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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland(pedo)

All stories on this web site are purely FICTIONAL. The people depicted within these stories only exist in someone's IMAGINATION. Any resemblence between anyone depicted in these stories and any real person, living or dead, is an incredible COINCIDENCE too bizarre to be believed. If you think that you or someone you know is depicted in one of these stories it's only because you're a twisted perverted little fucker who sees conspiracies and plots where none exist. You probably suspect that your own MOTHER had sex with ALIENS and COWS and stuff. Well, she didn't. It's all in your head. Now take your tranquilizers and RELAX.
The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


The Return of the Kovz King
Chapter One

As a rule, it's logical to assume that an eleven year old boy
waking up alone on a cold town street is likely to be both afraid and
uncomfortable. If you add to that the fact that I had no memory of
how I got there or how I happened to be dressed in rags, it's easy to
see that I was more than a little bit troubled.

It wasn't just how I had gotten to be on the street so early
in the morning that I had forgotten, but everything. I lay there in
the gutter in some alley, the blackened walls of two tall buildings
rising to either side of me, and tried to figure out what I could
remember. I knew how to speak, that seemed clear, and how to think.
Passed that I couldn't remember anything. For a long while I thought
that I had just been born, but if that were the case then I would
hardly be able to speak, would I? Still, I had no memory of parents,
no memories of a home, no memories of how I even got in the run down
alley I found myself in. There was a leather knapsack beside me and I
couldn't remember what was in it or if it even belonged to me,
couldn't remember my name or if I had one, couldn't remember what I
looked like.

Feeling hungry, I tore into the bundle but I found nothing to
eat. The only things in it were a handful of white, silk towels and a
golden lamp that I couldn't open. I tried to look down its spout, but
I saw only blackness. A pleasant smell came from it, but nothing came
out when I shook it up and down. I sighed hopelessly and returned the
items to the pack. I wondered if I'd stolen them: they didn't look
like the kinds of things a boy in my condition could afford to own.
At any rate, I couldn't eat them and that was what was on my mind at
the moment.

It wasn't even dawn yet, though the fact that the sky was
getting lighter made it clear that dawn would not be far off. Through
the tops of the buildings I could see that the day would be clear (and
hopefully sunny and warm for my small bones seemed frozen stiff).
Tentatively, I reached out my arms and immediately felt the cold
morning air rush in a dozen rips and tears in my shirt, if shirt you
called it. It would be more accurate to call it a cape for it had
obviously once belonged to a much larger person and hung on my skinny
body very loosely. It stank of the garbage from the alley but I was
certainly warmer than I would have been if my skin was bared to the
chill morning air. I could tell that my upper body was in fairly
decent shape: my skinny arms weren't scratched in the slightest and
moving them ached only because I had grown so chill overnight in the

Sighing, I put my hands down on the cobblestone street I was
sitting on and pushed myself to my feet. I was wearing a pair of
ragged pants, again awkwardly tailored from a much larger pair. They
were so ragged that they ended mid-way down my calves and I could see
the pale skin of my legs before they disappeared into a pair of
well-worn leather boots. If they were my size then I was a boy with
very big feet. I could tell by wiggling my toes that there was a lot
of empty space in the boots and that there were holes in the bottoms
of them. Again, however, they were better than being bare and I
didn't lament their condition very much. My legs, though equally sore
from the cold, seemed to work just fine and I seemed to be in good
condition. I was dressed in rags and there was a gnawing hunger in my
tummy, but I was otherwise just fine.

I looked around me, silently taking in the condition of the
alley. There were some huddled forms of other people in rags lying
curled up in the corners. Perhaps they were dead. They didn't move.
I was instinctively afraid of them and made certain that I remained
very quiet. Otherwise, there were many trash cans, crates and empty
pallets. Garbage was strewn everywhere, mostly scattered papers but
there was also rotting food, smelling unhappily like my clothes. One
end of the alley ended in a high wooden fence, aged and weathered a
hopeless gray. The other apparently opened on a street. I tried to
improve my appearance by adjusting the rags about my body, then picked
up my bundle and headed for the open end.

There was a street there, cobblestones like the alley, lined
with two and three story buildings all of which looked totally
uninviting and closed. There were a few piles of horse dung in the
road and I thought about the tall, sleek horses that must have left
them. I loved horses even though I had no memory of actually seeing
one. I did know what they looked like, however, enough to recognize
their droppings in the street.

I didn't feel surprised by anything I saw. Rather than having
any expectations, I simply logged the sights away. There were very
few people around and those who were all pushed carts or carried
crates toward the west. I hitched my pack up on my back and stepped
farther out of the alley, trying to see where they were going. A
carriage driven by two horses was coming from the other way and I
turned and watched as it went past. The brown animals leading it
didn't look very happy. I wanted to go up and pet them, but I knew
the man would be angry with me. He already looked upset and in a
hurry. Grown-ups always looked like that, I knew. I rose on my tip
toes trying to see where everybody was going, though standing on my
toes gave me no better view.

The street seemed to open up a few blocks to the west and I
felt certain that there must be a public square there or something.
If there was a square, it would have food and I would have to go down
there if I was to find anything to eat. I looked down at my clothing
again and was surprised to discover that there was a small gold
medallion lying against my pale white little chest, hanging from a
thin, gold necklace. I held it up to my eyes and looked at it
closely. The medallion was about an inch around with an engraving of
two naked boys standing on a hilltop and gazing at a sunrise. They
were facing away, the taller, older boy's arm draped across the
smaller boy's thin shoulders. The engraving was very intricate, down
to the smooth, round contours of their bottoms and the crack
separating their young cheeks. I could even see their shoulder blades
rippling against their skin.

It seemed like an odd engraving for a boy to have on a
necklace, but I liked it and it seemed important to me. I turned it
over and on the back it had "Kelvin Protect Us" inscribed on the
smooth plate of gold. Maybe Kelvin was my name. Maybe it held some
clue about who my parents were and I could find out who I was through
it? At any rate, I didn't want to lose it, and I tucked it into my
shirt and buttoned the rags up as far as they would go. A good
portion of my little chest was still bare through the top button, but
the necklace was hidden and I trusted that no thieves would see it and
take it from me.

A second startling discovery hit me when I found that I was
also wearing a gold ring. It too had engravings on it, but I couldn't
read them and shrugged. I was pretty sure I knew how to read, but the
letters seemed to be foreign and unrecognizable. Perhaps I might have
to sell the ring to get some money for food. Maybe I'd have to sell
the lamp and the silk, too. I didn't know. I wasn't going to sell
the necklace, however. Just the feel of the dainty chain wrapped
around my thin neck felt comforting and I suspected that it held some
clue to my identity. However hungry I got, I determined not to sell
it. Shrugging my thoughts away boyishly, I started toward the
apparent opening ahead.

The air was getting warmer as I walked, my joints loosening
and feeling better. I felt oddly happy, though I had no apparent
reason for being so: I was dressed in rags, I was hungry and I knew
no one, including myself. Still, I was young and free and ready to
face whatever came my way. Mostly I was delighted to be walking along
the street and seeing so many new things. The world was big and
glorious and I wanted to see all of it. My feet, feeling very tender,
scraped against the cobblestones through the holes in my boots, but
even that couldn't dull my boyish excitement.

A few blocks from the alley, the road ended in a huge square
as I'd expected it to. Already a hundred merchants were scurrying
about and readying stalls. They carried or dragged crates and pallets
of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and meats, many of them
accompanied by burden laden boys not much older than me. These boys
looked about as ragged as I did and I wondered if maybe all boys
dressed in rags. The grown ups with them were dressed a little
better, but didn't seem to like the dirty boys. I saw several boys
being slapped and ordered about harshly. They didn't look as happy as
I felt, but they didn't cry and none of them objected.

I watched the cavalcade of food they carried with a gnawing
hunger in my stomach, but I was also transfixed by all the activity
and by all the buildings that surrounded the square. I forgot about
the food as my eyes scanned the area, taking in a hundred sites I had
no memory of ever seeing before.

The largest building there was obviously a church, huge and
imposing. Though most of the people were hurrying about with other
tasks, there were occasional visitors to it, huddled as they went up
the steps beneath the tall, twin towers. The people looked small and
pathetic beneath the glory of the cathedral and many of them looked as
poor and ragged as I did. There was a cemetery beside the cathedral,
but it didn't interest me much. I wondered if I might be able to get
some food from the priests inside, and found my skinny legs heading in
that direction even as I continued to scan the unfolding bazaar around

"Get away from there, boy!" an angry man suddenly barked at
me. I turned and saw him approaching me with a furious look on his
face, and just had time to realize I was standing near his stall of
fresh vegetables before his huge, meaty palm struck me across the
cheek, sending me reeling back against the cobblestones. My cheek
burned from where he slapped and I awkwardly tried to stand up.

"I didn't..." I started to explain, but I stopped when I
realized the man had every intention of giving me a sound spanking.
Instead, I whirled around, pushed myself to my feet and managed to
start away at a run. The man kicked me hard in the butt as I scurried
off into the crowd, but I managed to keep my feet and he stopped
following me lest he abandon his stall to all the other street people
lingering near.

Now why did he do that? I wondered, feeling my eyes filling
with tears. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just trying to go to
the church. I realized that a lot of other people were looking at me
suspiciously, too, and I tried to keep far away from any of their
stalls. The way they looked at me and the way they treated the boys
hauling the masses of food made it pretty clear that these people
didn't like boys very much. Maybe going to the church wasn't such a
good idea.

"Hey, kid," I heard a young voice calling. I looked around,
but didn't see anyone. "Hey, kid?" the voice said louder. I was
still rubbing my red cheek when I finally saw the ragged boy leaning
rather casually against one of the stalls. I thought for a moment
that he must have worked at it to be so nonchalant about being near
it, but he looked even more ragged than I did. He looked about
fourteen or fifteen, very tall and gangly, and very skinny. Still, he
looked very cute and happy, too. His behavior seemed so different
from all the other boys' that I felt very curious about him. He
smiled at me, a warm, friendly smile that made me feel like I had
found a friend so soon after coming to the big city. Maybe he would
take care of me. He tipped his head toward the entrance to an alley
and I found my skinny legs following curiously and hopefully after

The alley was narrower than the one I'd slept in but still
stank of garbage and was littered with ash cans and broken pallets.

"Come on," the older boy smiled, leading me deeper into the

"Where are we going?" I asked, hitching my knapsack up on my
skinny shoulder.

"Back here," he said. I followed him to where the alley ended
in a wooden fence. It was back in behind some garbage cans and hidden
from view from the outside. The tall, skinny youth stopped near the
fence and turned back to me, leaning against a garbage can and smiling
at me.

"You're new, aren't you?" he asked. His voice was changing
and cracked a little when he spoke. His eyes were sky blue and
friendly as they looked up and down my ragged little body.

I nodded, stopping a few feet from him. "Are you hungry?" he
asked. I nodded again and the boy pulled a shiny red apple from his
pocket, holding it out for me. Delighted to be offered such a fine
gift, I stepped closer to him and took the apple from his big hand. I
held it with both hands and took a huge bite out of it, watching him
as he watched me. He let me take a few bites before speaking.

"Do you have any friends around here?" he asked.

I was going to say I hoped he was going to be one but thought
it sounded stupid and instead just shook my head and took another

"Well, then I'll be your friend. Come here," he said. I felt
his long fingers take hold of my skinny little shoulder and he guided
me still closer to him. As I ate, he wrapped one of his long arms
around my thin shoulders and hugged me against him. He felt warm and
I felt a comforting glow inside. "That's a boy," he said, smiling down
at me and pulling me closer against his side. "How old are you?" he

I thought I was eleven so that's what I told him. He smiled
at this. He was really cute and I felt lucky to have made such a fine
friend in so little time.

"That's a fun age to be," he said, and I felt a sudden shudder
of nervousness as his other hand reached out, his fingertips sliding
slowly across my bare chest through the rags. I felt my heart
starting to beat faster and I lowered the apple from my lips, feeling
a little confused and not even swallowing the last bite. "You're
small," he said as I felt his hand rub across my small, skinny body.

I managed to swallow the bite of apple but stood there nervous
and unmoving as his long fingers slowly reached out and unbuttoned my
shirt. I looked down and saw my pale, little chest as he unbuttoned
the next button and the shirt fell farther open. "Has anyone ever
played with your penis before?" he asked, unbuttoning the third and
last button and leaving the shirt dangling wide open down the front.
I shook my head nervously and wondered why a boy would play with
another boy's penis. My eyes grew wide with surprise when the older
boy's big hand slipped inside my shirt and slowly rubbed his palm
against my little chest. "Your skin is so soft," he half breathed.

I knew I wasn't the smartest boy in the world, but this was
weird. He rubbed across the little mounds of muscles in my chest,
across my tiny nipples, over my rippling ribs, then down my sides.
"What are you doing?" my childish voice finally asked nervously.

"I want to show you something," he said, reaching down and
rubbing across my little belly button. His hand felt wonderful
against my bare skin, warm and gentle, but it scared me for some
reason, too. I could feel my skinny belly shivering uncontrollably
and I lowered my hands, watching as his fingers rubbed around my
little belly button. "Man, you're soft," he repeated.

I let out a little whimper of surprise when his fingertips
slipped down the front of my pants and felt lower on my belly. This
was strange. I didn't know what my name was, but I knew this was

When his fingertips finally pressed against my little penis,
the boy smiled broader. "You don't have any hair, do you?" he asked,
pushing his hand lower. 'Any hair?' Of course I did. I could see
the yellow bangs falling into my eyes all the time. I didn't get a
chance to figure out his question though because he'd worked his hand
down far enough that he could take hold of both my penis and scrotum.
It felt really good, but my eyes were as wide as they could go.

"Yeah," he sighed. "You're going to like this." He pulled
his hand out of my pants and I felt oddly disappointed. It did feel
good. "Let's take your pants off, okay?"

I would be lying if I said the idea didn't appeal to me. I
didn't know what my penis looked like and I was curious to see it.
Besides, having the boy touch it felt good and I was pretty sure he
was planning on touching it a lot more. Still, there was a rush of
boyish fear and shame in me and the thought of waving my penis around
naked did seem pretty embarrassing. In a momentary panic, I quickly
broke from the boy's arms and walked quickly toward the opening to the

"Wait!" he called after me, a pleading sound in his cracking
voice. "Don't go. I won't hurt you."

"I have to meet my parents," I lied nervously, still walking
toward the exit but looking back at him with an odd sense of longing.
"I'll come back later."

"When?" he asked.

"Uh, noon," I said, thinking that I was lying but realizing
that I probably would come back to find him. He was a nice boy and I
wasn't likely to find anyone nicer in the square outside. So what if
he wanted to touch my penis? If he was nice to me, it didn't matter.

"I'll be here..." I heard him say sadly from the back of the

The square had gotten busier during my brief foray into
forbidden fruits and purchasers were now walking in and out of the
aisles of stalls or passing in shiny new carriages. There were boys
with them, too, but these were dressed in nice clothes, shirts and
knickers, ties, even blazers. They were all squeaky clean and
adorable and I envied them. There wasn't a girl in sight and I
wondered if they hid them or something. Boys rich and poor seemed to
be everywhere and into everything but there wasn't a woman in sight
under the age of twenty or so. Odd.

I felt a brief pang of loneliness and stopped in the middle of
the square. I should go back to that boy, I thought. He was a little
strange to want to play with my penis, but he was cute and friendly.
Better to have a good friend who was a little weird than no friend at
all. What was I doing before I saw him? I wondered.

The cathedral. It was still there, standing out higher than
anything in town. I had been going there for food. The apple had
helped a little, but I was eleven years old and eleven year old boys
are always hungry. The boy said he would be waiting for me in the
alley at noon. That gave me plenty of time to go to the cathedral and
get something to eat. Who knows, it might not seem so weird to have
my penis played with if I didn't feel so hungry.

The decision made, I continued on across the square feeling a
lot less lonely. That boy liked me and he was going to be my friend.
Maybe he knew a place for us to sleep and wouldn't play with my penis
in an alley where someone might come in and see us. For now, I would
eat. Later, I would play with my friend.

I didn't know why I expected food at the cathedral, but
apparently I had been in a church before because I was quite certain
that they were supposed to take care of me. For whatever reason, I
strolled across the square with my small bag of belongings flung over
my shoulder. Despite my experience with the one man at the stall, I
tried to smile at people going by but most were too busy to notice me.
The ones who did eyed me suspiciously and twice I was scatted away.
They didn't seem to like boys very much, which made one wonder why so
many boys were permitted to run wild around the square.

The sun had risen quite a bit and the air was warming nicely.
I realized that my ragged shirt was still unbuttoned and my little
chest was almost bare, the necklace twinkling in the sunlight.
Nervously, I buttoned it back up, looking around for anyone who might
have seen the necklace and want to take it from me. The boy in the
alley didn't seem at all interested in stealing my things; he just
wanted to touch my body for some reason. I knew that other people
wouldn't be as kind or gentle as he was.

I finally reached the cathedral steps and walked up them
toward the huge wooden doors. One of these was open and I peered
nervously inside. The room was fantastically huge, more than a
hundred rows of pews leading from the entry to the ornate, imposing
altar. I stepped slowly through the doors, my booted feet scarcely
making a sound against the hard stone floor. A few dozen people were
spread around in the pews, leaning forward in prayer. Slowly, I moved

A hand grabbed my skinny arm and restrained me and I turned to
find a man in his late twenties leaning toward me. "What do you want,
child?" he asked, his blue eyes looking at me suspiciously. He was
wearing black robes and a cross hung around his neck. Without knowing
why, I knew he was a priest.

"I'm hungry," I said in a soft, quiet voice. My voice was
high pitched, unlike the deeper voice of the man who towered over me.

"Where are your parents?" he asked me.

I shrugged.

"Are you an orphan?"

I shrugged again. I didn't know if I had parents or not.
Perhaps I was an orphan. How was I to know?

"Who have you there, Father Donovan?" another man, older than
the first, asked coming forward.

"Another orphan apparently, Bishop," the man said, his blue
eyes not leaving my face. The suspicion was flowing quickly out of
them and he was soon looking into my eyes with a soothing gentleness.
Perhaps I could still get something to eat.

Some of the people in the back few rows overheard us and
turned to look at me standing with the two men. The older man
motioned for the priest to follow him and I was soon being gently but
firmly pulled toward a door in the side of the entry. Feeling
suddenly afraid, I tried to pull my arm from his big hand.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You're hungry, aren't you?" the priest asked. "We're going
to take you someplace to eat."

I was somewhat more cooperative after that, though I didn't
like not being able to get away. I didn't resist, however, and I let
them lead me through the door and down a long, dimly lit corridor.

"He'd make a great altar boy," the priest said, still holding
my arm with one hand while the other one started lightly rubbing my
tiny shoulder through a tear in my shirt.

The Bishop sniffed. "Yes. Perhaps."

After considerably more twists and turns, down and up stairs,
and through several long corridors, the Bishop finally opened a door
and I was led into a plush, beautiful office. There was thick, soft
carpet on the floor and a mahogany desk sitting in front of huge
windows that looked out over the green grass of the cemetery. Father
Donovan closed the door behind us and stood caressing my shoulders
gently as the Bishop went to a cabinet and poured a red liquid from a
crystal bottle. He sipped at it with a strange sort of excitement as
he looked at me and I felt even more uncomfortable. I could feel the
priests fingers rubbing across my collar bones and over my shoulder
through the tear in one side of my shirt. The other shoulder, he just
held and massaged through the fabric. It felt okay, but I was feeling
really nervous now.

"Take his boots off," the Bishop commanded.

Father Donovan sat me down in an armchair, my feet not
touching the floor. He knelt in front of me as he pulled my ragged
boots off and bared my small, dirty feet. They were much smaller than
the boots had been, and there was dirt in between my toes.

"What does he have in the bag?" the Bishop asked. The priest
took the bag from me and poked through it, showing the Bishop all of
my odd assortment of goods. "Were you going to sell those things,
child?" he asked me.

I shrugged again. I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Did you steal them?" he asked.

I shook my head, my blue eyes growing wide with fear that they
would think I had even though I didn't remember doing it. I felt
oddly certain that I would get a severe beating if I were caught
stealing; the reaction of the man at the stalls when I hadn't even
looked at his old vegetables was enough to terrify me. The Bishop
smiled at me, a knowing smile that showed he didn't believe me. I
felt the priest's hand tenderly stroking the blond bangs from my eyes.

"Once he's cleaned up, he'll make a real good altar boy," he
said again.

"If those things belong to him," the Bishop said with a
gesture toward my knapsack, "then he'll be worth a lot more as a slave
boy up at Tarsec Village."

"He's too young for that," the priest said, sounding a little

"Perhaps, but he's a Kovz Boy if I'm not mistaken. Tarsec men
will pay a great deal to get one of them for their sons, particularly
one as pretty as this one. I got a note today saying that Master
Thorne would be coming into town tomorrow."

"What for?"

"It seems one of his boys needs a slave boy to play with.
He's supposed to marry next year."

The priest said nothing, just stood gazing at the Bishop with
an almost pleading look in his pale eyes.

"Take his clothes off," the Bishop commanded suddenly, sitting
behind the desk and watching intently.

I didn't much care for being stripped naked by the men and
struggled as Father Donovan pulled me to my feet. "No you don't," he
said, his strong hands quickly overpowering me and making me stand
still as he undid the few buttons to my shirt and easily pulled it
over my skinny shoulders. The boy in the alley had been much more
gentle and I immediately wished I hadn't left him. I felt the ends of
my rags peeled over my thin shoulders and slipped down my arms and my
pale, little chest was fully exposed. I stood there in my ragged
pants, my small, skinny chest bare. The glistening, gold medallion
stood brightly between the small mound of my muscles, looking even
brighter against my almost white skin. When I felt the priest's hands
reaching for my pants, I reflexively pushed them away and started to
break for the door, willing to leave everything I had behind including
my shirt and boots.

"Okay," Father Donovan said, his big hands instantly grabbing
hold of my skinny shoulders and jerking me back into the room. He
turned me to face the Bishop and I felt his fingers grabbing for the
lace that held my pants up. I felt really confused now and
frightened, could feel my face burning with shame as my eyes welled
with tears. The priest just kept untying my pants, however, and, when
the lace slid apart, he separated the ends with no regard for my fear
or sadness.

I heard him pant suddenly as he unveiled my naked little
penis, slowly pulling my pants down my skinny legs and holding them as
I obediently stepped out of them. I stood there naked, the men's eyes
on my naked body. They looked at me for a long time, the Bishop
smiling as his eyes gazed across my pale chest and naked little
boyhood and Father Donovan gazing at it with an intense aching in his

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"He's circumcised," the priest pointed out.

"Yes. I've heard that all Kovz Boys are circumcised."

"They circumcise boys in the Southland too. He probably
escaped from one of the slavers."

The Bishop shrugged. "We could probably pass him off as a
Kovz Boy one way or another. See how soft his skin is?" The priest

"He's still too young to be the playmate of a Tarsec boy.
They like big penises. His is almost tiny." It embarrassed me to
have them talk about me like this and I felt a little defensive when
they mentioned my boyhood. I looked down at it. It was very pale,
like the rest of my body and I blushed knowing that it was tiny. My
little testicles were round and my boyhood lay on top of a small,
hairless scrotum, innocently oblivious to the eyes looking at it. The
skin all around it was smooth and white, only the little purple head
showing any color between my skinny thighs.

"It may be little," the Bishop said, "but Thorne won't care so
long as he's a Kovz Boy and wants to play with his son a lot. See if
he gets an erection," he ordered Father Donovan.

The priest began panting and I jumped when I felt his big hand
grabbing the hairless little organ between my legs. I stared in
astonished fear and embarrassment as his fingers caressed my little
boyhood, petting the small purple head, fondling the little balls in
my smooth scrotum. The way he did it, the gentle and attentive way he
stroked the head with his thumb, evoked a strange sensation in my
stomach, even stranger than the one the boy in the alley had evoked.
The priest seemed to know what to do to a boy's penis.

"Do you like that?" the Bishop asked, smiling as I stood in
fear, panting despite myself, allowing Father Donovan to caress my
most private body part. I started to cry softly, feeling so abused by
the men and feeling embarrassed to feel how nice the man's fingers
felt, but the priest just kept fondling me, stroking my penis until it
felt even stranger.

"Here it comes," the priest panted and I could feel my little
boyhood stiffening in his fingers. I stared at it in confusion. It
felt so odd and the feeling of its stiffness between my legs was very
confusing. It was soon sticking straight out from between my skinny
thighs, pulsing up and down, the purple head shining brightly against
the pale, two inch shaft. This was very strange and frightening. To
my knowledge, boys' penises didn't do things like this. The man was
doing something very strange to it.

"Oh yes," the Bishop smiled larger. "He's old enough to sell,

"Yes," the priest panted absently in agreement, his fingers
holding my erection and slowly rubbing up and down on it.

"That will be enough, Father Donovan," the Bishop said firmly,
causing the younger man to release my stiff penis and blush in

"I'm sorry," he said. "He's so pretty."

The Bishop nodded. "Look at him though. He's a virgin. They
pay extra for boys who don't know yet."

"Bishop... must we sell him?"

"If he's a Kovz Boy, he's worth a hundred other boys to
Tarsec, two hundred to someone like Thorne" the Bishop said. "I
understand his kid is worth a small fortune already. Having his own
Kovz Boy would make him the most sought after boy the village has ever
had. Thorne will like that. The child needs a bath though. Put him
down with the others and tell the nuns to take care of him. We'll
want him looking real pretty when Thorne arrives."

"Do you think that's wise, Your Holiness?" Father Donovan
asked. "Most of those boys come from the streets. You know what
they'll do to a boy like this."

"Should I trust him with you instead, Father Donovan? Or with
the nuns? Lord, between you and the nuns down there, there isn't a
child left in the orphanage who hasn't dipped his cock in one hole or

"Respectfully, Your Holiness," Father Donovan replied softly,
"we all enjoy our evenings with one of the boys..."

The Bishop looked momentarily angered by this, but then forced
himself to relax and nodded. "Fine," he said at length. "That's why
he's safer down there. See that the more excited boys are removed
tonight. Let all the nuns have their choice and all the priests, too.
Oh, and Frank: pick one out for me."

"Yes, Bishop," the priest said sadly. He handed me my ragged
pants and I eagerly scurried into them, tying the fly closed and
feeling much better. I could feel my erection still throbbing in the
baggy pants and felt more confused by this than I was embarrassed by
my nudity.

"Father Donovan: just take him down there and turn him over
to the nuns. Make sure they know that he's not one of the ones who
can be picked. I want you back up here within five minutes."

"Yes, Bishop," he said, again with deep regret. "Come along,
child," he said, his hand rubbing across my thin, naked shoulder
blades and leading me back out the door. He had my shirt and bag in
his other hand, but he didn't give them to me.

Again we went through the maze of the cathedral, the priest
continuing to feel my back all the while. "Where are we going?" my
squeaky voice asked.

"The orphanage," he said. "You'll like it: there are a lot
of boys there."

"I don't want to go to the orphanage," I whined.

"You'll like it. They'll give you some food to eat and a
place to sleep."

I felt like crying. All I could think about was the cute boy
in the alley and how he would be waiting for me at noon. I almost
told Father Donovan about him but thought better of it: they might go
and force him into the orphanage, too. I had made a dreadful mistake.
There was no sense making him pay for it with me, even if it would
have been nice to have a friend.

Finally, Father Donovan opened a door that led into a large
kitchen. There were several women there, all dressed in black and
white robes and all busy at one form of work or another. "Here's
another one," he said.

One of the women turned and sighed. "Lord, where do they come
from." She put aside a towel and came over to us, peering down at me
with distaste. Her fingers were suddenly poking through my hair and
examining my scalp. "At least this one doesn't have lice."

"Will you see to his needs? The Bishop wants him ready for
sale by tomorrow morning."

The nun nodded in exasperation. "Of course, of course," she
complained. "Are those his clothes?"

"Yes, but they're ruined."

"Well, they'll have to do. We have too many boys to clothe
them all and I won't have a bunch of naked boys running around."

"He's cute..." one of the younger women said, coming over to
me and rubbing my shoulders the way Father Donovan had. I blushed and
smiled up at her, despite my fear and nervousness. "...and his skin's
softer than mine."

"The Bishop says he's to be left alone tonight," the priest
said, sounding sad. "He said we could take our pick from the others,
but no one is to touch this one."

"He wants him for himself," one of the other women accused in
a hushed and embarrassed voice. Despite her soft voice, she sounded

Father Donovan shook his head. "He's being sold to Thorne
tomorrow. The Bishop doesn't want him to be ruined."

The woman next to me ran her hand down my chest to my little
belly button making me shiver. "I wouldn't ruin him," she smiled,
slowly rubbing my shivering belly.

"I think the Bishop is serious, sister," the priest said,
sounding more than a little angry. The woman slid her hand up to my
shoulders and looked peevish.

Father Donovan gave her my shirt and bag and, with a last
longing look at me, left me there with the woman.

"Well, pretty one," she said, tousling my hair, "I guess that
means I get to be with Timmy again tonight."

She said nothing more to me and I soon felt her hands untying
my pants. She was much less tender about this than the priest had been
and stripped me naked, pursing her lips with suppressed adoration when
she saw my hairless little penis. "Praise God, He that gives me cause
to rejoice..." I was relieved that the stiffness had left my penis,
but was still embarrassed to be naked in front of so many women.

"He's pretty," one of them smiled at me.

"Look at that adorable little penis," another said.

"He must be a slave boy," said a third.

"That'll be enough out of you," the oldest of the nuns
commanded. "Get back to work."

They did as they were told but continued to smile at me when
they could. Their curiosity made me embarrassed, but I could feel
their affection for me and that felt nice, so nice that I could feel
myself exposing my little boyhood to them as much as possible. They
seemed to like looking at it and I started to realize that it was
something special, something that could earn their affection. The
eldest woman gave my clothes to one of the girls to wash and told me
to stand in the corner until they were ready. I stood obediently and
blushed at the girls as they looked at me. There was a small cabinet
in the corner and I leaned back on it, blushing and smiling as I
spread my skinny little legs and watched the delighted, adoring smiles
on the girls' faces. My penis definitely seemed to get most of their
attention and I sensed it quickly. My skinny, white, little chest and
delicate necklace didn't attract them much at all.

It took a while for my clothes to be washed and dried in front
of the fire and I just stood there naked and blushing without
speaking. After almost a half hour of this, the woman brought me some
food and I managed to eat it without being overly rude in my hunger.

"He's filthy, Reverend Mother," one of the girls said, smiling
down at my little boyhood. "May we give him a bath?"

"He can shower with the other boys tonight," the woman replied
gruffly. "Why are you all making such fools of yourselves over a
little boy?"

"He's pretty, Reverend Mother. Look at the way he blushes."

I was blushing, too, my face feeling hot. At the same time, I
was smiling up at them from beneath my long black eyelashes and blond

"Oh, nonsense," she replied, but did turn and gaze down at me
with a slight smile on her lips. "You all heard what the Bishop said.
There'll be pleasure enough for all of you tonight, but I won't have
this boy touched."

"Oh, Reverend Mother..." one of the women whined for all of

"Oh, fiddle sticks. If you want a little boy, go pick one
out. Lord knows we have enough of them. For my part..." she added
with a secret smile to the others, "I think I'll have Jeremy this
evening..." She said this with a smug smile and a twirl across the
room that made the nuns giggle. She looked old to me, perhaps in her
fifties, while the rest of the women looked to be in their late teens
or early twenties.

"He's so big," one of them grinned.

"I want David," another said.

Soon, they were all calling out the names of boys and I was,
at least for the moment, forgotten. I didn't know what they were
talking about but wished that one of them said they wanted me again.
I liked feeling wanted.

When my clothes were finally cleaned, the Reverend Mother gave
them to me and I scurried into them. The washing had done them little
good for, though they were now clean and smelled a little like
perfume, they were even more ragged. When I moved my arms, my entire
chest would become visible through two or three strands of cloth.
Still, the cut-off pants did conceal my little penis and I was
grateful for that even if the girls didn't smile at me quite so often.
I said nothing as the older woman led me out a door into a huge dining
room. Worn wooden tables ran in rows around the room and she led me
around them to a door at the opposite end. We went through this one
and down yet another long corridor. This led through still another

We passed through it into a huge, dusty room filled with
half-clothed boys who seemed to be tired and hungry. The door opened
onto a walkway that seemed to run all the way around the room. From
there, it looked like the entire place was bigger than the rest of the
cathedral combined. It was tremendously large, disappearing into the
darkness and the dust. There were a few yellow lights hanging from
the ceiling, but most of the light came from windows high on the walls
where I could see people's legs walking by, showing that we were, for
the most part, underground. The boys were about thirty feet below us
on the floor. The only way down appeared to be a single ladder.

One side of the room was piled high with raw grain. There was
a large chute leading upward, apparently where the grain would be
dumped when brought in by farmers. Some boys would go to this pile,
fill up a wheel barrow then take the load up a steep ramp to the top
of a huge grinding machine. The machine was boy-driven and a dozen
boys were kept walking along a round gear, turning the grinder. The
cracked grain emerged from a chute in the bottom, was loaded onto more
wheel barrows by other boys, and was then led to a giant sifting
machine, also powered by a dozen boys. That was as much as I could
see of the operation, but I could tell there was more happening on the
other side of the machines. From the grinding machine, clouds of grain
dust were spewing forth and coating the young boys bare chests,
abdomens and legs.

The woman led me up to a boy in his mid-teens. He was a tall,
blond haired boy and he looked down at me as we approached. He was
wearing blue jeans and a shirt that was half-unbuttoned showing most
of his skinny chest.

"Jeremy, this is a new boy," she said to him, and I stared in
embarrassment as her fingers reached into the boy's shirt and petted
his hairless, boyishly muscular chest.

"Okay," the boy's young voice said, his blue eyes looking up
and down my body and making me feel uncomfortable. He didn't seem at
all troubled by the woman touching him. "What's his name?"

"Lord, I don't know. I can't remember the names of the boys
who've been here for years. Just take care of him. See that he gets
a cot and a shower tonight. The Bishop is planning to sell him
tomorrow so make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Okay. He's awfully small," the boy added, looking down at me
with a look of disappointment on his face. "We won't get much work
out of him but we'll take care of him."

"That's a good boy," the Reverend Mother said, her fingers
trailing farther down the skinny boy's shirt until his long abdomen
was bared and her fingers stroked across his little belly button.
"You'll be with me tonight," she said, her fingertips petting all over
the smooth skin of his hairless young belly.

"Yes, mam'n," Jeremy replied respectfully. I could see a
large bulge in his blue jeans, but I didn't connect it with any of the
woman's behavior.

I swallowed my surprise when the Reverend Mother's other hand
reached down and squeezed the boy's big bulge, a wicked smile on her
face. Jeremy swallowed, too, and seemed to rise up on his toes a
little, his brown eyes staring into the Reverend Mother's with fear
and uncertainty.

"Take a shower before you come and don't dawdle to play with
any of the boys on your way."

Jeremy nodded and the Reverend Mother smiled contentedly. She
turned and left me standing with the teenager.

As soon as she was gone, Jeremy sighed and shook his head.
"What's your name?" he asked looking down at me again.

I looked up at him for a long moment in uncertainty. Knowing
he'd think I was stupid if I said I didn't know, my childish voice
softly replied "Kelvin." I doubted I could protect anyone as the
medallion implied, but I liked the name and it felt comfortable to use
it. I hoped no one was going to get mad at me for it.

"You're pretty, Kelvin," he said, his hand brushing the hair
from my eyes as I blushed. "I'm surprised the old bat didn't keep you
for herself. The boys are going to like you. How old are you?"

"Eleven," my childish voice said uncertainly.

"Well, my name's Jeremy. I'm sixteen and I'm the supervisor.
If you do what you're told, you won't get a spanking. Take your shirt

The threat of a spanking was enough to make me cooperative. I
couldn't remember ever having been spanked but I didn't like the idea
of it. I quickly peeled off the ragged shirt. "It's too hot for
these down here," Jeremy said, grabbing it from me and throwing it
into a garbage bin nearby. His eyes gazed down my skinny body until I
felt my face grow bright red. For a minute I thought he was going to
make me take my pants off like everyone else had done, but he didn't,
just stared at the little bulge between my legs. "God, you're
pretty," he said again. "What's this?" he asked, his fingers touching
my little chest as he looked closely at the medallion.

I didn't answer and the boy didn't push the issue. After a
few seconds, he let it go and it dangled on my chest again. "Sandy!"
he called over the walkway.

A young boy looked up at him. He had a wheelbarrow that he
had just emptied into the grinder and was heading back for more. "New

Sandy looked at me for a long while and I saw him swallow.
"Well, come up and get him. You're in charge of him."

The boy swallowed again and I watched as he came over and
pulled himself up the ladder. He was only wearing a pair of ragged
shorts and I could see small muscles ripple along his shoulders, could
see the hardness of his chest beneath his small nipples.

Soon, he was standing beside us looking down at me until I
blushed still more. He was a cute boy of about thirteen. He had
sandy blond hair and blue eyes. His chest, though small, was very
pretty and his skin looked soft. There was a big bulge in his shorts
and I was embarrassed to realize I was staring at it. Like all the
rest of the boys in the room, his skin was coated with grain dust that
caked on with his boyish sweat.

"Put him to work on loading," Bruce instructed him. "After
dinner, get him a bunk and make sure he takes a shower."

"Is he..." the young boy said, bashfully talking from beneath
his long bangs.

"Well, what?" Jeremy asked impatiently.

"Is he mine tonight?" the younger boy asked.

Jeremy laughed. "The sisters are having a boy fest tonight.
You know they're not going to leave you behind, much less the little

Sandy blushed and looked down sadly.

"Don't be such a whiner, Sandy," Jeremy scolded him, turning
to look at his clipboard. "Shit, you have enough fun all the time

Sandy's cute face looked briefly angry, as if ready to argue
with the older boy, but he caught himself and fell silent.

"You can't have every boy you want, especially when all the
sisters are out to get you. Show this kid what to do and tell the
other boys to leave him alone. He's going to be sold tomorrow and our
ass is grass if anyone touches him."

"Okay," Sandy said, his tenor voice cracking. He looked down
at me, still through his long bangs. He looked like a sweet boy and I
felt a strange desire to hug him and comfort him. Even more, I wished
that we would hug and comfort me. I distantly wondered what he and
Jeremy were talking about. I was a boy though and boys are used to
people talking about things they don't understand.

"Come on," Sandy's young voice finally cracked.

He led me down the ladder and into the mass of young boys hard
at work. They ranged in age from about eight or nine to fourteen or
fifteen. Jeremy looked like the eldest one. They were all looking at
me as Sandy led me to the wheelbarrows, their slender young bodies
caked with sweat and grain dust like Sandy's was. I could feel the
older ones nudging each other, heard them whisper back and forth to
each other, heard a few giggles through the sound of the grinding

Soon, I was hard at work hauling the grain from the pile to
the grinder. I wasn't strong enough to get it up the ramp, so Sandy
helped me. He didn't introduce me to any of the other boys but I
could feel them continue watching me. Some of the boys, particularly
the older ones, had strong, muscular looking chests, but every one of
them, muscular of not, looked skinny and underfed. When any of them
moved, their ribs rippled against their skin and I found myself
entranced by them.

None of the boys had shirts, but they all wore something
between their legs. None of the youngest boys wore more than
underpants and most of these were almost as torn and ragged as my
pants were, so ragged that I could frequently see their round,
hairless little testicles slip through the legs and dangle out as they
worked. Their underpants, like the rags any of the boys wore, were
dust covered and filthy.

The boys didn't even talk to each other as they worked and it
was very boring. After several hours, I felt like my skinny arms were
going to fall off and felt like I had been in the sweatshop for days.
Dust from the grain seemed to cake inside my nose and I had trouble
breathing. In my sadness, I thought again of the young boy I had met
in the alley that afternoon, and wondered how much happier I might
have been had I only stayed and let him play with my penis like he
wanted to. Now, I was working like a slave and was soon to be sold
off like a slave. I didn't make very good choices as a boy.

I found the other boys a great source of fascination. Though
they were all filthy from the dust, their young bodies were extremely
fascinating to me and I found myself gazing at them, not sure why I
found them so attractive. They worked hard, their bodies, however
small, constantly struggling against the weight of their loads or
steadily walking over the huge gears and driving the grinder. Through
brief interchanges with Sandy, I learned that if we didn't work hard
enough, we would be beaten or, worse, we wouldn't get dinner that
night. Jeremy, he said, was a nice boy, but he wouldn't hesitate to
single out the ones who were slacking. These were the ones who got
the beatings.

The cathedral bought the grain from local farmers who would
deposit it in the chute. Several times that day, I saw a bright light
opening at the top of the shoot and a huge load of grain came pouring
in. Every time I thought we were almost finished hauling it for the
day, another of these big loads poured down. They became the hated
demons in my life. I kind of thought it would be fun being one of the
boys walking on the grinders. They were as half clothed as we were,
but there were many of them and all they had to do was walk around and
around on the gears. I thought that I could do that. I stopped from
volunteering, however, when I saw how rough and calloused their feet
were. If I were to walk on one of those grinders for a day, my feet
would have been cut up and bleeding something awful. It was more fun
to work with Sandy, though, as for that, the boy talked so little and
seemed so unhappy that it wasn't a lot of fun anyway.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, at one point during the day.

He shrugged his bare shoulders and kept working. "I have to
sleep with one of those witches again tonight," he said in his soft,
cracking voice.

That didn't seem so bad to me, knowing that he was referring
to the nuns. "They're nice," I said uncertainly.

Sandy sniffed. "I'd rather play with myself... or with you,"
he answered.

Sleep? Play? I didn't see how they matched up and didn't say
any more.

Finally, Jeremy rang a bell near the door and all the boys let
out a sigh of relief. The boys on the grinder stopped walking and all
the wheelbarrows, shovels and tools were dropped immediately where
they were. The young workers all crowded toward the ladder and Sandy
led me to it. Soon I was standing in a mass of half naked boys, all
of them dust covered, the older ones glistening with sweat through the
dust. I could smell a strange, pleasant scent from these boys that
made me feel strange inside. As their long, skinny arms reached up to
grab the ladder near me, the scent became stronger and I smiled a
little as I sniffed it.

All of them, older or younger, were dirty. As we waited our
turn at the ladder, I felt their bodies rubbing against mine and felt
more than one pair of hands rubbing my bare chest or back openly and
without embarrassment. They were all talking now and there was a din
of boyish voices, most as squeaky and high pitched as mine, some
cracking tenors and baritones, all of them sounding exhausted but
relieved and eager for dinner. I didn't pay much attention to them.
I was too confused by all the hands that kept touching me, all the
small boy chests that rubbed against my back. I heard some boys
saying how pretty I was, felt their eyes watching me with
uncomfortable fascination. If I hadn't felt so small and helpless, it
might have been nice.

As I started up the ladder, boy hands grabbed my butt and
almost made me fall. When I turned to find out what they were doing
they told me to hurry. Some giggled. When I started up again, their
hands returned, rubbing my small bottom and bare legs. Unable to
protest, I just struggled to get up the ladder, my skinny, exhausted
arms barely able to hold on. I was relieved to get to the top, but
the press of boys continued, my half naked body nudged between them as
we walked like cattle through a long hall, my body rubbed against
their's, fondled by their curious hands. Sandy didn't protect me from
any of this but he wasn't one of the boys groping me either. He
walked close to me, close enough that the other boys' bare chests
frequently pushed my body against his. He didn't complain or look at
me with anger, just allowed the other boys to keep rubbing their
bodies against me.

The press of half naked boys led me up the hall and into a
large bunk room off through a side door. Here, all the boys crowded
in, taking their appropriate bunk. The wooden beds lined both walls
two high with a narrow aisle between them. Sandy took me to a lower
bunk on one side and told me to stay there until he came to get me for
dinner. After that, he left for his own bunk about halfway down the
room. I stood there feeling small, frightened and alone. I looked
around nervously at the skinny, dirty, half-naked bodies collapsing on
the bunks all around me, but was too confused to do anything for a
long time.

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A young boy was lying on the bunk above mine and I looked at
him helplessly, his cute face smiling at me. He was as dirty as any
of the other boys, his bare legs and small chest looking smooth and
soft beneath the layer of grime. His ragged shorts were so tattered
that I could see his small penis when I looked up the leg hole. It
lay on his thigh as dirty as the rest of him. I don't know why I was
so fascinated by his boyhood, but I discovered that I was staring at
it. It looked strange, because I couldn't see his penis head. I
thought this was just because his penis itself was hard to see in the
darkness beneath his shorts and with all the dirt.

"Hi," his high pitched voice said to me. He was lying with
his head pillowed on his arm and I could see the smooth skin on his
small, brown armpit.

"Hi," I swallowed shyly, blushing and looking away from his
little penis.

"My name's Matthew," he said. "What's yours?"

"I'm Kelvin," I replied. There was a moment of silence and I
found my eyes slowly returning to his shorts, felt them gazing
nervously down to look at his hairless penis. He lifted one of his
legs, pulling the shorts wider apart and leaving his penis fully
exposed to the light, laying small and innocent against his skinny
thigh. I looked up at his cute face and he grinned back at me,
knowing what I'd been looking at. I was so embarrassed that I crawled
onto the bunk beneath him. There was no mattress. The bed was
nothing but a piece of plywood. The blankets were made from burlap
and were filthy, smelling of boy urine. I looked up and could see
urine stains on the plywood above me: apparently Matthew wet the bed.

After a few minutes, Sandy came back and told me to follow him
to dinner, which I did. Boys, still filthy and half-dressed, crowded
against the door and I quickly felt their bodies pressing against
mine, quickly feeling like I was in a cattle train again, unable to do
anything but follow along with the rest of them. I thought they
looked so cute and their skinny young bodies did fascinate me, but I
felt so helpless at the same time, unable to turn or walk away or do
anything on my own. Their chests and bellies pushed against me,
flowing in a sea of filthy boy flesh down a hall. I could smell them
again, faintly beneath the generous smell of grain and through the
dust almost clogging my nostrils. It was such a strange smell, and I
almost had to fight against a desire to get closer to it. Somehow,
the smell of their pubescent perspiration made me feel like I was

The river of boys carried me down the hall and through a door
into the dining room the Reverend Mother had brought me through. We
ate a thin stew dished out by the nuns. For the most part, the women
seemed bored and unhappy. When a cute kid went by, however, they
seemed to brighten. They gave more food and bread to these boys than
to the others, making the skinny, dirty, half naked kids blush

The boys all seemed too tired to talk very much when we sat
down at the long wooden tables, but they did anyway. Mostly they were
talking about the nuns and how this one or that one was going to take
this boy or that boy that night. I noticed very early on that the
boys who had a lot of food were the ones most mentioned as being a
nun's for the night. I didn't understand, but didn't say anything.

I was horribly embarrassed when Jeremy made me stand up and
introduced me to the assembled boys as dinner ended. Some of them
clapped. Several threw pieces of bread at me and laughed. Sandy, who
sat beside me throughout dinner, spoke very little. He seemed very
shy and didn't talk to any of the boys around us either.

"The boy who did the least work today..." Jeremy began, and a
hush fell instantly over the dining room, "is Kelvin." There was a
rash of laughter and I felt more bread being hurled at me from all
over the room. I don't know why, but a rush of terror filled me. My
eyes brimmed with tears, feeling like I had failed and knowing
instinctively that I was going to get a spanking. I thought I had
worked so hard and I was so desperately tired.

"No," the Reverend Mother whispered loudly to Jeremy, twirling
the boy around and forcing him to look at her. "Not him!"

"But it's always the new boy..." Jeremy said, looking half his
age and very confused.

"Not him!" the Reverend Mother repeated emphatically.

"Uh," Jeremy said, looking uncomfortable. "Uh, the boy who
did the least work was... Oliver."

There was a united sigh of relief and several of the bolder
boys jeered and threw bread across the room. I looked around and saw
two of the smaller boys nudging and pushing another boy their age. He
turned around, his adorable young face filled with fear and terror.
He was only about eight or nine with curly blond hair and a childish
body hidden by a ragged grey shirt and ragged grey pants that ended at
his knees. The boys next to him pushed him to his feet and he stood
up with tears in his eyes.

He looked at me and I felt a great pain in my chest, as if
knowing that he was going to be punished for something I had done.
His small hands were fearfully knotted in the lower tails of his shirt
and he stood there like a frightened dear, eager to run away but too
frightened to know where to run. He looked small and pathetic, his
baby blue eyes already brimming with tears beneath his mop of yellow
hair. Giving up, he started walking slowly toward Jeremy, his tears
spilling out his eyes and running down his smooth cheeks as he started
to sob helplessly. This just egged the other boys on still more and
they pelted him with bread and laughed at him.

When he reached the steps up to the landing that held Jeremy
and the Reverend Mother, he stopped and stood pleading up at them.
"Please, sir," he begged. "I worked hard."

Jeremy looked like he was ready to cry for the small boy, but
he didn't. Just stood there looking down at him in sorrow.

"Get up here," the Reverend Mother ordered, stepping down to
grab the poor boy's skinny wrist and jerking him up onto the platform.

"Please," the boy pleaded desperately, tears spilling down his
face but too frightened to fight back.

Jeremy stood off to the side and watched as the Reverend
Mother unbuttoned the little boy's shirt. He just stood there and
bawled and I felt like crying for him too. Many of the boys watched
with as much sadness as I felt. An equal number were laughing and
jeering at him for being such a cry baby. The woman jerked the ragged
shirt over his shoulders and pulled them down his arms with little
tenderness or affection. He was a very cute boy, with a small, soft
chest and little nipples. He looked better fed than most of the boys,
probably because he hadn't been in the orphanage very long.

He started crying harder as the Reverend Mother untied his
pants and roughly jerked them down his smooth, slender thighs. The
boy's hairless penis fell out onto the round ball of his scrotum,
looking as innocent and childish as mine did. Like Matthew's in the
dorm, his penis head was invisible, nothing but pale, white skin
running all the way from his hairless belly to the end of his smooth
shaft. He didn't fight at all as she held his pants at the floor and
his young feet stepped out of them. His hands did move between his
legs and they held to his penis so that we couldn't see it anymore.
All the while, he cried helplessly.

"Bend over the table," the Reverend Mother ordered the
frightened boy.

"No, please," his soprano voice begged pathetically. "Please.
I'll be good. I'll work harder."

The woman just twirled him around and carelessly shoved him
toward the table. The hairless little boy obediently leaned over on
it, his back to us, his round bottom sticking out at the rest of us.
"Please..." he cried until I thought my heart would burst. "I'll be

I felt my eyes filling with tears and watched as the Reverend
Mother pulled a long, skinny stick from her sleeve. It looked like
something she was used to pulling out. "I'll be good, Reverend
Mother..." the poor, naked boy cried.

The crack when she struck the little boy's bare buttocks made
me cringe and the tears spilled out of my eyes. He screamed from the
stinging pain and his childish, high pitched voice echoed throughout
the dining room as he begged for mercy. "Please," his young voice
cried. "I'll be good. Please!"

The Reverend Mother responded by striking him across the
buttocks again and I could see thin welts appearing where he had been
hit. The cute little boy just kept begging and promising to be good
but the woman showed him no mercy at all. Her whip struck over his
thighs and skinny, purple welts grew quickly on the child's pale, baby
soft skin. The poor, wailing boy could do nothing but grab hold of
the table and hold to it for dear life as the whip descended against
his sensitive flesh over and over again.

Little Oliver received ten lashings, the normal punishment for
the least productive boy of the day. By the time it had ended, he was
a sobbing mass of helplessness, his small hands leaving the table
helplessly trying to soothe the stinging of the lash, rubbing over his
small butt and thin thighs in front of all of us, weeping without
embarrassment: his pain had swallowed up all the embarrassment the
poor boy could muster. As he slipped to the ground, I could see that
his hairless penis had grown. It was bigger than mine anyway and
rolled around on his soft testicles as he tried to comfort himself.
He was so pretty that I was outraged by what she had done to him, even
more horror-stricken to know that the beating had been meant for me.
Still, I was just a little boy myself and could do nothing but sit
there and cry with him.

"Don't cry," Sandy whispered to me, and I realized the cute
boy looked as emotionless as a robot. "They'll tease you for it." I
looked into his pretty eyes through the mop of his blond bangs and
realized that he was as hurt as I was, he was just trying to hide it.
Longing to emulate him, I sucked down my sobs and soon was under
control. I swallowed my tears and watched as the pretty, naked boy on
the platform searched weakly for his pants. The jeering boys soon
started to ignore him and started talking to each other more than
watching him. I watched however. I watched as he sat there and
wiggled his rags up his legs, watched until his hairless young boyhood
was out of sight.

I couldn't eat anymore and let Sandy have the rest of my stew.
He took it stoically, but thanked me for it. "Someone always gets
it," he said. "Just be glad she wouldn't let him pick you this time."

When dinner was over, the cute young boy led me back to the
dormitory en masse with the rest of the boys. These continued to
whisper about me and some still reached out and touched me, giggling
or whispering to the other boys. It was all very strange. I
continued to wish I hadn't come to the orphanage at all. Surely the
boy in the alley would have been nicer to a half-starved, ragged boy.

"It's time for showers," Sandy said to me. "You can leave
your clothes here."

He stood there and I realized he was expecting me to strip
again. Blushing in embarrassment, I untied my ragged pants and slid
them down. As I stepped out of them, Matthew came running around the
bunk still wearing just his tattered shorts.

"Are you taking a shower?" his high pitched voice asked,
giggling happily.

"Yeah," Sandy answered softly when I remained silent.

"Me too," the young boy replied, smiling as he peeled the
soft, torn shorts down his smooth thighs. He was a very cute boy with
brown hair and big brown eyes beneath long black eyelashes. I glanced
briefly at his naked body and saw his bare penis dangling between his
legs. It was bigger than mine, but the boy was still hairless. I
could feel my heart suddenly beating faster and my eyes were
infatuated with his boyhood. It looked so smooth and pretty beneath
the dirt, his skin a pale, soft pink color that seemed to capture my
attention and make me feel funny inside. The strangest thing about
his penis was that it had skin all the way along its three inch
length. He didn't have a purple penis head like mine did. I looked
down at mine and again at his. He seemed to be doing the same thing,
smiling as he gazed at my smooth little cock. His was just like little
Oliver's had been and I knew that I was different. I didn't like the
feeling at all.

"Come on," Sandy said finally. He seemed to be looking at my
penis, too, and seemed real uncomfortable, his breathing heavy. I
swallowed nervously as I walked around Matthew who stood naked and
grinning happily.

The older boy led me to his bunk where he stopped. As he
started undressing, I looked around the dim, filthy room. All the
other boys were stripping out of their rags, several of them stark
naked and already heading toward the bathroom door. I felt more and
more confused every time I saw one of them. Their penises looked so
pretty and I found myself staring at them with a strange fascination.
Many of the boys were about my age and were hairless. Their penises
were small and pink. Many more of the boys had soft, downy fuzz
around their penises and others had a small bush of curly black hair.
Their penises seemed to get bigger the more hair they had and I stared
at them wondering why. The one thing that was the same about all the
boys was that they all had foreskins. None of them had the small
purple head that I had.

The last boy I saw was little Oliver. He wasn't getting
undressed, however. Instead, he was curled up on his hard buck, still
wearing just his ragged pants, his head buried in his burlap blanket
as he sobbed softly. I felt like going over and sitting with him, but
he had gotten his beating in my place and I doubted even a boy as
sweet as he was would forgive me very easily.

I turned as Sandy finished stripping and he walked past me as
my mouth fell open. His was the biggest penis of all, though I saw it
only as he passed. It swung between his smooth, hairless thighs a full
six inches, bigger than any of the other boys. He also had pubic
hair: a small bush in a little circle just around the place where his
penis joined his smooth belly. I swallowed again and my naked body
followed him and the other boys toward the bathroom.

I could hear the spray of water and heard the high pitched
squeals of boys as we neared the door. Warm, moist air struck my
little chest as Sandy and I went through it. The room looked as dirty
as the rest of the orphanage, the walls dark and dinghy. It was
nothing but one large room, the shower heads lined against one wall
with nothing separating the boys from each other. Their naked bodies
stood crowded against that wall, one or two boys under the shower
while the others stood in long lines watching and giggling, their
small, uncircumcised penises lying on their testicles.

Sandy stopped at the end of one of the lines and I ran into
his naked body, so intent was I on watching the other naked boys.
"Sorry," I said, blushing bright red. He scarcely looked at me,
turning back to the front and waiting his turn. I felt a hand touch
my shoulder and I turned to find Matthew standing there grinning and
blushing happily. I automatically looked down between his legs and
looked at his hairless penis again and all along his slender, soft

"Why's your penis like that?" he asked, making no effort to
conceal his own or the fact that he was looking at mine.

I shrugged, looking down at his penis again. It just lay
there on his smooth, hairless testicles and looked pretty. I felt a
queazy sense of jealousy as I gazed at it, jealous that his looked
like the other boys' and jealous that it was at least an inch bigger
than mine. He giggled when I kept looking at it. I thought he was a
terribly cute boy.

"Come here," Sandy's voice cracked as the other naked boys
abandoned the shower head and his turn arrived. He pulled me toward
the shower and his big hands held my skinny body under the spray for a
moment then pulled me out. "Wash the dirt off," he instructed, handing
me a bar of soap. I looked down at his penis as I took the soap. It
looked even bigger than it had in the bunk room and it was sticking
halfway out from his legs. The balls in his scrotum looked equally
large and, despite his pubic hair, his sack was still smooth and
hairless. I looked up at him and he blushed and turned away. As he
turned, his eyes glanced across the large shower. I followed his eyes
and realized with still more confusion that many of the boys in the
shower now had hard penises that stuck straight out between their
legs, slanting upward toward the ceiling and moving slightly up and
down. Even some of the little, hairless boys' penises were stiff,
just like mine had been when Father Donovan was rubbing it. This was
very confusing.

"Don't look," Sandy said, when he saw me staring at the erect
little boys. "Just clean up."

I did as he said and started rubbing soap all over my skinny
body. It felt nice against my skin and I could feel the dirt and the
immature sweat of my day's labors being washed away. When I was
finished, I turned back to Sandy and was astonished to see that his
penis was now as hard as the hardest of the other boys, sticking out
seven and a half inches and pulsing slowly up and down. It was thick,
too, maybe thicker than my small hand could have wrapped around. His
erection was very straight and pointed upward as it throbbed,
entrancing me with its rhythmic movements and the pubescent beauty of
his little bush of pubic hair. His pale foreskin had slid back over
his shiny purple penis head and I was astonished by the sight of it,
looking so big and extremely hard. I looked up at his cute face and
saw that he was looking at my naked little penis and panting softly.
Matthew stood behind him grinning.

"He likes you," the little boy giggled at Sandy. Sandy
blushed and took my place under the shower, me turning as I stepped
away, blue eyes gazing at Sandy's big, pulsing penis.

"Come here," Matthew said to me. I turned and the boy stood a
few feet from me. Obediently, I walked up to the naked boy,
swallowing as I looked into his happily smiling face. I jumped when
his hand grabbed my penis and started feeling it. "It looks funny,"
he said as his fingers probed along its hairless two inches. I felt
it getting stiff again and soon the boy was holding my little
erection. He just giggled.

I looked back at Sandy, feeling frightened and confused,
embarrassed to think that he had seen what Matthew was doing to me.
He had: he was standing under the shower spray, his blue eyes staring
at my stiff little penis in Matthew's small fingers. What was even
odder was that he was holding his own gifted cock in his hand and was
rubbing slowly up and down on it in the slime of the soap. He blushed
when he saw me watching him, but didn't stop the slow steady rubbing
on his penis. Matthew was still fondling my erection, but I just
watched the older boy masturbating. His fist squeezed his penis and
pulled a layer of flesh up over his bright, shiny purple penis head,
then pulled the flesh back again letting the hard shiny thing poke
out. Now I could see that he had one at least, but it was so big and
so hard that my confusion was little removed.

He started moaning as I stood there and several other naked
boys turned and watched him, pointing and giggling. Many of the boys
also giggled at Matthew who was now fondling both my erection and his
own. I was very confused and nervous. When Sandy started to moan,
his cute face twisted in a strange face and I could bear no more. In
fear, I quickly broke away from Matthew, feeling his awkward fingers
tug briefly on my escaping erection, and walked quickly out of the
shower, naked boys gazing and giggling after me.

I walked down the center aisle in shame, trying to conceal my
stiff little erection in my small hands. Oliver was still lying on
his bunk with his face buried in his burlap blanket, but he had
stopped sobbing and was either asleep or close to it.

Soon, I was back in my bunk and I quickly pulled my ragged
pants back on. There were other naked boys in the dorm, walking
around boldly displaying their penises, joking and laughing with the
others. I went straight to the exit door planning to escape, but it
was locked. I was trapped with all the other boys. Feeling very
afraid, I went back to my bunk and crawled under the burlap blankets,
trying to hide myself.

Boys slowly began to fill up the dorm as they finished their
showers and prepared for bed. I just stayed huddled under my blankets
and hoped none of them tried to talk to me. This seemed to be working
for a long time until Matthew came back.

"Hey, Kelvin," his high pitched voice giggled. "You want to
play a game?" I didn't know what he was talking about and didn't say
anything or even dare move. My bare shoulders were turned to him and
I didn't roll over to see if the little boy was still naked or not.
After a moment, he sighed and I felt the bed shake as he jumped up
onto the top bunk.

At about the same time, Father Donovan and the Reverend Mother
stepped into the room. The boys, many of them still naked, all
listened attentively as a list of names was read off by the Reverend
Mother. As their names were called, the boys would giggle or groan.
Most were older boys. A few were as young or even younger than I was.
They jumped out of their beds and walked excitedly, sullenly, or
obediently toward the adults near the door. I noticed that the
younger ones put pants on. The older ones walked with their fuzz or
hair covered penises boldly displayed. I heard Sandy and Jeremy's
names called and saw both of them walking reluctantly toward the
front, both of them wearing ragged pants. The Reverend Mother called
Jeremy's name last and the way she said it made him sound particularly

When Father Donovan stepped forward, he called out two boys'
names. First was little Oliver and I felt silently glad that the
little boy was going to get special attention that night, probably
from Father Donovan. The other boy was a young pubescent kid who
strolled up the center aisle with a stiff, five inch penis and a tiny
bush of little pubic hairs like he was the king or something. He must
have been meant for the Bishop. Oliver was crying and rubbing tears
from his eyes as he went, looking dreadfully small and helpless. When
he reached the priest, the man tenderly wrapped his arms around him
and I could hear him whispering to the boy that he would get him some
healing potion and make him feel good as new.

"No one is to touch the new boy!" he announced loudly before
leaving with his prepubescent plaything. "Anyone who does will get
thirty lashes!" He said this with strict toughness, but when he was
finished he looked at me with an aching, weak look in his eyes that
belied that strength. He sighed, held tighter to Oliver's thin
shoulders, then turned. He left followed by the Reverend Mother and a
host of forty-five boys bound for the beds of the nuns and priests.

About five minutes later, the lights were turned out. A few
late boys scurried to their beds in the dark, then everything fell
quiet. I felt like crying, but didn't as I felt myself slowly falling
into sleep.

"Matthew," a voice said in my dreams. "Drop your blankets

"Father said no," I heard Matthew's childish voice say.

"Drop them or we'll beat you up," the older voice ordered

"Can I do it, too?" the child replied from above me.

"After us."

I awoke in terror suddenly, feeling another body crawling onto
my bunk. I looked around. Everything was totally dark. All I could
see was a pie shaped opening in what appeared to be blankets dropped
down around my bed. I could see the dark silhouettes of naked boys
there, could actually see stiff, slender things sticking straight out
from beneath the dark shadows of their bellies and legs, nervous young
voices and hushed giggles coming through to me.

A much bigger, older boy was inside the room formed by my
blankets but I could see no more of him than a dark silhouette. His
big hands grabbed for my blankets and pulled them off my small body
then quickly went to my mouth and clamped across it just as I was
about to scream. He was a much bigger boy than me, perhaps bigger
than Jeremy. I felt his strong, sinewy arms and hands grabbing hold
of my little chest, felt him crawl under me, lifting my smaller body
on top of him until my thin shoulder blades were rubbing across his
soft, muscular chest.

"He's dressed!" the boy hissed softly, causing the other boys
to giggle. I screamed against his hand as I felt his other hand
grabbing for my ragged pants. I tried desperately to stop him, but he
was much stronger than I was. He couldn't find the rope that held them
shut and I heard my pants rip as the boy tore the fly open.
Immediately I felt his big, warm hand rub down my belly, reaching
inside to fondle my little penis. He moaned softly and I could feel a
big hardness pressing against my butt through my pants. It felt huge
and rock-hard. "You fucking little boy," he moaned in my ear as he
fondled my hairless penis.

I cried out uselessly as he effortlessly rolled me over again,
this time pressing my face and chest against the plywood bed. He
still held my mouth shut as his other hand began grabbing at my pants
and pulling them down. He felt so strong and I felt so helpless. He
didn't bother trying to take them off, just jerked on them hard, the
ragged cloth ripping easily in his strong fist. I felt a breeze of
cold air blow across my little bottom and I cried in confusion against
the hand covering my mouth.

"Shit!" he hissed under his breath. His big hand jerked
harder on my pants and they finally tore in half. I could feel him
pull all of the cloth out from under me, throwing them aside, his hand
immediately returning to my body, rubbing across my back, down my
spine, across my small round butt.

I cried again as his slender, young body laid forward on me,
trying to cry louder when I felt his big, hard, hairy penis rubbing
against the crack of my butt. "Gees, you're little," he breathed as
he rubbed his penis there. With his free hand, he pulled one of the
small cheeks of my butt apart and I tried to scream in terror as I
felt his big penis head shoving at my little butt hole. It was too
little to admit him at first, and he shoved harder and harder,
grunting with his effort. The rhythmic pressure of his big penis head
against my little butt hole was persistent, and I was terrified when I
felt my tiny sphincter being forced open, felt the head of his huge
penis slipping slowly inside me.

The hand not clamped across my mouth now took hold of my hip,
pulling hard on it, pulling it toward the older boy, and I felt his
penis head forcing its way down into my little butt hole. "Shit!" the
boy hissed painfully as he shoved his penis up me. I cried against
his hand, horrified by pain and fear, feeling the big cock shoving up
inside my immature body. "Fuck, he's little!"

His baby soft chest was panting frantically as his young pubic
hair finally pressed against my bottom. He lay down on top of me,
moaning and crying. I could feel his hand caressing my body as he lay
there with his big penis shoved all the way inside of me, my little
body feeling like a baseball bat was shoved inside it. I lay there
crying against his hand and felt him very gently humping against me.
His penis was so big that it scarcely moved in the tightness of my
body, but the older boy just slowly moved his hips back and forth and
I cried with every thrust however slight. Soon, I could feel his body
growing harder, felt him rubbing more quickly against me.

"Shit!" he hissed again. It was a whisper, but it was
extremely intense, filled with desperation. His hips bucked
frantically against me. Despite the pain in my butt, I could feel a
warm, slimy liquid squirting out of his penis. This didn't take the
pain away, but it didn't hurt as bad. When the boy stopped bucking,
his tall, slender body collapsed on top of me, heaving for air. For a
long moment he lay there, his big penis still shoved inside my little
butt. I lay there crying and helpless beneath his one hundred and
forty five pound body. After a half minute, I felt him pulling the
huge thing out of me, slimy now with the liquid. He pulled it all the
way out and lay down on top of me again, his big, slimy penis lying
against the crack of my butt, big hand rubbing up and down on my ribs.
He was gasping desperately.

I was still crying, but was so hurt and violated I wasn't very
loud and he let my mouth go. "Hurry up, John," a younger boy's voice
said. The boy on top of me slowly moved back and I was relieved that
he was leaving me alone. The crack between my buttocks felt cold as
air blew against the wetness. My terror jumped up again when I heard
another boy crawling under the blankets. I rolled over and tried to
back away.

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"No, please," I begged, starting to cry louder. The dark form
of the bigger boy just came after me. I backed against the wall,
curling into a fetal position and begging the older boy not to hurt
me. I could feel the first boy's sperm oozing from my butt as the new
boy's big hands grabbed my wrists and jerked me toward him on the
plywood. He wrestled me around like a rag doll, finally rolling me
onto his chest like the first boy had done. He was skinnier than the
first boy and not quite as strong, but he was more than strong enough
to overpower a little boy like me. I lay there crying and felt his
hands rubbing all over my skinny chest and belly as he moaned and
giggled delightedly. I could feel his penis pressed between the cheeks
of my butt, becoming slimy as it rubbed in the first boy's sperm. His
penis was only about six inches long and the excited boy was poking it
at my little butt desperately. Finally, I felt one of his hands
reaching down for it as the other arm held my skinny body on top of
him. He guided his penis toward my little butt hole and I felt it
pressing against the tiny orifice. My butt, loosened and slimy from
the first boy, yielded its innocence with less of a fight and I soon
felt the throbbing organ between the other boy's legs sliding up
inside me. He moaned as he shoved it all the way in, his young bush
of pubic hair pressed against my buttocks. I felt his big hands
holding me tightly around my skinny ribs as he started gently humping
his penis in and out of me.

I lay there crying and helpless, impaled by the big penis in
my butt. I was too scared and too confused to cry very loudly and he
didn't bother covering my mouth. The happy kid beneath me reached
down and fondled my naked, hairless little penis, moaning as he rubbed
it. I didn't get an erection but that didn't seem to bother him. He
just got off on fondling little boys. I felt his passion peaking and
soon his slender, rock hard body was jerking frantically beneath me.
More sperm squirt inside my butt as the boy ejaculated, moaning
happily and loudly, overcoming my pathetic cries.

He rolled me off him and pulled his slimy penis out. I prayed
that he would be the last, but as soon as he was gone yet another boy
entered. He was about the same size as the second boy but his penis
was smaller. "Please don't," I begged softly and pathetically as his
big hands rolled me over on my stomach again and his slender, hard
body mounted me. He felt so soft and smooth, his chest boyishly
muscular and warm against my shoulder blades. If that had been all
he'd done, I would have been quite content to stop crying, but his big
hand reached between his legs and I felt a third penis head poking
between my cheeks, searching for my butt hole. "Yeah," he moaned when
he found the slimy entrance. "No!" my childish voice cried
pathetically, the older boy shoving his hips forward and driving his
five inch cock down into me. He really rammed it inside in a hurry
and I could feel his sparse pubic hair rubbing outside my butt. Like
the first boy, he drove it all the way in and very deep, then started
moving his hips slowly and rhythmically up and down. With all the
sperm inside, his penis slid easily in and out. My butt hurt, but had
lost the tightness it had when the first boy had done it. Now, it
didn't even try to deny the boys inside. This boy panted and grunted
with his pleasure, his voice sounding as high pitched and prepubescent
as mine did. I liked the feel of his chest on my shoulders, but my
bottom felt like it was bleeding and I kept crying, helpless to defend
my little orifice. I knew that he was finishing as his smooth,
slender body bucked frantically on top of me and his penis ejaculated
his young seed. I lay there pathetic and helpless, too astonished to
even be afraid as the third boy was replaced by yet another. Soon, I
was so exhausted and my butt hurt so bad that I just lay there
whimpering as the boys had their way with my little butt. One boy's
penis replaced another, the boys rubbing their penises inside me until
they had orgasms, squirting out their sperm in the innocence of my
prepubescent butt. Fortunately none of the cocks were as big as the
first boy's had been and the pain got less as the penises got smaller.

Eight boys had stuck their cocks up my butt and ejaculated
before little Matthew was finally permitted to fuck me by the older
boys. I felt his soft, hairless body crawl in and didn't move as he
excitedly mounted me, his small, hairless penis poking for my butt
hole just like all the others. He had to use his hand to guide it to
the hole and my butt, stretched wide by the bigger boys, easily
admitted his three and a half inch erection. He stuck it in and out
of me more than the other boys had and I could feel his slender
stiffness sliding in and out easily in the older boys' sperm. I lay
silent and unmoving and was surprised to discover that his slender
young boyhood felt good inside me. It was small enough that it didn't
hurt at all, just felt hard sliding inside my body. He moaned at
first but as he got closer to climax he started to giggle happily, his
high pitched voice sounding pretty as he shoved his excited penis up
me like a german shepherd. His small chest and belly felt nice
against my back and I could feel them straining as he pumped his
little hips up and down, his smooth, hairless pubic mound pressing
against my buttocks. I was ashamed to discover that it was fun. I
wished the older boys weren't watching and laughing so much because I
would have laid there quite happily if it weren't for my feeling that
I was being abused and made fun of.

Matthew's little body started straining even more desperately
and he was making crying sounds like it hurt him or something. He was
trying so hard to fuck me as fast as possible that it probably did
hurt. All the while his small butt moved up and down and his stiff,
skinny penis slid in and out my slimy butt hole. It felt so nice that
for a long moment I stopped crying and just enjoyed the feel of his
rhythmic movements, the pretty sound of his excited, prepubescent
giggles of excitement. I could feel his elbows holding tighter to my
skinny chest as the poor boy's body contorted frantically with orgasm.
He couldn't pump his hips anymore, so tightly did his little muscles
stiffen. Finally, his baby soft, slender body started to jerk like the
older boys' had and I felt his little boner sticking deeper into me in
short, frantic little thrusts. I don't know if he squirt any sperm in
my butt or not. It was so filled with semen by the older boys I would
never have felt any thin juice that Matthew might have had. Besides,
in my innocence, I didn't even know what their pubescent fluids were.
The boy jerked several times in orgasm and he was finished.

He crawled off me right away, giggling and pulling his stiff
erection out. "That felt good," he giggled as the older boys slapped
his bare back outside the bunk. I watched the silhouette of his
beautiful, naked body before the blanket fell back into place leaving
me alone and whimpering in my little hovel. I heard Matthew being
lifted up onto the bunk above me and soon the blankets were lifted up.
I could hear distant boys giggling as they returned to their own bunks
with limp, satisfied young cocks, but there was no one around mine.

I didn't understand what they had done to me nor did I know
what the slimy stuff was they'd shot all over my butt and up inside
it. I could still feel the slimy liquid seeping out my violated
little body as I lay there too sore to move, crying in the dark of the
orphanage. A long time later, I fell asleep still crying.

* * * *

"Who did this to him?!" a woman's voice screeched.

I woke up, the pain still in my butt which felt plastered shut
with dried sperm from the young boys. I looked around bleary eyed.
The Reverend Mother stood there, the look on her face filled with
fury. She held the swagger stick she'd used to beat Oliver with the
night before in one hand as she glared around at all the half-naked
boys huddled around looking down at me. The groups of boys retreated
when she turned on them, but then crept forward a little bit when she
turned away, their smooth faces looking down at me as I started to sob
on the plywood, remembering the night before.

"Who?!" she yelled at Matthew on the bunk above me.

"I don't know," I heard his high-pitched voice half cry

"You were sleeping above him!" she spat back. "Don't you lie
to me, boy!" I watched her hand reach for the little boy and she
jerked him clear off the bed. He had been wrapped in his blanket, but
it fell free as he fell to the floor and the frightened eleven year
old boy lay there naked. I could see dried semen covering his pubic
area but didn't connect it with his behavior the night before.

The angry woman half lifted him off the ground by one slender
arm, the boy's ribs poking through his body, his skinny arm looking
like it would break off. She brought the stick down across his
smooth, pale thigh with a loud whack and the boy screamed out in
terror as a blue welt appeared where he'd been hit. She held him aloft
by the same skinny arm and continued to strike across his thighs and
buttocks, raising welts on the crying boy. His small, uncircumcised
penis dangled between his hairless legs as he struggled and cried,
uselessly begging her to stop spanking him, his hands pathetically
trying to rub the pain from her whacks, trying to hide his smooth,
sensitive skin.

I started to cry with him. He was the only one of the boys I
knew was guilty from the night before, but he was so small and cute
and his penis hadn't hurt me. I felt bad because I had liked the feel
of his hairless erection rubbing in my butt and now he was being
spanked, the older boys all standing around watching and doing nothing
to help him or even showing any emotion of guilt or sadness.

When she had vented her rage on the small, naked child, she
dropped him on the hard wood floor and he lay in a crumbled heap,
sobbing as he rubbed his welts. His body looked so pretty and soft,
his skin so pale and smooth and hairless. I couldn't believe she had
hurt him. My eyes were bleary with tears as I gazed at that the
small, smooth, hairless penis dangling on his testicles as he writhed
on the floor massaging his welts. Why was it so pretty to me?

She started to reach for me and I huddled back away from her
screaming, small hands pressing forward as if to keep her away,
terrified that she was going to beat me next. "Stop it, child!" she
commanded. "I'm not going to hit you!" I was so afraid of her that I
actually stopped screaming and sat whimpering, my naked body cowering
in fear, the pain of my bottom momentarily forgotten.

She stood back up, not daring to scare me further and looked
relieved when Father Donovan appeared. The man didn't ask any
questions as he came to me, sat on the bed and quickly enfolded my
skinny, naked body in his arms. His voice soothed me and I cried
against his robes. I could feel his hands stroking my blond hair and
down my thin shoulders.

"Beating them isn't the answer, sister," he said, still
comforting me.

"Why must they pick on the little ones?" she yelled
hopelessly. "Why do you have to do it to the little ones?!" she
suddenly lashed out, making the skinny, half-naked boys cower back for
a moment. They still didn't look the least bit emotional, looking
from her to me to the crying, naked child on the floor.

"Come along now," he said to me. His arms wrapped tighter
around my skinny back as they lifted my naked body against his chest.
I felt one of his hands slip down across my buttocks and holding me
there. He didn't look at any of the other boys as he carried me
toward the door, his mouth cooing to me, kissing my bangs and face as
I sobbed in his arms. He carried me all the way to the kitchen where
the circle of young nuns immediately huddled about to comfort me.

"Thorne's upstairs," the priest said to them, making their
eyes fill with shock. "See if you can make him presentable while the
Bishop and I stall him." He gazed into my eyes and gently stroked my
blond hair and thin neck lovingly. "Get him something a Tarsec boy
would like." With that, he sighed and turned away from me, departing
out the door and leaving the orphanage.

As I sat there looking sadly after him, the young women
immediately replaced him, their cool hands starting to rub across my
bare skinny chest and assuring me that everything was alright. Even
when my fear was abated, I kept crying, instinctively knowing that it
was my sobbing that kept their tender attention to me, their soft
caresses, their comforting hugs. I had no doubt: I liked being cared
for. Three of them set about filling a huge tub with hot water while
the other three comforted me. I was given cookies and a glass of milk
and I struggled to swallow, slowly deciding that cookies were even
better than hugs and allowing myself to stop crying so I could eat

When the tub was almost full, the Reverend Mother returned
with six young boys in tow. None of them looked old enough to have
been the boys who raped me. They were all dressed in nice clothes
(not expensive but nicer than they usually wore) and they were all
clean. None of them looked as young as I was but they all looked

"Master Thorne's here," one of the nuns told her.

"I know," she replied. "They can stall him with these
children while we get him prettied up. Is that bath ready?"

"Yes, Mother," a nun replied from the side of it.

"Good. You girls do what you can with him. Use some potion
if you have to. I'll be back in a moment." With that, she scurried
the young boys ahead of her and out the door.

The nuns led me to the kettle and lifted me over the edge so I
could get in it. Their soft hands held to my underarms and helped
lower me down, me ready to screech from the heat of the water. It was
soothing, however, and I started to feel better as soon as the hot
water touched my bottom. They seemed to get happier as they started
to clean me, their hands taking turns rubbing soap all over me,
cleaning behind my ears, my hair, down across my bottom. They even
had one woman hold me up while I lifted each skinny leg to be washed
clean by their loving hands.

As one of the nun's hands rubbed across my chest, she looked
at my necklace and smiled down at it sitting on my soft skin. She
didn't touch it except when it ran against her fingers as they reached
beneath it to rub my boy chest. By the time they reached my penis, I
was feeling so much better that I giggled when they fondled it,
rubbing it with the slimy soap and smiling with me, delighted by my
happy face. They looked a little more disturbed when I got an
erection, but when they saw the confused, frightened look on my face
they smiled delightedly and assured me that it was normal for little
boys and not to be embarrassed. That said, they kept washing me all
over, including my erection. In fact, my penis was probably the
cleanest part of me because they kept washing it for a long time. I
loved it despite my embarrassment. It gave me a strange pleasure that
was a little unsettling but very nice at the same time.

The hot water soothed my butt a great deal. I was very
disturbed when they stuck a tube up inside it, but all they did was
flush hot water inside me, washing out all of the boys' sperm and
making it feel clean again. By the time the Reverend Mother entered,
I was a happy boy, giggling at their jokes and affection, my naked
body shining clean and pink. I became more quiet when she came in as
did the nuns, but we still smiled at each other.

"Very good," she nodded at my skinny, naked body standing in
the kettle. "Dry him off," she commanded.

The nuns helped me out of the kettle and I stood near the fire
as they rubbed me down with towels. One of them even brought out a
comb and fixed my hair. Their tenderness kept me excited and when the
Reverend Mother called for me to come over to the table, my penis was
still turgid and throbbing. She paid little attention to it. I was
surprised by her strength as she lifted me onto the table and set me
down on top of a thick, cotton cloth. "Roll over child," she
instructed. Feeling strange with all of the women watching my naked,
excited body, I did as I was told, laying on my tummy and holding my
self up on my elbows. My legs were hanging over the end of the table
and the Reverend Mother spread them wide and stepped up between them.
I blushed fantastically when I felt her fingers rubbing some cool
cream across my small buttocks and jerked when one of her fingers
slowly poked up inside my butt and rhythmically spread it all over
inside me. Her finger was more slender than the older boys cocks and
felt almost as nice as Matthew's small erection had. Wherever her
fingers spread the cool cream, the pain vanished and, by the time she
was finished, I felt like I had never been raped at all.

I felt her finger slide out of my butt with a little regret.
"Lay over now," she said and I sat down on the table. "Lay back."
She pressed gently down on my little chest and I lay there blushing,
my penis still throbbing, my skinny legs hanging over the edge of the
table. She dipped her fingers into a glass jar and pulled out more
cream. I started gasping in wonder and surprise as her loving fingers
spread the cream between my legs, all over my little erection and
little testicles. The nuns smiled at me, blushing themselves as they
saw my excited penis being caressed like it was and even more by the
frightened and confused excitement in my childish face.

"He really likes that, Reverend Mother," one of the young
women said, smiling at the astonished look of wonder in my blue eyes.

The Reverend Mother smiled, too, her fingers rubbing the cool,
slimy cream around the hairless base of my penis, over my thick,
childish scrotum, up my skinny, two inch shaft and ever so gently
across my rock hard, purple little penis head. This felt so strange
against my sensitive skin that I panted fearfully, feeling like my
stiff erection didn't belong to me anymore but had become a strange
other person. It felt so good that it scared me.

She worked the cream well into my skin and I started making
little crying noises, my penis feeling so good I thought something
really weird was going to happen to it at any second.

"Oh, he's going to have an orgasm," one of the girls giggled
adoringly and they all huddled closer to watch my naked little body
starting to squirm uncontrollably.

"Not if I can help it," the Reverend Mother said. I felt sad
when her tender fingers left my penis, leaving my erection throbbing
and glowing a bright red from excitement. My sensitive little glans
looked like a purple mirror, reflecting the light of the kitchen.
"He's got to be a virgin for that Tarsec boy."

"Oh, Reverend Mother," the women whined. "One time wouldn't
hurt. Besides, look at him: he needs it..."

She did look down at my throbbing erection and up into the
confused, hopeful look in my blue eyes, and I thought she looked a
little disappointed, too. Instead of rubbing on my penis some more,
however, she just pushed the blond hair back from my forehead and
gently stroked my cheek. "Well," she smiled, "we'll pick up another
little boy today and we can all play with him."

"Street boys have all done it before," one of the nuns sighed.
"They won't be as cute as he is."

The Reverend Mother chose to ignore her. "Well, that should
make him as good as new," she said, still gazing at my naked body.
"Lift his legs, sisters." I looked about in confusion as two of the
young women lifted my legs and spread them apart, me lying there with
my stiff penis poking straight out at my face, my little butt before
the older woman's eyes. She just sighed as she looked at my hairless
little testicles, then reached down and lifted the white cotton fabric
up between my legs. The nuns lowered them and the Reverend Mother
pulled the cloth up tightly between my legs. She produced two safety
pins with little bunnies on them from her habit and used them to
fasten the diaper's corners together. She apparently had a lot of
experience with this for the diaper fit very snugly, feeling a little
tight against my testicles and penis. It was very thick, the fabric so
soft that it felt nice against my erection which wasn't at all visible
through its thickness.

"Jump down now, child," she said, and I did so, the
confinement of the diaper making my erection ache a little when I
moved my legs. I stood there with my waist wrapped tightly in the
diaper, my skinny chest bare. My hair was drying quickly in the heat
of the kitchen and the blond strands were soon falling down in my eyes

"He's so adorable, Reverend Mother," one of the nuns said,
smiling at me in love and trying to pet my blond bangs back. "Can't
we keep him just as an altar boy."

