. His job is to print false propaganda at the behest of the government, constantly lying to the people about the intentions of the government. The government constantly claims to be at war with "terrorist" foreign powers, and the people are compelled to submit to all government powers. Orwell introduces the concept of Newspeak in this book. The media is constantly redefining the meanings of words to suit the agenda of the government, namely to control the thoughts of the people by creating a climate where any new definition given by the media must be accepted as true. Anyone who resists the definitions and explanations of the media is labeled, thought criminal, having committed, thought crime.

One interesting parallel that Orwell pointed out in his book is the concept of the government and media working in concert to create thought crime. Today's media does the same thing. Patriots, tax resistors, and communitarians are labeled cultists, extremists, fundamentalists, fanatics, radicals, etc. Initially, these words in the English language did not carry any negative connotation, but through decades of the dominant media redefining these words and their usage, they all bear severe negative connotations and evil faith toward the people thus labeled. Thus we have Newspeak.

New[s] Speak

Furthermore, Newspeak does not just suggest "new speak." It is a play on words that also implies "news speak," referring to the news being a primary factor in redefining popular speech. George Orwell had a deep understanding of the machinations behind the government-media complex that has usurped American freedom by changing the way people think. Why don't "educated" Americans understand this and heed Orwell's warning?

The War on Terror

Tell a lie and tell it often
And the people will believe.
Cause a thought-provoking problem
Then usurp power to relieve.

When of Trotsky, Marx, and Lenin
This proved powerful and true
Communistic revolution
Was by these means construed.

Tell a lie and tell it often
And the people will be fooled
State that we must solve a problem
By exacting rigid state control.

Tell a lie and tell it often
And the people will assent
To be treated like filthy offal
To protect the government.

Itch the ears of thoughtless men
And the people will agree
To kill their only children
And crimes against humanity.

Create a faceless enemy
Then repress the populace
By enacting lawless statues
That hide the real villain's face.

Tell a lie and tell it often
And the liar is extolled.
He can steal away their freedom
And the people will be fooled.

-- Maple Fink

About the Poem

I wrote this poem when I was 15 years old. My entire poetry manuscript of about 600 pages mysteriously disappeared. Luckily, I had committed a large portion of my work to memory. One of my lawyers once told me that my FBI file (they keep a file on me) was so extensive that it filled many boxes too numerous to fit anywhere in his office! Some of my "anti-government" poetry like the piece above was in this library-sized FBI file. Do I believe there are conspiracies to overzealously monitor and control Americans? Damn right I do!

America is not free

By the original dictionary definition of the words "police" and "police state," we can now see and understand that Americans do live, literally, under the gun. We are restricted from basic survival rights such as employment by unlawful regulations that require us to tell our personal business to a state. Then that state can track, tag, monitor, snoop on, and finally, control us and our behavior at the most pecuniary level.

Let's Drink To Freedom

Now you can see why I contend there is not a conspiracy to create a police state in America. We have already lived in a police state for decades. If the era of prohibition didn't clue people in, not much can. It was once illegal to make or consume alcoholic beverages! In place of the prohibition, our right to drink whatever we damn well please was substituted with the privilege to drink alcoholic beverages subject to special licensing, taxation, and possession of a state-issued photo identification card that relinquishes all constitutional rights and replaces them with "civil rights." When I was a teenager in Pennsylvania, liquor could only be purchased at a "state liquor store," and the customer name was recorded at the register along with the date and time. Thus, the government could know what a man's favorite whiskey was on any given day!

Prohibition Era Poem

Mother's in the kitchen Washing out the jugs:
Sister's in the pantry Bottling the suds:
Father's in the cellar Mixing up the hops:
Johnny's on front porch Watching for the cops.

It All Adds Up

The question, "Is there a conspiracy to turn America into a police state?" has been answered sufficiently for any Websterite to rest assured of clarity. What we have in our country agrees with the legal and dictionary definitions.

What about the popular proposition that there is a conspiracy to enslave the whole planet under a totalitarian New World Order Police State? Is this true, and can it be deduced from the facts?

We have to determine:

A. Who would benefit from a federal global police state:

B. How would they benefit?

C. If our public leaders already have us under the gun, why would they further the aims of a new power regime, seeing they already can milk us for unimaginable financial and personal gain?

Firstly, we have established that we already live under police state rule. With that the case, what benefit could megalomaniacs obtain from establishing a global police state?

The Winds of Change Are Blowing

Governments and societies are constantly changing. The ideas that motivate and change them are also the subjects of ongoing mutation. We live under a police state now. But what do you suppose would happen if our highest officials did not change a single thing about the political or legal structure?

Well, since society and ideas constantly change, the enslaved masses have the opportunity for exposure--exposure to the truth about the deception that binds them to the iron fist of the nation-state. Without constant and ambiguous change in the political and legal climates, the people would slowly but surely wise up, unite, and revolt against their government. How do I know this? constant legal and political change engender the confusion necessary to keep most people blinded to the truth.

Hit the Books

Read your history books. That is the pattern of ALL governments throughout the annals of recorded history. Rulers gain power, feed off the production of the serfs, and control their thinking through censorship and disinformation. And then rulers always do one thing in common: They grow complacent. They get very comfortable with their position, and the people begin to realize they are enslaved. Then the people traditionally kill their rulers, live relatively free for a while, and then new rulers excite terror and war as a means to distract the people from the fact that the new government is transforming into the form of the old one they struck down. This cycle repeats itself like a bad habit, and has done so for at least as long as Methuselah can remember.

The Archetypos Illuminatus

But someone got wise. A politically powerful person with lots of money saw this pattern. He said to himself, "Wait a minute. The people always revolt after enough time has passed." Now, he considered himself to be a very good and moral person. He never had to work like the peasants do, toiling and sweating all day for a meager subsistence, so he had plenty of time to think and arrive at the conclusion that he was enlightened above all other people. And because he was so intelligent, he believed he could save the whole world from the impending doom, and bring heaven on Earth.

Thus he called himself an "enlightened one", or in the Latin, Illuminatus. A group of these enlightened ones decided to call themselves the Illuminati, the plural of Illuminatus. Because they were all so rich and never had to work very hard, they all had plenty of time to get together and talk about how evil and stupid most of humanity are. Because they kept their hands soft and white, they had plenty of energy left to use their brains. Their heavily energized brains and their labor-less spiritual illumination led them to the conclusion that they could use their immense wealth to buy all the ruling powers on the earth, and use their financial hegemony to force all the rest of the people on earth to become good, moral, and illuminated, even if the masses did not want to do so of their own free will.

Bad Beginnings

Many of these Illuminated Ones were abused severely as children. You might think that because they grew up in rich families, life would have been sweet and childhood happy. But that is not the case. Their parents tended to set standards and requirements of behavior that were particularly ridiculous for children to bear. Many of these children wanted to be poets and farmers and run and play and wear rags and live an earthy type of life, because they felt that living childlike and close to things like nature and rhythm would bring them happiness. But their wealthy parents would not have the embarrassment of their children choosing to be poor and fraternize with common folk. Why, their children's' morals could be corrupted!

Thus, many of these Illuminated Ones were manipulated into lifestyles that they did not approve of, and they felt ashamed of wanting to be anything that their parents disliked. Instead of being just like anyone else, they became lawyers, judges, bankers, politicians, tycoons and military generals, hoping to absolve the shame of ever wishing to be normal in the first place.

My Gut's Half Empty

But something gnawed at the Illuminated One. Something did not feel quite right. He knew he just could not walk away from all that money and privilege and fraternize with common losers, so that couldn't be the problem. Then it filtered through the haze--he was unhappy because he was chosen to save the world, and hadn't even started on his mission. He could force the whole rest of humanity to be productive and respectable just like himself. He could buy kings and presidents and armies, and give them orders to make the people be perfect. Thus was born the concept of legislating morality, and punishing the immoral even if they had not directly harmed another human being. This concept of using others for scapegoats was full of immense power.

But no amount of control over people nullified the empty feeling. He then realized that most of the people on earth were just dumb beasts and didn't deserve his beneficence anyway, so he decided to subjugate them even more. He kept buying businesses and politicians, and he bought most of the newspapers and TV stations, and put his friends in charge of these operations. He wanted to make sure the people were properly educated so that there would not be too much resistance from his plans to become king of the world. His friends at the newspaper press and broadcast stations told lots of lies, because the masses were so stupid and ungrateful that they did not deserve to know the truth anyway. He realized that it is commendable to deceive people when you are just protecting a holy mission to save the world from itself.

The Pattern Emerges

The Illuminati saw the pattern of history. They knew the only way to prevent the peasants from revolting this time would be to constantly keep them blind, and keep them so busy making a living that they would not have time to think about who is pulling the strings. The people were already beginning to hate the new American Government and were very close to overthrowing it and fishing out the Illuminati so they could dash their energized brains on the cobblestones.