"Not if the Bishop has his way," the older woman shrugged.
She actually smiled at my confused eyes and stroked my hair. "You are
a sweet child," she sighed. "Do we have a nice shirt for him to

"Yes, here, Mother." One of the nuns handed her a t-shirt and
she rolled it up, lifting the arm holes for me. I blushed as I stuck
my skinny arms in them and she pulled the shirt down over my skinny
body. It was a white shirt and I felt embarrassed when I saw that it
had little blue bunnies and little yellow ducks on it: it was a
baby's shirt. Soon I was standing in it and my thick diaper. Another
nun silently brought over a pair of bunny slippers complete with
floppy ears and I sat on the table again as the older woman tenderly
slipped them on my dainty feet. To complete the baby picture, a
frilly bonnet was tied under chin, my yellow hair still falling down
over my forehead. I might have been eleven years old, but the nuns had
dressed me like an infant. My thin, hairless legs and arms did little
to argue against the impression. The only thing that kept me from
feeling like a baby was the frantic pulsing of my hairless little
erection. It felt like it was angry with me, like it wanted me to do
something to it. The feeling just confused me, however, and I wasn't
about to experiment with it in front of the nuns.

"Here," a young nun in her teens finally giggled, producing a
pacifier. My pale cheeks flushed in embarrassment as I felt the rubber
nipple pressed between my thin lips. I just sat their shyly, however,
and tightened my lips around it. It did feel nice and, before I knew
it, I felt my small chin moving up and down as I sucked on it.

"Oh," one of the nuns smiled at me, clapping her hands
together. "He's so adorable."

"Well," the Reverend Mother sighed, again stroking my yellow
hair and gazing into my blue eyes with adoration as I rhythmically
sucked on the pacifier, "I suppose we could hope Thorne doesn't want

"Not likely," one of the nuns sighed glumly. "They like
pretty boys."

They all said goodbye to me, looking sad but trying to smile.
I just blushed as the Reverend Mother led me out the kitchen and back
through the corridors that led away from the orphanage. I was glad
that I didn't have to return there and have the other boys see me
dressed as I was. I might have been young and might have had little
memory, but I knew eleven year old boys shouldn't be seen like this.
The diaper was so tight that it chafed against my smooth thighs and I
felt extremely silly in the baby slippers and bonnet I was wearing. I
kept sucking rather comfortingly on the pacifier, however, and thought
how nice it felt.

I wondered if there were any way that I could yet escape. I
was unlikely to get far dressed like a baby, but I doubted I was going
to get many chances once I was sold. I saw several potential routes
of escape and even thought I could identify a way out of the cathedral
but the woman was holding my thin shoulders tightly and I knew she was
much stronger than I was. If only I could go back to the alley and
relive the past twenty-four hours, I thought. My whole life would be
different. I walked glumly along, my little chin rising and falling
as I sucked on the rubber nipple. Soon, we found ourselves back at
the door to the Bishop's office. She knocked and gently pushed the
door open, leading me in by the hand.

The Bishop was standing near his desk. He shot me a nervous
look then smiled with satisfaction. I felt ashamed and blushed,
sucking faster on the pacifier to relieve my embarrassment. Such a
sight I must have made with my bare skinny legs framed against the
bright white diaper and happy bunny shoes, my eleven year old face and
yellow hair framed by the frilly baby bonnet and the pacifier stuck
between my lips. I would have taken the pacifier out, but sucking on
it was the only part of the experience I was enjoying.

The six boys she had brought earlier stood in a line against
the wall near the fireplace. All of them had their pants pulled down
around their ankles and a man was walking along the line examining
each of their penises. He did this with his hands, stroking the boys
and looking closely at their small, uncircumcised boyhoods. All of
the boys were bigger than me but only two of them had peach fuzz, the
other four were just hairless little boys. The two with peach fuzz
had small erections that throbbed intently between their pale young
legs. All six of them looked frightfully embarrassed but not half as
much as I did. They at least had regular clothes on. I was dressed
like an infant.

We stood there a moment in silence, the Bishop saying nothing
to introduce us. The strange man, suddenly realizing that someone had
entered, turned slowly. His eyes looked at the Reverend Mother with
impatience, then slowly moved down and looked at me. His eyes
softened, looked momentarily confused. They didn't leave me as he let
go of the hairless little penis he had been fondling and slowly stood
up. I blushed brighter and felt my chin sucking faster on the
pacifier with embarrassment.

He was a tall, handsome man of about thirty and just the way
he dressed told me that he was a man with a lot of money. He was in
riding boots and had a swagger stick like the Reverend Mother's. I
had a frightening image of that stick being used to spank my smooth,
skinny thighs and felt very much afraid of him.

"And who is this child?" he asked. His eyes seemed to be
stripping me and I felt naked despite my clothing.

"Ah, that's our new altar boy," the Bishop said, beaming as he
crossed over to us and put a tender hand between my shoulder blades.
"He's the first Kovz Boy we've ever had here. I'm sure he'll make a
fine addition to the service. Kelvin, say hello to Master Thorne."

I couldn't speak with the pacifier in my mouth and was too
frightened of him to remove it. The Reverend Mother took hold of it
and tugged it out of my lips leaving a long trail of slimy saliva
connecting them for a moment. "Hello, sir," my childish voice
whimpered, wishing I could suck on the pacifier some more. I could
feel my little body backing up closer to the Reverend Mother, half
hoping the man wouldn't like me and I could stay in the orphanage.

Thorne didn't reply, nor did his eyes leave me. He came
closer, looking over my face and small body. "How much?" was all he

"We couldn't part with him, Master Thorne," the Bishop sighed.
"Surely you can see how special a boy he is."

Thorne nodded absently. "May I see him?" he asked.

The Bishop shrugged. "I don't see why not, but you understand
that he's not for sale?"

Thorne didn't reply. He came over to me, towering above my
five foot, eight inch frame. He must have been six foot, two. I felt
his big hands taking hold of my head, poking through my hair. He
turned my face up toward him and pulled my lips apart to examine my
teeth. I just stood there blushing.

He leaned over and his hand took hold of the hem of my
t-shirt, lifting it up and baring my small belly and ribs. He pursed
his lips and pulled the t-shirt higher revealing my little chest and
tiny pink nipples. His other hand reached out and rubbed my body,
causing me to shiver, only my embarrassment keeping me from giggling
at the ticklish feel of his caresses. Worst of all was when his
fingers petted the baby soft skin around my little belly button, the
pale skin quivering uncontrollably. I stayed quiet, however.

He bent his knees and knelt close to me as his hand took hold
of one of the safety pins. I was shocked to have my boyhood bared
once again, but I felt the Reverend Mother's hands holding my
shoulders to restrain the nervous wiggling of my body, making me stand
still and let the man unveil my hairless little penis. I hadn't been
aware that I still had an erection, but my penis was throbbing its
boyish two inches and glowing red with pressure, the little head still
shining like a purple mirror. Thorne actually gasped as he touched
it, his fingers feeling all around the hairless base and small
testicles. He even pulled on the loose skin along the shaft, trying
unsuccessfully to get it to cover my immature purple glans. It felt
so good that I awkwardly let out a little cry of pleasure, my skinny
legs feeling weak.

Thorne smiled up at my childish pleasure. "Did you train him
to do that?" he asked.

"As you can see," the Bishop shrugged, "the child is very

"Hmmm," Thorne said. He took another look at my erection then
stood up. As he walked back to the line of other boys, the Reverend
Mother leaned over and refitted my diaper, pulling it tight and
refastening it. She pulled my t-shirt back over my hairless belly,
too, and I felt very grateful when I felt the pacifier, slimy now from
my earlier saliva, slip between my thin lips. I started sucking on it
immediately, watching the man nervously.

"How much do you want for him, Bishop?" he asked.

"As I said, sir, the child is not for sale."

"Fifty pounds of gold," Thorne said immediately. disregarding
the Bishops denials. After a moment, he turned to look for the
Bishop's response.

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"I'm sure I couldn't let him go for two hundred, sir," the
Bishop shrugged helplessly. "Kovz Boys are extremely rare and you can
see how special this one is. Surely you understand my position."

"Yes, I'm sure I do," Thorne said with a wry, almost angry
smile. "But you surely don't expect me to pay more for him than I
would pay for a hundred boys. My son could get in a lot with a
hundred boys."

"A hundred would not be a Kovz Boy. Since you have been a
good customer in the past and since you do have pull with the Tarsec
Army, I might be persuaded to go as low as 150 pounds."

Thorne thought about it, looking at me again. "He's only a
little boy. He's probably too young for my son."

"One hundred and twenty-five," the Bishop shrugged, "for his
growing years."

"And if he doesn't grow? Some of them are little boys

"If he doesn't grow, you'll rent him out to your neighbors'
sons for a hundred years," the Bishop smiled knowingly. "And if he
does grow, you needn't be concerned about your investment: he's a
pretty boy, sir. They'll pay as much for him as they will for your
boy, one day, with a guarantee that they'll have nothing but male
offspring. As to his age now, I think his erections are proof enough
of his willingness to please."

"Then he's been used. I want a virgin for my boy. Eric's a
pretty special kid, too."

"If you can look in this child's eyes and tell me he's been
used, sir, I'll make the price 100, but I assure you he has never been

Thorne looked at me. I didn't know what they were talking
about and just stood there in blank confusion. He sighed and looked
away. "You hadn't told me you had a Kovz Boy for sale," he said.

"He's new. An orphan."

"Then how do I know he's not a Boylover?" Thorne said turning
on him. "The legends say there was a boylover named Kelvin..."

"Your Dairean legends aren't my concern, sir. We all know
about Kovz Boys because, unlike Boylovers, they've been around, albeit
rare, since the beginning of time. Boylovers are, to our religion,
nothing but creations used by your Old Ones to scare your boys into
obedience. We're not concerned with them."

"You speak blasphemy!" Thorne said, eyes wide.

"Blasphemy to Daireans only," the Bishop replied without the
slightest fear. "I'm a Bishop of the Order of Analeeya, not a Dairean
priest. If you want your son to have his own Kovz Boy to play with,
here he is. If not, the other boys are there for your inspection."

"I know about Analeeyan priests," Thorne spat. "I'd be
surprised if any boy your priests or nuns look at is a virgin for more
than thirty minutes!"

"At least we don't breed our boys like animals as soon as they
start ejaculating and then send them into battle as soon as they've
spawned a dozen offspring," the Bishop countered, his smile dripping
with venom.

Thorne looked like he was going to fight harder, but didn't.
He looked at the other boys, all still with their pants pulled down,
all as confused as I was by the discussion. "A hundred twenty-five,"
he leered shaking his head. "It costs me that much to raise a boy to

"You don't have to spoil the child, sir," the Bishop said.

"I do the way Eric coddles the little things," he said almost
under his breath. He looked back at me and sighed. "Do you have his
toys?" he asked, his voice still tinged with anger.

The Bishop motioned to Father Donovan who produced the
knapsack I'd been found with. "My son deserves the best," Thorne said
sifting through the things. "He's a big boy and he's only thirteen.
I'll pay you one hundred and twenty-five pounds for the child."

"Very well," the Bishop smiled. "Fifty for the toys."

Throne whirled on him with eyes wide and burning with fury.
When he saw the Bishop's confident, almost arrogant smile, however, he
softened, cursed and turned away. "One hundred fifty, then," he said,
already walking over to me and starting to examine my teeth and
looking down my throat again.

"The child is your's, Master Thorne," the Bishop replied with
a smug smile.

The men didn't speak any further. The Reverend Mother gave me
a hug and wished me well, her eyes glistening ever so slightly as her
fingers stroked my cheeks. After that, she told the other boys to
pull their pants on and led them away. I never saw her again.

Thorne's valet entered and produced several large bars of gold
which were given to Father Donovan. The priest just watched as I was
sadly led away by the valet. Thorne stayed behind as the valet walked
me out to the carriage. We appeared on the front steps of the
cathedral and the sun seemed so bright that for a moment I thought it
would blind me. The man paid very little attention to me. His hands
held to my shoulders like vice grips as he led me to the carriage and
put me inside. I instantly popped into the window to look around.
The carriage itself was very nice, lined with mahogony and gold, the
interior carpeted with satin benches.

The square looked much as it had the previous day, filled with
angry people pretending to be happy as they dealt with their wealthier
customers. There were still street boys around, almost everywhere, and
I thought that I had glimpsed the boy from the alley for a moment. I
was about to shout to him, but he soon disappeared. I wondered if I
could slip out the carriage doors and make a run for it before the
valet could catch me, but decided against trying. The carriage was
nice. Master Thorne seemed a little stern, but I didn't think he
would beat me. Perhaps it was worth it to stay put for a while and
see how things turned out. I stayed put and didn't make a sound until
the man arrived.

"Where are we going?" my childish voice bashfully asked the
man as he took his seat across from me.

He didn't answer. Just stared at me for a long time until I
sat back on the bench and wished he'd stop staring. The horses
started off and the man was still looking at me.

"How old are you, boy?" he asked me.

"Eleven," I replied, unable to look at his burning eyes.

"Are you a Kovz Boy?" he asked.

I didn't know what one was and had to shrug in answer, still
looking away.

"Are you a Boylover?" he continued.

I just swallowed. What was a "Boylover"?

The man sniffed derisively and I looked up to see him leering
at me. I looked away again. Maybe I should have escaped when I
could. "Man, Eric's going to eat you alive, boy," he said finally.
He didn't speak to me again.

We spent that day and evening in a hotel near the big square.
My arms and legs were bound. The shammy ropes weren't tight and
didn't hurt, but I wasn't able to get away. Thorne slept in a large
comfortable bed and left me lying in my diaper and t-shirt on the
carpet in a corner. They had taken the bunny slippers from me and my
feet were cold, but I was tired and slept through the night, still
sucking on the pacifier like it was the only friend I had in the

The next morning, they fed me and we got an early start toward
Thorne's village which I learned was located high in the mountains
near a dwarven city. Neither Thorne nor the valet spoke to me except
to ask if I was hungry or if I needed water. They put me in the
carriage with Thorne who sat on one side while I sat with arms bound
on the other. Despite being afraid and tied up, I enjoyed the ride.
Since Thorne ignored me, I was free to watch out the window at all the
farms and hills going by.

On the second day, we began climbing into the mountains and
the lush green lowlands gradually became drier and less populated. At
night, I was left to sleep under the carriage with a blanket, the
entire inside becoming a bed for the man. It was cold, but I wasn't
badly treated and didn't mind except that I didn't know where I was
going. I was only a boy, however, and didn't know any other way of
life. Soon there were no more farms and no more people. The
mountains seemed bare compared to the lowlands, nothing but sparse
trees and brush.

Late on the third day, the wagon pulled to a stop and I leaned
out the window to see what was happening. There were several short,
bearded men, no more than three feet tall, talking to the
valet/carriage driver and checking papers. When they finished with
him, one of them came back to the carriage, hopped up on the running
board and looked in.

"Thorne," the little man nodded curtly, looking me up and
down. He was so funny looking that I giggled which didn't seem to
make him very happy. He glowered at my naked legs and diaper. "That
Eric's boy?" he asked.

Thorne sighed. "Yes, if you must know."

"Kind of young, ain't he?" the dwarf asked.

"He's old enough," Thorne replied. "Our papers are in order,
Sergeant. If you will please let us go, I won't feel it necessary to
contact your superior officer."

The dwarf glared at him angrily, but jumped off the running
board and motioned for the driver to pass through the gate. I leaned
out the window and grinned at the small people. They were
delightfully funny looking and I wished I could stay and play with
them, but I wasn't going to ask Master Thorne for permission. Instead
I sat back down and remained silent.

It was dark out and I was dozing before we finally pulled into
the Thorne estate at Tarsec Village. Thorne just sniffed at me and
crawled out of the carriage. "Bring the child," he told the footman
who held the door for him.

"Yes, sir," the man said crisply. Torches ran all along the
cobblestone drive that led to the huge mansion and their light flooded
into the carriage as the footman looked in at me. He smiled at me and
I smiled back. All this did was make him shake his head and smile
bigger. "Kovz magic," I heard him say to himself. He took me by the
arm and pulled me out of the carriage.

"Is that him?" another servant asked from the front porch.

"Yeah. He's a cute little guy, isn't he?" the footman said
leading me toward the door.

"Lord, he's just a child."

"Master Thorne paid a hundred and fifty gold for him."

"A hundred fifty?! What is he, a Kovz Boy?"

The footman nodded solemnly and the other man looked
impressed. He looked down at me, pulling my chin up to look at my
face. "Pretty, alright. Nothing but the best for Master Eric."

He opened the door and the footman led me into the house.
Outside, it looked huge and impressive with tall white columns and
bright torchlight. Inside it was just as impressive. We entered into
a marble entryway. The stone felt cool beneath my bare feet as I
plodded along beside the footman, staring in awe at the gold framed
paintings, the crystal chandelier, the plush red carpet. Everything
was so clean and shiny that I felt very dirty and out of place. I was
dirty, too. The nights spent sleeping on the ground had left my
diaper and the t-shirt looking filthy. Adding to my embarrassment,
Master Thorne had refused to stop the first time I'd asked to go to
the bathroom and I had, quite helplessly, wet the diaper. After that,
Master Thorne would ask me if I needed to poop or pee. The only time
he'd tell the driver to stop was if I said I had to poop. Otherwise,
he told me to just go in the diaper. Being boyishly honest with him,
I frequently found myself sitting in the carriage as my penis tinkled
into the thick cotton. By the time we'd reached the village, the
diaper was stained with urine and I knew everyone around me would be
able to smell it.

The footman led me to a room off to the left and knocked on
the double doors. Thorne called for him to bring me in and the man

The room we entered was as ornate as the one we had left, but
it was also furnished with crushed velvet chairs and couches, a large
marble fireplace, and various tables and crystal sculptures. The
footman left me standing there with my arms still bound and closed the
door behind him.

There were five people in the room. The first was Master
Thorne himself who stood in his riding clothes in front of the couch
eagerly lighting a pipe as if he hadn't smoked since leaving the
village, which, to my knowledge, he hadn't. Sitting on the couch was
a woman who was about ten or fifteen years older than him and a
teenaged girl, both with the same dark hair as the man and both with
beautiful, sculptured faces. Against one wall was a very cute boy who
watched me intently. He was holding a book in his big hands but he
slowly put it aside when I entered. He was a little older than me,
his legs and arms looking long and awkward, his hands looking too big
for his five foot, three inch body. He looked thin in a pair of
slacks and shirt. Another boy, a couple of years older, stood a few
feet from the first. He was a little more than five and a half feet
tall and looked muscular in his suit. He took a few steps toward me
and looked at me with deep brown eyes. The way he looked at me made
me feel naked and I blushed brightly and looked away. All five were
looking at me and I blushed uncomfortably.

"He's awful little," the older boy said.

"And filthy," the girl added, looking a little disgusted.

"They're all like that, Gary" Thorne replied to the boy,
looking me up and down. I felt silly in my dirty diaper but I didn't
say anything.

"You didn't say you were going to buy a Kovz Boy," the older
woman pointed out. Her voice sounded sweet and pleasant, but even I
could hear the hint of displeasure in her voice.

Thorne sniffed. "What do you think, Eric?" the man asked,
ignoring her.

The younger boy blushed when his name was mentioned and he
stood up. He looked at me beneath long, dark eyelashes, looking as
bashful and nervous as I felt. "Well, speak up, boy," Thorne said.
"I bought him for you."

The boy just looked more nervous and swallowed uncomfortably.
I looked at him remembering that Thorne and the Bishop had said that
Eric was going to be my new owner. This seemed hard to believe
because he only looked about thirteen; that seemed too young to own a
slave to me somehow. He was extremely cute, however, even cuter than
the boy in the alley and cuter than Sandy, too. His young face looked
extremely soft and beardless and he had a naturally dark complexion
like the rest of the family. He looked so shy and bashful that I
found myself liking him right away and the pale rosy glow in his
cheeks was adorable. He was wearing slacks and a dress shirt that
hung loosely against his thin frame, and his young body looked very
awkward. If I had to be a slave, I thought I'd want to be Eric's

Thorne looked at him in disappointment, shook his head and
looked back at me.

"The dinner will be tomorrow night then?" the woman asked
smiling and lifting her eyebrows, pointedly looking casually away, her
demure voice not lost on the man.

"No. The following night," Thorne said. "I want enough
notice for everyone in town to see what I got for Eric. I tell you,
Elouise, it'll heat the bidding war for him right up through the roof.
By the time we're finished he'll be worth three times what we got for

The older boy blushed at this and didn't look very happy about
it, but he didn't say anything.

"He's very little," the woman pointed out.

"I tell you he's old enough. I checked him myself."

"...and filthy," the girl said again, though she seemed to be
smiling at me through her disgust at my dirty body and pee stained

"We've been on the road for three days. What did you expect
him to look like?"

"What's his name?" the younger boy finally asked. He looked
down at the floor as he asked this, his high pitched voice so soft and
quiet, I was uncertain if he had actually spoken.

"Well, what do you know, it talks," Thorne said sarcastically,
scowling at the shy boy. "Kelvin," he added as an afterthought.

"How old is he?" Eric asked.

"Who knows?" Thorne shrugged. "He's an orphan. They all are
you know. He doesn't know about it though, Eric, I promise you that.
You'll have yourself quite a little treasure there."

This made the boy blush even brighter and he didn't say
anything more. The family seemed strange in ages. Master Thorne
looked young himself, in his early thirties at the oldest, while Mrs.
Thorne looked to be in her mid-forties, perhaps older. When you
considered that the girl was in her late teens, Gary was perhaps
fifteen or sixteen, and Eric was thirteen... well, even I figured
Master Thorne must have been fourteen or fifteen when his daughter was

"I think he's pretty," she said, smiling at me suddenly as she
ignored my dirty diaper and made me blush. "Does he have to be tied
up all the time?"

"No. Not always," Thorne replied. "Just until Eric's got him
housebroken. He's very valuable and I don't want anyone to risk him
escaping. These boys don't know what's good for them."

The door opened and a large, middle-aged woman entered. She
had silver hair and warm, friendly eyes. She looked a great deal like
the rest of the family and I thought she must have been a relative
somehow. She strolled in gazing at me with a big smile. "What an
adorable child," she said gazing at me.

"That's the boy I bought for Eric," Thorne said proudly, a
casual glance at his wife on the couch. "Will, you make sure the
announcements get out, Mama?" he asked her. "I want to have the
dinner the night after next."

"Of course," the woman said still smiling at me. Her hand
stroked my hair and down my smooth cheeks. "What a precious boy," she
said, her voice sounding gentle and loving, "even if he is a bit
filthy. Why is this child tied up?" she asked, suddenly realizing I
was bound.

"I paid a hundred and fifty gold for him. I don't want him
getting away."

"A hundred and fifty gold?! John, have you lost your mind?"
the woman exclaimed. This time it was Mrs. Thorne's turn to look at
Thorne. "He's a pretty child, but one hundred and fifty gold?!"

"He's a Kovz Boy, Mama," Thorne explained. "You women just
don't understand things the way we men do. Why, my father would have
paid twice that if he could have gotten a Kovz Boy for me, and I would
have been grateful, too. Why, we'll be renting him out while we've got
great grandchildren bouncing on our knees. He'll make us several
times what I paid."

"Posh," the woman said with a shrug, obviously as unimpressed
as Mrs. Thorne was. "Well, the damage is done. I can tell Eric likes
him," she smiled looking over at the blushing boy who, though his head
was turned downward, was looking up through his dark bangs and long
eyelashes at me.

"Will you get him cleaned up and put to bed, Mama?" Thorne
asked, sounding a little angry and disappointed that he wasn't being
praised for buying me. "Put him in the room next to Eric's... and
make sure the door's locked."

"Why are you locking the door? You bought him for Eric,
didn't you?"

"Yes, but not until the dinner. I want the town there."

Mama shrugged. "Fine. Looking at Eric, I don't think you
could keep him away from this child if the door weren't locked." The
young boy blushed still brighter at this adult teasing, looking like
he wanted to cry in embarrassment. There was a huge mound between his
legs that he was awkwardly trying to hide with his big hands.
"Carolyn, child, you want to help? A boy's sister is supposed to help
with this sort of thing."

The girl blushed slightly, but smiled. "Sure, I'll help," she

"First we'll get these bindings off," Mama smiled at me as she
turned me back toward the door, Carolyn coming after us.

"Boy!" Master Thorne said stopping us. I turned to him, my
blue eyes gazing at him uncertainly. "I want your promise that you
won't try to escape."

I didn't know why I would try to escape or where I would go if
I did so I said, "I promise."

Thorne looked at me suspiciously for a long moment. "You like
Eric, don't you?" he asked motioning toward the young boy with his
pipe. I looked over at the lanky boy as he blushed and looked away,
still covering the bulge in his slacks with his hand. I did think he
was very cute, but did that I mean I liked him?

"I don't know," I answered honestly, fearing the man would get
angry with me.

Instead, he just sniffed through his nose and a knowing leer
came to his face. "Well, you will like him. You're going to like him
a lot."

The way he said it made me embarrassed and I looked into his
eyes with all my pathetic innocence.

"Come on, now, honey," Mama said, turning my thin shoulders
away from Thorne and leading me out into the entry way. As soon as
the door closed, she turned to the butler. "Untie the child," she
ordered, shaking her head in memory of Thorne.

The older man arched in eyebrow, but silently pulled the knots
free from my bindings and I felt them fall aside. My hands were
always untied when I ate or when I had to go poop, so I hadn't been
tied up all the time, but I was still glad to have them free and I
rubbed my skinny arms happily.

"Does he talk?" Carolyn asked as Mama walked us up the stairs.
"Can you talk, sweetheart?" she asked, her gentle hand rubbing my

I blushed up at her and nodded. She laughed; it was a soft
delicate laugh, however, and I wasn't offended. She was like the nuns
at the orphanage and I knew she liked me. "He smells," she said over
the top of my head as if I couldn't hear her. I blushed brightly, but
kept walking as if I hadn't heard her.

"He's just wet his diaper," Mama said, smiling and squeezing
my shoulders as if knowing that I was embarrassed. I was more than a
little worried that they would think I wasn't potty trained, but
didn't say anything.

"I don't think Eric will like it if he wets the bed," the girl
said simply, ignoring my embarrassment.

"Oh, Eric's going to like this boy no matter what he does,"
Mama dismissed her. I wished that they would ask me if I wet the bed
so I could tell them I didn't, but I was too shy to say anything
without them asking me a question.

They led me to a bathroom and I nervously realized that they
were planning to bathe me.

"You take his clothes off and I'll have them bring the water,"
the older woman said, walking out of the room and leaving me alone
with the girl.

"Come here, sweetie," she said turning me to her. She looked
down at my nervous face as I slowly walked over to her looking down at
the floor in helplessness. "Are you scared?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Well, don't be. Nobody's going to hurt you." With that, she
pulled the hem of my shirt up and stripped it from my belly and chest.
"There we are," she said soothingly. "Oh, you have a necklace," she
smiled seeing it lying between my little, pink nipples. I looked down
at it as her slender fingers took hold of it, seeing how dirty I was
between my ribs and how filthy the diaper was. She looked at the
medallion on both sides, but put it back with a smile. "You should
have one of the dwarves put something on that," she said. "Necklaces
are prettier when they have a picture or inscription on them."

I was about to tell her that it did have an inscription and a
picture, but my belly twitched as I felt her cool fingers reaching for
the safety pins that held my diaper shut. She undid these very
daintily and I could see a look of displeasure on her face, her small
nose wrinkled and wanting to turn away from it. Finally the pins came
undone and she pulled it from my slender hips, holding it away from
her as she dropped it off to the side. I stood there naked and
blushing, my hairless little penis limp on my little testicles. It
was dirty, too. Despite how tight the diaper had been, dust had crept
down the top and my smooth thighs and hairless penis looked almost
brown from dirt. I waited for her to fondle my boyhood like everyone
else seemed to do but she just smiled reassuringly at me. "There,
now, that's not so bad," she said, her hand tenderly holding to my
skinny rib cage and hugging it softly until I blushed and smiled.

Mama came back in followed by a string of girls carrying
buckets of steaming water. The girls started emptying the scalding
hot water in the huge tub and Mama turned on a faucet that ran cold
water in with it. "Well, are we ready for our bath?" she asked.

"You bet," the girl smiled for me. "Uh, Mama, come here a

The woman came over and Carolyn pointed down at my penis still
smiling at my nervous face. "What did they do to him?" she asked.

"Well, I've never seen a circumcised boy before. I've heard
they do it in the Southland, but not in Tarsec. Are you from the
Southland, child?" she asked me.

I didn't know where I was from, so I shrugged my skinny
shoulders, embarrassed that they were looking at my little penis.

"Well, no matter," Mama said. "I'm sure it still works." She
seemed to think this was a joke, but I just blushed.

"But why is it like that, Mama?" the girl asked, still

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"Oh, honey, they just cut off the skin," the older woman said.

"Didn't it hurt him?"

"I don't know honey," the woman said impatiently. "They
probably did it when he was just a baby."

"But babies feel things, don't they?"

"I don't know," Mama said again, obviously not caring for the
whole thought of boys being circumcised.

"That must have been scary for a little baby," the girl said,
her eyes filled with concern as her hands gently stroked my little
shoulders. After a moment, her concern for me slipped aside and she
turned back to the woman. "What if Eric doesn't like it, Mama?" she

"Girl, if you saw that boy the way I saw him just now, he's
not going to care what the child looks like down there, just whether
or not it works."

I didn't understand too much of what they were saying other
than that it was about my penis. I stood there blushing as they took
off their shoes and socks, their legs bare below the knee. When the
water was about a foot deep, Mama led me up some steps on the outside
of the tub and down some other steps on the inside. Soon the three of
us were standing in knee-deep water, all the servants gone. Both of
them took up bars of soap and started rubbing them across my bare skin
as I stood silent and blushing.

"I remember when it was Eric's turn," Carolyn giggled and the
older woman laughed.

"Well, we'll give Kelvin his real bath before the dinner,"
Mama said. "We'll want him to be all ready for Eric."

I stood silently as I felt their slimy hands rubbing all over
my body, up into my hairless armpits, up and down my legs. Mama's
hands were rubbing across my tiny nipples and she looked at the silver
medallion on my small boy chest. She held it in her slimy fingers as
Carolyn had done and looked at it on both sides. She shrugged and put
it back. I thought it looked pretty against my smooth, white skin and
looked down at it as their hands rubbed my body. I didn't know what
else to do so I just stood there. My body shook when Carolyn's tender
hands started rubbing around my little penis.

"It's okay," she smiled at my childishness. "I'm just going
to clean it." Her slimy hands rubbed all over it, rubbing my hairless
scrotum and all around my belly, scrubbing the dirt from between my
legs. "Oh," she giggled when we both felt my erection growing. She
lowered her hands and she and Mama both grinned as my little penis
quickly stood out at attention from my hairless pubic mound, the
little thing quickly throbbing up and down in the lather. "Well," she
laughed, "it works." They both laughed and my head hung lower in
shame. She started to rub soap on it again and I was soon crying
softly. My penis felt so good and I was startled by the pleasure that
filled it. It felt like it had when the Reverend Mother had rubbed
the cream on it and I found myself hoping that the girl wasn't going
to stop the way she had.

"Oh, be careful, girl," Mama said, suddenly pulling Carolyn's
hand away from my erection. "I think that had better do it for his
boyhood." Both women laughed. "Yes, Master Thorne picked a fine boy
for Eric."

Carolyn started cleaning my thighs still smiling as my stiff
penis continued to throb. "It's awful little though, isn't it?
Eric's is so big, you know."

"God, yes, child," Mama laughed knowingly. "But this boy will
grow. With a boy like Eric around, I wouldn't be surprised if he's
making babies in a week." They laughed again. I was too confused to
even be embarrassed.

"Do boys ever do anything but play with each other, Mama?" the
girl asked.

"Of course not, honey. Not when they're Eric and Kelvin's

"They're kind of like puppies, aren't they? I mean, you can't
really talk to them or anything."

"That's true. But they get around one way or another and they
are pretty."

Carolyn was washing my legs and looked wistful. "I hope I get
a good husband some day."

"Oh, you will, child," Mama smiled. "Master Thorne's got
enough money to buy you the nicest boy in town."

"What if he buys me a hairless little kid?" she asked. "What
if I have to spend all my time making sure he isn't playing with
little boys?"

"Nonsense," Mama sighed. "Master Thorne's going to get you a
big strapping boy, one who's done with childish games."

"I hope so..." Carolyn sighed.

Soon they were rinsing my naked body off, my hairless erection
now poking out clean and pink as the water ran along it. "Lord,
child," Mama shook her head at it. "Even Eric's wasn't this active."
I didn't know what she meant, but I was embarrassed anyway and blushed

They washed my hair and rinsed it and I still stood with my
painful little erection. It might have gone away, but I couldn't take
my mind off it. It felt nice when it was hard but it also made me want
to do something and I didn't know what. I was very confused.

When I was finally clean and all rinsed off, they took me back
out of the tub, stiff little boyhood still sticking straight out from
between my legs as I walked. They dried me with towels and combed my
hair then covered my body with a cool cream that felt like the magic
potion of the orphanage. Unlike the orphanage, however, they rubbed
it liberally all over my body and it made my skin feel real soft and
made it smell like baby powder. When Carolyn started putting it on my
penis, I immediately gasped in surprise at how good it felt and my
legs almost buckled with pleasure.

"Do it quickly," Mama said, and the girl's fingers quickly
coated my erection and testicles. The quick motion of her fingers up
and down on my penis made me cry again and made the pleasure between
my legs grow quickly greater. I wanted to beg her to keep doing it,
but she finished and quickly stopped touching me down there.

"I don't think he's going to make it through the night, Mama,"
Carolyn smiled at my frantic little boner.

By the time they had finished working the cream into my skin,
my hair was dry and Carolyn mussed it up and grinned at me. "You're
ready for my little brother right now, aren't you, Kelvin?" she asked.

I didn't know what she was talking about and just stood there
blushing into her brown eyes. "Daddy really outdid himself, Mama,"
she said.

"Honey, with this child I might actually start believing all
those stories about Kovz Boys. Let's see what he has to wear." She
poked around in my bag and pulled out the silk scarves uncertainly.
Only the panties seemed recognizable. "Well, I suppose he can sleep
in these. Do you wet the bed, child?" she finally asked, and I was
relieved to finally get to shake my head: I hadn't so far. She held
the panties low to the ground for me and I stepped into them. She
pulled them up my slender, hairless legs and they covered my erection.

"Mama, maybe he needs a diaper anyway," Carolyn said, treading
gently around accusing me of wetting the bed now that I had said I

"Oh, nonsense," Mama said easily. "If he wets, he wets. Eric
did until he was twelve. Hmmm. He doesn't have a night shirt
though," she said, uncertainly feeling through the silk cloths.

"He's just sleeping," Carolyn giggled at the woman's concern.
"It won't matter. Boys sleep naked most of the time anyway."

They seemed satisfied by this and they led me out of the
bathroom. We walked down the hallway and stopped at a door halfway up
it. We were about to enter when the door to the room next to it
opened and Eric poked his head out. He looked at my little body
standing between them, naked save for the panties that left a small,
skinny bulge between my legs that showed how little my boyhood was.
He was still in his suit but I found myself enchanted by his pretty
face. "Well?" he blushed to Carolyn.

Carolyn grinned from ear to ear and held her hand up in an
a-ok sign. The pretty boy blushed brighter, but smiled. He looked at
me with his deep brown eyes. They were beautiful eyes, clear and deep
and looking tender and loving as they gazed into mine. Away from his
father he didn't seem quite so shy and I could feel his eyes gazing
over my little chest and down my skinny body, a faint smile on his
slender lips as he saw the slender bulge of my erection in my panties.
"He has a boner already?" the young kid asked, blushing brighter but

"Yes, child, he has a boner," Mama admitted, shaking her head
at the boy's excitement. "If it makes you feel any better, he's had
one from the moment we left you and I'm pretty much willing to bet
he'll have one from this day on. Does that make you happy?"

Eric blushed still brighter, his soft brown cheeks growing
rosy red, but the boy still smiled at her and looked very happy.
"Yes, Mama," his high pitched voice replied, repressing a giggle that
Carolyn shared.

"Well, thank the stars!" Mama exclaimed, throwing up her hands
in mock exasperation. "He's an angel, child," she suddenly said in a
more serious tone to the young boy. "You're daddy did good for you."

Still blushing brightly, Eric looked at me again. For a
moment, his deep brown eyes locked on my pale blue ones and I felt my
small body eagerly wanting to melt into the adoration I saw in them.
Slowly, however, the young kid's eyes scanned down my almost naked,
skinny body and I felt naked again, as if all he was thinking about
was my penis and me without any clothes on. I didn't mind this, mind
you. The boy in the alley back at the city had been thinking the same
thing and I had so often wished I had stayed with him over the past
four days. If I had to let Eric play with my penis in order to have a
home, I was already prepared to do that. More than that, I found
myself gazing into his face with a strange feeling of fascination and
boyish infatuation. He was very cute. I wanted him to be my friend
as much as I'd wanted the boy in the alley to be my friend, even more
so. If that meant letting him play with my penis, I was all ready to
let him do it. I would have done anything to have a friend.

"I'll see you tomorrow," the kid's high-pitched soprano voice
smiled to me finally.

"Bye," I said, awkwardly trying to hide the boyish infatuation
I felt for him. Everybody seemed to know something I didn't but it
all pointed to the idea of Eric playing with my penis. I didn't
understand it all, but it sounded okay to me.

Mama opened the door we had been standing in front of with a
smile at Carolyn and gently pressed my back, pushing me into the room
beyond. My eyes hung back as long as they could, soaking in the
warmth and affection from Eric's, but the door frame got in the way
and I reluctantly left the cute boy standing in the hallway.

"Here you are, child," Mama said, crossing the room and
putting my bag down on the big bed. It was the most amazing room I
could imagine: far nicer than the room at the orphanage.

"Is it all mine?" I asked walking about in awe. There were
even a dozen teddy bears sitting on the bed and I resisted the desire
to dive into them and cuddle with them.

"It is for now," Carolyn smiled. "I think Eric will want to
start sharing a room with you real soon."

This was fine by me. The room was more than big enough for
two of us. It was big enough to house the whole family. Both women
kissed my forehead and excused themselves, wishing me a good night.
There were two doors in the room: the one we'd entered and another one
that must have led to Eric's room. Mama went to this one and locked
it with a key, smiling as she slipped the key into her apron pocket.
"Just in case he gets a little too eager," she smiled at me as if I
knew what she was talking about. That done, she and Carolyn exited
into the hallway and I heard the lock to my room being turned.

I looked around the room, gazing in boyish wonder. I would
have poked into everything, but I saw my bag sitting on the bed and I
was curious about it again. I hadn't had time to look in it since I
had first woken up and I'd almost forgotten what my little things
looked like. Someone had cleaned it at some point in my strange
travels and it now felt soft, almost new. I pulled the towels out
first, the white silk things billowing easily as I swung them around.
There were eight of them. They were pretty to look at and felt nice
but I couldn't figure out what they were for. Were they clothes or

Suddenly, I knew what they were: they were clothes: magic
clothes. I didn't know where this enlightenment came from, but I soon
felt my hands moving as if by their own accord. Just by thinking it,
the ends of the light fabric seemed to knit themselves together
without any sign of seams. Soon, I had formed and unformed a dozen
outfits, all perfectly fitted to my small, skinny body. It only took
two, three or four of them to cover me, depending on how intricate the
outfit. This was strange, too, because I found my fingers and the
magic of the silk forming outfits I couldn't remember ever seeing
before, some very fashionable and some so skimpy they made me blush.
I was astonished by this. I couldn't remember ever doing it before
and yet I was obviously very good at it. The only problem was the
color. I liked white, but I also like blue. My eyes widened as I
watched the silk fading from white to blue. I experimented some more,
and discovered I could make them turn any color, even several colors.

The silk entertained me for more than an hour. The only
disappointment I had with them was that they couldn't make anything as
normal and boyish as a cotton t-shirt or a pair of blue jeans.
However I shaped them and whatever color I made them, they were still
just silk. That meant that they tended to drape against my skin and
even around my penis. No matter how they were fashioned, they made me
feel embarrassed.

Finally I set them aside and picked up the lamp. It looked
valuable, but it didn't seem to do anything. I sniffed at the
opening, shook it, polished it, anything and everything I could think
of. Nothing happened. It was just a nice lamp. Again, I examined
the necklace with the two naked boys on it. This too produced no
solutions. I thought about the inscription and realized that I
couldn't possibly be Kelvin: I couldn't protect myself much less
whoever "us" was. And why hadn't Carolyn or Mama noticed the
inscription, anyway? Neither of them seemed to have been able to see
it or the two naked boys looking at the sunset. Were they blind?
They were right there. And whatever else the necklace was, it
certainly looked like gold to me: why had no one stolen it from me?
Even the boys in the orphanage were completely uninterested in it. Why
not? It was very pretty and I thought it was probably worth a
fortune. I just shrugged. Some mysteries are too big for a boy to
solve. Finally I looked at the ring, but it too just seemed like a
normal gold band, save for the strange lettering around it.

I suddenly felt very sleepy and looked down at the bed. I
pulled the blankets down and the soft fragrance of clean lenin greeted
me. Putting my things aside, my half naked body slid between the
sheets and felt their coolness caress my bare skin. The pillows were
down-filled and I lay on them amazed that I could ever be so
comfortable. This was no bed at an orphanage. This was the bed of a
king. I felt happy and safe as I closed my eyes and drifted quickly
and easily into slumber.

"Is that you, Kelvin?" A man's voice asked in my dreams.

"Yes," another voice answered. It was deep, too, and sounded
mature and full grown. For some strange reason, however, it felt like
it was my voice.

"You're in a dangerous place," the voice said. "I didn't
expect to find you here."

"That's too bad," I replied. "I'm here."

"Are you old enough to do any fighting?"

"No," my adult voice said. "I'm just a puppy."

"This is going to be really dangerous, Kel," the voice said.
"I don't know if I can save all of you."

"All of us?" I asked. "I haven't seen any of the others."

"No, I understand. Don't worry, Kelvin. Everything's going
to be all right."

"Wait, Eric," I replied feeling the presence of the other one
pausing in its retreat from me. "What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Kel," the man replied. "It's bad enough that
you're here. I can't tell you any more right now."

The voice started to fade and I didn't stop it. "I
understand," I said distantly as it departed.

"Be ready to move, Kel..." the voice said softly.



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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Two

It was mid-morning by the time I awoke. I could tell because
the room was bright with sunlight diffused through the soft, white,
chiffon curtains. Although my sleep had been deep and filled with
delightful dreams of play and boyhood, I felt an eerie fear creep into
me. I was, after all, in a strange house, without family or friends
to comfort me.

It seemed deathly quiet and I lay there with the blanket
pulled up beneath my chin wondering why no one had come to wake me.
Still, the bed felt so clean and soft that my fear couldn't last long.
I glanced to my right and saw a small, stuffed brown teddy bear
smiling into nowhere. Grinning childishly, I let one of my arms slip
from the blankets, pulling the bear halfway back under the covers and
holding it against my bare chest, snuggling it against my neck. This
was a very immature thing to do, even for a boy my age and I knew it,
but it felt nice to have a soft, furry friend.

After a few minutes of smiling with the bear, I looked around
more openly at the room. Apart from the brightness of the morning, it
looked the same as it had the night before and I felt reassured that
no one had come in during the night. I wondered if it would be okay
for me to look around the room and looked into the bear's eyes for an
answer. He didn't say anything, however, and I finally put him back
on the bed. Swallowing uncertainly, I slipped my legs from beneath
the blankets and let them dangle over the side of the bed, sitting
there with my white silk panties the only thing separating me from

I sat there for a long moment as if expecting a dozen guards
to come tearing into the room to beat me for my bravado. When none
came, however, I felt emboldened enough to push myself off the bed and
jump down onto my legs. Again I stood there testing for reactions and
again the room and house remained silent. With an impish grin at my
fears, I walked over to the large wardrobe against the wall. It was
huge compared to me and I doubted I would be tall enough to use it
very well. Still, its size seemed to beg curiosity and I was very
curious about what lay inside.

I opened one of the doors and leaned my head down to peer in
as if being cautious not to let any monsters jump out. When none did,
I stood back up and pulled the door wide, my other hand instantly
moving over to pull open the other door. It was made of mahogany,
deeply stained and beautiful. Inside, just within my reach, were
shelves and cubby holes, all empty. Below them were several drawers
and I tested each one again with no discoveries.

When I looked up, however, I found that the inside of the
doors each had full length mirrors on them. This was a find indeed
for I was astonished to discover that I didn't know what I looked
like. I saw the small, skinny boy in the mirror looking at me with as
much curiosity as I looked at him. He/I had long blond hair, the
silky strands falling down into my eyes and curling slightly against
my neck, though not so long that it reached my thin, pink shoulders.
Beneath my bangs, my eyes were a pale blue gazing out beneath long,
black eyelashes, so long they almost looked like I had mascara on. My
face was pale but flushed slightly at the cheeks, the skin as smooth
and unblemished as any I might imagine. Oddly, I felt a pang of
jealousy in my heart for the face in the mirror, though even I knew
that it was mine. I thought I was very cute.

Below my face, round but angularly shaped like a young boy's,
my neck looked very thin; not skeletal thin, but seeming too slender
to support my head which I thought now looked too big for me. I had
no adam's apple or anything to break the smooth, slenderness of my
neck. It joined to my thin shoulders between the hard ridges of my
collarbones, just above the small, childish mounds of my immature
chest. My arms dangled long and slender, without any rippling sign of
muscle or the slightest silver hair. At their end, my hands hung
limply, looking too large for the thinness of my wrists and forearms.

My nipples looked very little, colored a childish pink that
contrasted beautifully against the pale softness of my small chest. I
had so little muscle, my little chest swelling almost imperceptibly
beneath my nipples before fading smoothly into the gentle ripples of
my ribs. These didn't poke out, but they were visible beneath my
smooth, pale skin. Gazing still farther down, my rib cage led to a
thin, baby soft stomach, my belly button looking small and cute
against the smooth skin. The panties were so skimpy that my belly was
visible almost down to the mound between my legs and the skin looked
unbelievably smooth and soft. I felt myself absently licking my lips
as I gazed at it.

I felt even more enchanted by my panties themselves. They
clung tightly to my slender boy hips, the white fabric stretched
tightly enough that the pale, pink softness of my skin could just be
made out beneath. Between my legs, my penis made a little bulge in
the soft fabric, showing little more than the small size of my
boyhood, the pale blush of purple that was my little penis head, and
strongly hinting that my penis was hairless.

My legs were still childish farther down, my thighs and calves
running down to my feet in slender, un-muscled, pale perfection.
Although I couldn't see them in the mirror, I knew I had little silver
hairs on my calves. Otherwise, my legs were smooth and totally
hairless, my knees looking a little bony. I thought my feet looked a
little large, but who can tell on an eleven year old boy?

Feeling embarrassed, I adjusted the opposing mirror so I could
see my back. It looked thin, my small shoulder blades the only thing
that rippled and my shoulders un-broadened like older boys' were. My
spine made slight ripples down the center. Beneath it, my butt looked
small and round through the tight silk. The back of my legs looked as
smooth and hairless as the front had.

I turned back, put my hands on my hips and smiled at the boy
in the mirror. I thought I was a pretty good-looking boy and I
enjoyed the near naked beauty of my body in the panties. My hips
pressed forward a little and I grinned when I saw my little penis poke
more prominently from the front. It still looked very small, but I
thought it was beautiful.

I felt an odd infatuation with my body and I stood there
looking at it in the mirror. I was imagining my penis naked, felt a
strange desire to pull the panties down and see it in its hairless
boyhood. It felt very strange and I wondered if all boys felt the
same attraction for their own bodies and penises. I wondered, too, if
I could make it get an erection all by myself. Maybe I could rub on
it and get the same feeling in it that...

The door behind me was unlocking and I felt my face flush hot
with embarrassment, though I didn't know why. I turned as if in
terror, watching the doorknob turn, standing there in my skimpy
clothing between the mirrors. I didn't even know why I felt so
ashamed as I watched the door open. As I watched it moving, I felt an
incredible desire to run and hide myself beneath the covers. There
wasn't time, however, and I stood there watching in muted terror as
Mama entered my room.

"Oh, so you're finally awake," she smiled, crossing into the
room as if oblivious to my near nudity.

I stood there watching her and couldn't say anything. My
heart was pounding with guilt and shame and I was acutely aware of the
little bulge of my penis in my panties. There was a strange feeling
in it, the feeling that it got just before it got hard and I wondered
why I would get a boner just by being caught thinking about it.

"Come here, now, honey," she said, motioning for me to join
her by the bed.

I obediently walked over to her with my face flushed. Given a
choice, I would have run away and not let her look at me, but I was
just a boy and she was an adult so I walked over to her swallowing

She sat down on the bed and her hands reached out to me as I
approached. They felt good as they held to my slender abdomen, but I
felt very embarrassed.

"There, now," she smiled as her hands held to my bare, skinny
belly, "what do you want to do today, sweetie?"

The question confused me, but I shrugged. "Play, I guess," I
said, thinking that was a safe answer. I felt so small standing
before her and looked down at the ground in bashful uncertainty.

"Well, good for you," the woman smiled. "What do you want to

I shrugged, not looking at her. I felt an odd fear that she
would think that I wanted to play with her (whatever game they played
at her age) but she didn't seem to want to play with me.

"Well, you can't play with Eric, today," she sighed.
"Tomorrow... Can you play by yourself today, honey?"

I shrugged and nodded. I didn't know any other way to play.

"Well, good then," she grinned, giving my skinny body a twist
in her hands. "What do you have to play in, dear?" I wasn't sure
what she meant and didn't say anything or look any higher than the
carpet. That was okay, however, because she stood and took up my
little silk clothing. "Well, a boy can't be caught playing in things
like these," she sighed, tossing them on the bed. "Let me get you
some of Eric's clothes." Without another word, she returned the way
she'd come and disappeared out the door.

I stood there, afraid to move or even speak. I looked around
the room uncomfortably, wondering what I was supposed to do. It took
a long while of fear and uncertainty before the woman reappeared with
a small bundle of clothes in her hands.

"These are too small for Eric now," she confided setting them
down on the bed and towering above me, "but they should fit you just
fine." I felt my heart skip several beats as the woman leaned over
and unceremoniously peeled my panties down my skinny legs. My
hairless penis lay there on my testicles and I felt my face blush
crimson with heat and embarrassment. I felt the same tingling
sensation in my testicles and was deathly afraid my penis would flare
into erection again. With scarcely a glance at the little thing,
however, the woman picked up a pair of white cotton briefs and I
stepped into them with silent obedience. She seemed unaware of my
embarrassment as she pulled the tight elastic band up to my hips and
enclosed my penis within it. She seemed totally unaware of my nudity
and I stood there silent and blushing, wondering why my bare penis
seemed to entrance me, Eric, Father Donovan and all the others, and
yet did nothing whatsoever for her.

I stood and watched as she pulled a pair of cutoffs from the
clothes, then again lifted my feet and obediently let her pull them up
my legs. The underwear had left my penis somewhat exposed, at least
by showing the little bulge. In the shorts, it was completely hidden.
I felt better. The clothes, though too small for Eric, were still a
little large for me but not awkwardly so.

"What are you doing?!" a man's voice sounded behind us. I
turned in terror and saw Master Thorne cross the room to where we
stood. He didn't seem as angry as he sounded, but he looked at me and
Mama with extreme displeasure.

"I'm just dressing this boy up for play," Mama said, neither
her movements nor her voice betraying any change from the way they had
been before the man's entrance.

"He's not leaving this room!" the man commanded.

"And why not?" Mama smiled, not looking at him as she picked a
short sleeve shirt from the pile. She took my skinny little arms and
guided my large hands to the sleeves. I stood frightened by Master
Thorne and let my bare little body be clothed by the woman.

"He'll run away," Master Thorne replied, his eyes not leaving
my skinny body.

"He promised he wouldn't, didn't he?" she asked, still smiling
wryly as she guided my skinny arms through the sleeves.

"Yes," the man replied reluctantly.

"Well... sweetie, do you promise not to try to run away?" she
asked me.

I nodded frightfully, uncertain if I should agree with her or
the man. Agreeing, again, not to run away, seemed to satisfy both of

"A boy his age has to get out and run, Johnny," the woman
said, almost ignoring both the man and my own nod of agreement. "Do
you want him to be sickly?"

"Of course not," Thorne said irritably. His eyes never left
me as Mama buttoned the shirt up my skinny chest. "You must admit, I
did find my boy the best, didn't I?"

"He's a right smart boy," Mama nodded, gently patting my chest
as I stood there in shorts and shirt.

"No shoes though, Mama," Thorne added sternly. "I don't want
to give him any cause to run away."

"A boy doesn't need shoes to play, do you, honey?" the woman

It took me a moment to respond because I wasn't sure she was
talking to me. When I realized I'd been asked a question, I nodded in
innocent, wholehearted agreement. Thus far, I had no reason to run
away. I would have stayed in their small paradise forever,
particularly after the experiences of the orphanage.

"Yeah," Master Thorne said, and I could feel him smiling at me
though I didn't look at him, "I picked a right smart boy."

I felt him leaving and turned to watch him. His tall figure
disappeared through the door and he was gone.

"There, now," Mama smiled. "Are you hungry?"

I could feel my eyes widen hopefully and I nodded my head up
and down. I was very hungry. I felt her large hands resting on my
little shoulders as she guided me out the room and down to the
kitchen. There was a table there and she told me to sit down while
she fixed my breakfast. Everything was already cooked so it was just
a matter of dishing it up for me. I sat with my hands folded politely
in front of me as she placed the heaping plate in front of me. Then I
attacked it hungrily.

"My how growing boys can eat," Mama smiled watching me devour
the meal.

When I had finished, she gave my bottom a gentle slap out the
door and I found myself facing a large expanse of lush green lawn. It
seemed out of place in the dry, arid countryside, as if some garden
had been placed there surrounded by brown, rocky mountains. I
grinned, delighted to feel my bare feet as they stepped across the
soft grass. Soon, I had broken into a run and I turned somersaults
and cartwheels until I felt dizzy. For a long time I played on the
grass before discovering an almost hidden path into a large garden.
There was a man doing chores there and I delighted myself by playing
hide and go seek with him. The man never saw me, or, if he did, he
passed me off as a little boy at play and didn't say a word to me.

After another long while at this childish play, I discovered
another path leading off toward a barn down the hill. I slipped along
this one as silently as if I were still playing hide and seek,
watching for anyone who might see me. I wasn't afraid of being caught
at anything; it was just fun to pretend that someone was looking for
me. When I reached the barn door, I peered in and saw another man
shoveling manure. The smell of farm animals was heavy in the air and
I found it nostalgically pleasant, but I was more concerned with the
man. His back was to me and, creeping silently on my bare toes, I
slipped through the door and down a walkway away from him.

There was a row of stalls stretched along one side of the
walkway and I slipped into one. I stopped short when I realized that
there was a horse inside. He was a tall, dark brown horse and I
stared up at him in a mixture of wonder and fear. He looked back at
me and I almost turned and ran as he walked gently over to me, his
muzzle pressing against my chest. When I realized he wasn't going to
hurt me, I grinned and started petting him. He seemed to like this a
great deal and practically laid his head in my arms. Compared to me,
he was huge and had to lean his brown head far over to nuzzle my

"Off for a ride, Master Eric?" I heard the man's voice ask
from the other room.

"Yeah," a boy's voice replied. It was the boy, alright, and I
felt oddly frightened of him. I could hear him approaching the stall
and looked frantically around for someplace to hide. There was some
straw pushed into one corner, but I knew I couldn't reach it in time.
Instead, I stood there cradling the horse's head against my chest and
hoped that the boy would pass the stall by.

He didn't, however. He turned into the stall then pulled up
short when he saw me. We both stood there looking at each other; me
frightened that I was going to get into trouble for sneaking into the
barn; Eric... I wasn't sure why he was looking at me but he was
looking very intently, his smooth, pale brown cheeks flushing slightly
beneath his deep brown eyes. His black hair hung down into his
forehead and fell in soft curls against his bare shoulders. He was
wearing overalls without a shirt, an outfit I found intensely
attractive for his tall, thin body. His shoulders and the bare skin
of his upper chest looked unbelievably soft and smooth, the same
smooth, pale brown color of his adorable face. I found myself
wondering what his slender chest would look like bare.

I looked away from him, feeling embarrassed for how I was
feeling, and let the horse's head go. I wished I could run away and I
couldn't think of anything to say to the older boy.

"His name's Useless," Eric said, his young, high pitched voice
cracking slightly with puberty.

"Why?" I asked, thinking it was a mean name to call a horse.

"Because he's a gelding." The boy stepped into the room and
stood on the other side of Useless, petting him with his big hand.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means he doesn't have a penis," the boy replied, his cute
face flushing brighter.

The very word made me blush as brightly as Eric was and I
looked away bashfully.

"Do you want to go for a ride?" the boy asked, obviously aware
of my embarrassment. The thought of riding a horse thrilled me
instantly, all but eclipsing my embarrassment. I looked up, my blue
eyes sparkling eagerly. "Come on," Eric nodded, giving me room
between he and Useless.

I walked over and lifted my hands to the horse's saddle. Eric
leaned forward and his hands made a step for me. I stepped on them
and his long, skinny arms and shoulders rippled gently as he pulled me
up onto the horse's back. It was so high I felt a little dizzy and
clutched to the saddle gasping nervously. Eric smiled up at me and I
watched him pull himself up on the horse behind me. The saddle was
man-sized and left plenty of room for two boys our age to sit
comfortably. I could feel Eric's thighs spread wide and felt my body
pressed down between his legs. Still, I was too excited about the
horse to realize that the bulge pressed against my lower back was his
gifted penis.

The boy's slender arms wrapped around my skinny body and took
hold of the reins. He clicked his tongue and kicked the horse gently,
pulling the reins and causing the horse to whirl around facing out of
the stall. I giggled nervously as the horse started to walk toward
the exit of the barn. The stable-master saw us leaving and stood
watching, a knowing smile on his face.

Soon, Eric had the horse galloping out into the fields
surrounding the small village. I was terrified but felt secure in the
arms of the older boy. We rode for several minutes in a straight line
away from the house and it never occurred to me that I was leaving the

"Where are we going?" I shouted after about ten minutes.

"Swimming!" Eric shouted back, close enough to my ear that it
was easy to hear his voice crack.

It looked to me like everything around us was dry and that
water was a long way off, but I was too young to think that water was

Nonetheless, a few minutes later Eric slowed the horse to a
walk and guided it up over a low ridge of hard rock. On the far side,
the smooth, tanned rock dropped down into a ravine and a creek of
crystal clear water ran through the bottom. I smiled happily in the
bright sunlight as Eric led the horse a little farther downstream.
There, the creek widened into a deep pool, the water so clear I could
see the large, round rocks on the bottom.

"Come on," Eric said, whirling off the horse and turning to
reach up for me. The tall boy's hands slipped under my arms and he
helped lower me slowly to the rock. He left Useless tethered and
walked over to the creek. I followed with an excited skip of
anticipation. It was a hot day and the thought of the cool water was
a pleasant one.

We stood about five feet above the water on a large, flat slab
of rock. It felt smooth beneath my bare feet and warm from the sun.
There was very little vegetation and we stood on the rock side by
side, exposed to the clear blue sky and the warm, radiating daylight.

I jumped slightly as I felt Erin's arm encircle my thin
shoulders. He felt as nervous as I did by this and I looked at his
big hand hanging from my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked, squinting up into his cute

"Nothing," he replied, a little shyly.

I shrugged slightly and accepted his friendly contact. If
nothing else, I knew that I was his slave and that a good slave didn't
trouble with things his master did. It felt comforting to be in the
taller boy's arm and I felt good as I gazed down into the clear water.
I jumped again when I felt the older boy's other hand reach out and
start to unbutton my shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked again as if it were the only
thing I knew how to say.

"Well, you can't swim with your shirt on," Eric said as he
undid the first and second button. I looked down my pale, skinny body
and watched my little boy chest appear.

"I can do it myself," I said softly, confused by the
conflicting feelings I had, on the one hand enjoying the feel of the
boy's hands on my clothes, on the other feeling intensely embarrassed
to be so vulnerable to a boy little older than I was. I had gotten
somewhat used to having adults taking my clothes off. Eric was only

"It's okay," Eric said, his hand still unbuttoning my shirt.
"That's why Pa bought you for me."

I didn't know what he meant by this so I didn't say anything,
just stood watching as my skinny belly appeared. Eric pulled the
tails from my shorts and was able to reach the final button. He undid
it and my shirt hung open down the front, my pale, skinny body half
exposed. I looked down at my little belly button and the smooth,
hairless skin surrounding it, swallowing nervously as the older boy
slipped his hand partway beneath my shirt and rubbed it lightly across
my skinny rib cage. I didn't ask him what he was doing this time,
just stood there letting him caress my body.

"You're really soft," he half-breathed, making me blush. I
wasn't sure why the boy was touching me like that, but he seemed to
like doing it and I, nervously, liked it too. I had the same
uncomfortable feeling I'd had with the boy in the alley and, despite
my nervousness, I wasn't going to run away from Eric like I had that
boy. Besides, Eric owned me now, didn't he? I was just a slave boy
and had better do what I was told or I was almost sure to get a
beating. The memory of Oliver's slender, pale thighs and the purple
welts was still clear in my mind.

I felt Eric's big, light brown hand slide up my chest and he
held softly to the small mound of my boyish muscles. He moved so that
we were facing each other and I felt his hand sliding back down my rib
cage and down my belly. It tickled, but I was too nervous to giggle,
feeling my belly shiver with excitement as he slid over my belly
button. When his hand reached for the snap and zipper to my shorts,
however, I let out a startled cry and pulled it away.

"Come on, Kelvin," he cooed into my ear. "You can't swim with
your clothes on."

"Why not?" I asked with boyish embarrassment.

"Nobody does," he said, reaching for my zipper again. I
pulled his hand away and he sighed. "Come on, Kelvin. You have to do
it sooner or later."

"Do what?" I asked in confusion.

"Haven't you ever done it with another boy?"

"Done what?" I was so confused I felt ready to cry. Why did
everybody want to take my clothes off?

"Are you a virgin?" the boy asked, sounding as embarrassed as
I felt, his big hand returning to my chest and holding it lightly.
The touch seemed to effect me someplace inside and I had trouble
breathing. My mouth dropped open, my blue eyes staring at his soft
brown hand on my smooth, pale skin.

"What's a virgin?" I asked quietly. I couldn't look up at the
cute boy and just stood there with my little chest exposed, his long,
slender arm still holding to my shoulders as his long fingers tenderly
petted my baby soft body.

I could feel him smiling down at me in a mixture of adoration
and uncertainty as I felt his smooth, gentle hands slide up and down
my skinny rib cage. I felt so confused, a large part of me wanting to
cry while something deep inside begged me to collapse against the boy
and let him take me and do whatever he wanted to do. Eric didn't seem
too concerned by my prepubescent confusion, however, and just stood
there holding my little body in his big hands and smiling down at me.
His deep brown eyes were looking down into my face, his smooth cheeks
flushed, looking like he was as much in love with my innocence as he
was with my body.

"Don't be scared," he smiled softly.

"Afraid of what?" my high pitched voice half cried.

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Eric let out a brief little laugh and leaned down. I
swallowed nervously as I felt his lips press against my cheek, the
thirteen year old's large hands sliding slowly up and down my skinny
rib cage, fingertips caressing my naked skin. I stood panting
nervously as the older boy's fingers slipped across my hairless little
underarms, his hands moving over my shoulders, pushing my shirt open
wider. They slid across the top of my shoulders as they guided my
shirt back far enough that it was able to slip down my arms, my skinny
little chest swelling for air as it was bared to the warm sunlight and
the cool breeze. I looked down at my pale skin and little nipples,
saying nothing and doing nothing to stop the boy as he helped the
shirt over my elbows until it fell to the rock below.

His hands felt so big as they took hold of my little chest,
fingers slipping into my hairless armpits again. Again the boy leaned
down to kiss me, his warm lips now caressing my bare shoulder and
small collarbones.

"What are you doing?" I whimpered nervously.

"Trust me," he breathed, his lips scarcely leaving my baby
soft skin. "It feels good."

I didn't know what he was talking about, but what he had done
so far did feel good. Were it not for my embarrassment and confusion
at having my small body touched like he was doing, I would have
enjoyed it very much. As it was, I stood there shivering nervously as
the boy's big hands and moist lips moved over my chest and little

"Are we going swimming?" I asked softly, hoping to distract
the boy.

He grinned and stood back up, his big hands sliding down my
ribs and releasing me. I looked up at him in embarrassment. He was
adorable when he grinned, his teeth so white and perfect, his deep
brown eyes twinkling, his smooth brown cheeks blushing, dark brown
hair brushed over to the side but still falling into his eyes.
Despite his blush, however, he really didn't look as embarrassed as I
was. Still, he was gentle and willing to go slowly with a boy as
small and innocent as I was.

I almost wished I hadn't stopped him, so nice did his hands
feel on my chest. I swallowed, embarrassed now that I'd said
something to make him think I didn't want to be his friend, and stood
there blushing, wearing nothing but my cut offs. I had to remember to
be more cooperative with a boy if I wanted him to like me.

"Okay," the young pubescent boy smiled down at me. I found my
eyes looking up as the boy reached up and slipped one of the straps to
his overalls down his shoulder. His arms were long and skinny, but
his small shoulders were gently rippled with young muscle and his skin
looked extremely soft and smooth, the same soft brown of his face. He
was still looking at me and smiling as he slipped the other strap over
his shoulder, but the blush in his cheeks seemed to grow brighter.

My eyes were riveted to the boy's long, skinny body as he
lowered the front panel of the overalls and bared his small chest. He
wasn't a muscular boy, but his chest did swell visibly beneath his
nipples in small, hard mounds. His nipples themselves were very small
and colored a deep brown. Against his smooth brown skin and hard
muscles, they were particularly cute and were growing tinier as the
cool breeze touched them. His abdomen was very long and rippled with
his ribs and smooth, flat belly. This made his chest look even
smaller, his abdomen running so thin and long, the skin soft and
smooth looking. He had a small belly button and it was surrounded by
the smoothest skin of all. It felt strange to think a boy's abdomen
was beautiful, but Eric's was so smooth and brown looking and his
little belly button looked so cute surrounded by that soft, perfect
skin that beautiful was the only word I could think of.

I stared at his bared chest, so fascinated by its youthful
beauty that my embarrassment temporarily lessened to allow me to gaze
at him. I found myself infatuated with his abdomen. It looked so
firm with his gently rippling muscles, but the skin that covered it
looked so soft and perfect, the pale brown complexion of his boy flesh
running unblemished all around his belly button and up across his
boyish rib cage. His abdomen was so long and slender it just made the
small mounds of his boy chest look even more attractive. I thought he
was incredibly beautiful and felt a pang of jealousy for his pubescent

All of this passed in seconds, however, for the boy's big
hands were soon pulling the overalls farther down. It took me a
moment to realize that the boy wasn't wearing a swimsuit or underwear
beneath the overalls and it wasn't until I actually saw the first dark
hairs of his peach fuzz that I knew the boy was stripping naked.

His belly grew paler the farther down the overalls slipped but
was still baby soft and light brown. The skin looked wonderfully
smooth and perfect right up until the soft downy fuzz of his young
puberty. When I saw the little patch of boy hairs appear, my heart
skipped a beat and I swallowed nervously. They looked so little and
soft, but very dark against his pale brown skin. The only thing that
startled my boyish mind more than his boy fuzz was when his penis
began to appear.

Even at the base, I could tell he had a much larger penis than
I had. If I were to have been doing what he was doing, my little
wiener would have appeared almost immediately and all at once. With
Eric's young manhood, I could see a full inch of it appear, reaching
down into his overalls, surrounded by the little circle of his downy
peach fuzz. My mouth felt dry and I licked my lips reflexively, still
staring in surprise as more of the boy's cock appeared. It had the
same pale brown color as his soft belly, the skin running smooth and
unblemished down his long shaft. It wasn't terribly thick, but it
looked thick to a little boy who was used to seeing his own little
boyhood. By the time his big cock cleared the overalls, it was
hanging down more than five inches, monstrous to a boy my age, as big
as Sandy's, maybe bigger. It wasn't erect, but it had thickened more
than normal and looked more rubbery than limp, as if it would flare
into an erection at any second.

The thing that startled me most about his penis, apart from
its sheer size and downy peach fuzz, was the fact that it didn't seem
to have a head at all. The boy's foreskin so perfectly covered the
young thing that it looked like his shaft just ran all the way in soft
boyishness and ended in a smooth, round ball of smooth skin. I had
seen boys with foreskins in the orphanage, of course, so I had some
idea of what they were, but Eric's was so smooth I was momentarily
confused. It was only the round bulge of his head beneath the soft
skin that helped me realize that it really was just his foreskin. It
looked so pretty, I found myself wishing I had one, too.

I continued to stare at the beautiful, thirteen year old penis
as the boy's long, smooth legs lifted from the overalls and his big
feet were bared in turn. It looked even more beautiful as it moved
gently from side to side as he moved, swinging ever so gently on his
testicles, still looking on the verge of erection. He set the
overalls down on the rock, then stood up with his hands on his hips.

He stood there naked like a pubescent god and I stood a few
feet from him, mouth hanging open, gazing at him with adoration,
though I was still too young to know what adoration was. His body,
for all its gangly youth, his over-long arms and legs, his big, clumsy
hands and feet, and his skinny firmness, were unbelievably beautiful
to my eyes, the skin so soft and smooth, the pale brown complexion of
his flesh so perfect it seemed to beg me to touch it.

For a long while, I stood there and stared at the gentle
ripples of his smooth rib cage and the firm contours of his small
muscles. With his hands on his hips, I could even look up into his
armpits and see that they were hairless and the same smooth, pale
color of his young body. I swallowed with painful longing. He was so
phenomenally beautiful to my young eyes that I didn't even think about
being embarrassed to stare at it until I suddenly realized he was
looking at me. I glanced up and saw the tall, cute boy smiling down
at me. I blushed instantly and looked away. I could hear him smiling
at my childish embarrassment, but I didn't look up again.

"It's okay?" he said, and I could hear him grinning through
his high pitched boy voice.

"What?" I asked, with bashful defiance. I knew what he was
talking about, of course, but I wasn't about to admit it.

"You can look," he grinned.

"I wasn't looking," I insisted, still in a small, childish
voice. I stood there looking away, feeling the boy smiling at me, but
refused to look up.

"Take your shorts off," he said, still smiling.

I didn't say anything. The thought of showing my hairless
little penis to a boy with a cock the size of his was the most
embarrassing thing of all and I was definitely going to keep it hidden
behind the safety of my zipper.

"Come on, Kelvin," the young boy giggled. He folded his long
arms across his skinny little chest and stood back on one long leg,
causing his big penis to dangle slightly and recapture my attention.
It was so beautiful, the smooth, brown bag of his scrotum looking
smooth and hairless as it held his young, oval testicles. "Come on,"
Eric goaded again, happily switching legs so his penis swung before my

His goading was so playful, that I blushed and felt myself
smiling in excited embarrassment. It was kind of fun knowing the boy
wanted to see me naked and I was half tempted for all my innocence.
Nonetheless, I just looked down, blushing and smiling like a cherub.
I would look silly compared to him, my little penis too hairless and

"Kelvin," the boy's voice drew me to look up. When my eyes
met his, he grinned and glanced down at my little body. "Come on," he
goaded yet again.

I blushed even brighter, my ears feeling hot now. I was right
on the verge of complying when I felt the tall, skinny boy moving
closer to me. He stopped less than a foot away. I started to look up
at him, but my eyes stopped at his big penis again, staring at the
soft, pale brown skin as it dangled like rubber on his large testicles
and downy peach fuzz, his long, slender thighs running in baby soft
skin below. My smile slipped from my crimson face as I stared at the
young boy organ, now only inches from my eyes, my bashful brain
astonished by how beautiful it was and unable to look away from it.
Something was drawing my hand to reach for it and my innocent mind was
filled with imaginations of how nice it would feel pressed against my
palm. Nonetheless, I didn't move to touch it.

My body jerked as Eric's big hands again reached out and held
to my slender belly. I was so thin and the boy's hands were so large
that he could almost touch his fingers and thumbs together. I could
feel my belly quivering nervously as he rubbed slowly up my rib cage
and up under my arms, the heel of his palms rubbing over the little
mounds of my boy chest until I started to pant with the gentle,
ticklish pleasure.

"You're so little," he smiled down at me as his hands rubbed
down my ribs again, tickling me enough to make me giggle, but filling
me with so much confusion about the feelings inside of me that I just
stood there with my belly quivering.

I caught my breath as the thirteen year old moved one of his
hands to softly caress my cheek and blond hair and the other reached
for the button to my shorts. I stared down and started panting more
nervously in bashful embarrassment as I watched him undo the button,
saw my pale belly appear above the elastic band to my underwear.

The boy's hand rubbed against my neck comfortingly as his long
fingers took hold of my zipper and slowly pulled it down. I whimpered
childishly and the boy's soothing young voice breathed "Don't be
afraid." He was so slow and gentle that I did nothing to resist as I
felt his fingers slip down my open fly, rub gently against the small
mound of my boyhood in my underpants. This filled my belly with all
sorts of strange pleasures and I panted louder, my blue eyes staring
down at him fondling me in nervous fascination.

"That's a boy," he cooed, leaning over close to my ear and
kissing my smooth cheek again. One of his fingers was feeling up and
down the limp little shaft of my penis and it felt real weird as his
lips smacked silently against my face and his other hand held lovingly
to the nape of my neck. He moved the other hand down over my little
shoulder and over my small chest. When he reached my shorts, both
hands took hold of them and I stood powerless to resist as he pulled
them down my smooth, skinny thighs, over my knobby knees and down to
my feet. Reflexively, I stepped out of them without thinking and
stood in my white cotton underwear blushing horrendously. Somewhere
in my mind, I still believed that the boy would stop there and not
bare my little penis. There was little chance of that.

The tall boy stood up and I felt his hands take hold of my
thin shoulders. They drew me closer to him and I panted in confusion
as I felt my little body press against his baby soft chest. His long
arms wrapped around me and I could feel him rubbing his cheek against
my hair as he hugged me to him. His skinny body felt warm and smooth
against my bare chest. It was hard with muscles and ribs, but his
skin was so soft that I could do nothing but stand there, arms hanging
at my sides, my cheek laying against the small mound beneath his
little nipple as his hands and arms rubbed over my thin back and

I could just feel the pressure of his big penis against my
belly and down against the bulge in my underwear, could imagine his
downy peach fuzz rubbing against my belly button, and I suddenly knew
that what he was doing to me was like what the boys in the orphanage
had done. This was different, however, mostly because it felt so
nice. Through his slow gentleness, I felt loved somehow and I stood
there enjoying the sensation of his body and affection without

I swallowed nervously when I heard the young boy moan softly.
I could feel his penis growing against my underwear and against my
belly, getting longer and feeling harder. I had seen enough of
erections by now to know that he was getting one and it made me
nervous. Soon, his big cock was pulsing down between my legs, the
foreskin covered end poking against my smooth thigh. There was an
urgency between his legs now and I could feel it as it throbbed
against my little boyhood. Eric sighed and moaned softly, and I felt
him loosen his hold on me, pulling his young hips back away from my
body, his swollen penis finally slipping from between my legs and
poking up against my belly. His long arms enfolded me again and he
smiled against my hair as he pressed his warm, rock hard penis against
my naked belly button.

Erect, the boy's boner was seven inches long, more than three
times bigger than mine. Like his young body, however, it was long and
slender. It felt nice throbbing between our bellies, but there was
still the urgency that filled it and that urgency filled me with
uneasiness. Instinctively, I knew I liked the feeling of his penis,
but I was still a naive little boy and its sheer size and excitement
confused me and made me afraid.

If Eric was aware of this, he gave no sign save for the
gentle, loving movements of his hands across my thin shoulders. I
felt so little against his taller body and was so confused that I
still did nothing but stand there motionless. The young teenager
moaned again and I felt him very gently pumping his hips against me,
causing his engorged penis to rub slightly between our bellies in his
fleshy foreskin. The rhythmic movements of his naked body reminded me
of the boys in the orphanage, but his were slower and more gentle. It
felt nice to me, but I somehow knew it felt nicer to the pubescent

He continued doing this for a couple of minutes while his
hands and arms continued to rub all over my back and along my skinny
ribs. I was trying to sort out all the confusions in my mind while I
enjoyed the rhythmic movements of his smooth, young body, the baby
soft caresses of his small boy chest against mine. His slow movements
seemed to touch something deep in my mind, but I couldn't quite put my
finger on it. I understood just enough to know that I didn't want him
to stop and wanted to see the full thing through to completion. Still,
I did nothing to help him.

When he stepped away from me, my eyes looked immediately at
his big erection. It was growing red with excitement now and I stared
at it pulsing up and down rhythmically, looking harder than granite.
His pale brown foreskin had retreated from his penis head and now
collared it in gentle folds of soft skin. His penis head was a darker
shade of brown than his foreskin and was so hard it was shining,
reflecting the sunlight that touched it. It looked like it was
growing purple with his pubescent excitement. It stuck out perfectly
straight, seven slender inches of young manhood, caressed at the base
by his soft, dark peach fuzz. Beneath it, his smooth brown scrotum
held his big testicles in a round ball tightly against the underside
of his erection. Neither his scrotum nor his thighs had the slightest
amount of hair and they looked as baby soft as the rest of his smooth

I swallowed and looked up at his cute face. He was looking
down at his big cock, too. The smile was still on his face, but it
was faltering, uncertain whether he should pant or smile, the young
boy obviously preoccupied by his erection. Still, when he looked up
into my eyes, he grinned, his deep brown eyes gazing at me with

"Touch it," he grinned. I blushed and looked back down at it
pulsing up and down with the intensity of his excitement. I smiled in
embarrassment and watched the hard, stiff thing throbbing. Bashfully,
I shook my head and looked away, carrying the picture of it in my

My attention was brought back instantly when the older boy's
big hand suddenly cupped the little bulge in my underwear. It felt
wonderful and warm and filled my little penis with a sudden sensation
of pleasure that made me pant. It felt so good I actually smiled and
looked up at the taller boy's pretty face again. He grinned down at
me, the tip of his tongue sticking out between his teeth as he watched
the prepubescent pleasure in my face.

The older boy giggled at me as I looked down at his soft brown
hand gently rubbing my little penis bulge. I really liked this and
even my fear of his raging hard-on seemed to evaporate beneath the joy
I felt in my young boyhood. In childish innocence, my skinny arms
raised and I held them loosely across my chest, still smiling down at
my underwear. I was suddenly eager to take them off and bare my
hairless little penis, but wasn't about to volunteer that information
to the wiser boy.

He was smart enough to know, however, or, even if he wasn't,
he suddenly reached both hands out and took hold of the elastic band.
I panted in frantic bashfulness and astonished excitement as the boy
peeled the tight cotton down over my hips and easily down my thighs.
He gave a quick glance and smile at my hairless little penis, then
proceeded to pull my underpants all the way down my smooth, hairless
legs. Panting as quietly as I could, a high pitched whimper escaped
my lips as I stepped out of them and the boy tossed them on the rock
beside us.

"Ohhhh," he smiled as he stood up, looking down at my pink
little boyhood. It was very pale and very little, particularly beside
the big, engorged organ between Eric's smooth, elongated thighs. It
sat on my round, little testicles, as if my hairless pink scrotum was
holding the little thing up. It looked like a limp piece of flesh,
almost white, the skin as smooth and unblemished as the rest of my
small body. Unlike Eric, however, my little penis head was naked, the
circumcised flesh on the little shaft just touching the small ridge of
the pale purple head. All around it, over my belly, across my skinny
thighs, covering my small testicles, was nothing but smooth, pale boy
skin, without a single hair. Even I thought the little thing was
pretty. It wasn't beautiful like Eric's erection, but it was pretty
in its naked childhood.

"It's so pretty," Eric breathed, his big hands again taking
hold of my thin little shoulders and pulling me into his long arms.
His big penis again pressed against my belly and I could now feel the
warm underside of his scrotum laying against my naked boyhood. It was
bewildering, the strange sensations of pleasure that caressed my
little penis. My entire body felt wonderful against the warmth of his
soft skin and I panted in awed wonder as his big hands rubbed across
my skinny back.

"That's a good boy," Eric cooed into my ear, his slender hips
again pressing his big erection against my body. I could feel the
hardness of his cock as it moved up and down in his foreskin, pressed
against my soft belly. It felt good and I felt so boyishly infatuated
with his pubescent cock that I soon felt my skinny arms raising, felt
them moving around his thin abdomen and wrapping slowly around his
baby soft body. This felt even better and I felt waves of warm love
flooding my childish body and caressing my boyhood as it rubbed softly
against his testicles.

Eric was panting, but grinning happily as he stood up away
from me, my arms leaving his soft back with disappointment. "I've
never had my own boy before," he confessed, as if he were embarrassed
to admit it. I didn't know what he was talking about, but didn't
think about it too long. I was looking at his baby soft belly and
longing to feel my body against it once again. His penis was so big
in its erection that the half exposed head actually throbbed higher
than his little belly button. It was astonishing and looked so pretty
with his little circle of boy fuzz.

"Come on," Eric said, his big hand grabbing my skinny wrist
and guiding me down on the rock with him. I sat down on it and the
older boy gently pressed on my shoulders until I was laying down on my
back, my hairless, naked body exposed beneath the warm sun, my skinny
arms laying nervously at my sides. Eric laid down beside me, and
turned to face me. This caused his erection to lay against my thigh
and I could feel it rubbing against my bare skin as it throbbed up and
down. The older boy rested on one arm while he reached out with the
other and started petting my little chest with his hand. My body was
swelling now as I struggled to breathe and I lay there feeling totally
vulnerable to the excited thirteen year old.

He was too eager to waste much more time on my little chest
and the little muscles around my small belly button shivered as I felt
his big hands moving lower. My blue eyes were locked on my limp
little penis, laying back on my belly now from the small, hairless
mound between my legs. Eric's hand looked so big and brown against my
little wiener and pale boy skin.

I knew he was going to touch it, but my whole body flinched
when I felt the first contact of his fingers between my legs. I was
astonished that my little boyhood could feel such things. It wasn't
anything like having another part of my body touched and it wasn't
even quite like the feeling I had when other people I had known had
touched it. It was like Eric knew how to awaken something in the
hairless little thing and I suddenly knew that my penis was more than
I had ever thought it to be before.

Eric's fingers felt all over the small, limp flesh, tenderly
caressing the little, purple head, gently feeling the smooth, hairless
boy skin surrounding it, stroking my little testicles and smooth,
hairless scrotum. I was panting quickly, loving every touch of his
tender hand, but the boy stopped before I was ready for him to stop.

I looked nervously over at Eric, but his deep brown eyes were
locked on my little boyhood. I felt his chest rub against my ribs as
he crawled partway on top of me, his head moving closer to my penis.
Before he reached it, he suddenly sat up beside me, his big, seven
inch cock sticking straight out from between his smooth, creamy
thighs. He looked down at my limp penis a moment longer, then slowly
leaned over. His hand moved between my legs and he took my little
peter between his thumb and forefinger, holding the small thing up,
pointing it toward his face. I stared transfixed, my mouth hanging
open in astonishment as he leaned far enough over that he actually
kissed the little purple head. This sent another streak of pleasure
between my legs and I whimpered with pleasure and nervous fear.

The older boy opened his lips enough to expose the slimy skin
inside and kissed my little penis head again. This time I could feel
the warm, sliminess rub against my childish purple glans and still
greater pleasure touched me until I cried softly. Eric's eyes glanced
up at me and he smiled slightly, but his lips didn't leave my penis
head, his long fingers still holding my limp cock tenderly. He
wrapped his lips farther around the head and I lay crying softly in
wonder. His mouth felt so warm and slimy and it felt so good on my

Somewhere in my little testicles, I could feel a tingling and
could feel my pulse beating. I knew I was about to get a boner and I
felt ashamed, my face feeling hot as I blushed horrendously. I didn't
want the boy to see my naked erection. There was no stopping it,
however. Eric was dragging his slimy lips over my sensitive little
penis head and I couldn't stop it from getting hard. It stiffened in
what seemed to be less than a second. One moment it lay there limply
between the boy's thumb and forefinger and suddenly it was getting
longer and stiffer. In no time, it was sticking straight out and I
could feel it pulsing with my rapid heartbeat, the head forming a
small, hard knob against Eric's slimy lips. I could see the firm
ridge of the purple head grow harder, strongly pronounced against the
skinny, white shaft that led to it. It grew to its full two inch,
prepubescent beauty and I could see the purple coloring of the head
growing brighter, soon shining as brightly as Eric's brown one and
glistening with his slimy saliva.

The boy still held it between his thumb and forefinger as it
stood out its full, boyish glory. His slimy lips were kissing the my
little glans over and over again, leaving little trails of drool
between the cock and his lips. The smooth, hairless skin around it
looked even odder now, the small dimple at its base exposed, the small
mound between my legs fully visible. My erection, for all its boyish
beauty, looked so little in his fingers and it felt so good I couldn't
believe it was part of my body. Eric let his other fingers slip down
against my hairless pubic mound and I could feel him petting the
smooth skin as he continued rubbing his lips across my penis head.

Whimpering excitedly, I looked at the naked boy's smooth body.
I could see muscles ripple along his slender shoulders, his brown skin
looking as soft as I knew it to be. Against his belly, his huge penis
was throbbing fantastically and I wondered distantly what it would
feel like to have a penis so big it practically poked against my
chest. If my hairless little penis felt so good, I could only imagine
how wonderful a big penis like his would feel, his with its soft downy

My eyes shot back to my erect boyhood as Eric's lips slid down
over the head and slowly down the little shaft. I could feel his
slimy, warm tongue sticking out to touch it, felt it licking against
the sensitive little head, flicking lightly at the tiny slit I peed
from until I thought I'd cry from pleasure. Instead I just whimpered
louder through my ragged breathing, confused by all the things my body
was doing to me, as if it were out of my control now, had become
something dominated by the stiff little cock sticking into the other
boy's mouth.