So the illuminati bought some presidents and congressmen, and told them to start a war. You see, if all the people were fighting a war against a fictional enemy, nobody would have time to think about their plans to overthrow the government. This worked so well, that the Illuminati have been funding opposing sides to wars for over 160 years, just to make sure the wars drag on long enough to keep the people from thinking about overthrowing their government. In fact, the Illuminati-sponsored press did a dandy job of convincing the people that the government was their friend, but too many people began questioning this and stopped voting. Now, when a large percentage of the people don't show up to cast a ballot, that is a clear indicator that the people are very close to uniting to overthrow their government. People just don't like being bound to a police state, no matter how well meaning their duped politicians are.

Wars And Rumors of Wars

Well, so many people were refusing to vote that the government got worried. The leaders saw that revolution was imminent, and violence at an all-time high. All the violence and rage was starting to direct itself at the government. Another war would not fix this situation. But, a permanent war, a war that never ends, and a war against an invisible enemy, could keep the government in power for a very, very long time. The people would be so distracted and afraid of continual war and unseen enemies that they would beg the police state to protect them. What a concept! The newspeak agencies called this new war the War on Terrorism. Thus the new millennium was ushered in with the birth of a perpetual war, and the Illuminati had achieved their goal of salvation for the whole earth. Or had they?

I don't think so. If I can see through this broad scheme, I am sure that millions of other people can, too. The more terrorized and controlled the people become, the less stable the economy becomes, until there is hyperinflation and all currency in circulation is utterly worthless. The hired mercenaries, soldiers, and police officers that hold the police state stitched on shredded seams will not continue to enforce the orders of masters that cannot feed them. Because of globalization, when the global economy falls apart (and it will) every banker, lawyer, and politician on the planet will be reduced to the title of "target practice" by angry mobs of peasants from whom they thought they had confiscated all weapons.

Earth will reach peak oil production within the next 30 years, and slowly over the next 20 years after that, the fossil fuel economy will have almost no fuel to go on. The world economy will collapse, armies will starve, and freedom-loving people will band together and try to rebuild civilization all over again.

All the military might in the world controlled by one central body will NOT be able to suppress the collapse and revolt these events will trigger. The stupid masses will turn out to be a lot smarter than the "Illuminated Ones" think, and freedom will make another effort to reassert itself. That is the nature of the human spirit, and anyone trying to repress it under any color of law will pay dearly.

Clarify Questions And Answers

Now we have the answers:

Q. Who would benefit from a federal global police state?

A. Everyone who works for the government benefits by having the brute force to harm other people for personal gain.

Q. How would they benefit?

A. It would extend the length of their reign. Prior to the G.W. Bush Election for President, America was already precipitously close to a violent, armed revolution against the government. After the election that tension skyrocketed, and thus the government orchestrated the war on Terrorism against a terrorist group that our own CIA created, funded, nursed, coddled, and trained.

Q. If our public leaders already have us under the gun, why would they further the aims of a new power regime, seeing they already can milk us for unimaginable financial and personal gain?

A. There are actually millions of Americans who are tired of being stepped on; so tired, in fact, that it would not take much of a catalyst for at least several hundred thousand of them to each pick up a gun and enforce political change at the business end. Our military, as large as it is, is entirely unequipped to deal with hundreds of thousands of combatants in domestic urban warfare. A force of combatants only 5% the size of our entire force of federal soldiers would exterminate the federal armed forces because they cannot justify using air power to carpet bomb our own cities as is done in the Middle East and Afghanistan. This is something that top officials greatly fear but never mention.

This is one of the threats they hope to neutralize with the new Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security was not created to investigate real external terrorist threats. Its creation has the sole purpose of policing law-abiding Americans and prevent them from defending themselves against an increasingly oppressive federal government. The Department of Homeland Security will incrementally terrorize law-abiding citizens, confiscate their firearms, money, and even secretly imprison Americans with no court, judge, jury or trial at all, thus inflicting further fear into the hearts of the public about missing persons who will actually be secretly kidnapped and murdered by the government's nascent SS.

The greatest threat to the American Police State is not the gun-toting Americans who would protest with firearms. The greatest threat to the dictatorship that is forming is the informed, educated American that knows how to stop supporting corrupt government with his vote and his pocketbook. The Department of Homeland Security will be especially sensitive about drumming up false charges against non-violent protestors and making public examples of them as they rot in prison cells for the crime of speaking the truth.

Congress may actually scrap Homeland Security and just run with giving all the new police powers to existing agencies. In any event, a rose by any other name . . .

Who is Responsible?