He swallowed all of my penis into his mouth and held his lips
pressed against my hairless pubic mound as his tongue rubbed all over
it, rhythmically up and down the skinny, two inch shaft and over the
pulsing little head. I could see his smooth cheeks sinking in, felt
his mouth pulling my little penis deeper into it. The pleasure
running through my erection now was quite startling and much more
intense than the simple caresses his fingers had given it when it was
limp. His mouth felt warm and slimy, a strange feeling for a boy who
thought his penis was just a strange thing to tinkle from. It was
more than that, I knew already, several minutes before my first
orgasm. Just the pleasure of that young boy's tongue rubbing against
the sensitive glans made me realize one thing deep inside: my penis
was soon going to be the most important thing in my young life.

I lay there whimpering in startled amazement, staring at my
hairless little cock sticking straight up into the thirteen year old's
slimy lips. He was sucking on it and rubbing his tongue over the
sensitive head and I could feel the pleasure growing greater and
greater. I could feel my body squirming slowly on the rock as my thin
hips urged me to pump up and down. It was too difficult a thing to do
lying down so instead I felt my skinny legs straightening, searching
for something to latch onto as my mind was awash with the pleasure
between them. My hands grasped for something to hold onto but there
was just the rock. Still, my skinny arms flexed with the useless

Eric's lips slid up my two inch erection and he released it.
I stared at it, watching the shiny, slimy, purple head pulsing
visibly, saw the boy's saliva covering it from knobby little head to
hairless testicles and pubic mound. The cool breeze touched it and I
yearned for the warm slime of the boy's mouth. "Do you like it?" Eric
smiled up at my eager face, his fingers still pointing the little
boner straight up between my legs. He grinned, seeing the awe and
wonder in my eyes, and turned back to my boyhood. He kissed the head
several times again, reminding me of the beauty of his slimy mouth,
and I let out a startled cry as he pressed it against his pursed lips,
let the young thing press its way between them, his lips hugging
tightly to my little head as it slipped slowly inside. Once the
little knob was buried between his lips, he slid them down on the
skinny, white shaft and I watched it disappearing inside again. By
the time he reached my pubic mound, I was crying loudly, my skinny
little body stiffening as hard as my penis, small ribs bulging, skinny
thighs rippling with muscle. Without volition, my small hands reached
for his dark brown hair, held his head between my legs. His hair was
very soft, but all I was thinking about was my stiff, excited boner.

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Eric's smooth cheeks sunk in again for a brief moment, but he
didn't just hold my penis this time. This time, he pulled his lips
back up until he was sucking on just the little head. My hard,
rippling body squirmed uncontrollably and my high pitched voice moaned
as still greater pleasure raced up and down the skinny two inches,
sweeping my belly, making my heart beat rapidly. There was a smile on
his lips which was a little strange since my skinny cock was poking
between them right where they were thickest. In an instant, they
plunged down on my cock then slowly slid back up making my high
pitched voice squeal with the pleasant sensation. His tongue was
still licking it madly, along the shaft when it was buried in his
mouth, just the little head when he was sucking it.

Soon, his lips descended on my little erection again and the
excited boner slipped into the warm slime in greater pleasure. His
fingers slipped from the skinny shaft and his lips pressed down
against my hairless pubic mound, his hands petting the smooth skin
around my cock, fingers stroking my small scrotum until I cried
desperately in frightened boyhood. The pleasure was getting so great
now that I was getting scared. My penis was so hard I thought it was
going to explode with the frantic beating of my heart. I had never
felt such pleasure and it was a frightening thing for a little boy to
feel in his penis, and mine was so little it could hardly be expected
to contain such joy.

Eric didn't seem very worried by my frightened cries and his
lips moved up my little shaft again, long fingers stroking the
hairless skin between my legs. He sucked on the head for a moment,
then plunged his lips rapidly back down on it.

"What are you doing?" I cried when I was certain that my penis
was lost to me forever and that the pleasure would never stop. The
sucking boy didn't answer, just pulled slowly back on his lips then
rapidly plunging downward again. I was definitely crying now,
frightened and consumed with prepubescent pleasure I was too young to
understand. My mind was pleading with the boy to stop, while my penis
begged for his mouth, yearned for more pleasure, my skinny little body
squirming and relishing the wonder of puberty.

"NO!" I cried out when the pleasure suddenly multiplied
fantastically. My body stiffened even harder, on the verge of cramping
my little muscles, then suddenly exploded, my skinny hips thrusting
upward as pleasure raced madly into my penis, filled my body with
hard, aching delight and terror. I could feel little muscles in my
tiny boyhood flexing and each flex was accompanied by an extremely
pleasant wave of warm, all consuming happiness and a jolting shock of
tightly exploding muscles all through my skinny arms and legs. I was
so frightened by this that all I could do was lay there grunting in
childish confusion with every jerk of my naked little body.

The intensity of orgasm left me rather suddenly and I felt a
warm pleasure fill my penis, run in a wave of soothing warmth cross my
belly, filling my arms and legs with a deep sense of relief that eased
the frantic tension in my boy muscles. I continued to whimper but my
grunts grew more distant and less frantic. Despite my shock and fear,
the release of my pent up orgasm forced my muscles to relax; they
felt too tired to continue and I felt them easing until I lay flat on
the rock as if unable to move.

Eric was still sucking on my penis and it still felt very
nice, but it wasn't quite as intense as my orgasm had been. I could
tell that it was still hard but it had lost the aching that had
started to touch it at the base. Now it just felt stiff and I didn't
feel it throbbing any more. The young boy didn't seem very eager to
release my boyhood and I didn't feel eager for him to release it.
Instead, I laid there watching my small chest swelling with every
breath and let myself bask in the warm pleasure of my post-orgasm, the
warm, soothing rays of the sun overhead. Eric's lips weren't rubbing
up and down on my boyhood now, but his tongue was still rubbing it and
his mouth was still warm and slimy.

After two minutes of his gentle love for my penis, the boy
slid his lips up the hairless little erection and pulled them away,
giving the purple head one last gentle kiss as he left it. For a
moment, a stream of his slimy saliva connected his lips to my boyhood,
but the boy grinned and wiped it away with his big hand. He licked
the excess saliva from his lips then smiled happily at me, his eyes
filled with love and delight that he'd sucked me off.

"It feels good doesn't it?" he smiled down at me, laying
beside me as his big hand lovingly stroked my bare chest, filling me
with his comforting affection.

I was too confused to answer him right away and finally
swallowed and nodded. Despite the warmth and pleasure in my penis and
young body, I still remembered the wrenching terror of my orgasm and
felt a glowing embarrassment in my cheeks.

"It's okay," the boy said, his tender hand lovingly soothing
my small chest. "It's always scary the first time, but you'll get
used to it."

"What happened?" I found my voice enough to ask, just barely
above a whisper.

"It's called orgasm," Eric smiled at my innocence. He moved
his hips closer to my body and his big cock stuck out on top of my
thigh again. It looked really big now and was still pulsing madly.
My penis was softening slowly and lay back on my belly, still laying
longer than it normally did and still covered with the boy's saliva.
I gazed at it with growing wonder and remembered what Sandy had looked
like when he was rubbing on his penis in the orphanage. Is that what
he was doing? I wondered. Did it make him feel as good as it did me?

Eric's brown penis head was still swollen and shining in the
sunlight, the slit gaping open from the intense pressure of his

"Did you do it, too?" I asked, staring at his throbbing young

Eric smiled. "No. Do you want me to?"

It seemed weird for him to ask a little boy like me, but I
nodded just to get the attention off me. As soon as I'd nodded, I
suddenly wondered if the boy was going to make me suck on his big
cock, or if he was going to suck on it himself.

Eric grinned happily and lay down on his back on the rock.
His seven inch penis stuck out at his face and pulsed up and down
above his smooth, hairless belly. He looked so pretty lying there,
his small chest swelling with young muscle and his rhythmic breathing.
His little nipples were still erect and his skin was as perfect and
soft as a thirteen year old Adonis.

I sat up uncertainly, folding my legs beneath me and leaning
back against one skinny arm, my hairless boyhood again resting on my
little testicles. I looked down at it. No longer a virgin, I wasn't
quite so embarrassed by my penis. I thought it was even prettier now
and I wondered if Eric would suck on it some more and make the good
feeling come back inside it.

I looked up and watched Eric's big hand moving between his
legs. Small, baby blue veins bulged in his hand now and were visible
along his slender, brown forearm. I watched in astonished awe as the
boy's long fingers touched himself between the legs, his fingertips
feeling along it, his blushing face smiling down at it with almost as
much affection as he'd shown to mine. He felt all over it, even
petting the soft flesh that covered his large testicles. Soon,
however, even the thirteen year old's self-control wavered beneath the
pleading hardness of his big erection.

I watched in fascination as the boy's long fingers slipped
around his long, slender shaft. He took hold of it in his fist and I
could see the little folds of his foreskin moving and unraveling as
the boy slowly pulled it back down to his scrotum. His penis head
emerged fully now, shining in purple and brown beauty, the firm ridge
bulging dramatically now from the slender shaft. It shined almost like
a mirror, so hard was the boy's erection. He smiled and his brown
eyes closed, his head tipping back as if all his concentration were
centered on the big pole sticking out between his legs. I heard him
pant as he rubbed his foreskin back up the shaft and his lips parted
to allow air to pass more easily into his young lungs.

The boy proceeded to masturbate himself and I sat there
watching him too entranced to move. What he was doing to himself was
beautiful and I adored the sight of it. I could see the bones of his
knuckles poke from his hand as he squeezed his penis tighter and I
watched lovingly as it started to move rhythmically up and down on the
seven inch young manhood. It was easy for me to associate the
rhythmic strokes he made on himself to the rhythmic desires my own
penis had felt and to the frantic thrusts of the orphans when they
stuck their cocks in my butt hole. He was doing it to himself just
like Sandy had done in the shower. I knew he was feeling the same
pleasure that I had felt and, judging by the size of his gifted organ,
I was pretty sure it felt even better to him. So I sat and watched
him masturbate himself and felt a strange longing in my stomach to
join him, to be a part of the pleasure I knew he was feeling. I didn't
interfere with him, but I wanted to.

The small mounds of his chest looked harder as he jacked off
and I could see little muscles rippling beneath his tiny nipples as
his arm moved up and down. Muscles in his shoulder and down along his
skinny forearm were rippling too and the boy looked very hard and
strong despite his skinny, lanky body. I gazed down his long, slender
abdomen and it rippled with muscle, too. His young muscles fascinated
me and looked beautiful beneath his smooth, baby soft skin and around
his little belly button.

For a moment I just watched his hand moving up and down on his
penis. I could tell that he was rubbing himself faster and his
excitement seemed to grow the faster he went. The smooth, pale brown
foreskin that covered his penis moved up and down on his shaft in time
with his strokes, rhythmically swallowing his rock hard penis head on
the upstrokes. It rubbed over his young glans and looked extremely
exciting. I wondered longingly what it would feel like to have a
foreskin rubbing against my penis head like his was doing. Farther
down, closer to his body, I could see his smooth, round scrotum moving
rhythmically with his hand, his large, oblong testicles rubbing inside
the soft skin. I looked at his little, dark brown peach fuzz with
curious adoration. It looked so soft and downy. I wanted to touch it
but again held back. I wondered if I would have hair on my penis like
that one day. It was very pretty.

Eric's legs were getting stiffer as his excitement grew and I
watched them ripple with his long, slender muscles. His thighs were
very long and skinny, the skin a beautiful light brown, perfectly
smooth and unblemished, looking so soft despite his hard muscles. His
knees were still bony like a little boy's. Beneath them, small,
almost invisible, little black hairs as soft and downy as his peach
fuzz decorated his lower shins and calves. Finally came his big feet,
the long toes now pointing downward as the boy started moaning
desperately with pleasure.

I turned to look up at his soft, beautiful young face, eyes
still closed, young head lolling slowly on his long, slender neck. He
had long, black eyelashes and slender black eyebrows and his cheeks
were as soft and smooth looking as his belly was. He pursed his
slender lips as if to hold in the moans and gasps that began to
overwhelm him.

I watched as the hand the boy wasn't using to masturbate moved
up and rested on his small, firm chest. It looked big and beautiful
on his soft boy skin, and the boy rubbed it tenderly around his tiny
nipple as he moaned louder and his long, awkward body grew stiffer and
more excited. His chest was adorable, looking firm and smooth as it
swelled boyishly above his long, slender abdomen and rib cage.

Eric's big hand was almost a blur as he stroked himself off,
shiny purple head poking rapidly in and out of his soft brown
foreskin. "Oh," his high pitched voice cried, cracking softly with
puberty. "Unnnnngh!" he cried louder. The sound of his voice was
filled with orgasmic passion and the sight of his long, skinny body
suddenly stiffening fantastically told me that he was climaxing. I
looked down at his penis and stared at it as I watched his body
starting to jerk frantically in orgasm.

Just as he started jerking, the young boy pulled his foreskin
all the way back and bared his big, shiny penis head to the bright
sunlight. I stared at it and my eyes widened when I saw a small
droplet of milky fluid appear from the gaping slit. It didn't look
like pee and for a brief moment I wondered what it was. I quickly
associated it with the orphans who fucked my butt hole but I still
didn't know what it was. He didn't have very much, I thought.

No sooner did I have the thought when the thirteen year old
boy started ejaculating. His sperm squirt from his swollen penis head
in rhythmic spurts, squirting out and sprinkling across his firm
little chest. Although it looked milky, it was still thin and
boylike. He squirt out several shots across his nipples and onto his
big hand before the ejaculations became less powerful, splattering his
smooth belly and filling his little belly button before his body
started to relax and his semen oozed out from his penis head.

His sperm splattered chest was swelling quickly for air and he
sighed in relief and happiness, a beautiful smile touching his cute
young face. I watched as he loosened his hold on his big cock and let
his foreskin creep back up over his penis head. His penis softened
much more quickly than mine had and lay back on his soft belly,
looking beautiful in the pink blush of his orgasm. I looked at the
sperm on his body, the milky droplets looking prettier against the
smooth brown of his boy skin.

I heard him grinning and looked up into his happy face. He
was looking into my eyes and I loved him. I couldn't return his
smile. I was too confused by all the strange things my body had felt
and all the strange affections I felt for him in my little chest.

"Come here," the naked boy said, reaching a long slender arm
out to me. I slid over closer to him, still sitting on my butt.

"What is that stuff?" I asked as the boy's hand stroked my
bare back.

"It's sperm," he said. "You have to lick it all up."

The thought initially repulsed me and I wrinkled my nose.
"Why?" I asked him.

"So you grow up big and strong," he grinned at my innocence.
He was still panting as he talked.

I looked at it and it didn't seem too bad. "Did you taste my
sperm?" I asked, thinking of my little penis flexing in his mouth.

"Nah," he smiled. "You're still too little. You get sperm
when you're older."

I thought about this for a moment and nodded. "Hair, too?" I

"Yeah. But you have to taste another boy's sperm or you won't
get any."

I looked at the semen on his chest again and wondered if he
were teasing me. I would have been angry if he was.

"Come on, Kelvin," he said. "It tastes good."

I looked into his cute face and looked for any sign that he
was teasing. He was smiling, but he didn't look like he was joking. I
felt his hand gently pushing on my back, guiding me to his naked body.

I licked my lips nervously then leaned over his chest. Soon,
my eyes and mouth were only inches from the boy's soft skin. I
swallowed in nervousness, then stuck out my tongue and let it lick the
sperm droplets from his small chest. My tongue left a glistening
trail on his brown skin, but I didn't taste anything. Curiosity
driving me, I made a longer lick across his nipple along a small
puddle of sperm. This time I got enough in my mouth that I tasted the
thirteen year old's sweet nectar. It was good and I looked up at Eric
for his approval.

"Do you like it?" he asked, smiling.

I nodded boyishly then returned to his sperm. It was
sprinkled over his ribs and I licked them and down his baby soft
belly. I even stuck the tip of my tongue into his belly button and
tasted the thin semen coating it, filling my mouth with the sweet
taste of his puberty. Soon, the boy's chest and belly were cleaned of
sperm and left glistening with my saliva. The only thing left was his
penis and foreskin. I looked at it, oozing the last of his thin
sperm, then looked uncertainly at the older boy.

Eric grinned. "Go ahead," he told me. I looked down and the
boy had taken his big cock in his hand and pulled the foreskin back,
again baring his big penis head, no longer shining but still pretty.
It was coated with sperm and I swallowed at the thought of feeling his
penis in my mouth. I didn't suck on him, however, just stuck out my
tongue and licked the rubbery organ. I licked all the sperm from his
penis head and lapped all along his seven inch cock until it was clean
and slimy.

When I looked back at Eric, he looked so happy that I blushed
and smiled proudly. "You're such a good boy," he said. I felt his
hand on my shoulder and I obediently lay down beside him. His long
arm wrapped around my skinny shoulders and he held me close to him, my
shoulder slipping into his hairless armpit, small chest against his
side. My penis was only an inch from his baby soft skin, but I held
my hips back, afraid of overstepping the rules and getting laughed at.
I lay my cheek down against his little nipple and lay there gazing at
his big penis and downy peach fuzz.

We lay there without moving for a long time, Eric's big hand
gently caressing my shoulder and hugging me lightly. I felt so good
and more loved than I had ever felt before in my short memory. His
young body felt so nice against mine and I longed for the moment never
to end, just wanted to lay there in his arms, naked and happy.

"Do you want to go swimming now?" the older boy asked, his
slender arm squeezing my thin shoulders.

I sat partway up and nodded to him. I watched the slender
boy's long belly ripple as he sat up, smiling happily. He stood and
reached down to help me up. As I stood, my small, skinny legs felt
very weak and I would have stumbled had Eric not taken hold of my
underarm and helped me. He giggled at me and I blushed in
embarrassment, knowing that my weak knees were caused by what he had
done to my penis. The boy's big hand rubbed gently across my thin
shoulder blades as I glanced nervously at the long, slender, brown
penis dangling between his legs. His black peach fuzz still looked
soft and downy and I was envious of the beautiful size of his young
manhood. Bashfully I looked down at my own hairless little penis,
dangling limp on my little testicles now, the skin looking smooth and
soft all over the pretty little pink thing, the little purple penis
head looking innocent and childlike.

Eric's big hand was still rubbing lovingly across my skinny
shoulder blades as he guided me to the edge of the water. There was
about a three foot drop off from where we stood. Below, the water
looked crystal clear and I could see the bottom easily.

Eric urged me on briefly before letting his hand slip from my
skin and launching himself off from the rock. His penis swung about
madly as he flew through the air, the tall, slender boy kicking and
squealing as he splashed into the creek, disappeared beneath the
water. I stood there in the bright sunlight watching his body
twisting beneath the surface, watched him turn his legs toward the
bottom, straightening them out and launching himself upward. He
emerged giggling and swinging his long black hair back from his face.

"Come on," he giggled at me standing naked and hairless on the

"Is it cold?" I asked, my eyes looking down into the water
where his long boy cock floated between his legs.

"No. Come on."

Certain that it was, I took a deep breath and jumped in. At
first, the water did feel cold, but my naked skin got used to it by
the time I broke the surface. It felt great, the water caressing my
bare skin and little penis.

Eric and I played in the water for a half hour. He was a very
good swimmer and took great delight swimming circles around me,
fondling me whenever he came close to me, dunking my head and swimming
away giggling as my naked little body dog paddled after him.

Finally, my childish muscles were too tired to keep swimming
and I went to shore. "Oh, no you don't," Eric giggled and I had to
hurry to beat his older, more developed body to the beach. That was
as far as I got, however, for the tall, naked boy caught me just as I
crawled out onto the smooth, warm rock. He grabbed my shoulders and I
felt his smooth chest press against my shoulder blades, pressing me
down against the rock. The boy mounted me and I giggled and struggled
weakly, feeling his big, limp penis rubbing against my thighs and
across my buttocks. Eric was giggling too and I could feel him
guiding his penis, the long young manhood finding a soft, perfect
place to lay along the crack of my small boy bottom. I caught my
breath as I felt it getting bigger, stiffening as the thirteen year
old boy had another erection. I soon felt his seven inch cock
throbbing rhythmically between my cheeks and I could feel his smooth
body flexing as he began gently rubbing it along the crack.

"Don't stick it in me," I swallowed nervously, afraid the
youth would do to me what the boys at the orphanage had done.

"I won't," he sighed softly against my ear, his hands lovingly
holding the small balls of my shoulders as his body rubbed against

My little boyhood was pressed against the warm rock as Eric
gently humped me. It felt good and I lay there obedient and silent,
feeling the boy working his penis against the small, hairless crack of
my butt. I didn't want to stop him, so much did I enjoy the feeling
of his long slender body rubbing against my back, his long legs
rubbing against mine. I could feel his smooth testicles rubbing down
against my thighs as he moved, felt his warm breath and soft moans
close to my ear, but mostly I was aware of his big penis, sliding in
and out of his foreskin, big penis head rubbing against the baby soft
contour of my lower back. It still seemed very strange to me that two
naked boys would do this to each other, but I knew that it felt really
good to him and I liked it too, though perhaps not as much as Eric.

His breathing was growing deeper and the boy started moaning
louder as the pleasure in his seven inch penis grew stronger. I could
feel slender muscles in his skinny legs rippling as he struggled and
managed to make longer strokes against my butt. His big hands slipped
to the rock and he supported himself, crying excitedly as his penis
now slid forcefully in and out of his brown foreskin. My sensitive
little penis started to hurt a little more as it was pressed against
the rock harder, but I just held my breath and lay still, letting the
boy finish what he'd started.

His soft belly was rubbing against my lower back now, his
small boy chest lifted from my shoulder blades so he could rub faster.
I could not see his body as I lay on the rock, but I could well
imagine how pretty his smooth, brown skin would look, rippling with
ribs and muscles as the skinny young teenager pumped his hips up and
down, rubbed his penis against my body.

The boy started to cry as his orgasm finally reached it's
climax. I could feel and hear him struggling to contain his intense
pleasure as his young hips eagerly begged to shove his huge penis
frantically against me. Instead, the boy cried and his body made
quick, frantic jerks. It still made my penis hurt, pressed against
the rock as it was, but not as much as it would have if he'd totally
given into his passion. His high pitched voice grunted with every
jerk and I felt the warm, sliminess of his semen as it squirt from his
penis and onto my back, coating his young manhood and soon trickling
down along the crack of my bottom.

I could still feel the sperm spurting from his penis head as
the excited boy relaxed and lowered his young body onto mine. His
chest was swelling for air and I could hear his breathing close to my
ear as he lay enjoying his orgasm and my small, naked body. His small
hips continued to rub slowly against me, but the tension had left it
and it was soon beginning to soften, rubbing in the warm slime of his

I felt him kissing my bare shoulder as he lay regathering his
strength. His chest and belly felt wonderful against my soft skin and
I could feel his love for me as he lay on top of me.

After a few minutes, Eric gently crawled off of me and lay
naked in the warm sunlight. I sat up on my elbows and looked at his
beautiful young body. Water droplets glistened all over his smooth,
little chest, still swelling up and down as he breathed. His eyes
were closed against the sun and he raised one arm, using it too shield
him from the brightness. I could see his smooth, baby brown underarm
and little brown nipple clearly in the sunlight. I swallowed in
adoration of his naked beauty and let my eyes gaze slowly down his
flat, skinny belly to his big penis. It lay back against his belly,
the soft foreskin slowly reclaiming his young innocence. His sperm
was spread over his penis and lay coating his soft black peach fuzz.

Eager to taste more of the boyish juice, but feeling terribly
embarrassed, I slowly moved over and lowered my face between his legs.
I licked up the boy's big penis and his whole body jolted in surprise.
Tasting his sweet boy juice, I looked up at his adorable face, nervous
that he would be angry with me. The boy just broke into a huge grin,
however, and one of his hands moved out to gently stroke my face.
"That's a good boy, Kelvin," he said, long fingers stroking my smooth
cheek. "Go ahead," he encouraged.

I felt ashamed, but leaned back over and licked his manhood
again. When it was clean of sperm, I licked his downy peach fuzz,
tasting his sperm as it filled my mouth with his beauty. My tongue
couldn't feel his little hairs, nothing but the soft smoothness of his
belly, but I imagined feeling it as I licked between his legs, soon
cleaning the boy and leaving his pubic area coated with the glistening
remains of my saliva.

When I was done, I felt Eric taking hold of my thin shoulders,
holding to them and pulling me down beside him on the rock. His arm
wrapped all the way around my shoulders and he held me close to him as
his other hand gently reached across and started fondling my limp
little penis. It looked so little and pink against his big brown hand
and I lay watching him feeling it filling it with ticklish wonder,
adoring the love I felt from him as I lay in his arms.

We lay for a long time like this, the boy's long fingers
feeling all over my penis and hairless testicles. I felt my face
flush brightly a the little, two inch boyhood stiffened frantically in
erection again. Eric just sighed lovingly at it and I felt his big
fingers feeling up and down the tense, pulsing, excited little

He still held my little body against his baby soft side and I
still stared at my erection as the older boy gently squeezed it
between his thumb and forefinger. I could feel myself gasping as his
loving fingers slowly began to stroke my boyhood up and down. The
head was already shining a bright purple from my erection, but it
started to grow even brighter, almost white, as he masturbated me. He
didn't rub on it very fast or very hard, and never did his pace
change. I lay there pressed against his slender, beautiful body and
felt the pleasure between my hairless legs growing greater and
greater. My pants gradually became moans and I felt the most intense
desire to spread my legs and to pump my hips back and forth. At the
same time, however, Eric's long arm was pulling my shoulders against
his body and I felt too much like a helpless child to do anything but
lay there and feel the pleasure grow. Soon, I was crying and
whimpering in astonished wonder, silently begging the boy to rub
faster, to fill me with that intense pleasure and relief again. He
just kept going at the same pace, however, and my pleasure just kept
building and building.

Finally, when I thought I would swoon from ecstacy, I cried
out and my entire body was awash with intense pleasure. My penis,
feeling as hard as a rock in the older boy's thumb and forefinger,
stuck out so tense and excited and wonderful that my entire being
centered around it. I was crying in excitement as my naked, little
body started to jerk frantically against Eric's. It felt so good I
prayed it would never stop and I lay there worshipping its wonder, the
beauty and delight my hairless little penis was able to give to me.

I could feel Eric smiling and he kissed me as my frantic cries
slowly tapered off and I again felt the rushing warmth and release
from the excited tension of my orgasm. I lay there gasping and
whimpering, feeling so exhausted that I lay my hand across Eric's
small chest and lay against him. He kept stroking my little penis,
and it stayed very stiff and erect, but the frantic need for orgasm
was temporarily removed from it.

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Soon, Eric returned to fondling it and to feeling the soft,
hairless boy skin that surrounded and covered it. He even rubbed up
and down on my little belly which felt very nice and soothing. When I
was strong enough, he turned to face me and pulled me closer into his
arms, kissing me and pressing his big limp penis against my stiff
little erection. I held to him, still breathing deeply, my boyish
mind lost in wonder of this new beauty the older boy had taught me.

His penis started to grow yet again, but we stopped before he
got a full blown erection. When we stood up, my penis had softened
back into a little boy's and Eric's was sticking out half-hard. He
hugged me again and asked me if I liked doing it to which I could only
nod against the small mound of his chest. He seemed delighted that I
liked it and assured me that we could do it as often as I wanted to.
Were it not for my innocent confusions about it, I would have been
happy to lay there doing it over and over again. I had never imagined
anything feeling so good.

"Come on," he said.

"Where?" my little boy voice asked.

"For a ride. I'll show you where I go to play."

This sounded like a grand idea to me and I thought how much
fun it would be to play with our penises in all sorts of new places.
As we neared the horse, I stooped over and reached for my shorts,
silently stepping into them.

"What are you doing?" Eric giggled, stuffing his clothes into
the horse's saddlebags. I stood there blushing in embarrassment. "No
one comes out here. Just stay naked."

So, I handed the boy my clothes and he put them into the bag
with his. He helped me up onto the horse then crawled in behind me,
his long arms reaching beneath mine and holding me to take the reigns.
As he guided the horse from the creek, he let the reigns go with one
hand and reached down between my legs to feel my limp little penis.
As the day wore on, he would fondle it as if it were his own.

We spent the day racing over fields and through mountains.
Eric showed me some caves where he liked to play and, better still,
some old dwarven ruins where all the old furniture looked to be built
for small boys. It was a wonderful day and we played for hours,
though, apart from him fondling my penis, we didn't have boy sex
again. It was so much fun to be naked in the wilderness and I
discovered that I liked to move in different ways to see and feel my
penis dangling around between my legs. No matter how I moved,
however, I couldn't equal the gentle swings of Eric's big cock. With
its soft downy fur, the boy's manhood was too beautiful not to stare
at almost all day. I enjoyed watching his tall, slender body just as
much and the way his muscles and ribs moved beneath his smooth, soft
brown skin. He knew I liked looking at him and more than once did
things to show his penis off to me.

By sundown I was so infatuated with the young thirteen year
old I could hardly imagine being apart from him. Not only was he
beautiful to look at, but he was so happy and playful. He always had
a funny thing to say or do and was always more than eager to fondle me
and to do things to let me know he loved me. For a little boy like me,
the love of an older boy was about the most important thing in the

By the time we returned to the Thorne mansion, it was dark and
Eric had grown nervous and quiet. He led the horse into the stables
and didn't say a word as he pulled the saddle off and put it away. He
handed me my clothes and I followed his cue by crawling into them.

"Are we in trouble?" I asked fearfully.

"No," he said, a little defensively. "We didn't do anything

I didn't like feeling his nervousness as I stood watching him
pull on his socks and tie his tennis shoes. I wished he was happy and
playful again. I didn't know what to do or say, however, so I just
stood there waiting for him. As we walked up the path to the house, he
briefly put his arm around my thin shoulders and I wished he would
keep it there, but he didn't.

We entered through the kitchen and Mama was there scurrying
about and cleaning up after dinner. "Oh, Master Eric, where have you
been?" she asked, more sad than angry.

"We just went for a ride, Mama," the boy, suddenly blushing
and shy again, said.

"Your father is shouting to skin you alive, child, and you
took the little boy with you, too. Oh, my, my."

"We didn't do anything wrong, Mama," Eric defended nervously.

"I know, honey," she said, giving the boys thin arm a squeeze.
"But you know Master Thorne wanted you to save that boy for his coming
out party."

"I said we didn't do anything," my friend repeated.

"Well, now, you better go in there and tell him that, honey."
She was looking down at the two of us as if she were sending us to our
death, but she plainly wasn't going to defend us. Sad to the point of
crying, Eric led me out the kitchen and toward Master Thorne's study.

The man sat behind a huge mahogany desk and looked up scowling
at us as we entered. "Where have you been?" he asked, rising and
crossing to loom over us.

Eric was too bashful (or too afraid) to answer him and stood
with his hands behind his back not looking up. Master Throne grabbed
the boy's chin and lifted his smooth, adorable face up to him. "I
asked you a question, boy," he said through gritting teeth.

"Just out to the ruins," Eric said, near tears of fear.

"Anywhere else?" he asked.

Eric shook his head, staring up at his father with eyes

"You didn't go swimming with him, did you?" he asked.

Eric shook his head again.

"And you, boy," he said, turning on me until I almost lost
control of my bladder and wet my pants. "You told me you weren't
going to run away."

"I didn't," I said, already starting to cry, too little to
know any other means of defense. I was going to tell him that I just
went to play with Eric, but I was too scared.

"I told you not to touch that boy until his dinner, Eric," the
man whirled back on his son.

"We just went to the ruins..." Eric stammered, a tear spilling
out and moving slowly down his smooth brown cheek.

"Drop your pants, boy," Master Throne commanded, walking over
to an armchair.

"Pa..." Eric's boyish young voice pleaded.


Embarrassed and ashamed, Eric's big hands reached up and
unfastened the buttons to the straps holding his overalls up over his
smooth brown chest. The front panel fell down and revealed the small
mounds of his muscles and his little nipples. He wiggled slightly as
he walked to his father and the overalls dropped down his long, smooth
thighs, his big penis dangling between his legs. Neither boy nor man
said anything as Eric lay across his father's lap, his small, pale
brown bottom exposed. I could see his large, smooth testicles and
just make out his penis dangling down between the back of his thighs.

I was trying to keep from crying as the man started to spank
the thirteen year old boy. His large hand made a loud noise as it
slapped against Eric's baby soft bottom and I could see the boy's skin
grow pink with the first slap. Eric started to cry as he got his
spanking, his bottom soon glowing red as the man slapped him over and
over again. I cried as much for the young boy as I did in fear that I
was next as I watched him being spanked.

Master Thorne's hands slipped under Eric's smooth underarms
and helped lift him to his feet when it was over and the teenager
quickly reclaimed his overalls. Before he finished, I could see that
his big penis was sticking out in almost full erection, his foreskin
even releasing his pretty brown penis head.

Eric was too embarrassed to look at me as he returned to my

"The dinner is tomorrow night, Eric. You keep your hands off
that child until then. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," the boy cried softly.

"Now you boys get to bed."

Although I was relieved that I wasn't going to be spanked, I
felt very sad for Eric as we left the study in silence. Mama greeted
us there, quickly taking Eric in her arms and holding to me as well.

"There, there, now honey. You boys go on up to bed and I'll
bring you some dinner in a few minutes."

Sniffling, Eric and I went up the stairs and with scarcely a
word or glance, entered our separate bedrooms. I went to my bed and
cried, feeling so confused. It had been such a beautiful day, filled
with such wonder and ecstacy and now Eric was in trouble and I felt
certain that trouble wasn't far off for me. I didn't even understand
what was happening. I just knew I didn't like it. Why couldn't it
just be me and Eric playing? Why did everybody get so mad at him?




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Three

By the time Mama entered with the food, I had dried my eyes
and looked passably put together. "Here we are," she smiled
reassuringly to me. She was carrying one tray of food and Eric's
older brother Gary was carrying another. "Where's Eric?" she asked
glancing around.

I shrugged my thin shoulders, sadly.

"Is he in the bathroom?"

I shrugged my shoulders again.

"He told me Pa said he couldn't touch Kelvin until tomorrow,"
Gary said. He was looking at me intently and I felt uncomfortable.

"What? Why's that?" Mama asked the fifteen year old.

"Pa wants that little boy to be fresh tomorrow night. He
don't want them playing together until then."

"Oh, nonsense. You go fetch your little brother."

"What for?" Gary asked.

"Well, someone's got to teach this child, don't they?"

"I can teach him, Mama," the older boy volunteered eagerly.

"You hush!" she commanded sharply. "You should be playing
with that wife of your's, not little boys."

"Come on, Mama, she's pregnant again, ain't she. I just want
to help him learn. Besides, I taught Eric good, didn't I? He doesn't
know anything about little boys."

"He'll know enough tomorrow morning. Now, you go fetch him
before I tan your hide."

Gary sighed and shook his head. As Mama laid out the trays on
the bed, the older boy tried to enter the door that joined my room to
Eric's. "Door's locked," he said.

"Well, you go through the hall. I'll have a talk with that
son of mine."

The boy left us alone and Mama quickly scurried to the chest
of drawers. She soon returned with a set of pajamas. "Hurry and get
out of the clothes now, honey," she instructed. "And clean up your
face. You want to be pretty for Master Eric."

I was totally confused, but she seemed to be in a hurry so I
didn't argue. Blushing, I pulled my shirt over my head and peeled my
shorts down my skinny legs, soon standing naked.

"There now that's just fine," Mama smiled at my naked little
penis. "Here you are." She held the pajama bottoms and I stepped into
them, standing nervously as she pulled them up my legs and feeling her
cool hands caress my limp penis as she fastened the snaps that ran up
the fly. She was so eager that she didn't let me do anything and
ended up taking my skinny arms and slipping them into the pajama shirt
by herself. With deft fingers, she fastened the buttons that ran up
the front and I was fully clothed. She apparently wasn't finished
however and quickly went to the closet and returned with a baby blue
bathrobe. When that was securely tied shut, she finally relaxed.

She had finished just in time, for Gary was just entering with
Eric in reluctant tow.

"There you are, honey," she smiled at my beautiful boy friend.
"You come on in here and eat."

The tall pubescent boy was still wearing his overalls with no
shirt, though his shoes and socks were off and his big feet were bare.

"Pa doesn't want me to be around him, Mama," Eric defended

"Nonsense, honey. He bought him as a present for you."

"Not until tomorrow night," the boy said.

"Oh, there ain't no reason for waiting now, is there, honey?"

"What do you mean?" Eric blushed up at her.

"Oh, honey, I can tell what you boys were doing today by how
that child holds onto you. You come on in here and spend the night
with him or there ain't no telling what he'll be doing to himself come

"Pa said not to."

"I'll deal with him, honey. You come on in here and have
dinner, then you do what you want to do. I'll take care of Master

Eric looked eager but reluctantly uncertain, too.
Nonetheless, he walked slowly over to the bed and sat down beside his

"There now," Mama smiled at the pubescent boy's nervous
expression. "You boys just have fun tonight. Come on, Master Gary,"
she said, taking the older boy's muscular arm and pulling him toward
the door.

"Someone has to be a witness or you can't be sure they really
did it," Gary argued.

"You can be a witness sometime when they want you to, honey.
Tonight, you let them play by themselves."

Gary looked disappointed by this and left the room with her
reluctantly. I sat in confusion and watched the door close behind

"It looks good," Eric said softly.

I looked at him and he was looking at his tray of food. He
looked so cute, his bare shoulders so smooth and soft. "What were
they talking about?" I asked in embarrassment, my childish voice as
soft as Eric's, as if I sensed that Gary was listening through the

Eric shook his head. "Don't worry about it," he said, taking
a bite of chicken and gazing at me. I looked back for a moment then
blushed and started eating, too.

We didn't say anything as we ate, but our eyes met frequently.
By the time we finished, it had become a game and we were soon smiling
and giggling to each other.

Eric stood and put our trays and empty plates on the table
near the door. As he was coming back to me, he stopped and smiled
down at me. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to," he said,
blushing. "I'll go back to my room."

"Do what?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion at his
strange behavior.

"You know, what we did at the creek, play with our penises.
We don't have to if you don't want to." I blushed at this and sat
silently for a moment. "Do you want to?" the pubescent boy asked.

"I don't care," I shrugged my thin shoulders, blushing
brighter. I was still a prepubescent boy and my hormones weren't yet
as strong as the thirteen year old's; I had already had two orgasms
that day and I really didn't feel it necessary to do it again. Still,
the memory of my jerking body and childish excitement began to play in
my mind and I did think it would be fun to do it in the bed. I wished
he wouldn't ask me about it. Why couldn't we just do it?

Eric seemed to understand because he came over and sat down on
the bed beside me, his long skinny arm encircling my thin shoulders
again. "All boys do it when they get older, Kelvin. You shouldn't be
embarrassed about it," he said.

"I'm not," I said, though I knew that both of us were blushing
with equal brightness. "Why do they do it?" I asked with boyish

Eric smiled and shrugged. "Because it feels good," he said.
"Besides, if you can't learn to love a boy, you can't learn to love a
woman. That's what they teach us in Sunday school."

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked, thinking that being
naked with a woman would be really perverted.

"So you can make babies," he grinned at my innocence. "Don't
worry; you don't have to worry about that for a few years. You don't
have to get married until you're fourteen."

"Oh," I said, though I was more confused now than I had been

"Come on," Eric said, crawling back on the bed and laying down
with his head on the pillows. I smiled in spite of myself and lay
down next to him. He grinned into my face and I knew that he was a
happy, playful boy again, the one I had fallen in love with that day.
I felt his big hands begin rubbing across my little chest and belly
through the bathrobe and gazed into his deep brown eyes in adoration.

"I like your penis," he blushed and my body jerked as I felt
him reach down and squeeze my small boy bulge.

"Why?" I asked, blushing through my smile as my breathing
already began to grow deeper. The boy's fingers were moving
rhythmically over the bulge and it felt delightful.

"Because it's so pretty," he smiled into my boyish face.

"Yours is so big," I blushed, feeling like I was suppose to
say something in return.

"That's because I'm older. You're still a little boy."

"Oh," I said again, no less confused.

I could feel my penis stiffening beneath the robe and pajamas
and I smiled in embarrassment as I heard Erin grinning beside my ear.
It didn't take more than a second or two for the little thing to grow
stiff as a board and I felt the ticklish pleasure in my testicles that
was quickly growing to feel familiar. I looked up at Eric and he was
smiling into my young face filled with adoration. I blushed downward
and looked at his baby soft chest, partially exposed beneath his
overalls, his skin looking so smooth and warm as he fondled my
boyhood. I could feel his long fingers slipping beneath my bathrobe,
parting it beneath the sash that held it shut so he could hold my
little erection directly through my pajamas.

"Why does it get so hard?" I asked, trembling with excitement.

"So it feels, good," the boy explained, consciously neglecting
to tell me about how babies are made. The pajamas were made from a
very light fabric and it almost felt like he was actually holding my
penis. I could feel the fabric rubbing over my naked, sensitive penis
head, however, and that reminded me that he wasn't.

He let my tiny erection go and his big hand moved to the sash
that held the robe shut. I could feel his eyes still gazing into my
face as I watched him undo the sash, tossing the ends to the sides and
slowly spreading the edges of the robe apart until I lay exposed in my
pajamas. His hand instantly returned to my chest and belly, rubbing
them through just the soft fabric of the pajamas now, my small, skinny
body feeling almost naked. I could see the little bulge between my
legs poking out for attention, the young thing throbbing childishly in

Eric kissed my smooth cheek as his hand slid up my little
chest and tenderly unfastened the top button to my pajamas. I lay
still and unmoving, allowing the older boy to guide me as his age and
experience permitted him to do. He kissed me again as his fingers
slid down the exposed part of my little chest and slowly undid the
next button, my soft, pale skin slowly bared. My skin looked so pale
against his brown hand, not white, but a very light shade of pink that
looked innocent and childish. The thirteen year old moved so slowly
and lovingly and I felt his affection as his fingers spread my pajama
shirt wider until he could see my erect little nipples.

I jumped in reflexive innocence as I felt him sitting up,
moving his head down until he could kiss my chest and lick my nipples
until they grew still tinier with excitement. As he licked my chest,
his hand undid another button and he was able to lick lower, over my
sternum and little rib cage until my belly started to shiver with
anticipation. His hand undid the fourth and final button and he
continued to lick me as his fingers gently spread the shirt wide open,
baring all of my little chest and soft belly. I couldn't stop my boy
muscles from quivering as he licked my little belly button, his tongue
feeling warm and slimy, making my penis feel eager to feel his mouth
sucking on it again. His hands now took hold of my skinny ribs and
began rubbing up and down on them as his tongue continued to tickle
and excite my small belly. He pressed the shirt still wider as his
fingers slipped beneath my underarms, tickled the smooth, hairless
skin there until I panted with excited pleasure. It was a different
pleasure from orgasm, and not near so intense, but it was wonderful
nonetheless and I smiled through my panting. My chest felt so small
beneath his big hands and I felt very beautiful.

He licked up my chest again and I gasped and smiled bigger as
his tongue slid across my hairless underarms, his hands rubbing my
ribs until I whimpered happily. He kept doing this for this several
minutes and I was filled with warmth, the only trouble being that, by
the time he finished, my penis was frantic and aching with a desire to
be next.

He sat up with a delighted smile, obviously enjoying my
childish excitement. His hands slipped over my little shoulders and
helped me to sit up as he pressed the robe and shirt back over them.
It was a little clumsy, but we managed to get my skinny arms free and
I lay back down on the bed with my chest and upper body naked. Eric
instantly went back to work on the bare skin, sticking his tongue into
my armpits, holding and rubbing all over my skinny chest and belly. I
was so horny after a few minutes of this I felt ready to beg him to
suck my little penis. Instead, I just lay there with my arms at my
sides panting and whimpering.

I looked at the boy's bare shoulders and could see the small
mounds of his boy chest beneath his overalls. I could even see his
little nipples standing erect on his smooth skin. Filled with nervous
bashfulness, I reached out my small hand and found the button that
held the straps over his shoulders and held the front panel of his
overalls over his beautiful chest. I trembled as I undid the button
and could feel Eric's lips smiling against my chest as the panel fell
free from that side. His nipple was bared and I could see up under
his arms at his smooth skin. To reach the other button, I had to use
my other hand and Eric obligingly moved enough so I could reach
beneath his body. I felt his smooth shoulder as my fingers searched
for the button and awkwardly undid it. Now the panel fell completely
free to his belly and the warm softness of his pale brown chest and
abdomen were bared. He stopped licking and kissing my chest long
enough to push the straps off his shoulders then quickly returned to
exciting my small body.

Awkwardly I reached out and rubbed my palm over the baby soft
skin that covered his hard ribs. He was incredibly soft and smooth
and my skinny arm struggled to rub his chest and feel his little
nipples. Eric finally lifted his head from my boy chest and I
swallowed uncertainly as I felt him crawling on top of me. His bare
chest rubbed across mine and he smiled down at me as I felt his
slender body slide between my legs, the rough denim rubbing across my
sensitive erection through my pajama bottoms.

The older boy's elbows pressed against the bed to support him
but I could feel the wonderful pleasure of his body weighing down on
my chest, exciting me as I panted harder to breathe. His arms held
mine partly pinned, but I was still able to reach my hands up and hold
to his abdomen, which I did marveling at the soft warmth of his body.
Between my legs, I could feel the huge, throbbing length of his seven
inch manhood bulging against my little erection and belly, the thought
of which seemed as exciting to me as thinking about my own little
boyhood. He didn't rub it against me, but the beating of our hearts
and swelling of our bare chests pressed together made it almost
unnecessary for us to move. The pleasure between my legs was growing
greater and Eric was breathing heavier, sometimes moaning, smiling all
the time.

He lay his head on my shoulder, his dark brown hair rubbing
against my neck, as his hands rubbed up and down on my sides. I
didn't understand why he was so entranced by this prolonged foreplay,
but it felt nice so I forced myself not to rush it despite the hungry
desires in my penis.

"Ohhh," Eric sighed and moaned as he slowly crawled off me
again. He lay down beside me and pressed his small, hard chest
against my side, smiling at my innocent gaze. His hand again rubbed
up and down on my skinny chest and belly and his slimy lips again
kissed my face. I felt my belly shiver as his fingers slid down over
it, tenderly holding the little bulge of my erection again. He rubbed
it rhythmically through my pajamas and smiled as he watched the
pleasure and wonder fill my face and blue eyes.

"Are you horny?" he asked, grinning and blushing at me.

"What does that mean?" I asked blushing as brightly as he was.
It means your penis wants to do it really bad," he giggled as he
fondled my erection.

I nodded quickly in answer. "Are you?" I asked, looking into
his cute face innocently.

"Yeah," he grinned. "I'm always horny." He seemed to think
this was funny and giggled. His eyes didn't leave mine, but I felt
his big hand reaching for the snaps to my pajamas. He jerked the fly
open with one tug and cool air caressed my hairless little erection.
Not for long, however, for Eric quickly slipped his hand down and lay
his palm on top of my pulsing boyhood completely covering it, his
fingers petting my soft, hairless testicles.

"You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen," he blushed, still
smiling as he pet my hairless penis. It embarrassed me when he said
this, but I just swallowed and looked at him, feeling his warm hand
between my excited legs. The pubescent boy kissed my face again then
sat back up, his mouth again moving to my chest, lips kissing it
lovingly, tongue sliding across my boy nipples. His hand didn't leave
my penis and I could still feel him feeling the hairless skin between
my legs. His other hand held to my little chest and I grew still more
excited as I felt his lips and tongue working their way down my ribs
and belly.

I knew he was going to suck on my penis. I was certain of it,
but that didn't stop my body from jerking as his hand slid to my
skinny thigh and his lips kissed my little penis head. He was in no
hurry to suck on me and I first had to suffer in the intense
excitement of his lips kissing the hairless skin that surrounded it,
his tongue licking all around the hairless base of my penis, over the
hairless mound between my legs, across my small testicles. When his
tongue had tasted all of the hairless innocence that surrounded it, I
felt his lips kissing my skinny, two inch penis shaft, opening
slightly, making the promise of his slimy mouth as he slid the inside
of his lips up and down my stiff boyhood.

I was panting very quickly by this time and whimpering in
intense excitement, praying that the boy would hurry and swallow my
penis. Not that his kissing lips weren't extremely exciting as well
for he used them expertly against my skinny little penis, pressing my
little purple penis head back against my belly as he kissed it, my
mind slipping away from reality as I lost myself in the joy of my
little cock. I cried desperately as he started to lick all the way up
my rock hard penis, his slimy tongue sliding all over the pale skin,
up across the brightly shining head until I was a mass of aching

Giggling and grinning with delight, the tall boy crawled down
and pulled my pajama bottoms down my skinny, hairless legs until I lay
naked and gasping, eager for him to get on with it. I could not
believe how hard my penis was and how much it begged me to release it
from its intense erection. I stared in eagerness as the boy got on
his knees and moved up between my naked legs, watched intently as his
hands again started playing with my desperate erection. Waning to cry
with desire, I almost begged him to hurry but he was leaning over
again and I thought that he would at last suck me off. He didn't
however, just started kissing and licking my boyhood again, all over
the hairless skin around it, all over my little balls, all up the
skinny, two inch shaft and tiny, purple penis head.

When I thought I could bare no more of his foreplay, I felt
his hand slip between my legs, his thumb and forefinger taking hold of
the hairless base of my penis, pointing the little thing straight up
at his mouth. He kissed it again, his lips now pressing directly
against the tiny, little slit, now gaping open in a tiny hole eager to
squirt out my boy juice. He kissed it several times, again just
opening his mouth so slimy inside of his lips could rub against it.
My body squirmed slightly on the bed and in the distant place where my
young mind was hiding safely from my frantic excitement, I knew I was
going to climax at any second.

Still pointing my two inch erection straight upward, Eric
slowly tightened his slender lips and pressed them down against my
little penis head. I could feel them pursing together very tightly and
the boy pressed them down still harder until my frantic boyhood
eagerly poked at the slimy opening. I felt them part, felt them move
ever so slowly over my penis head, felt the tight warmth growing from
my little boy slit down over my head. It seemed to take forever for
them to completely cover the head and I was crying loudly with
uncontrollable ecstacy by the time his lips touched my pale, skinny
penis shaft. He held his lips there for a moment, gently sucking on
just the tiny head and his fingers slowly moved from my belly to hold
to my thigh. My little penis was now sticking straight up from my
hairless belly and pubic mound, an inch and a half of hard, white,
skinny erection sticking straight into the older boy's slender lips.
I was crying so loudly that I would have been ashamed and frightened
that someone would hear if I could only have thought about anything
other than my penis.

Eric sat between my legs with each of his hands on my soft,
skinny thighs, his cheeks sunken in and glowing red as he sucked my
little penis head, my blue eyes staring in excitement and astonished
awe as I felt orgasm starting to sweep over me. If he had held it
there, I would have climaxed frantically, but the pubescent boy
suddenly plunged his mouth downward, swallowing all of my two inch
penis, his warm, slimy saliva and mushy tongue coating it with a
sudden flood of pleasure. This disrupted my orgasm momentarily and
the boy quickly pulled his lips back up and plunged downward again.

Unlike the slow, rhythmic things he had done that afternoon,
Eric was now rubbing my penis frantically in and out of his mouth, his
lips plunging down and kissing the hairless base of my penis then
sliding back up the skinny shaft and repeating the process. He did
this so quickly and so rhythmically that I was soon squirming madly,
crying so loudly that the entire house must have heard my high
pitched, prepubescent wails. No amount of excitement in me could stop
the boy and I stared at my little erection as it was shoved in and out
of his mouth with alarming speed. The boy's neck must have hurt so
quickly and expertly did he suck on me, his smooth chest looking
beautiful against the pale softness of my belly and legs. I couldn't
see my testicles, nothing but the soft, pale skin between my legs and
the skinny little penis of my childhood disappearing in and out of his
young mouth.

This was an entirely new pleasure. In part it was the same,
but it was so fast and so frantic that it released hidden instincts of
passion in me, filled my young innocence to the breaking point with
fanatic desire and prepubescent madness. When the fantastic strength
of orgasm overwhelmed me it was filled with animalistic demand and
angry determination. My high pitched voice squealed with rhythmic
grunts as my penis and hips exploded in frantic jerks, my entire body
shuddering madly, muscles in my neck and legs cramping with an
unbelievable explosion of contortions and gyrations. It hurt
desperately and was so overwhelming that I started to cry for real,
loudly, feeling the bed shaking, almost bouncing beneath my poor,
afflicted little body. It seemed to go on forever and, despite the
pain, my little muscles couldn't stop from flexing and cramping with
determined excitement. My eyes continued to stare at the hairless
little penis between my legs as the boy kept sucking up and down on it
and I almost begged him to stop, so terrified was I of my total
explosion of passion.

Finally it started to leave me, but not so rapidly as my
previous two orgasms had. This time it held on, my little body
jerking more slowly, but still jerking, still filled with excitement.
I came back to reality by degrees, slowly feeling my chest and arms
relax before my legs and hips finally found a way to stop their mad
bucking. I was crying as I finally regained control and lay there in
childish fear and astonishment as I felt Eric let my penis go.

"Are you okay, Kelvin?" he asked, his adorable face filled
with more concern than I could have thought possible. I nodded, but I
couldn't stop from crying. Than gangly young boy quickly crawled from
between my legs and came to me, lifting my small body in his arms and
holding me, his big hands lovingly stroking my blond hair and thin
shoulders. "You poor baby," he said, sounding like Mama. "I'm sorry,
Kelvin." He held me tightly and I felt small and helpless in his
strong, sinewy arms. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I felt bad that I had scared him and soon managed to stop my
sobbing and childish antics. I sniffled and held to his small, naked
chest and back, gradually ordering myself to relax and not to worry
him. "I'm okay," I sniffled.

"God, I've never seen a boy have one so hard before," he said,
still stroking my skinny body. I let go of him and brushed the tears
from my face.

"I'm okay," I said again.

"Did it scare you?" He asked, still holding my skinny arms.

I nodded.

"I didn't know that was going to happen, I swear," he said,
his voice filled with worry and concern.

My small hands rubbed my shoulders and collarbones where the
muscles felt stretched to the breaking point. I looked down at my
penis with renewed uncertainty. Unlike before, it now lay totally
spent without a trace of erection, as if all the desires within it had
been released for a lifetime. It glowed a raw, red color and was
covered with Eric's slime.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, watching me rubbing my aching
muscles. I nodded, despite my desire not to make him feel guilty.
"Here," he said, taking hold of my shoulders and guiding me to lay
down again. His hands quickly took my place and began massaging my
neck and shoulders, doing a much better job than I had been doing.
After a few minutes of working on my arms ad neck and little chest, he
helped me to roll over and his big hands started massaging my thin
shoulder blades and skinny back.

"It must be because you're a Kovz Boy," he said, eager for an
explanation. "Maybe they can't take too much playing." His young
voice was so soothing, so filled with love and concern. After a few
minutes, I truly began to relax and felt much better as he rubbed my
bare thighs and eased my entire body of the aching tightness.

This message originated from: (0 0)
Pink Panther BBS,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 (0)40-445086
Internet: panther.pphost.nl +31 (0)40-441281
(mail only, no ftp or telnet access available)

I was astonished that no one came in to find out what all the
screaming was about, but they were apparently used to excited boys in
this house, no matter how loud they got. By the time Eric finally
lifted me into his arms again, my terror and pain had left and I felt
fully relieved and warm inside. I let him hold me and love me for a
long time, and finally smiled when he let me go. He smiled back, his
face filled with relief that I was okay.

"You'll feel fine tomorrow," he said, gently petting my smooth
face. he stood up and I gazed at his tall beautiful body as he pealed
the overalls down. His penis was dangling between his legs almost its
full seven inches, but it was limp as if the boy's concern for me had
made him forget all about his own pleasure. "We'll get a good night's
sleep tonight."

"What about you?" I blushed at my audacity, looking away as
the naked boy started to crawl under the covers.

He looked at me and swallowed, as if torn between his body's
desires and his fear of hurting me. "You should sleep," he said,
excusing me.

"But... but you said I had to eat a lot of sperm to grow up,"
I said, remembering his words from that afternoon.

"Yeah, but..."

I turned away blushing. "I like seeing you do it," I said in

Eric smiled and put the covers back in place. He crawled back
on the bed and kissed me, guiding me to lay down beside him. With one
arm wrapped around my shoulders and holding me against his chest, the
boy took hold of his penis and started fondling it.

I lay with one arm across his smooth body, my face laying
against his tiny nipple, looking down his long, slender body to his
big penis. It grew erect rather quickly as he felt it and rubbed
across my shoulder blades and he took it in his fist and started
pulling the foreskin back, revealing the big brown head. This felt
very nice and I lay smiling as I watched him masturbating again. I
still felt intensely eager to suck on his like he had mine, but,
despite all Eric's soothing, I did still feel exhausted and was
content to let him do it himself. He seemed to like it just as much
and was smiling just to hold me and have me watching him.

I rubbed my skinny arm up and down on his ribs and held
lovingly to his small chest to remind him that he had a little boy in
his arms. It was so pleasant to watch his soft brown foreskin rubbing
his penis head and to feel his slender body growing hard with gently
growing pleasure. He didn't rub with the same intensity he had that
afternoon and, instead, slowly built his pleasure up with gentle
determination. This was very pretty to watch and he was soon moaning
softly, his chest vibrating against mine.

Although I watched his skinny thighs and thin belly rippling
slowly, I was surprised when his hips started to jerk and his
beautiful penis head started squirting out his beautiful semen. It
squirt out against my arm and sprinkled across his chest and belly in
little droplets of thin boy juice. His orgasm was much more gentle
than it had been earlier that day and infinitely more lovely and
pleasant than mine had been and the boy seemed to enjoy it just as
much as he did the really passionate ones. Soon, he was laying there
holding his dripping penis as it softened, smiling with a warm blush.

I smiled as I sat up and started licking his sperm from my
arm. His ejaculation had been as strong as before and there was just
as much semen. He smiled at me as I blushed and enjoyed his wonderful
sperm, holding to my thin shoulders as I leaned over and licked it
from his chest and belly. It felt nice and warm, wonderful as it
coated my tongue with his sweet, innocent seed.

When his body and penis were cleaned of sperm, I lay down
beside him and he held me again, weariness overcoming us as our
pleasure was sated.

"Can I..." I began in embarrassment.

"What?" he smiled at my boyish face.

"Can I... you know... suck on your penis sometime, too?" I

He grinned with pride at me. "Yeah," he said happily. "You
can do it tomorrow if you want."

I nodded and smiled.

We lay there for a long time holding each other, too tired
from the day's play to crawl under the covers. Feeling warm and loved
against the smooth, beautiful young teenager's body, I dropped into
peaceful, innocent slumber.

* * * * *

There was a happy smile on my face as I slowly came to
consciousness. For long moments I was aware only of the naked boy in
my arms and how soft and smooth his skin felt next to mine. We were
laying side by side, his smooth boy chest pressed against mine, his
long, smooth legs spread apart and holding my skinny body between
them, his big cock pressed directly against my hairless little
boyhood. Soon, however, voices began to seep through and I lay still
to listen to them.

"You knew I didn't want this to happen!" Master Thorne was
saying in a loud and angry whisper.

"What happen?" Mama's voice brushed him aside. "All I see are
two boys sleeping together."

"And do you have any idea what the two of them must have been
doing all night?!" I could feel the fury in his voice and stayed quiet
more from fear than curiosity.

"I imagine they played those same boyhood games that you used
to play..." she replied, the smile heavy in her voice.

"Yes, I specifically said I didn't want Eric playing with that
boy after the little stunt they pulled yesterday. That Kovz Boy cost
me an awful lot of money!" he almost screamed, cutting off the end to
keep from waking us.

"Honestly, Master Thorne. What is all this silliness about
Kovz boys or whatever it is you call them?"

"He's a very special breed of boy. They say a boy who learns
it with a Kovz Boy is certain to have only boy children."

"Oh, posh. Look at them laying there. Poor dears must not
have gotten any sleep at all." She laughed a little bit and I half
expected to hear Master Thorne hit her.

There was a long pause and I could feel their eyes on us.
This terrified me, for I knew we were both stark naked and that we'd
never crawled beneath the covers meaning they could clearly see us
hugging each other and our naked penises pressed together.

"That Eric's going to fetch you a fine dowry, Master Thorne.
Dear boy just plays all day long."

"Yeah," the man agreed in a quieter voice. "Can you believe
how big his penis is, and he's still growing, too."

"Yes, sir, and I'm willing to bet that little child will bring
you a fine price, too. I don't think I've ever seen a prettier boy.
Look at his little penis."

"Eh. They say a Kovz Boy isn't any good for breeding. Most
of them never grow up at all. They're just little boys all their
lives. I really didn't want Eric to play with him last night. I was
going to have the whole town over when he taught the boy the first

"Not a whole lot you can do, now," Mama laughed. "Child
belongs to Eric now and it shore don't look like he's going to let him
go. Poor dear's been so alone since Calvin left. Seems he's always
having to play with himself. That ain't no way for a boy to grow up."

"Well, he's got that little boy now and when he's off and
married I can rent that boy to some of the other men in town. They'd
pay a good price to let their sons play with a Kovz Boy for a few

I could feel Eric's soft, smooth body beginning to stir beside
me and I pretended to be waking up with him.

"Mama..." Eric's young voice cracked as he tried to cover our
naked bodies.

"Oh, posh," Mama smiled coming over to us. "Don't you be shy
now, Master Eric. I just come to tell you breakfast is ready."

We were both in awkward positions. Either we rolled over and
bared our naked penises to the woman, or we lay there with our naked
bodies still holding each other. We decided that having our penises
seen was less embarrassing. In either case, we were blushing
tremendously as our bodies parted and our bleary eyes tried to find
something to cover ourselves.

Eric looked nervously up at his father as he pulled a blanket
up over his big cock, his skinny brown body looking so small and

"Well, young man," Master Thorne said firmly. "What do you
have to say for yourself? You get a spanking last night for playing
with that child before I could give him to you and then you turn right
around and spend the night with him." Eric didn't say anything. His
deep brown eyes just watched his father fearfully.

"Eric, he could have tried to escape. I wanted to make
sure he was house trained before you started playing with him," Thorne
continued, getting nothing out of Eric but his bashful eyes.
"Couldn't you have just waited?" Still, Eric didn't say anything and
Thorne finally shook his head leaving the room.

"Uh... can we have breakfast in here, Mama?" the young boy
asked nervously, as soon as his father was gone.

"Of course, you can, dear," she replied standing and starting
for the door. "You boys take all the time you need. I'll knock when
I come back. But remember, the church social is today and I'd like it
if both you boys'd come."

She left the room and closed the door. I was searching for my
underwear, but Eric fell back on the bed still naked. "Golly, can't a
guy get any privacy."

I was so embarrassed that all I could do was smile bashfully
at him and try to untangle my underpants enough to put them on. "You
don't have to get dressed," Eric said, his soft hand gently stroking
my back as I sat pulling the underwear up my legs.

"I know," I said, though I knew nothing of the sort. The idea
that we had done what we had done and that everybody knew about it
sent nervous chills of embarrassment down my spine.

Eric giggled. "I was embarrassed, too, the first time," he
said. I was so curious that I sat there in my underpants and turned
to listen to him. "It was this big affair, the day Pa decided it was
time for me to learn. We had this big dinner with all the town
over... then Pa proposed this toast, and the next thing I knew Gary
was taking me into the other room." He paused for a long moment, his
face blushing at the memory. "Everybody just stayed there and
listened to us through the door. I didn't know what Gary was doing to
me, but he was loud so I was loud. Then we went back to the dinner
table and everybody clapped." He was so embarrassed to be telling me
that he didn't even look at me, just lay there blushing and looking

"That's the way it's normally done," he sighed sitting up, his
big, young penis falling between his creamy thighs. "Some big show
when a guy does it his first time. That's what Pa wanted us to do
last night and why he was so mad that we did it at the swimming hole."

I sat uncertainly, not knowing what to do or say. I was more
confused by his words than sympathetic, however, for I really had no
idea what he was talking about. Eric picked up his underwear and I
sat silent and innocent watching him pull them on. When he was
finished, he lay back on the bed resting on one elbow and smiling at

"I really like being with you," he blushed.

I just swallowed with embarrassment. I should have told him
how much I loved being with him, but I was too shy, just sat there
blushing and nervously pulling at the bedspread.

"Well, what should we do today?" he grinned, his half naked
body still laying on one elbow.

I shrugged my bare shoulders. "I think we're supposed to go
to the church social," I said not looking at him.

"We don't have to if we don't want to. We could go swimming
or horse riding or anything."

"I think Mama wants us to go," I said softly.

"Okay," the boy replied even more softly. We looked up at the
same moment and our eyes met. "Are you mad at me?" he asked,

"No," I said confused. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing. I'm just being stupid."

We sat in silence for a moment, then our eyes met again and he

There was a knock at the door and Mama waited for our call
before coming in. She brought in a huge tray of breakfast things and
neither of us dressed before digging in.

"That's it," Mama teased. "Eat all my food like hogs." We
both giggled and she smiled at us. "Lord it's nice to have happy boys
again." She started toward the door then turned.

"You boys want a bath before the social?"

We hadn't even said we were going. "Yes, Mama," Eric said
around a mouthful of chicken.

"One bath or two?" she asked cautiously.

Eric's eyes shot to me, but when I just sat there looking at
him he turned back to Mama. "Just one," he said.

"Well, that'll save on boiling water..."

She left and Eric giggled. He looked so tickled that I
giggled too.

After breakfast, we put on two matching, dark blue bath robes
and went giggling down the halls and down the stairs to the bathroom.
It was a nice place, all wood covered, the huge tub set into a large
deck above the floor. Eric led me up the few steps to the deck and I
watched him undo his robe. With a bashful grin at me, he peeled his
underwear down his legs and I watched his big penis emerge from the
huge bulge in the cotton. He tossed it on the deck and his naked body
slowly reached out a bare foot and tested the water with his toes.

"Yiii," he gasped jerking his foot away and holding his
slender chest in his arms. "It's cold. Mama!"

The woman came scurrying in with a serving girl, a big pot of
steaming water between them. "Mercy, child, give me a moment."

Eric didn't seem too embarrassed about being naked in front of
the serving girl but I was glad my robe was still on. She scarcely
even looked at us, but I was still glad. The other boy stood there
somewhat impatiently and waited as they lifted the big pot and poured
the hot water into the tub.

"Try that, honey," Mama said, wiping her brow as they lowered
the pot. The naked boy again stuck his toe into the water and a
beautiful smile touched his lips. "Perfect," he sighed.

"Well, it's about time something was," the woman exclaimed
leading the girl back out the door. "You boys want anything else?"
she asked.

"No, Mama," Eric said. "But could you keep people out of here
for a while?" He was blushing now but Mama just smiled in conspiracy.

"Of course, honey. You boys take all the time you need." She
closed the door and the two of us stood there alone.

Eric turned and grinned at me, a cute, boyish grin but one
that made his eyes twinkle with a gleam of sexual excitement. He came
slowly over to me and his large hands started to untie the sash
holding my robe shut. I had taken my underpants off and felt my naked
body exposed as the boy gently held my small, slender waist and gazed
down at my naked little penis. The smile didn't leave his cute, young
face as he gently pulled me toward him, his soft body melting against
mine as his hands lovingly caressed my sides and back. I could feel
his big penis already half hard rubbing against my belly and his soft
foreskin against my hairless, little testicles.

I was nervous and blushing, knowing what he was doing but
uncertain if I wanted to do it again, as I felt his hands slide across
my shoulders and gently press the robe over them until it slid down my
arms and fell in a pile on the floor. Eric seemed so tall as he
hugged me again, his smooth face leaning down to rub his cheek against
my blond hair. His hands continued to explore my soft, thin shoulders
as he very tenderly pressed his hips against me. Nervous and awkward,
I gradually wrapped my arms around his slender waist and lay my face
against his soft chest. In seconds his half hard cock flared out in
erection and the hard meat seemed to push my body away from it until
the boy managed to slide it up against my belly. It felt hot and I
could feel it throbbing against my firm abdomen.

"Are we going to do it again, Eric?" my young voice asked
against his chest.

"Yeah," Eric giggled. "Don't you want to?"

I shrugged my bare shoulders. "I guess so..."

"Come on," he grinned stepping away and pulling my hand toward
the tub. "It'll be fun."

He walked backwards as he stepped back into the steaming tub
and led my hands down after him. I stepped in enjoying the feel of
the warm water and finally smiled at him. His cock still pulsed madly
between us, the shiny head pressing through his rubbery foreskin, and
I soon felt the same desire to hold it again.

Eric finally let go of my hands and his body bobbed down in
the water. I walked down the steps after him and bent my knees until
the warm, clear liquid lapped about my neck facing him. Still
grinning, the boy straightened his legs and raised his body until the
head of his beautiful penis cleared the water and pulsed upward. We
both giggled looking at it, and Eric let four more inches poke out
before slowly sliding it back down beneath the surface. "The creature
in the Thorne's bath," the boy said giggling as he stuck it back out
again. I giggled with him, still kneeling in the water and watching
the gorgeous young teenager. Smiling boyishly, I reached out my hand
and gently grabbed the throbbing meat and Eric giggled louder as my
small fingers managed to pull his foreskin back and reveal the shining
purplish brown head of his dick. The boy was incredibly hard and the
head looked utterly smooth and beautifully formed with his big

He lowered himself back in the water giggling and I watched
his brown foreskin slide across the head until the boy was back under
water. His arms stroked backward slowly as he maneuvered his pretty
body back onto the steps leading out the far side. I could see his
cute, hairless armpits as he held his arms out for me. "Come here,"
he grinned.

I swam toward him smiling and felt him turn my small body
until it was laying on the steps beside him, the water running up to
my chest, but so clear my little penis was easy to see as was the huge
penis and soft peach fuzz between Eric's soft thighs. He held my thin
shoulders with one arm and turned his head to kiss my hair and
forehead. Feeling good against him, my hand reached out to his chest
and began to stroke it gently. It felt hard and very smooth in the
water, the ridges of his young muscles and slender ribs firm against
my fingers. Despite the heat of the water, the boy's brown nipples
were still small and erect. He was still kissing me softly as I led
my hand down to rub across the firm muscles of his smooth, hairless
abdomen and the small hole of his young belly button. His cock began
to throb against the back of my hand and I gazed at it for long
moments pulsing madly. The water magnified its size and his foreskin
looked smoother and even more fleshy. His hairless, brown scrotum
clung less tightly to his big testicles and I could see them hanging
slightly in the soft sack. Around the magnified image of his penis, I
could see the pretty, dark shadow of his soft peach fuzz and allowed
my hand to slip farther down until I could pet them feeling the soft
mound between his legs.

He was hugging my thin body and holding to my bare shoulder
still kissing my face as my fingers slowly wrapped around the thick
base of his penis and he moaned softly as they slowly felt up the
long, fleshy seven inches of his young organ. I could hear him
gasping against my ear and felt his legs spreading wider as my little
fingers felt him out, too small even to reach around his big cock.
His whole body twitched as my hand tightened into a fist, feeling his
penis throb rhythmically, and pulled his foreskin up until it covered
his big head and formed a fleshy nipple at the end. "Yeah," he
sighed, his mouth open as he dragged his lips across my cheek and

I pulled the foreskin back toward his balls and the boy
stiffened tensely and stared down as his beautiful head reemerged even
shinier. "Wait," he gasped gently pulling my hand from his dick. He
was still panting as his butt slid up two more steps pulling his penis
clear of the water. "You're supposed to learn how to suck today," he
grinned at me.

"What do I do?" I asked confused.

"Come up here," the young teenager said, his fingers rubbing
my underarms as he pulled me up between his legs. Soon my face was
practically pressed against his big testicles. "No," the boy giggled.
"You'll have to get farther up." He pulled me higher until I could
feel his scrotum and the base of his penis against my chest and neck,
the throbbing knob now just below my nose. The boy panted louder.
"Now, pull the skin back." I grabbed his thick cock and again pulled
back on it until the head shown clear of his foreskin. "Go ahead," he
gasped desperately, his hard, naked body already showing signs of his
intense excitement.

The thirteen year old boy was so excited I delayed a moment
looking up at the desperation in his smiling face, then my eyes slowly
slipped down his rippling young body and stared full on his big penis
head, now looking more purple than brown. Taking my cue from what he
had done to my little penis the previous day, I kissed his cock first,
felt the hard, shiny skin pulse against my lips. It felt wonderful,
so hard and smooth, yet soft beneath the boy's soft skin. I wanted to
taste it and opened my lips just enough to rub his dick against the
slimy insides. It tasted like any other part of the boy might, kind
of like my arm might taste after a bath, clean and exciting. Wanting
to taste more, I licked the hard head and tasted it full on my slimy
tongue. Eric got so excited by this that he closed his eyes and
rolled his head to the side, smiling and gasping like a young angel.

Again I pressed the hard head against my lips and slowly
pressed it between them, feeling my slimy mouth encircle the hard
throbbing thing and feeling it warm and smooth on my tongue. As I had
learned the previous night, the boy was too big for my mouth to hold
more than the head, but this I held to tenderly being careful not to
bite it with the teeth it was pulsing against. Eric had said suck, so
I very gently sucked on it, felt my cheeks sink in as my slimy tongue
licked back and forth across the firm ridge around the bottom.

"Rub it too," Eric moaned loudly, and I remembered the
throbbing shaft still warm in my hand. I started masturbating him and
he moaned even louder, so loud that I knew half the house must have
heard him. I just lay there feeling his smooth legs rub against my
naked sides as the boy pumped his hips, his body squirming slowly.
"That's it!" Eric's boyish voice cracked, his eyes still closed as he
smiled and twisted his soft neck. "Do it faster!" I did as I was
told and soon the boy was grunting, his body squirming faster, his
smooth face filled with beautiful pleasure.

I almost coughed when I felt his penis squirting liquid into
my mouth, tasted the wonderful sweetness of his boy cream. "Don't
stop!" he cried loudly as I paused and tasted his juice. I started
rubbing him again and still sucked gently and the boy quickly radiated
intense orgasmic joy. He grunted and wailed ever louder and I could
feel his body squirming faster. "Oh," he cried. "Oooooohhh!" The
room literally echoed with his loud, delighted moans. His ribs poked
from his chest as his slender body arched and I stared at the hard
beauty of his smooth, hairless skin. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" he grunted
loudly as orgasm seized him forcing him to thrust his hips out at my
face with pubescent strength. Again I felt his penis squirting into
my mouth, felt the warm, sweet cream coat his penis before I managed
to swallow it. He ejaculated more juice this second time and it
tasted even better with his young sperm.

I started to let his penis go so I could swallow his sperm
easier, but the boy's large hands grabbed my blond hair and held my
head between his legs. His hips slowed their bucking and he pushed
them slowly upward my head riding his penis as I felt it ooze more
cream from the small slit on the hard head. I was still holding his
foreskin back and realized suddenly how much my forearm ached with my
tight grip.

Eric's beautiful body slowly relaxed and he smiled with sheer
happiness as he grew limp against the stairs, his young muscles
exhausted by his powerful orgasm. He still moaned, but they were
sweet, quiet moans from deep in his boyish chest. I could feel his
fingers stroking my hair and could feel his big penis growing softer
in my mouth. I had managed to swallow almost all his boy cream though
a little bit trickled down my chin. He made no move to let my head
free from his cock, so I just lay there sucking gently on it. It
became more difficult to keep his foreskin back as his penis softened,
and his head finally slipped back into it, the rubbery flesh feeling
so different from the rock hard erection I'd been sucking.

A full minute passed before the boy finally let me up and I
let his penis slide from my lips and saw it fall limp and rubbery on
his belly, glowing red and coated with my saliva. His foreskin
completed covered his penis now and it looked a pretty shade of brown
blending in with his smooth, brown scrotum. Eric sat up as I stared at
his penis and kissed his sperm from my chin, then kissed my lips. He
was still gasping, his small, muscular chest swelling with youthful

"That felt so good," he blushed up at me as he lay his naked
body back down. I slid down the youth's hairless legs and floated
back in the water, the little penis between my legs still limp as I
smiled back at the incredible beauty of his satisfied body. He
grinned back, and slid down into the water after me. His large hands
immediately began caressing my small naked body, more than once
fondling the small, hairless boyhood between my legs. He seemed to
accept the fact that I didn't have an erection with happy nonchalance,
just liked to play with me.

"Come on," he said, standing and walking to the side. "I'll
wash you." He picked up a cake of soap and smiled at me as I stood up
near him. "No," he grinned. "Lay down up there so I can reach
everything." I was a little shy about this suggestion, but did as I
was told and climbed out of the pool laying my naked body down near
the edge. My naked, little penis lay in its hairless youth on my
small pink scrotum and I giggled down at it, expecting the boy to play
with it.

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Pink Panther BBS,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 (0)40-445086
Internet: panther.pphost.nl +31 (0)40-441281
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Eric didn't grab the little boyhood, however. He was grinning
like the Cheshire Cat as he knelt on his knees against the side of the
tub, his large hands lathering up with the soap. He started at my
shoulders and the delightful touch of his slimy hands made me giggle.
It felt ticklish and the slimy soap made my skin feel even softer and
smoother as he rubbed me. He rubbed soap across my small chest and
tiny purple nipples and slipped his slimy hands down under my arms to
rub my armpits and all down my baby soft sides. I couldn't help
giggling as he went lower on me, his hands tickling my little tummy
until my face grew red with embarrassed delight. The boy bypassed my
penis, and went directly to my legs, rubbing soap all along my smooth,
hairless thighs and slender calves, making me laugh as he washed my
feet. He grinned at my face as he worked slowly back up my thin legs,
his large hands rubbing along my inner thighs, moving ever closer to
my boyhood. I was gasping by the time I felt his slimy fingers
rubbing the bottom of my pink scrotum, probing the little brown hole
to my butt. My penis felt a brief tingle then stiffened rapidly until
its slender two inch length throbbed with boyish erection.

We both giggled as I blushed and Eric tenderly fondled my
little testicles, covering my hairless scrotum in slimy soap, his
large hands making the small sack of skin and little balls feel
smaller. I could feel his fingers probe along the base of my penis as
the soap coated the smooth, hairless mound. He felt across the soft
skin for a long while as I blushed brighter and brighter. Gingerly,
the thirteen year old's fingers took hold of my little erection,
playing with it until the purple head shined beneath a layer of slimy
soap. He held it, feeling it throbbing between his fingers, and I
half expected him to masturbate me. I was growing so horny by his
caresses, I was eager to feel my boyish pleasure again. But Eric
didn't rub my stiff boyhood. Instead, his slimy hands held to my
skinny belly and both stroked up my slimy body making me convulse in
excited giggles. His soft palms began to rub faster across my body
and I squealed in laughter, tickled so much I couldn't breathe. Eric
just laughed and kept rubbing across my belly and chest, occasionally
rubbing across my penis to keep it stiff and frantic for orgasm.

"Eric!" I giggled. "Stop it! I can't breathe!" Finally the
cute, naked boy's hands slowed and came to a rest holding my slender
abdomen. He knelt smiling at me and I smiled in embarrassed love for
him, my breath still quick from my exertion. My naked body was
covered with slimy soap and my little penis throbbed between my legs
in lather.

"You want to stick it in my bottom?" he blushed, one of his
hands slowly rubbing up my chest and fingering my little nipple.

I grew serious when he said that, for my mind was filled with
the pain the boys had caused me in the orphanage. "Inside it?" I
swallowed nervously.

"Yeah," the boy blushed, his hand sliding back down to hold my
belly. I didn't say anything, just looked down at my pulsing penis

"Come on," Eric said, standing in the water and walking up the
steps. "Don't wash off," the boy stopped me when I started to climb in
the pool. It's fun when you're slimy." I sat up on my knees and
watched as the boy grabbed his bathrobe and put it on a pile on the
deck. He crawled down on all fours so that the robe was between his
legs and I could see his big penis dangling beneath his body. "Well,
come on," his voice cracked. He was blushing as bright red as I was,
but I got up on my knees and moved toward him, my stiff little penis
sticking straight out from my body. "No, get behind me and put your
knees on the robe." I did as the boy told me, staring at his smooth,
round bottom as I neared it. I could see his spine sticking out the
length of his slender back and the pretty ripples of his shoulders and
shoulder blades where his back broadened in smooth, brown skin. I
could also see, however, between the smooth cheeks of the boy's butt,
a small, dark brown, hairless hole where I was expected to stick my

"Go ahead," he urged me, his cute face twisted around to watch
as much as possible. I looked down at my throbbing little penis,
still covered with the soap that coated my body. It looked so small
and innocent with its hairless pink skin. Then I looked at Eric's
tight, little butthole again and felt nervous butterflies in my
stomach. Eric didn't rush me as I slid my hips closer to him, holding
his hips to steady myself. My little purple penis head was less then
an inch from his small, brown butthole, and I moved it closer feeling
still more nervous. I stared down at it as I placed it against the
hole then slowly pressed my hips forward. The stiff little penis
immediately slipped up the boy's crack and I felt my little balls
against his butt.

"Use your hand," he instructed. I was gasping and even
letting out little crying moans as I took my little erection in my
fingers and again placed the small, purple head against his butthole.
I pushed forward again and almost felt the penis slip away again, but
my fingers held it pointed straight at the boy's butt and instead I
felt the firm resistance of his body. I pressed harder on it and was
about to think it wouldn't go in when I suddenly felt his hole opening
and saw my little head disappear into it.

I gasped immediately and stared at the exposed shaft of my
boyhood where it slipped inside the young boy. Still holding it with
my fingers, I gently pushed my hips forward and felt the slender
little penis slide easily up Eric's butt. It felt tight and warm and
I moved my hand allowing me to insert the last of my erection into him
until my pink, hairless scrotum was all the way against his butt.

"That's it," Eric giggled delightedly. "It feels good. Now
lay down on me."

Swallowing and panting, I slowly lay my chest down until it
was resting on the boy's smooth young back. The soap made us both
feel slimy, a pleasure I would have enjoyed more had my penis not been
so intensely excited about being in his butt. I lay my cheek down on
his shoulder blade and delighted in the warm smoothness of his skin.
Without thinking about it, my arms wrapped around his firm chest and I
rubbed across it lovingly.

"Rub it in and out," the boy said. For a moment I didn't know
what he was talking about. When I realized he meant my penis, I began
gasping and panting with boyish excitement. It wasn't easy to move
very well holding to the naked boy beneath me, but my penis was so
small it really didn't matter. All I had to do was pull my hips back
slightly and then push them back forward and I soon felt my little
erection sliding easily in and out of his butt. The hole was tight,
but my penis was so small and slimy with soap that it fucked the boy
without problem.

Eric giggled at my moans and pants and kept encouraging me to
go faster. Soon my little body was fucking him so frantically I looked
like I was just jerking on top of him. My hands still caressed the
boy's young chest and I managed to stroke his armpits and worship the
soft, boyish flesh there. I cried out suddenly when I felt my penis
slide from his butthole, and was so excited I quickly got up on my
knees and grabbed the frantic erection. Without waiting for guidance,
I held it against his little butthole and shoved it back into him, the
stiff little thing penetrating his body without problem. The reentry
caused my pleasure to increase, however, and I lay forward on his back
moaning and facing him even more desperately. There was something
intensely pleasing about feeling my penis slide in and out the tight
hole, something about feeling his soft body between my legs, something
that made my little penis feel big and mature instead of the hairless,
little boyhood it was.

Eric didn't say anything as I squeezed his slender chest even
tighter and let out high pitched grunts of excitement. I could feel
his lungs as they expanded for air, felt his smooth body swell with
every one. My boyish orgasm climaxed sending my senses reeling and I
shoved my little penis into the boy's butt with fierce determination,
my body jerking in uncontrollable pleasure. I was still facing him
when I came back to earth, my penis still sliding in and out as I lay
whimpering with pleasure on his broad, young shoulders. When the
hairless, little thing had grown too limp, I pulled it from his tight
little hole but still lay with it pressed against the warm crack. I
felt so worn out I didn't want to let go of him and continued stroking
his smooth, soft, boyish skin.

Eric rolled over after a while and grinned lovingly up at me.
I lay my exhausted body down on him, felt his big rubbery penis
between our bodies as he hugged, and gently petted my thin back.

The door opened and Gary stuck his head in staring at our
naked, slimy bodies as they hugged each other. "Breakfast is ready,"
his deep voice said. Eric and I both jumped at the intrusion but the
young adolescent just kept watching us.

"Get out of here!" Eric yelled sitting up on his butt, his big
penis falling between his legs. "Mama!" Gary's face disappeared and
he slammed the door quickly. I scarcely had time to sit up when the
door opened again and Mama entered.

"What is it, child?" she asked, scarcely glancing at our naked

"Gary won't leave us alone," the cute boy whined.

"Why that... You boys just go back to playing with each
other. I'll take care of that young man..."

Eric shook his head and sighed at me. "Come on," he said,
smiling suddenly with happiness. He crawled over into the tub and
held out his arms for me as I crawled in after him. We cleaned each
other off, then played games in the water, wrestling and throwing it
around the room, the youth's big penis and my little boyhood naked and

After breakfast, the two of us went to Eric's room to dress.
We both wore matching dark blue shorts and baby blue, mesh tank tops
with no shoes. It was a warm day, and Eric said we should wear
something comfortable to church.

Shorts and skimpy tank tops seemed too comfortable to me, but
when we arrived at church I was astonished to see that most of the
boys our age were stark naked. We rode in on Eric's horse apart from
the rest of the family and I was even more astonished when Master
Thorne saw us. As soon as we crawled off the horse he grabbed Eric's
bare biceps and jerked him aside.

"What are you doing in that outfit, young man?" he hissed.

Eric tried to look boldly up at him but it was obvious he was
only a timid young boy. "We felt like it," he said.

"How is anyone supposed to know what you look like if you're
wearing clothes?"

Eric shrugged, his dark brown eyes now too shy to look back up
at the man as he blushed.

"Take them off! I want these people to see that penis of
yours. Kelvin's, too. There's a new family in town and they're
interested in renting him." The man hitched up his slacks and
strolled back to the group of men he'd been talking with as if nothing
had happened.

Eric looked near tears as he tied the horse to the hitching

"What's wrong?" my little voice asked.

"Oh, he wants us to take our clothes off so the people can
look at us," he said as if it made sense.

"Why?" I asked.

The boy blushed brighter and sighed. "Because a lot of people
who come here are looking for boys for their girls to marry. Pa
thinks they'll pay a lot for me because my penis is so big."

"You mean he's trying to sell you?!" I asked in shock.

"No. He wants the dowry. There aren't enough boys to go
around for all the girls, so the girl whose parents pay the biggest
dowry usually gets the boy and they pay more for boys with bigger

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they think big penises make more boys."

"Why does he want me to take mine off? I have a little one."

"Yeah, but you're a Kovz Boy. He wants to loan you to someone
so their son can play with you."

"You mean naked?" I asked, shocked at the thought.

"Yeah," my boy sighed, "but don't worry: they can't make you
do it if you don't want to. Just say no if you don't like him. Or
tell me. I'll tell them for you."

I was really confused, but I didn't say anything. Not looking
at all happy, the cute boy stepped back and pulled his tank top over
his head and off. His soft, naked chest looked so adorable in the warm
sunlight. I just watched as he grabbed his shorts and slid them down
his legs, his big penis swinging between his thighs.

Horrendously embarrassed, but eager to help my friend, I
stripped off my own clothes then blushed at him with a loving smile.
He smiled back and I felt his arm wrap around my thin shoulders as he
led me toward the group of men talking with his father. If there was
a shortage of boys in their community, one wouldn't know it to be at
the church social. Naked boys seemed to be everywhere, running,
laughing, playing, their young penises, some with the beginning stages
of pubic hair growth but most as hairless and little as mine, dangling
in full view for everyone to see. Women walked around with their
daughters, eyeing the boys with obvious interest in their penises,
like they were buying cattle or something. Sometimes a boy would stop
and I'd stare amazed as the women and girls would examine his penis
sometimes even feeling it or stroking his peach fuzz or pubic hair.

Other boys seemed to be in pairs, as naked as the others but
obviously together. These were examined every bit as much as the
others and all the boys blushed nervously when they knew they were
being looked at. Eric avoided the meat market, however, and we walked
with arms around each other's bodies toward his father.

Master Thorne tensed visibly when he saw us approach, my
little circumcised penis sitting between my legs.

"Ah, John, this must be the boy you brought from the
orphanage," one of the men smiled at me causing me to blush. I could
feel his eyes scan my body and felt glad that Eric was holding me. "A
Southland boy, eh?"

"Uh, no, actually, he's a Kovz Boy," Master Thorne said with
casual pride.

"Is that true?" another man asked. "I thought that was just a

"Well, now you see," Thorne smiled proudly.

The other men again looked at me but even more closely, a
degree of awe in their eyes that made me feel even more shy.

"A Kovz Boy..." one of them said. "Where'd you get the money
for one of them?"

"Well, when you've got a boy like Eric, you have to get him
the very best."

"Looks like Master Eric has a playmate again," the man smiled
causing the others to laugh and Eric to blush. "Seems a little young
for Eric though isn't he, John?"

"Oh, perhaps, but they're such a cute pair of boys, aren't

The men nodded agreeably.

"Well, if you were looking for a little boy for Eric you could
have had my Tommy. He's a little young yet but I'd have paid well for
Eric's services. He looks like he has a lot of sperm for a young boy,"
the man said glancing at Eric's big penis. "Fact, he might be able to
handle two boys, John. Boy like that needs a lot of attention."

"Yes, well, from the sounds of things around the house, he's
getting it," Master Thorne said dryly, causing the men to laugh again.

"Eric, how much longer before your birthday?"

"Nine months, sir," the boy's voice cracked.

"Any bids yet?" the man asked Master Thorne.


"As much as Gary fetched?"

"Perhaps. Ah, Mr. Wellesley, there you are."

He had seen a man approaching and we all turned to see who it
was. He was a young man in his late twenties. Despite the casual
attitude of everyone else in the area, the young man seemed noticeably
tense and seemed to be avoiding looking at all the naked boys.

"Master Throne," he nodded, stopping near us, blushing face
looking intently at Thorne and away from Eric and I.

"Mr. Wellesley, I'd like you to meet my son Eric," Thorne
smiled, taking Eric by the shoulder and pulling both of us closer to
the nervous man.

His sky blue eyes glanced at Eric's big penis and he
swallowed. "Hi," he said, briefly shaking Eric's hand. "He's the one
you want me to get for Robin?" the man asked, turning quickly back to

"Oh, no, Mr. Wellesley," Thorne smiled like a snake. "Eric
isn't a Kovz Boy. You want Robin to have soemone special, don't you?"

"Well," the man sighed. "We're new to this religion, Master
Throne and I really don't know all the procedures. In, uh, Vinepak
our boys don't... you know."

"All the more reason for Robin to have a boy like Kely, here,"
Thorne smiled, taking my thin shoulders and pulling me away from Eric.

"He's awful little," the man swallowed nervously.

"Yes, but he's the best thing for a twelve year old boy, a
good thing for keeping him from masturbating and doing all sorts of
perverted things to himself. And you need to do something soon, Mr.
Wellesley. Robin is at the age where he needs a boy like Kely."

"But if he belongs to Eric..."

"And so he does. We're talking about a loan here, Mr.
Wellesley. Trust me, after one evening with Kely, Robin will be good
to any boy you get for him and he'll be ready to marry in a couple of

"That's a fact, Bob," one of the other men added on Thorne's
behalf. "If I could afford it, I'd get him for Timmy right now.
Nothing like a Kovz Boy for helping a boy learn the right way."

"Here, here," the other men agreed.

"It just isn't done like this in the Southlands," Wellesley
said uncomfortably.

"Well, you're in the heart of Dairean country now, Bob,"
Thorne said, switching to the familiar. "Trust those of us who know
and get little Robin started out with boys the right way. You'll be
glad you did later on. Trust me."

"Five pounds of gold?" Wellesley shook his head.

"Robin will bring you ten times that in a couple of years...
if he's taught right. Eric, you boys run along and play, now. We
have business to discuss."

"Yes, sir," my young friend said, pulling my naked body along
after him.

"I don't understand," I said as we approached a group of naked
boys standing off alone. I could feel his hairless armpit against my
shoulder. It felt nice and warm.

"Pa's going to charge that man so his son can play with you,"
Eric said, as if that made sense.

"Why?" I asked, still confused.

"Never mind," the boy said squeezing my body briefly. "Just
remember: they can't make you do it if you don't want to."

Every woman and girl in the area was watching Eric and I
walking together. Some must have been staring at Eric, for even soft
his penis was a full five inches long and dangled between his legs
looking bigger than any of the other naked boys I could see. More
than a few pointed at my hairless little penis with its circumcised,
purple head.

The three boys we approached all greeted Eric with friendly
smiles and handshakes. They all looked at me with mixtures of
curiosity and desire. All three of them were naked and I blushed,
leaning close to Eric's smooth body, stealing glances at the three new

"Who's the little boy, Thorne?" a dark haired boy asked. He
was very cute and if any of the boys looked at me with more desire
than curiosity, he was the one.

"This is Kelvin," Eric said, squeezing my thin shoulders again
and making me blush. "Pa bought him for me."

"Kelvin?" the dark haired boy laughed. "What kind of a name
is that?"

"It doesn't matter, David," Eric defended me. "Just leave him
alone." He paused and gave the boy a chance to say something more, but
David stayed quiet. Eric was four inches taller than him and I
figured the boys knew which was stronger.

"That's David," Eric nodded toward the cute, dark haired boy.
David was pretty but not near as pretty as Eric was. Like Eric the
boy had a darker complexion than normal though he was still paler than
my friend. His chest was slender with two little brown nipples. The
penis between his legs was hanging down more than four inches and
looked like he was on the verge of an erection as his horny smile
gazed at my naked little body. His testicles were rather large and
held his penis up quite well. The only category he really beat Eric
in was pubic hair for the boy's short little hairs had begun to grow
wiry, though they were still very sparse and looked soft.

"That's Michael," Eric continued to the next boy. I couldn't
put my finger on it but there was something intensely sexual about
Michael that could almost have given me an erection. The boy was
cute, without doubt, but if you really looked at him he wasn't as cute
as Eric. He had darker skin, but his hair was a soft brown color, not
near as dark as David and Eric's. He had a small chest, but it
swelled out looking hard beneath two tiny young nipples and his flat
abdomen rippled all the way down to his smooth, hairless belly and a
belly button as small as I had ever seen. His penis didn't look as
long as David's in its limp state, but it did look like it would taste
good somehow. Little blue veins could be made out surrounding a brown
shaft and a foreskin that completely concealed the boy's penis head
and left a fleshy nipple at the end. He didn't have any more pubic
hair than Eric; nothing but soft brown peach fuzz in a small triangle
between his legs.

"And that's Michael's boy, Shane." Shane was a delightful
young boy, made all the prettier to me because he was the same height
and his penis was as smooth and hairless as mine. Still, it was
plainly bigger than mine and looked cute in the boy's smooth, pale
foreskin. He had a skinny body that blushed with his embarrassment at
being naked, but our shared innocence led him to smile boyishly at me
and I wanted to be his friend very much.

"You going to Erin's bachelor party," David asked Eric.

"Yeah," he said. "When are you guys leaving?"

"In about an hour," Michael said. Even his voice seemed
sexual to me and when he smiled I could feel my penis tingle. "Soon
as we can shake this place off without getting our old man's mad at

"I hear you," Eric's young voice agreed.

"You'll be lucky if your Pa ever lets you leave," David
grinned. "I hear he's trying to get 250 pounds for you."

"Who said?"

"It gets around."

Eric shrugged his bare shoulders and I could feel his hairless
armpit against my body again.

"Eric, dear." We turned and a woman was bending down to the
boy's level smiling with covetous desire. A younger woman in her late
teens was with her and she too smiled at the naked boy and looked at
his penis. "Clarisse and I have been looking all over for you."

Eric smiled and nodded. His face was more red than brown as
he flushed with embarrassment.

"Is this your new little boyfriend?" she smiled at me her eyes
looking openly down at my penis. She seemed to be taken aback by it
and turned back to Eric.

"Yes, mam'n," the boy blushed.

"Oh, how nice." She looked at me again, now, the look of
disappointment in my little penis fading somewhat. "You're an awfully
little boy to have a boyfriend like Eric, aren't you?"

I just nodded, blushing brighter than Eric. I jumped and
grabbed the naked boy's chest as I felt the woman reach down and
stroke my little penis with her fingers. Having her fondle me down
there upset me and I thought I'd cry as I buried myself closer and
closer to Eric's smooth skin. Her thumb was petting my little penis
head and she gave no sign of getting bored, her fingers tickling my
small testicles. Still, she was gentle and I panted boyishly as I
felt the little meat stiffen into a frantic little erection.

"Oh, that's nice," the woman beamed happily. "How old are
you, boy?"

I couldn't answer, half because of embarrassment and half
because I didn't know how old I was.

"He's only eleven," Eric's young voice cracked.

"Well, you're doing a wonderful job with him, Eric," she said
finally letting my stiff little penis go. "We'll look forward to his
growing up." As suddenly as she appeared, the woman left taking the
girl with her. I stood in wide-eyed, trembling fear, my penis
sticking straight out and drawing the eyes of everyone in the area,
who looked at it and grinned approvingly. Not the least of the stares
came from the boys who were with us for they stared at my erection
with keen interest, David's mouth even watering.

"You want to go play?" Eric asked me.

I shook my head against his chest wanting only to get away
from the whole place. "Where's the party at?" Eric asked the boys.

I glanced up and saw Michael still staring at my penis, a
boyish smile on his cute face and a tender blush across his cheeks.
"At the Boy's Club," David said. "We got the whole building except
for the children's part."

"We'll see you there," Eric nodded.

He walked me around the boys and blessedly away from the
crowds. I could feel my erection beginning to soften already but
wanted only to be with my friend. ??



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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Four

An hour later, Eric and I were back in his room changing
clothes. My spirits improved immeasurably over the course of the day,
and I found myself looking delightedly forward to going to the party
that afternoon. I stood naked and giggling as Eric dug through his
drawers throwing clothes around the room as he tried to find the
perfect outfit for us. He was just as naked as I was and every time
he flung a pair of trousers over his shoulder, his big penis would
swing madly between his smooth, slender thighs.

"I can't find anything that looks right," the boy sighed at
last, leaning back against the drawers, his arms folded across his
slender chest. I was smiling down at his big penis, laying between
his legs almost its full length, the knobby head completely covered in
his smooth brown foreskin. I blushed up at him and saw him smiling
happily at me looking at him.

"What looks right?" I asked him, with a slight giggle and

"It has to be really pretty so the boys can see how cute you
are," he said walking over to me. When he reached me, he took me in
his long, skinny arms and held my naked body close to his. I loved
feeling the warmth of his body against mine, adored the wonderful
softness of his light brown skin. I heard him giggle softly as my
hairless little boyhood stiffened against his smooth thigh. I giggled
too, embarrassed by my constant erections. "You're such a good boy,
Kelvin," he said, his big hands lightly caressing my thin shoulders
and back.

"Will you..." I began.

"What?" he asked, smiling down at me.

"Will you suck on it?" I blushed bright red.

"No, no," he said, holding to my skinny biceps and backing
away from my glowing erection. "You should wait until the Boy's

"Can't we go naked?" I asked, having gotten somewhat used to
people seeing my bald penis and enjoying the attention they gave it.

"No," Eric giggled, letting me go and walking back to the
drawers. "The little boys can't see us naked."

"Little boys saw us at church," I said softly.

"That was different. What should we wear," he asked, looking
about in frustration. I could see how awkward his tall, gangly body
was as my eyes lovingly gazed down his skinny back, round bottom, and
smooth thighs. I glanced down at my hairless erection and sighed
softly, wishing he would make love to me.

"Hey, what about those silk clothes you wore when you got
here?" the boy's high pitched voice cracked suddenly.

I had to think a moment before I remembered the silks in my
room. Soon, our naked bodies were giggling and jostling each other as
we tried to sneak down the hall to my room. We were almost to my door
when Thorne appeared. I backed against Eric's bare chest and abdomen
and felt his long arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders.

"Hello, boys," he said. I could smell alcohol coming from him
and could tell that he was more than a little drunk. I took hold of
my penis, blessedly limp again, and held it covered in my hand. It
felt nice, but I was embarrassed when Thorne leered down at me
crouching there against my skinny lover.

"Hi, Pa," Eric replied, holding me lovingly and too
embarrassed to look at his father. The adult man was looking at
Eric's big cock as it hung down on his big testicles and I could
almost feel the tall boy fighting to keep from concealing it.

"The bidding's heating up, Eric," the man said, with a leer at
the big penis and his thirteen year old son's naked body. "By the
time you're married next year you're going to be the most expensive
boy in Tarsec Village's history. Who knows, you may be the first boy
to have a whole harem to fuck."

Eric stood there blushing, huddled back against the door and
holding me close against his warm body. He seemed very embarrassed at
having his body again scrutinized like a side of beef.

"And you!" the man suddenly said, surprising us both when he
smiled down at me. "I got asked a lot of questions about you today.
Seems people think you'd make a nice little boy for their boys to play
with once Eric's weaned of penises."

He stood there leering down at us for a long while. Eric
stood still as I lay against the side of his skinny chest holding my
limp little boyhood in my hand.

"So, where are you boys off to today?" he asked.

"The Boy's Club," Eric replied, his young voice just above a

"Ah, good. Don't let any of the boys there play with Kelvin,"
the man said. "But keep him naked. They'll get so infatuated with
him they'll beg their fathers to buy him."

"Pa," Eric said bashfully. "We have to get dressed..."

"Oh, yes, of course, I'm sorry. You boys hurry along and
play." We started to turn into the room and I suddenly felt a
stinging slap on my bare buttocks. I let my penis go to rub the
injured skin and turned frightfully back to Thorne. He was leering
down at my naked body again. "Yeah, those boys'll beg to fuck a soft,
pretty thing like you."

I swallowed nervously then felt Eric's arm gently guiding me
into the room. I was still rubbing my bare buttocks when I heard the
door close behind me.

"Man, all he thinks about is money," Eric said.

I was hoping Eric would hold me and play with my penis, but he
didn't and was soon walking passed me toward the bed. "Where's the
silks?" he asked.

"On the floor," I said, trying to hide my sadness.

They were still in a pile beside the bed and Eric excitedly
picked them up. "They're so soft," he said, but his excitement
dropped when he saw that they were all nothing more than towel sized
pieces of cloth. "They're ripped," his voice cracked.

"No," I said, my mood changing as excitement about the silks
got hold of me. "They're magic."

"Huh?" the boy asked.

"Look." My hands moved instinctively as the cloths told me
how to put them together. Soon, I had fashioned something that
vaguely resembled a baby's diaper.

"Wow!" Eric exclaimed. "You can make them into anything?!"

I nodded and giggled, delighted by his excitement. For the
next half hour, the teenaged boy and I experimented with forms and
colors, both of us building in excitement until we'd finally
constructed something that Eric thought was appropriate for the Boy's
Club. He insisted we wear matching outfits, a possibility that
delighted me. We both wore tight, white silk panties. These clung so
tightly and were so light that all the curves and colors of our bodies
and penises showed through them. Thus, my little, purple penis head
and pale pink penis was easy to make out as it poked against the
fabric, so soft and exciting that I instantly became erect again, the
hard, skinny boyhood bulging straight up against my belly.

Eric's big cock didn't get hard, but it was so large it didn't
need to. It swelled against the white fabric and I could see his brown
penis and foreskin easily, could even make out the light brown smudge
of his young peach fuzz.

To conceal the obvious display of our naked penises, we both
wore baggy, baby blue shorts over the top of them, hanging down to our
knees and so baggy that they draped down against our slender legs
feeling soft and sexy. The outfits were made complete with the
addition of skin tight, white tank tops. These were sexier than most
tank tops, however. Not only were they very tight, but they were cut
down the front to our bellies showing much of our chests, very low
beneath our hairless underarms, and with a deep oval down the back to
show our thin shoulder blades. They were so tight that our nipples
made brown pin pricks against the front.

We giggled and admired each other in our beautiful outfits,
Eric smiling as his big hand gently pressed against my little erection
and rubbed it, the silk so soft it almost felt like I was naked. I
was certain that Eric would be the prettiest boy at the club.

Unfortunately, Eric said that the Boy's Club had an entry
dress code and he insisted that we both wear long sleeve white shirts
over the tank tops. We still looked cute, but I preferred seeing the
seductive flashes of Eric's smooth, light brown skin.

The ride into town was delightful if only because I got to sit
in front with Eric's long, smooth arms reaching under mine as he held
the reigns. It wasn't far of course, and Eric led the horse up to
stables beside a large, nice looking mansion. A dwarf gruffly took
the horse into the stables and Eric led me to the front door. A sign
above it identified the place as the Tarsec Village Boy's Club. I
immediately felt my pulse quicken in excited embarrassment, but Eric
put his arm around my shoulders again and led me inside.

A middle aged man sat at a desk in the small entry way and I
was glad that Eric had made us put on the over shirts. On the far
side of the room was another door. There was nothing else in it.

"Eric," the man nodded. Eric nodded in response as the man's
eyes looked me up and down. "Some of the men say he's a Boylover,"
the man accused.

"He's not, Mister Hockett. He's just a Kovz Boy. Dad'd never
let me have a Boylover as a playmate." The shy boy's cheeks were red
through his brown complexion.

The man nodded, still watching me. "I know. Michael's in
there, Eric. If you'd let him play with your boy, I'd be much

"Yes, sir," Eric blushed as brightly as I did. "Pa said he
could come here by himself if he wanted."

"That don't seem likely, Eric," the man said doubtfully.

"Ask him yourself if you think I'm a liar," the boy said,
bristling as much as his innocent age would allow.

"Nah. It's okay. I'll let him in... IF you let him play with
my Michael."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, go on in there then."

Eric held me closely against him and pushed the other door
open. Soon, it was closed behind us and we were safely inside the

"This first room is the children's section," Eric said as we
walked up a narrow hallway, thickly carpeted and decorated with
attractive boy colors and things. "We can't take our clothes off or
touch each other 'till we're upstairs, so be good."

I don't know what he thought I was going to do; I was so
young and innocent, the last thing I wanted to do was strip my clothes
off in a strange place like this and sex in public was still very
scary to me.

We came to another set of doors and we entered a huge room.
Eric held it open and let me go inside first, his arm leaving me,
making me feel small and vulnerable. The room was filled with little
boys, ranging in age from about six to about my age. Most wore shorts
and t-shirts, but many were naked, their hairless little penises
bouncing around as they ran and played. Most were running and
wrestling around, but a few of the older boys sat at tables or on the
floor playing board games or cards. None of the boys were pubescent.
The boys were loud and rambunctious, most of them shoving each other
and fighting. I was astonished and walked nervously close to Eric
watching them. We were crossing to a staircase opposite the entry
door, but all I could do was gaze at all the little boys. There must
have been a hundred of them in there.

I felt myself backing up as an adorable blond haired boy came
running toward us, soon followed by a small gang of other boys. All
of these were naked and hairless and they eagerly crowded around us,
looking at us.

"Is that your boy, Eric?" the blond asked bashfully.

"Yeah," Eric replied still trying to guide me through the boys
to the stairs.

"You want another?" the boy asked shyly.

"Yeah," the other boys chimed in.

"No," Eric said.

"Come on, Eric," another boy begged.

"My dad wants me to ask," another explained.

"Not now, boys," Eric said, looking so tall compared to the
prepubescent boys. "I'll ask Kelvin if he wants to have more boys."

We made it to the stairs and he started guiding me up. The
squadron of naked children stood obediently at the bottom stair
watching us go up. I stumbled along behind Eric, watching the boys
watching us.

At the top of the stairs, there were more doors and Eric took
me through them.

"What did they want?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, their dads make them do that. They want to be my
boyfriend so they can make more money. We can get more boys if you

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean we could have a lot of little boys to play with."


"Do you want to?"

"I guess," I said. I actually felt rather eager to play with
the little boys, but didn't want to sound too eager. I heard Eric
giggle beside me and looked up at him curiously.

"We'll get some more next week," he smiled.

We soon reached a bench in the middle of the hallway. Along
the walls were hooks and small lockers.

"We can take our shirts off and leave them here, his soft
brown body appearing in the tight white tank top as he peeled his off.
My little fingers began undoing my own shirt and Eric watched as I
pulled my skinny little arms out. He smiled at me and helped me take
the last of the shirt off, hanging it up on the hook beside his. He
was smiling down at me with adoring affection. "You're beautiful," he
said, his big hands tenderly caressing the little balls of my
shoulders. "Come on. You'll have fun here."

I could already hear the sound of high pitched and pubescently
cracking voices sounding from the open space in the wall ahead of us.
As we neared it, I snuck up close to Eric and felt the older boy's
skinny arm wrap around me again. We appeared around the edge of the
opening and the room opened into another large living room. The room
was huge like the one downstairs. The afternoon sun shown through the
white chiffon curtains and the room was very bright with it. Through
the brightness, I could see the naked and half-clad forms of several
dozen young boys.

Actually, only a few were naked but I was so drawn to them
that they seemed to be numerous. In fact, most of the boys were
wearing outfits about as skimpy and seductive as Eric's and mine.
Almost all the boys looked to be about my age or Eric's. None looked
to be more than thirteen. For every pubescent looking boy in the
room, there was evidently a little boy tagging close beside. By little
boy, I mean prepubescent. Only one of the little boys looked to be
under ten and he was staying very close to David Easter. Many of the
boys, both older and younger, I recognized from the churchyard that
afternoon, including Michael Hockett and his young boyfriend Shane.
Shane smiled at me and blushed looking away in boyish embarrassment.
He was wearing light blue pants and a blue and white striped shirt
that clung so tightly to his little chest that I could actually make
out the tender contours of his little body. Michael was wearing gym
shorts and a tank top, his small, hard chest bulging against the
tightness, his slender, boyishly muscular arm wrapped around Shane's
thin shoulders as Eric's were wrapped around mine. He was talking to
another boy whom I didn't recognize and didn't look at closely at

I wasn't certain, but I felt pretty sure that all the boys in
the room paused at least momentarily to smile at Eric and I as we
entered. This made me feel very self-conscious and I felt myself
crawling closer to the comforting form of my older boyfriend. My
small, skinny arms even wrapped around his skinny abdomen as I felt
his arm hold me tightly. It was so nice to have him with me. After
assuring myself that I was safe, I looked at where I was heading and
suddenly met the eyes of the boy Michael was talking to.

I felt myself suddenly gasping. I didn't know why, but
assumed that it was because the boy was so indescribably beautiful.
His eyes, as they captured mine, seemed to hold my attention and I
felt his loving gentleness soak through my body and soothe me with his
affection. It wasn't sexual, but I immediately felt myself thinking
about sex with him. It was a very strange feeling. Although I loved
my boyfriend, I knew that this new boy was even prettier.

The boy looked about thirteen or fourteen, with dark brown
hair combed neatly over to one side. His eyes were absolutely
hypnotic, a deep brown that infatuated me with the smooth, baby soft
brown of his adorable face. He was smiling a gentle, beautiful smile
and sipping from a glass of something as Michael talked to him, but
his eyes left mine just long enough to glance down my small body then
back at my blue eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt with some design
on it I never bothered to identify. It clung just tightly enough to
his pubescent body to show how slender and small his chest and abdomen
were. He was also wearing multi-colored shorts that gave no
indication of his penis size, though I noticed that I checked for it.
Beneath his shorts, I was astonished at how soft and smooth his light
brown thighs looked, so smooth and hairless. They were rather long
for his small body and ran to bare feet that looked big and awkward.
He looked so perfectly formed, so exquisite to my adoring eyes that
they never left his body or face as Eric led me toward he and his

"Hey, Thorne," Michael grinned at my boyfriend, his muscular
young arm still holding Shane's prepubescent body. Michael looked
very cute with his smile, but I couldn't help staring at the slender
stranger, feeling embarrassed by my infatuation with him. I glanced
briefly up at his adorable face and saw his brown eyes still staring
at me. I looked away blushing.

"Hi," the beautiful boy said and I could feel his eyes still
on me.

"Erin, this is my boyfriend, Kelvin," Eric introduced me, his
long arm still holding my bashful form.

"Hi, Kelvin," the new boy replied, smiling down at me until my
shy eyes looked back up at him.

"Hi," I said softly, quickly looking away. It was so odd to
feel so infatuated with a boy. I didn't know how to deal with the
envious feelings in my young body.

"God, he's a sweetie, isn't he?" Erin said. I felt his hand,
so tender and gentle, lifting my chin and I looked up at his adorable
face again. He wasn't much taller than me, maybe two inches or so,
but I felt so small and little that he seemed bigger. "What's wrong,
Kelvin?" he asked, his voice still a smooth soprano, not much deeper
than a little boy's.

I swallowed as I looked up at him, embarrassed when my eyes
glanced briefly down at his small, skinny chest. I shrugged in answer
and the boy let my chin go.

"He's so sweet," the boy said.

"He's shy," Eric said. "He'll grow out of it."

"I like the outfits, Eric," Erin said, his large hand gently
slipping from my face to lightly caress the exposed portion of my
little chest. I looked up at him again in astonishment and our eyes
locked again. He was smiling at me, his beautiful eyes looking into
mine with love and affection. "You're so cute," he said softly,
causing me to smile and look away blushing.

"Your last time in the old Club, huh, Erin?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," the boy said after a brief pause.
"Tomorrow morning I become a married man, no more to know the joys of
a little boy."

I caught myself as I realized that Erin was the one the party
was for. He was the one who was turning fourteen and had to get
married. I felt a strange sadness inside at the thought. Why, I did
not know. I looked up at him and saw him still smiling lovingly at

"Are you going to..." Erin began. He nodded down at me to
Eric and both boys smiled at each other.

"I forgot to ask him," Eric blushed and smiled at me. I felt
his big hand gently stroke the blond hair from my forehead as I looked
up at him in confusion. "He's never been with another boy. Do you
want to, Kelvin?" he asked me.

I blushed and looked away. "Want to what?" I asked, though I
had a pretty good idea what they were talking about. Why did they
have to talk about it? Why didn't they stop making me decide to do

Eric's smile faded slightly, but he kept stroking my hair with
tenderness. "Shane's going with you," he said, immediately filling my
mind with a picture of the cute, little boy. I wanted to, I knew
that, but why did they have to talk about it?

"Don't worry about it, Eric," I heard Erin's young voice say,
feeling his hand stroke down the back of my head and gently caress the
nape of my neck. "Gees, he's just shy about it. You can tell he's
your first little boy."

Eric seemed to blush about that, but he didn't say anything,
just kept looking deep into my blue eyes and stroking my hair. I lay
against his small, boyishly muscular chest still feeling the other
boy's hand stroking my neck and shoulders. It was wonderful to feel
their affection for me and I blushed to realize how much I longed to
be naked with both of them and to feel their love for me.

"Hey, Shane," Michael suddenly said. "Why don't you and
Kelvin go play Asteroids?"

The pretty, blond haired boy smiled and said, "Okay. Come on,
Kelvin." He left the confines of his boyfriend and came closer to Eric
and I. I felt smaller again as the caresses of the older boys left my
young body. "I'll teach you how to play."

The eleven year old took my wrist and I let him guide me away
from the others.

"Man, Eric, he's really adorable," I heard Michael saying as
we left. "I mean, Shane's pretty naive, but that boy's..."

"I was his first, Michael," Eric defended. "Don't be mean to

"Relax, I was just kidding. Man, you're really hung up on
that boy, aren't you?"

"They'll be okay in a little while," Erin's young voice faded
out of my earshot.

"You ever play Asteroids before?" Shane's childish voice asked
as he led me to the video game.

"No," I said.

"It's cool," the boy giggled.

Soon, the boy had introduced me to the magical world of video
games and I played awkwardly at best. Young Shane, however, was
pretty good and did a fantastic job of beating me. Whenever his turn
came, I would look around for Eric, frequently catching him watching
me as he and Erin circulated around the room.

Shane and I were becoming pretty good friends playing the
game, but I was still thinking a lot about what the boys had been

"What were they talking about with Erin?" I asked Shane when
we had become pretty close.

The boy's thin shoulders shrugged in his t-shirt. "Who cares?
Older boys are weird."

"Is Michael weird?" I asked confused.

The boy shrugged again, hunched over the control panel.
"Sometimes. All he thinks about is sex."

"What's 'sex'?" I asked.

The child giggled. "You know. Playing with your boyfriend.
Being naked. Playing with your penis."

"Oh," I blushed. "Is that what they're talking about?"

"How should I know?" the boy shrugged again. "They talk about
it all the time."

"Oh," I said again. "Do you like it?" I asked, feeling my
face growing hot immediately.

"Sure. Don't you?"

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"Yeah," I said, ashamed by the question. I stood beside the
boy gradually forgetting about Eric and the other boys as I watched
him playing the game. He wasn't as pretty as Erin and, in many ways,
perhaps not even Eric, but there was something oddly compelling about
him. Perhaps it was the smallness of his body, though, as for that,
he was almost precisely the same size as I was. He was as tall, and as
skinny. Maybe it was just the blond hair and blue eyes that most
attracted me. More than any of those things, I could tell it was the
soft, incredibly smooth appearance of his skin. From his face, down
his slender neck and beneath his shirt, I found myself more and more
attracted to him until I soon lost thought of anything else. By the
time Erin came up to us, all I was thinking about was the pretty blond
haired boy before me, how intensely I longed to hold his skinny body.

"How's it going?" I heard Erin asking us, the thirteen year
old touching each of our backs so briefly that no real fear of him
should have started. He made me jump, however, if only in shame for
the feelings I had for the little boy at the video game.

Still, when I jumped, I turned and looked at him and all the
previous anxiety about my feelings for him reemerged. He was so
beautiful. Shane was a little boy like me, and I knew that. Erin
seemed to hold the same promise of excitement that Eric had introduced
me to and it was difficult to think about childhood when I was
confronted with such pubescent beauty.

"Damn it!" Shane said, pushing against the machine as his last
ship was destroyed. "You made me lose."

Erin looked at him with his tender, adoring eyes. "I'm sorry,
Shane," his boylike voice said. "I can make it up to you though."

"How?" the little boy asked.

"I know where there's a bunny," Erin said with a strong offer.

"Really?" Shane asked, quickly forgetting the game.

Erin nodded. "Swear to God. Do you want to see it?"

"Yeah!" Shane said, in boyish excitement.

Erin's brown eyes gazed into mine and I again felt the
discomfort of their beauty. "How about you, Kelvin?" he asked. "Do
you want to see a bunny?"

I felt confused, wondering if the boy was trying to lure us
off alone to have sex with us or if he was sincere and really was
going to show us a bunny. In either case, I didn't want to seem
stupid, so I shrugged boyishly in my tight tank top.

"Come on," Erin said, slipping skinny arms around each of us.
I could feel his hand slip beneath my tank top, felt his soft hand
gently stroking my thin shoulder blades, but said nothing. "I'll show
him to you."

The older boy, only a few inches taller than Shane and I,
gently turned us toward a hallway on the far wall and we went with
him, Shane apparently with innocent willingness, me with nervous
curiosity: was he going to play with me like Eric had been doing the
past few days?

As we neared the exit, I looked around for Eric, but couldn't
find him. Erin led us so tenderly that it never occurred to me that I
was being led, and we soon were moving up the hallway. Shortly up it,
the older boy let his arm slip from Shane's skinny shoulders and
opened a door. The little blond haired boy, seeing the rabbit hutch,
innocently entered and I nervously followed him.

It was a bedroom. I realized that with a nervous swallow.
Still, there was a rabbit cage on the far wall and Shane was already
busy opening it. I crossed to him. Although, or perhaps because,
Erin was more beautiful, I longed to be closer to the little boy.

By the time I reached him, he had already pulled the small
white rabbit from the cage and was holding it against his chest,
cuddling it and purring at it lovingly. I heard the door closing
behind me and that made me nervous, but I focused my attention on the
little boy and small rabbit. I knew the older boy was watching us,
but I tried to ignore him.

As Shane held the bunny, I reached out my left hand and gently
scratched it behind its big floppy ears. This seemed to delight the
little boy and he giggled at me, soon burying his face against the
soft, downy hairs of the small animal. He looked so pretty holding
the bunny that I felt an odd aching in my heart. reflexively, before
I even thought about it, I felt my small hand reach up and soon felt
it resting against the boy's skinny shoulder blades. He jerked
slightly, and I almost pulled my hand away, but I held it there as I
saw his pretty blue eyes. He looked at me, a pretty smile on his face
that was both friendly and understanding at the same time. Although I
was intensely confused, I held my hand there and watched him holding
the rabbit.

The little boy did nothing but stand there holding the bunny
for a long time and then suddenly started moving left and right
rhythmically. The movement excited me oddly, mostly because my hand
was touching a boy who was actually moving. It filled me with strange
sensations and I soon let my touch against him loosen. His skinny
shoulders moved beneath my fingers, the cotton of his t-shirt the only
thing that kept me from feeling the beauty of his exquisitely soft
skin. I knew that Erin was watching me touching the other boy, but
didn't care. He was beautiful and I felt my penis beginning to
stiffen with his rhythmic movements.

"Here, you hold him," the eleven year old said, his small,
bare arms reaching out the rabbit to me. I took it even though I
preferred touching the boy's back to the bunny. Still, as I felt the
downy soft hair of the rabbit against the exposed part of my chest, I
felt myself almost forgetting the boy for wondering what it would feel
like to have that same soft bunny between my legs, the soft hairs
caressing my erection. I might have thought farther on that, but as
soon as Shane's hands were free of the bunny, the boy quickly laid one
against my back. He didn't wait for me to move my body to rub across
my skinny shoulders.

I stood still and shocked by the pleasure of the boy's small
hand against my back and all but forgot about the rabbit. I glanced
at him quickly and realized he was smiling at me, knowing that he was
looking at me, that he was far more interested in me by that time than
he was in the rabbit. Reflexively, again without thinking about it, I
smiled at the boy, sending my secret, subconscious message that I
wanted him to touch me, wanted him to love me.

The child's other hand started stroking the bunny behind the
ears and I felt his body move closer to mine, the hand touching my
back sliding around my waist to hold me gently. Although he was
smaller than Eric, I felt the same level of security and happiness, as
if all I desired in life was the tender affections of another boy,
however young. He held me as he petted the bunny, his smiling face
looking into mine almost constantly save for brief glances at the

"Do you like him?" Erin suddenly asked.

"Yeah," I heard Shane immediately grin. I thought Erin was
asking about the bunny, but Shane's voice made me think he was talking
about me.

"Come on, Kelvin," the older boy said, coming to us and taking
the rabbit from me. "Let's put him back in his cage."

I stood there in nervous uncertainty as he took the rabbit
from me. Shane had let me go, but still stood close by smiling and
blushing at me. I had the odd feeling that he understood what was
happening more than I did.

"Okay," Erin said as he closed the rabbit cage door. "What do
you guys want to do?"

"Let's play sex," Shane's high pitched voice giggled

I could feel Erin smiling behind me. "Is that what you want
to do, Kelvin?" he asked, and I soon felt his big hand stroking the
ball of my shoulder.

Why did they keep asking? I wondered. Why couldn't we just do
it without talking about it? I shrugged absently as if I didn't care.
The hardness of my penis, however, kept reminding me that I did care.
I wanted to make love with the boys so badly I could have cried.

"Come on," Erin said. I could feel his hand gently guiding me
away from the cage. We paused briefly as Shane quickly returned the
rabbit to the hutch, then the older boy led us over to the bed. "Sit
down, Kelvin," the thirteen year old said.

I obeyed and sat watching the other two with growing eagerness
for boy sex.

"Let's take your shirt off, Shane," the young pubescent beauty
said. He took hold of the smaller boy's shirt and Shane raised his
arms, his pretty face grinning happily as the cloth moved up his
belly. He was so small and skinny and my mouth dropped open gasping
softly as I watched the creamy softness of his smooth belly being
exposed. The boy's skin looked so soft and I was entranced by the
beauty of his little belly button as the shirt moved up his rib cage.
He was so thin, his boy flesh lightly tanned and beautiful. His chest
appeared with equal splendor. It was very small and the thin boy had
very little muscle to swell it out more than an inch or two bigger
than his small rib cage. His nipples were brown and very tiny, making
them even prettier. Finally the child's underarms appeared and his
cute face was covered with the shirt momentarily as Erin removed it.
His underarms were smooth and hairless, of course, the soft skin
looking several shades paler than his smooth little chest.

The boy was blushing and grinning bashfully as his blond bangs
fell into his eyes. He brushed them aside and giggled as Erin's big
hands tenderly took hold of his chest and ribs. The eleven year old
was so thin that Erin's big hands looked almost big enough to hold his
entire body within them. As Shane started to lower his smooth arms,
the older boy tenderly took hold of his wrists.

"Keep your arms up, Shane," Erin smiled into the child's
blushing face. "Let's see your little underarms." He lifted the boys
hands and latched them behind the boy's blond head. Shane giggled
looking down at his small chest as Erin's fingers again took hold of
it, his fingertips lightly petting the boy's little armpits.

I was very excited watching the older boy caressing the
child's beautiful little body and sat with my boner poking up at my
silk shorts. Embarrassed by its persistent throbbing, my hands both
moved between my legs and held the pulsing erection hidden.

Erin's hands moved lovingly up and down on the thin boy's
chest, ribs and abdomen causing Shane to shudder.

"That tickles," the prepubescent giggled.

"You like that, huh?" Erin said, smiling at his young

"Yeah," the boy blushed, still holding his arms overhead, his
blue eyes smiling down at his young body. I could see the boy was
missing a tooth and thought that was very sweet.

Erin kept holding and rubbing his smooth chest as he slowly
sat down on the bed beside me. "Let's see your peepee, now," he said,
his large hands moving to the boy's pants. Shane giggled delightedly
as Erin unfastened his belt, the ends falling open and baring the snap
to his baby blue jeans. Erin smiled lovingly up at the boy, then
looked back down as he unsnapped his pants. One of his hands held to
Shane's beltline as the other slowly took hold of the zipper and
pulled it slowly downward.

I stared at the opening with intense excitement, eager to see
the little boy's wiener. I even felt myself moving closer in order to
see it as soon as it appeared. As Erin pulled the child's fly open,
however, I could see that he was wearing underpants and I had to
contain my desires and curiosity a little longer.

Erin smiled and blushed, a little embarrassed by his own
eagerness to see the naked boy. He smiled up at him again, pulled the
fly wider, and pulled the jeans down the boy's slender legs. His
thighs were beautiful, perfectly hairless and as smooth and tanned as
his little chest. I stared at them with amazement, watching the
smooth skin as it disappeared beneath the boy's underwear. The front
of his tight underpants swelled significant;y with his boyhood. The
bulge was round, however, and it didn't look like he had an erection
or anything. Above the elastic band, the boy's thin belly joined with
his tanned chest and I followed his beauty all the way up to his
hairless armpits and adorable, happy face. I realized that Erin was
taking hold of the boy's underwear and panted excitedly, staring back
down between his legs, licking my lips in anticipation.

"There we go," Erin breathed, his hands pulling the elastic
loose and peeling the eleven year old boy's underwear down his thin,
baby soft thighs. Even limp, it was obvious that Shane had a bigger
penis than mine. It was big enough that it could actually dangle over
his testicles. Mine was still too little to be a hanger.

The boy was obviously uncircumcised, his young foreskin
completely covering his boyhood and forming a fleshy nipple at the
end. It was paler than the rest of his body, the boy obviously
wearing his shorts or underwear when he was in the sun. His tan
looked even softer and prettier against the pale skin beneath his
underwear. His penis was as hairless as mine and the pale skin ran
smoothly all the way up to the slender base of his boy organ. The
same flesh covered his upper thighs, looking warm and soft against his
testicles. His balls looked large to me, and had grown ever so
slightly oval as the child grew toward puberty. Mine were still small
and round. His scrotum, like his penis, was pale and was as hairless
as his underarms and young body.

He was giggling delightedly as Erin pulled his pants all the
way down to his bare feet. He stood there naked and blushing, his
arms overhead, his thin body displaying all the beauty of boyhood. I
couldn't stop gazing at the pale beauty of his small cock, and felt
myself trembling slightly with excitement and love. It was so pale it
was almost white, and his foreskin was smooth and still thick like a
little boy's making his penis look thick and rubbery. I felt eager to
touch it.

Shane's smooth belly rippled with firm little muscles as the
boy giggled, a process that also made his ribs poke out more
prominently. Erin grinned happily up at his boyish giggles and the
innocent beauty of his naked body. the child's baby soft, tanned
little chest looked so small and thin, not rounding at all with
muscles with his arms raised like they were. "You're a pretty boy,"
Erin smiled, his deep brown eyes showing his affection and adoration
for the hairless little boy.

Shane just giggled again, glancing happily over at me before
looking down at his big boyhood again. Even though it was only about
three inches long, his foreskin and soft, hairless skin made it look
big on his small body. Erin gazed lovingly at the young penis and I
watched his soft brown hand reaching for it. He pressed his fingers
down between the little boy's scrotum and thigh, the young penis
moving slowly across his testicles as they moved in his hairless pink
scrotum. I couldn't believe Shane didn't have an erection yet; my
own penis was pulsing fantastically just watching it being touched.

Erin slipped his fingers all the way down beneath the boys
testicles and hefted the rubbery young penis and hairless scrotum on
his palm, the shaft looking so pretty and adorable. "You're going to
have a big penis when you grow up, Shane," he told the boy as his
other hand moved to join the tender caresses. Instead of holding it
with his whole hand, however, Erin's thumb and forefinger took hold of
the smooth foreskin making me pant with still greater excitement.
Squeezing the shaft insistently, Erin struggled against the rubbery
penis and managed to slip Shane's foreskin down from his penis head.
The head appeared looking limp and boyish. It was a purplish brown
color, a darker purple than my penis head by far. I stared at it with
jealous love, wishing my penis was as big as the younger boy's.

"It's getting hard, Shane," Erin giggled happily, and I panted
faster as I watched the hairless thing growing bigger on the older
boy's hand. Erin still held the foreskin back and Shane's penis head
swelled out from the pale skin, growing larger and a brighter shade of
purple. It was astonishingly beautiful as it stiffened, his foreskin
slipping back more easily against the hardness of the boy's cock.
Soon, I could actually see the head pulsing in Erin's fingers, the
child's foreskin pulled far enough back that the firm ridge separating
the pale shaft from the purple head was very easy to see. His penis
head was larger than the slender shaft and it was beautifully formed,
continuing to pulse until the tiny slit opened, looking ready to
squirt out sperm.

Just when I thought things were as beautiful as they could
get, Erin's face moved closer to the eleven year old boy and his
pretty lips slipped the young erection into his slimy mouth. His palm
lay against the boy's small belly but his finger and thumb still held
the foreskin back as his lips slid all the way down the young boner.
Soon, Erin's nose was pressing against Shane's belly, his lips wrapped
all around the hairless base of his cock. I could see his smooth,
brown cheeks moving as he sucked on the boy, and Shane started gasping
softly through his childish giggles. He stood there with his little
armpits still exposed, watching the thirteen year old devouring his
penis, Erin's slimy lips pressed against his hairless skin.

Erin's brown eyes gazed up the skinny boy's hairless belly and
little chest, twinkling as he saw the excited look on the boy's cute
face. Slowly, he slid his lips up along the erection, sucking up the
excesses of his saliva as the precious three and a half inches of
boyhood were gradually revealed. I watched his chin open as the
child's penis head slipped from his lips, watched the slimy lips rub
all across the bright purple head, then actually let out a soft cry of
envy as they swallowed it again, moved slowly back down on his

Shane was gasping quickly now, his high pitched boy voice
letting out startled whimpers of pleasure. I could see little muscles
in his skinny thighs rippling as the little boy's knees grew rubbery.
Erin seemed to feel the weakness of the excited boy's body and his
hands took hold of his small buttocks, holding him stable as he
pressed his lips now fully against Shane's hairless pubic mound, the
cock completely buried in his mouth.

With his arms overhead, Shane's skinny chest and belly rippled
with his ribs as the boy stiffened in confused passion. I realized
that the smile had slipped from his face and his mouth was hanging
open as he stared in amazement at where his penis used to be. Erin's
lips slid up the boy's boner again and the pale shaft appeared
glistening with his saliva. Before the purple head appeared, he
plunged back down on it, almost buckling the child's skinny legs.
Erin's brown hair moved away from between Shane's legs, the penis
again emerging, then instantly plunged on it again. he did this
several times in quick succession until Shane was gasping and crying
with excitement, his penis looking hard as a rock. Just as it seemed
the little boy was going to have an orgasm, Erin's mouth let the
throbbing thing go and it poked straight out from between the boy's
legs throbbing insistently, coated with the older boy's saliva.

Shane's slimy pink foreskin slowly covered the head again,
though it wasn't big enough to cover his engorged cock and still form
the nipple at the end. Still, the beautiful knob of his penis head
was hidden save for the gentle bulge of it around his foreskin. Erin
smiled at the hairless erection, his lips looking as slimy as Shane's

"Do it some more," Shane's high pitched voice said eagerly,
poking his boyhood at the older boy's smiling lips.

"Not yet, Shane," Erin smiled at the little boy's excitement,
his large hands giving the boy's abdomen a loving squeeze as he stood
up. He pulled the smaller boy's body into his arms and held him, not
fighting when he felt the naked boy trying to push his erection
against his thigh. He grinned, obviously pleased by the little boy,
but let him go, gently guiding him back on the bed. I sat staring at
the naked boy, at his hairless, excited penis and big testicles as he
was laid down, his head on the pillows. As his big feet were lifted
on the bed, Erin took hold of his jeans and underwear and freed them,
dropping them on the floor, leaving the boy laying there naked, his
erection throbbing in angry desire.

"Now you stay there and we'll see what Kelvin's penis looks
like," he smiled down at the skinny little boy. He turned to me and I
looked up at him in a mixture of eagerness, fear and embarrassment.
The older boy looked down at me with sympathetic understanding and I
felt his big hands taking gentle hold of my face. He rubbed them
slowly, the look on his face filled with gentleness and affection. My
fear eased a great deal, knowing that the adorable boy wouldn't hurt
me any more than he had Shane.

Slowly, his hands slipped down my neck and gently caressed my
shoulders, mostly exposed beneath my tight white tank top. I felt his
warm palms laying there as his fingers felt tenderly across my exposed
shoulder blades. "You're really soft," he smiled at me adoringly, his
hands slowly slipping down the back of my tank top, rubbing across my
thin shoulders. After a moment of this, I felt his hands move up to
my neck again and the boy pressed gently back on my shoulders. I
swallowed as I felt him laying my body back on the bed, my legs still
dangling over the side. I looked down and could see my little penis
pulsing against my soft silk shorts.

I felt my tummy shiver as the boy's fingers tugged my tank top
from my shorts, lifting it enough to expose my pale white belly. He
smiled down at me again, then leaned over to lift my arms up, laying
them on the bed over my head, my white arm pits bared as Shane's had
been. "That's a good boy," Erin cooed, his fingers again taking hold
of the hem of my tank top, lifting it higher as his other hand lay
down on my belly button and gently stroked my abdomen. It shivered
with such excitement that Erin grinned. "You're so soft," he said
again, his young pubescent voice filling me with soothing assurances
that he adored me. He dragged his fingertips across my skinny belly
and all it could do was shiver, filling with a queasy pleasure that
made my little chest swell for air.

His hand raised my tank top higher, lifting it above the flat
skin where my pink nipples stood like little dots on my white body. I
had almost no muscles and, like Shane, my rib cage was the most
evident thing on my body when my arms were overhead as they were.
This seemed to please Erin and his fingertips felt along the firm
ripples of my ribs as they swelled up and down with my heavy

He stopped caressing my skin long enough to take hold of my
tank top with both hands. The silk was so soft and I was so light
that I didn't even have to move as he peeled it all the way up my
skinny body and over my head, baring my skinny little chest. In
reflexive protection, I lowered my arms and folded them across my
little nipples, but Erin soon smiled at me, gently pulling them away
and laying them back above my head again. I don't know if it was my
hairless armpits he adored if he just liked seeing me fully exposed
before him, but his big hands quickly lay on my chest, his fingertips
petting my underarms as his palms lightly massaged my little chest.

I swallowed nervously as the boy crawled up on the bed, his
smooth, beautiful face moving close to my chest and kissing the
exposed skin around his big hands. I panted softly, amazed by the
exciting pleasure of his slimy lips. He sucked on each of my nipples
so tenderly, kissing across the soft skin between them, kissing down
my abdomen until I was whimpering with embarrassment and pleasure. I
was even more shocked when his lips moved to my armpits and kissed the
hairless skin there. It tickled and I would have giggled, but I was
so excited, so filled with wonder that the boy loved my little body so
much, that all I did was lie there panting, crying softly, feeling
small and helpless to his tenderness. His hands felt so big on my
skinny body as they lovingly explored all up and down my ribs and
little chest.

"Uuuuh!" we heard Shane's high pitched voice crying. I turned
to find the little boy masturbating his slimy, hairless penis with
frantic need, his adorable face filled with happy, excited pleasure,
his purple penis head poking in and out of his foreskin with
intensity. His penis seemed even slimier, but I never thought to
realize that the boy had been spitting on it himself.

"Shane. Stop that!" Erin commanded. The boy's blue eyes
opened wide with fear and embarrassment and he sat motionless, still
holding his throbbing erection. He looked at Erin as his young hand
slowly slipped from his boner. Released, it throbbed as madly as ever
above the eleven year old's hairless belly and the boy looked down at
it hopelessly. Erin smiled at the little boy's sad desires and
reached across to gently fondle his bare little chest. "Okay," Erin
suddenly grinned. "I guess we have to help you out first."

He crawled over closer to Shane and his big hand took hold of
Shane's young cock, gently caressing his slender three and a half inch
penis. He grinned down at the naked boy's obvious delight at having
his penis held. Shane's baby blue eyes were smiling down at his
hairless meat as Erin gently kneaded it.

"Is that better?" he asked the little boy. Shane just smiled
happily down at his penis, his arms straight at his sides, loving the
tender caresses of the older boy.

"Kelvin," Erin suddenly said, turning so his beautiful face
was looking over his shoulder at my bare chest laying behind him.
"Come stand over here."

Feeling more than a little confused by the open desires of the
other boys, I swallowed and stood up. Feeling uncomfortable and
frightened, I walked over to where the thirteen year old sat on his
knees rubbing the other little boy's peter.

"Shane," the older boy said. "Can you take Kelvin's shorts
off?" It seemed a silly question to ask as his hand pulled the boy's
small penis, pulling the foreskin rhythmically up and over his purple
penis head. Still, it made Shane giggle.

"Yeah," he said.

I stood close enough to the bed that the little boy had no
trouble in reaching across with both hands (Erin still rubbing his
cock all the while) and took hold of my homemade shorts. He giggled
as he peeled them over my thin hips, the pale blue silk moving down to
my thighs to reveal the tight, white silk panties beneath. These
still clung tightly to my throbbing little penis and the pink and
purple colors of its hairless beauty were easy to see through the

"It's little," Shane gasped as his cock was rubbed. He had
moved my shorts down only midway through my thighs and, before
thinking about it, I felt myself pushing the soft fabric down, felt
myself stepping out of them and standing wearing only my white silk
panties. I stood there flushed with embarrassment as both boys
grinned at my near nudity. The hairlessness of my childhood was
obvious, from my skinny belly, up my thin chest and down my slender
thighs. Nonetheless, my penis throbbed with pubescent desire and my
face showed all of the pubescent feelings wrestling inside me as I
watched the older boy rubbing the eleven year old's hairless penis.

Erin was smiling up at my innocent passions but I just stood
there blushing. I gasped again as the older boy reached out and
slipped his hand beneath my panties, felt his long fingers caressing
my hairless erection, felt them probing the hairless warmth of my
scrotum and testicles. It felt nice, but I was confused by how hard
my little cock felt. I stood there, almost near tears, letting the
older boy feel it, feeling the pleasure his fingers built in it.

"Wait a second, Shane," the young teenager said, leaving the
boy's penis throbbing there as his other hand reached out for my
underwear. I stood there, trembling and blushing in excitement and
embarrassment, and felt Erin's big hands peeling my panties down. His
hand brushed my erection as he lowered them and I gasped, loving the
soft, smoothness of his skin. My penis stuck out hard and frantically
throbbing in hairless boyhood. It glowed a bright pink with
excitement despite its pale white coloring, the head shining a bright
purple that was almost white. Red excitement pulsed along it and I
felt ready to cry in embarrassment, knowing that I couldn't hide it,
so greatly did I desire their affection for it.

Like Shane, Erin couldn't work my underwear down below my
smooth, skinny thighs. Despite my shame, however, I reflexively took
hold of them and knelt over, slipping them all the way down my
hairless legs. I stood up again, completely naked now, staring at my
stiff little penis, but secretly watching the other boys as they
looked at it too. It was so hard, pulsing visibly with prepubescent
erection. It stuck out straight as an arrow, no thicker than a man's
pinky and certainly shorter. It was skinny and short, particularly
compared to Shane and Eric's. I wondered if Erin's penis was as
small, but the pulsing bulge in his shorts told me that was silly: I
had the smallest penis in the world. A two inch boner, however pretty
in its hairlessness, was still very small.

"Come here, sweetie," Erin said, his eyes staring at my
hairless little erection as his long, skinny arm reached for my body.
Eager for an older boy's affection, I swallowed and let him guide me
down on the bed beside Shane. I didn't like to lay down so close to
the pretty boy, but my only regret was that it showed how much bigger
his penis was than mine. He was smaller than me, at least a little
bit, and looked much younger. It was embarrassing to see how much
bigger his penis was than mine. Oh, it was nowhere near as big as
Eric's, but somehow I knew that little boys should be more similar.
Comparing penises alone, I looked like a child and Shane looked like a

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"His peepee is little," Shane said, making me long to curl up
and hide the hairless thing. I laid there, however, feeling ashamed,
letting the other boys compare my stiff cock to Shane's. If there was
any relief from this scrutiny, it was only the odd feeling that I had
that Erin was more infatuated with me than he was my innocent

"It's beautiful," the older boy said, smiling all up and down
my skinny, naked body.

Shane blushed and smiled up at our young mentor. "Are you
going to take your clothes off?" he asked, his face blushing brighter
as he looked away boyishly. I thought he was so pretty and was
certain that he was prettier than me. I looked down at the throbbing,
uncircumcised penis between his smooth legs, adoring the beautiful
softness of his hairless belly, the smooth skin joining the base of
his small boy cock in perfect hairlessness. His scrotum looked
equally hairless, the enlarged testicles inside being held by the
thick, pale skin of his sack. I smiled over at the pretty boy and he
returned a toothy grin, blushing to know I had been looking at his
hairless penis.

We both looked up as Erin's large hands reached down for the
hem of his bright white t-shirt. His belly appeared, looking very
slender and firm with muscles that scarcely rippled his soft brown
skin. His belly button looked adorable on the smooth skin of his
belly as the shirt slid slowly upward. I was astonished when his
chest appeared. It was little thicker than Shane's or mine and the
pubescent boy had very little muscle. What was most beautiful about
his chest were his nipples. His skin was naturally a darker hue than
Shane's and mine, and his nipples were very brown. They were also
tiny, like a little child's, shrunken into erect little spots, their
brown color looking extremely pretty against his pale brown skin.

He slid the t-shirt over his head and I saw his underarms.
He, too, had hairless underarms and the color of his smooth skin was
little lighter than on his chest. He had a beautiful young body,
prettier than Shane's and mine by far. I watched his smooth arms
slipping from the shirt as it cleared his head, the adorable boy
blushing as he smiled down at our naked little bodies, his dark brown
hair falling into his eyes. He looked so soft and smooth that I
longed to feel my skinny body held against his childishly muscular
little chest.

He sat there blushing for a moment, allowing Shane and I to
appreciate the beauty of his young body. He was as skinny as we were,
but his older age made his body bigger over all. He was also changing
quickly with puberty making his arms and legs look too long for his
small boy chest. Even his abdomen looked very long with his smooth
brown skin, his ribs rippling his skin but the darker complexion
making them look less pronounced, adorable beneath the small mounds of
his chest and his tiny nipples. He dropped his t-shirt on the floor
and sat back on his butt. I licked my lips in anticipation as the boy
reached for his shorts.

They were held shut with velcro and I could hear it tearing
apart as the boy grinned and blushed. He wasn't wearing any underwear
and his young, brown penis quickly poked out of his fly, looking
straight and throbbing with intense pubescent erection. Shane
giggled, but my adoring eyes didn't leave the thirteen year old boy
cock. Erin wiggled his butt and squirmed the shorts down his smooth,
hairless thighs.

His penis was big, but not quite as big as Eric's. It stuck
out so hard but his soft brown foreskin still partially covered his
penis head. It was still more than half visible however and might
have been the same dark brown color of his tiny nipples save for the
fact that his erection made it shine brightly, glowing a faint purple
with excitement. It stuck out a stiff, pulsing six inches, his
foreskin running smooth and unblemished all along its slender length.
It was the same color as his belly and looked adorable. Prettiest of
all about his penis was the small patch of downy, dark brown hairs
that decorated between his smooth legs. They looked a lot like
Eric's, very small and straight, looking softer than rabbit fur.
Through the little hairs, I could still see the soft, smooth brown
skin of his pubic mound. There was only a small circle of the young
peach fuzz and none of it touched his hairless brown scrotum. It held
his large testicles close to his body and I could see the oval curves
of his balls clearly through the smooth skin.

Erin pulled his smooth, long legs from the shorts and tossed
them on the floor. He sat down on one butt cheek, supporting himself
with a skinny arm, smiling and blushing as Shane and I adored him.
His big penis stuck out throbbing and my mouth watered looking at it,
gazing at the soft beauty of his young foreskin as it slowly retreated
from his brightly shining penis head. He was so excited that a little
droplet of thin sperm seeped from the little slit of his penis head,
the droplet glistening in the light and making me feel eager to taste
his boy seed.

Shane laid beside me giggling, his face blushing to see the
larger, furry erection of the older boy. I envied him fiercely,
wondering is Erin liked his eleven year old body more than me. The
little boy did have a bigger penis and it was very pretty as he lay
naked beside me, his foreskin covered penis still pulsing rhythmically
above his hairless belly.

I felt and heard Erin's naked body starting to move and my
eyes quickly turned to him, my heart beating faster in hopes that the
pretty pubescent boy was coming over to me. I felt like crying,
however, when he crawled up beside Shane, the little boy separating me
from the older boy. Erin laid his smooth cheek against the eleven
year old's thin shoulder, his large brown hand laying down on the
skinny boy's little chest. I laid there feeling unloved, but resigned
to accept the fact that Shane was much prettier than I was. I watched
the teenager as his lips lightly caressed Shane's smooth, pale face,
his hand rubbing lovingly across the little boy's flat chest. He
slipped his fingers beneath the child's arm, his large hand still
holding to the little mound of the boy's childish muscles.

Shane giggled bashfully as his body was loved by the older boy
and I felt my eyes dropping down the skinny little boy's baby soft
belly. I stared in adoration at his young, three and a half inch cock
as it throbbed in his pale pink foreskin. It looked so big on the
smooth, hairless mound between his legs and I could just see his tiny
slit as his purple penis head poked ever so slightly through his

I felt sad knowing that both Erin and I adored the little boy
more than me. Adoring his hairless innocence, however, was also very
pleasant, watching his young cock throbbing in prepubescent beauty.
Despite my longing desire for affection, my adoration for the naked
little boy brought some comfort. Knowing that even if I wasn't loved,
I was still free to love the hairless child. Gazing at his tensely
throbbing boner, I watched as my small hand moved slowly toward it.

Shane let out a startled cry and stared down at his cock as my
fingers took gentle hold of it. Despite the soft thickness of his
foreskin, I could feel it throbbing with intense hardness beneath. It
felt so nice, so soft in the pale foreskin, so hard in erection, so
hairless in boyhood. The boy's head turned toward me and I looked
over at him. He was grinning with excitement, his face so adorable
that all I could do was gaze at him with love. He looked excitedly
back down at his penis as my fingers continued to enjoy its pulsing

Erin was smiling as his lips continued to caress the little
boy's skinny neck and down over his baby soft little shoulder. I
watched him, wishing that he was kissing my body like that. He was
even more tender than Eric, his fingers still slipped into the child's
hairless underarm as his hand gently held to his little boy chest. I
was so jealous.

I looked down Shane's thin, hairless body at my fingers still
gently feeling his throbbing young organ. I loved him so much despite
my jealousy for his beauty. I almost couldn't bare to look at his
young, hairless erection and my eyes gazed at his little chest. It
looked so small and pale beneath Erin's hand, but the darker boy had
moved enough that one of the child's tiny purple nipples was exposed.
Shane seemed to enjoy having his chest kissed by the older boy so much
that I longed to be equally pleasurable for him. Still holding his
throbbing cock, I moved down a little bit, sitting up and leaning my
face toward his beautiful little chest.

I pressed my lips against the little boy's tiny nipple,
feeling the firmness of its little erection as my lips pressed against
his baby soft skin. His skin was so smooth, his body so small and
beautiful. As I kissed his little chest, my eyes could see how pretty
his thin rib cage was and I felt my lips gravitating toward it. I
could feel the gentle ripples of his hard ribs against my mouth,
adoring the softness of his skin, the perfect, unblemished smoothness
of his body.

I sat up farther as my blue eyes caught sight of his little
belly button. It was as if I didn't know that I was getting so close
to his cock. I still held his hairless wonder in my fingers. I
wasn't masturbating him, just holding it, so gently that I didn't even
pull his foreskin free of the head, something I longed to see
completely bared. My lips pressed down near to his belly button,
kissing the baby soft skin of his belly, feeling the little boy's
muscles shivering in excitement. Both Shane and Erin giggled at me,
but I still didn't think about what I was doing. I so adored his
smooth skin that it never occurred to me that his erection was only
inches away. The lower I got, the more beautiful he seemed and I
could see how smooth and baby soft his lower belly was. Panting
gently through my kissing lips, I felt them moving lower and suddenly
felt the head of his penis poking against my cheek.

I was so startled to feel it, warm and pulsing against my soft
skin, that I sat up in astonishment. I looked down at the hairless
uncircumcised boy cock, my hand still holding it, and suddenly
realized that I was practically sucking it already. Looking at its
pale, hairless beauty, I knew that I wanted to suck on it.

My heart pounding with nervousness, I let my head move down
between the child's legs. My mouth opened and, before I'd really
thought about it, my hand slipped from his penis to allow my lips to
totally engulf the young erection. It was so hard, feeling thick
between my lips, the foreskin tasting wonderful against my tongue. I
wrapped my lips down near his hairless pubic mound, his full three and
a half inch penis in my mouth, his hairless skin against my lips, the
cock pressed against my throat until I thought I would gag. It was so
weird, my mind filled with so much confusion that I scarcely knew what
I was doing. My tongue could feel the boy pulsing all along it, and
my lips were acutely aware of the hairless skin pressed against them.
As my mouth held to his boy cock, I tried to understand how the boy
felt and soon realized that his high pitched voice was whimpering in
boyish delight. Erin was still kissing his small chest, but I knew it
was me sucking his penis that excited him most.

Swallowing in embarrassment, I pulled my head from his cock.
It still throbbed sticking out its straight three and a half inches
with persistent intensity. His foreskin had retreated a little more,
but still covered the firm ridge of his purple penis head. My
fingers, which still held to the hairless base of his cock, moved
slowly up the slender shaft. I swallowed again, panting with
affection for his hairless erection. Nervously, my fingers gently
gripped his cock and slowly pulled his foreskin back. His slimy,
glistening penis head poked slowly out as his pale foreskin slipped
down his throbbing shaft. I stared at it with intense love, so
jealous of his hairless beauty, the gifted size of his boyish penis.
His purple penis head pulsed rhythmically, the little slit and
rhythmic movements pleading with me to take it in my mouth again. The
slit was gaping wide with the ferocity of his erection, his whole cock
moving up and down, up and down.

Erin was giggling as he kissed the boy's skinny chest, but I
didn't care. Swallowing again, I leaned forward and felt his rock
hard, pulsing penis head press against my lips. It felt so big, so
swollen, so hard. As Eric had taught me, I let the young thing push
its way back into my slimy mouth. Still holding his foreskin against
his hairless body, I let my lips slide down on him, hearing the little
boy crying with pleasure and excitement.

Shane's small, boyish hand slipped to my little shoulder and I
could feel it showing his approval by ever so slightly pressing down
on me. My mouth moved down his stiff erection, swallowing the
hairless young thing until my lips were again pressed against his
hairless belly, feeling it again begging entrance to my throat. The
boy moaned loudly, his penis throbbing madly on my tongue. His
excitement embarrassed me, but he seemed to enjoy the pleasure in his
cock with great happiness. My saliva made his exposed penis very
slimy and I loved the feel of its hardness in my mouth. It tasted so
fresh and clean and I couldn't smell the boy seed as I could when I
sucked on Eric's big boner. Shane's tasted clean and innocent.

Still pulling the boy's thick foreskin back, I let my lips
slide up his hairless boyhood, soon felt the firm ridge of his purple
penis head against the inside of my lips. I let them slide over the
little boy's head, feeling his body stiffen in pleasure. It still
felt big and still pulsed frantically, the boy's skinny belly rippling
gently as he squirmed ever so slightly. Trying so hard to excite the
child, I let my lips slide over the slimy, glistening head of his
excited erection, felt the purple thing slip back inside, heard the
little boy pant and cry with pleasure as his slender shaft slipped
between my lips. Soon, I could feel the soft, hairless skin of his
boyhood against my lips again. His cock throbbed in my mouth and I
adored it. I sucked on the young thing until the boy was filled with

I would have been content to hold that small, hairless penis
in my mouth forever, but excitement filled me with desire to feel the
little boy climaxing. Filled with love for the hairless boy, I let my
lips move up his slender penis shaft again. erin was giggling and I
was certain that he was laughing at me, but I didn't care: Shane's
penis was so hard and so excited, all I could do was strive to give
him his ultimate pleasure. God how I loved the penis in my mouth as I
let it hold to his bare penis head, let the slender, pale shaft slide
back into my mouth, his young penis pulsing madly against my tongue.

I continued my slow, deliberate strokes on the child's
boyhood, letting it slip in and out of my slimy mouth. Erin was
laughing at both of us, but I didn't care. All I cared about was that
sweet, hairless erection. I knew the little boy liked it and I
couldn't have stopped his joy for all the world. He was squirming
rhythmically now and I knew that he was very excited. I fantasized
about how wonderful his pleasure must be, knowing that he was getting
closer and closer to his prepubescent orgasm. I knew the penis in my
mouth was intensely excited and knew that the eleven year old was soon
going to feel the greatest pleasure his body could give him. His
penis was already so excited that almost nothing could contain his

My own penis was as tense and throbbing as Shane's and I was
so excited I was almost willing to release his penis and devote all my
attention to my own erection. I controlled myself, however, and
settled on doing everything I could to get the little boy off. My
neck aching already from bending over his pubic mound, I moaned softly
and started to slide his penis in and out of my mouth with frantic
desire for him to climax.

The child's skinny body responded immediately with excited
convulsions. I could see his thin rib cage bulging with hard bone, the
crying boy frantically trying to deal with the pleasure in his
hairless penis. Ribs rippled even along his skinny chest, the child
filled with intense pleasure, his tiny boy nipples erect with his
excitement. He was crying so loudly, Erin still giggling as he
enjoyed the little boy's orgasmic pleasure, the older boy's lips still
tasting the child's smooth, hairless body and underarms.

Shane's penis was moving in and out of my lips and I could
feel the shiny head slipping in and out, my lips lovingly rubbing over
the sensitive young thing until the frantic boy begged for relief. He
was so hard, so excited, his hairless penis throbbing frantically, his
skinny young body squirming as his blue eyes closed and the boy cried
with pleasure. I pulled his foreskin all the way back and shoved his
sensitive penis head all the way against my throat casing him to cry
louder, his head turning as he struggled to deal with his immense

His high pitched voice screamed as his penis leapt into full
blown orgasm. Erin had to hold the boy still so intense was the
frantic pleasure of his penis. His adorable young face was twisted
with uncontrollable pleasure, the boy still crying with the intensity
of his orgasm.

His skinny body jerked spasmodically on the bed, Erin trying
to hold him still, me plunging down on his stiff, hairless penis and
holding it. Through the hardness of his erection, I felt the child's
penis rhythmically flexing, longed for the taste of boy sperm. His
slender hips jerked with every flex, the boy crying desperately.
Nothing came out, however. Despite all the boys's squirming, despite
all his passion, the child was too young to have semen. He lay with
his skinny body contorting, his thin hips jerking, his small, bald
penis frantic to ejaculate as his pleasure totally consumed him with
pleasure. I leaned between his legs holding his flexing penis full on
my tongue, letting him climax there with no reward save for the
knowledge that he felt very, very good.

He cried and sighed deeply as the peak of his orgasm subsided,
the boy's rippling little body collapsing with deep gasps of pleasure
and little whines of relief. As his skinny body grew still, I sucked
all of his stiff boyhood into my mouth, holding the hairless thing
there, knowing the boy was reveling in the pleasure he had so recently
felt. I held his hard boyhood in my mouth, the hairless young thing
not softening in the slightest. It felt so nice and I loved the boy
so much, that I felt eager to suck on his cock until he had another
orgasm. His hand was still on my little shoulder, and the boy showed
that he was happy to let me suck on his hairless erection forever.

Still, my neck was aching from sucking on him, and I soon had
to let the boy cock go. It lay there between his hairless legs, not
throbbing now, but still stiff and hard. His pale foreskin slipped
back across the hardness of his young penis head and his whole cock
was shining with my loving saliva.

My lips glistening with spit, I gazed up his slender, hairless
belly, his gently rippling rib cage, his small, childish chest,
slender neck, the pretty, flushed beauty of his smooth face. My God
he was so beautiful. He was so small and young but his small hairless
penis was still able to give him the same intense pleasure that mine
gave me, the same pleasure that older boys desired more than life
itself. To see his soft, beautiful face filled with happiness for the
pleasure his penis was able to fill, made me ache in love for him.

The boy's eyes were still closed initially, but they soon
opened. Seeing my adoring eyes, the boy smiled at me, his thin lips
panting in post-orgasm, his love for me and the pleasure I brought to
him enough to make me feel very good inside.

Erin lay beside the little boy, his smooth boy face smiling at
the child's happiness. His big hand still caressed Shane's little
chest and still petted his hairless underarm, but it soon slid down
the boy's skinny body, rubbing his baby soft skin with adoring
affection. As he did this, his adorable face and deep brown eyes
looked at my skinny body and I suddenly felt like all his affection
for Shane was only to get the boy off before he turned to me. He
loved me. I could feel that, and, as his eyes gazed into mine before
looking down my hairless, naked body, I knew that I was the one he
wanted to have sex with most.

Oddly enough, I felt more nervous knowing how much the boy
wanted me. Swallowing nervously, I tore my eyes from the older boy and
my skinny, naked body lay slowly down beside Shane, still on the far
side of the hairless boy's skinny body from Erin. Somehow, I knew
that I was next and that Erin was the boy who was going to make my
still throbbing erection climax. Make no mistake: I desired his
affection and my own orgasm a great deal, but I was very nervous
knowing that the older boy was going to play with my hairless, little

It was so odd. I had felt so second-string for so long. Now,
I laid down and stared at my own naked, hairless body, at the little
throbbing boyhood between my own skinny thighs. My little penis was
beautiful. It may have been smaller than Shane's, and far more
hairless than Erin's, but as I watched it throbbing, I thought it was
the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and only my prepubescent
embarrassment kept me from rubbing on it myself.

Shane was giggling, his pretty face flushed with bashfulness
and post orgasm. He sat up on his elbows smiling at my naked boyhood
and even his skinny abdomen rippled with hard muscles, his ribs
joining them in rippling his small, thin body. Erin's long, slender
arm reach across the skinny boy's bare chest, his soft forearm rubbing
across the child's little nipples before reaching all the way across
and laying his hand on my little chest.

"It's your turn, Kelvin," he grinned at me, causing me to
blush as I watched his pale brown hand laying on my almost white skin.
Shane lay back down giggling as Erin's teenaged, pubescent body
crawled over his skinny chest and reached for my body. I felt his big
hands slipping into my hairless armpits and let the older boy pull me
toward him. My skinny arms took hold of his and I stared down at my
penis as it suddenly pressed against the little boy between us. Shane
giggled again and I couldn't help grinning as I felt his smooth, baby
soft thigh sliding against my excited little erection.

Erin seemed so strong to be almost lifting my little body up,
his skinny chest flexing with little muscles, his slender, almost
hairless arms rippling boyishly. I giggled with Shane suddenly as I
felt my stiff boner rubbing across his hairless penis. His boyhood
was a little softer now, the purple head swallowed in his thick
foreskin. It felt really nice pressing between my legs, but was soon
replaced by his other thigh as my body slid closer to Erin.

The older boy's hands still held to my armpits and little boy
chest as he lifted me across onto him. I panted through my excited
giggles, astonished as the boy guided me between his legs. His
throbbing penis felt so big as it joined with mine and I felt his
hands slowly lowering my boy chest down onto his. His body felt so
hard beneath me, but soft too with the smoothness of his pale brown
skin. I could actually feel his tiny, erect nipples pressing against
my skin as I wiggled and found a comfortable place for my little body
to lay on his, our penises feeling warm as they lay side by side
pressed between our pubic mounds. His peach fuzz was so downy that I
could just barely feel it caressing my little penis head. Just
thinking about it was enough to excite me, however, and I wished I
could see my little, purple penis head laying against that little
circle of soft, dark brown fuzz.

Erin's big hands slipped through my underarms and I felt his
baby soft arms taking hold around my body. His arms were so long and
I was so skinny that it was easy for him to hold me, his big hands
moving tenderly across my thin shoulders. He was smiling at me as I
lay on top of him, my face filled with astonished pants and soft
exclamations of pleasure as I imagined our penises rubbing each other.
Even though I was panting, Erin blushed and his beautiful, smooth
brown face lifted toward mine. I was astonished when he pressed his
slimy lips against mine, but it felt really nice so I lay there and
let him kiss me.

Without thinking about it, I felt my skinny body gently
pressing my penis harder between his legs and I gasped louder. Erin
giggled at my boyish excitement and moved his lips so that his baby
soft cheek could rub against mine. "Are you getting excited, Kelvin?"
he asked, as if my whimpering pleasure wasn't obvious. I didn't
answer him, just lay there as my skinny body started forcing me to rub
my little erection rhythmically against him. "That's so sweet," he
said, his big hands rubbing lovingly through my blond hair.

My body seemed to take this as permission and I felt it
straining to rub against him still more. I could feel his smooth,
hairless legs rubbing against mine, his big feet looking larger
against my smaller ones. The older boy held me closely to his small,
childishly muscular chest, one hand gently holding the nape of my
neck, the other holding to my skinny shoulders as my body struggled to
hump him against the tenderness of his loving hug. "That's a boy,"
his young voice encouraged me as my head slipped down on his shoulder,
my boy voice whimpering with pleasure. My penis was so hard it almost
hurt and I couldn't seem to stop myself from rubbing it against Erin's
boy fuzz. He was laying so still, only the tender caresses of his
hands on my back and neck moving him as my body gently moved
rhythmically up and down on him.

"Okay, Kelvin," he said, and I cried in frustration as I felt
his big hands slip into my hairless armpits again. I struggled to
push my penis against his some more, but the stronger boy lifted me
away, rolling me backward on the bed. I could feel Shane's naked
little body rub against my back and legs as the boy squirmed over to
give me room to lie between them. My face pleading, I tried to
remount the older boy, but he just smiled and held me back. "It's
okay, Kelvin," he giggled at my frantic excitement. "Let's let Shane
play with you, too."

I scarcely heard him say this, but it sunk in as I heard Shane
giggle, his small hand laying on my belly and rubbing my soft skin. I
looked down as I lay back on the bed. My hairless little erection
looked red and raw, still throbbing fantastically, the purple head
looking so little and excited. Erin's big hands joined Shane's, the
older boy rubbing across my skinny chest as he sat up on his butt. I
stared at his big erection, the brown head completely freed of his
foreskin, so much so that it didn't look like he even had a foreskin
save for the smooth perfection it gave his young penis shaft. His
penis was pulsing up and down, looking wonderful with the dark circle
of soft fuzz around the base. His testicles were held closely by his
smooth scrotum now forming a round ball at the base of his cock
between slender thighs as smooth and hairless as a child's.

Erin saw me staring at it and grinned down at me. "You like
sucking penises, don't you?" he blushed, his big hands rubbing my
chest. The droplet of sperm that had seeped from his penis head was
gone now and I realized how eager I was to suck him until he squirt in
my mouth. I licked my lips, my head reflexively nodding in answer to
the thirteen year old's question.

"I like sucking penises, too," Shane giggled through his
toothy grin. His pretty face was blushing brightly, his cheeks flushed
against his pale skin, but his blue eyes were twinkling with
excitement and it was obvious that the boy was telling the truth. I
looked down at his little chest and slender abdomen, the small,
hairless softness of his young boyhood.

"Do you suck on Michael's penis a lot?" Erin asked the eleven
year old boy.

Shane giggled and nodded. "He likes sticking it in my butt,
too," the boy blushed happily.

"Really?" Erin smiled at the boy's innocent happiness. I
looked at Shane blushing, picturing him having sex with the muscular
little pubescent Michael. I wished that I had a boy friend whose
penis was smaller like Michael's so I could find out what it was like
to be fucked more lovingly than I was at the orphanage. Eric's seven
inch erection was definitely too big for my little butt. The thought
of Shane's hairless little butthole excited me even more and I was all
ready to stick my little penis inside him.

"Do you want to suck on Kelvin's penis?" Erin asked the boy.

Shane smiled down at it, then nodded excitedly up at the older
boy. His pretty young face smiled at me and his happiness filled me
with love for him. Without another word, the skinny little boy turned
his body toward my cock. I could feel his chest laying down on my
belly and soon felt his small hands moving between my legs. He
giggled and I moaned as I felt his small fingers caressing the
hairless skin around my boner.

Erin's tender hand traced slowly down my chin and I looked up
at him. He was smiling down at me in adoration and his fingers lightly
slid over my chin and gently touched my slender lips. He opened them
gently with his fingertip and I lay confused by his tender love.

I let out a little cry as I felt Shane's small hand taking
hold of my stiff little penis. Erin's adorable face grinned at my
astonished pleasure, his fingers still caressing my smooth, beardless
face. "It's okay, Kelvin," he assured me. I lay in excitement as I
watched the older boy moving up toward me on his knees. His big, six
inch cock still throbbed madly and he was soon sitting back on his
ankles, his young manhood sticking straight out in erection. I looked
down across his small, slender chest, adoring the perfect softness of
his skin, his tiny brown nipples, waiting to receive the hot penis I
knew was coming.

My body tensed madly and I cried again as I felt Shane's cool
tongue start licking my hairless boyhood. I looked down, but all I
could see were the child's thin shoulders as he lay on me. With his
arm laying over my belly, his little armpit was laying directly
against my skin, feeling smooth and hairless. I wished I could watch
him licking my little erection. His back was so thin and I adored the
firm ridges of his small shoulder blades.

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Erin waited for me to absorb some of the pleasure of having my
penis licked before his fingers again reached out to caress my cheeks,
again pulling my excited attention to him. His deep brown eyes filled
me with love as he stood up on his knees, his young body looking long
and thin and so unbelievably smooth with his pale brown skin. I
watched his hairless underarms as the boy reached out his arms and
reached across to the far side of my head. He leaned down on his
long, slender arms and stood on all fours like a puppy. He didn't
have to crawl very far to bring his big penis to my face and I
suddenly felt it poke against my smooth cheek. Erin giggled as my
body jerked in surprise and his big hand reached down his body to take
hold of his erection with his fingers. The older boy pointed the
young thing at my mouth and I swallowed, feeling my breath panting
through my lungs. I watched Erin guiding his big, bulbous penis head
to my lips and I opened my mouth to greet it.

It felt hard and warm as it touched my lips, and I had to open
my mouth wider to give it room to enter. Reflexively, my tongue stuck
out to touch the boy's penis head and I could instantly taste the
sweet, boyish flavor of his seed, though his cock was still free of
actual semen. I could hear Erin breathing faster, a big grin on his
face, as he slipped his penis farther into my mouth. It was so big
and I was worried that he would shove it down my throat. He was very
gentle, however, and knew how much of the young thing could fit in my
childishly small mouth. I could feel the rock hard head throbbing on
my tongue and nervously wrapped my lips around the firm ridge of it.
The boy pressed his hips forward slightly and a little more of his
cock slipped into my slimy mouth but not very much.

I looked up his skinny body laying over the top of me, could
see the pin pricks of his tiny, dark brown nipples sticking out
slightly from his otherwise perfectly smooth chest. Above that, the
adorable boy's head was bent over so he could look down at his penis
sticking in my mouth. He was grinning at me and I knew he loved me.

Shane really knew how to excite a cock with his tongue and
mouth. His licking had focused more and more on my little purple head
and I soon felt him working the little thing into his mouth. His lips
wrapped around it and I felt them sliding down its skinny, two and a
half inch length. In no time, I felt his lips pressing against my
hairless belly and testicles. I needed air so badly but the big cock
in my mouth kept me from getting it. It hissed through my nose, my
little chest heaving up and down as I moaned in pleasure. My boyish
cries got little farther than my chest, however as I continued sucking
on Erin's penis head. It felt so good.

I tried to look down at Shane again but still could see
nothing more than his skinny shoulder blades, the smooth, pale
perfection of his skin as the baby soft side of his chest lay pressed
across my belly. Feeling helpless in pleasure, my eyes drifted upward
and could see the last couple of inches of Erin's cock as it pointed
itself down into my mouth. I lay letting the boys do what they wanted
to do to me, my blue eyes able to see little more than the soft black
peach fuzz just around Erin's penis. This was a wonderful sight and I
enjoyed gazing at it as I felt my penis filling with pleasure. At the
same time, I could see the underside of the thirteen year old's
hairless scrotum. It was so smooth and soft looking, a pale brown
like the rest of his magnificent pubescent body. From that angle, I
couldn't see any peach fuzz, just the soft hairlessness of his scrotum
where it joined to his smooth thighs.