I did a survey via the Usenet and by asking friends to reply to a list of questions. I asked who is to blame for certain problems in our society. I also asked who is to blame for the lawlessness and corruption among nepotistic officials. Here are some of the answers that people gave:

Q. Who is responsible for the spiraling national debt? Why? How can it be resolved?

A. 1. Tax and Spend Democrats 2. Spend and Borrow Republicans

A. Those who take ever increasing "entitlements" from the government.

Q. Who is responsible for corrupt judges that pay no attention to the Constitution in their rulings? Why? How can it be resolved?

A. Conservatives like judges who allow weasels around the Bill of Rights in the Name of "Law and Order".

Liberals tend like judges who to attach "Rights" to the Bill of Rights that don't expressly exist.

A. Don't appoint activist judges.

Q. Who is responsible for the fact that an American National cannot travel anywhere without periodically being required to show his/her papers (ID) to a belligerent police officer? Why? How can it be resolved?

A. As opposed to Mexicans who travel freely in the U.S.? That's called obeying the law. We have too liberal laws here. You should lobby for stricter laws if it bugs you.

Most of the answers I got were suggestions for new legislation, or blaming the liberals, or blaming republicans, or blaming some outside force for the problems America faces. Only one respondent suggested that it is we, the people, ourselves, who are to blame for any our current crises. It is we the people who bend over and take a spanking when we should stand firm and say "no" to unconstitutional laws and agencies running our lives. But instead, the people have traded freedom for a false sense of security, based on the idea that the government can make our lives better by passing more laws.

More laws, less freedom. -- Cicero

As long as Americans insist on spending their money by giving it to companies and industries that support corrupt government, we shift from a Plutocratic Police State into a Dictorial Police State, with the majority of power concentrated with one branch of government or one person.

As long as Americans continue volunteering to pay personal income tax on their nontaxable wages, the IRS will be able to postpone the eventual hyperinflation that will destroy the money-powers that dictate public policy.

As long as people place the economy above justice and right action, the government will buy increasing shares of stock until it owns the entire stock market and declares outright ownership of the means of production.

As long as people watch TV instead of educating themselves on how to resist oppression, their minds will be ill-equipped to understand or combat the true forces of oppression. Turn your TV off, and if your children cry about it, smash the damn thing with a hammer. The Romans had their Collisseum and Gladiators. We have TV and Cinema.

As long as Americans persist in the delusion that ours is the only free nation on earth, they will continue to trade black for white and freedom for a false sense of security. There are European nations where the natives enjoy significantly more freedom than what we have in America.

Fellow Americans, fellow people: We are responsible for the mess we find ourselves in. Yes, there is a New World Order designed to enslave all nations in an economic pact of blood. Yes, there is a conspiracy to take every shred of freedom from every person on the face of the earth. But as long as we sit around and talk about conspiracies--as long as we cast stones at the people we put in power, without changing the fundamental ways we buy, sell, and treat other people, we will only sink further into infamy, globalization, and rule by monetary fiat. If we all change our ways now, and view all people and their lives and livelihoods as something sacred and inviolate, we can avoid the coming economic collapse and bloodbath that will give us a type of freedom that is too hard for most people to bear. We will have the freedom to live as slaves, or die with our boots on.

When will you act to free yourself from your own mistakes? When will you admit that your world is what you make it, not what a government legislates?

Change is Still Possible

It is still possible to restore freedom without precipitating further bloodshed. You must be willing to stand up for it. You must be willing to go to jail to stand against a massive government when you know you stand upon a correct principle. You must be willing to have no respect for power, and only respect the rights of your fellow Americans. You must stop taking handouts from government. You must abandon the lie called social security. You must realize that government cannot provide security of any kind. Security is a myth, a lie.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-- Benjamin Franklin

You must stand on your own two feet, and when you have learned how, you must help others do the same at your own expense, without government intervention, without public welfare checks, without student loans, without any entitlement or benefit from the government. Any help you accept from your government only leads to further slavery to its power. This my friends, is liberty. This is freedom. Any other way is slavery.

Many corrupt official don't realize they are behaving badly. A large number of them have just been as screwed up in the head as the rest of us as a result of disinformation and propaganda. Rather than constantly vilify them and attack them personally, educate them. If enough people write letters and plead for an audience from legislators and jurists, some of them will come around. Some of them will study these matters and realize why their current course is destroying our country from the inside out, and some of them will become the greatest opponents of the police state mentality. Only those who know they have committed high crimes are completely unreachable by any voice of reason or pleading. They are but a small percentage of the whole, and their kind will blow away like leaves in the coming storm of political reform that can either be initiated or endured.

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