I lay there without moving as my little boyhood was sucked by
Shane and my own mouth was filled with a thirteen year old penis.
Erin's thin body was moving ever so slightly up and down on me, his
penis sliding a little less than an inch in and out of my lips. I
could see the baby soft skin around his little belly button rippling
slightly as he moved, his young body undulating in young, rhythmic
pressure. My tongue could still feel his penis head throbbing with
his young heartbeat. It was so hard that my tongue could actually
feel the little slit gaping open. It felt wonderful.

I was still moaning against the cock in my mouth as I felt
Shane's slimy lips sliding up and down on my stiff little erection.
He moved up and down on it rhythmically and I was amazed that an
eleven year old boy could know so much about pleasing a boy cock. His
lips were pursed tightly around my little boner, his blond head moving
up and down between my legs. He let his lips slide all the way over
my little, purple boy head before plunging back down to my hairless
body. He had been doing this same thing over and over again and it
felt so good that I felt like screaming my pleasure. I was so
overcome by pleasure that I fought to let my eyes see him doing it.
Still, however, all I could see was his back, watching his little
shoulder blades rippling as his entire body moved up and down, guiding
his blond head and slimy mouth moving on my erection.

Even with Erin's penis moving in my mouth, it was pretty
obvious how excited I was. Not only was I moaning as loudly as a
mouth full of penis could allow, but my skinny, hairless little body
was growing stiffer and stiffer. the pleasure in my penis was so
great that I was crying and neither Shane nor Erin had any doubts that
I was going to climax.

Shane responded by sucking even harder on me causing me to
squeal against Erin's penis head. The little boy's slimy lips started
to slide even faster up and down on my two and a half inch erection
until I was astonished that he could move so fast. His mouth felt so
warm, so slimy, as it plunged my cock frantically in and out. I was
so excited, so close to my prepubescent orgasm, and I couldn't release
any of my pleasure through crying and moaning. Without even trying to,
my skinny little body started to squirm and it was growing so tense
and filled with passion that the little boy must have had trouble
keeping my hairless penis in his mouth. If Erin's hips hadn't held me
pinned to the pillows with his cock, and Shane's naked body hadn't
been laying on my belly, I would have been a thrashing wreck, so
intense was my orgasm.

Erin was moaning now himself and he was still managing to slip
his penis in and out of my lips. I wanted to cry in love for his
boner and for his downy peach fuzz, but I was already too busy crying
for my own pleasure. I tried again to cry out when the throbbing,
rock hard penis head in my mouth suddenly squirt sperm onto my tongue.
I couldn't believe its wonderful flavor. It coated my tongue, the
taste of his puberty filling me with love for him, adding to the
pleasure in my own immature erection. I lay there crying, still
feeling Erin humping his penis between my lips, tasting his wonderful
boy seed as it made several squirts into my mouth.

Perhaps it was the taste of Erin's sperm, but I was now lost
in orgasm. My body was squirming beneath the other boys' weight and my
slender hips were striving to shove my penis deeper into Shane's warm
mouth. I looked up and saw Erin's soft dark peach fuzz and suddenly
cried out with fantastic pleasure. My body grew extremely rigid and I
was filled with dizzy passion. It lay there reveling in the intensity
of its young pleasure then suddenly started jerking madly. I bounced
on the bed, Shane swallowing all of my boyhood and sucking on it as
the little thing between my legs tried to ejaculate its little sperms.
I didn't have any, of course, but my penis wanted to squirt so badly.

I collapsed in a crying, gasping heap on the bed as the
intense pleasure of orgasm subsided into a growing warmth that spread
from my penis all the way through my belly and across my body. Every
muscle in my arms and legs seemed to relax as if they'd been clenched
for hours and I felt so good. I needed air so badly, but Erin's penis
was still humping my mouth and I was forced to take everything I could
through my small boy nose. It wasn't enough, but I let my chest heave
with the effort to fill them and let the thirteen year old boy have
his way with me.

Shane was still sucking on my penis and it felt nice. It
didn't feel like it was getting softer, but it didn't hurt anymore and
I liked the slimy warmth of his mouth. I thought that Erin had
already had his orgasm, but he was still moaning very loudly, his
skinny chest and smooth body still rippling as he pressed his penis in
and out of my mouth. He seemed to be getting more and more excited
and this confused me: Eric and I always relaxed after orgasm, and
Eric's orgasm always came when his penis squirt sperm. I could still
taste Erin's sperm, but the boy didn't seem at all ready to relax.

I was astonished and a little frightened when the small boy's
big hand suddenly reached between his legs. I could see his thumb and
forefinger gripping the exposed four inches of his penis and the boy
gasped very loudly as he started to masturbate himself. I lay there
without moving, feeling his slimy penis rubbing on my tongue, and
almost gagged in surprise when his big penis started to squirt more
sperm out. This tasted every bit as good as the last time, but there
was more of it and it felt warmer. His hard penis head actually
swelled as it squirt and I could feel it squirting with a lot of
strength, the boy's hand still stroking madly on his young cock.

He lifted up on his knees, still masturbating himself. I
looked up his skinny, pale brown body as his cock slipped from my
lips. Though his penis was losing its strength, sperm still spurted
out of the head and it dripped into my face.

"Shane," the older boy gasped through his pleasure. "Come and
taste some sperm."

I felt the little boy's warm mouth leaving my penis and he
excitedly sat up and came over to Erin and I. he was grinning
delightedly as he gazed at Erin's penis, not squirting now, but still
covered with a layer of his thin sperm. Shane's lips were very slimy
from sucking on my boyhood, but he delightedly leaned over and slipped
Erin's sperm coated penis head into his mouth. I adored the thought
of the little boy's saliva joining mine on that beautiful, pubescent
penis and lay gasping easily now as I watched him sucking Erin's cock.

"Mmmm," the little boy giggled as he tasted Erin's sperm.
Erin held the big cock in his hand and squeezed up its length. His
foreskin made a little collar of flesh against Shane's lips, but he
managed to squeeze the last of his sperm into the child's mouth.
Shane's cheeks were still flushed, but looked so smooth as I saw him
tasting Erin's semen, his blue eyes gazing up at the skinny boy's bare
chest and adorable face with love and adoration. He was such a sweet
little boy. I hoped that I would have a little boy to love me someday
who was just like Shane.

I was laying there as the eleven year old sucked Erin's
quickly softening penis above my chest. Although I adored watching
them, my curiosity led me to look down at my penis. It was softening
now but was still bigger than it was normally. It looked soggy and
red and so beautiful in its hairless boyhood. I wished that I could
stick it in my mouth and taste Shane's slimy saliva, but there wasn't
much chance of that; it was just too little.

Smiling down at the naked little boy, Erin's hands slipped
beneath Shane's hairless armpits and gently lifted him from his slimy
cock. The boys looked so happy and I felt myself blushing and smiling
with them. Erin's fingers were still in the boy's armpits, his palms
resting on Shane's little chest, but they suddenly slid down the
child's hard rib cage and tickled his sensitive belly. Shane squealed
madly and fell over on my body, contorting wildly as Erin's fingers
continued to stab at his ribs. His high pitched squeals were so sweet
and innocent and the feel of his naked body squirming on my chest and
belly was wonderful. I tried to support the little boy by holding him
with my hands, as much to get him still so that he didn't kick my
penis or anything.

Erin seemed to like the fact that I was touching Shane and let
the little boy go from his tickles. the older boy lay down beside me,
his small chest swelling as he continued to breath heavily from his
penis's exertion. He lay there and smiled over at me as I absently
moved Shane's naked little body over to the other side of me.

Shane's naked body giggled and the young boy rolled over me
and fell down between Erin and my naked bodies. We all giggled at his
boyish delight, though Erin and I were still hungry for air. Still,
the young boy was so playful we couldn't ignore him and soon the three
of us were wrestling naked, limp penises and soft bodies rubbing
against each other with enthusiastic joy. Somehow, Erin's hands kept
managing to find their way to our exposed rib cages and both Shane and
I were soon screaming with laughter as the older boy tickled our ribs.

We wrestled like this for about ten minutes, finally growing
so exhausted that we collapsed against each other, Erin cradling us
both against his slender body. Shane and I blushed and smiled at each
other, each laying with a cheek pressed against one of the older boy's
tiny nipples. It felt so nice to share Erin's love with the other
little boy.

The door to the room opened and Eric walked in, a happy smile
on his face. He was stark naked, his big penis swinging between his
legs so far I could tell he had been playing with another boy.
"What's going on in here?" he grinned and came over to us.

"We were playing," Shane giggled as the fourth boy's naked
body climbed into bed with us. His big penis got more than a casual
glance from the other boys. I just buried my face against his chest
and stroked his belly, happy to be with him again.

"Sounded like you were being skinned alive," Eric grinned, his
soft hand tenderly stroking my back with love.

"Well, Erin was tickling us," the young boy defended grinning
his cute boyish grin, revealing the small gap of his missing tooth

"Thanks, Eric," Erin said kissing my lover. "You really made
my last night something to remember."

Eric looked rather pained by this declaration, but shrugged
his shoulders. "Erin... can you really stop... you know..."

Erin's face grew serious a moment and he didn't look back at
Eric. "No," he said at length. "...and I'm not going to."

"Huh?" Eric's face questioned. "You have to get married in
two hours."

Erin swallowed nervously. "I'm not going to marry that Sally
Stratford," he declared.

"But you have to. It's your fourteenth birthday."

Erin suddenly looked at Eric, his cute face so serious it
caught all of our attentions. "Can you keep a secret, Eric? I mean a
real big one? You guys, too?" he added looking at Shane and I.

We nodded, all filled with nervous fear for the boy.

"I'm running away tonight."

"What?!" Eric's voice cracked. "You can't run away. They'll
hunt you down. You'll never be able to hide from the dwarves and you
can't get over the mountains alive."

"I have... friends," the boy swallowed, looking away again.

"Who?" Eric asked.

"Just some friends. They're friends of Jonathan's. They paid
the dwarves to let me sneak out in a wagon."

"Pa says Jonathan is friends with the Boylovers," Eric said, a
loose point but one that caught all eyes when Erin suddenly stared in
surprise then looked away. "Mama says there aren't any Boylovers,"
Eric added doubtfully. "And Mother, too. They said Pa was just crazy
'cause of the Holy Warrior tribe he belongs to."

Erin just shrugged. "I shouldn't have said anything," he
said. There was a long moment of silence, Erin stroking Shane's
shoulder, the three of us just staring at the boy.

"A boy can't leave his wedding," Shane said wide eyed. "All
boys have to marry a girl. My Mother says it's a sin not to."

"Well, then I'm going to sin. You promised not to tell,

"I won't," the boy said weakly, suddenly crossing his heart
and hoping to die.

"Where are you going to go?" Eric asked his friend.

"Kovz," Erin replied, his eyes flashing with eagerness. "There
aren't any girls there, Eric. Just boys. And you don't have to ever
grow up. And you can play the game as long as you want."

"Who are the Boylovers?" I asked.

"They're these boys who never grow up and never die and play
the game forever. That's who the Holy Warriors are, Eric, and that's
why they hate the Boylovers. They say any boy who plays with a
Boylover will never be able to make babies and you know what that
would do to your dowry..."

"But you're getting married..."

"No, I'm not. I'm going to Kovzland."

All of us jumped in conspiratorial terror that we were caught
when there was a knock at the door. Without an invitation, the door
opened but no one was there. We all stared wide-eyed in confusion as
the door suddenly closed.

"What the..." Erin started to say, but before he could finish,
two forms appeared in the air, moving as if they were taking off
clothing we couldn't see. As soon as the invisible clothing was free
from their arms, it appeared as two light blue robes which the two
people draped over their arms.

We were all so stunned by their appearance that it took us a
moment before we started trying to conceal our naked bodies.
"Jonathan," Eric's voice cracked. Erin's naked body immediately
jumped up from the bed and his small, young penis swung gently between
his legs as he went up to one of the two visitors.

"How did you do that?" his high pitched voice asked. The
first visitor was a boy of about fifteen, a cute boy with blond hair
who nonchalantly kissed Erin's cheek and smiled happily. He didn't
look much taller than Eric despite the mature way he carried himself,
but then Eric was a tall boy for his age.

"They're robes of invisibility. You don't think they'd have
let us in here if they could see us do you?" His voice had changed
into a baritone, but still had the rough boyish sound of a young
teenager to it. He was dressed in slacks, a shirt and ankle high

The person with him was a man of about forty, dressed in a
green shirt and leather vest. He had a bow strapped across his back
and his friendly face smiled at Erin's naked body. "A pleasure to
make your acquaintance, Erin," he smiled, taking Erin's hand and
bowing to him.

Erin immediately blushed and we could see him fight from
trying to cover his limp penis.

"I'm sorry," the blond haired boy said. "This is Eric.. oh,
we have two Eric's here," he nodded toward my Eric.

"Hi, Jonathan," Eric nodded. He, Shane and I had all grabbed
fragments of clothing from the bed and floor to cover ourselves and we
blushed brightly.

"Anyway," the adolescent smiled. "This is the guy I was
telling you about."

The man was still staring at the three of us on the bed and
his eyes suddenly widened. "Kelvin!" he exclaimed, his long legs
rapidly crossing the room and coming up to me until I cowered back
from him. "Does Chris know you're here?" He stared at the shock in
my face for a long moment then suddenly smiled with irony. "Oh,
Kelvin," he sighed, still smiling. "You were killed after all."

I just stared at him in confusion and embarrassment. I was
certain I had never seen him before in my life.

"You know him?" Jonathan asked.

"No," the man grinned. "No, of course not. I just had him
confused with another boy I know." He was still leaning toward me and
his smiling face glanced across my body.

I shrugged, still leaning away from him in fear.

"Where's the necklace?" he asked and my eyes grew wider. "Do
you know?"

"Master Thorne has it," my young voice squeaked.

"And the lamp?"

I shrugged my bare shoulders.

He smiled more broadly at me and I jumped as he tousled my
hair. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Just remember: never take that
ring off."

I jumped again having long since forgotten the ring around my
thumb and quickly surprised that he could see it. With a brief glance
I could see an identical ring around the man's finger and a shiver ran
up my spine. The man just smiled. He gently lifted my hand and
pulled the ring off my finger. "Here," he said. I was too frightened
and confused to move as he slipped the ring onto my left index finger.
"It'll be more comfortable there." I had been certain and was still
certain that the ring was too big to stay on my slender, little
fingers, but as I looked down at it I saw that it fit perfectly.

In shock, I turned to Eric, but the young boy just sat there
without moving, his bare chest just as still as the rest of him, as if
he weren't even breathing. A frightened glance about the room proved
that they were all like this, everyone frozen solid save for me and
the smiling man before me. I was so frightened I almost screamed but
just sat trembling at the man.

"It'll be okay, soon, boy. Don't be afraid." He stood up
suddenly. "Uncanny resemblance, but this is plainly not the same boy,"
he said crossing back to Jonathan and Erin.

"He lost his memory," Eric said. "He can't remember

"Is that so? Well, I hear those things clear up eventually.
We have to be going soon, Jonathan."

"Yeah. Are you ready, Erin?" the boy grinned down at the
youth's naked body.

"I have to get dressed," Erin said already starting back to
his clothes. I could see the nervous fear in his cute face but it was
nothing compared to the fear that still filled me.

"Never mind all that," the man smiled. He pulled a small
packet from his shirt pocket and tossed it toward Erin. Before it
reached the boy, it expanded and grew into a blue robe identical to
the ones they had been wearing when they entered. "No one will see
you with that on."

Erin unfolded it, grinning excitedly at the magic it
contained, then suddenly grew solemn and turned back to Jonathan. "Can
I say good bye to my friends?" he asked.

"Of course," the man smiled. "But be quick about it if you
don't want to be married soon."

Erin turned toward us then suddenly looked back. "Hey, why
can't they come, too?" he grinned.

"No," the man shot back quickly, his smile not wavering. I
could see him glance at me. "Not now. They'll have to come later."

"I'm not going anywhere," Eric suddenly defended, blushing
despite his determination.

"You will," the man nodded. He looked at me again with the
same ironic smiled I'd seen before. "Sooner or later you'll all have

None of us challenged his words, least of all me who sat in
utter confusion, for none of us understood what he was talking about.
Erin turned toward us as if he were about to cry.

"You must come later, Eric. Please." Eric didn't say
anything, just sat watching. "Thanks for the going away party. Tell
Michael thanks, too." The boy seemed to fumble for something more to
say but turned and walked back toward Jonathan and the man.

"On with the robes," the man instructed, and soon their bodies
were disappearing beneath them.

"Good-bye," we heard Erin's voice say as the door opened. When
it closed, we knew we were alone.

Eric and I rode home in silence, me too frightened and
confused to tell him what had happened between the man and I. What did
it all mean?

We went to bed together in his room, though we were both too
wrapped up in our private thoughts to have any interest in playing
together. With tender kisses, our naked bodies curled up and we were
soon fast asleep.




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Five

I awoke in the morning with a tense little boner that was
demanding my attention. Eric was still asleep on the bed beside me
and I half wished that he would wake up and suck on my penis again. I
lay there on my back for several minutes, but made no noise and the
thirteen year old didn't stir.

I could feel my little erection throbbing against the sheets,
the cool linen feeling nice against my hard, warm skin. Filled with
childish excitement, I cautiously lifted the sheet and blanket from my
body and looked down at it.

It looked as small as ever, though I was now getting used to
seeing it stiff and throbbing. The little purple head was already
shining with pressure, looking big for the skinny, white shaft of my
boyhood. My smooth belly ran all the way to the base in soft,
hairless perfection and, just beneath my penis, I could see my
hairless testicles pulled into a small ball in my pink scrotum. It
looked adorable, even to me.

Smiling, and trying not to wake Eric, I carefully moved the
blankets down and lay them on my thighs, baring almost all of my
skinny, pink body. I lay there for several minutes looking at my
erection, feeling entranced by its hairless beauty and its rhythmic
throbbing. My small hands lay nervously down on my little chest as I
thought about rubbing on my boyhood. Eric had masturbated his and it
looked like fun. All I had ever done is let him or Erin play with
mine. I was curious, and skeptical, that I could make it have an
orgasm all by myself, but I did want to try it just to find out. It
would really be neat if I could rub on it and make it feel that good
all by myself. Then I could do it all the time.

Still, I felt embarrassed and nervous, as much about waking
Eric and having him see what I was doing to myself as I was about
doing it. Puberty was beginning to enter me, however, and my innocent
embarrassment was little match for the desires of my erection.

Glancing nervously across at Eric's slender, bare shoulders, I
slowly moved my hand down between my legs. The skin felt so soft in
its hairless innocence as my fingers reached for my erection. I
looked intently for any sign of hair as I felt around it, but there
wasn't the slightest bit. I was as smooth and hairless as a little
child, even when I slid my fingers down around my little testicles. I
felt a shudder of pleasure sweep through my belly as I touched my
boner and I panted softly with a boyish smile, excited at the thought
of doing it to myself. I could feel the little thing pulsing with my
heartbeat, a strange, enchanting motion that hypnotized me, locked my
eyes onto the hairless wonder of my prepubescent body.

It was much too small to fit in my fist as Eric had held his
but it felt nice when I held it between my thumb and forefinger like
Eric did when he masturbated me. Repressing a giggle of delight and a
moan of pleasure, I gently squeezed the skinny thing, feeling it
pulsing between my fingers now, and slowly pulled down on the soft
skin covering it. There was very little of this skin to rub on, but I
could see the little knob of my penis grow brighter as what there was
pulled away from it, the hard head shining a bright purple as if
begging me to do it some more. My free hand slipped up my skinny
chest and took hold of my neck as if to strangle me; a strange thing
for it to do but one that made the pleasure feel even better.

The door to the room opened and Master Thorne strolled in. I
was so shocked and embarrassed that I just lay there holding my stiff
penis for a second, just long enough for him to see what I was doing
to it. By the time my reflexes kicked in and frantically pulled the
covers back up, it was too late.

Thorne's entrance and my quick movement awoke Eric and the
sleepy boy turned over yawning, adorable face looking too groggy to
know what was happening.

"You're horny, aren't you, Kelvin?" Thorne leered at me as I
held the blankets pulled tightly around my neck. "What are you doing,
Eric?" Thorne shook his head at the young teenager. "Making your
little play thing play with himself already?"

Eric looked over at me in confusion, then rubbed the sleep
from his eyes. He was sitting up in the bed, his long, slender chest
and belly exposed, his big penis still covered by the blanket. I lay
there with my ears burning in shame and embarrassment.

Thorne grinned down at us for a moment with wicked delight.
"Eric, you go to your room. I have some things to talk over with the

"What things?" Eric asked, slowly coming to full

"I told you to go to your room," Thorne said angrily.

Eric looked down at me cowering beneath the blankets then
turned on Thorne. "He doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to,"
he said, sounding tougher than I had ever heard him sound before in
front of his father.

"Move it!"

"He doesn't," Eric defended, a little less strongly as his
tall, naked body crawled out from the covers and stood up, big penis
sticking out half hard from his smooth, slender legs.

"Oh, he'll want to," Thorne said with certainty, looking at me
as if he knew every desire in my young body. "Now, you go to your
room and stay there until I send for you. Do you understand me, young

Eric's adorable, boyish face looked ready to fight to the
death for a moment, but he suddenly blushed and looked away in
helpless embarrassment. "Yes, sir," he swallowed, blushing boyishly.
He looked at me one last time, silently reminding me that I didn't
have to do anything I didn't want to do. After that, he turned and I
sadly watched his thin back and small, round butt walk from the room.

Thorne smiled at my fear and embarrassment and walked over to
the bed, sitting down on it beside me. "You're going to do a little
favor for me, boy," he said, still looking into my crimson face.

"What?" my squeaky boy voice asked, softly.

"There's a man who's going to bring his son by in about an
hour. You're going to play with him like you do with Eric."

"Why?" I asked, my young voice trembling.

"Because if you don't, I'll whip your little butt raw. Do you

I swallowed in fear and nodded.

"Good," he said. He smiled down at me for a moment, then his
big hand reached down and gently pushed the blond bangs from my eyes.
"You'll like him, boy," he assured me. "And after him, there'll be a
lot of others... a lot of others. Do you understand?"

I nodded again, though the understanding embarrassed me

"Yeah, we're going to get along just fine, you and me, boy.
You just stay a pretty little boy and we'll have no trouble finding
you friends, even after Eric is gone next year. No trouble at all."

I just laid there in wide-eyed fear that he was going to whip
me, saying nothing, silently wishing he would leave me alone.

"Mama!" he called as he stood up and turned away from me.
Within seconds, the older woman was scurrying into the room.

"Lord, what is it now?" she asked impatiently.

"Fix the child up nice and pretty. Mr. Wellesley is bringing
his boy by at ten."

"Oh, he is?" Mama smiled happily, any hope that she would
protect me quickly fading. "Isn't that nice. You're going to have
him play with the child, then?"

"He's never done it before," Thorne said. "You need to make
sure he gets the right idea with our boy, here."

"I understand," Mama said. "Don't you worry, Johnny. If
there's one thing I know, it's how to make a boy pretty."

Thorne nodded and started toward the door. As he reached it,
he turned. "Try that baby costume they put him in at the orphanage,"
he suggested with a knowing leer. "Robin's only twelve. Boys that
age like that sort of thing."

"Just what I was thinking, Master Thorne," she agreed with an
equally knowing smile. "You always did."

Thorne smiled at her a second, then turned and left the room.

"Well, now, how's Mama's little boy this morning?" she asked,
strolling to the bed as if she had just entered.

I blushed and looked up at her, still hidden by the blankets,
my boyish eyes looking up into hers as if begging her to be nice to me
like she had been before.

"Come on, now, honey," she smiled, sitting down and taking
hold of the blankets I clutched around my neck. "It's going to be a
big day for you." She peeled the blankets down my skinny, naked body
and smiled when she saw my stiff, pulsing little penis, glowing pink
from my erection. "You see there, honey, you're already to have a new
boy, aren't you?"

I was so embarrassed that I didn't say anything for a moment
as she smiled down at my naked little body. "What if I don't like
him/ e"arked ij! ke you'll like most any boy."

I sat up on the bed, my legs sticking straight out, and looked
down at my little erection, feeling small and helpless. My penis
looked as childish and hairless as ever, though it now seemed to be
something that I was supposed to loan out to anyone who wanted to play
with it. Now, from what I understood, a new boy was going to come and
I had to let him play with me no matter who he was. It seemed very
strange to me, but I was still very innocent and still knew of no
other way of life. Perhaps there were a lot of boys who did nothing
but play with other boys at the instructions of some adult. Maybe it
was just Kovz Boys, a term I still didn't understand but one that
apparently referred to me. I was a Kovz Boy and Kovz Boys had sex with
all other boys. I supposed, looking down at my little boner, that I
could accept that. It was still better than the orphanage, though I
felt myself aching to be with Eric.

"Why can't Eric stay?" I asked softly, blushing.

"Oh, shoot, honey," she said, coming back with a handful of
white clothing. "You don't need to be with Eric all the time. He
won't care if you play with other boys sometimes."

I thought about the previous night and how Eric had loaned me
out to Erin. That had been fun. Maybe Eric liked it when I played
with other boys. Still, I hoped Eric would still let me play with his
big penis and would still love me.

"Come on, now, honey," Mama smiled, putting the clothing she'd
brought down on the bed. "Let's get you a nice bath so you're all
ready for this new boy."

I swung my skinny legs over the side of the bed and felt
Mama's hand on my bare shoulder as I stood up. I was so used to being
seen naked now that I scarcely blushed as she led me out to the hall,
my little boner still pulsing straight out from my little legs. It
didn't even matter when Caroline came by and giggled at my hairless

Mama led me into the bathroom and I obediently walked up the
steps and down into the tub. The water was only about a foot deep,
but it was warm and I didn't complain as Mama came in beside me and
started soaping my skinny little body down. Her hands, like before,
rubbed everywhere in the slimy soap, even causing my skinny legs to
buckle partway as she soaped my stiff penis. She washed my hair then
poured buckets of water over my head, rinsing all the soap from my
shiny, pink body. Once I was out of the tub, she towel dried me, then
again led me back to the bedroom. Throughout all of this, she kept
talking to me, assuring me that I was a pretty boy and that the new
boy was lucky to get to be with me. I didn't say anything, just stood
and did as I was told.

I was fairly dry by the time we reached the bedroom, though my
hair was still wet. My penis didn't soften in the slightest, a fact
which seemed to delight Mama as she combed my hair. I stood naked and
excited, the hardness between my thighs begging for attention but
knowing that it wouldn't come for a while yet. When she was satisfied
that my long blond hair would dry properly, she led me to the bed and
spread the white cotton clothing she had brought earlier out on it,
her large hands gently guiding my skinny shoulders to sit down on it.

I sat there silently with my legs dangling over the side as
she pulled out a jar and dipped her fingers into a white, creamy
solution. "Don't look like you really need this, do you, child?" she
asked. I just blushed, not knowing or caring what she did to me.

Gently, she pushed back on my small, bare chest and I lay down
on the bed, little legs spread apart, little penis pulsing excitedly.
I swallowed nervously as I felt her fingers rubbing the cool cream on
my penis and all over the hairless mound between my legs. I couldn't
help panting at her tender caresses, my stiff erection starting to
ache as it seemed to get harder, though the little head was already
shining almost white from excitement. She coated my boyhood
generously and the cool, white cream soaked into my skin, making it
look and feel softer, but coaxing my little penis into greater need
for relief. She finished with the cream by rubbing what remained
across my little nipples and small boy chest. It felt good, but I
knew it was making me hornier and I already felt like playing with it
in desperation.

"There now," she grinned at my horny little body and eager
little erection. She put the jar aside and I felt her hands pressing
my skinny thighs farther apart, the touch of her hands against the
inside of my legs almost enough to make me cry in orgasm. Still
smiling proudly at my excited boyhood, she pulled the thick, white
cotton fabric up between my legs, producing two safety pins to clasp
it shut. Like the Reverend Mother at the orphanage, Mama was very
good at fastening a diaper on a boy and I panted helplessly as the
cotton rubbed my erection. She attached it very tightly which felt
nice against my stiff boyhood and left all of my upper thighs and most
of my skinny belly bare. The diaper was so snug and small it just
barely covered my pubic mound and, were it not for the thickness of
the cotton, it would have been as if I were wearing nothing but

Her hands took hold of my little boy chest and lifted me into
a sitting position where I swallowed, feeling a little faint from
excitement. Mama just grinned and grinned, taking a small t-shirt
from the bed and rolling it up. Obediently, I stuck my skinny arms
into the arm holes and she pulled it down over my little chest.

"It's too small," my little voice said when the t-shirt ended
an inch above my little belly button. It was still loose in the
shoulders, but it was definitely too short.

"You have a pretty belly," Mama smiled delightedly. "You
should let the other boys see it." I wondered briefly how many other
boys were going to be coming, but Mama was soon reaching into my
armpits and lifting me to my feet.

"Aren't you adorable," she said, smiling down at her work. I
felt embarrassed, but pretty, feeling like my legs were twice their
previous length. My hair had dried for the most part and the familiar
yellow bangs were falling into my blue eyes. My penis was still
throbbing but I was getting used to that by now. Mama led me to the
mirror and made me look at myself, a sight I took in with no small
amount of pleasure. I did look adorable with my long, smooth legs and
soft, flat belly. In my helpless resignation, my boyish face looked
most adorable of all, flushed a soft red almost permanently now, long
blond bangs covering my forehead and falling into my eyes.

Mama was obviously delighted and led me out of the room and
down the staircase, her hands holding to my thin shoulders as if ready
to show me off to everyone in the household.

We didn't see anyone, however, until she led me out onto the
back patio where Master Thorne was sitting with Mr. Wellesley. I felt
her hands give my shoulders a gentle push toward them, then felt her
turn and walk back into the house, leaving me standing there blushing
and embarrassed to look at the two men.

When he saw me, Thorne's eyes grew wide and a broad smile came
to his lips, his gaze looking me up and down with intense approval.
"Well, here he is now," he grinned, causing Wellesley to turn around.
I could see the young man swallow and his eyes grew larger, too,
gazing up my thin, hairless legs and across my boyish belly.

"How about that for Robin's first time, huh?" Thorne grinned,
nudging the younger man.

Wellesley swallowed nervously. "He's awful young, John," was
all the man could say.

"Nonsense. Eric doesn't think so."

I looked around for my young friend, but he was nowhere in

"Why is he dressed like that?" Wellesley asked, his eyes not
leaving my small, half-naked body.

"Well, he's the baby of the house," Thorne grinned.

"Does he wet his pants?"

"No, no," Thorne laughed. "We just wanted him to look special
for Robin."

"I don't know if Robin likes little boys," Wellesley said,
turning nervously back in his chair. "All his friends are older."

"Oh, he'll like Kelvin," Thorne grinned knowingly. "Trust

"Well, he may not do it right away, is what I'm saying."

"Bob, don't worry about it. Getting boys together is like
breeding horses: you put the thought in their heads and they'll do it
fast enough. You just watch and see if I'm not right. I've seen
twelve of my sons go through puberty. Boys that age can't keep their
hands off each other."

"I thought you only had two sons," Wellesley said confused.

"Eh, others all died fighting the damned heathen," Thorne
spat, picking up a drink from the table. He had his legs perched up
on a stone wall that held a flower bed and looked very comfortable,
sipping from his glass and gazing out at the soft, green grass. "How
many boys you have, Bob?" he asked the younger man.

"Three," Wellesley replied, "counting Robin. He's the

"Where is that boy?" Thorne asked. "Time to get the show on
the road."

"I'll call him," Wellesley said softly. "Robin!" he called,
standing. "Robin!"

From far across the lawn, just at the edge of the woods, a boy
appeared. "Yes, sir?" I heard a high pitched, childish voice call

"Come on over here," Wellesley instructed, reclaiming his seat
and instantly taking a sip from his glass.

"Does he know?" Thorne grinned over at Wellesley.

Wellesley shook his head. "He's only twelve. I've never even
told him about..."

"Well, he'll catch up soon enough," Thorne shrugged. "'Round
these parts, boys start out at around ten. By the time they're
married, they got it all out of their systems."

I had stopped listening to them by this point, my eyes
watching the tall, slender form of the other boy jogging across the
grass toward us. He was looking at us, just smiling happily as he
ran. He was wearing a khaki short sleeve shirt and a matching pair of
baggy pants. Even in his pants it was obvious that most of his five
foot height was in his legs. His chest still looked small and boyish
like a child's. I swallowed in astonishment as I watched him move for
he was unbelievably beautiful. His hair was light brown and was
neatly parted down the middle and layered back from a face that could
have come from an angel. This boy, I was certain, was perfection.
His face looked very soft and was lightly tanned, with a small, pug
nose that I instantly adored.

He looked so happy as he approached us, his smile momentarily
slipping from his face as his baby blue eyes glanced briefly at me,
then returning as he stood behind his father and slid his hands down
around the man's neck, hugging him. "Are we leaving?" he asked, his
voice the smooth, soft soprano of a little boy.

"No, uh, no, son," Wellesley replied, his hand gently rubbing
down the boy's smooth, slender arm. "I, uh... I..."

"Your father just wanted you to meet Kelvin, Robin," Thorne
put in for the nervous man. "Kelvin, say hello to Robin."

I swallowed as I stared in adoration of the slender boy, my
eyes unable to leave the soft beauty of his young face. "Hi," my
boyish voice managed, my face blushing now, embarrassed to be dressed
like I was in front of him.

"Hi," Robin said, smiling uncertainly, his blue eyes gazing
down my half-naked little body as he stood, hands resting on his
father's shoulders. I could see his soft cheeks flush a little at the
sight of me in my diaper and cut-off t-shirt, making his face look
even more adorable. My eyes could not leave his face so entranced was
I by his beauty.

"Do you like him, Robin?" Thorne asked as if asking a boy to
judge a new-bought puppy. Robin looked at Thorne questioningly, his
slender eyebrows narrowing and adorable head tipping to one side.

"I guess so," his boyish voice said uncertainly.

"Kelvin is going to be your friend here, Robin," Thorne
smiled. "He's going to help you get used to living in Tarsec Village,
introduce you to people and things. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

The boy shrugged his small shoulders, still looking at Thorne
uncertainly. I understood how he felt: boys weren't used to having
their friends picked by their parents. It just didn't seem right.

"And Kelvin knows a lot of games to teach you, too. Isn't
that right, Kelvin?"

I glanced very briefly at Thorne, wishing he'd shut up, then
turned back to the adorable boy as he turned and looked at me for an
answer. Blushing brightly, I swallowed and nodded.

"Dad..." the young boy began nervously holding his father's
neck again.

"It's okay, Robin," the man said, closing his eyes and sighing
heavily. "You'll like Kelvin... and you need to start making new
friends, now."

The twelve year old looked at his father a moment, then
nodded. "Okay, Dad," he said, his voice as sweet and innocent as a
child. I felt my heart beating in love for him and prayed that he
would like me.

The man gave his son's hand a squeeze then released it. "You
boys go play now," he said, swallowing any uncertainty he might have.
"Go on down to the barn and see the horses or something." He seemed
eager to have us leave the area for some reason.

"Oh, no, Bob," Thorne said. "There's no need for that. Why
don't you boys just play here on the grass? Wrestle around or

"In front of us?" Wellesley whispered in shock.

"Well, sure. The barn's too dangerous for boys," Thorne
smiled, then added in a loud whisper, "I told you we have to put the
idea in their heads, didn't I?" He grinned at the younger man's
inexperience, then leaned casually back in his chair and took another
drink from his glass.

"Yes," Wellesley said, looking pained before kicking his feet
up on the wall and taking a long drink. "Just... just play around
here on the grass, then, Robin," he said.

Robin looked so confused, tipping his head again at his father
before standing up and letting his slender arms fall to his sides.
"Yes, sir," he said softly. He turned and glanced at me again, then
looked down. "Come on," he said.

He started down the short steps to the grass and I followed
him like a love-struck puppy.

"Look at that," I could hear Thorne grinning behind me.
"Kelvin's already in love with him."

I didn't pay any attention to him as I followed the taller boy
out onto the grass. He went about thirty feet from the porch, then
sat down and I awkwardly sat down near him. There was a long moment
of silence and I tried to look away from the adorable boy before me.
He was cuter than Eric, there was no doubt, and Eric was a very cute
boy. He was even cuter than Erin or Shane. He was beyond cute; he
was beautiful.

"Do you always dress like that?" he asked, causing my ears to
grow hot instantly.

I shook my head in embarrassment. "Mama made me wear this," I
said softly, thinking the boy was going to think I was weird.

"How old are you?" he asked.

I didn't know, but Eric had told the other boys I was eleven
so I told him that.

"Boys don't dress like that in Vinepak," he said. He was
leaning on one arm against the grass, glancing at my face from time to
time and blushing a soft pink glow beneath his silky hair and smooth,
tanned cheeks.

I shrugged, wishing I was dressed normally like he was. "Is
that where you're from?" I asked, looking at him bashfully,
embarrassed by his beauty and my adoration of him.

He nodded.

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"Why did you move here?" I asked.

"Dad decided to buy into the silver mines here," he said, his
soft, boyish voice filled with beauty.

"Oh," I replied.

"Do you know how to play football?" he asked suddenly, looking
up at me, adorable face making my heart beat quicker.

I shook my head, wishing desperately that I did. I was so
infatuated with him my heart ached for him to like me.

"We used to play football in Vinepak," he said, sadly,
obviously missing his home. "What do boys play here?"

I shrugged, embarrassed that the only game I knew about was
playing with our penises. "We ride horses sometimes," I said,
delighted that I could think of something.

"Really?" he smiled, and I felt my heart melt.

"Yeah, and there's a place to go swimming out in the hills
that's..." I caught myself. I wasn't going to tell him about what
Eric and I had done at the swimming hole, but just thinking about it
made me flush with embarrassment.

"I like swimming," Robin smiled. "Maybe we could go

I nodded, delighted that there was something to interest him.

"Kelvin! Robin!" Thorne's voice suddenly sounded from the
porch. We both turned our heads and looked at him, him smiling at us,
Wellesley staring at his twelve year old son with deep concern. "Come
over here, boys," Thorne said.

Obediently, we both climbed to our feet and walked over to the
wall separating the patio from the lawn.

"Robin, your father and I have a bet," Thorne smiled, looking
a little flushed from his drink. "I say that Kelvin can beat you in
wrestling and your father says you can beat him. What do you think?"

Robin swallowed and glanced over at me, turning back to
Thorne. "I'm bigger than he is," the boy replied softly.

"Yeah, but who would win?" Thorne looked thoroughly
entertained by the two of us and the manipulation he was playing on

Robin shrugged. He glanced over at his father, but the young
man just sat watching him. I didn't think Robin liked Master Thorne
any more than I did.

"Well, let's find out," the man said, dropping his boots to
the patio floor and leaning forward on his chair. "The first one to
pin the other boy to the grass, wins. Fair enough?"

Robin shrugged again and I stood silently watching the men.

"Go ahead, Robin," Wellesley instructed his young son.

"Yes, sir," the boy said.

The twelve year old and I walked a few feet from the patio and
stood facing each other. Our eyes looked into each others in
embarrassment, as if neither really wanted to fight the other.

"Oh, Bob, I'm sorry," Thorne grinned. "I'll bet your wife
will kill you if Robin goes home with grass stains all over his nice
new clothes." Wellesley nodded absently, his hands cradling a
refilled drink close to his chest. "Robin, just take off the shirt and
pants," Thorne waved distantly at us, as if it didn't matter anyway.

Robin swallowed, baby blue eyes widening in confusion, but he
just stood there watching Thorne and his father.

"Oh, go ahead, son," Thorne smiled, again dismissing any
problem with a wave of his hand. "We're all men here."

Robin looked at his father, his adorable face beseeching him
to put a stop to it. Wellesley just took another long drink from his
glass, rubbed his face, then waved as Thorne had done, albeit less

"Do as you're told, Robin," he said, looking very troubled.
"It's no big deal."

Robin stood there for a moment, then swallowed. He looked
frightfully embarrassed, his soft, adorable face flushing as he sat
down on the grass and pulled his suede shoes off his young feet. I
stood watching him as he peeled his socks off, tossing them near his
shoes. His bare feet looked normal for a boy his age; not awkwardly
big like Eric's and Erin's were.

"Sure," Thorne grinned, leaning back in his chair and
returning his boots to the wall. "We're all men here. It doesn't

Robin stood up silently, his pretty face still flushed, and
his young hands started unbuttoning his shirt. I stared transfixed,
embarrassed to realize that I was more eager to see his chest than I
felt sorry for him. I felt a deep regret when I saw that the boy was
wearing a white, cotton t-shirt underneath. Thorne was still gulping
down his drink, but Wellesley and I watched as the bashful twelve year
old pushed his small chest through the open shirt and pulled the short
sleeves down his slender arms. The t-shirt wasn't tight, but I could
see how small his chest was through it. It looked so adorable in his
t-shirt, his bare arms and skinny boy neck promising of smooth, baby
soft skin beneath.

The boy dropped his shirt on the pile with his shoes and
socks, then paused, looking at his father as his young hands reached
for the snap to his pants. Wellesley's only response was to drown the
rest of his drink, his concerned eyes looking back at the boy with no
word of support.

Robin swallowed again and seemed near tears as he unsnapped
his pants. Feeling my erection returning in full flower, I stared
transfixed as the boy's hand slid down the front of his pants, slowly
lowering the zipper. It seemed as if he were hoping for something to
happen to interrupt him, but nothing did. When the zipper was all the
way down, his hands moved up to his belt line and he blushed crimson
as he pushed the pants down his legs.

He was wearing white, cotton briefs as I'd half-expected, thus
sparing him the embarrassment of showing his penis to the grown men.
They clung fairly tightly to his small bottom and I could see the
round contours of it as he lifted his leg and stepped out of his
pants. In the front, his underwear was a little baggier and just
hinted of the penis underneath. It was plainly much bigger than mine,
but I couldn't tell how big, though I stared at the round bulge
silently hoping that the fly of his underpants would open and reveal
it to me. It didn't, however.

I swallowed with still greater infatuation as my eyes gazed
down the young boy's smooth, pale thighs. Like his face and arms, his
legs were tanned a soft orange-brown, a pale tan line appearing near
his underwear, showing wear his shorts usually protected him from
public scrutiny. His thighs were long and slender and looked as soft
as my belly. Beneath them, his knees looked adorable, small, perfect
knobs, not very bony, making his legs look smooth and uniform. His
calves were thin and I couldn't see any hair on them at all, attesting
to the innocence of his twelve year old body.

He looked horrendously embarrassed as he swallowed and dropped
the pants down on the grass with the rest of his clothes. His baby
blue eyes were still searching his father's face, as if still hoping
for some reprieve from his embarrassment. Wellesley just refilled his
glass, looking pained and aching for his son's humiliation, but
unwilling to say or do anything to protect him. From my vantage
point, the twelve year old boy had nothing to be embarrassed about.
His body was, without exception, totally perfect to me. His skin was
uniformly smooth and baby soft, his legs and chest and arms perfectly
balanced with each other to my eyes, though I could see that his legs
were awkwardly longer than his small chest and belly. Standing there
in his underwear, the boy looked like a god to me and I felt such a
rush of jealousy in me that I almost wanted to cry just looking at
him. The slender contours of his small body through the t-shirt and
the baggy protection his underpants gave his penis above legs of such
angelic perfection, positively infatuated me with him all over again.
It was not possible, I believed, for any boy to be more beautiful than
young Robin was in his bright white, cotton underwear. I swallowed in
adoration as I looked at the mound in his underpants and wondered if
he had fuzz on his penis like Eric did.

"That's it," Thorne smiled, his face flushed with drink. "Now
just... you know, just wrestle around a little." He waved his hand
again and turned to Wellesley, but the young man was looking at his
young son helplessly.

For all of my infatuation with young Robin's adorable body, I
felt sad for him as he turned to face me, his adorable face looking so
embarrassed and ashamed. He swallowed again, only this time, a
sterner look came to his young face and the boy looked resolute and
determined not to be ashamed. He crouched down and watched me,
slender young muscles moving beneath the soft skin of his thighs, and
looked ready to take all his embarrassment out on my small body. I
didn't care. I just wanted the boy to be happy again.

"Who's going to say 'go'?" the boy asked, with boyish

"Go," Thorne leered, raising his glass and toasting us.

Instinctively, I crouched over like Robin was, gazing into his
cute face and wanting to cry for the shame he felt. The taller boy's
bare feet moved gently over the grass and we turned, his baby blue
eyes looking into mine with determination. I swallowed and did as he
did, ignoring the stern look in his eyes by seeing the adorable beauty
of his young face and small body. Crouching there in nothing but his
underwear, the boy was too adorable to ignore.

He shot downward toward my legs and I felt his smooth arms
grabbing hold of one and lifting on it. I was thoroughly unaccustomed
to wrestling and no knowledge leapt to mind as I felt the skinny leg
that supported me lose balance. I fell backward onto the grass,
feeling it caress the bare, lower part of my back. Robin's slender
young body immediately wiggled up between my legs and I lay gasping in
astonishment as his underpants came down to rest right on top of my
diaper. The diaper was too thick for me to feel any of his penis at
all, but the thought was enough for me to lay there transfixed and

His arms took hold of my skinny wrists and I felt them pushing
my hands back over my head. Robin was gasping, too, but all I could
think about was the erection in my diaper and the wonderful feel of
the boy's slender young body squirming as he struggled to hold my
skinny arms back. I was in heaven and scarcely fought back. My bare
belly could feel his through his t-shirt and the pleasure I derived
from it was indescribable. Not orgasm, mind you, but almost as good.
Lower down, I could feel his long, hairless legs rubbing against mine
as he used them to gain greater leverage, the boy gasping, letting out
little boy cries as his underwear pressed against my diaper, small boy
chest laying against my body. It was wonderful.

In the distance, I could hear Thorne calling out the count and
knew that when he reached three it would all be over and I would lose
the pleasant feel of the boy's struggling body. Longing for it to
continue, I started to fight back, but Robin had too much advantage by
that time and I could do nothing but gasp and stretch my useless,
skinny arms.

"Three!" Thorne said, laughing loudly. He had stood up during
the brief contest and now sat back down, happily telling Wellesley how
strong his boy was.

Robin lay there on top of me for a moment, our eyes locked on
each others. The determination faded from his adorable face and was
replaced by a melancholy beauty of concern and understanding. I
wondered what he was thinking as I lay there panting, his tall slender
pubescent body slowly crawling off me. He stood and I lay there for a
moment adoring his beauty as he faced the men still wearing only his

"What did I tell you?" Thorne grinned as if I had won the
fight. "Boys will be boys."

I stood up very slowly, feeling sad that Robin and I had to
fight each other. All I wanted was to love him and Thorne had made it
some adversarial thing. I hated him all the more and wondered
painfully how I could get Robin to love me now that he had so badly
beaten me. When I stood up, Thorne was still laughing and Wellesley
was looking at his young son with deeper concern and love. I wondered
why no one looked at me. I was the one who had lost. As I glanced
over at Robin, however, I started to understand that the wrestling
match had meant nothing.

The adorable boy looked near tears, looking first at his
father for support, then down between his legs. He looked
horrendously embarrassed and plainly wanted to cry. Swallowing in
pain for him and in curiosity, I looked down and saw what they had all
seen: the front of the boy's underwear was pulsing rhythmically up
and down with the obvious size of his boyish erection.

I stared at it with renewed love, amazed by the beauty of that
young, slender bulge. Though his testicles were still difficult to
make out in the baggy part of his underwear, his slender penis was
not. It was easy to see it as it throbbed, sticking out a straight,
frantic four inches, still small and slender like mine, nothing like
the huge organ between Eric's legs. The boy looked so ashamed and was
so embarrassed that he didn't even try to cover it up. Just stood
there, blue eyes pleading for his father to rescue him.

"Well, I guess you win, Bob," Thorne grinned down at the
excited boy.

"Yeah," Wellesley swallowed. "I guess I do."

"Come on, boys," Thorne said, standing unevenly and lifting an
arm to us, motioning for us to join them. "I think it's time for you
to go play in your room now."

I didn't know if Robin knew what was happening or if he were
just too obedient to stop himself, but he started walking in his
underwear toward Thorne, making no effort to reclaim his clothes.
Entranced by his beauty and aching for his embarrassment, I followed
his young body up the stairs to the man. Thorne was grinning
delightedly as he wrapped an arm around each of our shoulders and
started to guide us to the house, his one hand still holding his

"Dad..." Robin started to say, reaching out his slender arm to
his father.

"You go play now," Wellesley said, quickly taking his son's
hand and kissing it. "I'll wait for you." Thorne guided us toward
the door and the boy's hand slipped from his adoring father. In
seconds, we were inside the house and Wellesley was left outside.

Thorne managed a drunken monologue as he led us to the
staircase and up to the hallway. His strong arms never left our
shoulders as he guided us to my bedroom door, pressing me forward as
he opened it.

"You go on, now," he said, grinning delightedly. Drunkenly,
he pushed our small bodies through the door and we stepped into my
bedroom, Robin only slightly more confused than I was. "And don't you
worry, Robin, your Dad will still be here when you're done."

Both Robin and I turned and looked at him in confusion, but
the grinning man just closed the door behind us. We stood there for a
second, and heard him insert a key, turn it, and lock us inside with
each other.

I swallowed in shame and embarrassment. I knew what the man
wanted me to do, of course, but I was only a small boy and I didn't
really know about such things. Why hadn't he just had Eric do it?
Eric was smarter than I was and he knew a lot more about innocent boys
than I did. Oh, I adored Robin like I had nothing else in my life,
including Eric, and I wanted desperately to see him naked, to play
with his penis, to have him play with mine; but I was too young to
know how to do it. I was just a boy. Even if I knew how to do it,
all I really wanted was for Robin to be my friend. I didn't have to
see his penis to do that, did I?

I stood there near tears as Robin turned and looked around the
room. I felt like he was ready to cry, too, but I didn't know what to
say to comfort him. He walked into the room a few steps and I stood
there facing the door and wishing that Eric would come and help me.

When I finally turned, I saw the adorable boy standing there
in his underwear, his back to me. His thin shoulders looked so cute
through his t-shirt and his small, round bottom fascinated me with its
perfection. From the smooth, even combing of his hair to the tall,
slender appearance of his body, the twelve year old boy was angelic
and beautiful. All I could do was hurt myself by gazing at him.
Still, I loved him madly and the greatest pain came from not knowing
how to share that love with him.

Robin's adorable body walked still farther into the room, all
the way to the windows. He looked out and I knew he could see his
father sitting on the patio. He gently pulled the chiffon curtain
aside and looked down. Feeling confused and uncertain, I went to the
bed and sat down on it. It wasn't that I was so eager to get into bed
with him, it's just that there wasn't any other place to sit in the
room and, feeling as helpless as I felt, I wanted to sit down.

I sat there in my tight diaper and scant t-shirt and gazed at
the floor, wondering beyond wondering what I could now to get the boy
to be my friend. Not only had he beat me at wrestling, but he had
been embarrassed in front of me by Master Thorne. It seemed hopeless.

"I don't like him," the twelve year old said softly.

I looked up at him then looked away sadly. "I don't either,"
I replied in an equally soft voice. I knew he was talking about
Thorne. Who else?

"Does he treat you like that all the time?" the boy asked.

I shook my head. "I've only been here for two days," I said

Robin let the curtain go and turned toward me. I was curious
if he still had an erection, but I was too sad to look. "Isn't he
your father?" he asked.

I shook my head again. "I'm an orphan."

"You mean you don't have a father?" I shook my head. "Or a
mother?" This time I shrugged, feeling like crying, feeling all the
more sorry for myself as I realized that I was all alone in the world.
Even Eric was gone from me, now.

I could feel Robin looking at me, but was too embarrassed to
look back. I sat there and tried not to cry. Slowly, I heard the
boy's young body move toward me, saw his slender, smooth legs through
the corner of my eyes. He sat down on the bed beside me and I
swallowed in nervous excitement and sadness.

"It's okay," his childlike voice said. "I'll still be your
friend." I sat there for a moment, wondering what I might dare say to
him without looking like a weirdo. He put his hand on my shoulder and
I reflexively turned around and looked into his adorable face. He was
smiling, and blushing, too, his young hand gently squeezing my
shoulder and his boyish blue eyes telling me that it really was okay,
though he was still embarrassed enough that he couldn't hold my gaze
any longer than I could hold his.

As he turned away, my eyes instinctively went to his underwear
and I could see his slender, four inch erection still poking straight
out against the fabric. I wondered how I might touch it, how I might
get the boy to share it with me. It seemed hopeless, however, and I
watched it pulsing in his underwear with useless impotence. His total
beauty was so close to me and I had no way of knowing how I might
share it with him. Even still, I longed to know how I could get him
to play with my stiff boyhood as it throbbed in expectant desire for
him, invisible to him in the thick cotton of my diaper.

"I forgot to get my clothes," the boy said, standing and
walking back to the window. My eyes followed his slender shoulders
and small back as if I couldn't gaze at him long enough. He pressed
the chiffon curtain aside again and looked down. I could imagine him
seeing his father and Thorne drinking on the patio, the small pile of
his khaki clothing laying there in the grass.

"I have some," I said, more interested in getting the boy to
relax than in sleeping with him, despite the longing I felt for him.

I watched his thin shoulders shrug. "It's no big deal," he
said, still looking out the window. His small butt and long, smooth,
tanned legs entranced me for a moment and I ached to look at them.

"Do you have hair on your penis?" I blurted out, so quickly
that I couldn't stop myself.

"Huh?" the boy said, turning to me, his adorable face filled
with shock and embarrassment.

"Nothing," I said, too ashamed to repeat my mistake. I turned
my face from him and sat there in horrendous shame, wishing above
anything that I could take my question back.

There was a long moment of silence and Robin just stood there
at the window. I could feel his eyes glancing nervously at me, but
the boy was silent. After a long moment, my heart started pounding as
he walked back to the bed. He sat down beside me again and I felt
ready to cry with fear and desire.

He waited a moment, then his young voice softly asked, "Do

I shook my head, my face and ears feeling so hot I thought
they would melt. I was too embarrassed to speak for a long moment and
Robin seemed to be, too. We sat in silence.

"Eric does," I finally managed to say, my heart pounding with
shame but my young body longing to tell him all about it.

"Some of the boys in Vinepak did, too," the boy's beautiful,
soprano voice said after another long pause.

I turned and looked at him, his pretty face so flushed with
shyness, his sweet eyes looking down, too bashful to meet mine. I
swallowed. "You don't?" I managed to let out.

The boy's adorable blue eyes looked at me for a second and my
heart melted again as he let out an innocent smile. His silky, light
brown head shook as he looked away, blushing down at the floor.

I stared at him for a long moment, my mind unable to believe
how beautiful he was. How I longed to be as beautiful as he was, to
be so pretty. "I love you," I heard my boyish voice saying, again,
before I could stop it.

Robin looked up at me and smiled, blush filling his smooth
cheeks, the boy quickly looking away again. His young hands were
twisted in knots between his legs and he rubbed them against each
other, filled with tension and embarrassment. "You want to take our
clothes off?" he asked in a voice so filled with fear and doubt I
wondered if he'd actually said it.

Like the stupid boy that I was, I asked, "Do you?"

Robin's thin shoulders shrugged in his t-shirt. He was so
adorable. "If you do," he said, no more bold than I was.

"I will if you will," I said, praying beyond prayer that the
boy would do it and let me see his glorious penis.

He looked at me solemnly, his pale blue eyes meeting mine and
holding the adoring gaze longer than it ever had before. "You
promise?" he asked.

I was so infatuated with him that, for a moment, I just sat
there and stared at his beautiful face. Finally, I nodded. My eyes
dropped down between the young boy's legs and I could see his penis
still sticking out erect against his white underwear. It was slender,
but looked very stiff and hard. Farther down, I could see the small
contours of his testicles, imagining his hairless beauty with boyish
wonder. He looked so pretty in his underwear.

Robin didn't stand as he took hold of the lower hem to his
t-shirt and gently lifted it. I felt my small heart beating faster as
his thin belly appeared, the skin looking unbelievably soft and
unblemished, his small belly button surrounded by smooth, lightly
tanned boy skin. He raised the shirt higher and his small rib cage
was bared, my mouth unconsciously dropping open so I could breathe
easier. As his t-shirt began to rise above his small boy chest, I
swallowed in adoration. The boy's chest was so little, but he did
have enough muscle that it swelled slightly from his ribs. His
nipples were about the size of dimes, a soft brown color that looked
adorable against his smooth, tanned skin.

His pretty face was blushing and the boy swallowed as he
raised the t-shirt over his head, lifting it up his arms until his
small arm pits appeared. The boy didn't have any hair on them, of
course, and they looked as baby soft as his thin chest and belly. His
small hands pulled the shirt up his arms and his head slipped from the
opening, his silky, light brown hair falling down into his eyes, cute
boy face flushed and smiling boyishly.

He lowered his slender arms and sat with his t-shirt balled up
in his hands on his bare lap. He had pulled it off rather quickly,
but my worship for his bare chest made it seem like he had moved
slowly and seductively. He was twelve years old. It probably wasn't
possible for him to do anything without it seeming seductive to me. I
smiled at his cute face and the boy giggled, my eyes gazing down his
small, slender chest and ribs, showing the boy how pretty I thought he
was. He looked even more adorable when he giggled, something I didn't
think was possible.

With a cute smile on his face, Robin put his t-shirt on the
bed and stood up, long, thin legs carrying him back to the window. I
stared at his small bottom again, looking wonderful in his white
underpants. The boy's bare shoulders were still thin like a small
boy's, but young muscles did ripple very gently around the sharp
ridges of his shoulder blades. His back looked even softer than his
small chest and looked very slender.

Swallowing with boyish excitement, I quickly pulled the skimpy
shirt off my body and put it down next to his, sitting bare chested
and wearing just my thick, cotton diaper. Robin turned and blushed at
my small chest and I smiled back bashfully. We took turns glancing at
each other and glancing away, the twelve year old looking so pretty
with the pale light from the window shining across his smooth, baby
soft chest. Finally, we started to giggle at our innocent
embarrassment, our voices both high pitched and beautiful, our giggles
sounding like music as they blended together. Nonetheless, we were
still blushing brightly by the time our giggles subsided.

"Take your underwear off," I said softly, young heart beating
quickly, innocent mind filled with fear that the boy wouldn't actually
do it and I wouldn't get to see his penis. He held his thin arms
across his belly, hands hanging down in front of his underwear.

"I have a boner," he blushed, as if warning me in case I
wanted to back down.

"So do I," I blushed and smiled, not the kind of boy to deny
an erection.

He lifted his arms and looked down at the slender bulge
pulsing between his legs for a moment, the same shy smile on his face.

"You want to see my boner?" he smiled at me doubtfully,
certain that I was kidding.

"Yeah," I nodded, face flushed by my obvious interest in the
boy's penis. "You can look at mine."

"Prove it," Robin said, blushing brighter, still holding his
hands over his underwear.

I swallowed, feeling more embarrassed now. I knew that the
boy might just let me show him my penis, then not show me his. I was
willing to take the chance though. I stood up and twisted my skinny
body around trying to find the safety pins. Awkwardly my small
fingers took hold of the one on the right side and I eventually
managed to get it to unhook. I could see Robin taking a step closer
to get a better look and saw his arms drop to his sides. Trembling
with embarrassment and excitement, I let that side of the diaper come
free and it opened just enough that the shiny little head of my penis
could peek out in bright purple innocence. Its pulsing was easy to
see and I blushed brighter, embarrassed by its eagerness.

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I was too shy to look at Robin as I reached for the left
safety pin. It popped free and my innocent fingers frantically took
hold of the diaper and held it up, feeling it rub across my erection,
too embarrassed to bare it to Robin, though I doubted I would ever be
able to get the safety pins back on by myself.

"Are you really going to do it?" I asked bashfully, looking

Robin's boy eyes were locked between my legs when I looked up.
He swallowed as he glanced at my face before his hormones forced him
to gaze at my diaper again. He nodded quickly, licking his slender
lips and taking another step closer. His erection looked really
excited in his underpants now and I ached to see it.

Feeling my ears burning, I let the diaper fall free and let my
stiff little penis stick out in its childish glory. It was glowing
red from excitement and all the rubbing it had endured in the thick
cotton cloth. The little head shined so brightly it reflected the
light from the window, tiny slit forced open with intense hardness.
The smooth, white shaft looked so little as did my small, hairless
round testicles held in my smooth, pale scrotum. I dropped the diaper
on the bed and stood blushing and ashamed, my prepubescent erection
pulsing madly up and down and my boyish excitement sticking out naked
and beautiful.

I was really embarrassed when young Robin started to giggle
and I looked up to see his thin arms holding to his small, baby soft
chest, the boy blushing brightly and giggling at my naked little body.
I was so ashamed I couldn't even get mad at him, just stood their
smiling bashfully, my small arms awkwardly wishing they could think of
something to do to hide my stiff boyhood.

Robin was still giggling as his long, smooth legs moved back
to the bed and he reached down to get his t-shirt.

"You promised," I said, my small hand taking hold of his soft,
skinny arm.

"I didn't promise," he giggled.

"I won't tell anybody," I said. "Please."

My boyish plea seemed to make him pause and he stood there
blushing brightly just holding his t-shirt, his small boy chest
looking so adorable I felt like crying in fear that I wouldn't get to
play with him.

"We can wrestle some more," I said hopefully. "You don't even
have to take yours off."

Robin grinned through his teeth and I saw his pale blue eyes
glance down at my naked erection very briefly. He put his t-shirt
back down then suddenly giggled, his thin arm wrapping around my neck
and pulling me down into a head lock. I cried out in surprise and a
little bit of pain as the taller boy pulled me onto the bed. As he
fell onto it, his hold loosened and I pushed on his smooth, soft back
and elbow, my blond head slipping free.

I quickly dove after the boy as he rolled over defensively and
I heard him grunt as my body jumped onto his, his smooth, hairless leg
raising and trying to protect his erection from my knees. This caused
my stiff boyhood to rub across his soft shin and I saw his eyes widen
as the small, hairless wonder between my legs touched his body for the
first time.

He continued to giggle, as much from embarrassment as
anything, and his hands clumsily tried to wrestle me away. I was
moving very quickly, however, and was making good progress, feeling
the warm hardness in his underwear rub across my belly as my small
chest struggled to touch his. My penis rubbed across his baby soft
thigh and I panted excitedly, my boyish face filled with pleasure and
wonder. Robin was definitely stronger than me, but he was too
embarrassed to take any strong initiative. I on the other hand was
passion driven and was frantically trying to get on top of him. I
cried softly and panted madly as my chest slowly slid up his belly,
soon felt the skinny hardness of his ribs and boyish muscles as he
squirmed and giggled. My whole body filled with warmth and happiness
as I felt my stiff, throbbing, naked erection press against his
underwear, felt his hard, warm cock pulsing against it through the

The twelve year old boy had a huge smile on his blushing face,
his hands grabbing my skinny wrists but having no success at
dethroning me from my sacred mount. Awkwardly I tried to rub our
chests together, loving the softness of his bare skin, and struggled
to press my penis against his hard, skinny bulge. I wasn't terribly
successful at this, but it was enough to make me feel an orgasm
starting to well in my small boyhood. I was so infatuated with his
beauty and so overcome with prepubescent desire that for a while I
forgot about seeing his penis and just wanted to feel my pleasure all
the way.

Robin was still giggling as I started to moan desperately. I
had become so overwhelmed by the pleasure in my penis that I
momentarily forgot to stay on top of him. The boy used my distraction
to thrust his hips up and he managed to roll me over on my back. I
cried and quickly tried to get my naked erection against his body
again, but the older boy still held my wrists and he pinned them back
over my head, oblivious to the horny desire between my hairless legs.

"Robin!" I cried desperately. My skinny body squirmed on the
bed, but his strength was greater than mine now and his adorable face
leaned over me, grinning down at my useless struggles. My little
chest flexed with childish muscles and slender ribs to no avail, my
arms held overhead, small hairless underarms exposed. I felt his baby
soft chest touch mine and finally gave up the fight, laying there
gasping, depressed as the immediate pressure of orgasm slipped from my
naked erection.

Robin didn't seem the least bit troubled by my excitement.
His smiling, blushing face actually seemed to like it and his
beautiful blue eyes gazed into mine with curious adoration. When he
realized that I wasn't fighting anymore, he looked down my skinny body
at my stiff, bright pink, hairless penis, still sticking out its
childish two inches with naked pride. He seemed to like that too and
grinned at me again. Lord, he was beautiful.

"I win again," he grinned, his young hands giving my wrists
one last push against the bed before letting them go. He laid down on
his back beside me, crossing his smooth legs, letting his hands hang
in the air near his boy chest, elbows down against his sides.

I lay there panting for a moment without moving, finding it
difficult to believe I'd gotten so close to orgasm only to be
disappointed. When I had regained enough strength, I lay over and sat
up on my elbow, gazing at the half naked boy with sad desire. His
small chest was swelling as he breathed and it looked adorable beneath
his little brown nipples. I wanted to touch his chest, so smooth and
soft did it look, but I wasn't sure the boy would let me. Instead, I
looked up at his face and saw his adorable eyes gazing down between
his legs. In silent adoration, I looked slowly down his small chest
and little ribs, joining him and looking at his underwear.

This was almost too much beauty for my young heart to stand.
The boy's white underwear looked even brighter against his soft,
tanned belly and thighs. I could see his erection sticking straight up
inside them, his four inch boyhood pulsing visibly, looking thin and
pretty. The aching love in my young body was unbearable and I felt
like crying.

"Please let me see it, Robin," I pleaded softly, gazing at his
pretty face, knowing I would cry if he said no.

The precious twelve year old just giggled, still looking
between his legs. He rocked his hips slightly and giggled some more
but didn't say anything. With my brow furrowed in confusion,
wondering how to get him to do it, I looked back down at his underwear

Unable to control myself and praying the boy wouldn't get mad,
my trembling hand reached out and came to rest on his belly button, my
fingertips less than an inch from the elastic band of his underpants.
The boy's entire body shuddered and I could feel little muscles in his
belly shivering with excitement, but all he did was giggle some more.
He made no effort to remove my hand. My heart started to beat faster
again immediately and I felt my breathing grow quick and panting. His
belly was even softer to feel than it looked and I was so close to his
penis now I could easily have reached out and touched it. Pleading
with him in my mind, begging him to let me do it, I very slowly let my
hand slide lower on his smooth skin. He giggled and shuddered again,
but still made no move to stop me. I could feel his underpants touch
my fingertips and licked my lips nervously, blue eyes staring wide,
little penis pulsing harder with anticipation.

Terrified that he would stop me at any second, I slipped my
thumb under the elastic band and took nervous hold of it with my
fingers. I thought my heart would beat its way all the way out of my
chest as I cautiously lifted the band up. I could still hear the
boy's childish voice giggling nervously as I looked down the front of
his underwear and saw his throbbing young penis for the first time.

After seeing so much of the perfect beauty of his young body,
the exquisite perfection of his penis should have come as no surprise.
Nonetheless, I heard myself crying in totally dominated affection.
His penis was unbelievable. From the angle I was looking at it, the
most dominating thing was his penis head. Like mine, it was shining
brightly with erection, an amazingly beautiful shade of purple,
reflecting the light as my little head was. It was about twice as big
as mine and looked knobby on the end of his slender shaft, his tiny
slit pressed open as his penis head pulsed rhythmically. It was
sticking straight out at the child's face, so hard that the head
throbbed an inch above his baby soft belly.

The skin surrounding it was the softest part of what was an
extremely soft body. Though slightly paler than the skin outside his
underwear, it ran smooth and unblemished all the way down to the base
of his cock, not a single little hair to mark his entry to puberty. I
could just see the beginning curves of his hairless scrotum beneath it
and panted adoringly.

While I lay there staring in at his excited boyhood, the
giggling twelve year old's slender belly suddenly rippled and he sat
up. He took hold of his own underwear and I watched his smooth thighs
lift up as he peeled them down. He kicked his feet out and freed them
of the white cotton briefs, tossing them aside and dropping his legs
back on the bed, absently crossing them again to protect his innocence
as he giggled and chewed on his finger.

Naked, his penis was as beautiful as all my dreams of it. As
I had been able to see through his underwear, it was slender and four
inches long from baby soft, hairless pubic mound to the pulsing little
slit on his boyish penis head. It throbbed up and down delightfully
between his legs, rhythmically hypnotizing me with its young,
prepubescent beauty. The thin shaft was smooth and pale brown,
contrasting starkly with his bright purple head. I could just see the
faint blue line of a little vein pulsing beneath his soft brown skin.
It was easy to see that the boy was circumcised, the skin on his penis
stretched tight by his tense erection. Below his beautiful organ, his
testicles had grown oval and looked bigger than mine. Like mine,
however, they were held by the smooth, hairless sack of a pale brown

The sight of his tall, slender body laying there stark naked
was almost more than my young mind could bare. My eyes scanned all
over him, at his erection not least of all. His entire body was
uniformly smooth and tanned save for the pale outline where he wore
his shorts or underwear, all of his skin looking baby soft and
hairless. To go with the exquisite perfection of his naked body, the
boy's face remained hypnotically beautiful and I lay excited and
adoring him. I swallowed, feeling jealous for his beauty, and
silently watched his small boy chest rise and fall as he breathed.

Eventually, he stopped giggling long enough to look at me and
I smiled bashfully at him. I saw his eyes scan down my small, skinny
body and look at my stiff, hairless little penis. I stared with love
at his little nipples and longed to be as pretty as he was.

My body jerked in shock as the young boy's fingers reached
between my legs and gently held my penis between his thumb and
fingers. His hand was warm and I could feel it trembling as it held
me, not rubbing but making pleasure throb down my skinny little shaft
and into my belly. I looked up at him in wide-eyed surprise, gasping
pleasurably, and his childish voice giggled as he looked at my
excitement. A panting smile touched my lips and I lay trembling,
afraid to move lest he let go of my erection. I wondered if he knew
how nice it felt.

Pleasure was filling me with orgasm even though the boy was
just holding me and I was letting out startled cries of wonder and
delight. Robin just smiled and blushed at me and I lay trembling and
crying, suddenly feeling my little penis starting to flex in his
fingers. My hips jerked briefly against his hand but the boy didn't
let it go and I lay moving in short rhythmic motion as orgasm flooded
through my boyhood and made my heart race. I felt so warm and good as
my pleasure climaxed, swooning with happy, childish orgasm,
worshipping the wondrous beauty of his young fingers against my rock
hard little erection.

When my boyhood had discharged all the pleasure it was capable
of, I lay panting quickly and softly, still feeling the young boy's
hand on my penis. Feeling happy and weak, I looked up at the boy's
adorable face. He was still just grinning at me and didn't seem to
understand what he had just done to me. His naive innocence just made
me adore him all the more and I couldn't stop from holding him.
Gazing at him with love, I crawled up and lay my cheek against the
small mound beneath his little nipple. One of my arms lay across his
belly, the other across his small chest, and I tried to hug him, so in
love with him. His abdomen and chest felt so wonderfully soft in the
warm afterglow of my orgasm and I lay there for a moment worshipping
his naked beauty, loving the smooth wonder of his skin against my bare

"What are you doing?" Robin's soprano voice asked softly, the
boy confused by my affection.

I lifted my head and smiled up at him, so much love in me I
could hardly contain it. "I love you," I said, wanting to say it over
and over again, wanting the boy to know that he was adored.

Robin just blushed back and his adorable smile returned. When
I had soaked up enough of the beauty of his soft, boyish face, I lay
my head back down on his small chest and gazed with adoration at his
stiff, throbbing boyhood. It looked so pretty in its hairless
excitement. Feeling less fear now, I let my arm slide down his baby
soft belly, let my fingertips caress the soft, hairless skin of his
pubic mound, then very gently took hold of his four inch erection.

I felt his naked body jerk instantly, astonished by the feel
of another boy holding his penis. It was intensely hard and pulsing
rhythmically, sticking out from his hairless body so stiff that I'd
never be able to bend it. I felt his chest swelling faster beneath my
cheek and I very tenderly pulled on his penis, felt the tight covering
of skin move gently over the frantic hardness of his erection. There
wasn't enough skin to pull over his shiny penis head like there was on
Eric's and the young thing glowed pink, skinny little vein pulsing.

I could hear Robin starting to gasp with fear and excitement
and adored his innocent astonishment at the pleasure between his legs.
I was eager to feel the boy having an orgasm, but his penis was so
beautiful that I longed to suck on it, wondering fearfully if the
virgin boy would let me.

My heart started to beat faster again as I imagined sucking on
him. My hairless little penis was still very stiff, but all I could
think about was the wonderful boy laying beneath me. I started to
pray again, pray that the innocent prepubescent boy would be too
excited to stop me, then lifted my head and turned to gaze at his
beautiful chest.

His brown nipple was so pretty and I slowly leaned forward and
kissed it. I was still pulling gently on his boyhood, but I wasn't
rubbing it. My tongue slipped from my lips and I licked the boy's
nipple and bare chest, amazed by the wonderful taste of his soft boy
skin. He was crying a little as I gently sucked on his nipple, hoping
that I was doing the right thing, hoping that if the boy first got
used to me sucking his chest, maybe he would be willing to let me suck
other parts of him. It seemed to be working for, though his small
chest swelled dramatically for air, he didn't tell me to stop.

Feeling excited by what I was doing to him, I slowly let my
tongue lick down the small mound of his boy chest and lovingly across
the smooth skin covering his hard ribs. His body was shivering with
nervous excitement and embarrassment, his belly shuddering as my
tongue found his little belly button, licking all around it.

He was so astonished and confused by this time, that I doubted
he would be able to drum up the bravery to stop me. Add to that the
fact that my hand was pulling steadily on his boyhood, filling him
with hormones, and I started to feel pretty confident that he would be
unable to stop for anything.

My tongue tasted and felt all sorts of new pleasures of his
skin as it licked lower on his belly, feeling small muscles in his
body quivering with more excitement, the boy unable to protect himself
from me. I heard him gasp painfully as my hand took hold of his penis
and pulled it down, causing it to poke straight up in madly throbbing
hardness. I held it there as my lips moved to the sacred mound
between his legs, licking smooth skin that would one day sprout the
boy's pubescent peach fuzz but that was now as soft and hairless as a
newborn baby's. I could feel the slender shaft of his four inch
erection as my slimy tongue licked around it.

Robin started crying from fear and pleasure and I knew I
couldn't waste too much time enjoying the hairless skin so close to
his boner. My skinny chest had slid low on his belly now and he
panted nervously as I turned on the bed, still holding his rock hard
young cock, spreading my legs apart so my little penis was bared close
to his eyes if he wanted to look at it.

My blue eyes gazed at his small cock as I held it in my hands
and my love for him filled it with tremendous beauty. My thumb and
finger were holding it near the middle and the knob of his penis head
was shining brightly with the uncomfortable angle of his erection. I
stared at it intently as my lips moved toward it, felt like crying in
adoration as I felt it press throbbing and warm against my mouth.

Robin instantly let out a startled cry of astonishment and I
could well imagine how frightened he must have felt to feel such
things in his penis, much as I had felt only a couple of days earlier
when Eric had done it to me for the first time. I knew his fear would
leave him to be replaced by the wonderful discovery of orgasm. I
kissed his shiny penis head with so much adoration and smiled as I
felt the frightened boy squirm nervously, his high pitched voice
crying as if begging me not to do it.

I let my tongue slip out to lick my lips and tasted the bare
wonder of his hot penis. It tasted like his chest and belly had, but
the knowledge of the pleasure it could give him made it taste more
wonderful to me. I held it against my slimy lips, pursing them so
they could gently squeeze his penis as I slipped it inside my mouth.
I could feel his belly and chest ripple with little muscles as his
slender young body tightened in astonished pleasure, and felt myself
smiling with happiness. I could feel his hard penis head press its
eager way passed my lips, felt the hard ridge to his shaft move
inside, the small boy head sliding onto my wet, mushy tongue. I
licked across it delightedly, like Eric had done to mine and felt his
body squirm more, his childish voice letting out a steady stream of
boyish cries and wondrous moans. Slowly I let it rub down my tongue,
felt the slender shaft of his boyhood pulsing between my lips.

Although his erection was only four inches long and was very
slender, I couldn't put it all inside and soon felt his penis head
pressing against the back of my throat. Briefly, I started to gag,
but I caught myself and was more careful not to push it so far in
(deep throating was still a concept my young mind had not imagined).
I held his penis there for a moment, enjoying its hard throbbing on my
tongue, begging for release, felt his baby soft body gently squirming,
listened to his young, astonished cries with love. The boy was
totally in my power and I knew that he could do nothing to protect his
innocence now.

Filled with happy joy, I let his penis slip slowly out of my
mouth, letting my slimy lips rub over his naked penis head, coating it
with my saliva, then going back down on him again, sending a jolt of
pleasure through his young body until his penis head returned to the
back of my mouth. I repeated this motion over and over again, not
varying it, feeling the pleasure mounting between his legs, knowing
the boy was feeling more physical joy than he had ever dreamt of. His
penis lost not a bit of its hardness, only the softness of his skin
making it feel less hard than a slender piece of rock. I went down on
him over and over again until the helpless boy cried out loudly and
desperately, his voice filled with fear and wonder at the same time.

His slender young body suddenly stiffened frantically beneath
me and I was so astonished that I stopped sliding his penis in and
out, just lay there holding it on my tongue, feeling orgasm ravage his
tender innocence. The twelve year old cried out and his hard body
shuddered all over with the frantic tightening of his boy muscles. I
could hear him crying now, unable to contain his fear and joy. With
tense, quick bursts of passion, Robin's young hips jerked forward,
shaking the bed though they barely moved. I could feel his penis
flexing between my lips and I closed my eyes and worshipped his
orgasm, his marvelous perfection.

I felt so attuned to his pleasure that I was astonished to
suddenly taste a sweet liquid squirting from his penis head. I had
assumed that the boy didn't have sperm since he didn't have any pubic
hair but the taste was unmistakable, though it did taste sweeter and
not as slimy as Eric's. The child's erection squirt several times,
but I could feel nothing more than little droplets of thin juice
ejaculate on my tongue. It tasted so wonderful that I wished his
penis would never stop squirting, but the young boy couldn't manage a
feat like that. I would have been thrilled if I could have let his
orgasm go on forever and do nothing but taste his sperm squirting onto
my tongue.

The boy collapsed in a softly sobbing mass of beauty beneath
me and I lay there holding his penis in my mouth for a long time. I
didn't want to stop while he was still so scared. Soon, he would
realize how nice it was and then I could be there to share it. In the
meantime, I lay there feeling his erection start to soften from deep
inside, feeling the young head grow smaller, the slender shaft thinner
and limp. It didn't take very long for the boy to lose his erection,
but the feel of his rubbery penis between my lips was nice too and I
wasn't in any great hurry to let it go.

I heard his boyish cries become steady panting and slowly let
his penis slip out. It fell on his hairless testicles, laying totally
spent and totally limp in a coating of my slimy saliva. I stared at
its soft brown beauty with all my love and enjoyed the soft hairless
perfection of his boyhood. Even his penis head lost its purple
intensity and grew a beautiful shade of brown that matched his little

Licking the slime from my lips, I pulled my knees up
underneath me and sat up, gazing at his naked body and adoring it all
over again. The hairless penis between his legs just lay there
looking soggy and exhausted, while his small boy chest looked as soft
and wonderful as ever, swelling up and down as he gasped. He looked
so young and boyish, though he was comfortably more developed than I

I looked up at his boyish face and could see that he had
actually shed some tears. Now, however, he was laying there with his
mouth hanging open as he gasped, staring at his penis in awe and
confusion. He looked so pretty, his neck so thin and smooth, young
collarbones poking out beneath his baby soft skin before joining that
exquisite boy chest.

I swallowed, feeling a little nervous. "Did you like it?" I
asked, fearing that maybe some boys didn't like having orgasms.

Robin swallowed too and his boyish eyes looked up at me. He
glanced down between my legs and I was embarrassed to discover my two
inch erection was still pulsing. When his eyes returned to mine, I
wanted to hold him so bad it hurt. He looked so frightened and

"What did you do?" his childish voice asked softly. He looked
so confused I thought he would start crying again.

"It's okay, Robin," I said, feeling ready to cry myself. "All
boys do it." I didn't really believe this, but I wanted to convince
myself as much as I did him. "Didn't you like it?"

The boy's small, beautiful shoulders gave a barely perceptible
shrug and he looked at his hairless boyhood again. "It's really
weird," he said softly.

I kept looking at his face, longing to see him smile again.
"Did you like it?" I asked again.

The adorable boy looked back at me and my heart raced with
love for him. "I guess so..." he said, watching my face as if looking
for a reaction.

I swallowed, feeling embarrassed. "I like it," I blushed,
having trouble holding his eyes.

"Does my Dad do it?" he asked.

I shook my head. "When you turn fourteen you have to get
married and can't do it anymore." As far as I knew, this was the
truth and I sat on my legs believing it completely.

"Oh," Robin said.

The boy had millions of questions and I was ill-prepared to
answer them. I tried, however, and soon my erection softened and my
hairless little penis lay innocently on my balls again. For fifteen
minutes we lay on our sides facing each other and talking about boy
sex. I told him about Eric and I, and told him about what had
happened at the boy's club the previous night. I didn't tell him
about the strange man, though, nor did I tell him anything about
Erin's strange departure. I somehow had the feeling that I shouldn't.
Otherwise, I told him what little I knew about penises and boys and
the beliefs of the Daireans.

For the most part, Robin still looked confused, but his
innocent young face watched intently and I knew he was listening. He
didn't try to get dressed or even suggest that we should and his
penis, about three inches long when it was soft, dangled over and just
touched his smooth thigh. Soon, he started to blush again and a short
time after that he smiled.

"I think we should go back downstairs before they come looking
for us," he said in the same shy voice he had used since our encounter
in the room had begun.

"We don't have to," I said, remembering how Eric had said that
boy friends could be naked together any time they wanted to and not
even an adult could tell them they couldn't.

Robin looked away and thought about this then shrugged his
thin, bare shoulders. "We better," he said.


I watched the beautiful boy's hairless penis dangling and
swinging around as he searched for his underpants. He found them and
I sadly watched his long smooth legs slip into them, watched him hide
his boyhood in their protective covering.

"Are you going to get dressed?" he blushed, grabbing his

"I can't put that on by myself," I said, nodding toward the

"Don't you have any other clothes?"

I blushed and felt very stupid because I definitely did have
other clothes and hadn't even thought about them. I jumped up, little
penises bouncing on my testicles, and took a pair of cut-offs from the
dresser. By the time I turned around, Robin was in his underwear
again and was watching me patiently, soft face blushing. I smiled and
blushed back at him, taking a t-shirt from the drawer and slipping it
over my skinny chest. Robin still stood there looking at me and I
desperately wanted to hug him; not having sex, mind you, just to hold
him. I didn't, however. I had put the boy through enough for a
while. I could hug him later.

"Hey, do you want to go to the Boy's Club tonight?" I asked,
longing to introduce him to that magical place.

He blushed and shrugged. "My dad might not want me to stay
out that late," he said.

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"So?" I said. "You can spend the night with us."


"Come on, Robin. It's fun."

"I guess if Dad says it's okay..."

I grinned delightedly, no less in love with the adorable boy.

We started toward the door and I was astonished and delighted
when the taller boy put his arm around my shoulders. I looked at him
in surprise, but he just smiled and blushed. He was still smiling
when he reached out and tried to open the door.

It was still locked.

I stood there in embarrassed uncertainty for a moment,
wondering how we would ever get out again. Before I could come up
with any solutions, however, I heard a key turning in the lock and the
door was pushed open, Thorne walking casually into the room with a
knowing smile on his face.

"What'd I tell you?" he grinned scarcely looking at us. "Just
like breeding horses."

Robin was still holding my thin shoulders as his father moved
weakly into the room. He looked at his son and sighed, his eyes
quickly looking at me standing in shorts, over at my diaper on the
bed, then back down at his son.

"Come on, Robin," the man said. "Let's go home, now."

Thorne laughed to himself as I felt the young boy's arm leave
my shoulders, his long legs awkwardly moving him to his father.

"Master Throne?" I swallowed, astonished by my own bravado.
"Can Robin spend the night?"

Thorne laughed aloud this time, nudging Wellesley who didn't
seem very happy about it at all. "Put an idea in their heads... He
can stay if you want him to, Kelvin. He's your boy now."

"I think it would be better if Robin stayed at home tonight,"
Wellesley said, causing both Robin and I to look up at him.

"Can't do it, Bob," Thorne grinned. "If Kelvin and Robin want
to do it tonight, they get to. You and me, we don't have any say
about it anymore."

I was shocked and amazed when Wellesley suddenly grabbed
Thorne's lapels and shoved him up against the wall with almost savage

"Listen to me, you drunk bastard," he hissed through his
teeth. "Robin is my son, and I don't need you or anyone telling me
what he can or can't do."

Thorne looked astonished for only a moment, then a deadly calm
settled over him. "Get your hands off me," he said, terrifying me if
not Wellesley.

Wellesley swallowed nervously and looked away. Slowly, his
hands slipped from Thorne's jacket and he stepped away.

"He belongs to Kelvin now, Wellesley," Thorne said,
straightening his jacket, his face brimming with anger he scarcely
released. "You try to stop them and we'll burn you at the cross."

"He's my son," Wellesley said, sounding like he was going to

"Yeah, well in Dairean culture he stops being your son when he
starts loving boys. You paid for it, Wellesley. You can't stop it
now. Only they can."

Wellesley moved back to the door and leaned against the frame,
his blue eyes painfully looking at his embarrassed son. "Robin, will
you come home?" he asked, the sound of crying in his voice. "You can
stay if you want to..."

Robin look like he was already crying and quickly moved across
the short space that separated him from his father. He held to him
and buried his face against the man's body. "I want to go with you,
Dad," he said, sniffling.

Wellesley's hands rubbed across the boy's thin shoulders
through his t-shirt and down his silky, light brown hair. I could see
how much he loved the boy and I was jealous of Robin for still more
reason. The love between his father and him was very strong and,
despite my jealousy for both of them, I was glad he had made the
choice he had. I would have felt horrible if he had wanted to stay.

"I'm taking my boy home," Wellesley said, turning and guiding
the boy out into the hallway.

Thorne shrugged, not looking at all drunk. "It's his choice,
Wellesley. Don't get too smug, though: he'll be back: he can't help
it. You're going to have to let him go someday."

Wellesley said nothing in return. Thorne and I stood there in
silence, me fearing I would never see the adorable boy again and
Thorne thinking whatever it was he did think. After a moment, we
could hear the front door opening and closing.

Thorne turned to me and smiled, the same leering smile he
always gave. "Don't you worry, Kelvin," he said, eyes gazing down my
small body. "He'll be back. Give it a few hours, he won't be able to
help himself."

He turned back to the door and started to exit then stopped
and turned. "You done good, boy," he leered. With that, he closed the
door and was gone.

I felt so confused that I stood there for a long while. I
didn't understand any of it, but I felt like crying so I did. I ran
to the bed and threw myself down on the pillows, crying and crying.

Very little time passed before the door to my room opened. I
was certain it was Thorne and I cried harder, burying my face into the
pillow and sobbing, wishing he would leave me alone in my young
heartache. The door closed and someone came over to the bed. Big
hands took hold of my thin shoulders and lifted me up. I was in a
warm embrace before I realized that the person holding me was Eric.
His long, thin arms held me tightly to his chest and I felt his hands
rubbing across my back and down my hair.

"It's okay, Kelvin," his boyish voice said. "I love you.
It's okay."


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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Six

A couple of hours later, Eric and I were swimming in the pool
again. He had done a good job of cheering me up, assuring me that
Robin still liked me even if he did love his father more. I wasn't
feeling very talkative or playful, but I wasn't completely unhappy
anymore and I was having fun swimming naked.

Although I could still only dog paddle, I discovered that I
could swim underwater and go all the way down to the bottom about ten
feet down. This seemed to be such great fun that I started doing it
over and over again, searching along the bottom as if expecting to
find some great treasure. When I came to the surface once, I heard
Eric calling to me from the shore. I was gasping for air and had to
push the hair from my forehead, but turned and saw my smooth young
friend sitting on the warm rocks rhythmically stroking his penis. He
was grinning from ear to ear and his large hand moved up and down on
his seven inch erection, soft brown foreskin rubbing all over his
brown penis head.

Smiling and blushing, I dog paddled to shore and crawled out
of the water. The rocks felt warm beneath my bare feet as I walked
over to Eric, his happy brown eyes gazing at my hairless little penis
sitting on my small testicles. I wiped the water from my face and
giggled at the horny pubescent boy.

"You better hurry..." Eric panted excitedly. I blushed and
smiled broader as I lay down beside his thin naked body listening to
his excited moans. He pointed his penis at me as he grunted and his
soft, slender chest and belly stiffened in orgasm. I swallowed
quickly and leaned forward, opening my small mouth to accept his
penis. Instantly Eric started to jerk frantically and his big hand
pulled his foreskin all the way back. His big penis head touched my
lips just as the little teenager started to ejaculate.

I quickly wrapped my lips around his penis head and tasted his
young sperm squirting onto my tongue. I smiled around the cock in my
mouth and felt happy to taste sperm again. It was squirting out with
boyish strength, still not very much but still sweet with the taste of
young innocence and beauty. He ejaculated more than Robin had which I
liked and I licked it around my mouth before swallowing his young

Eric let go of his big penis and let me keep sucking on it as
it softened and oozed out the last of his sperm. I felt his big hand
rest on my shoulder as he lay back on the rock, looking smooth and
golden in the warm sunlight.

When I was finished sucking on his penis, I crawled up beside
him and his long arm wrapped around my thin shoulders pulling me
against his bare chest. I laid my cheek on his shoulder and put my
hand on his small nipple, laying still and happy, feeling the older
boy's love for me. My hairless little boyhood was still limp and I
pressed it against the boy's slender hips, laying a smooth boy leg on
his baby soft thigh.

"Do you want to go to the Boy's Club tonight?" he asked,
stroking my bare shoulder.

I shrugged. "If you do," I said, still thinking mostly of
Robin and wishing he could go with us.

We lay there in the warm sun for a long time before reclaiming
the horse and returning home. We got dressed in smart looking baby
blue suits and ties, our boyish legs bare beneath our shorts. When
the evening sky began to darken, we were sitting silently at the table
with the rest of the Thorne family.

The conversation at the Thorne table wasn't very interesting.
Mostly, it was a matter of Thorne and his wife discussing business and
dull things around the house, things boys my age weren't very
interested in. Caroline was permitted to join in the conversation as
long as she was polite about it. The boys, on the other hand, were
either prohibited from speaking or just didn't want to. Gary sat
looking at me throughout the meal which made me uncomfortable. Eric
just leaned over his plate and shoveled his food in, trying to look

The talk switched to being about me with Master Thorne
boasting of how I had seduced the Wellesley boy and the look on
Wellesley's face when he realized it. This made Caroline and Mrs.
Thorne giggle and me to blush predictably.

"You don't suppose he'll want to sell out, do you?" Mrs Thorne

"Who? Wellesley? I'll buy him out tomorrow if he wants to,
but I don't think he'll betray the church. He knew when he took the
oath that he was giving his boys to the Old Ones' service."

"I thought he was a really cute boy," Caroline smirked.

"So did Kelvin," Thorne laughed.

"Did you like him, Kelvin?" Caroline smiled at me, not

I just blushed down at my plate and didn't say anything. It
didn't seem right for them to be making fun of Robin and me.

"Didn't you hear them?" Thorne laughed again. "Oh, stop it,
Kelvin," his laughter stopped when he saw I was upset. "Robin's your
boy, now. You want him back just say so and I'll go fetch him

I could well imagine him bursting into the Wellesley home and
stealing Robin from his father and I wasn't about to give him the
license to do it with. I said nothing. I noticed that Eric had
stopped eating.

Mrs. Thorne smiled over at me. "That's a very special honor,
Kelvin, for a boy your age to have a little boy friend." I wasn't

"Especially a really cute one," Caroline added.

"Alright you two, stop it. You're embarrassing the boy,"
Thorne instructed. "Eric, maybe you should invite Robin over for
dinner tomorrow night."

"He's Kelvin's boy friend," Eric replied in his soft, bashful

"That doesn't matter," Thorne shrugged. "Kelvin's your boy,
you have to help him out, too."

Thorne waited for Eric to respond but the boy stayed silent.
His father grunted in disappointment and shook his head.

"Maybe you could take Kelvin over to visit him this
evening..." Mrs Thorne suggested.

"We're going to the Boy's Club," Eric said, still not looking
up from his plate.

"Good," Thorne nodded, finishing his meal and dropping his
napkin on the plate. "But you remember what I said. Don't let any of
those boys play with Kelvin. Not even the little ones. Every father
in Tarsec Village is going to be pushing their boys to play with
Kelvin and some of those children can be pretty determined. You just
tell them their fathers have to talk to me. You understand?"

"Yes, sir," Eric swallowed.

Thorne stood and left the table. "Damn, I got a gold mine and
don't even have to pay dwarves to mine it for me." He laughed and
left the room.

"May we be excused?" Eric asked as soon as he was gone. "We
have to get ready."

"Of course, dear," Mrs. Thorne replied, kissing the boy's
forehead and giving his slender neck a gentle squeeze.

"Come on," Eric said standing.

I stood up with eyes staring at the floor and followed the
older boy out. He didn't say anything to me as he led me back to his
room, which looked the same as mine save for not having any teddy

"It's not my fault," I said softly, feeling like crying
because he was mad at me.

"I know, Kelvin," Eric sighed, sitting down on the bed. "He
used to rent me out when I was little, too. You just have to remember
that you don't have to do anything if you don't want to... except if I
tell you to and I won't. And he doesn't know anything that goes on at
the club so you can play with anybody you want even if he does say

"I know," I said, though I hadn't realized that. I knew that
Eric had let me play with Erin and Shane. I didn't know I could play
with anybody I wanted, or nobody if I didn't want to.

Eric stood up and smiled at me, crossing the room and taking
me in his arms. I loved it when he held me and I felt myself smiling.
"I love you," I said, beginning to enjoy saying it to other boys.

"I love you, too," he smiled, gently petting my hair.

We were giggling and playful as we stripped down naked to get
dressed for the club. This took awhile because I was feeling pretty
affectionate and wouldn't let Eric pick out clothes for us. Every
time he tried to turn his attention to the drawers I would run up and
slap his bottom or grab for his big penis. The tall, slender teenager
would immediately whirl around giggling, chase me for a while, catch
me, throw me on the bed and tickle me until I was exhausted from
giggling. Mostly he tickled my ribs, but he had discovered that
little boys were pretty ticklish around their penises, too; or
perhaps he just liked feeling it. I would struggle sometimes or just
lay there with my skinny legs spread and let the boy fondle me. My
erection was getting very hard and I was eager for the boy to play
with me, but he just fondled it.

"Eric," I whined, when he turned yet again to the drawers.

"What?!" he giggled in mock impatience.

"Play with me," I said in my most pouting voice. I was
sitting on the bed and bouncing up and down on it, the rhythmic motion
feeling nice.

"No, not till we get to the club."

"Why not?"

"Because it'll be funner and you can meet some other boys."

"Will Erin and Shane be there?" I was still bouncing on the
bed naked, but Eric suddenly turned, his face serious.

"Kelvin, don't say anything to anybody about Erin," he said in
a hushed whisper.

He looked so serious that I stopped bouncing, just sat there
with my hairless little erection pulsing. "Why not?"

"Because he'll get in trouble."


"Just trust me, Kelvin, okay? Don't even think about him."

I sat there for a moment trying to figure out what was so
important, but couldn't. "Will Shane be there?" I asked, quickly
forgetting the entire subject.

Eric grinned at my childishness. "Probably," he said, his
naked, soft brown body turning back to the dresser, "...if Michael's

"I like Michael," I grinned and blushed, starting to bounce on
the bed again.

"Do you want to play with him?" Eric giggled.

"Does he want to play with me?" I asked, blushing brighter.

"Probably. Ask him."

I doubted that I would ask a boy to play with me but at the
moment, I thought I might.

"Will Robin be there?" I asked, as if I'd forgotten the entire
scene that afternoon.

"I don't think so, Kelvin," Eric replied. He pulled a pile of
clothing from the dresser and walked over to the bed, long, beautiful
penis swinging between his legs.

"Why not?" I asked again, still bouncing.

"Because he isn't a member of the club."


"Here," Eric said, throwing some clothes at me. "Put these

I stopped bouncing and picked up the clothes trying to figure
out what they were. They felt like pajamas, but the fabric felt
stiffer. "What is it?" I asked as I examined them.

"Just put them on, would you? You ask more questions than a
four year old."

This kind of embarrassed me and I fell quiet, but Eric didn't
sound like he meant it. I could see now that he had given me a pair
of white pants, a white shirt and a baby blue, cloth belt. It looked
okay, so I shrugged my bare shoulders and stood up. My two inch
erection still stuck straight out but I was getting used to having an
erection and scarcely thought about it as I stepped into the pants.
They were a little too big for me and Eric knelt down and rolled them
up above my ankles. They were baggy and were held up by a slender,
white, cotton rope. I tied them around my skinny hips with a small
bow knot. As Eric started dressing, I slipped into the shirt. It was
baggy, too, and I was confused to discover that it had no buttons and
no ties to close it with. I stood there holding the ends open, baring
my little boy chest, and looked at Eric.

He was pulling on a similar shirt and giggled when he saw the
confused look on my face. "That looks cute like it is," he grinned,
"but you close it with the sash."

I tipped my head uncertainly at him and he giggled again.

He left his shirt hanging open and picked up the baby blue
sash from the bed. His large hands closed the shirt and wrapped it
loosely around my skinny chest. Holding it shut, he wrapped the sash
around me and tied it without a knot.

When he was done, I giggled at my own confusion and ran over
to the large mirror on his wall. It was a karate outfit and I thought
it looked adorable on me, the upper part of my chest exposed almost to
my ribs. I stood admiring myself as Eric came over dressed in an
identical outfit, save that his sash was black. We looked cute. I
felt happier in these outfits than the ones we had worn the previous
night. They didn't show as much of our skin and didn't look like
something a girl would wear. To me, they were nice, normal boy

"Ready?" he grinned at my reflection.

I blushed and nodded, a boyish smile on my face as I thought
about being at the Boy's Club again. Nobody saw us as we slipped out
the back door and went down the path to the stables. Feeling free, we
were both giggling happily and jostling each other as we climbed on
Eric's horse and set off.

Mr. Hocket was again sitting at the desk when we came into the
entryway and my boyish bashfulness returned as Eric stepped up to him.
I felt his young arm wrapping around my shoulders and I leaned against
him, a blushing smile on my face.

The man lowered his paper and looked at us. "Hello, Eric," he
nodded, eyes quickly turning to me.

He was looking closely at me and I turned away embarrassed.

"Okay," he said. "You boys go ahead."

We started toward the door, but he stopped us.

"Eric, what are you doing sharing him with that new boy and
not letting him play with Michael?" he asked.

Eric looked down blushing. "You'd have to talk to Pa, Mr.
Hocket," he said shyly.

"I see," the man nodded. "Your Pa has a way of having boys
everybody wants, doesn't he?" He said this with a smile, but I didn't
think he was very happy about it.

Eric stood there blushing, not certain what to say, and was
saved when the front door opened again. I felt my heart jump to my
throat when I saw that it was Mr. Wellesley.

The man stood outside and held the door open, his other hand
gently guiding two small boys, about seven or eight, into the room.
They were very cute boys and I smiled boyishly at them. They looked
very nervous in their blue jeans and short sleeved shirts and blushed
when they saw me, looking away bashfully, silently moving closer to
their father. I knew instantly that they were Robin's little
brothers. They were so adorable they could be no others.

I looked up and felt my heart leap for joy as Robin stepped
in. Like the smaller boys, he was wearing blue jeans and a short
sleeve shirt, his feet in white tennis shoes. He saw me instantly,
and his eyes locked on mine, nervously at first, but relaxing in an
embarrassed smile when he saw me smiling at him.

Mr. Wellesley followed them in and closed the door. I felt
him looking at me and felt nervously afraid that he was going to be
mad at me. He turned to Mr. Hocket, however, and approached the desk.

"I..." he began. "My boys want to join," he said. I looked
over at Robin and he was still blushing at me. I somehow knew that he
was the one who wanted to join most.

Hocket nodded. "Do they have boy friends," he asked, sighing
and taking out some forms.

"Uh... I, uh..." Wellesley said nervously.

"Look, Master Wellesley, the older boy there belongs to Kelvin
over there, don't he?" Hocket said, bored.

"Uh, I, uh, I..."

"He does, Mr. Hocket," Eric said bashfully. "They did it

"Now," Hocket sighed turning back to the man, "did you buy any
boy friends for your other boys?"

"Well, uh, they're just children," Wellesley stammered,
looking terrified that his little boys would have to do it, too.

"That's fine," Hocket shrugged agreeably. "I was just making
sure. So you want one Up and two Down."

"I'm sorry?" Wellesley said. "What... what does that mean?
One Up, two Down?"

Hocket sighed again. "You want the older boy to be allowed
upstairs and the little ones to be down."

"What's the difference?" Wellesley asked, confused.

Hocket sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"It's right, sir," Eric said, stepping bashfully up to the
older man. "The little boys have to stay downstairs until they..."
His smooth brown face instantly grew crimson. "They just play games
there... regular games..."

Wellesley stared at Eric for a long moment, then glanced
briefly at me. He swallowed and nodded. "I understand," he said,
sighing. "Thanks."

"So, one Up, two Down?" Hocket repeated.

"Yes. Yes."

I looked over at Robin and felt a grin slip to my mouth. The
adorable boy blushed and grinned back.

"Then fill out this one for Robin," Hocket said giving one of
the forms to Wellesley, "and these ones for the little boys. You boys
can go on in," he said, tipping his head toward the inner door.

"Oh, uh," Wellesley said, standing up from the forms. His
eyes glanced at Eric and I again, then turned to his sons. He walked
over to the shy boys and put his arms around all three of them. They
instantly melted against him. "I love you guys," he said, hugging all
of them.

All three of the boys returned his love and I stood watching
jealously, feeling a sad aching in my heart.

After a moment, the man let go of them and they stood huddled
near him as if ready to hug all over again. "I'll come back at ten to
pick you up, okay?" he asked, his eyes gazing over them with

The boys nodded and his gaze turned to Robin. The boy stood
obedient and gazing up at the man, ready to do as he instructed. The
man's hand took hold of the boy's skinny neck and their eyes looked
deep into each others. "This is really what you want?" he asked in a
voice so soft I doubted Hocket could hear it.

"Wha..." the boy began, blushing and looking down. "I want
whatever you want, Dad," he said.

The man looked at him for a moment. "I want you to be happy,"
he said, "then I'll be happy."

Blushing brightly, Robin smiled up at his father.
"They're..." he began bashfully. "They're nice, Dad."

The man nodded, an accepting smile on his face. He gently
pulled the boy's head forward and kissed his forehead. "I love you,
Robin," he said.

Robin blushed but, despite any embarrassment he might have
felt about such things in front of Eric and I, he fell into the man's
arms again and hugged him. I stood there adoring the man and wishing
I could be loved by him as much as he loved the three boys.

"Alright," he sighed, standing up and letting the boy go.
"I'll be here at ten, okay?"

Robin blushed but smiled and nodded up at the man.
Wellesley's hand rested on the boy's shoulder as Robin turned and
walked over to Eric and I. He stopped near us and stood blushing down
at me.

"Kelvin," I heard Wellesley's voice say. I turned and looked
up at him, willing to do anything he told me to do. "You be good to
my boys, okay?" he asked, his head nodding gently as if telling me how
to answer.

I stared up at him in wonder for a long moment, then nodded
back. "I promise," I said in a voice that begged him to love me.

He gave a brief nod back then turned toward the door. His
hand gently tousled the silky brown hair of the smaller boys then
opened the door and stepped out into the night. All five of us looked
after him as Mr. Hocket shook his head and returned to his newspaper.
When we looked at each other, we all looked embarrassed for idolizing

An awkward moment past, and no one seemed to know what to do
or say. "This is Eric," I blushed, pointing to the boy who's arm still
held me.

Robin blushed at him so adorably that it would have been
impossible for Eric not to love him. The two boys shook hands and I
felt a gentle warmth touch me, pleased that they were both going to be

"Your Dad's really cool," Eric said, expressing the emotion
for both of us.

Robin just nodded and smiled, obviously aware of the fact.
"These are my brothers," his childlike voice said. "Adam and Bryan."

The two small boys giggled a little and blushed, looking only
slightly less adorable than their twelve year old brother. Eric and I
smiled at their adorable bashfulness for a moment and I loved sharing
the moment with him.

"Well, let's introduce them to some friends," Eric said.

He pushed the door open and I stepped through it followed by
Robin and the little boys. Eric came quickly behind and we soon
entered the large room for the younger boys of the village.

These boys were, again, in a mixture of dressing, some naked,
some in skimpy clothes and some as well dressed as our young charges.
There were more than fifty of them and they were all busy at a variety
of games. When they saw us, more than a dozen jumped up and scurried
over to us. I expected them to swarm around Eric again. I was
astonished as their scantily clad or naked bodies swarmed around me,
small hands touching me through my outfit, all of them pleading with
me to take them upstairs. They were all the older boys in the group,
most of them as old, if not older than, me. One of them was
particularly adorable, a blond-haired boy of eleven or twelve who was
completely naked. I was so enchanted by his face that I heard him
above the other childish voices saying, "My pa'll beat me if I don't
go upstairs." I was looking into his blue eyes and he knew he had my
attention. "I can play with it," he said, growing hands pulling at my

I was ready and eager to invite him upstairs to play with us,
if for no other reason than to spare him a beating, but Eric's young
voice sounded above the chorus of children. "David!" he said, "You're

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The cute boy flushed immediately and looked scared as he
remembered where he was, but he looked away only for a moment. In
that moment, I looked down at his slender, tanned body, and was
astonished to see how big his penis was. Even soft, it was bigger
than mine, even bigger than Robin's, but it was still hairless.

"Please," he begged me, turning and taking hold of my shirt
again before I could stop gazing at his big penis. "I'll be a good

I was intensely embarrassed. Not only was his penis bigger
than mine, but the boy was taller and plainly wiser.

"Leave him alone, David," Eric said, seeing my confusion and
causing the boy to turn nervously around again. My eyes moved
instantly to his penis. "If you do, I'll tell Morgan about you."

The boy's eyes lit up for a second with delight, but he
contained himself. "Pa said it had to be you or Kelvin..."

The other young boys fell silent and were listening in. "How
old are you, David?" Eric smiled at the adorable boy.

"Eleven," he said shyly, and I blushed realizing he was the
same age as me and much more developed.

Eric grinned and shook his head. "I can't believe you don't
have a boy yet," he said. David looked saddened by this and looked
away, blushing in embarrassment. Eric smiled down at him. "Okay," my
boy friend said. "You can be my boy friend."

David looked up, his adorable face and blue eyes wide in
surprise. "You mean it?" he asked.

"As long as Kelvin doesn't mind." He looked over at me and I
shortly realized that he wanted my approval. A smile broke on my face
and I nodded delightedly, more than eager to have the young boy join
our small band of boys.

Eric smiled proudly at me and just had time to catch the naked
boy as he flew into his arms. "Alright, David," he grinned.
"Alright." His hands gently rubbed across the boy's slender, bare
shoulders and his eyes gazed down at him with affection. Despite his
attention and love for the other boy, I didn't feel at all jealous.
David was really pretty and I knew Eric didn't love me any less, any
more than I loved him less for all my adoration of Robin.

When the young boy had expressed his gratitude sufficiently
and was ready to go upstairs, he lay holding to Eric and looked over
at us.

"David," Eric said. "Your first task is to pick someone to be
friends with Adam and Bryan." He motioned toward Robin's small
brothers and David looked nervous, instantly chewing on his finger.

"Eddie," he said, after a moment to think.

"No," Eric grinned, near laughter. "It has to be an innocent

"Ricky?" he suggested uncertainly.

Eric shrugged. "Okay."

David motioned to a small, skinny boy of eight and, after a
moment, the boy came hesitantly over to us. He was very cute, even
cuter with the look of skepticism on his smooth, brown face.

"What do you want?" he asked cautiously.

He was wearing slacks and a shirt and didn't seem very
interested or comfortable around David's naked body.

David was still chewing eagerly on one of his fingers. "Will
you be friends with these guys?" he asked, looking very worried that
the boy would say no.

Ricky looked at the small boys with serious, boyish
consideration. "Are they weirdos?" he asked, looking back at David,
with a tough glance at the taller boy holding him.

"No, they're nice, I swear," David's childish voice said

Ricky's deep brown eyes challenged the little boys and looked
them up and down. "Do you know how to play marbles?" he asked them,
looking very stern and scrutinizing.

The older of the two boys stepped forward nervously, nodding.
"But we didn't bring any..." he said.

Ricky looked like he liked Adam right away and a boyish smile
touched him as he shrugged. "You can have some of mine, I guess," he
said. "Come on. You can meet my friend Bobby."

With little notice of Robin watching them or of the rest of
us, Adam and Bryan nervously but eagerly followed the skinny boy into
the room. We watched the little boys for awhile as Ricky doled out a
small handful of marbles to each of them from a velvet bag, and were
fairly certain that Ricky had been a good choice.

"See?" David said. "He doesn't ever take his clothes off or

Eric grinned as Robin and I blushed. "Okay," he said, his arm
still around the naked boy's bare shoulders. "Come on."

Free of the little boys and with Eric holding to the young boy
he had just adopted, Robin and I dropped back and followed the older
boy toward the stairs.

"I didn't think your dad would let you come," I blushed,
feeling embarrassed about what the cute boy and I had done that

Robin blushed, too, and shrugged the thin shoulders in his
shirt. "He was just worried that we were being bad," he said.

"Oh," I said, relieved to know that we hadn't done anything

"I told him..." Robin's boyish voice stopped.

"What?" I asked, worried that he had told him everything.

"I told him we just played a game."

I was worried for a moment, but Robin was just blushing and
smiling and I felt a sigh of relief that he hadn't told him about us
being naked and me sucking on his penis.

"He said he just wanted to make sure I liked playing with you
and I told him I did."

"Oh," I smiled, feeling warm and happy inside.

"He said when he was little, boys didn't play with their
penises like we did."

My heart lurched and I felt terrified. I swallowed and looked
at Robin, but he was just smiling and walking as if everything was
okay. My ears grew hot and I looked away, wondering if I was the only
one who felt embarrassed about playing with boys' penises.

Robin turned and looked at me then looked to the front again,
still smiling and blushing. "Dad said all the boys at the club play
with their penises," he said, blushing but not seeming the least bit
troubled by it. "It'll be fun, won't it?"

I walked along beside the adorable boy as we started up the
stairs and didn't answer. It wasn't that I felt ashamed; but I
wondered if there was something wrong with me, to be so worried about
everybody knowing what we did to each other. Robin didn't seem to
mind in the slightest, despite a little embarrassment, and Eric was
plainly quite happy to have everybody know.

Eric was giggling and holding David's thin shoulders as Robin
and I followed them up the stairs and through the doors to the older
boys' section. David was giggling nervously and I could see his baby
soft body flushed with shyness and excitement, knowing that he was
going to learn all sorts of new things about his penis and knowing
that his Dad was going to be very proud of him for landing a boy like
Eric. Robin and I both seemed too shy to speak to each other, or
perhaps just couldn't think of anything to say. I wished he would
hold me like Eric did, like Eric was holding David, but Robin was as
innocent and boyish as I was and probably never thought about it.

Michael Hocket saw us as we entered. He smiled at Robin and I
walking nervously together, the same toothy smile that made images of
him naked flash through my mind. The look in his pretty eyes and the
slight flush in his cheeks just made me think of him having an orgasm
for some reason. I wondered if he had that effect on all boys. He
was wearing gym shorts and a tank top, but all my mind could see was
his hard body and stiff erection. Across the room, I could see Shane
playing cards with a skinny, dark haired boy.

Eric greeted Michael and the athletic young boy stood smiling
seductively at Robin and I, or at least it felt seductive to me. I
glanced over at Robin and saw that the adorable boy was looking away
bashfully. I smiled boyishly back at Michael, looking at him through
my long eyelashes too embarrassed to look directly into those eyes.
His body entranced me, his chest and arms looking hard with highly
defined muscles. It wasn't that he was a big boy. In fact, he was
only about an inch taller than me an his chest was as small as
Robin's. Nonetheless, his tank top swelled and his biceps formed hard
mounds on his arms.

"You heard from him?" Eric whispered to Michael.

Michael shot him a brief warning glance then shook his head
briefly. "Did you get a new toy, Eric?" Michael grinned down at the
naked boy in Eric's skinny arms.

Eric blushed and smiled proudly down at David. The eleven
year old's hairless penis still looked big and thick for a child and I
could tell that Michael liked it. "Someone has to help David out.
Gees, I was going to save him for McCormick but I think he's waiting
for Jeremy to turn ten."

"You must be Robin," Michael said, turning his attention back
to my adorable boy.

Robin blushed and nodded, but didn't smile or say anything.

"Is anyone in the Blue Room?" Eric asked.

"Not for another hour or so," Michael said. "Is David going
to play with his wiener?" he added, teasing the young boy.

David blushed brightly, but he was smiling and looked eager to

"We'll be back later," Eric sighed. "Come on, David." He
started to lead the naked child back toward the hallway, but Michael
stopped them.

"Hey, Eric, let me help."

"It's his first time, Michael..."

"So," Michael shrugged. "It's not like his Dad's throwing a
dinner or something."

Eric looked down at his young charge and smiled. "Okay. I
know just what you can do."

"Okay," Michael grinned happily. "I'll be there in just a

Eric turned and now guided the nervous, giggling young David
back to lose his eleven year old virginity. "You guys come on,"
Michael said, instantly tugging Robin and I after him. "You can

This seemed a little odd to me and Robin was even more
confused, but neither of us said anything as we followed the older boy
toward the hall. We turned into a room and Michael shut the door
behind us. It was a long narrow room. The only light came from one
wall which was, quite simply, not there. The floor was extremely soft,
like velvet covering a thick layer of feathers. We walked across this
and I suddenly realized that the missing wall adjoined to the blue
room where Eric was just entering with David.

"They can't see or hear you," Michael grinned. "On their
side, this looks like a real wall." This was confusing to me and I
didn't believe it at first because the sights and sounds from the Blue
Room past into our viewing room without the slightest distortion, as
if we were actually standing there not more than fifteen feet from
Eric and David. "Hey!" Michael suddenly yelled loudly. Neither Eric
nor David gave the slightest sign that they heard and Michael grinned
proudly. "You can watch from here. I'll come back as soon as we're
done with him." With that, the athletic boy departed leaving Robin
and I standing there silently.

Eric's large hands were beginning to caress David's naked
chest and belly and the young boy was starting to giggle nervously,
his cute face flushed red. The older boy was smiling and tenderly
telling David about what he was going to do to his body and penis. I
scarcely listened however. Robin was moving silently toward the
opening and one of his oversized hands reached out and felt across
what looked to be a solid wall.

"It's magic or something," his boyish voice said, looking back
at me. I looked past him into the other room where Eric was gently
guiding the young eleven year old boy onto the large bed. His hands
were still caressing the younger boy whose big penis still hung limp
between his legs. Entranced by the gentle guidance of my boy friend,
I walked over to the wall and sat down facing it. Robin still stood
there watching as intently as I was as Michael entered the room, a big
grin on his face.

"What do you want me to do, Eric?" he asked, smiling at the
pretty, naked boy lying helpless and exposed on the bed. Michael's
high-pitched voice came to our ears as if nothing separated us from
them. I could even hear the sound of David's soft skin rubbing across
the bedspread.

Still gazing into David's nervous eyes, his fingertips gently
feeling across the smaller boy's chest, Eric said, "You can stick it
in him while I suck him off."

Michael instantly broke into a bigger grin and his big hands
quickly took hold of his tank top and peeled it off. I felt Robin
sinking down to sit beside me as I gazed at Michael's beautiful body.
He was still only thirteen so his shoulders hadn't grown broad like a
man's, but his small chest looked so hard with boyish muscles and his
arms were so pretty that I longed wondering what it would be like to
feel his body against mine. He had little, brown nipples on the
mounds of his chest, mounds that looked like they would fit
wonderfully in my small hands. Beneath them, his slender abdomen
rippled with boyish muscles and his rib cage. Even his little belly
button looked adorable against the soft, pale brown skin that covered
his body.

His body turned as he reached for his shorts and I could see
the soft, smooth perfection of his back. His shoulder blades were
still prominent like a skinny boy's and I could see the ridges of his
backbone, but the rest of his back and shoulders looked smooth with
gently rippling muscles. I felt myself swallow in embarrassment as he
pushed his shorts down and exposed his small, round bottom to us. It
was paler than the rest of his body, like most boy's were, but it was
cute to, cute enough that I was embarrassed still more to realize that
I liked looking at other boy's butts.

Eric was still cooing to David and the hairless boy was
giggling more frantically now as the smooth, pale skin around his
young cock was gently caressed and petted. As I said before, he had
no more pubic hair than a bowling ball and his big, bald penis lay
back against his belly swelling slowly into an erection. Between his
creamy thighs, his young testicles were pulled into the smooth soft
mound of his hairless scrotum, looking pink and slightly wrinkled.
Eric's big hand took hold of the round balls and he felt them, all the
while his gentle reassurances to the innocent boy filling our ears
with the beautiful soprano of his boyish voice.

Michael grinned and stretched, rippling his hard little
muscles, and turned enough that Robin and I could see the magnificent
beauty of his stiff erection. His boyish cock was only a little over
four and a half inches long, making it bigger than mine or Robin's,
but perhaps smaller than the stiffening erection between David's legs
and certainly smaller than Eric's gifted cock. Nonetheless, the horny
pubescent boy displayed it with great pride and with no apparent
embarrassment, even thrusting his hips outward to show it off to
David's excited blue eyes. The young boy took great fascination in
the older boy's erection, probably as entranced as I was by the
sparse, dark brown little pubic hairs around its base. It really was
an adorable penis, the purple head poking clear out from his brown
foreskin and showing how eager it was to play with the child by its
shiny throbbing.

Eric's big hand was now taking complete hold of David's hard
boner and the young boy whimpered and stared at it in astonishment.
Fully erect now, the eleven year old's penis was already a full six
inches long and was much thicker than Michael's stiff penis. It
looked strange to see so large a penis on a boy who was so young and
hairless, and I realized that Eric was right to be so amazed that
David hadn't been adopted yet, especially knowing how the people in
Tarsec Village worshipped boys with big penises. David was only
eleven and still had a lot of growing to do. I could only wonder how
big his cock would be when he was thirteen and I wondered if Eric's
cock had been that big in his boyhood.

Eric tugged on the child's big cock several times, getting it
real hard and excited and causing David to cry weakly, then stood up.
By this time, I knew Eric's pubescent body very well but I was no less
enchanted by the soft beauty of it as he took off the karate outfits
we'd put on earlier. His skin looked softer and smoother than the
other boy's and his thin, gangly pubescent body somehow got me more
excited than their's. There was something about boy's with long legs
and arms and overgrown hands and feet that affected me and Eric was an
ideal image of this stage in a boy's development. David stared at the
thirteen year old's big erection in nervous excitement and I saw him
swallow nervously as the tall boy laid down next to him and gently
took his small naked body in his arms.

"That's a good boy," he cooed to David as he petted his blond
hair and across his thin shoulders. Not wanting to miss out on the
fun, Michael's excited, naked body scurried up on the bed behind David
and he pressed his adorable chest and stiff young penis against the
boy's back and bottom.

I could hear Robin panting softly beside me as we sat there
and watched the beautiful image of the three naked boy's bodies
rubbing against each other. We could see flashes of their hard penises
poking and rubbing against their bellies and butts and bodies and it
was all intensely erotic. Add to the image the sounds of their gasps
and David's childish cries of wonder and it was easy to understand how
horny I was starting to feel.

Nervously, I glanced over at Robin through the corner of my
eye, was astonished and excited to see his fingers awkwardly and
absently caressing the bulge in his blue jeans. The poor boy was as
horny as I was. I didn't do anything, however. It just seemed weird
to start playing with Robin when the three other boys were doing it
right in front of us.

"What are you doing?" David's high pitched, childish voice
asked, sounding a little nervous as Eric tenderly petted his young
face and Michael began gently kissing his immature belly.

"Don't worry," Eric smiled down at the innocent virgin. I was
again astonished by Eric's seductive tenderness with little boy's.
His long fingers and the loving smile on his face belied how fearful
and uncertain the thirteen year old was around adults. His seven inch
cock was sticking straight out and the brown head was poking free of
his smooth foreskin. I could see him gently pressing it against the
small, hairless boy's thigh as his long fingers gently caressed
David's small chest and soft skin. It looked so big beside the
smaller boy and so pretty with his soft brown peach fuzz.

Michael was leaning over David's belly and was kissing it as
his big hands rubbed across the eleven year old's rib cage. He was
smiling delightedly, loving the younger boy's whimpering cries as his
innocent body was tenderly fondled into manhood. He was leaning over
so I couldn't see his slender young erection. David's hairless penis
was completely exposed, however, and I gazed at it lovingly, envious
of how big it was in his tender years. I watched with growing
excitement as Michael's hand, traced with small blue veins that
boasted of his hard muscles, gently reached down and felt the
prepubescent's hairless scrotum. Having his private parts directly
fondled by another boy seemed to make David even more uncertain and
nervous and I heard his whimpers become more frightened.

I was somehow certain that David had played with boys before,
that he and the other little boys downstairs eagerly and awkwardly
experimented with each other's naked bodies. Of the little boys,
David, most particularly, seemed to eager to share his penis with boys
not to have done so before the ripe old age of eleven. In my mind, I
could envision it quite clearly, their hairless little boners sticking
out from their skinny bodies as they giggled and jostled each other.
Nonetheless, the look in his pretty face and the virgin cries from his
boyish chest made him seem very innocent indeed. Perhaps it was just
the greater experience of the older boys, the two of them knowing just
how to make a little boy's body squirm with excitement and a
willingness to let them have their way with him. At any rate, I
watched Michael's hand take hold of the child's five inch boner with
envy and adoration, adoring most the frightened cry that escaped from
the little boy.

I was so shocked when I felt Robin touch my shoulder that I
let out a startled cry and almost jumped away. I had held my place
but my reaction was enough to send a bright glow into Robin's smooth,
adorable face and to cause the young pubescent to look away in fearful
shame. It was almost the prettiest he had ever looked with the glow
from the next room shining across his soft, tanned cheeks in idyllic
beauty. Only his smile could have enchanted me more.

The hormones in his slender young body were so great that I
could practically feel them radiating through him like the heat of his
pubescent desires. I could see the effect they were having on him by
the slender, hard bulge sticking up and pressing against the zipper in
his blue jeans. I stared between his legs, envisioning the exquisite
beauty of his hairless erection pulsing beneath the cloth. Despite
the presence of the squirming, naked boys in the next room and the
fact that we could see and hear them so clearly, I had no doubt that
Robin didn't want to wait for Michael to come back to play with us. I
had opened the pandora's box of his pubescent penis and, like any boy
his age, he had little strength to control it any more.

My eyes gazed slowly up his shirt. It was loose on him, but
draped around his thin body beautifully, showing how small and
childish his chest was despite the long, awkwardness of his legs and
arms. He was still looking away shamefully when I reached his
adorable face and I gazed at the baby soft skin of his blushing cheeks
beneath his long, black eyelashes. He was unbelievable cute and quite
beyond my young ability to keep from loving.

Although he was my boy and I had every right to make the first
advance, I was too shy and innocent myself to say anything to him or
to reach out and touch him as he had done me. Instead, I swallowed in
embarrassment and silently undid the sash to my shirt. Feeling oddly
uncertain about what I was doing, I pulled the sleeves down my arms,
felt the cotton slip over my little shoulders, and pulled the shirt
free of my skinny little body. I was too shy and boyish to look at
Robin as I sat there wearing just the baggy white pants Eric had
dressed me in. I had no underwear on and the rough caress of the
cotton against my stiff little boner sent shivers of pleasant ache
into it.

I knew that Robin was looking at my bare chest, but I couldn't
bring myself to look back. Instead I just sat there and waited for
the boy to feel my smooth skin, to caress my body the way Michael and
Eric were doing to David. When several moments passed without the boy
touching me, I swallowed again and glanced up just enough to confirm
that he was looking. He was, he was just too innocent to know what to
do. I wasn't about to tell him, but I did know one more thing I could
do to encourage him. Boyishly, I sat back on my bottom and wiggled
the pants down my legs.

As usual, my little penis appeared pulsing and sticking out
its childish two inches with frantic excitement. Its rosy glow and
the bright purple little head at the end shown beautifully in the
light from the next room, the reflections against my skin showing how
soft and hairless I was. I dropped the pants aside and sat down with
my legs scissored out away from me. My small hand nervously felt
across the soft pillows as I let Robin look at me and waited for his
innocent puberty to overcome his childhood.

I was so enraptured by Robin once again, that I didn't even
look to see what Eric and Michael were doing to little David, not even
when the little boy started to squeal in fear and excitement. I knew
they were actively playing with his erection now, could hear the
rhythmic movements of their flesh rubbing against the child, their
hands rubbing his hairless young cock, their lips kissing and licking
his naked body. The sounds were enough to make me want to cry with
envy. Mostly, however, all I wanted was to feel Robin's affection and
to share the beauty of his youth.

I didn't have to look at the twelve year old to know that he
wasn't watching David's initiation any more than I was. I could feel
his adorable blue eyes caressing my chest and erection even if his
hands weren't. Knowing that he liked my naked body even if he was too
boyish to touch it, I silently laid back on the pillows, holding my
head in my interlaced fingertips and spreading my skinny, hairless boy
legs. My ribs rippled with my arms reaching over my head and the
skinny, hairless beauty of my childish body was there for him to see.
I looked down at it too, mostly staring at my little penis and the
frantic, hard pulsing that raced along its skinny two inches. It did
look little, there was no way of denying it, but it was so hard and
was so excited that it was, in my eyes, every bit as beautiful as
David's. If nothing else, my pale skin looked smoother and I was
smaller and skinnier. I looked more like a little boy than he did...
if only Robin liked little boys more than he did older boys.

Still, he didn't touch me and I finally looked up at him. I
was relieved to see that he was gazing over my body with the nervous
puppy love of young puberty. The look on his face was sad and
frightened, almost anguished, as if the boy were enduring some
internal struggle between his desires and his innocence. For a
moment, I feared that he would break into tears and turn away, but he
didn't. Instead, after long moments of gazing at my hairless
childhood spread out before him like an offering, the adorable boy
finally took hold of his shirt and unbuttoned it. The fear and pain
in his face faded a great deal as he made the commitment and was
replaced by an innocent half-smile and crimson blush. I stared in
transfixed adoration as I watched his growing hands move down his
small body, watched his beautiful little chest appear looking baby
soft and pale brown in the oblique light as the shirt parted.

The nervous, high pitched squeals and moans from the innocent
virgin in the next room were growing still louder, sounding like he
was crying with fear. I turned to see what was happening only briefly,
just enough to see Eric holding to the boy's hairless cock and smiling
at him, promising him that it wouldn't hurt. Standing beside the bed
now, Michael was busy coating his four inch erection with cream as
Eric pulled the cheeks of David's little butt apart and pressed a
finger against his tight sphincter.

I turned excitedly back to Robin, feeling desperately eager to
feel his naked body laying against mine. The young boy's hands were
pulling his shirt from his jeans and unbuttoning the last button. He
wasn't looking at me directly, but I had the distinct feeling that he
was looking at my erection as his shirt opened and his adorable little
chest appeared between the ends. Half clothed as it was, his small,
boyishly muscular chest looked even prettier than it did totally
naked, the smooth, pale brown skin looking baby soft and perfect. For
a moment, the fear and confusion leapt back into his adorable face. I
watched in nervous excitement as the pained look returned and he again
turned to see what was happening in the other room, watched as Eric
forced David's hairless young body to turn and expose his little butt
hole to the horny boy standing with the stiff cock that was to
penetrate him. I could see Robin's neck move as he swallowed the
nervous excitement in his young body. He had no adam's apple yet, but
the smooth, boyish skin along his neck moved in the place where his
adam's apple would one day be. Still watching the other boys, Robin's
hands pulled his shirt apart and his baby soft chest pressed through
the ends. They slipped over his shoulders and the exquisite, pubescent
beauty of his little chest appeared in stunning perfection.

Bare chested now, Robin finally looked straight at me, our
eyes looking into each other's with the nervous uncertainty and desire
that is normal for boys our age who are about to share our most
private parts with each other. Although I felt as embarrassed and as
uncertain as he did, I managed a faint smile of support. This made
Robin's neck swallow again and the boy looked away, but his beautiful
chest slowly lay down beside mine.

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I felt so horny and so in love with the pretty boy that my
hand instantly slipped across his thin belly, adoringly felt across
his baby soft ribs. He looked down at my hand uncertainly, but the
boy knew what we were going to do now. He may have been hopelessly
inexperienced, but he knew that I wanted to play with his penis again
and he knew that he wanted me to. As embarrassed as he may have felt,
he was altogether willing.

I adored the feel of his small abdomen and chest as my hand
tenderly rubbed across it, reassuring him of my affection and love.
He lay there obediently, his chest rising and falling as he breathed
and absently watched the other naked boys in the next room. David
squealed with childish fear as Michael rammed his skinny, four inch
penis up inside the child's butt, grinning down at the violated virgin
boy as he shoved it all the way down to the smooth, downy mound
between his legs. With a delighted grin on his face, he started
rhythmically poking his stiff erection in and out the eleven year old
boy's hairless sphincter. He had hoisted David's skinny legs up onto
his shoulders and held the boy against the edge of the bed with his
legs high overhead. David's little butt hold was totally exposed and
Michael was eagerly filling it with his rock hard young cock. It was
pretty to me somehow; Michael's penis with its little patch of peach
fuzz pounding against the smooth, hairless skin of the eleven year
old's butt. David's hairless young penis was pulsing back above his
belly and his hairless scrotum looked adorable, moving rhythmically as
Michael's penis moved in and out of him. Most adorable of all was the
astonished, confused look in David's boyish eyes, looking frightened
that an erection could be stuck up his butt like that. Nonetheless, I
was feeling more and more infatuated with Robin and wished my young
lover would pay more attention to me and his own body than he did to
the other boys. As I lay beside him, rubbing up and down on his bare
chest and belly, I knew just what to do to command his attention.
With great affection, I slid my hand over his smooth belly button and
took hold of the stiff bulge between his legs.

The boy actually let out a startled cry as I grabbed his
erection through his jeans. He looked so pretty and so astonished
that I felt myself leaning forward, felt my chin lifting as my lips
moved for his smooth, boyish face, my hand tenderly kneading the bulge
between his legs all the while. As my lips touched his cheek and slid
down to lovingly kiss his smooth, baby soft shoulders, Robin actually
smiled a little bit, though his face felt hot against my awkward
mouth. Despite his embarrassment, however, the sight of his innocent
smile filled with me still greater adoration and my hand petted up and
down on his jeans, seductively stroking his young cock. I crawled
closer to him, turning and letting my stiff, hairless little boner
poke against his thigh, thrilling me with pleasure as the sensitive,
purple head rubbed across his smooth blue jeans. I reached my arm
farther around his small chest and ran my lips across the smooth skin
until reached one of his childish little nipples. Like a baby, I
instinctively felt my lips wrap around his little teat, felt my mouth
tentatively sucking on it. It felt right somehow and, for long
moments, I lay there sucking on his nipple and fondling his erection
with great happiness.

My childish hormones weren't all that patient, however.
Memories of his beautiful penis were filling my mind and I longed to
see the pretty young thing again, especially erect with his desires as
I knew that it was. My hand continued to stroke across the
magnificent perfection of his baby soft skin, my palm rubbing across
the small mound of his other nipple, down over the slender ripples of
his young ribs, up into the warm, hairless beauty of his boyish arm
pit. He was indescribably beautiful and he was laying there smiling
and surrendering his pubescent body over to me willingly.

The slender boy's belly shivered as my awkward hand reached
for the snap to his blue jeans, but he did nothing to wiggle out of it
as I unsnapped it, small fingers feeling around for the zipper. Robin
was still blushing and smiling as I slid the zipper down the stiff,
slender bulge of his penis. I could feel the pulsing warmth of his
erection through his underpants as the zipper reached the bottom and
instantly slipped my hand down the front of his pants, moaning as I
held to his four inch organ. I gasped around the little nipple in my
mouth as I felt across his young penis and Robin let out an
embarrassed little giggle, his slender little chest wiggling a little
shyly as I got closer to his naked beauty. Again I paused to enjoy a
moment of adoration for him, my hand feeling up and down on his
underwear, small mouth still sucking his little teat, lips pressed
against his baby soft chest. He seemed to like this as much as I did
and neither of us rushed the moment too much. Nonetheless, my hand was
growing ever more eager to feel his naked erection and I soon slipped
my fingers beneath the elastic band to his underpants and reached down
inside, fingertips gliding down his smooth, hairless belly. I moaned
softly but excitedly as I felt its warm throbbing, the small
circumcised penis head pulsing nakedly against my fingertips.

The twelve year old started to pant as his young erection was
tenderly caressed and I could see the growing desire in his beautiful
eyes. He was staring down his bare chest and belly at my hand
disappearing into his underpants, the slow, careful movements in the
fabric as my fingers felt around his slender, four inch boner. The
skin surrounding it felt wonderful, smoother and softer than even his
chest, without a single silver hair to mar its unblemished perfection.
I was still sucking on his nipple as I pushed my hand lower down, his
cock pulsing against my palm as my fingers gently prodded his warm,
hairless testicles. I hadn't realized it, but my own naked, skinny
body was gently humping against his and my little penis head was
shining red from the friction of his pants. I was already to grab his
pants and struggle with him to get him naked, but the boy suddenly
giggled bashfully and stood up.

I stared up at him in wide eyed adoration as he grabbed his
pants and underwear and pulled them down his smooth thighs together.
His slender boy cock emerged throbbing triumphantly, poking straight
up along his belly in a stiff pole of boyish hormones. He looked so
beautiful with his erection, and the embarrassed grin on his adorable
face made my infatuation for him even greater. His hairless erection
poked straight up between his legs, smooth testicles moving back and
forth as he lifted his legs and almost stumbled to get them over his
feet. I lay there watching it with my mouth hanging open in
astonishment of its beauty, wondering if I would ever see anything so
beautiful again as that naked boy and his hairless erection.

As soon as he had freed his big feet from the jeans, he
giggled again and crawled back down on the floor, supporting himself
on one elbow as he blushed and let me gaze at his naked perfection.
We both looked so cute and so intensely horny with our hairless young
penises sticking out at each other with hungry, boyish needs. Robin
obviously didn't know how to start the act of lovemaking with me and I
wasn't much better prepared. We lay there giggling and blushing at
each other's naked bodies for a long time, our shared innocence making
our sexual desires grow greater with each passing moment.

There was a high pitched squeal of terror from the next room
and we both turned to see what was happening. Michael had laid down
beside David and was now penetrating him from behind, his thin,
thirteen year old body squirming rhythmically back and forth as he
continued to poke his erection in and out of the child's little butt
hole. From this position, however, David's hairless penis was exposed
and Eric was grinning as he held the thick boyhood and rhythmically
ran his tongue up and down on it. The little boy was releasing the
fears of his childhood, his young penis beginning to blossom with his
first orgasm and the first treasure of manhood. I wondered what it
would feel like to have your penis sucked while a penis was rubbing in
and out of your butt and the frightened look of wonder on David's face
told me: it felt incredibly good, so good, in fact, that it was
little wonder the boy was so scared.

Michael's arms were wrapped around David's smooth, boyish
chest and he was rubbing them up and down on him so that all of
David's young body was experiencing the tender touch of older boys.
The startled look in his pretty face grew even more intense when Eric
suddenly plunged his lips down on his penis and swallowed all of the
thick young erection. He started sucking the boy off as Michael's
muscular young body squirmed up and down on David's back, inserting
and reinserting his penis into the hairless child with steady
persistence. I was totally astonished by this incredible display of
boy sex, so astonished that I was completely unprepared when Robin's
naked young body suddenly moved toward me at me, pressing me back
against the pillows, nervously gasping as hormones urged him to mount

His adorable face was blushing brightly and he was plainly
quite embarrassed to be doing what he was doing, but it was obvious
that he couldn't help himself. His warm chest lay on top of mine and
I saw a look of wonder pass through his pretty eyes and long eyelashes
as he slowly worked his hairless erection in against mine. He lay
there panting excitedly for a long moment, looking up over my head,
the same beautiful awe in his face as our young cocks throbbed
together. I gazed up at him astonished by how pretty he was and my
small hands slowly reached up and held his rib cage. He looked down
at me, a little nervous and afraid and extremely embarrassed. I just
smiled up at him, however, and he lay on my small body panting and
enjoying his pubescent pleasure.

The feel of his small rib cage and little chest were
magnificent and I panted with him as my hands slowly, curiously felt
along his body. I felt embarrassed by how deeply I was beginning to
love other boys, how deeply I enjoyed the feel of their naked bodies
and young penises. Laying there touching Robin and feeling the
wonderful warmth and softness of his skin against mine, I realized
that it wasn't just Eric that I loved. It was this. It was the sex
itself, it was sharing the smooth skin and throbbing penis of another
boy. I blushed brightly as I realized this, but I wasn't about to
stop. The other boys plainly enjoyed it as much as I did and I felt a
tremendous longing to do it with all of them, with every boy I had met
since coming to Tarsec Village.

"Does it feel good to you, too?" the gasping boy asked

I gazed into his adorable face and nodded. We were both
panting, the only sound in the room save for the frightened pleading
of the child in the next room, the sound of Michael's high pitched
voice encouraging the child as he fucked him. They were getting him
close to orgasm now and the boy was, as so many boys are, very scared.
Robin and I scarcely heard them, however. We seemed to be in a world
all our own, unmoving and yet drifting on steady, pleasant waves of
pleasure. I didn't even want to have an orgasm, so wonderful was it
to have his warm penis against mine, to feel his chest rise and fall
as he breathed, to feel his tender young heart pounding in his small

My fingertips danced against the softness of his skin, feeling
down his lower back until it swelled into the soft round padding of
his buttocks. I let my hands rub over these, making Robin swallow
bashfully. Farther down, I could feel his smooth, hairless legs
resting against mine, his young feet feeling nice against the arches
of my feet. Slowly I slid my hands up his back again, felt across his
thin shoulders and small shoulder blades, my arms instinctively
reaching around him and holding him.

"Will you suck on it again?" he asked boyishly, his adorable
blue eyes gently pleading into mine. I stared into them and nodded.
To my disappointment, the eager, yet bashful, boy crawled off of me
and I had to let him go. He sat back against the wall and spread his
legs, his stiff young penis sticking straight up against his belly.

As I gazed at his erection and gently crawled toward it, I
could hear David's childish innocence racing through his penis, the
eleven year old beauty shaking the bed with his first orgasm. I
didn't turn to watch and neither did Robin, however. We were both
staring at his slender, four inch boner, both of us eager for me to
suck on it.

"Will you suck on mine, too?" I panted softly, feeling my own
two inch boyhood pulsing eagerly.

The twelve year old boy looked a little embarrassed about
this, but nodded willingly. I was already to lay down and do it to
him first and was a little confused when Robin's magnificent, naked
body started to lean over between my legs. A little bewildered, we
both awkwardly crawled into a sixty nine with his adorable face
between my legs, and my blond head moving between his. The
realization that we were going to do it to each other at the same time
made me start to whimper with excitement and I actually let out a
startled cry when I felt Robin's young fingers touching my stiff
boyhood. Gasping faster, I reached out my own hand and started to
fondle his.

He was intensely excited, his penis feeling like a rock, one I
could barely bend downward toward my mouth. The skin around it looked
so soft and childlike, nothing but smooth, hairless, pale brown
beauty. Likewise, the slender shaft looked smooth save for the single
faint blue vein along the top. It was the head that was so
incongruous, shining such a bright shade of purple that it didn't look
like it could be part of a human body. It formed a beautiful knob,
tiny slit stretched open with pressure. I could see it throbbing with
every beat of his heart.

I was so enchanted by the beauty of his prepubescent penis
that I let out a high pitched squeal of astonished pleasure when I
suddenly felt his warm, slimy mouth wrapping around my little cock.
It was so little that the boy had no trouble holding it all inside and
I could feel his tongue resting against it as his slimy lips pressed
against the hairless mound between my legs. I lay there gasping and
whimpering for a long moment, all my thoughts focused on how nice my
penis felt. His fingers were holding lightly to my little balls and
his long eyelashes were pressed down against his cheeks as he sucked
on me so tenderly I thought I'd cry. I stared down at it in wonder,
adoring the soft face of the pre-teenaged boy as his smooth cheeks
sunk in rhythmically. He did slide it in and out a little, but mostly
just sucked gently on it. Making it all the more pleasant was the
contented look on his adorable face, totally at ease with a little
hairless penis between his lips. I loved him.

Still panting and whimpering and knowing that I was going to
have an orgasm very quickly, I finally managed to turn my attention
back to the throbbing young erection in my fingers. I licked my lips
and struggled to keep them pursed together as I very cautiously
pressed them against his swollen penis head. A jolt went through the
young boy's naked body in an instant and I could feel him stop sucking
on my boyhood, felt him laying still, just holding it in his slimy
mouth, fingers still holding my little scrotum. I pressed my lips
together as tightly as I could and gripped his slender cock causing
the boy's slender body to stiffen all along it's five foot length.
Slowly, I let the sculptured young penis head press its way inside,
slowly felt my lips part, slowly felt and tasted the hard, shiny glans
slipping past. My tongue instinctively went to it as it passed
between my teeth, licking around the little slit where his sperm would
soon be squirting. Slowly the slender young boy slid into my watering
mouth and the hardness of his smooth shaft made my lips into a round
collar hugging his erection. My hand slid down to the smooth,
hairless base of his penis and gently squeezed it there, feeling the
hot blood pumping through it, engorging it, making the sensitive nerve
endings even more excited.

Finally, Robin was able to remember my penis in his mouth and
I felt him starting to suck it again, both of us making soprano
whimpers that were caught in our soft little chests. I thought we
made a perfect and adorable couple with our hairless young penises and
my fingertips eagerly petted his lower belly where peach fuzz and
pubic hair would one day grow. The skin there felt even softer than
the skin on his chest, perfectly smooth and magnificent.

It didn't take either of us very long to climax. We were both
young and hormone enraged and the thought of delaying orgasm was
unthinkable to us. Thus, we lay there sucking on each other, our
hairless, naked bodies starting to squirm a little against each other,
childish muscles flexing awkwardly as if uncertain whether they should
pump our hips back and forth or get them to stay as still as possible.
We were both very loud though our high pitched songs of pleasure
couldn't ring out in the room with the penises in our mouths. I felt
oxygen starved and air rushed in and out my little nose and I could
feel it rushing in and out of Robin's, too, the warmth of it blowing
against my round, hairless little testicles.

I can't say that Robin was particularly great at sucking
penises his first time, but he scarcely needed to be. He was so
adorable and I was so in love with him that just feeling his warm
saliva on my penis would have been enough. The gentle touch of his
fingers on my little balls and the persistent, rhythmic movements of
his mouth on my tiny cock sent orgasmic pleasure racing through the
little thing. I cried almost pathetically as my skinny little body
jerked from head to toe, not knowing what direction to jerk in but
jerking nonetheless. The pleasant flexing of muscles in my little
penis released a wave of goodness and happiness into my innocent brain
and sent pleasure and warmth to every part of my body. It felt so
good that I was again surprised as the first droplets of his thin
sperm were propelled out his penis head into my mouth.

I moaned as much with joy at the taste of his sperm as with my
own orgasm, now feeling the pretty boy's naked body jerking
frantically against mine. He was still sucking on my stiff erection
and it was still flexing a few more useless times, but he was also
having a really nice orgasm. It was probably nicer than the first
time because he wasn't quite so afraid of it and allowed the pleasure
to run rampant through his four inch cock. Again he ejaculated
several times, each time squirting only a few drops of sperm and each
one tasting sweet and innocent. I still held the root of his penis
between my fingers and I could feel it flexing as his urethra expanded
with childish semen, propelled it up the four inches of his cock and
sprayed it innocently onto my tongue. Whether it was the taste or
just the thought that a boy so smooth and adorable could have sperm, I
don't know, but I loved each precious droplet.

Though I wanted to keep sucking on his penis as it softened, I
needed air so badly that I had to let it go. It emerged half hard and
glistening with my saliva, even prettier than it had been erect. I
lay there gasping and felt Robin letting my boyhood go, too. I could
feel his eyes gazing at my hairless penis just as I was gazing at his,
both of us astonished by this gift we had been given, by this special
joy we were allowed to share together.

We were still laying there recovering when Michael burst into
the room. Robin's penis had grown limp and now dangled across his
thigh but the embarrassed boy rapidly hid it behind his hands.

"You didn't wait for us," Michael grinned down at our small,
naked bodies.

Both Robin and I were too embarrassed to answer and I was even
too embarrassed to try to hide my little wiener, just let it lay there
glistening with the boy's saliva. Michael looked adorable, still
naked, young penis, no bigger than Robin's, dangling between his legs
with his soft brown peach fuzz. His small chest looked as hard as an
erection, with firm, well defined little muscles swelling boyishly at
his little nipples. His nipples themselves formed little cones,
poking out a little from his smooth tanned skin. Even the boy's
slender arms were swollen at the biceps with hard mounds of muscle. I
could still see his rib cage easily, but his skinny abdomen did
nothing to lessen the hardness of his small, muscular chest. His
belly was flat and rippled as he moved, a little, childlike belly
button in the center. His body looked so different from Robin's but
it was just as appealing to me. Just gazing at it made me want to
make love to him and I felt jealous of the gentle curves and firm
appearance of his hard pubescent muscles.

Eric was still in the other room and I watched him explaining
what had happened to David. I could remember him explaining it to me
only a few days earlier and I felt mildly jealous that he was with
another boy. I wondered if he liked David more than he did me. The
little boy sat blushing and smiling, his thick young cock still
hairless and half erect between his soft legs. Eric's seven inch penis
was still rock hard and throbbed eagerly for the eleven year old boy.

Robin was blushing brightly as he awkwardly managed to
separate his underpants from his jeans, trying to pull them back on
without revealing his hairless boyhood to Michael.

"You don't have to wear those," the naked pubescent boy
grinned at the shy youth.

"He wants to," I answered shyly when Robin didn't say

Michael shrugged, still grinning at the adorable boy. "Do you
guys want to come and play with David?"

I swallowed, feeling a strong eagerness to play with the other
boy, not to mention with Eric and Michael. Robin was wiggling into
his underpants, however, and I wasn't sure if he would play again or
not. He finally managed to get them on and sat nervously looking down
at them as if trying to disappear.

"Hey, kid," Michael said getting Robin's attention. The
adorable boy blushed over his shoulder, long eyelashes scarcely
concealing his beautiful blue eyes. "You want to go play with some
other boys?"

Robin swallowed uncomfortably. He was looking directly at
Michael's face, avoiding the other boy's furry young cock. I was all
prepared for him to say no and was surprised when his high pitched
voice softly said, "Okay."

"Alright!" Michael grinned, making his cute face even cuter.
"Come on."

Robin stood on his long, slender legs and reached down to pick
up his clothes. Since he was, I did to. His legs were beautiful,
long with puberty but still smooth and baby soft. He didn't look at
me as he turned toward the door so I followed silently after him,
watching the round beauty of his buttocks in his white underwear.

Michael was so excited that he'd run ahead of us and he was
already on the bed tickling David's bare skin when we entered the
room. The child was squealing in laughter, the soprano sound almost
painful for my ears. Robin dropped his clothes and the floor and his
long legs glided his adorable body toward the others. I closed the
door and dropped my clothes, too.

Michael and Eric were both tickling David frantically and the
boy's hairless penis swung between his legs as he tried to avoid their
poking fingers. Even soft, it was a big penis for a boy his age, still
four inches long and three times as thick as my wiener even when it
had an erection. The boy's testicles looked large, too, an oval shape
like a pubescent boy's would be. I wondered if he, like Robin, had
sperm and if I was the only true child in the room. Despite its size,
however, David's smooth pale skin, like mine and Robin's, ran all the
way up to the base of his penis, not a single silver hair of puberty.

I was growing ever more fascinated by Michael's muscles all
the time. As he wrestled with the little boy, they were flexing all
across his back and along his arms. I wanted desperately to feel them
and felt myself walking toward him with that thought in mind.

Before I got there, Michael realized that Robin was standing
there in his underpants watching them and the older boy suddenly
whirled around, grabbed the long legged kid and pulled him into the
fray. Robin giggled as Michael started tickling him and David was
still being assaulted by Eric. Robin was actually taller than Michael
by two inches but the difference was all in the legs: both boys had
small, boyish chests, though Robin's looked soft and warm and
Michael's hard and muscular. I reached the bed and stood watching the
wiggling young bodies of the other boys. I could see the mound in
front of Robin's underpants getting bigger and watched Michael's hand
reaching for it repeatedly, squeezing it before tickling Robin's bare
belly again. Robin just blushed and giggled, obviously enjoying it.
I felt my own little cock stiffening rapidly and it stood out straight
and childish between my pink legs. I didn't look down at it, however,
just gazed at Michael's hard body and flexing young muscles.

Enchanted, I reached my small hand toward him, planning to
feel his hard, swollen biceps, but the thirteen year old grinned,
grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward him, my naked body falling on
Robin's. Michael attacked both of us, his strong arms easily
overpowering my friend and I. His fingers raced along my ribs and the
room echoed loudly with soprano peals of laughter and giggles. I was
delighted when the boy started grabbing my little erection like he was
grabbing the bulge in Robin's underwear; it made me feel like I
belonged somehow, even if I was only a little boy.

Robin's soft body felt nice rubbing against mine as we
squirmed beside each other giggling. He was such a sweet boy and I
adored him more and more. Michael seemed to be doing likewise because
the hand that was tickling my friend suddenly grabbed for his
underpants. Giggling, Robin pretended to struggle against this, but
he didn't try very hard and Michael managed to pull them down low
enough to expose the boy's hairless erection. I could see him
blushing brighter, embarrassed that he didn't have any pubic hair yet,
but he was only twelve and even the thirteen year olds had only peach

Michael grinned at the pretty young cock and stopped tickling
me so he could pull the boy's underwear all the way off. Robin lay
there blushing, not looking down or helping the older boy, and I lay
down beside him, smiling at his adorable face and pressing my bare
chest against his arm. He was so sweet and his skin felt and looked
so perfect.

"Look, Eric," Michael grinned, finally pulling Robin's
underpants from his big feet. He moved so Eric could see the boy's
boner and Eric stopped tickling David and smiled at it.

"Oh, isn't it pretty," he giggled. David's young cock was
hard again and Eric was masturbating him, the little boy managing to
stop giggling and gaze at it. The pale flesh of his foreskin was
rubbing up and down on his swollen glans as Eric stroked his cock and
he obviously enjoyed it a lot.

Michael lay back down and his fingers gently took hold of
Robin's skinny, four inch erection. "Gees, he's hard," he giggled,
rubbing it slowly. "He just did it with Kelvin a minute ago." The boy
blushed brightly, not smiling, embarrassed that the other boy was
holding his penis like it was his own.

Eric, grinning from ear to ear, stood up, his seven inch penis
sticking straight out from his body. He walked around the bed and
came over beside me, kneeling down and reaching for my stiff boyhood.
I smiled adoringly at him and lay down on my back, my legs spread so
he could stroke it. He kissed my cheek and started masturbating me,
his long, warm fingers feeling nice tugging between my legs.

"What about me?" David asked innocently, his young cock still
throbbing eagerly.

Michael grinned and sat up. "Come here," he told the child.
David's soft, naked body eagerly slid over closer to Robin and the
three of us were soon laying side by side, our hairless penises being
rubbed and caressed by the young teenagers.

"Let's see who does it first," Michael suggested, starting to
rub faster on David and Robin. David grinned delightedly, but Robin
just looked embarrassed.

"No," Eric smiled at me, still rubbing slowly and rhythmically
on my boyhood. "It's not as much fun that way." Feeling the pleasure
in my penis, I believed him. He was so nice to me.

"Do you have sperm yet, kid?" Michael asked the blushing boy.
Robin looked shocked and even more embarrassed, but swallowed and
nodded. "Eric, he's got sperm. You know what that means..."

"What?" Eric replied, still smiling at me and watching the
wonder in my baby blue eyes.

"He has to feed the little ones..."

Eric laughed a little. "Which one?"

"Kelvin's the one with the little pud," Michael said. "He's
skinny, too."

Eric looked down at the tiny erection in his fingers and
grinned. "You want to suck on Robin's?" he asked.

Before I could think about how much it would embarrass Robin,
I said, "I did it before." This sounded a little funny because I was
panting by this time, Eric still masturbating me. Robin swallowed
again and blushed still brighter.

"Not with someone sticking it in you," Michael grinned
seductively. I knew what this meant: I was supposed to suck on
Robin's penis while Michael stuck his penis in my butt. I looked
nervously at the muscular boy. His erection was throbbing and
sticking straight up in eagerness, the brown head free of his foreskin
and pulsing excitedly. It was a pretty erection (they all are) and
looked only a little bigger than Robin's, still thin and boylike. His
testicles were equally small and hung slightly in a smooth, pale brown
scrotum of soft, hairless flesh. It could easily have been a younger
boy's penis were it not for the small triangle of soft, downy brown
fuzz around it.

After the orphanage, I was a little worried about having a
penis stuck up my butt. At the same time, however, I remembered what
Matthew's penis had felt like when he did it to me and that had been
pleasant. Michael's penis was about the same size as the boy's had

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"Do you want to, Kelvin?" Eric asked, his fingers still
stroking my boyhood. I was embarrassed to admit that I did, but
managed to nod slightly.

"Alright," Michael grinned, instantly jumping off the bed and
standing up, his thin, muscular body looking eager and able. He
tipped his head forward and held his hand under his slender cock,
letting his saliva drip down and coat it.

"What are you going to do?" Robin asked nervously as Eric
helped me crawl down between his legs. I would have answered him, but
I was a little confused, too.

"Don't worry," Eric smiled at my boy friend. "It'll be fun."

"How..." I started but stopped. Eric's big hands were guiding
my small body into the right position.

"Stay up on your knees," he instructed me. Soon, I was
crouching between Robin's smooth thighs, his adorable penis only
inches from my mouth, my butt stuck up in the air at just the right
height for Michael. Eric's hand gently stroked my back. "Just suck
away, Kelvin," he smiled. "If it hurts too much, just tell us and
Michael will stop."

I swallowed nervously and nodded.

"Good boy," he said, still petting me.

I turned to the hairless, four inch erection poking from the
adorable boy's smooth young body, smiling up at him. He looked
confused and a little afraid: boys are always afraid when someone
wants to do something to their bodies, particularly when they've only
recently discovered what their bodies could do. I had taken to boy
sex quite readily, but it still scared and embarrassed me.
Nonetheless, my small hands gently took hold of Robin's hairless young
cock and my mouth moved toward it, kissing the sculptured young head
like I had before. I had just started to slide it between my lips
when I felt Michael's naked young body coming up behind me.

"It's ready," he panted and I could imagine him stroking
himself in the slime of his saliva. "Perfect," he said as his hips
closed the gap to my body.

I felt Eric's big hands grabbing my buttocks and I let out a
whimper as I felt him pulling them apart, baring my tiny butt hole.
"There it is," he smiled at his friend.

"Gees, it's little."

"So's your peter," Eric giggled.

"Funny. Ha ha," Michael replied. He was holding his penis in
his fingers, however, and was pointing it directly at the hairless
entrance to my body.

I had as much of Robin's boy cock in my mouth as I could fit
and my fingertips were gently petting the soft, hairless skin around
it, probing tenderly at his small testicles and warm scrotum. He
still looked worried, but his pretty eyes were gazing at his penis
between my lips and that tended to distract him from his concerns a

I whimpered again as Michael's naked penis head finally
touched my butt hole. It was a strange sensation, half tickling, half
itching, and I could feel his small swollen glans pulsing rhythmically
against my body. I heard him panting excitedly as he pushed it
forward, felt the persistent press of his penis head at my little

"Don't tighten it," he said, making me feel confused: I
wasn't tightening anything. He pushed harder and it felt like my butt
was starting to open. "Kelvin, you have to relax..."

I almost let go of Robin's penis to tell him that I was, but I
slowly realized that the muscles around my butt were clenched. It
wasn't because I was doing it; they were just like that all the time.
Nervously and uncertainly I felt around the muscles, awkwardly trying
to get them to relax. Very slowly Michael's slimy penis head pressed
deeper. "That's it," he smiled through his gasps. It did hurt a
little, I suppose, but very little, and even that was all but hidden
by the strange sense of wonder I started to feel inside. The slender
stiffness of his penis moved deeper in my body and I could actually
feel it moving inside me. I whimpered happily, enjoying the new
sensation, and lovingly sucked on Robin's hairless erection.

I felt Eric's hands releasing my buttocks, rubbing slowly up
the sides of my body. "That's my boy," he said. I felt really happy
with the young penis in my butt, Eric's hands rubbing my skinny body,
and a beautiful young penis pulsing between my lips. This was like

Michael's hips finally pressed against my buttocks and I could
feel the last little bit of his penis poking inside me. I could even
feel, albeit faintly, the downy touch of his peach fuzz against my
skin. "Oh, man," he sighed, his hands taking hold of my waist and
rubbing it softly.

"Does it feel good?" David's childish voice asked, the cute
kid looking up at the muscular teenager with a delighted smile on his

"Yeah," Michael replied. "He's so soft," he added to Eric.

"I know," my boy friend replied, his hand rubbing across my
shoulder blades. "David, do you want to help?"

"What?" the boy asked eagerly.

"Play with his penis," Eric instructed.

The boy looked confused for a minute, but caught on. I let
out a spirited moan in my chest when I felt the boy's hand grabbing my
little dick. He wasn't exactly gentle and his fingers felt around it
awkwardly, but the pleasure it gave was wonderful, made nicer by the
hard penis in my butt.

"It's little," he giggled, making me blush in embarrassment.
How had his gotten so big?

"Just be nice to it," Eric said, and I immediately felt the
boy's fingers become more gentle. "Rub on it just like I did to

"Okay," the boy agreed. He held it between his thumb and
forefinger and I felt them starting to rub the tight skin up and down.
He was awkward at this, but I was so excited I didn't care. I wanted
to squirt sperm desperately.

I let out another loud moan when I felt Michael pulling his
hips back, felt his penis sliding slowly out again. Just before it
popped free, the strong boy pressed forward again and his skinny, four
inch erection slid back inside. Again he pressed it forward until it
was all the way in, then started pulling it out. After a few slow
strokes like this, my butt was more relaxed at his penis started
sliding easier. The boy started moving faster and soon was humping me
with long, rhythmic strokes along his cock. I wished that I could see
what it looked like, not just his penis but the whole way his body
must be moving, the way David's fingers looked rubbing my little
boyhood, what Robin looked like with my mouth wrapped around his cock.
It must have been beautiful.

There was something intensely exciting about the way Michael
was moving as he fucked me. It wasn't just the constant motion of his
erection in and out of my little butt hole, it was the movement of his
body as a whole. His hips moved back and forth quickly and
rhythmically, as if he were following some magical cadence that opened
frantic desires in my little boyhood. I wanted to move like he was
moving and knew that somehow this was the best rhythm for making love.

The muscular young boy seemed to like it too for his voice,
high pitched but cracking unsteadily, was grunting softly every time
he moved his hips forward. Despite the tightness of my skinny little
bottom, it admitted the hard, slender erection easily and I finally
felt the pleasure of being butt fucked like I had been in the
orphanage by little Matthew. This was the way I wanted to make love.
It was making my penis feel deliciously pleasant, David's fingers
still tugging on it awkwardly, the boy giggling as he stroked it like
he was milking a cow.

Moaning with pleasure, my lips slid rhythmically up and down
on Robin's hairless penis, the adorable boy panting and whimpering as
he watched Michael's body humping against me. My eyes gazed up at his
baby soft belly, adoring the sight of his little belly button and
smooth, perfect skin. My tongue licked madly across his penis, eager
for the sweet nectar I knew would be there.

I started making crying noises as the combined pleasures in my
body started growing almost unbearable. Eric's big hands were still
stroking the bare skin across my little shoulder blades, and Michael's
were still rubbing up and down the sides of my body. The cries would
have been very loud but my lips were wrapped tightly around Robin's
penis and that muffled most of the noise. It didn't matter much:
Michael was grunting louder all the time and even shy Robin whimpered
louder as the pleasure between his legs grew greater. The only steady
sound was David's childish giggles. I never knew a boy to think boys
having sex was so funny. It didn't matter to me though: as long as
he kept rubbing my penis I thought he was as adorable as Robin.

I couldn't believe a penis could slide in and out my butt like
Michael's was and I wondered what his own buttocks and young legs must
look like as he pumped them back and forth. The thought of it was so
beautiful that I couldn't control the pleasure any longer. I felt
Eric's big hands holding onto me as I cried out between Robin's legs,
my skinny body jerking around crazily, orgasm contorting my muscles
with joyous pleasure. David giggled louder but kept rubbing on my
boyhood as I felt the muscles flexing all along, felt rhythmic waves
of orgasm pulsing through it. I don't know if it was the penis poking
in my body or just the intense pleasure of being with so many boys at
the same time, but my orgasm was delirious. I crouched there jerking
helplessly, still sucking on Robin, still feeling the young kid
fucking me, still feeling David's awkward fingers on my penis.

Air hissed through my nose as I gasped and cried from the joy
and warmth of my orgasm. I wanted to lay down and gasp until I got my
breath back, but I couldn't leave my young friends so close to their
own pleasure. I started bobbing my head up and down on Robin's penis
more quickly, watching his soft belly flexing with startled wonder.
Holding to its smooth, hairless base, I slowly pulled my head back
until my lips could kiss and rub over his sensitive, sculptured penis
head, air blowing in and out my nose. Still kissing his glans, my
fingers took hold of the smooth, slender shaft and started
masturbating it, instantly making the boy even more excited. His
adorable eyes were now locked on his hairless pubic mound, filled with
astonishment and pleasure.

I felt Eric's hands slipping from my body and saw the tall,
naked boy laying down beside Robin. He smiled happily at me, as much
with pride as with love. "Come here, David," he said, motioning to
the other side of Robin. The eager boy let my penis go and I felt my
own hand reflexively reaching for it: it felt too nice to stop now and
Michael was still fucking away. The little thing was still pulsing
excitedly and I wondered if I could have another orgasm right away.
As I started rubbing on it, it felt like I could. I felt so good and
I desperately wanted to feel orgasm after orgasm in my penis, as if
hoping I could be in orgasm forever.

"Now rub on your own," Eric giggled at the naked boy, taking
his own penis in his fist and starting to masturbate himself.

David grinned happily and copied the older boy. His thick,
five inch penis was big enough for him to fit it in his fist and I was
jealous that he could do that when his boyhood was still as bald as
mine. Nonetheless, he did look very cute laying there masturbating

Robin's eyes stared almost hysterically at the naked boy cocks
being masturbated beside him, and he cried louder. I could feel his
body stiffening, could feel the pleasure in my mouth growing greater.
I sucked all of his penis head between my lips and kept masturbating
the shaft frantically. Very soon, the boy's pleasure climaxed into
frantic, pathetic jerks of his adorable young body. I could feel his
penis flexing, could almost imagine his sperm being propelled upward,
felt it squirt excitedly out on my tongue. I moaned happily, still
rubbing his penis and coaxing it to ejaculate more which it did
repeatedly, each time squirting droplets of thin young semen into my
mouth. I didn't swallow it at first, just waited until the squirts
weakened and finally became a tiny trickle from his penis head.

As his penis softened, I gripped it at his hairless belly and
squeezed up it, draining the young boy's cock as the last of his sperm
oozed out on my tongue. Now, still holding to his penis head, my
tongue licked his seed all over inside my mouth until the full,
wonderful taste was everywhere. I could feel the boy's abused penis
starting to soften and slid my lips farther down on it as it did so.
Soon, my lips were pressed against his hairless belly and all of his
young cock was in my mouth with his sperm, my free fingers reaching
down and fondling his smooth, warm scrotum.

Though distracted by Robin's excited orgasm, I was still
acutely aware of the young boy fucking my butt hole. His penis drove
rapidly in and out of me, his voice grunting and cracking with every
thrust. It almost felt like his thighs were slapping against mine, so
desperately did he fuck me. It felt wonderful and I tried to
masturbate myself in time to his humping. Just thinking about him
having an orgasm was exciting me and I knew that I was in tuned with
his pubescent passion. Whether it was real or created, I felt my
penis having another orgasm at the same time Michael cried out loudly
and his muscular young body shuddered and bucked against my buttocks.
It wasn't near so strong this time and my hips only jerked a little
bit, but I could feel my boyhood flexing again and the pleasure was
very great.

I was pretty sure that Michael had ejaculated in my body, but
I couldn't feel it. I heard him gasping rapidly, felt him pull his
penis all the way out of me, felt his hard chest and firm belly slowly
leaning forward and resting on my back. The boy's body felt
exquisite, the hard curves and smooth skin easy to feel between my
shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my body and rubbed slowly up
and down on my chest. "Man, that felt good," he breathed raggedly. I
felt one of his hands reaching between my legs and I let my softening
boyhood go, my hand instantly replaced with his. He seemed to
understand that it was sensitive and fragile and his fingers touched
it ever so lovingly, stroking the hairless skin that surrounded it,
like a boy used to fondling little boyhoods. It felt really nice.

I could hear the soft slapping sounds as Eric and David's
fists pounded on their erections. Eric was smiling and looking at
where my lips were pressed against Robin's baby soft belly. I could
again tell that he was proud of me, proud that I was so content and
happy with boy sex, and I felt a warm glow in my chest knowing that I
had made him happy. His hand was sliding his foreskin up and down
quickly on his big penis and his high pitched voice was making
rhythmic grunts with each stroke. It had been a long time since I'd
seen him squirting onto his chest and I was looking forward to it.

David's pale cheeks were flushed a pretty red and the kid was
giggling as he masturbated himself. At first, he didn't look like he
really believed he could do it to himself but the way his hand was
jerking on his penis now it was clear that he was really getting
excited and was eager for climax. He was an adorable boy and I
watched his soft, pale skin rippling with childish little muscles.
Seeing the size of his penis and testicles, I wondered if I would get
to see sperm squirting on his smooth, boyish chest too. Though it
would embarrass me to be the only child in the room, I hoped he would.
Sperm was so cool.

All the while they were masturbating, I crouched between
Robin's legs and sucked on his limp young manhood. It felt really
nice when it was limp and being able to feel his penis head still made
it seem even more exciting. Mostly, I found myself fascinated by the
soft hairlessness surrounding it and I felt my lip reaching higher on
it. Eric and Michael's peach fuzz was pretty and I was jealous of
them, but Robin's hairless pubic mound seemed even more exciting
somehow, perhaps because I knew the soft skin would one day sprout
hair like mine would. We were alike that way.

Michael's hard chest was still swelling rhythmically on my
back and the boy didn't seem in any hurry to get off me. My legs were
starting to hurt a little bit, but I wasn't going to complain; his
penis was still laying along the crack of my bottom and his hands were
still tenderly fondling my little boyhood. He was so gentle and
caring of the young piece of meat that I hoped that I would get
another erection and get to have another orgasm.

Eric's belly rippled like his ribs as he sat up, taking hold
of my little shoulder. "Come here Kelvin," he gasped. I felt Michael
standing up and reluctantly let Robin's hairless boyhood fall limp and
wet on his belly. Eric was really stroking on himself quickly and I
knew he wanted to squirt his sperm in my mouth so I would grow up
faster. I was eager for this so I obediently crawled toward him. He
rubbed slower on his penis and pointed it toward me and I wrapped my
lips around the swollen head. I could hear Michael giggling at us,
but I just blushed, thinking he was laughing at me. I lay there
blushing while the older boy masturbated, his penis head resting on my
tongue. What was I supposed to do? It wasn't nice of Michael to
laugh at me. I couldn't help it.

Eric didn't ejaculate right away and I lay there watching his
long skinny body tightening as orgasm swept through him. David was
giggling harder and I could see how frantically he was rubbing his
hairless, five inch erection. Nonetheless, I just lay obediently
waiting for Eric's sperm. It felt warm as it started squirting out,
the pretty boy's smooth body rippling and shuddering excitedly. He
was letting out pathetic moans that sounded beautiful. I wanted to
enjoy the taste of his boyish semen like I had Robin's but I was too
embarrassed to swish it around while Michael was laughing at me.
Instead, I just swallowed it as it squirt out.

When the last squirt finished, I started pulling my head away
and released Eric's penis head. To my surprise, however, his big hand
held my head there and I felt him push his penis at me, squeezing the
last of his sperm out and rubbing it around my lips and on my chin.
He giggled and let me go and I turned to find Michael giggling at me
and pointing at the sperm on my face. I blushed red and felt like
crying, my hand reaching up and wiping his semen away. They shouldn't
laugh at me.

Despite my embarrassment, I didn't want to stop having sex
with them so I didn't have a tantrum or make a scene. Instead, I
turned and saw Robin still laying naked and adorable on the bed. His
arm was resting far enough from his body that I could see the baby
soft skin on his armpit and I felt myself curling into that beautiful
place, my little shoulder rubbing against the hairless skin. He seemed
a little confused by having a little boy snuggling against him, but
awkwardly held me back.

David was a giggling, hysterical fit, stroking his penis so
hard it looked like he was going to jerk it off his body. He was
squirming and contorting with pleasure and we all watched as his
hairless young body started to jerk like a helpless fiend. I
swallowed at the intensity of his childish passion and stared at his
swollen purple penis head, watching for any sign of sperm. The boy's
foreskin was still rubbing over it frantically and the young thing
seemed to poke out of the pale skin in frantic rhythmic orgasm. I
could feel the bed shaking with his jerks, the poor boy sounding like
he was crying. It looked like he was hurting himself and yet he just
kept jerking off madly.

Finally his cries became gasps and his smooth young body
started to relax. "Oh, little baby," Michael cooed to the child,
crawling onto the bed and going to the ravaged little boy. He cuddled
David's gasping body in his arms and rocked him, smiling as happily as
David was.

"I did it," the child said, as if we couldn't see that. He
didn't have sperm and I felt relieved and disappointed at the same

"Yeah, you did," Michael grinned, stroking the boy's blond

I felt Eric starting to cuddle with me and Robin and, after a
while, wasn't so angry with him for laughing at me. He was being
solemn and loving now, gently fondling my boyhood and kissing my hair.
I couldn't help but forgive him for hurting my feelings.

"David didn't get any sperm," I blushed, realizing that I'd
hogged it all for myself.

"He will," Michael giggled, still caressing the happy child.

And he did, not that I didn't get a belly full of their semen
too. We took a long bath together which was fun because the tub
really was designed for two boys at a time and there were five of us.
This meant our bodies rubbed together almost constantly which was
especially fun when we were soapy and slimy and even more fun when the
older boys got erections again. It took David and I a little while
longer, but even our hairless, innocent boyhoods had to respond to so
much physical contact.

We didn't have sex there, but returned to the bedroom where we
did it for what seemed like hours. I had three more orgasms and my
little penis felt exhausted by closing time for the Club.

Robin, who had been quiet all evening except when he was
having an orgasm, actually kissed me and hugged me goodnight before we
went back downstairs and found his little brothers. We were dressed
again by this time, of course, and the cute little boys joined us with
delighted tales about their evening of games with the other little
boys. They wanted to know what we had been doing, but Robin just

Their father was waiting in the lobby with a worried look on
his face. All three boys ran up to him and hugged him, again telling
how much fun they'd had. Even Robin, when prompted by the man, said
that he wanted to come to the Club again the next day. This seemed to
trouble the man momentarily, but he suddenly smiled and hugged the boy
again. When they were gone, Eric, David and I said good night to
Michael then went to the horse.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" the little boy asked, acting
sad as if he'd already been turned down.

Eric looked at me for permission and I smiled and nodded. I
liked the little kid. We took him home with us and the three of us
snuggled naked in the bed together. We didn't get boners and none of
us felt very horny after a long evening of lovemaking. The feel of
their soft, warm skin against mine made me smile as I drifted to




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Seven

Eric and I were awakened early one morning, Mama shaking our
bare shoulders and urging us to consciousness. We weren't naked, but
we were both wearing only our underwear and reflexively pulled the
blankets up to our necks. I could feel the soft warmth of Eric's
skinny body against my arm and rubbed it absently.

"What is it, Mama?" Eric asked still half asleep.

"You boys gotta get dressed right away. Some men are here who
want to see you."


"There's trouble, dear. They've searched all over town for
young Erin Rogers and they haven't been able to find him. No one's
seen him for weeks and now they think he deliberately ran away from
his bride to be to avoid the wedding. They're talking to all the boys
in town."

If Mama had been suspicious of us, the guilty glances we shot
at each other would have unveiled us both, but she had already turned
to the dresser and opened it searching for some clothes for us.
"Talking about Boylovers again, they are. Even called for an Old One
to come."

"We don't know anything, Mama," Eric said.

"I know you don't, dear, but you're gonna have to talk to them
all the same. Here now." She returned to the bed carrying two sets
of overalls. She set them down at our feet and started toward the
door. "You boys hurry and get dressed and scurry down stairs. Lord,
but they're in no mood to be waiting for you."

We lay in bed for a moment without speaking. We had no cause
to feel guilty, at least none we were aware of, but we knew; we'd
seen Erin leave with the Boylover. Erin pulled his half naked body
from the bed and grabbed one set of overalls.

"What are we going to do, Eric?" I whined nervously.

"Nothing," he said stepping into the legs and pulling them up
his body. "Just don't tell them anything. They don't know we if we
saw anything that night or not." He pulled the straps of the overalls
over his shoulders and his soft brown chest pressed gently out at the
front panel. I crawled out of the bed and did as he had done,
slipping into the overalls and putting them on without a shirt
underneath. Eric looked so cute with his smooth skin partially
covered, but I was too frightened to spend much time appreciating him.
As soon as I had the straps over my thin shoulders and had sat down to
roll the taller boy's pant legs from my feet, Eric was urging me out
the door.

We walked nervously down the stairs, me holding to the belt
loop of the older boy's pants and pressing my cheek against the smooth
warmth of the bare part of his back between the straps of the
overalls. I couldn't see where we were going as I followed the young
boy, but could feel his slender body tighten and could imagine the
faces on the men below us.

"Ah, here they are now." It was Master Thorne's voice and it
sounded oddly comforting and reassuring. "Step out here, boy," he
told me as we came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. I could
feel his hand grasp my little shoulder and his fingers in the small,
hairless crotch of my armpit as he pulled me from the shield of Eric's
soft body. There were a half dozen men standing there and they looked
both of us up and down.

"This that Kovz Boy from the orphanage?" one of them asked.

"Yes," Master Thorne said. "He's Eric's boy."

"Mighty pretty boy for an orphan," one of the other men said.

The first man came over to me and stroked my blond hair
causing me to blush and look down. Slowly his fingers rubbed down my
face and across the bare skin of my shoulder. "Softest boy I ever
felt," he said.

"Now, see here, gentlemen," Master Thorne said. "You're
allowed to ask the boys questions, but don't start coming here making

"No one made no accusations, Master Thorne," the second man

"Didn't they? That's Eric's boy. I brought him here for Eric
to play with. I won't have him insulted in front of my son. Do you
think I'd let him play with Eric if I hadn't checked him out fully?"

"You might, John," the first man said, "if he put a spell on

"That's nonsense."

"Is it? Have you played with him yourself, John?"

"With a boy? Are you crazy?"

"Mighty pretty boy, John. I think we all feel a little...
excited by him. Hmm?"

"You're forgetting who owns 50% of this operation, Garver,"
Master Thorne said, his voice heavy with implied threat. "Careful who
you're accusing of being a Boylover."

"I never accused you of being a Boylover, John," the man
retreated. "They say that Erin Rogers was taken by Boylovers and here
you just happen to have a Kovz Boy in your house. Everyone knows Kovz
Boys were created by Boylovers for their evil pleasure. Don't you
think that's an awful big coincidence? You can't be blamed if the boy
enchanted you, made you think he was just a cute little tyke for your
son to play with, made you do things with him..."

"That'll be enough, Garver," Master Thorne ordered. "And that
goes for the rest of you, too. I'm a warrior just the same as you and
I haven't played with a boy since I was thirteen. It's true this
child is a Kovz Boy, but I'm far from the first Dairean to buy one for
my son to play with. Every one of you would if you could afford it.
He doesn't know anything about Erin's abduction and I won't have any
more accusations made about that. Now, if you have questions to ask,
then ask them. Otherwise I will thank you to leave."

The men seemed quelled by his implied threats. "I think
John's status in our organization is such that we needn't question his
ability to judge a boy's intent," Garver said for all of them, though
he didn't sound very sincere and certainly didn't look at me with any
more gentleness. "Were you involved with your brothers who stole Erin
Rogers last night?" he asked, his whiskered chin and cheeks suddenly
turning on me.

I looked up at him in fear and terror, ready to cry. "Please,
sir," I said, "I don't even know what a Boylover is."

"You're witches," another of the men said. "Boys who never
grow up and come and try and take our boys away from us." He seemed
so angry that I found myself cowering closer to Eric's gentle warmth

"Make them do unnatural things with each other," another added
as if quoting a litany.

"Stop it," Eric's boyish voice said suddenly. "You're scaring

"Were you at the Boy's Club the night Erin Rogers disappeared,
Eric?" Garver asked him.

"Yes, sir," Eric replied.

"Was the boy with you?"

I could feel Eric's long skinny arm holding me closer and I
melted closer against him, the smooth skin covering his rib cage
rubbing across my cheek. "Yes," Eric answered truthfully, a note of
definace in his voice.

"Did you see Erin Rogers there?"

"We're not supposed to tell men what happens at the Boy's
Club," Eric said, sounding surprisingly tough for a boy so shy.

"We aren't asking what happened," Garver persisted. "We're
just asking if Erin Rogers was there or not."

Eric paused a long moment. "Yeah, he was there... for a

"Did you see him leave?"

Eric shook his head.

"Was that man, Jonathan Quade there?" the second man asked.

Eric shrugged. "There were a lot of boys there that night."

"Were there any boys there that you didn't know? Boys who
weren't from the village?"

Eric smiled and blushed, his arm slipping about my thin
shoulders tenderly. "We were in a back room all night," he said. The
men all looked at me again and I could almost see them imagining Eric
and I playing with each other.

"Are you satisfied?" Master Thorne asked the men.

Garver nodded. "For now," he said. "But the Old One may want
to talk to them later."

"They'll be here when the Old One arrives," Master Thorne

He ushered the group of men to the front door and closed it
behind him. With a heavy sigh, he turned and looked at us. "This is
serious, Eric," he said. "If you know anything about this, you'd
better tell me before the Old One gets here or there'll be the gods to

"We don't know anything, Pa. Honest."

"Alright. But you boys better stay around the yard today. I
don't want any more trouble with the Warriors. Mr. Howard is bringing
his boy around in a little while and he wants you and Kelvin to adopt
him. You do a good job with him, you hear?"

"Yes, Pa," Eric answered.

Eric and I were both too nervous to eat much for breakfast,
but Mama insisted and we finally allowed her to feed us. As we sat
there, Eric seemed to sense how frightened I was and he smiled
reassuringly at me. One of his soft, boyish hands pressed gently
against the side of my chest where the overalls didn't cover and I
felt him slowly caressing me there, slowly moving his hand up into my
small, hairless armpit. I smiled bashfully and he slid his palm
across my skinny shoulder blades. "It'll be alright," he said.

Despite all the suspicions and investigations going on in
town, Master Thorne had already arranged for Eric and I to play with
some man's child. I didn't know the boy, but Eric did and said that
it would be fun. He was only ten years old and it would be his first
time. I was very nervous about the Holy Warriors, but I did want to
play with a little boy again and my spirits improved wondering what he
would be like.

The man brought the boy shortly after Eric and I had finished
eating. We were giggling and playing together in the living room, both
of us obviously more excited about playing with a little boy than we
were nervous about the Holy Warriors. Mr. Howard and Thorne
apparently knew each other pretty well and they seemed to be friends,
both laughing about something as they came into the living room. Eric
and I both looked at the small boy with delighted smiles on our faces.
He was wearing a black t-shirt and multi-colored shorts that ended at
his knees. He was holding a basketball face and had a happy smile on
his face as he looked at us. Just by looking at him, I could tell he
didn't have the slightest idea why his father had brought him here.

"You know Eric, of course," Master Thorne gestured at the
pubescent boy. "And that's Kelvin."

"Yes, I've seen him in church." He was smiling at me
delightedly, obviously quite willing if not eager for me to play with
his ten year old son. The look in his eyes was much different than Mr.
Wellesley's had been when he had to give up Robin. "Niel," he said,
gently pressing on the small boy's back and pressing him toward us.
"Say hello to the boys."

"Hi," he smiled sweetly, perhaps a little bashful, but not
much so. "Do you want to play basketball?" he asked.

Thorne and Howard started laughing. "No, Niel," Howard
explained to his son. "Eric and Kelvin are going to teach you a
different game, okay?"

The boy looked a little confused byt shrugged his shoulders a
little. "Okay."

"Where are they going to do it, John?" the man asked Thorne.

"They've been sleeping in Eric's room. We can hear them from
the hall."

"Great. Well, let's get it going."

"Where are we going, Dad?" the boy asked as his father turned
him back toward the door.

"Just up to their room so you can play," the man grinned,
holding the boy's small shoulders and guiding him out the room and
toward the stairs.

Thorne motioned for Eric and I to come and we followed him
after the father and son. We blushed a little, but smiled at each
other, too. Niel was going to be a lot of fun.

"Are we going to play cards, Dad?" the boy asked as his father
led him up the stairs.

"No, Niel," Howard laughed at his son's innocence, Thorne
sharing in the humor.

"What are we going to play?" the boy continued.

"You just do whatever Eric and Kelvin tell you to do, okay?"


"Because if you don't, you'll get a beating. You stay in
there until they're finished."

The boy hesitated, apparently a little nervous about the
beating. "Finished what?"


"Okay, okay," the boy finally sighed.

Howard led the child into Eric's room as Thorne went to get
them chairs. Eric and I walked in and bashfully stood there in our
overalls as Howard grinned at us. "Make it really good, Eric," he
instructed. "I want to hear him, okay?"

Eric blushed and shrugged his shoulders slightly. He couldn't
very well promise that the boy would squeal when he had an orgasm
since some little boys didn't make any noise their first time.

"You do it," the man ordered when he saw Eric's uncertainty.
"If you have to play with it all afternoon before he does it, you make
sure he makes noise. I don't care if you have to rape him."

Eric didn't respond to this at all. Niel looked awfully
young. Still, if we could spend a couple of hours exciting his
boyhood, he'd probably be pretty astonished. If nothing else, we
could rape him and the boy would squeal in fear if nothing else. I
swallowed nervously and hoped he was one of those boys who just liked
to make a lot of noise.

Thorne soon had a small table and two chairs set up in the
hallway outside the door and he and Howard sat down drinking beers.

"What are you doing, Dad?" the small boy asked from the

"You just go in there and do as your told," the man ordered
the child.

"Come on, Niel," Eric said, softly taking hold of the boy's
small hand, pulling him into the room and closing the door. I knew
well that the doors and walls in Eric's room were deliberately left
thin enough to hear what was going on inside. Men made rooms like
this for their pubescent sons so they could make sure they were doing
it often enough. If Niel made any noise at all, the men were likely
to hear it.

I had gotten used to this and it didn't embarrass me anymore
when I moaned and cried in orgasm. It felt nicer when I moaned and I
knew I wouldn't get in any trouble.

"Here," Eric said taking the basketball from the little boy.
"Let me have the ball."

Niel's cute, boyish face looked nervously back and forth
between me and my lover, sensing now that something strange was going
on. "What are you going to do?" his high pitched voice asked

"It's okay," Eric soothed softly, putting the ball aside and
gently holding the boy's small shoulders. He smiled lovingly at the
nervous child and slowly slid his hands down Niel's chest. Niel
swallowed and he looked up at Eric with astonishment and fear, as if
he was starting to assume what was about to happen. "That's a boy,"
Eric said softly, taking hold of the lower hem of Niel's t-shirt and
pulling it up his small body. I think Niel was too confused to fight
though his pretty face started to flush immediately. I felt my heart
beating quicker as I saw his small belly appear, the skin looking
astonishingly soft. He was a pale pink color and it didn't look like
he spent much time in the sun. The baby soft flesh around his small
belly button looked very healthy and well fed and even softer than a
baby's. He didn't have any flab and yet I could see any muscles
through his flesh. Even as Eric lifted the boy's shirt up to his
chest, I could just barely see his ribs. Man, he had soft skin.

Swallowing nervously and looking more afraid, the small boy
obediently lifted his arms and Eric slid the t-shirt up over his face,
baring an adorable little chest. The mounds of his muscles were
almost invisible but the healthiness of his body didn't make it look
flat like it did with skinnier boys. His nipples were very small, a
pale brown color on the baby soft pink of his chest. It was really a
very attractive body for a boy his age and I looked forward to holding
it, feeling my little penis stiffening in my overalls as I gazed at
the soft flesh.

The boy's underarms didn't form pits like an older boy's might
and the pale white skin ran smooth across them from front to back.
Needless to say, he was much to young even for hair on his underarms
and equally needless to say that the boyish skin looked even softer
here, not that any skin could be softer than that of his small belly
and chest.

His boyish cheeks were blushing an adorable red as the neck of
his t-shirt slipped over it, his blond hair dropping across his
forehead in a tousled mop. He really looked cute now and I was really
getting horny as I looked at him. I could feel myself blushing,
embarrassed by how much desire I felt for a ten year old virgin. He
looked extremely nervous but let Eric slide the t-shirt down his arms.
I saw him swallowing again, boyishly looking around as Eric and I
looked at his bare chest. Though not muscular or broad in any sense
of the word, the boy did seem to have nice shoulders, the healthy
appearance of his skin hiding his collar bones and shoulder bones from
view. His arms looked a little meaty, too, though not hard and
muscular like some other boys'. He just looked, well, healthy, and it
seemed to radiate a special beauty from him, one that I found
intensely compelling.

Niel looked over at me in confusion and I could just blush and
look away briefly, my adoring eyes quickly drawn to gaze at his soft
body again. I was so enchanted by his chest's beauty that I was
actually surprised when Eric didn't start petting it. Instead, the
older boy did something that seemed like the last thing in the world
he should do: he reached for the child's shorts.

"What are you doing?" Niel's high pitched voice asked with a
slight tinge of hysteria, the boy backing up a step and holding his
heands out to protect his clothing.

Eric, who had always seemed like such a gentle boy, wasted no
time with seduction. He grabbed the boy's wrists and spun him around,
grabbing his arms and pulling them back behind him.

"Stop it!" Niel whined, his half naked body squirming
helplessly to escape the much larger boy. I stared in astonishment,
as much by Eric's domination of the little kid as I was by the
adorable beauty of Niel's baby soft body squirming and flexing to

"Pants him, Kelvin," Eric ordered. He wasn't smiling and I
saw his long, skinny arms wrapping around Niel's, saw him pulling the
child's arms up over his head until he had him in a full nelson.

"Ow," Niel cried. "Stop it."

I had never seen Eric abuse a boy before, much less a ten year
old child, and it made me nervous and afraid. Nonetheless, I stepped
forward and started reaching for his baggy shorts.

"No!" the boy said, his bare feet awkwardly kicking out at me.
"Dad!" Eric pulled the full nelson tighter and the boy's face wrinkled
in pain. "Dad!" he screamed, starting to cry.

"Don't hurt him, Eric," I whined, starting to cry a little in
empathy for the frightened boy.

"Pants him," Eric repeated.

Niel's pretty face looked so pained, framed now by his smooth,
hairless underarms, and his baby soft belly looked so firm with
muscle. Panting a little rather than start crying, I reached for the
boy's shorts again. This time, his small foot rose up as if to kick
but just hung there as if he wanted to crawl into a foetal position.

"Dad!" the boy screamed as my fingers took hold of the elastic
band. "Dad!" He started to kick and Eric cinched the full nelson a
little tighter, making the poor child groan. "No," he cried
pathetically, his voice sounding so young and helpless.

Hoping that Eric would be nicer to him if he were naked, I
peeled the child's shorts down. I saw the white elastic band to his
underwear and hooked my fingers in them as well, pulling them both
down over his hips and down his creamy soft thighs. His hairless
little boyhood sat innocently on his testicles between his legs, still
too little to dangle. I knealt down as I lowered his shorts to the
floor, the poor boy gasping and crying softly from the pain in his
arms. Feeling horribly guilty, I awkwardly worked the shorts over the
boy's small feet and he stood there naked and powerless.

This wasn't what it was supposed to be like. We were supposed
to seduce him, to show him how much we adored him, to tenderly teach
him how much fun boy sex was. His poor arms obviously hurt too much
for him to be afraid or embarrassed and he stood there crying, his
eyes closed, looking like a naked Jesus nailed to the cross.

"You're hurting him, Eric," I cried softly, wishing the
teenager would be nice to him. He was so cute. I wanted him to be
our friend.

Eric slowly loosened his hold on the child's arms, enough so
that he didn't hurt anymore, but still had the same, solemn,
determined look on his face. "Suck him off, Kelvin," he instructed

I looked down at the little boyhood between Niel's extremely
beautiful legs. His testicles, though still round and childlike, were
big enough to make a nice, pretty pillow for his penis to rest on. It
was uncircumcized, of course, and soft white skin ran all along it
forming a little nipple at the end. It looked delightfully innocent
and adorable and I would loved to have sucked on it a great deal. Not
when the boy was like this, however.

"I can't," I whined softly up to Eric.

"Do it," the boy whispered, sounding conspiratorial. "When he
does it, I'll pull on his arms and he'll cry some more. Then his Dad
will be happy."

So that's why Eric was doing this. To make the boy's father
happy and, presumably, his own. I looked down at the hairless little
boyhood between Niel's legs, saw how small and innocent it was. I
knew that it would taste wonderful.

"No, Eric," I shook my head sadly. "Don't hurt him. Please."

Eric looked down at me for a moment and I saw his arms
loosening their hold still more. His eyes twinkled a little bit and I
thought he was going to cry. He let his hands slip down across the
boy's chest, then gently took hold of his young shoulders, massaging
them. Niel started sobbing, his young arms held tightly to his side
and his small hands reaching down to cover his boyhood. This wasn't
going at all well.

"I'm sorry," Eric said, sadly, his big hands lovingly rubbing
the little kid's bare shoulders and upper arms.

"He didn't mean it, Niel," I said, stepping forward and
leaning over, trying to meet the child's crying eyes. "Don't cry."

He kept crying though, loudly enough that I was a little
surprised his father didn't come in and comfort him, didn't come in
and beat the tar out of Eric and I. "It's okay," I said softly,
instinctively reaching up to hold him. My hands touched the boy's
small body and I gently rubbed his bare chest, scarcely noticing how
extremely soft and smooth his skin was. It felt even softer than it
had looked and that was pretty damned soft. "Niel," I said, almost
pleading, gently reaching up and trying to raise his chin to look at

He did a little and I could see tears filling his eyes,
trickling down his soft, pink cheeks. Ten year old boys don't like
people to see them crying, though and he snatched his chin away,
crying more. Not really thinking about it, I felt my hands slipping
up over his shoulders, felt Eric slipping backward, as I took the boy
into my arms and held him. His hands were still holding his penis and
I could feel them against my crotch, but all I really wanted was to
make him stop crying. I felt his chin come to rest on my shoulder and
my hands gently rubbed across his back. Man, he was soft.

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"I'm sorry, Niel," Eric said again, his voice filled with
regret and sincerity, his large hand gently stroking the boy's back
with me. "I shouldn't have done that."

Niel started fighting his sobs down, a process that made his
small body shake with each effort. I felt him stepping back from me
and willingly let him go, even Eric's hand dropping away.

The boy was looking down through his tear filled eyes and
finally found his baggy shorts. He bent over and picked them up.
Eric and I shot a glance at each other and I immediately stepped
forward. "Don't put those on, Niel," I said, taking hold of the
shorts, the boy helplessly letting them go.

"I want to see my dad," he said, his childish voice still
sounding teary.

"No," I said gently, pulling the shorts back when he reached
for them shortly. "We can still play. We won't hurt you." He
started to cry again when he saw I wasn't going to give him his shorts
and he tried to rub his eyes clear with a fist as the other hand still
held his little peter. He looked so pretty like this and yet I knew
he was embarrassed and scared. "We can still play," I repeated.
Feeling extremely embarrassed myself, I slid the straps of my overalls
over my skinny shoulders still holding his shorts in my hand. His
crying subsided a little and I could see him looking up through his
long eyelashes as I wiggled the overalls down my skinny body. I felt
my face grow hot when my little two inch erection appeared still
throbbing excitedly, but wiggled my clothes all the way off and
stepped out of them.

When I stood back up again, I was as naked as he was. I was
about an inch taller than Niel but considerably skinnier. He probably
outweighed me by five pounds. He kept trying to wipe his eyes clear
and I felt a strange joy when I realized that he was grinning. "You
have a boner," he giggled at me, though his eyes were still crying.

I giggled, too. I loved giggling with boys and I was
delighted that he'd noticed my erection. He was glancing up at me a
little, but his curious eyes kept looking back down at it. Despite
its childish size, it really got hard when it wanted to. It
definitely wanted to now. "You can touch it if you want to," I smiled
at him, pushing my hips slightly forward like an offering. This just
made the boy giggle more and he didn't reach for it. Nonetheless, he
was sniffling away the last of his crying and wiped his nose along his
forefinger, still hiding his little boyhood. I took hold of his wrist
and started pulling him toward the bed, giggling with him. "Come on.
We can play on the bed."

"We can't play naked," he giggled, stopping halfway there and
not letting me tug him any further. His boyish face and shoulders
were blushing red, making him look even more innocent.

"Yeah, we can," I said, grinning at him. "Eric and I do it
all the time."

"No you don't," he said, this time actually laughing.

"Come on," I smiled. "It's fun." I started pulling on his
arm again and he lumbered after me giggling, still holding to his
penis. When we reached the bed, I let go of his wrist and crawled
onto the bed on all fours, letting my knees bounce a little as I
walked to the center and turned around. Niel stood there at the foot
holding his penis with both hands, giggling and blushing adorably. He
still looked like he'd been crying, but he looked like he'd all but
forgotten about it. "Come on," I encouraged him.

The bashful boy looked back at Eric who was looking at the two
of us and smiling, his own cheeks red from shame. When Niel turned
back to me, he was still giggling. Eric seemed to get the cue: Niel
wasn't about to expose his family jewels while someone else in the
room was closed. The tall, skinny boy therefore, stepped toward us,
sliding the straps of hs coveralls over his smooth, pale brown

"I'll play, too," he said, his voice still as high pitched and
childish as Niel's and mine. If it were possible, Niel seemed to
blush brighter and he giggled maniacally as Eric's smooth, adorable
chest was bared. The older boy just smiled at the child and peeled
the denim down his body, his big cock dropping out half hard, brown
penis head slowly slipping from his smooth foreskin. Niel was still
giggling, but he was staring at Eric's gifted cock with big, saucer
like eyes. I doubted he'd ever seen or imagined a penis that big and,
unless he had little brothers, might never have seen another boy's
penis before.

Eric pulled his long, skinny legs out of the overalls and
instantly jumped onto the bed as I had done, walking on all fours, his
cock getting stiffer and stiffer until his erection was in full seven
inch blossom. It pointed straight out toward his face beneath his
body, quickly engorged and throbbing, eager to have sex with the
virgin boy and me. We grinned at each other before the older boy
turned to look at the bashful child before us.

"Come on, Niel," Eric smiled at the naked boy. "We did it."

Niel giggled a second longer, then jumped up on the bed,
landing on his knees, his hands instantly letting go of his boyhood.
It was still limp and the boy was still obviously embarrassed by it,
but he stopped giggling and leaned over onto his hands, walking closer
to us. He was trying to smile, but it was obviously difficult for

It was an adorable little boyhood, all the prettier on his
small, baby soft body and with his childish, innocent blushing and
looking adorable as it dangled between his legs with his little
testicles. He didn't ask about our erections, but I could tell he was
looking at them whenever he could, more astonished by the size and
peach fuzz on Eric's than he was by my circumcized little cock. My
boyhood, afterall, looked a great deal like his. Were it not for his
young foreskin, they would have looked very similar; both very pale
and pink, and both completely smooth and hairless. Seeing it swinging
as he walked on all fours made my own little weiner feel really nice.

The teary look to his eyes was almost gone now and he was so
pretty in his childish embarrassment that I felt like hugging him.
The softness of his body enchanted me as did the exquisite innocence
his face and little penis. A quick glance at Eric's swollen cock told
me how attractive he found the little child.

"Come here, Niel," he smiled comfortingly to the naked little
boy, his cock sticking straight at the cieling as he stood up on his
knees. The hairless boy looked pretty scared by the adolescent cock
pulsing in front of him and he hadn't quite forgiven Eric for hurting
him. A look of worry and fear quickly filled his face and he glanced
nervously back for his clothes.

"It's okay," I smiled, quickly rising on my own knees and
walking over to the boy. "It's a game." Niel seemed no more
comfortable with me and I wasn't sure how to approach him since he was
on all fours like he was. Feeling very cautious and uncertain, I
slipped my hand into his soft little armpit and took hold of his
shoulder. "Come on," I encouraged softly. With me guiding him, the
little guy nervously walked to the pillows. "Now, lay down," I
suggested, almost certain that he would refuse. He didn't refuse, but
he lay straight down on his belly, his small buttocks upward. It was
a very cute bottom, particularly looking as well rounded and perfect
as it did beneath his thin back and slender legs. I had a strong
desire to reach between his legs and fondle his penis, but I didn't.
I wasn't sure what to do.

"Here, Niel," Eric suddenly took over, laying down beside the
boy. I could feel the boy's fear and confusion as Eric's big hands
took hold of his little shoulders. His body stiffened but he didn't
actually struggle as the older boy rolled his small body over. Niel's
pretty face was filled with near terror as Eric guided his naked body
between his legs and even I stared in awe as I watched the naked child
being laid right on top of Eric's mature cock. The seven inch thing
must have been throbbing right between Niel's little shoulder blades
and I could imagine how warm and hard it must have felt to the little

Niel didn't seem at all awe struck, however. He looked
scared. He looked like he was trying to sit up to keep from laying on
top of it, but Eric's hands quickly held his little shoulders, started
petting his immature chest. Swallowing fearfully, the naked child was
gradually soothed into relaxing and Eric's caresses held his nervous
body on top of his cock. This left Niel's adorable prepubescent body
fully exposed before me, his pale white skin contrasted by Eric's
brown flesh. Compared to Eric, he looked even smaller and I thought
he was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. Between his smooth,
pale legs, his little boyhood lay innocently in the warm protection of
his foreskin and his baby soft, hairless scrotum was now holding his
little testicles close to his body. His little penis wasn't long
enough to rest on his smooth belly, but it was laying back in such a
way that it almost looked like he had an erection.

"There you go," Eric soothed the boy, his lips kissing Niel's
blond hair as his hands both held and rubbed up and down on his little
chest and belly. Although his face still looked frightened and
ashamed, I could see his muscles involuntarily relaxing and I knew
what my job was.

"Don't be scared," I soothed the ten year old as my hand
reached down and gently petted his flat tummy. I could feel his
muscles shivering uncomfortably, my fingers only inches from his bald

"We're going to teach you a really fun game," Eric cooed
softly into the child's ear, his arms holding the boy between his
legs. I could hear how heavy my lover's breath was and I knew that he
was feeling a lot of pleasure just by holding the naked little child,
particularly since his own erection was undoubtedly feeling the
innocent life beating in Niel's body.

Gazing at Eric's tender brown hands on Niel's little chest, I
swallowed and let my own fingers creep lower on his baby soft tummy.
Needless to say, Niel grew even more concerned when he realized I was
getting closer to his virgin boyhood and he tried to sit up again but
Eric just held him gently in place, instantly cooing comforts into his
ear. He started whimpering helplessly as my fingers touched the
smooth, hairless skin where he would one day sprout his puberty and
his hands suddenly reached for his boyhood in spasmodic fear.

He didn't grab hold of my hand or try to force it away; he
just took hold of his penis and innocently tried to protect it. He
started crying and he was panting quickly, his pretty face filled with
confusion and fear.

"It's okay," Eric quickly cooed, hugging the frightened boy.
"It's okay..."

I didn't try to pull Niel's hands away: it was his penis,
afterall, and he had a right to protect it if he could. Nonetheless,
my fingertips continued petting slowly around his hairless pubic mound
and my other hand started rubbing up and down on his little thigh. I
hated scaring him, but I still remembered my own boyish fear the first
time Eric played with me and I remembered how nice it felt once I'd
given in to him. Niel would like it, too. Any boy would like it. We
just needed to be gentle with him his first time.

I could see his eyes widening suddenly and he looked even more
scared, staring down at his hands clasped between his legs. I was
confused for a moment, but I soon realized that he must be getting an
erection. I could almost tell this by how awkward his hands suddenly
were, as if uncertain if he should protect his penis or should stop
touching it like he was. This didn't change my strategy, however. I
just kept petting the lowest part of his tummy, my fingers touching
his hands ocassionally.

"Do you have a boner, Niel?" I heard Eric asking softly. Niel
didn't answer, but he did have a look of recognition on his face.
"It's okay," the older boy assured the frightened child. "It feels

This had a noticeable effect because the fear and confusion in
Niel's eyes suddenly had a profound look of curiosity, too. I could
see his hands wiggling a little uncertainly, could tell he was feeling
his erection, could tell he liked what he felt. We let him explore it
for quite a while. While we waited, I let my hand slip down the boy's
smooth thigh, feeling the warm caress of his skin against it as it
pressed between his legs. He was so captivated by his boy cock that
he didn't seem to even notice and I let my fingers slip along the
crack of his buttocks. His skin was really soft and I was really
starting to fall in love with his young body.

After a couple of minutes, the very nervous and embarrassed
child tried to move his hands enough so that he could look at his
erection without us seeing it. He was really cute doing this, so
curious about his boner that most of his fear and confusion seemed to
evaporate. I couldn't see it, but the sudden smile and delight in
Eric's eyes told me that he could. Nonetheless, he just kept
caressing the little boy and said nothing to distract him from his
virgin wonder.

The older boy let this go on for three or four minutes before
he finally asked, "Does it feel good?" very softly into Niel's ear.

There was a momentary rush of shame in Niel's eyes when he
remembered that we were still there, but it gradually faded. He
didn't answer Eric, just covered his penis more completely and
swallowed nervously.

I could practically feel the confusion in the boy as if it
were my own. He was still scared, but he was also extremely curious.
He greatly enjoyed the pleasure that was already in his immature
erection, but it was strange and confusing too and the confusion made
him feel afraid. At the same time, there was a strong underlying
level of trust in him and I knew that it was a trust he felt far more
for me than for Eric. Thus, despite my intense empathy for his fear,
I gently reached down and took hold of his hand.

His adorable eyes shot up at mine instantly and they were
filled with all his conflicting emotions. Not the least of which was
trust. The soft brown eyes, glistening boyishly, were begging me to
be gentle with his tender boyhood and the aching love I felt in my
heart for him shown through my own eyes. I gazed at his pretty face
adoringly and felt his protective hold on his penis slowly easing.

As gently as I could, I lifted his hands from between his legs
and his ten year old erection was unveiled in all its innocent,
hairless beauty. Although I longed to keep gazing into his eyes and
filling him with my immature, supporting comfort, I was only a boy
myself and I was as curious about his penis as he was. I gazed down
his little chest and belly and beheld the little thing in awe and

I held his hands there for a moment as I sat adoring his stiff
erection. It was no bigger than mine, and no thicker; nothing more
than a skinny little piece of smooth boy flesh pulsing straight out
from between his young legs in confused excitement. It was still
small enough that his foreskin could still cover it even as swollen as
it was and I couldn't see his penis head in the slightest.
Nonetheless, his penis looked so pink and pretty against his hairless
pubic mound and the smooth scrotum hlding his little testicles was
adorable. The skin all over his tummy, thighs and penis had the same
baby soft, pale white beauty, not single silver hair showing on the
soft warm flesh.

After loving it with my eyes for a moment, I felt myself
smiling bashfully up at him and gently lifted his arms up and lay them
back against the bed. Eric's big hands slipped into the boy's
underarms and I could tell that he was holding his skinny arms in such
a way that he could prevent him from holding his penis again. By this
time, the little boy was so enraptured of his erection and his growing
love for me that he didn't even think about resisting, just lay there
between Eric's legs and nervously accepted whatever I intended to do
to him.

Despite his acceptance, however, I was slow about actually
touching his small family jewels. They were, as I said before, his
own special treasure and I didn't want him to feel like I was trying
to take them from him. Instead, I started petting his tummy with my
fingertips again, caressing the hairless skin and feeling how soft and
innocent it was. Niel watched this with continuing fear and
confusion, but made no move to object, didn't move at all save for the
boyish quivering of his belly. I started stroking up and down on his
smooth thigh again as I let my fingertips slip lower, let them pet his
pubic mound again. Soon, they were feeling the smooth pink skin
directly surrounding his little penis shaft and the boy did stiffen
nervously as I touched him there. At the same time, I slowly let my
hand slip under his testicles and very gently felt along the warm,
smooth skin along the underside of his scrotum.

The ten year old boy was panting as he watched me petting
between his legs but he let out an astonished cry when my fingers ever
so gently started feeling his little two inch penis. I glanced up and
could see the childish fear in his face as he stared at it and could
also see how intently and excitedly Eric was staring too. The
hairless little erection was extremely hard against my fingertips and
all three of us were enraptured by its excitement. The only boyhood I
had ever seen that was that little and that hard was my own and it was
poking up between my legs and pulsing as frantically as Niel's was.
Eric, long accustomed to little boys and long attracted to their
innocence, was no less excited and looked closer to orgasm every time
Niel's little body wiggled in the slightest.

If Niel's little wiener and childish body seemed tense and
uncertain before, however, they grew instantly more confused when my
thin, boyish lips finally moved forward and started kissing the end of
his little cock. I pulled his foreskin back very gently and kept
kissing the little thing as his small, pink glands started to appear.
I devoured the swollen little head even as his pale foreskin slipped
free from it and the little boy whimpered in confusion and wonder.

It didn't take long for the frightened little boy to have his
first orgasm and, if Eric had been worried about giving Mr. Howard a
good show, he had nothing to worry about: Niel was so frieghtened and
so astonished by the pleasure in his little penis that he squealed
louder than any boy I had heard thus far. More importantly, his baby
soft body squirmed and jerked so madly between Eric's smooth legs that
Eric's big cock had an orgasm too and by masturbating my hairless
boyhood as I sucked the little boy, all three of us were satisfied
rather quickly.

Eric and I were still coddling the deflowered little boy when
the door burst open and Master Thorne and Mister Howard staggered in.
This so astnished all three of us that we all tried to hide our limp
penises in our hands. We lay there naked and cowering as the men came
up to us leering at our young hormones, both of them laughing and
slapping each other on the back.

"You like that, boy?" Howard laughed at his embarrassed son,
the naked boy trying to cuddle closer into Eric's long, protective
arms. "Look at him. He can't believe it!"

"Hey, he just had the best in town," Thorne laughed in

"Let me see it, boy," Howard grinned, grabbing Niel's skinny
wrist and trying to pull the boy to his feet. Niel was so embarrassed
that he grabbed for Eric with his free hand and tried to hold on.
This plainly angered the man and he pulled harder on the ten year
old's arm until he cried out and was jerked to his feet. "I said, let
me see it!" the man barked.

Eric and I lay there in embarrassment and sympathy for the
frightened little kid. This wasn't at all how he should be treated
after experiencing his first orgasm. He stood there with his face
burning so red that even his little shoulders were flushed. For a
breif moment, he tried to conceal his hairless little boyhood, but he
awkwardly let it go and stood there sniffling down at the carpet. His
penis still looked a little soggy but otherwise looked as sweet and
innocent as any ten year old boy's would, small and precious.
Otherwise, the only sign that he'd had sex was the smeared streaks of
Eric's sperm drying across the boy's thin shoulders.

"Was Eric's that little?" Howard asked, swaying a little as he
looked down at his prepubescent son with disappointment.

"He's only ten, Bob," Thorne laughed. "It'll grow, it'll
grow. But... in answer to your question... No, Eric's was never that
little!" Thorne loved this joke and laughed even harder making Niel
blush still brighter and making Howard look even more disappointed in
his little boy's tiny penis.

The man suddenly turned Niel around and pushed his naked body
at Eric again. "Eric has to feed him more," the man declared.

"Oh, no," Thorne smiled, grabbing the boy's shoulder before he
was thrown back on the bed. "I told you they could do it to him five
times for ten ounces. You said you just wanted him to be broken in."

Howard looked a little angry at this but decided it was better
to wait. "Get your clothes on!" he ordered his son. Niel's naked
little body scurried around quickly to do as he was commanded and
didn't look at all relieved until he'd squirmed his little underpants
back on over his immature boyhood. "I'll bring him by again tomorrow
and all this week. Eric has to give him all of it. I'm not paying him
to feed a Kovz Boy."

"Of course not," Thorne leered. He seemed to be watching
Howard's son with great interest, and I felt strangely defensive of
the little guy. "Just bring the money with you."

"You're a hard man, Thorne," Howard said, his face showing
that he was genuinely angry with our Master.

Niel was pushed out of our room before any of us could say
goodbye. He was followed by his father and Thorne who closed the door
behind him without thanking us in the slightest.

"Why are they so mean to him?" I asked, finally asking the
question I'd wondered since I'd first awakened. No one seemed to like
boys and I thought they were so sweet and pretty.

Eric shrugged and I felt his long arms enfolding me as I
cuddled up to his thin chest. "Grown ups just like being mean to
kids," he said. "It makes them feel strong."

"Are you going to be mean to kids when you grow up?"

He shook his head.

"Me neither." We lay there for a moment and I suddenly
smiled. "Still, we get to play with him tomorrow too."

This made Eric laugh and we were soon up and about getting
dressed in our overalls again. I don't know why, but it seemed a
strange way to live, this getting dressed and undressed all the time,
playing with so many boys' penises. It was fun and I liked it a lot,
but it seemed strange too. I wondered if all boys lived like this.

Thorne came into the kitchen as Mama served Eric and I a huge
meal. I could tell that we both ate a lot more than everyone else in
the family which seemed strange since they were so much bigger. Mama
said that it was because we were growing. All I knew was that I felt
hungry all the time.

"They're not going to stop looking for that Rogers kid,"
Thorne said, picking at the food Mama was preparing for dinner.

"Can't hardly blame them. Deserting a girl on her wedding
night. That girl's thirty three years old. They ought to beat that
boy black and blue."

"Hmph," Thorne shrugged. "Burn him at the stake more likely.
Bringing a Boylover into Tarsec Village is like destroying the whole
town. We might as well have an outbreak of The Sores."

Mama shook her head, plainly disbelieving the Boylover threat
but just as plainly unwilling to forgive Erin for doing what he'd
done. "Did the Howard boy like it?" she suddenly smiled, changing the

Thorne shrugged. "Who can tell with boys that little." He
laughed suddenly. "You should have seen him. He's even littler than
Kelvin." I blushed at this, realizing that he was referring to Niel's
little penis.

"He's such a cute little boy," Mama smiled. "I'll bet he's
popular with the girls when he grows up."

"Not if his cock is that little," Thorne laughed.

When Eric and I were finished eating, I followed him out into
the back lawn and across it toward the stables. Thorne's threat to
burn Erin at the stake filled me with all kinds of terrifying images
and I couldn't get the fear out of my mind.

"They're going to find out," I said, revealing my innocent

"No they won't," Eric said, though he didn't sound any more
certain than I was. "Kovz Boys are good at covering their tracks."

Once he brought up Kovz Boys, I was, of course, relinquished
to silence. What could I say when I was, supposedly, a Kovz Boy
myself? The idea sort of appealed to me, the idea that there were
hundreds, if not thousands, of other boys in the world who were my
family, people I belonged to. Not like I belonged to the Thornes,
although that wasn't so bad, but really belonged to, like a family. I
didn't say anything about this to Eric, knowing, even in my immature
awareness, that I could only hurt his feelings by telling him how I
longed to be with my own family, but the thought gnawed on me

"Master Eric," the stable man said as soon as we'd entered.
"I thought you'd never get here." He was already sitting up on a
buckboard wagon, two dark brown horses harnessed and ready to go."

"What's wrong?" Eric asked.

"Well, ain't they told you? Your horse... your horse's been
in an accident out in the north fields. I was just gettin' ready to
run out there."

"What happened?" Eric asked, his eyes filled with worry.

"I'll explain it to you on the way," the stable man said.
"Hurry, son. We've got to go now."

"Come on, Kelvin," Eric said, motioning toward me. Eric
grabbed the wagon handle and quickly pulled himself up and sat down.
"Come on," he said down to me again, moving over to give me a place to

"Yeeahh!" the stable man suddenly yelled at the horses,
cracking the reigns across their backs and sending them racing out of
the stables before I had a chance to jump up.

"Hey, stop this wagon!" Eric yelled at the man, but the man
ignored him and the young boy looked back at me, the wagon moving too
fast for him to jump off. He suddenly struck out at the man and I saw
him powerfully slapped across the face, just barely holding on to the
wagon as it entered the trees and disappeared from view.

I stood there too scared to move for long moments. Nothing in
my memory could prepare me for this strange and violent turn of
events. Had Eric been kidnapped by the Holy Warriors? Was somebody
trying to kill him? My heart was pounding so quickly I was shivering
in fear and suddenly broke from the stables and bolted for the house,
eager to find Master Thorne and tell him. My short legs didn't allow
me to move very quickly and I wasn't very strong. I crashed against
the rear door gasping and exhausted, but managed to push it open and
enter the kitchen.

"Mama?!" I cried, eager to have the security of her presence.
The kitchen looked the same as it had when we'd left, the beginnings
of dinner already cooking, vegetables and foodstuffs half prepared on
the counters exactly as it had been. But the house was dead silent.

Frantically, I raced through the common rooms, found
everything exactly as it had been, but there were no people anywhere.
No Mistress Thorne, no Master Thorne, no Gary Thorne. There weren't
even any of the maids or valets that always seemed to be everywhere.
No one. I checked the bathroom, raced up the stairs throwing doors to
bedrooms open, growing more and more terrified with every moment. I
cried out for Mama over and over again, screaming her name; there
wasn't a soul to be found. The mansion was deserted. It occurred to
me then that the Old One must have come and taken them away, all of
them, and I filled with so much fear I could scarcely contain myself.
Panic suddenly overcame me and I turned toward the stairs ready to
bolt from the house.

I screamed when I saw Erin Rogers standing only a few feet
from me.

"Shhh!" the boy hissed, quickly putting his hand over my
mouth. I just stood there wide eyed in terror a moment, then quickly
pulled his hand away.

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"They took everybody!" I whispered loudly.

"I know," Erin said. "Something's gone wrong. We've got to
get out of here."

"Where's Eric?" I asked, hoping for the adult's presence.

Erin grabbed my wrist and started pulling me toward the stairs
after him. "I don't know. He came back here two days ago. He said
there was someone else we had to get. When he didn't show up, I got
scared and came back too."

"The Old One got him," I cried.

"Maybe. Now be quiet."

Erin crept slowly down the curving staircase, me in gentle
tow, both of us terrified. We reached the bottom of the stairs and
started across the entry way. "There they are!" a voice shouted from
the front room. "Both of them!"

I screamed and Erin pulled me quickly to the door and threw it
open. We both screamed to find another Holy Warrior blocking our
exit. Erin slammed the door shut and locked it, both of us breaking
toward the kitchen with the black robed men close behind us. In the
kitchen, Erin bolted the door shut and we immediately heard the men
pounding on it, trying to break it down. We were staring at it,
wondering if it would hold when we heard the sound of breaking glass
behind us. Another warrior was trying to crawl through the kitchen
window. With scarcely a pause, Erin grabbed the pot of boiling water
from the stove and hurled it at the man sending him reeling and
screaming in pain.

"Come on," he said pulling me to the back door. No man was
standing in the doorway this time, but two others were quickly
approaching it. We darted to the left, hoping to make it to the woods
before the men caught us. The man Erin had scalded still lay rolling
across the ground near us, his hands grabbing his burned face. We ran
around him and it looked like we were going to make it to the trees
when three more black robed figures appeared holding wooden rods
pointed right at us. We pulled up short and looked back. The other
two men were running toward us.

"This way," Erin said, again grabbing my wrist and pulling me
to the right. We ran across the soft grass as quickly as we could,
but the grown men were faster. I could hear and feel them closing on
us then suddenly felt a large hand grab the strap of my overalls,
jerking me back so hard that my wrist slipped from Erin's and the
strap broke. I was so frightened that I immediately started kicking
and clawing at the man, blind with terror and anger. His hands tried
to grab my arms, but I was flailing them at him like a mad boy, my
small legs kicking at his shins, impossible to get hold of. A second
man joined the first and they both started to grab for me. This was
too many for me to stop. The second strap to my overalls broke and the
front panel fell down as the men's hands grabbed my skinny body and
wrestled me to the grass. I still kicked and squirmed, frantic for
escape, but I could do nothing to get away.

Tears pouring down my eyes, I tried to find Erin, finally
found him, two men holding his twisted arms straight out at his sides,
ready to break them if the boy struggled any further. They were
marching him toward us, me still straining madly for escape. I felt a
large fist suddenly pound against my ribs knocking the wind out of me
and I coughed and fought to breathe as the two men roughly jerked me
to my feet. One of them took my arm and bent it back behind me until
it felt like my shoulder would pop out of its socket. I could feel
his other hand slowly caressing my belly.

"Stop it, James," the other man told the one who held me.
"He's putting a spell on you."

The man blushed when he realized he was stroking my bare skin
and jerked his hand away, instantly pushing my hand up my back until I
started to cry in pain. "Don't try your Kovz magic on me, boy!" the
man snarled.

Erin and I were tied up hog style, our arms bound to our
ankles behind our backs, gags were put into our mouths and blindfolds
over our eyes. I was still crying as I felt powerful hands lift my
small body onto the back of a wagon, my bare chest hurt by the rough
wood and splinters. The men seemed to enjoy a brief party and I could
hear whoops of delight as a bottle was passed around to each of them.
They spoke of having a boy burning and I wondered how much it would
hurt to be burned to death.

The wagon moved out at a quick pace, bouncing over the ground
until I thought I was going to fall off the back. I had no idea where
they were taking us and almost didn't care. I hurt and I was very
sad. I wondered where Eric was and if they'd already burned him,
instantly feeling tears fill my eyes despite the blindfold. Only two
hours earlier we had been so happy making love to the Howard boy and
now we were going to be killed.

When the carriage finally stopped, I could hear more men
arriving, congratulating the others and again the bottle was passed
between them.

"That's him alright," one of the men shouted in glee. "Even
all bound up he's a right pretty thing ain't he." The men all laughed
and I felt one of them slap my small butt through my overalls.

"Hey let's see his pee-pee," one of the men laughed raucously,
quickly joined by all the others.

"Let's cut it off for the Old One!" another yelled fueling
their exuberance. Terror filled me at the thought of having my
hairless little penis severed and I cried in fear into my gag as I
felt two men grab my small arms, pulling me up to my feet, holding my
skinny arms high overhead, their grips on me so painful I wanted to
cry even louder. All the men whooped and hollered as I felt large
hands grabbing the front panel to my overalls, pulling down on them.
He managed it easily as I was too small and weak to fight them, and I
could feel the cool air against my small chest and then thighs. His
hands were almost immediately grabbing for the white, cotton
underpants that covered my boyhood and he managed to yank them down
without much effort at all. The men all laughed at me and made jokes
about my little circumcised penis, about how they knew their sons
would never play with a penis that little, how surprised they were
that Thorne would let his boy suck on a little thing like that. The
ones holding my arms up let me go and I fell back on the wagon
painfully bumping my head against it.

I lay there in terror as I felt large, rough fingers caress my
penis, continued to cry in fear that I would soon feel the cold steel
of a razor being pressed against it. But nothing happened. My ropes
were retied and I could feel a strange fascination in the men touching
my little boyhood, as if none of them wanted to stop fondling it.
They were taking turns, I could tell, their calloused fingers petting
the smooth, hairless skin. After a few minutes of teasing me, I heard
the loud voices moving away from us and we lay there for a long time
before they returned.

They grabbed my small body again and carried me away. I was
too scared and tired to even think of fighting. They kept talking
about burning me to death, laughing more and more every time the
bottle was passed around. They threw my hog tied body down in the
dirt and I felt large hands untying the ropes that held me. Blood
returned to my hands as the last of the ropes were untied, but I was
grabbed and brought to my feet before having a chance to enjoy the new
freedom. I could feel my arms pulled straight out from my body and
hands were again tying me, this time to something that felt like a
tree trunk. Other hands grabbed the overalls and underwear from my
legs and stripped me completely naked. Finally, they undid my
blindfold and I was standing there facing more than two dozen drunk,
grinning men in black robes.

A glance to either side of me showed that I wasn't tied to a
tree, but to a five foot high cross, my wrists tied to the beams. I
could see Erin to my right, crying as hard as I was as the men tied
his skinny arms to a second cross. "Get his clothes off, too," one of
the men yelped and the others joined in. They produced a knife that
was quickly used to cut away Erin's shirt while another man unsnapped
his pants. All the men cheered as Erin's pants were unzipped and the
poor boy's penis was exposed to view. They stripped him as naked as I
was before undoing his blindfold and the cute boy stood crying
hopelessly. We were both sobbing.

The scene went on like this for hours, the men drinking and
laughing, Erin and I crying and begging for mercy we weren't likely to
get. Frequently the men threw food at our naked bodies, rotten
tomatoes, a sweet smelling gruel, ripe fruit, raw eggs. We were
covered with it, our small skinny bodies scarcely visible through all
the muck.

It wasn't until the sun went down that the Old One finally
appeared. As the name implied, he was very old and very evil looking.
He glanced over Erin and my naked bodies as if he were about to throw
up all over them. Erin and I just cried.

"These children are an abomination!" he thundered to the
solemn but drunken men. "Imagine the things they have done to each
other, to your sons, to the grace of God!" He gave a long, thundering
speech about hellfire and eternal damnation, Erin and I crying
helplessly but saying nothing to argue against what he was saying. We
were too scared and neither of us wanted to risk having our penises
cut off.

A bonfire was lit in front of us and some of the men started
stacking twigs and branches around our bare feet until it was obvious
that they intended to burn us alive. It wasn't much after this that
Master Thorne appeared with Eric. My young friend was bound and
gagged as we were, but he was leaned against the back of a wagon where
he could see us, and no branches were placed around him. He was also
still fully clothed and none of the men jeered at him or threw things
at him.

"I will have your attention," the Old One spoke in a quiet yet
menacing tone. All the drunken men around us bowed slowly toward him.
"Who brings evidence against these two heathen?" he asked.

Master Thorne stepped forward. "I do, my Lord," he said. He
was dressed in the same black robes as the rest of them, a silver
cross about his neck. "That child," he said pointing at me, "lured my
son away from all that is natural and forced him to engage in wicked

The men all jeered at me and more food was thrown until I had
to duck and turn my face. I wondered what I had done that was either
wicked or "lured". The man had applauded me only that morning for
being such a good boy and now he was saying that I did wicked things.
I didn't know what he was talking about and kept crying helplessly.

"And what of the other?" the Old One asked. A young man in
his twenties was slowly nudged forward by the others and he came into
the firelight, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"My son..." the man almost sobbed. "My son was led astray by
that Boylover, my Lord," he said. "I beg you, forgive his
transgressions. He shall be a better boy from now on."

The men jeered and the Old One shook his head. "He has
reached his fourteenth birthday and is not wed," the evil man said.
"It is too late to save him. He is one with the heathen."

Erin and I both cried at this pronouncement, trying to avoid
the sting of the things they continued to throw at us. We were scared
and wanted only to find someone to care for us.

"Daddy!" the pretty boy pleaded. "Daddy! Please!"

The man just cried and turned away, hiding his face as he left
the boy to his death.

"Your child has transgressed with a Boylover as well, Brother
Thorne," the Old One said turning on the man.

Master Thorne bowed his head, almost as frightened as Erin and
I. "He is but a boy, my Lord," he said. "His penis is large and
needs much attention. He allowed the Boylover to use him in a
desperate moment."

"Yet was it not also you who first brought this wicked child
to the village and allowed him to seduce your boy?"

"I had not realized he was a Boylover. I was told he was
merely a boy for their pleasure, my Lord. I ask you to spare me and
my little boy who will one day breed dozens of sons for your glory."

"Does he now renounce the Boylover?" the Old One asked.

Eric was crying, but made no move to escape. In the
firelight, I could see tears running down his smooth brown cheeks.

"He does, my Lord," Master Thorne replied.

"Then he shall be allowed to live until his fourteenth
birthday," the Old One said. "If he should fail to wed, he shall be
put to death immediately."

"Yes, my Lord," Master Thorne sighed a sigh of relief.

"Let us burn the evil ones!" one of the men shouted to the
delight of all the others.

"But what good would it do for you to burn a Guardian, my
Lord," a voice said from behind us. There was a gasp from the
warriors, and an evil, animal snarl from the Old One.

"How dare you disturb this ceremony!" the Old One growled.

"To dare is nothing," the voice said. A man walked passed us
toward the bonfire and I recognized by his back that it was Eric, the
man who had seen us in the Boy's Club two weeks earlier. "I should
think it is you who dare in attempting to kill something you can't
kill by burning two children."

"You are an evil man, Eric Braun, and I shall not tolerate
your insolence!" the Old One snarled.

"My insolence?" Eric grinned. "It wasn't I who advocated the
mass murder of thousands. It wasn't I who attempted to destroy you
through violence and torture."

"It was you who came here and corrupted all that was natural
from the Old World. We have preserved it for His greater glory."

"Preserved what?" Eric laughed. "One province and a half
thousand men foolish enough to follow you? You are destined to throw
away the lives of thousands of your young boys in petty wars and
battles, so many that you must prostitute them to breed the armies of
the next generation. Recant your heresy against Him, and stop denying
the truth of Kovz!"

"Kovzland is Dead!" the Old One's aging voice proclaimed. "It
is only to us to burn the evil boys you have spawned!"

"And shall you burn Kelvin?!" Eric laughed again, apparently
enjoying the discussion as Erin and I stood naked and afraid. It was
such a strange turn of events that we'd both stopped crying and stood
listening in confusion. There was a moment of silence and I realized
that the Old One was looking at me. I even thought there was a look
of fear mixed in with his astonishment. "Oh, yes, Old One," Eric
laughed. "In your foolishness you failed to consort with your wicked
brethren. You managed to kill him once, but we have found him and he
is again ours!"

"It is not possible," the old man said softly. "Kelvin is a

"As you can see, Samuel, he is not a man now. Search him.
You must have learned enough magic to do that much."

The man glared at me for a long moment and a gradual look of
recognition and terror filled his face. "Destroy the Evil Ones!" he
suddenly shouted in horror.

The Holy Warriors seemed to swallow their drunken surprise and
I could see their robes move as they all pulled out slender wooden
rods and leveled them at Eric. Suddenly they all froze and stood
there motionless.

"Quickly now, Jonathan," Eric said, grinning as he began to
grab the rods and throw them harmlessly into the woods that surrounded
us. The wands Eric didn't get seemed to be ripped from the warriors
hands and hurled into the woods as if by magic. Still, none of the
warriors or the Old One moved to stop it. Eric kept one of the rods
in his hands and pointed it at the Old One with a smile on his face.

"You shall pay for your witchery!" the Old One said as all the
warriors suddenly looked about in startled confusion.

"On the contrary," Eric smiled. "It is you who shall pay." I
could feel the knots binding me to the cross being untied and looked
over at them, watching as the ropes unbound themselves and fell
harmlessly to the ground. As soon as they were free, I removed my gag
and rubbed my raw wrists with my hands.

The men in the firelight gasped with astonishment as they saw
my naked body walk away from the pile of brambles they'd meant to burn
me with. I turned with them and watched as Erin's ropes untied
themselves the same as mine had.

"You see," Eric grinned. "You are no match for the power of

"You speak heresy!" the Old One roared.

"Heresy?" Eric said. "Is it heresy for a boy to love his own
kind? Is it heresy for one to love what they only naturally feel love
for? No, the heresy is yours and we should never have allowed you to
come to this place."

"Heresy!" the Old One shouted again.

"Come with me," an invisible voice whispered in my ear and an
invisible hand started to tug on my wrist.

"What about Eric?" I asked, wide eyed with fear.

"He can take care of himself," the voice answered.

"No," I whined. "I mean little Eric."

"He'll be safer where he is than with us for a few months.
Come on. We have to hurry."

"Stop!" the Old One commanded, and I froze despite the tugging
on my arm.

"Go on," Eric laughed. "He can do nothing to you, little
one." The invisible hand pulled harder on my arm and my bare feet
fought to get across the rough ground, Erin's pretty, naked body
following me.

"You shall burn a thousand deaths," the Old One said.

"And you shall be lucky if you don't burn one death right this
minute," Eric said behind us.

"I can't be killed by hellfire!" the Old One's voice

"But you can't stop two naked boys from walking out of your
power!" Eric laughed loudly.

The hand led me from the meadow we were in through rough
woods. Branches scratched my naked body in the dark, but I hurried
along as fast as I could manage. Soon, the branches gave way to a
road which we could see only by the grace of a bright, full moon
overhead. There was a covered wagon with two horses tied to it there,
and the voice told me to get up on the buckboard. This was no easy
feat, for the buckboard was very high for a boy my size, but invisible
hands pushed my small butt up and I sat down, immediately sliding over
to give room for Erin who came up right behind me. We sat there,
naked and shivering, our bodies still covered with all the muck they
had thrown on them, but at least we were away from the men who meant
to kill us.

One of the horses behind us whinnied and I turned to see it
untie itself and its saddle moving as if a body were crawling up into
it. A couple of feet above the saddle, Jonathan's face appeared
smiling, but full of fear. "Well, we got this far," he said to us.

Eric burst onto the road suddenly and ran to the wagon. He
quickly pulled himself up beside me and grabbed the reigns,
immediately slapping the team ahead into action. The horses broke out
in a quick and rapid gallop down the road, causing Erin and my naked
bodies to bounce up and down frightfully.

We rode for about a half hour before Eric slowed the team and
led it down a small hill. Below us in the moonlight, there was a
large, deep pool with a waterfall up above it and I gradually
recognized that it was the same warm springs where Eric Thorne and I
had first made love two weeks earlier.

"Alright," Eric grinned. "You two get down there and get
cleaned off and be quick about it. Those men aren't going to stop
chasing you just because we stood them off once."

Nervous and afraid, Erin and I jumped down from the wagon and
walked down to the water. The night air seemed frightfully cold and
we walked with our arms wrapped about our skinny chests, shivering.
As I had remembered, however, the water in the pool was warm and we
both crawled into it with soft, boyish sighs of pleasure. We both
helped each other rub the goop from our naked bodies, but we were in a
hurry and were still very frightened. Neither of us got an erection
and neither made any real effort to excite the other, though Erin did
use the occasion to fondle my little penis and smooth underarms again.

Our naked bodies, dripping wet, ran back up to the wagon
getting cold again in the night air. "Crawl into the back," Eric told
us, and we obediently jumped up into the back of the wagon. Soft,
plush, silk pillows were laid out all across the wagon's floor,
feeling so soft that Erin and I both couldn't help but giggle as our
naked bodies lay down on top of them, our young penises rubbing
against the ticklish fabric. The wagon started out immediately and
Erin and I slowly gravitated toward each other. Our young flesh was
still wet, but it felt good to feel a boy holding me again. We would
have made love, but we were both tired and neither of us got an
erection. After a long while of riding and holding the naked boy
beside me, I fell asleep still thinking about how horrible the night
had been and worrying about Eric Thorne.



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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Eight

I could feel the soft pillows and silk coverings beneath me as
my naked body bounced up and down in the wagon. It took me a long
moment to remember where I was and I came to consciousness very
slowly. Oddly one of the last things I became aware of was that there
was a naked boy laying beside me, his arm feeling very smooth and
slender about my bare shoulders. I was, however, very quickly aware
that my penis was throbbing and filled with a deeper hardness than it
had felt before. The bouncing of the wagon no doubt had a major
effect on my little boner, but my excitement was multiplied by tender
fingers very gently stroking the hairless skin between my legs.

I opened my eyes and looked down at them, the brown fingertips
trembling slightly as they felt along my little erection. It felt
wonderful and yet painful and I felt myself longing for the pleasure
to climax in orgasm so it wouldn't have to stay so stiff. I gasped
boyishly, gazing nervously and helplessly down at the boy's fingers
touching it.

"You're awake," a sweet, soprano voice said softly. I turned
my head enough to find Erin's cute, boyish face smiling at me,
blushing that he'd been caught fondling me, but not stopping the
tender caresses on my penis. We were both naked, our smooth bodies
looking even smaller and softer against the creamy white of the silk
pillows that held us. He still held me around the shoulders and I
nervously looked down his body, saw his slender chest pressed against
my side, his smooth brown skin looking beautiful against my pale white
chest and belly. Between the pubescent boy's thighs, his young penis
stuck out straight and throbbing as eagerly as mine was. The brown
head was pushed clear of his foreskin again, the tiny slit yawning
open as if ready to squirt his boyish seed. His black peach fuzz
looked adorable around the pretty smoothness of his penis.

Still gasping nervously, I slowly lay back down, my blue eyes
again turning to look at my little penis and the boy's fingers. I
could feel his other hand pressing his fingers up beneath my armpit
until warm palm could rub gently across the small mound of my little
chest. Tenderly, his lips pressed against my sensitive ear and gently
kissed down my neck and over my baby soft shoulder. I just lay there
boyishly watching as his fingers fondled my hairless scrotum and
little testicles.

Erin's smooth, slender chest slid across mine as the boy's
lips kissed across my tiny nipples, gently sucked each of them with
his warm, tender mouth. His throbbing young manhood pressed against my
thigh and I could feel the weight of his naked body as he slowly
crawled up on top of me, his lips kissing back up my neck and across
my blushing cheek. The hand that had held my penis slowly rubbed up
my skinny body and over my rib cage while the other slipped from
behind my shoulders. Soon the older boy's naked body was laying on
top of me, his cute, brown face flushed as he smiled lovingly down at
me. His penis felt big and warm as it throbbed against my stiff
little boyhood and I could feel his furry black peach fuzz rub gently
against my naked penis head. His hands held my thin shoulders for a
moment, then slowly slid down and slipped his fingers into my armpits,
petting the smooth, hairless skin tenderly.

He let out a gasp and a cute little cry of pleasure as I felt
his naked body ripple. Very slowly and very gently, he started
rubbing our young cocks against each other sending ever greater
pleasure and hardness through them. His long, smooth legs rubbed
against mine and I could feel the soft skin of his slender body very
gently rubbing against me, his ribs and abdomen rippling as he moved.
Looking down, I could see only the young teenager's collarbones and
the smoothness of his upper chest before his brown skin met my pale
body and hid all but their tender contact as they rubbed. He felt so
smooth and warm against me, his skin as soft as the silk I was laying
on. Uncertainly, I reached my hands up and held onto his slender
waist, reveling in the hard feel of his young muscles as he squirmed
on my small body. His naked, skinny body felt heavy on top of me, but
it was a nice heavy, a gentle pressure that seemed to excite my
immature penis even more.

"That's it," Erin cooed as I moaned softly through my panting.
His lips kissed my face again, across my nose and soft cheeks. They
just caressed my moist lips, then left them alone. My mouth opened
slightly, high pitched soprano moans of boyhood escaping from my chest
filled with pleasure and innocence. I could feel his fingertips still
caressing the hairless skin on my underarms, a touch so gentle yet
tickling me just enough to excite me all the more. I felt his lips
against my forehead and over the blond bangs above and wished he would
press them against mine again.

The naked boy continued to rub very slowly on top of me, our
baby soft bodies pressing rhythmically against each other. Erin's
young cock felt warmer and harder against mine, though still with the
soft, rubbery touch of his soft foreskin as it slid gently up and down
on his young five inch boner. My little penis seemed even smaller
between our young bodies, but felt so engorged with erection that it
hardly seemed to be mine anymore. Another boyish orgasm was welling
along its short hairless length and I lay still, as the fourteen year
old gently coaxed my penis to excitement. His thighs felt so smooth
and hairless against mine, a warm pleasure that made me love him all
the more. I could even feel the soft warmth of his enlarged, oval
testicles as his hairless scrotum pressed down against my round little

Soft crying noises escaped from my lips as I felt the rapid
rise of pressure and pleasure filling my little penis, my small, naked
body shivering with excitement beneath the gentle boy. "You're so
cute," the boy moaned, but my body was too filled with pleasure to
open my eyes and look at him. I could feel his hands slip from my
hairless armpits and chest and could feel him lay farther over until
his slender neck was pressed against mine and the happy, moaning boy
lay his head on my shoulder. His forearms pressed down on either side
of my skinny body and I could feel his firm muscles as he started to
rub faster on top of me.

His hips pulled back rhythmically the full length of his young
penis and then he slid it slowly back along my hairless little dick,
over and over again. This made me cry louder and my arms slipped
tighter around his skinny body and held on to him, feeling the hard
life beneath his soft skin. I could feel the gentle ripples of his
ribs through his back as the boy arched his hips upward then slowly
rested them back down. His penis felt unbelievably beautiful as he
tenderly made love to me and I was so filled with pleasure that I knew
my little mind would soon be flooded with orgasm.

If Erin's rhythmic rubbing was exciting me, it was no less
exciting for him. He started to moan louder and started calling me
his little boy, telling me how much he loved me, how pretty I was.
Occasionally, he'd let out a startled cry of pleasure and I could feel
his young body stiffen in my arms. His young, soprano moans were right
next to my ear and I could feel their gentle vibrations and the boy's
moist breath as he gasped.

Orgasm swept over me by surprise and I cried out with boyish
delight and excitement. I grunted very quickly, high pitched, excited
grunts with every beat of my racing heart. I was intently aware of
how wonderful it felt to have Erin's soft body rubbing against mine,
to have the cute boy's penis stroking so tenderly and happily against
my excited little boyhood. It was even exciting to feel the weight of
his skinny body on top of me as my little hips began to jerk boyishly
and orgasm filled my young heart and mind with pleasure. I could feel
my little penis desperately flexing and trying to spurt sperm that I
was still too young to have, but somehow just the feel of it jerking
with the effort excited me.

My delighted boyish grunts subsided into gasps for air as I
felt the peak of orgasm sweep across my little body with a ticklish
warmth that left me feeling weak and utterly satisfied. Erin was
still rubbing against me and moaning with boyish pleasure as my
muscles relaxed and grew limp beneath him. I just lay enjoying the
pleasure in my belly and the soft joy of his hard, excited young body
against me.

I felt the teenager's rock hard penis rub up my belly and he
suddenly started crawling rapidly higher on my body. His smooth
thighs straddled my skinny chest as he brought his penis toward my
face and his small butt sat on my little ribcage making it hard for me
to breathe. "Hurry!" he cried, and I could see his large hand
pointing his frantic penis at my mouth. Confused and still weak from
my own orgasm, I was slow to understand what he wanted me to do, but,
nonetheless managed to open my lips enough for the young kid to plunge
his brown penis head into my mouth. The young boy started to
ejaculate immediately. His smooth abdomen rippled with muscles and he
groaned loudly as his back arched in intense orgasm. The throbbing
penis in my mouth started squirting thin, young boy juice onto my
tongue and I could taste his seed mingling with my saliva. His penis
head squirt several times with boyish power, but he didn't have that
much sperm so I was able to swallow all of it. He had also managed to
keep from thrusting his hips forward so it was easy for me to keep his
excited dick between my lips. This effort, however, made his skinny
body stand out in ribs and slender cords of muscle, so soft and
beautiful beneath his tiny nipples.

As the last of his sperm squirt out, the boy's body visibly
relaxed, but he half laid there holding his penis in my mouth for a
while as I sucked the sweet cream out. I could feel it rapidly
softening against my tongue and gazed up at the relieved and happy
smile on Erin's cute face.

His fuzzy young cock slipped out of my slimy mouth already
almost limp and the teenager collapsed back on the pillows smiling at
me. "Taste good?" he blushed gently stroking my blond hair as I
blushed bashfully back at him. "You're such a good boy," he said.

There was a knock on the back of the wagon and Jonathan stuck
his head in and grinned knowingly at our exhausted naked bodies and
limp penises. "We're almost to the border. Eric says you guys better
get dressed and get out here." He let the canopy fall back into place
and left us alone.

Erin groaned, but the two of us obediently crawled into the
worn clothes and boots which were to serve as our disguise. His high
pitched voice tried to engage me in conversation, but I still felt shy
after orgasm and didn't answer his questions with more than a word or
two. When we were both dressed, I followed the young teenager to the
back of the wagon and we jumped to the dusty ground while it was still

We had come out of the high mountains and were now rolling
down a dusty road in the foothills. There were some trees about, so
we had evidently left the desert behind as well. Jonathan was riding
one horse, and brought a second one over for Erin who casually pulled
himself up into the saddle despite the fact that the horse was so much
taller than he was.

"You guys shouldn't be so loud," Jonathan giggled. "Eric says
for you to ride in front, Kelvin," he added. "Do you like doing it
with little boys?" I heard him asking my young friend as I ran ahead.

"I like Kelvin," Erin replied, only a little bashfully.

I ran giggling and happy toward the front of the wagon which
had pulled out quite a way while Erin had mounted. By the time I
reached the buckboard, I was panting heavily but nonetheless tried to
jump up on the rail.

"Hold on there, little guy," Eric laughed at my useless
efforts to reach the tall buckboard. He pulled the horses to a stop
and reached his arm down to me. I grabbed it and thankfully allowed
him to pull me up. Soon I was sitting beside the mysterious man and
enjoying the leisurely ride in the warm sunlight. I was still
frightened by him, but oddly comforted too.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked me after a few minutes.

I nodded with a boyish smile.

"That's good. It's going to be a long day... a long several

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Raykov is our first stop," he said. "We'll be able to rest
there for a few days. Then on to Labar. We need to pick someone up

"Tod," I said absently. "Hey, there's a deer," I grinned
pointing at a small, white splotched fawn that had wandered near the

"What did you say?" Eric asked suddenly.

"There's a baby deer," I repeated, smiling to him and still
pointing at the small animal.

"No. How do you know about Tod?" The look on the man's face
was very intense and I was momentarily frightened.

"Somebody told me," I shrugged, uncertain how I knew myself.

Eric smiled suddenly and rustled my blond hair. "I'm sure
they did, Kelvin. We'll call you Kely from now on, if you don't mind.
When I hear the name Kelvin I think of somebody a lot older than you."
I smiled happily and Eric reached up and gently squeezed the nape of
my neck. He turned back over the horses, a distant smile on his face
that never seemed to fade. I was already starting to like him more
and he didn't scare me in the slightest.

"'Eleven men came who would be boys,

Kept safe in youthful grace and poise,

And found a land as fair as Jove's,

Forever in youth these boys of Kovz.'"

"What's that?" I asked about his strange words.

"It's an old poem," he explained, smiling. "A friend of mine
wrote it long ago."

"Tell me some more," I said, curious about the things he said.

Eric smiled down at me happily. "What would you lie to know,
my boy?" he asked, looking thoroughly happy. "I'm not young enough to
know everything, but I'll give it my best shot."

The way he said this made me know he was teasing me or making
a joke and I giggled a little so it looked like I'd gotten it.
"What's Raykovz like?" He was so much bigger than me that I had to
crane my neck to look up at him.

"Oh, it's fun," he said expansively.

"It is?" I liked fun things.

"Oh, yes," he said, still smiling delightedly at my boyish
enthusiasm. "There are palaces and kings and queens and a million
people to look at and make fun of."

"What's a queen?" I asked. Kings sounded familiar to me
somehow. Queens seemed like a strange concept.

"Well," Eric laughed out loud. "That depends on which world
you're on."

"What do you mean?" I asked boyishly.

"Nothing," he laughed. "A queen is a woman who rules a

"Oh," I said, feeling a little disappointed somehow. "Are
they nice?"

"Some of them are," Eric nodded. "Others are wicked and evil
and like to boil little boys in hot oil." My blue eyes widened at
this thought. Queens didn't sound very nice. "Eric laughed at my
reaction. "I'm kidding," he said, his big hand gently squeezing my
bony little knee.

"What are the queens in Raykov like?"

"Actually..." Eric said, looking a little sheepish. "Raykov
doesn't have a queen."

"But you said..." I began, feeling confused.

"Well, you're a sharp little kid, aren't you?" he cut me off,
making me feel embarrassed. "No. Raykov has one king and he lives in
a huge palace."

"Is he nice?" I asked. Somehow the question of whether
someone was nice or not meant a lot to me.

"Uh, sure," Eric replied. "He's a friend of ours. He'll be
glad to see us." The way he said this didn't sound very comforting
somehow, but I didn't pursue it.

We talked for more than an hour like this, with me drilling
him with question after question. He was very patient with me,
however, and answered all of them as best he could. He joked
sometimes, but I could tell he was trying to be honest with me and
that made me like him all the more.

"Eric," Jonathan said, suddenly riding up beside us on the
buckboard. "The border is up ahead. Maybe he should put on one of the
robes until we're across."

"No," Eric said, his handsome face growing suddenly stern.
"They couldn't have gotten word of your escape yet, and I don't want
to risk them finding out we're using magic to hide something."

Jonathan nodded obediently and reigned his horse back behind
the wagon. "Don't worry," Eric smiled in response to my concerned gaze
at the road ahead. "Things are a little more tolerant in the Raykov
Kingdom. We'll be safe soon."

"Then why are they guarding their border so much?" I asked,
seeing the two huge guards posted at a barricade to the Raykov

Eric laughed. "They're not. Raykov isn't at all concerned
about us coming in. The problem is going to be getting Tarsec to let
us out."


"Well, Tarsec is completely ruled by the Daireans. That's the
name of the religious order that took you and Erin prisoner; it's
also the one that the Thorne's belong to. The Daireans are very
protective of the boys in their society because they frequently go to
war and they need a lot of men. Anyway, they're very careful about
letting boys come and go, which is also why they hate Kovz Boys so

"I don't understand," I said.

"You'll understand later."

"Are there Daireans in Raykov?" I asked.

"There are Daireans everywhere, but they're not very powerful
in Raykov or in Labar either. There's the border. Now, you just sit
there and don't say anything, alright? No matter what they do, you
just keep still. We'll be okay once we get across."

The roadblock that constituted the border grew larger as we
rounded a bend in the road. There was a small shack beside the long
slab of rock that blocked our way. A green shimmering ran north and
south of the roadblock completely sealing Tarsec from the land beyond.
I could feel my heart catch in my chest as the two men appeared from
the shack wearing the black robes and silver crosses of Holy Warriors.
I remembered Holy Warriors very well and I felt a painful feeling in
my chest when I thought about Eric Thorne still in their clutches back
in Tarsec Village. One of the men raised up a hand and Eric pulled
the wagon to a stop before him. Both men held the same hollow tubes
the men had held when they started to burn Erin and I at the stake.

The man scowled at Eric a moment then walked around to my side
of the wagon. "You boys come up here," he motioned to Erin and
Jonathan, and the two youths obediently brought their horses up to us.
The man turned to me and I could feel a cold shiver along my spine.

"Where you coming from?" he asked.

"Martel," Eric said.

"With three boys?" the man looked doubtful.

"They're not boys, they're cargo," Eric shrugged. "I'm taking
them and some textiles to Labar. They're paying well for soldiers, I

"Yeah," the man said. "It may be that we're payin' better."

"No better than the King's guard, I'm thinking."

"This one's little more than a child," he scowled at me.
"They don't buy child soldiers."

"He's a might pretty boy, though," Eric said. "Soldiers need
their fun, too..."

"Heathen!" the man spat. "Sell the child to us. We'll make
sure he has a nice home in Tarsec."

"Yes," Eric said, his lip curling slightly and his voice
tinged with disgust. "And you'll breed him like a farm animal won't

The guard obviously recognized Eric's enmity for the Holy
Warriors and he suddenly grew very unpleasant. "Let's see your writ
of passage."

There was a momentary pause that made me shiver again.

"We don't have a writ..."

"Can't transfer boys across Tarsec without a writ. I'm going
to have to confiscate all three of them."

"As I was saying... we don't have a writ, but we do have

"Trying to bribe a border guard, huh? That'll cost you
everything, mister."

"Jonathan, open the gate," Eric commanded suddenly. It took
me a moment to realize that everything had frozen except for us. The
guards stood looking at us with the same melevolent faces they'd been
looking at us with but there wasn't any motion in them at all.

Jonathan nervously jerked his horse toward the gate. I felt
terrified and hoped that we got away before the guards started moving
again. I sat there beside Eric and anxiously watched as Jonathan's
muscular young arms tried to pull the rock gate aside. "It won't
open," he gasped.

"Alright," Eric said, sounding calm but on edge at the same
time. "Grab their rods."

Erin reared his horse forward and each of the boys grabbed the
rods from the frozen guards' hands.

"Hey!" the second guard exclaimed coming back into action.

Jonathan swallowed and nervously atop his horse and gingerly
tossed the rod back to Eric. Eric caught it neatly, flashed it at the
second guard to keep him from pulling Jonathan from his saddle, then
spun it around on the first guard. "Just back off now," he ordered,
his voice steely and resolute. The guard stood his ground nervously.

"Only a Holy Warrior can operate those rods," he challenged.

Eric spun the rod toward the shack and the small structure
exploded in flames. "Now back off!" he repeated bringing the rod back
on the man. The guard swallowed with shock and fear at the burning
shack and slowly backed away from us. "Get that gate open," Eric
ordered him.

"And burn a million deaths? I prefer to die but once."

"Suit yourself." The guard exploded where he stood, the blast
from the rod striking him in the center of his chest and sending his
head and extremities flying backward through the air. I screamed in
horror despite myself. Eric scarcely paused, however. He brought the
rod toward the gate and for a long moment nothing happened, then I
could see the granite stone beginning to glow red. After a few
seconds, it exploded away from us with a tremendous bang that shook my
teeth and made my ears ache. The second guard started to break for
the woods. Eric whirled the rod at him, but then slowly lowered it,
letting the man go.

"Move," he ordered the others. I felt sick to my stomach, the
image of the guard filling my brain with revulsion and I buried my
face against Eric as he drove the wagon forward. I thought I would
fly from the wagon, so madly did it bounce over the remains of the
gate, but absently wrapped my skinny arms around the man's waist and
held on as the wagon raced ahead. After we'd cleared the rubble of
the gate, the road became smooth dirt and Eric drove the horses far
from the sight of the carnage and the border.

More than fifteen minutes of high speed retreat had passed
before he finally pulled on the reigns and slowed the horses down.
The wagon came to a halt and I could hear Erin and Jonathan's horses
coming up to us. Eric grabbed my thin shoulders and jerked me up to
face him. Only then did I realize that I was still screaming, my
throat already raw with horror.

"Stop it!" Eric yelled at me and shook me. "Do you hear me!?
Stop it!" I finally managed to overcome my screams and collapsed
against him sobbing.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard Erin's young voice ask.

"He's okay," Eric said. "He's just scared." I could feel his
large hand stroking my hair and across my thin shoulders through my
shirt. Gradually I managed to stop crying. My red, tear-stained face
looked about, Erin and Jonathan still looking at me in uncertainty. I
became more embarrassed than frightened, and tried to wipe my tears
off on my shirt sleeve. "We need to keep moving," Eric said.
"They'll be looking for us, now."

I nodded that I understood and soon the wagon was continuing
on down the road at a more normal pace, me wiping my nose and letting
the cool breeze dry my face.

We didn't stop all the rest of that day, save twice to water
the horses and once for me to go to the bathroom in the woods. By
evening we were all terribly hungry and tired. We pulled the wagon
off into a clearing almost half a mile from the road, and Eric allowed
us to have a fire to fix dinner by. After eating, we sat around the
fire for an hour and I even laughed uncomfortably about the guard we
had killed; Erin and Jonathan were making jokes about how his body
blew up and were giggling and I didn't want to look like more of a
sissy than I did already. It wasn't a terribly humane reaction, but
it made me feel better somehow.

"Are we going to sleep in the wagon?" Erin asked with a boyish
smile as the fire began to die.

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"Not me," Eric smiled. "You boys go ahead and have fun."

"Come on, Kely," Erin grinned, the name having settled on me.

"Nah," I said, uncertain if I was allowed to say no. "I think
I'll sleep out here."

The smile slipped from Erin's face and he looked at me in
confusion a moment. "Okay," he said, softly. He looked disappointed,
but was soon giggling with Jonathan as the two boys got up and went to
the wagon. I watched as Jonathan's muscular arms helped the smaller
boy to crawl up inside.

I looked back at the fire feeling a little sad, and realized
that Eric was looking at me. I looked back at him uncertainly.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

I shrugged. I could hear Erin's high-pitched giggles starting
to sound from the wagon, but didn't turn to look.

Eric brought me a bedroll and I crawled into it, still wearing
all my clothes but my boots. In no time I was fast asleep.

Images of the dead man floated around in my brain and
frightened me. I could see his disembodied head talking to me, could
see the blood still spurting from his neck, shoulders and thighs.
Suddenly, I could feel someone else in my dreams. It felt almost like
Eric but it was someone else. The new person took the horrible images
away and calmed me into deeper, dreamless sleep.

"I've sent for John and Brendan."

"That's a good idea. You may need some more help."

"He seems to know something about you."

"Yes, I think he can overhear me when he's asleep even without
the necklace. It's okay though. He just thinks he's dreaming. It
wasn't a very effective close out this time though."

"It's effective enough. He's just about the most innocent boy
I can remember."

"Kelvin," Eric's voice said as he gently shook me awake.
"Time to get up."

I opened my eyes and yawned. Eric had already started making
breakfast and it smelled delicious. "Where's Erin and Jonathan?" I
asked. Eric tilted his head toward the wagon and I looked. It was
moving rhythmically back and forth and I could hear the two boys
moaning and grunting through the cover. I giggled and blushed at

"Go play with them," he encouraged, with a happy smile.

"Nah," I blushed. I crawled out of the bedroll and stretched
my small limbs.

"There's a creek down there if you want to take a bath," he

"In a creek?" I asked. I guess it was like skinny dipping,
but baths were baths and skinny dipping was skinny dipping.

"Sure. Why not? Breakfast won't be ready for a little

I did feel pretty grimy from sleeping in my clothes and a
little water would feel nice. "Okay," I said.

"Here," Eric said as I started to walk away. I turned and he
tossed me a bar of soap. My small hands fumbled with it and it fell
to the dirt. Blushing shyly at my clumsiness, I picked it up and
continued on my way.

I could hear the sound of the creek as I approached it and it
appeared from the trees looking clear and incredibly cold. My fingers
slipped into the crystal water and confirmed that it was as cold as it
looked. With a boyish shiver and giggle, I sat down on a rock and
started taking my clothes off.

"Jonathan, don't!" I heard a loud squeal from the woods
behind me. I turned and saw Erin's skinny, naked body running
awkwardly over the rough ground toward the water. His big feet were
bare and obviously weren't used to running across the ground. "Ow," he
giggled painfully. His young, brown penis bounced and dangled between
his thin thighs with every step, looking very limp and boyish, the
small head completely covered by his fleshy foreskin. I grinned at
how funny he looked with his slender arms trying to balance his skinny
body down toward the water, but the boy didn't look up to see me. He
looked beautiful.

Jonathan appeared through the trees about twenty feet behind
him, just as bare assed naked and just as awkward as he chased the
younger boy. His cute face was grinning broadly as he fought to catch
up with Erin. I gazed at Jonathan's naked body with greater
curiosity, for he was the first boy I had seen who was so mature, even
more so than Sandy at the orphanage two weeks before. For one thing,
Jonathan was more muscular than the younger boys I had been with. His
chest bulged with young muscle beneath smooth, tanned skin, and it
flared out with adolescent youth, leading to shoulders and arms that
were more than twice as thick as mine. As he tried to balance
himself, I could see curly brown hair on his underarms. His chest
tapered to a slender abdomen that rippled with muscles. His
uncircumcised penis was bouncing around like Erin's and looked a
little bigger than the younger boy's. What caught my eye most was the
bush of curly pubic hairs that surrounded his pale penis, for he had
more pubic hair than any boy I had ever seen. The large testicles
beneath his penis were still hairless as was his slender belly, but
the boy definitely had a well developed bush. His legs were as
muscular as his upper body, and were as smooth and hairless as his
chest and abdomen. It was just his pubic hair that was so different.

"Yiiy!" Erin squealed as his bare feet slipped into the water.
His arms quickly grabbed his skinny chest and he stood shivering and
nervously giggling as he watched Jonathan approaching. "Don't,
Jonathan," he begged. "It's freezing."

Jonathan just giggled wickedly and hurried toward the naked

"Jonathan. Please..."

The older boy's body visibly tensed as his feet entered the
icy water but he still reached out and grabbed Erin's skinny body.
"Jonathan!" Erin screamed again as the young adolescent's muscular
arms encircled the skinny fourteen year old, dragging his cute, pale
penis across Erin's brown thigh as he turned the boy toward the water.
Erin suddenly tried to turn back and grab Jonathan's strong chest, but
the older boy just laughed and threw him out into the deeper part of
the creek like he weighed less than me.

The skinny pubescent boy tried to keep his feet on the
slippery round rocks of the creek bottom, but he was awkward and
clumsy and could do it. With a loud squeal, he tumbled forward and
his naked body slipped into the water with a violent splash of
protest. Beneath the surface, I could still see his pretty body
clearly through the fresh water as it twisted and tried to right
itself. He broke surface and immediately let out a yelp and brushed
the water from his dark hair, gasping frantically. The creek came up
to his brown nipples which were now shrunken into tiny dots from the
cold. His pale brown skin was covered in goose bumps all across his
skinny rib cage. I smiled, delighted by how pretty he looked in the
frozen water, and could see his large feet struggling to keep his
balance on the slimy rocks as he stood shivering.

"Damn you!" he giggled, his body contorting with shivers, the
small goose bumps appearing all over his smooth, clear skin. He was
gasping loudly as he looked around for another way to shore, one that
wouldn't require him to walk passed Jonathan again. His big brown
eyes fell on me standing on the rock and he smiled broadly. I had
taken my shirt and socks off and stood there bare chested in my jeans
watching the two naked boys. "Hey, Kely," Erin grinned.

I giggled at being spotted but turned and saw Jonathan smiling
mischievously at me. "Ah, a little boy," he grinned coming toward me.
"You want to go swimming, little boy?"

"No," I stammered trying to back away as the taller boy neared
me. He reached down in the creek and threw a handful of ice cold
water at me, the freezing drops hitting my skinny chest and causing me
to squeal. I could already feel my skin wiggling with goose bumps as
I tried to back away from the creek, but my bare feet were even softer
than Erin's and the small sticks and rocks hurt. I felt more freezing
water being splashed at me, striking my back, my skinny little body
contorting to get away from it. Almost immediately I could feel
Jonathan's strong hands grab my little shoulders.

"Oh, no you don't," he grinned, lifting me into his arms like
I didn't weigh anything at all.

"No, don't," I squealed childishly as the boy walked back into
the water. Reflexively, I grabbed him around the neck and pulled my
small chest against his strong muscles. "Please, Jonathan," I begged,
clutching frantically to him and hoping he would show mercy to a
little boy. He felt so smooth and soft and I liked the round contours
of his hard muscles, but I was too frightened of being dumped in the
creek to take too much notice.

Jonathan just grinned. When the water was up to his knees, he
effortlessly flung my little body outward and my hands slipped from
his neck. The freezing creek engulfed me sending arrows of exciting
cold shooting through my chest and body. It was difficult to maneuver
my skinny legs, my blue jeans feeling even tighter in the cold water.
Still, I wrestled my body around, found the bottom and quickly thrust
my head back out gasping madly for the warm air above. Like Erin, the
water came up to my nipples which were shrunk even tinier than his. I
held my arms up and brushed the water from my face, oblivious of the
other boys as I instinctively tried to get back to the warmth of the

Erin's hands took hold of my shoulders and held me there.
"Don't get out," he giggled. "It's okay once you get used to it." I
could feel his arms pulling me back against him, felt his thin chest
press against my back as his arms enfolded my small body. I giggled
nervously, feeling like I was frozen, as I felt the boy's large hands
rub up and down my belly, his skinny chest feeling warm against my
little shoulder blades even if the water was freezing. Jonathan stood
where he had thrown me and watched us with his hands on his hips,
hairy young penis looking a little smaller as if hung between his
legs. I giggled from the ticklish pleasures of Erin's caresses and
from embarrassment at seeing the mature penis of the adolescent boy
before me. I suddenly felt Erin's long fingers grabbing for my wet
jeans and giggled with nervous embarrassment as I felt him unsnap them
and slowly pull the zipper down. His breath felt warm against my neck
as I felt his hand slip down into my pants and grab my tiny, hairless
penis. It was so little now that even Erin giggled at its short one
inch length, his tender fingers rubbing the hairless skin and little
testicles around it. It felt nice, particulalrly since his hand felt
much warmer than the water did.

Jonathan just watched us with a huge grin on his face, his own
penis shrinking with the cold though it hadn't been in the water yet.
He looked so soft and I felt a deep desire to have his strong arms
hold me against that muscular chest. As clear as the water was, I
knew he could see my little penis as Erin fondled it and I blushed
despite the cold.

Erin took a step back from me and I felt him start pushing my
pants down my thin legs. "Well, help," he giggled. I giggled too and
reached my own arms down into the icy water to push the wet jeans down
until I could lift my legs free of them. The water felt even colder
against my naked thighs and tiny boyhood as my feet slipped free of
the jeans. I was as naked as Erin and Jonathan and stood there
shivering and waiting for the other boy to rub my penis with hsi warm
hand again. Erin immediately pulled me back against his smooth,
shivering body and I stood with my arms again free of the water as the
young boy's hands held and rubbed my skinny chest and belly, his small
chest against my thin shoulders. I giggled as I felt his naked penis
press against the crack of my butt and Erin lay his smooth cheek down
on my shoulder as his hands finally slipped between my legs and
started fondled my frozen little penis.

There was a sudden commotion on shore and Jonathan's naked
body was suddenly hurling through the air towards us, his naked penis
flailing between his legs. He hit the water a few feet from us and
Erin and I reflexively recoiled from the boy's big splash. We were a
little confused about how suddenly he'd dived in, but turned and found
Eric's adult body walking back to shore. His green pants were wet up
to his knees. He wiped his hands off on his shirt with a big grin and
Erin and I giggled and cheered him.

"You guys better get out of there, before he gets up," he
warned us. Erin and I were still giggling as we started to run
awkwardly up toward shore. I was stumbling all over the place and
would have fallen if Erin's big hands didn't hold my armpits and help
me along. We could hear Jonathan jump from the water with a loud
yelp, but by that time we were already almost out of the creek, our
penises shrunken fiercely by the cold and sticking out from our bodies
too short to hang down on our hairless testicles.

"That wasn't fair," Jonathan laughed, hitting the water with
his hand. It only came up to the taller boy's belly button though he
was as deep as Erin and I had been.

"Stop being a bully," Eric grinned at the eldest boy. He
turned and looked over my skinny, naked little body and his eyes
suddenly filled with a pained longing that I didn't understand. He
was still smiling, however, so I just blushed back. He smiled down at
me and tousled my wet hair affectionately, then started back toward
the campsite. "Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes," he said.

"Come on," Erin giggled. He pushed my skinny body toward the
rock where my socks and shirt still lay and we crawled shivering up on
it, our arms cradling our naked bodies, as Jonathan started toward us.
Our skinny bodies were covered with goose bumps and our teeth were
chattering. I could see both our knees wiggling uncontrollably.

"Hey, get my pants," I said, realizing that Jonathan was
walking past the place Erin had left them.

I felt Erin's big hands taking hold of my small shoulders and
the young teenager gently guided me to sit down on the rock beside
him. It felt warm against my frozen little bottom and we both
stretched our legs out across it, our young penises looking adorable
together, both looking tiny from the cold. Erin's was only a little
bit bigger than mine and had gotten so small that his foreskin was
forming a slender tube of flesh at the end. I could see little goose
bumps where his soft peach fuzz joined his smooth belly.

Jonathan found my pants and submerged himself to grab them.
He walked over to us still smiling. He balled my jeans up and tossed
them on the shore away from us, then crawled up toward the rock we sat
on, his blue eyes gazing at our little penises, mostly mine. "Cold?"
he smiled, still standing in the water at our feet.

Erin and I giggled still clutching our shivering chests.
Jonathan crawled up between my legs, his large hands holding my thin
thighs tenderly. I could see his shrunken penis press against the
warm rock around his pubic hair as the adolescent boy's lips reached
up and kissed mine. It was still about three inches long, a whole lot
bigger than Erin's and mine. I could only giggle nervously and this
made Jonathan smile as he kissed me. His mouth felt really warm after
the coldness of the creek and I didn't want him to stop. His fingers
crept between my legs and they started fondling my hairless little

"I know how to warm you up," he said, his warm lips slipping
from mine. His cute young face descended down my skinny chest and
belly and engulfed my little penis into a mouth that was unbelievably
warm and slimy. I could feel and see his wet hair pressed against my
belly and that was cold, but the tongue that started licking my tiny
boyhood felt wonderful. I looked at Erin who grinned back at me, his
brown hands slowly pushing back on my small chest until I was laying
down on the rock, my little penis in the older boy's mouth.

Jonathan's tongue slipped down and I felt his lips descend
over my tiny scrotum until my entire boyhood was in the beautiful
warmth and slime of the adolescent's loving mouth. I could feel him
gently sucking the little organ as his tongue licked across the
hairless skin that covered my little testicles.

"I bet that feels warmer," Erin grinned. His skinny chest
crawled pressed against the side of mine and he lay stroking my small
body and smiling at me as I gasped softly with excitement. My head
was against a bump in the rock and I tried to get away from it. "Too
hard?" Erin asked. With a happy grin the boy took his warm chest
away, which I regretted instantly, and moved around above me. I could
feel him raising my thin shoulders and felt his legs slide down on
either side of my chest. When he lowered my head again, I could feel
it press back into the soft, smooth pillow of the boy's belly, his
young penis, still feeling cold, laying down against my neck. I could
even feel the soft fuzz between his legs against the nape of my neck
and the thought of his penis there was very exciting somehow. His
large hands slid down on my shoulders and started to rub rhythmically
across my small chest and tiny nipples.

This new position allowed both of us to look down and see my
hairless penis and scrotum disappear into Jonathan's slimy red lips.
The boy slowly allowed the little penis to slide out and it emerged
glistening with slime and back to its full boyish size though still
limp. He sucked just the shaft into his mouth then and the hairless
little rubbery thing looked so cute as he sucked on it. I gasped
louder as I felt my boyish erection quickly stiffen in my little penis
and heard Jonathan moan delightedly. I was stiff and throbbing in
seconds and Jonathan let my penis free to look at its erection a
moment. It stuck out straight with childish pulses of excitement,
looking so slimy and so very young. Most, I suppose the adolescent
was gazing at the naked little head, purple and shining with an
intensely hard erection, the smooth skin forming a perfect knob of
sensitive boyish pleasure, completely free of the foreskins the other
boys had. I envied them their foreskins, but they always seemed
fascinated by my little head and with how tight the skin on my shaft
was, tight enough to expose the thin, pulsing, baby blue vein that ran
half way along the top of it.

Jonathan's fingers very tenderly took hold of my little penis
and felt along its short, skinny length. I gasped boyishly as his
slimy fingertips felt the hard ridge of my little penis head and
gently petted the smooth, hairless flesh around my boyhood. With
reverential tenderness, the adolescent boy leaned forward and kissed
the shiny purple head, rubbing the ridge all across his lips and
sliding the little dick inside his warm mouth just enough to suck on
that small knob. His obvious delight about my penis was exciting Erin
as much as it was exciting me and I could feel his half erect penis
poking against the back of my ear. His big hands continued to caress
my naked chest as I lay back between his legs and the excitement of
having two boys playing with my youth produced a strange new
excitement. I could feel Erin's fingers pressing beneath my arms to
stroke the hairless underarms he loved so much and felt his cock
growing warmer and harder against my neck. It was so nice to be
played with by two boys at once that I was already imagining how much
fun the wagon was going to be that night, even as the pleasure of
orgasm was in my boyhood.

Jonathan slid all of my little erection down into his mouth
and my body tensed immediately with a wave of pleasure. I watched as
the little thing slid back out his lips only to be slowly reinserted
again and again into the slimy warmth. His large hands rubbed up my
sides and held to my skinny abdomen, his fingers caressing my flat
belly as tenderly as Erin caressed my chest and armpits, his lips
rubbing up and down on my throbbing boyhood all the while. I was
scarcely aware of how loudly I had begun to moan, so enraptured was I
of all the exciting and gentle things being done to my little body.

Erin's young cock was now throbbing as madly as mine was and
the pubescent boy was gasping above me as he rubbed the hard organ
against my neck. His hands seemed to take even more excitement out of
rubbing my little chest and his fingers fondled my erect little
nipples gently as he stared at my hairless little penis poking between
the eldest boy's lips. The sun and Erin's rubbing were making my body
dry very quickly and my little heart was beating so quickly that I had
lost all sensation of the icy creek. All I could feel now was warmth
and pleasure, and the intense hardness of the prepubescent orgasm
welling behind my little erection.

I cried softly but frantically as orgasm began to sweep down
the little penis in Jonathan's lips and all across my boyish thoughts.
Erin responded by pressing against my chest as he rubbed it making it
harder for me to get the air I so badly desired. I was squirming
slowly on the rock and could feel the young boy's hard penis and soft
peach fuzz rub against my neck as I moved. Jonathan just kept
plunging my hairless little penis in and out of his mouth until I was
absolutely consumed in boyish orgasm.

My pleasure took an immense leap and I let out long, squeaky
moans as orgasm ravaged me. I was scarcely aware of my little body
tightening until it began to jerk frantically, orgasmic joy flooding
my tummy and making every nerve in my body tingle with pleasure. Erin
cooed his delight as he watched my skinny little body jerking on the
rock, as if he could feel all my pleasure just by seeing my boyish
face and squirming body jerking quickly. The world rushed back into
me as the intense heights of orgasm quickly peaked and plummeted me
down to a soft, happy landing of warmth and relaxation. My small
muscles seemed to relax more with every gasp until I lay happy and
exhausted on the rock, feeling the warm sun and the cool breeze
against my naked body.

Jonathan's fingers took hold of my softening penis as his lips
slowly slid away from it. He looked up at me, at my happy, boyish
smile, but didn't smile; just looked across my naked youth with awe
and love, his fingers holding my slimy, softening little boyhood.
Erin squeezed my neck and I could feel his wrist press his hard
erection against my skin. I still felt weak with pleasure, but knew
that Erin wanted relief as badly as I had. It was time for me to suck
his penis and I obediently sat up boyishly ready to play with my young

My little penis fell between my legs as I sat grinning and
blushing. Jonathan stood up still staring at me and I could see his
big, hairy penis sticking out stiff and throbbing now. It looked so
funny on his young, muscular body and I smiled at the flesh covered,
six inch organ wondering what it would feel like in my mouth. I was
suddenly confused, however, for I didn't know what boy I was supposed
to play with. Erin solved my problem when I felt his large hands
turning my naked body around. I turned my head and smiled at him,
sitting on the rock with his five and a half inch penis sticking out
throbbing between his smooth, creamy thighs. He blushed down at it
and looked at me expectantly. Erin was so unbelievably cute, and his
brown penis, the head already freed of his foreskin, looked adorable,
throbbing with pubescent desire. I gazed at the soft, black peach
fuzz and grinned at it shyly. Understanding that part of my duty, I
rolled over on my stomach and crawled up between the fourteen year
old's legs.

Erin's hand rubbed my shoulder and the other pointed his penis
down to my mouth like a mother offering her teat to a calf.
Obediently, my hairless little body crawled up and accepted the
proffered penis into my mouth, allowing it to press between my lips
and find its way on the slime of my warm tongue. I was confused again
when I felt Jonathan's larger body laying down on top of me, his hairy
penis finding a soft place in the crack of my butt.

"Don't stick it in him," Erin gasped as I sucked his penis.

"Why not?"

"Heis just a boy," Erin explained, his way of saying my bottom
wasn't used to being fucked. "Besides, he needs to swallow it." I
lay there sucking on his penis, grateful that he was defending my
little sphincter.

Jonathan's muscular body was settling down on top of me,
feeling heavy and pressing my little boyhood down against the rock.
He was gasping, and his body felt so big to my small youth. "That's
just a wive's tale, Erin," he half moaned. I could feel him
rhythmically pressing his rock hard cock along the crack of my butt,
but he made no effort to penetrate my tight little hole.

Erin didn't say anything more. The boy had been so excited by
watching me get sucked off that he was already teetering on the brink
of orgasm and he gave up fighting with Jonathan to revel in pleasure
as I sucked his beautiful penis and fought to rub more of it with my
hand. I didn't know what else to do, so I just lay there sucking on
the pretty penis between Erin's soft legs and allowing the older boy
to gently hump his smooth muscular body up and down on my back.

Erin started to cry as orgasm rapidly built inside him. One
of his hands rubbed my damp hair as I sucked him, riding the gentle
bobs of my head between his legs. I had sucked on him for only a
couple of minutes when he moaned with pleasure and his skinny body
started to jerk on the rock. I felt his hard penis head flex and felt
his sweet boy cream squirting into my mouth again. I loved the feel
of his ejaculations to say nothing of the taste. I knew how much
pleasure the boy was feeling and knew that he loved me very much as he
squirt his young, immature seed into me. As I had learned to do so
well, I swallowed the boy's young sperm and kept sucking the smooth
penis as his body came down from his tense excitement.

Jonathan was still rubbing his cock against my butt, and I
knew that he was growing very excited by his loud moans and more
frantic thrusts. I lay there sucking on Erin's softening penis, and
wondered what it would feel like to have the other boy ejaculate on my
back. Suddenly, however, Jonathan sat up.

"Come here, Kely," he gasped. Curious and obedient, I let
Erin's slimy penis slip out of my lips and turned sitting up to face
the older boy. Jonathan was rubbing madly on his penis, his smooth
body bulging with muscles as orgasm coursed through the veins that
bulged along his arms and neck. I was going to suck on his penis,
too, but the boy's baritone voice suddenly cried with pleasure and his
thighs bucked his hips frantically forward. His foreskin was rubbing
back and forth across his brown penis head every time he rubbed up its
six inch length, but it wasn't in the way as the slit opened and spurt
his cream out. The adolescent ejaculated so strongly that his sperm
sailed from his penis and struck me square between the eyes. I was so
astonished by this that I could scarcely respond before another stream
splattered across my nose and ran down my chin and neck. My hand was
reaching up to clear my eyes as I felt more of his sperm strike my
skinny chest. By the time Jonathan was finished, warm sperm was
running all down my body. I had never seen so much sperm before and
felt almost frightened as I looked down at the trickles all over my
hairless body.

I gave up on trying to wipe it away from my face and had to be
content with wiping it out and awy from my eyes. I could feel it on
my lips and obediently licked it up as I sat there feeling a little
confused about all the sperm on my face and chest. Jonathan stood
holding his oozing penis as the last of his sperm dripped into the
clear mountain creek, his eyes closed, the relief in his face evident.
After a moment, his eyes opened and he smiled at me. Slowly his smile
broke into a grin and then a giggle. "I'm sorry," he said, tenderly
wiping the sperm of my little nose. "God, you're so cute." Erin
giggled behind me and leaned over to look at my sperm coated body.

"Alright boys!" a voice sounded from the far side of the
creek. "Just stay right where you are and you won't get hurt!"

It was a young sounding voice, but it wasn't a boy's and it
definitely sounded threatening. The three of us were too scared and
too embarrassed to move at first. Terror instantly filled both Erin
and me and I felt the naked boy gently holding my little chest
protectively. We had been caught, and the evil forces of the Daireans
were coming across the creek on horseback to kill us...

Jonathan whirled about from us and turned to face the oncoming
enemy. It was a bold and useless gesture: if these men had the kind
of rods that they'd had at the border, then Jonathan was about to be
blasted right where he stood ready to protect us and the gor of his
young body would splatter back and all over Erin and I at any moment.
Oddly, I looked at the broad shoulders of this muscular young boy who
was about to die in our defense. He had incredibly beautiful skin, so
smooth, the soft tanned flesh rippling over the contours of his
shoulder blades. I gazed at them helplessly and adoringly, knowing
that I was about to see them explode in a hail of Hellfire.

Two horses appeared through the trees at the far end of the
creek and their riders hurried them into the center of the current. I
felt Erin's hand squeeze my shoulder and our eyes met long enough to
pass a message of love before we were killed. The water wasn't deep
enough to force the horses to swim, and they rode easily across it
toward us, two large and beautiful horses that would have made the
Thorne's very envious despite their substantial stables. I could see
their strong haunches starting to rise from the surface as they passed
the deep water. I had lived so short a life, my memory going back
only to the brief excitement of Tarsec Village and through the strange
things I had learned in the days that followed. It seemed a shame for
me to die so young.

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The forward rider suddenly giggled, sounding almost boylike
though his voice was too deep. I looked up at him wondering what he
though was so funny, but the leather armor that covered both he and
the following rider made it impossible to know what he looked like,
much less what he was amused with. The two horses stopped knee high
in water about ten feet from us.

"Clean that child off," the second rider ordered. His voice
was muffled in the leather helmet that covered his head, but he didn't
sound very friendly.

"Clean him off yourself," Jonathan spat back. He tried to
sound tough, but his voice cracked and he didn't look very formidable
standing there naked, without even a rock for a weapon, his young
penis still dripping sperm.

"Hey, look there," the first rider said pointing at me.

The second rider leaned forward in his saddle and looked
closely at me, or at least I assumed so for I couldn't see his eyes
through the slits cut in the leather helmet that covered his face. He
sat back in his saddle. "Are you a Kovz Boy?" the man asked.

I was so frightened all I could do was start crying and slip
back into Erin's soothing arms.

"You're scaring them," the first rider said.

There was a sudden explosion and the head of the second
rider's horse disappeared in a shower of blood and gore, blood
spurting madly from the severed neck. Its body slowly crumbled into
the water turning the clear liquid a crimson red. The rider jumped
free of the dead animal and ripped a sword from his scabbard. He
stood there, looking oddly small now, and seemed ready to kill the
first thing that moved.


The three of us jumped and turned to see Eric coming down the
slope to the creek, one of the rods in his arm. He had seemed in a
hurry at first, but suddenly slowed and started laughing. For long
moments we were certain that he had gone mad, and I huddled against
Erin's skinny body for protection.

"Way to go, John," the rider who was still mounted started to

"Well, I didn't know," the unseated rider stammered returning
his sword to the scabbard. His voice had cracked, I thought, or at
least it didn't sound very much like a man's anymore.

Eric was still laughing as the rider who was still mounted
untied his leather helmet and pulled it from his head. I had to look
twice at the face that emerged, for the last thing I'd expected to see
was the smooth, handsome features of a teenaged boy. He was blushing
and smiling shyly beneath a ruffled mop of brown hair.

"My name's Brendan," the young adolescent boy blushed, bowing
with a smile to Jonathan, Erin and I as we stared naked and afraid
from the rock. "Colonel of the Fourth Kovz Army, and I've come to
protect you." He was looking at our naked bodies somewhat openly, but
through blue eyes filled with innocent embarrassment. Like Michael
Hocket back at Tarsec, however, he had a sexuality about him that was
so plain even I could identify it. He didn't look at all like a

"That's John," Brendan finally added, tilting his head toward
the figure in the water beside the dead horse. I turned and watched
as this second man unfastened his helmet and was no less shocked than
before to see a cute boyish face appear, this time beneath yellow hair
that caught the sunlight. John was even more embarrassed than
Brendan, enough so that he didn't even look at us. Brendan was, at
most, sixteen years old and John looked even younger. He was really
cute but looked like a gentle boy who had been caught trying to look
tough and couldn't follow through on the bluff. He stood there in the
water holding his helmet in one hand and trying to smooth his hair out
with the other. "He's one of my captains," Brendan smiled bashfully,
"but at the rate he's going he'll never make major."

"I'm sorry about the horse," Eric laughed coming to the edge
of the creek. The young boys in the water seemed tremendously
relieved as their attention focused on the older man. Brendan grinned
at him in a way that removed all his embarrassment about us.

"We thought you were dead again, Eric," he said.

"Not yet. But stop being assholes: you've practically scared
the boys to death. Come up here and have some breakfast." John
scowled as he started grabbing gear from the fallen and grotesque body
of his horse, and Brendan, smiling almost bashfully, started to ride
his horse toward the shore as Eric finally turned toward my young
companions and I.

He had been smiling but his smile faded as he looked at us,
saw the terror with which we'd obviously faced their onslaught. "It's
okay," he said. "I sent for them. They're friends." He looked down,
obviously aware that we weren't happy about the arrival of his
"friends", but suddenly broke into a huge grin when he looked up at me
and the milky sperm that was still trickling down my little chest.
"Kovz!" he said. "Clean him off and come up to breakfast." With that,
he turned about and led John and Brendan back up to the campsite.

After they'd gone, Jonathan turned back to us still tense with
his preparation for battle. "Well, get in the water and wash off," he
ordered distantly.

"It's cold in there," I whined.

He looked at me cradled in Erin's arms and suddenly smiled.
"No shit. My feet are frozen stiff." With comic alacrity, the cute
youth lifted his legs high as he walked to the shore. He grabbed up
my pants and felt across them. "Here," he smiled. "These are warm

Jonathan threw the jeans to us and together Erin and I used
them to clean Jonathan's sperm from my face and body. As Jonathan had
promised, the pants were warm though still wet.

"What about them, Jonathan?" Erin asked, as I leaned over the
rock to rinse my pants off in the water.

"I don't know."

"They're Boylovers," Erin said. "Real ones."

"Well, gees, Erin, didn't you know we were going to run across
Boylovers one of these days?"

Erin looked distantly toward the campsite. "Yeah, I guess I
knew," he said uncertainly. "I guess I just didn't think it was going
to be like this."

"I mean... Eric's a Boylover, isn't he?" Jonathan said, though
he sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was
Erin. "He's a pretty good guy."

"And I'm a Boylover," I grinned.

"Yeah, but you're different," Jonathan smiled. "You're just a
little kid. Those guys do this all the time." Feeling how nervous
they felt about the others now, even Eric, I was a little glad that
they considered me to be different. At the same time, however, I felt
a strong familiarity with Eric, Brendan and John, as if I'd known them
for a long time. I didn't mention this to the others, just sat there
on my knees rinsing the sperm from my jeans.

"Come on," Jonathan said. "Let's get something to eat." I
had been wringing my pants out, but the other boys started to leave.

"I don't have anything to wear," I said, my small hands now
holding blue jeans that were dripping with freezing cold water.

"We don't either, Kelvin," Jonathan said impatiently. "Just
come on. There's clothes in the wagon."

Swallowing and feeling a little put off by my young friends, I
jumped down from the rock and followed after them. They walked
gingerly over the rough ground, but their feet were a little more
accustomed to going barefoot than mine were and they made better time.
What troubled me most was that they didn't slow down to wait for me,
and I was left to ache my way up the hill after them. In times of
trouble, older boys always forget about their younger, weaker

By the time we reached the campsite, Jonathan and Erin were
far out ahead of me and I was stumbling painfully along behind them
refusing to ask them to wait for me. Eric, Brendan and John were
already eating and they welcomed us to join them. The three Kovz
people talked amongst each other and didn't pay any of us much
attention. Jonathan and Eric were apparently too hungry to get
dressed and sat down and started eating still naked. Feeling a little
embarrassed, I did the same.

"I still can't believe you got both of them," Brendan grinned
over at my two friends, who sat on a log just apart from the group,
their young penis hanging between their legs. They both looked up as
they were mentioned.

"They're not in Kovzland yet," Eric smiled at them.

"Ah, but they soon will be," Brendan said.

Eric just nodded, smiling at the two boys.

"We should call out the Army to defend them," John said.

"And raise a signal that every Old One on Destinial would
hear?" Eric grinned at the youth's impetuousness. "It's risky enough
right now. All things considered, they have more protection than we
should concentrate in one place." He said this with a glance at me
which made me feel important until Brendan and John looked at me like
I was the rock I was sitting on.

"He's not much use to us now," Brendan shrugged.

"Brendan!" John scolded instantly, an angry look on his cute,
boyish face. He looked about fourteen.

"What? Well, he isn't."

"You shouldn't say that in front of him. You forget who
you're talking about."

Eric looked at me a moment and smiled. "Don't worry about
these two, Kely. You'll do your share of helping them later."

Brendan shrugged that off as something that was supposed to be
said but that really didn't change things. "These two though. Kovz,
that was a find," he said grinning again at Jonathan and Erin.

"We'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about us like we
weren't here," Jonathan interjected, his young voice trying to sound
tough. He did sound pretty tough, too, but it's hard for a fifteen
year old to really feel comfortable when his penis is hanging out

"My apologies," Brendan said sincerely, blushing suddenly.

"They don't mean to be rude, Jonathan," Eric smiled.

"Then they shouldn't act like we're not here," the adolescent
said back, his dark eyebrows narrowing over steely but uncertain eyes.

"Listen to me, Jonathan," Eric returned, trying to calm the
youth. "One day, very soon from now, you and Erin will be very
important figures in Kovzland. You don't understand why or how yet,
and we can't explain it to you. We don't mean to shut you out, but
until we get you to Kovzland, it's best for both of you if you don't
know too much. I know it seems like we're being unkind, and you must
feel like you don't belong, but soon you will understand that you
belong more than anyone. I can tell you this only: one day, all of
us here will be under your orders and instructions. We all know that,
and truly don't mean to exclude you from things you don't understand
yet. You have to be patient until then."

Jonathan hmphed back, but it was obvious that both he and Erin
were seriously mollified by Eric's words. The idea that they would
one day give orders to the others must have had a tremendous effect on
them. For me, all it did was emphasize my exclusion from the others.

I was relieved when breakfast was over and we were on the road
again. With John's horse dead in the creek, the blond haired youth
took my seat on the buckboard.

"Where am I supposed to sit?" I asked.

"Here," Brendan grinned reaching a hand down from his horse to
help me up. I was still naked, my hairless little penis bare in the
bright sunlight, and felt shy about riding double with the older boy
when it didn't even seem like he liked me. From breakfast on, I had
felt his eyes watching me as I cleaned up and that made me even more
nervous. Still, it beat walking.

I don't know why I had decided not to get dressed. Both Erin
and Jonathan had. Being naked seemed to make me feel special though,
and the other boys, though they didn't take me at all seriously, were
nice to me. I had found that I liked it when they smiled at my little
boyhood and I didn't feel all that eager to cover it up, despite my

I reached my small arm up to Brendan and the young adolescent
grabbed my wrist. His arm bulged with muscle and he easily lifted me
up, my skinny legs stretching wide to straddle the big horse as I sat
on the saddle in front of him. He was still wearing most of his
armor, but had removed the sleeves completely so his arms were bare
from his shoulders to his hands, I could feel his smooth skin rub
against my sides as he reached beneath my arms and took up the reigns.

We started out and rode for hours between breaks. Brendan
turned out to be a very nice boy and he talked with me often along the
way, never trying to fondle my boyhood though he did seem to enjoy
squeezing my skinny body between his forearms. He didn't say much
that's worth repeating and I didn't either, just engaged me in boyish
talk and played word games with me. He told me some stories, but they
were all childish fairy tales that I enjoyed but are probably not
worth further mention. Every time we stopped, his large hands grabbed
my little armpits and lifted me down from the horse, then pulled me
back up when it was time to continue. He was very nice to me and very

We passed several people on the road, some in groups, some
alone. Eric pleasantly greeted each one then continued. There were
no signs that we were recognized or that we were in any danger.
Still, when evening began to fall, we took the wagon back into the
woods several hundred feet, far from the road and again near the
stream we'd been following all day. It was wider here, and deeper,
but looked every bit as cold.

The others set up camp while I sat on a log, my naked body
cradled in my arms. I didn't feel at all cold, just lonely. They
wouldn't let me do anything to help, though even Erin and Jonathan had
tasks. I sat that way until the camp was fully set up and the
campfire was started.

"Come here, Kely," Brendan called to me. He was sitting down
by the fire, building it gradually. I went over to him glad that I
was being noticed.

The older boy showed me some plants to go pick and I set about
the task, happy to have something to do. After an hour of searching,
I returned with even more of the plants than Brendan had asked for.
He had taken his armor off by the time I came back, and stood cooking
over the fire in a pair of shorts and a loose fitting tunic. He let
me help him with the cooking and continued talking with me as he had
been all that day. I liked him very much and he made me feel useful.
Eric and the other boys had all gone fishing so Brendan and I were
alone. I was so happy to have someone to talk to privately that I
told him everything I could remember since first awakening on the
streets of that long lost city. I was very shy about telling him what
the other boys had been doing with my body, but he was very supportive
and encouraging and I told him everything. He even seemed delighted
when I told him about having sex with other boys.

It was dark by the time the others came back with the fish,
several fish, large, more than enough for the six of us. The only
change I noticed was that Erin and Jonathan seemed a lot happier.
They laughed and boasted of "the fish that got away" and I believed
them until Eric clarified their exaggerations. I ate until my tummy
swelled, so full I could hardly stand to move. Fortunately Brendan
was there, for he allowed me to lay back on his muscular chest and
held me in his arms as we sat around the campfire. Without his armor,
he seemed a lot thinner, but his entire body was hard and rounded with
young muscle. It felt comforting to lay against his chest.

"Man, that was a lot of salad, Brendan," Jonathan groaned
rubbing his belly.

"Kely picked it," he replied.

"Careful, Kely," John smiled faintly. "I think the Colonel's
taking a fancy to you."

The boys all looked at my naked body in the older boy's arms
and I blushed, but didn't want Brendan to let go of me. He lay behind
me, his hands gently rubbing all across my chest and back making me
feel loved. He didn't make the slightest effort to play with my naked
penis. Erin even seemed a bit jealous as he looked at me, but
eventually shrugged his shoulders and lay back on the ground.

I had eaten so much and my body was so sore from riding, that
I fell asleep still laying in Brendan's arms.

"Wake up, Kely," Brendan said, gently shaking my skinny body.
I yawned and opened my eyes, surprised to see that the sun was already
rising higher in the sky. I was still laying in Brendan's arms and he
happily stretched them out as I sat up. John and Eric were already
breaking camp and I slowly managed to get to my feet, my body stiff
from the previous day. I stretched my hands far out over my hand and
felt my young bones crack as my ribs swelled out. My mouth opened
wide in a boyish yawn. The others all smiled at my skinny, naked body
and I suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment again. None of them
teased me, however, and I again felt like they liked me better when I
was naked.

"Here," John said tossing me my pants. I tried to catch them,
but missed.

"Do I have to wear them?" I leaned over and picked up the blue
jeans, looking around at the older boys peevishly.

"Of course not," Eric smiled in answer. "Most boys your age
don't like to wear clothes around here. But you'll need to wear them
when we get to Labar Province."

I rode with John throughout that day and he held me just as
Brendan had done. He didn't put on the armor that covered his arms,
so I had the pleasure of his smooth skin against my sides just as with
Brendan. He was a lot shyer than Brendan and didn't talk very much.
Still, he was very nice to me and he tried to be as friendly as his
bashfulness would let him.

We passed more and more people as we went along, and the hilly
terrain had small farms along the slopes every now and again. These
were mostly humans though there were a few dwarves. In front of some
of the houses, or out in the farmlands, I could see young boys, most
younger than me, and, as Eric had said, they were naked like I was. I
started to feel more comfortable and rode happily on top of the horse
in front of John, actually starting to concoct excuses to show off my
little body. Going to the bathroom was a good one, because John would
lift me to the ground and they would all watch as I ran off into the
trees. I walked as I came back to them and they all smiled at me. I
was starting to really like being naked.

Near midday a group of humans started to approach us with a
wagon and several riders. "Daireans!" John hissed back to Eric and
Brendan on the buckboard.

"Alright," Eric said calmly. "It's too late to avoid them.
Just act natural."

They got closer and I could make out the black outfits of Holy
Warriors. I tried to act natural as Eric had instructed, but my heart
was pounding in my chest and I would have jumped from the horse and
run had John not held me so firmly. There were four warriors on
horseback, and two others driving the wagon which I could now see was
a large cage with a flat roof and bars instead of walls. The men
stared at us as the two wagons approached each other, Eric leading
ours as far to the right as he could to allow them room to pass. I
wanted to cry when the warriors came to a stop beside us.

"Well, hello, gentlemen," Eric bowed politely. "Well met, I'm

"Yes, I'm sure," one of the warriors said kneeing his horse
forward from the others. "Are you coming from Tarsec?" he asked.

"That may be, and it may not. Who are you to ask?"

A brown rod appeared from beneath the man's cape and it was
vaguely pointed toward Eric. "Captain Brysler, 113th Warrior

"Ah, well, that should make you very important in Tarsec,"
Eric smiled wryly, "But not terribly impressive in Raykov."

The man seemed angered by this. The rod came full into view
and was now plainly pointed at Eric's chest. "Mind your tongue,

"Knave am I? And what shall you do? Use Hellfire in Raykov?
I rather think not if your order wishes to buy slaves in the city
anymore." Eric let the last trail off and it plainly had its desired
effect for the rod was slowly returned to its concealed holder.

"My apologies, friend," the man feigned a smile. "You know
our laws well. May I please inquire as to your companions."

"You may, though I may not choose to answer."

The man swallowed an outburst of anger then marched his horse
toward John and I. He looked us both up and down, paying particular
notice to my circumcised little penis. "Where are you from, child?"
he asked me.

"The Southland," I whined softly.

He smiled and leered at me. I don't think he believed my lie,
though I was proud of my quick thinking. The man heeled his horse
back and took a long look at Erin and Jonathan before returning to his

"We've decided to buy the little one," he said, taking a pouch
of coins from his belt. "The pickings in Raykov are not good this

"I should be pleased to part with him," Eric smiled, "for he
eats too much. But... do you intend to put him in with the others?"

The man glanced back at his wagon and I followed his gaze. I
could now see that the cage held several boys aged five to about
twelve. They were all very dirty and all were naked. They lay
huddled together on the cage floor, their eyes the only clear things
on their dirt and soot covered bodies.

"Eh, what of it?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. How much will you pay for him

"Ten crown," the man shrugged, holding the pouch out.

"Done," Eric exclaimed delightedly. "John, put the child in
the wagon."

"But Master, we both have the..."

"Not another word, Boy. Do as I say."

"Hold on there a moment," the man stopped us, holding the
coins away and looking suddenly suspicious. "A boy like him would
normally go for fifty crown at least, maybe even a pound. I might get
a fool to sell him for ten, but you don't strike me as a fool."

Eric shrugged. "Well... I haven't done much selling of

The man nodded. "Put him in the wagon, then."

"Now that you mention it, fifty is a much more realistic price
for a boy of his beauty..." Eric said as John rode me back to the

"John..." I cried, astonished to realize that Eric was going
to sell me to the Holy Warriors. How could he do that to me? Had I
done something to anger them?

"Shut up, child!" John ordered me. His voice was emphatic and
yet the way his hand squeezed my arm, I knew he wanted me to keep

I sat dumbfounded as one of the warriors unlocked the door to
the cage and John gruffly lifted me down from the horse and threw me
into it. I landed on the floor of the wagon then pitched head first
into the huddled masses of naked little boys, the heavy iron door
slamming shut behind me. The boys felt and smelled filthy as I tried
to right myself in the press of their naked bodies.

John was riding back to our wagon where Eric and the leader of
the warriors were still haggling over my price.

"Very well, then, I'll give you thirty crown so long as you
keep your mouth shut in Raykov."

"Thirty crown!?" I heard John exclaim as he neared them.
"Master, you can't sell the child or I for that much..."

"Shut up!" Eric screamed at the adolescent, looking almost
livid. It was a strange thing to see on the face of a man who smiled
so often. John fell silent.

"Just a moment," the warrior said stepping forward. "Why
can't he sell you? You're just a boy even if you do wear a man's
armor. If he wants to sell you, you're sold."

"Yes, but we both have..."

"Shut up or I'll beat you bloody!" Eric cursed at him.

The warrior held up a hand ordering Eric to silence. "Speak,
boy. What do you both have."

"Well," John swallowed nervously. "Both me and the child have
the sores. We'll be dead..."

"The sores!" The leader exclaimed it loudly, the other
warriors chiming in. They started to back away from the cage, the
drivers, quickly jumping down off of it.

"Damn you!" Eric yelled. "You bastard!"

The warriors all pulled out rods ready to burn us all to the
ground but the leader stopped them with a furious wave of his hand.

"You'll pay for this, mister," the leader hissed. "Trying to
sell boys who have the sores is a crime in any province or kingdom,
not to mention ruining our cargo with your diseased child. As God is
my witness, we will not rest until you're dead." He whirled around on
his horse and all the other warriors, including the two who had been
perched on the wagon, frantically galloped away after him going down
the road we had come in on. Soon they were out of sight.

"Alright," Eric ordered quickly. "Get that wagon turned
around, Brendan."

Brendan jumped off the buckboard and ran to the warriors
wagon, his strong arms pulling him up onto the buckboard and grabbing
the reigns. At the same time, John came back to the cage door and
began pounding on the lock with the butt of his sword.

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"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling the naked bodies of the
filthy boys rub against me as we all crawled to the door.

"We're in trouble now," John sighed, the lock breaking away
and the door swinging open. Me and the other boys started to pour out
of the wagon, but all stopped at Eric's command.

"Stay there!" he ordered firmly. "Brendan, follow me."

Eric started our wagon out at a rapid pace and Brendan quickly
swung the warrior's wagon along behind it. The naked little boys and
I clutched to the bars of the cage and to each other as the wagon
jumped and pitched over bumps. Jonathan and Erin galloped behind us,
looking every bit as confused as we were.

The wagons raced off the road and through the woods for a long
time, causing most of the boys in the cage to cry as their bodies
bounced all over the hard floor. A very little boy lost his grip and
fell out the madly swinging rear gate. I saw him hit the ground and
saw Jonathan reign his horse beside the fallen boy before having to
focus my attention on keeping hold myself.

It seemed as if a half hour had passed before the wagons
finally slowed down and came to a stop. John, Eric and Brendan were
at the rear gate almost immediately, helping the naked boys down. We
all stood crying and rubbing bruises.

"My little brother fell out," a filthy boy my age was crying.

"Never mind that now," Eric said. "Brendan, get these boys
down to the river and get them cleaned off. Hurry!"

I was now almost as dirty as the others and Brendan pushed me
toward the river with them. I glanced back and saw Jonathan and Erin
riding up, the filthy little boy who had fallen cradled in Jonathan's
arms. We weren't allowed to dawdle however, and were all soon
standing at the river side.

"Get in and get cleaned off," Brendan ordered.

"It's cold," one of the boys was crying.

"Hurry," Brendan said gently pressing the skinny boy toward
the water. It was obvious the youth was going to have no small problem
in getting the young boys to cooperate. I got an idea and boyishly
carried it out.

"I'll do it," I said, and ran into the water until it was deep
enough for me to dive under. It was cold, but not near as cold as it
had been higher up in the mountains. "Come on, you sissies," I called
to the crying boys on the shore.

"I'm no sissy," the biggest of the boys said. With a
determined breath, he ran into the river and dived in just as I had
done. Soon, the other boys were following us in, though they were
slower about it.

"Thanks, Kely," Brendan smiled at me from shore.

The boys set about washing themselves, though it turned out to
be harder than we'd expected. The dirt was grimy and well worked into
their bodies.

"It won't come off," one of the younger boys sniffled.

I started toward shore, planning to go and get some soap, but
Eric was already handing several bars to Brendan. "How's the little
one?" Brendan asked.

Eric shook his head. "We'll get him cleaned off up there.
Keep these boys down here until we've finished with the wagons."

"Right," Brendan said. "Here," he called back to the boys in
the water. "Use this." He flung the soap down toward the boys and
they tried to catch them, all ending up splashing into the water.
None of them were any more coordinated than I was.

I stood up beside Brendan and looked at them. There were
seven boys in the water, and the little one that had fallen made
eight. "What are we going to do with them?" I asked.

"I don't know," Brendan sighed. "Eric will think of
something. He always does. You better get cleaned up too," he said
pushing me back toward the water. Obediently, I stepped back into it
and approached the tallest of the newcomers. He was about an inch
taller than me and his filthy chest was more muscular, though he was
just as hairless. He had one of the bars of soap and was rubbing down
his arm as I walked up to him.

"Hi," I said, my hands playing lamely in the water.


"My name's Kelvin," I introduced myself. The soap worked
extremely well and everywhere he rubbed it down his arms, smooth, pink
skin appeared. It worked so quickly in fact that I knew it had to be

"I'm Lance," the boy's high pitched voice said. He seemed to
be extremely embarrassed to be naked in front of me and seemed to want
to turn his private parts away, but ended up only turning halfway
around and I could see the profile of his penis. It was so dirty I
couldn't say much about it, but one thing I did notice very clearly:
at the end of his penis, as it curled down over his large testicles,
the boy had a pronounced knob. My heart skipped a beat and I looked
more closely at the young organ. It was about three inches long in
its limp state, and so covered in soot that there was no color change
between shaft and head, but I was almost certain that Lance was

"What are you looking at?" Lance asked angrily and in

I shrugged my bare shoulders. "Nothin'," I said. The boy's
hands and arms were clean now and I watched the soap slide across his
chest. Tiny, purplish-brown nipples appeared on pale skin, almost
white. His body swelled out at his chest then tapered down to a very
slender waist. I watched him clean himself with growing fascination
as the soft, clear perfection of his skin appeared, rippling at his
rib cage. He was knee-deep in water and rubbed the soap clean beneath
it before continuing. The soap slid up his leg and his hands held it
as he rubbed up a thin, pale thigh as smooth as mine. Then the other
leg and I stared entranced his hands slipped between his thighs and
bashfully started rubbing his young penis free of soot.

I could see it clearly now as the shy boy cleaned his butt and
lower back. He was circumcised, there was no doubt about it. His
pale shaft ran smoothly down to a pretty purple head, small but well
formed. I thought I could see tiny silver hairs around his cute
penis, but I couldn't be sure. His large testicles were held tightly
by a white scrotum that was certainly hairless.

"You want me to clean your back?" I asked as he struggled to
reach between his thin shoulder blades. He didn't look at me for a
moment as he tried to get it himself, but finally shrugged and handed
me the soap. He turned around and I approached his small back. I
rinsed the soap off then slowly reached out and rubbed it across his
narrow shoulders. Everywhere the soap touched, the dirt was instantly
removed and the boy's young shoulder blades shown with the same pale
smoothness of the rest of his body. His back was slightly broadened
with muscle, but was still very slender. Farther down I could see his
small, round butt. There was some dirt on it he had missed so I
rubbed my hands down his body and rubbed across his smooth, white

"Here!" he jumped, turning and grabbing the soap back from me.
He walked deeper into the river, then squatted down and submerged his
head. I stared at his naked back as the boy rubbed the soap through
his hair and across his face. Small muscles rippled across his
shoulder blades as his hands vigorously rubbed the dirt free. Looking
angry, he ran the soap over his rounf buttocks again and made sure the
dirt I'd been reaching for was gone. When he was finished, he slipped
beneath the water again and emerged completely clean.

I felt myself gasp as he turned around and walked back toward
me for he was an unbelievably pretty boy. Though still dark with
water, I could see now that he was blond haired, almost white. His
face was angelic and he was blushing despite the cold of the river.
His eyes were blue beneath two slender eyebrows that were so dark they
looked like they were still dirty. Even more beautiful was the
slender perfection of his young body, the small chest swelling with
firm boyish muscles, the thin abdomen with rippling ribs and smooth
flesh, the tiny belly button, the small, boyish penis between his
incredibly smooth legs.

"Here," he said handing me the soap back. I took a deep
breath of air and started cleaning myself, feeling even shyer than
Lance had as I realized that he was now watching me.

"Who are you guys?" his young voice asked softly.

I shrugged, really not knowing how to answer.

"Why did that man take us out of the cage?" he continued.

"I don't know," I said, wishing he'd stop asking me such hard
questions but hoping he would keep talking to me. I liked him and
wanted him to be my friend. I didn't know why.

"What's he going to do with us?"

"I guess he'll take you with us," I said, not wanting to
appear any more ignorant than I was.

"Where to?"

Lance had such a soft, quiet voice. Everything about him was
so gentle, so soft, so smooth. "To Kovzland," I said.

"Where's that?" he asked.

"I don't know." I was now mostly clean and found myself
wanting to cover my naked body so the other boy wouldn't see how
little I was.

"Is it by Miller's Crossing?" he asked, apparently hoping to
return to the home that had probably sold him into slavery.

"Yeah," I lied. It might be near Miller's Crossing. I had no
idea where either of them were.

"Are you a slave, too?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I'm just a boy."

"Hey, Kely!" Brendan's young voice called from shore. "Make
sure those boys are clean." He was motioning toward the cluster of
naked little boys down stream from Lance and I who were bashfully
cleaning themselves. Lance was the tallest of the boys though there
were two who looked about our age. The others were smaller and
younger. None of them were doing very well at getting clean.

"Brendan," I whined. "I don't want to..." The idea of
checking all those naked bodies didn't appeal to my shyness and I was
relieved when Brendan said he'd do it himself.

"Can you swim?" I asked the cute boy beside me.

"Not very well," he shrugged his bare shoulders.

"Did I get it all?" I asked, turning so the boy could see all
of me.

He swallowed. "Yeah."

I threw the bar of soap up on shore and turned to find Lance
walking back. Trembling slightly, more from excitement at being close
to him than from the water, I followed him out. We were still farther
upstream than the other boys and could see them in ankle deep water
where Brendan stood grinning and telling them where to wash.

"Where are you from?" I asked him, as our naked bodies stood
shivering on the river bank.

He shrugged. "All over I guess," he said softly. "I used to
live in Miller's Crossing."

"Is that in the Southlands?" I asked.

"Where's that?"

I shrugged. "South I suppose," I said.

Lance giggled. It was a light giggle and I turned in time to
see the beauty of his cute face broken into a smile. He had straight
white teeth and light red lips. Despite my youth, I was absolutely
infatuated by him. He blushed and looked down, long, dark eyelashes
covering his baby blue eyes. He didn't seem to connect the fact that
I didn't know where Miller's Crossing was with the fact that I didn't
know where Kovzland was.

"I don't know where the Southland is," he smiled.

I looked down at his small penis again. I could see now that
the boy did have some very small, silver hairs just at the base of his
smooth penis but they were very fine and hard to see even close up.

"Why is your penis cut?" I blushed, hoping the boy could tell
me what I couldn't tell myself.

"Your's is cut, too," he said softly but defensively. I
looked up at his face and saw that he was blushing horrendously, his
smooth, beardless cheeks as red as a rose. I was so embarrassed by
his embarrassment that we both stood there not looking at each other,
my face hot.

"Hey, Kely," Brendan called to me. "You and your friend come
down here."

I felt a rush of delight that he had called Lance my friend.
"Come on," I said, walking beside the slender youth to the rest of the
boys. They all stood naked and shiny clean around Brendan, who
grinned boyishly at their bashful shyness. Several were even
concealing their little penises in their hands. He turned and watched
us strolling up and I could see his eyes widen briefly when he looked
at Lance's circumcised penis. He looked confused a moment, but
quickly controlled his surprise.

"Get over here with the rest of the boys you two," he grinned.
We were both looking down shyly, but I stole a glance around at the
other boys. They were all uncircumcised and only one of them had
peach fuzz around his little penis like Lance did. I felt exhilarated
to be around so many naked little boys, but my penis didn't stiffen.

"Okay," Brendan said to all of us. "My name is Colonel
Brendan Sanders. I'm with the Kovz Army. We rescued you boys from the
Holy Warriors and we're not going to hurt you."

"They said that boy had The Sores," the skinny little boy with
peach fuzz blushed over at me.

"That was just a lie so they would let you go," Brendan said.
I didn't know what The Sores were but felt relieved that I didn't have

"What are you going to do with us?" a very little, blond
haired child asked, his small hands trying to conceal a hairless
little boyhood.

"Well, that'll be up to the General to decide, but I promise
you we won't hurt you or let anyone else hurt you."

"Where's my brother?" one of the bigger boys asked.

"He's up in the wagon. He's been hurt but we think he'll be
okay when we get him to a healer."

"Where are we going?" the boy with peach fuzz asked.

"First to Raykov, then on to Labar." Brendan waited for any
other questions, but the boys fell silent. "Okay, now you must listen
to me very carefully. Those bad men who had you may come back again.
You must do exactly what we tell you to, or they may hurt you again.
Does everybody understand?" He made all the boys say that they
understood then motioned for us to follow him back to the wagons.

"Are we going to be soldiers?" one of the littlest boys asked
Brendan, walking close beside the older boy.

"Where you're going, Kid, you can be anything you want to be,"
Brendan smiled down at him, his big hand gently stroking between the
child's little shoulder blades.

I walked with the other naked boys, standing close beside
Lance. None of the boys said a word to me or to each other.

Eric and the rest of my friends had managed to transform the
wagons a great deal. Our original wagon had been stripped of almost
everything left on it and the caged one had been completely altered.
Not only were the bars now painted white, but the interior had been
cleaned out and all our silk pillows were stacked up on the floor and
around the bars, making for a very comfortable bed. The little boy
who had fallen out the back had been washed clean and lay naked on the
pillows close to the front. His young brother rushed up to make sure
he was okay, but the little boy was unconscious. His brother didn't
leave him and cried softly as he held the smaller boy's hand.

Erin and Jonathan watched our naked group of children as we
walked up to the wagon and looked in. They were smiling at us and I
felt even more embarrassed knowing what they were thinking about.
Being with the boys made me feel innocent again. I was ashamed of the
things I had been doing. Both my old friends looked startled and
pointed at Lance when they saw his circumcised penis. I coyly
positioned my naked body between them and my new friend.

We didn't have enough clothes for the boys, and the older boys
agreeed that it would look better for our disguise if they were naked.
Eric gave me the choice of wearing my pants and riding with him, or
riding in the back with the boys. Blushing crimson, I elected to ride
with the boys. Our young bodies crawled into the now comfortable cage
and I stealthily managed to end up sitting right beside Lance. He
smiled and blushed at me as I sat down beside him, both of us naked.

John gave us two decks of cards, some dice and some other
toys, then closed the gate; there would be no lock this time. The old
cover to our wagon was draped over the new cage, though it was only
big enough to conceal the sides and left the front and back open.
Still, it gave us some sense of privacy and the boys started smiling
as the wagon set off on its way, all busy playing games with happier
spirits. They had given us plenty of food, which the young, growing
boys quickly devoured. Still, all was good in the back of the wagon,
and we had no idea how frightened the people on the outside were.

Lance, me and the other boy who had peach fuzz sat playing
cards most of the time which allowed me the chance to fully see and
fall in love with his young penis. He sat on his little butt, his
legs scissored beneath him, his three inch penis dangling down on his
fleshy scrotum and boy sized testicles. The pretty head fascinated me
most and I would gaze at it every chance I got, small and a soft
purple color against the pale white flesh of his penis shaft and round
balls. The silver little peach fuzz was also adorable, beautiful in a
little circle around the slender base of his boy cock, surrounded with
soft, smooth, pale skin. His penis was so pretty that I began to
fantasize about sucking it while it was still limp, feeling the
rubbery young cock rolling on my tongue as my lips tugged it gently
from its little fur collar. Already feeling my breathing quicken, I
felt the now familiar stiffening between my legs and knew that my
hairless penis was standing out in stiff, throbbing erection.

I noticed the other two boys glancing at it nervously, but
they didn't say anything. They had both known how nice it felt when
their own penises got stiff and how embarrassing it was. We just sat
there and continued playing, Lance gazing at my rock hard little penis
every time he could pull his eyes away from his cards. Knowing that
the boys were looking at it excited me even more and I just sat there
with them and let it throb, looking so pink and straight and innocent
above my hairless little testicles and smooth thighs.

After a while, I was so horny that I couldn't concentrate on
the card game. Without thinking about it, I dropped a card on the
pile and my small hand absently slipped between my legs and started
fondling my stiff little cock. God, it was so hard and excited. It
felt like it would be filled with an orgasm if only I could rub it for
a little while. I gazed at Lance's young pubescent cock as my small
fingers gently grasped my slender shaft and very slowly started to rub
on it.

"What are you doing?!" Lance suddenly gasped when he looked up
and saw me masturbating my little penis.

I jerked my hand away from it as the other boys in the wagon
all slid over to look at me, my excited penis throbbing straight out
as the little boys saw it. Most of them started giggling at me, but a
few looked uncomfortable. I wanted to hide my hairless little
erection, but instead just sat there blushing with it sticking out its
little two inches with pink, boyish innocence and little pubescent
need. The purple head was shining like a mirror and the tiny slit
gaped open.

The smaller boys all went back to their games giggling and
making jokes about my penis. Lance and the other boy playing cards
with me threw theirs in and refused to play anymore. I sat there with
my stiff little boner and waited for it to get soft, too embarrassed
to even think about rubbing it and helping it feel better.




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Nine

That night, we repeated our earlier precautions and pulled far
off the road, finally setting up camp along the same river we'd been
following for several days. It was another chilly night in the
foothills and we still didn't have enough clothes or blankets for all
the naked boys. The older boys all gave their clothes down to their
underwear to the smaller boys and mine was used to keep the injured
boy warm. He still hadn't regained consciousness and Eric was hoping
to get to Raykov and find a healer as soon as possible.

This left me naked which I thought the other little boys would
realize was a sacrifice I was making for their good. They didn't seem
to care, however. My erection in the cage and my absent-minded desire
to relieve myself had made me the weird boy in the group and none of
them seemed to want to get too near me. The older boys were
sympathetic and supportive, of course, but I felt bad. Even Lance was
avoiding me. I knew he was looking at my penis a lot, but he didn't
talk to me for fear that the other boys would think he was my friend.
This hurt for I was falling more and more in love with him with every
passing minute. To make matters worse, hormones were messing with my
body and I couldn't think about anything but my penis. Despite all my
embarrassment, my penis got erect every couple of hours, only making
my image with the boys even more difficult.

It was a strange feeling for I was such a young boy. Puberty
was obviously in me, however. I needed to have sex and I was so
infatuated with Lance that I didn't even consider asking Erin to help
me. Inside, I was wishing that he would notice, but he didn't. After
two weeks of exploring my sexuality with Eric and the boys of Tarsec
Village, I couldn't help my erections. I wanted to play with boys
something fierce and I couldn't just turn it off.

The older boys built a big fire that night, confident that we
were out of the reach of Tarsec now and that the heat was needed more
than the protection. If it weren't for the injured boy, they likely
would have had a party. As it was, Brendan took care of the boy while
we sat around the bonfire listening to the little boys who wanted to
talk tell their stories of capture and sale. Lance was one of the two
who were too shy to talk.

When the boys started to get sleepy, John ushered them up to
the wagon and they crawled in on the soft pillows. I was eager to be
left alone with the older boys and suddenly realized that they could
give me as much relief as Lance could, even more. So I stayed behind.
John told the boys to sleep close together and their bodies, still
mostly naked, lay in a huddled mass. When they started to doze off,
he left them alone and returned to the group.

"They're really cute," he said in that soft-spoken voice of

The other boys nodded agreeably. "You're being awful quiet
tonight, Kely," Eric said, smiling at me lovingly. I just shrugged.
"Is it because of that boy?" he asked, surprising me that he'd noticed
and making me look up revealing myself.

"Why don't you play with him, Kely?" Erin asked. He was
grinning at me but his eyes told me he was sympathetic. I just

"It isn't easy, is it?" Eric smiled. I shook my head.
"Puberty can be real difficult, Kely, but you'll get through it: you
always do. Sometimes you just need some friends to help you when you
really need them." He said this with a sidelong glance at Erin and
Jonathan, and the two boys smiled. I could see them getting up and
coming over to me out the corner of my eye.

When they reached me, I looked up and their hands reached
beneath my underarms and lifted me to my feet. They were both
stripped to their underpants and Erin pulled my naked skinny body
against his skinny chest and hugged me. I could feel Jonathan
reaching between our legs and rubbing our limp penises against each
other, my bare penis head rubbing against the bulge in Erin's
underwear. The boy moaned and I could feel both of our young cocks
stiffening frantically in erections.

"You want to come to the wagon?" Erin asked softly into my
ear. I nodded, gasping at the growing pleasure between my legs. I
didn't want to do anything but stand there and have an orgasm, but the
other boys were looking at us.

A loud explosion sounded just as Erin was letting me go and we
turned in shock in time to see Eric's adult body flying apart like the
guard at the border. I stared in confusion before it registered that
he had been blasted. I was ready to start screaming but before any of
his severed limbs could hit the ground, they slowly vanished. Before
anyone could react, there was nothing left of our leader. This
startled me so much that I stood in shock as John and Brendan jumped
up and drew their swords. I looked at the bonfire and could see the
black robed figure of an Old One standing square in the middle of it.
He was laughing and the horror of that sound filled me with hate and

"Kely, NO!" Erin screamed as I began walking toward the

The entire clearing was suddenly being lit from strange
sources and I realized that my necklace was shining like a miniature
sun. My ring too was a bright light and floating through the air near
me was my lamp, glowing brighter than anything else. The Old One was
staring at me in hatred but I stood there as if watching from a long
way away. Eric was dead.

The Old One lifted a hand high and made a gesture at me. A
huge ball of red light was launched toward me and it engulfed me, rays
of light striking all around me trying to get through the blue shield
that suddenly leapt into view around me. I stood there and an eerie
grin twisted my mouth.

"Evil cannot destroy good," I heard my childish voice saying.

"You're dead!" the Old One shouted, his face filled with
horror as he launched another ball of fire at me. This one too fought
uselessly against the barrier that protected me.

"No!" I shouted back against the loud sounds around me. "But
you are!" With a fluid motion, I grabbed my lamp from the air and
hurled it with all my boyish might at the bonfire. It struck the Old
One square in the chest and he screamed in horror. He began to
explode and as he did so, silence and darkness greeted all of us.

I stood there a moment. There was no light except for the
pale moon overhead. Not even the bonfire was burning. My shield was
gone as were the attacking balls of light. There wasn't the slightest
sound, a silence that thundered after the loud clash of power.

I turned and found Erin, Jonathan, Brendan and John staring at
me in awe and confusion. I felt myself smiling to them, feeling a
strange and incongruous rush of joy filling me. "The Elven Wood," my
soprano voice said. Suddenly darkness overwhelmed me and I lost

* * *

I was tired and weak. I was thirsty and hungry. I wanted to

"I think he's coming around," I heard a young boy's voice

I felt a hand against my chest, felt it rubbing my little
body. "Kely?" the boy asked. "Kely, are you okay?"

I opened my eyes and Erin was sitting next to me, his face
filled with worry and sleeplessness. I managed to nod to him and
quickly felt a canteen pressed to my lips. I drank from it then fell
back on the pillow.

"Is he okay?" an older boy's voice asked.

"Get Chris," Erin told him and he was quickly gone. Erin's
smooth hand rubbed down my face and the adorable boy looked deep into
my eyes. "You've been asleep for four days," he said.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"We'll bring you something."

He motioned to another boy then turned back to me. "I'm so
tired," I said weakly.

"You can sleep," he said. "We're at the Kovz house in Raykov.
Everything's okay."

"Where's Eric?" I asked, but started to cry. I knew he was

"Just worry about yourself right now, Kelvin. Everything will
be alright."

I was still crying when an older boy quickly entered and came
up to the bed. He looked down at me. He was trying to smile but his
face was filled with worry. He was extremely cute, with blond hair
and blue eyes. He looked muscular beneath a loose-fitting tunic.
"How are you, Kely?" he asked.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to sit up.

The older boy held me down. "No stay put for awhile. My
name's Chris Anderson. I'm General of the First Kovz Army. You're
safe here."

"Eric's dead," I cried.

"Sleep, Guardian," another boy's voice said, and I did.

* * *

I awoke again the next morning. Erin sat slumped down in a
chair fast asleep. I still felt terribly hungry, but otherwise felt
like my same old self. "Erin!" I said, instantly waking the young boy.
"Have you been here the whole time.

Erin blushed and nodded. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, but I'm hungry."

"Stay there, we'll bring it to you."

"That'll take forever. Show me where it is."

He grinned, happy to see me feeling so much better. I pushed
the blankets back and saw that I was naked. Erin gave me a robe and I
put it on. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around. The room was
every bit as nice as the one I'd had at the Thorne's, everything clean
and fresh and ornate.

"It's a secret house in Raykov for Kovz Boys to hide," Erin
explained walking me out the door. "There's even an old couple who
live in the front. From the outside this looks like a broken down
tenement building."

It sure didn't look like one on the inside. Erin led me down
a hall and down some stairs into a large sitting room. There were a
dozen boys hanging around and I recognized all of the boys from the
slave wagon, including the one who'd been hurt. They were all playing
games but looked up at me in awe when they saw me. Lance was sitting
in a chair reading a book and his blue eyes stared at me. I fell in
love with him all over again and was tempted to forget about food and
make love to him. I was far too hungry though and I left him there
and followed Erin into a dining room. A grown man was cleaning up
from what appeared to be breakfast and he smiled happily at me.

"So good to see you out of bed," he smiled ironically.

"Thank-you," I said, uncomfortable with the feeling that he
knew who I was.

"This is Charles. He's the Keeper of Raykov."

"My name's Kelvin," I introduced myself.

"Yes, Kely, I know you. Please don't be concerned. Next time
we meet, I shall be the child stumbling along again."

We left him and went into the kitchen where there was still a
lot of food left over from the other boys' meal. Erin and I threw a
great deal of this on a plate and I ate ravenously as Erin described
the rather mundane events of the last three days journey to Raykov.
It seemed that most of the other boys were in meetings all the time,
and that there were a lot of boys we didn't know who were staying at
the Keep just then. The Keep itself was large and filled with fun
things to do. There were only a few single rooms and most of the boys
slept in a large dormitory. But there was a swimming pool on the
roof, they had video games and ping pong tables and lots of other

All this I learned from my young friend as I wolfed down the
food, washing it down with glass after glass of milk. Soon, my belly
was swelling and I was totally sated. I forced down another two bites
then stood up feeling like I always had, although temporarily more
full than normal. He walked back to the room with me and excused
himself when I said I had to take a shower.

Although I still felt sad about Eric's death, something inside
me told me that he wasn't really dead and I only felt sad when I
thought about it: people can't be killed and then not be dead.
Whatever my heart told me, even my boyish brain knew that. Still, I
felt happy as I stripped out of my robe and climbed into the shower
attached to my room. The water was hot and felt good against my bare
skin. I soaped down smiling, delighted by my hairless body, and even
more delighted when I felt my erection stiffening and making my penis
stand out hard and straight. I giggled as I rubbed soap all over it
and fondled my small testicles. It felt so good. I was so tempted to
masturbate it, but then I remembered Lance. He was such a beautiful
young boy and I wanted him so much.

I fought to avoid touching my erection for fear that I would
lose control and rub it if I touched it anymore. Finally, I rinsed
off and dried myself with a towel. I found clothes in the drawers and
selected a pair of silk gym shorts. These apparently were supposed to
be worn with underwear for, though they were black, the outline of my
penis could be seen when I was turned properly to the light. Not only
that, but anyone looking up my legs would be able to see my hairless
boyhood without difficulty. The silk was so thin that even my small
erection could be seen pulsing against the front of it. It tickled
and I fought down another surging desire to rub it.

To go with the shorts, I put on a baggy white, silk tank top
through which my soft, boyish chest was easily seen. I had noticed
that all of the Keep was carpeted so I didn't bother with shoes and
happily left in search of Lance. It was my bad luck, however, that
Brendan came looking for me before I could even reach the stairs.

"Kelvin," he smiled down at my scantily clad little body.
"You look great. Come on. We're having a meeting." He turned and
didn't wait for my answer and I sighed, knowing it wouldn't be right
for me to skip. The thought of loving Lance kept my penis hard as I
sadly followed him down the hall.

I don't know why he'd bothered dragging me along. I didn't
understand a thing they said and they didn't ask me any questions so I
just sat there at the table, my legs too short to reach the floor and
little more than my head appearing above the tabletop. Unlike most of
the rest of the furniture in the Keep, this was plainly not designed
for eleven year old boys. I just sat swinging my legs and thinking
abut how pretty Lance was.

As soon as the meeting was over, I was on the prowl again. It
was lunchtime and all the boys were seated around the big dining room
table eating sandwiches and talking boy talk. I almost giggled when I
saw the empty chair next to Lance and eagerly went and sat down next
to him. He was wearing black silk shorts exactly like mine (though I
could tell the boy had a pair of silk panties on beneath them) and I
could see his pale, smooth, skinny legs down below them. He was also
wearing a silk shirt, but it wasn't a tank top. It was a long short
sleeve shirt that buttoned all the way down the front. His tiny
nipples made little pinpricks at the loose fabric and I could make out
every hard curve of his small body down to the ripples of his rib
cage. I was in love with him something fierce. Both my erection and
my display with the Old One seemed to be forgotten by the boys and I
was quickly engaged in their boyish chatter. Mostly they were talking
about the video games which I hadn't seen yet and didn't have anything
to say about them. After a while, however, they started talking about
what to do after lunch. All of the boys seemed to want to go swimming
and I overheard Lance asking the oldest of the boys (about thirteen)
if he wanted to play ping pong. His voice was so soft and quiet, as
if he was afraid of being heard.

When the boy said he was going to go swimming I quickly chimed
in that I'd like to play ping pong. Lance's pretty face blushed but
he nodded and went back to eating. He didn't say another word to me
or any of the other boys. He was so shy. When lunch was over, we
walked to the game room and started to play ping pong. I wasn't very
good but neither was Lance. We played for about an hour when our poor
skill finally made us bored of it. He had remained fairly quiet and
so had I, but as the game progressed we started to smile at each other
more and by the end he was even announcing the score in an audible

After ping pong, we played a game of cards with two other
boys. We were partners and Lance was delighted when we won. I don't
know how we did it since I didn't even know how I knew how to play and
didn't play very well. Plainly the two smaller boys were even worse
than we were. Lance was happy, however, and he talked to me more and
more after that, though his soprano voice remained soft and bashful.
We walked through the building and even went to the swimming pool. It
was on the roof and a half dozen little boys were swimming in it. They
were wearing swimsuits but I liked looking at their small boy chests.
Lance was filled with questions and I still had difficulty answering
them, but I tried, telling him everywhere I had been in my short
memory. I left out all the details about sex, but that's about all.

Finally it was dinnertime and we sat beside each other talking
in quiet voices only he and I could hear. None of the older boys had
been around all afternoon and I was glad they hadn't asked me to come
to another stupid old meeting. I didn't even pay attention at the
last one. They were bigger than me: they could make decisions. I
was just a little boy. What did I know?

"You want to play checkers?" Lance asked me when dinner was

"Yeah," I said. I walked with him, both of us still chatting
boyishly, and went back to his room. I was saddened to see he was
sharing a big room with ten other boys. "I have my own room," I said.
"We could go play there."

"You have your own room?"

I nodded.


I shrugged, but he was eager to get away from the other boys
and we went to my room where I closed the door. It was getting dark
out, so I turned on the bright, overhead lights.

"Wow!" Lance's high-pitched voice said when he saw the room.
"What do you do with all this stuff?"

I just shrugged again. I took the checkerboard down from a
shelf and we stretched out on the floor, our skinny, hairless legs
stretched out at opposite sides of the board. The carpet was soft and
felt nice against our bare skin. We started to play checkers and for
the next hour we were engaged in nothing but boyish play.

I suddenly realized that it was getting close to bedtime and
that thought immediately reminded me of my penis. I had gotten so
used to just being Lance's friend I had all but forgotten about sex
with him but the memory came rushing back into me and I suddenly had
trouble concentrating on the checker game. Eric had gotten me used to
having sex before going to sleep and I was really getting horny as
bedtime approached.

I looked up at Lance's pretty face, his silky blond hair, his
long black eyelashes and thin dark eyebrows. He looked very young
now, his narrow face smooth, pink and boyish. Remembering how silky
my shorts were, I swallowed as I turned my legs and spread them apart.
I could feel a slight breeze blow against my hairless testicles and
knew the boy could see it if he looked. I pretended to be making a
move and soon felt his eyes drifting down between my legs. His
breathing stopped and his body became very still and I knew he could
see it. Just thinking about him looking at my penis made me so excited
that I got an instant erection and I felt it throbbing out against my
silk shorts. This suddenly embarrassed me and I looked down and could
see the hard little meat pulsing out, lifting part of my leg hole and
making a casual revelation into a bold display of prepubescent

I was even more embarrassed when I looked up and my eyes met
Lance's. I was afraid the boy was going to laugh at me, but he just
smiled, blushed and looked away, allowing me to adjust my little
erection so it wasn't so obvious. I could tell he was getting horny
because his next move was really bad. I jumped three pieces and
giggled at him. He smiled and blushed. He sat up and looked closely
at the board.

I looked down and knew why he had sat up: he was trying to
conceal his own efforts to straighten the boner between his smooth,
hairless thighs. The slender, three and a half inch bulge was so easy
to see as his legs spread, pulling the silk so tightly across it I
could even make out the hard ridge of his circumcised penis head. If
the shy boy knew how easy it was to see his erection, he gave no sign
of it. I swallowed in love for him as my eyes gazed up the skinny
contours of his abdomen and small chest, the little mounds of muscle
causing the silk shirt to partially drape across his rib cage. At the
top, I could just see his baby soft skin as it disappeared beneath the
top button. Slowly I looked back down at the bulge of his penis,
wanting to cry in aching desire for him.

His skinny arm reached out and moved a piece and his blue eyes
looked at me. I blushed when I realized he'd caught me looking at the
bulge of his erection, but again, he just blushed and looked back down
at the board. His adorable, shy innocence was filling me with passion
and my penis felt like it would explode with erection. I wanted to
strip and show it to him but I was afraid he'd be scared or he'd
laugh. So I just laid there and felt my breathing getting heavier and
more difficult.

I swallowed, reached out and jumped his last piece. I tried
to grin as I lay back on the floor, raising my arms high over head and
baring my small, hairless armpits. The silk tank top lay close to my
body and showed how skinny I was, even my little rib cage rippling
along it. I managed to giggle and straightened my thin legs which
allowed the silk shorts to fall loosely about my erection until it was
easy to see as it pulsed up and down.

"You won," Lance giggled. His face was as bright red as mine
and the bulge in his shorts was still stiff. "Don't laugh," he said
when I giggled. His face looked so cute: filled with blush and boyish
smile. I wasn't ready at all when he suddenly launched out for me.
For a brief moment, I thought he was trying to make love to me, but
the boy kept letting me slip free and it was clear that he wanted to

The feel of his soft, boyish chest rubbing over mine was
unbelievable through our silk shirts and my hands automatically moved
to feel his hard body through it. I could feel his ribs rippling and
his little chest flexing as the boy half-heartedly tried to pin my
arms back over my head. As we moved, I could feel both of us
tentatively rubbing our erections against each other briefly, only to
pull them back in embarrassment. The silk was so forgiving it felt
almost like we were bare except that our bodies rubbed together more
easily than skin could. It was almost like we were slimy, so
difficult was it to feel friction between us as we struggled, our hard
skinny bodies just slipping around together. I managed to free one of
my wrists and for a moment held it out so the pretty boy could pin it
back again, but when he didn't I grabbed his skinny arm and pushed.

I giggled and squirreled out from under him. I quickly
grabbed around his skinny ribs, feeling his silk shirt rub across the
baby soft skin beneath. He giggled and I twirled him onto the carpet,
his tummy against the floor, the pretty boy's face laughing as my
fingers dug into his ribs. Reflexively, he pulled his elbows in
beneath his chest to keep from getting rolled over and I found my
eager, excited body crawling up on his back. I was panting more from
horniness than exertion as I half slipped, half crawled up on his thin
back. I gasped as I suddenly felt my rock hard penis rubbing along
the crack of his butt. Our silk shorts were so thin that it was easy
to feel and I felt a quick bolt of pleasure race through my penis.
Lance seemed to feel it too, for he lay there for a long time
giggling, his face red from both wrestling and embarrassment, feeling
my stiff cock against his small butt.

His thin shoulders felt warm through our silk shirts and I lay
my little chest down on them. Our bodies were so slippery it was a
wonder I didn't slide off him as I felt his small chest swelling
slowly as he breathed. He was still giggling and this excited me,
making me think he liked the feel of my penis against him. I let out
a startled cry as I pressed my little erection harder between his
cheeks, pleasure filling it and making me smile and blush. I did it
again and again. Lance slowly stopped giggling as he realized I was
humping him and not wrestling. He lay still for a moment, feeling the
hard strokes of my stiff little boyhood, then suddenly giggled again,
rolling to the side and causing me to slide off onto the carpet.

I lay on my back as the grinning boy quickly climbed on all
fours, and held my hands up to keep him from jumping onto my little
body. A trail of saliva dripped from his blushing face and the boy
wiped it off. He stood there on his hands and knees panting, me
grinning at him and gasping. Slowly his eyes looked down at my shorts
and saw the little bulge poking out at them. He looked back up at me,
still grinning and blushing and I looked down between his boyish legs.
Like me, his erection was poking clearly out against his silk shorts
and it was throbbing just as excitedly. I could even see his small
testicles pressed beneath the soft fabric through his panties.

Lance didn't let me look at his stiff cock long though, for no
sooner had I looked down then the boy took a big chestful of air and
flew on top of me. He lifted his smooth leg up between our bodies to
keep our penises from rubbing together and tried to sit down on top of
me but my skinny arms held to his rib cage and kept him from doing it.
I grinned and tightened my fingers on his skinny body and the boy
instantly shot straight out, giggling hysterically, rolling his body
away on the carpet to get away from my ticklish fingers. This gave me
time to whirl up on my hands and knees and we squared off, both
grinning, both red-faced, both excited.

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I jumped to my feet and started toward the bed, Lance's big
hand grabbing my ankle but not able to keep me from flying to the
mattress. I whirled around on all fours again, backing up on the soft
bed to give him room. He stood panting, his small chest swelling
beneath his silk shirt. He walked over to the bed grinning and
blushing. I watched, prepared for anything, as his big hand reached
up and rubbed across his pretty face as if he were too tired to
continue. Suddenly, he jerked his hand down and flew at me again.
His small knees bounced on the bed as he flung himself forward, but I
was ready and reared up, pushing his skinny body off to the side and
causing him to fall back on the bed. Quickly, I scurried up on top of
him, making no effort to put my leg between his body and mine. I
could feel his warm, rock hard little penis rub across my belly
through the silk, saw the startled, excited look in the boy's pretty
face. He was still grinning as he reached to stop me, his big hands
knotting into the straps of my tank top causing the light silk to
slide all the way up to my tiny nipples. I lay down against him,
feeling the warmth of his body through his shirt against my bare belly
and ribs.

He was gritting his teeth as he grinned and I felt him trying
to get his erection out from beneath my belly, but I just lay there on
top of it, blushing as I smiled into his pretty face. He still held
the straps of my tank top and I giggled as I suddenly lifted my arms
and slid my skinny body out of it. I stood up on my knees as my chest
was bared, my blond hair falling down into my eyes. Lance looked
stunned as he held the skimpy silk tank top in his hand and I didn't
give him time to respond, just quickly laid back down between his
thighs, the bulge of his erection now rubbing against my bare belly.

Lance looked confused about this new situation, but after a
second he grinned and started trying to get me off him again. I could
feel his skinny, hairless arms trying to push me off to the side, the
boy apparently too shy to actually touch my bare skin directly with
his hands. I could feel his erection pressed against my belly as he
moved and it was feeling harder every second. I could tell he would
soon be able to work me into an awkward position and dethrone me from
the sacred hardness between his legs so I grabbed his skinny wrists
and pushed them up above his head, my body lifting above him until I
was able to straddle his hips, giggling as I sat my butt down directly
on his bulge.

Lance didn't react to this other than to try and free his
arms, his skinny body squirming beneath me. I could now feel his
erection throbbing along the crack of my butt, pulsing directly
against my tight butthole through his silk shorts and panties and
rubbing there gently as he struggled. Still, Lance didn't seem to
mind. After a moment of useless struggling, he fell still and I sat
on his throbbing cock. The grin on his face faded into a boyish smile
and his blue eyes looked down my chest at where my erection poked at
my shorts, down to where his slender belly disappeared beneath my
legs. His face was bright red but he still smiled, his erection
pulsing against my butt and feeling very good there. I loved the feel
of it so much that I gently lifted my weight and sat back down on it,
feeling it slip deeper into the crack. This was apparently too much
for Lance for the young boy seized my distraction to suddenly tear his
wrists from my hands and shove my skinny body backward.

I couldn't stop from falling, but as my arms flew upward, I
reached out and my hands caught hold of the tail of his shirt. The
buttons all along it popped off and the shirt was ripped clear open
down the front. I only caught sight of his small, pale chest for a
split second before I had fallen back on the bed. When I looked up,
the pretty boy was trying to hold it shut, his eyes looking suddenly

"You ripped it," he said in a small, scared voice.

"It doesn't matter," I said, still laying on my back, my legs
spread, bent at the knees so that my feet were flat.

"I'll get a beating," he said, almost ready to cry.

"No you won't," I grinned sitting up beside him. "We have
lots of them. They don't care."

"Really?" he asked, his high-pitched voice still shy and

"Yeah," I assured him.

"Good!" he grinned. He let go of the shirt and the ends fell
open as his skinny arm wrapped around my neck and pulled me into a
head lock. It kind of hurt, but I didn't care. Quickly I braced my
feet against the floor and shoved back on him, making him lay back on
the bed. From there, I did a backward somersault, his hold slipping
until I emerged on all fours grinning at him, my yellow hair a messed
up mop, my face grinning.

Lance giggled and quickly got up on all fours facing me. The
front of his shirt fell open beneath his skinny body and I could just
see his small chest beneath his neck. We both giggled as we reared
back, Lance's big hands taking hold of my skinny biceps and mine
grabbing his. Our blushing faces both looked down at our small bare
bodies, watching our ribs ripple and little chests flex as we moved.
Our skin looked so smooth and clear, as soft as baby flesh. Lance
shoved me off to the side and I fell perpendicular to him, his body
falling forward on me. I felt his firm belly rub against my side as
he tried to get back up, felt the ends of his silk shirt caress my
naked skin. His big hand grabbed my little shoulder and shoved back
on it, pinning me against the bed and his beautiful, skinny boy chest
lay forward on mine. The only thing more wonderful than the sight of
Lance's chest was the feel of it, so small and hard, as it rubbed
against mine, the little pubescent boy holding me pinned against the

I lay there gasping and Lance grinned at my face. He looked
happy. My hands reached up around his leg and I took hold of his
shirt tail. Gently, I pulled on it and saw the silk slip from the
boy's small shoulders. His smile faltered as he saw this, but he
didn't stop me as I tugged harder on it. Soon, both his thin
shoulders were bare and the shirt became lodged around his biceps. He
looked hesitant about baring his small body, but I felt him sit up
enough to pull the shirt all the way off his arms. I didn't even try
to attack him as I gazed at his pretty boy chest. His nipples were so
small and pretty on the pale smoothness of his skin. His arms looked
thin and hairless running down from his small, round shoulders and I
swallowed nervously as I looked at his smooth flesh. There was no
hair under his boyish arms and the boy's rib cage rippled along his
abdomen not breaking the perfection of his pale skin.

He sat up on the bed and looked bashfully at me as my eyes
gazed at his naked chest. His lips smiled shyly beneath his bright
blue eyes and tousled blond hair as he bashfully let me gaze at his
bare body. He was surprisingly muscular for being so skinny and his
chest swelled in small, hard mounds beneath his nipples. I sat up and
could see across his boyish shoulders, so small and slender,
unbroadened by puberty. The blades were easy to make out and small
muscles bulged slightly along them beneath his baby soft skin.

Lance let out a scream as I grabbed his thin shoulders and
pulled him back on the bed, giggling frantically again as I pressed my
little chest onto his. He didn't stop me from rubbing our boyish
chests together, but one of his hands grabbed my ankle and held me
back from mounting his skinny body, from pressing our still raging
erections together. I just giggled and tried to free the restricted
leg as my hand held to his shoulder and worshipped the soft perfection
of his skin. I reached down with my other hand and wrapped it around
his wrist. My little chest bulged with tiny muscles as I pulled on
his skinny arm. Soon, I felt his fingers losing their grip and as
soon as his hand popped free, I frantically scurried up on his body,
my face filled with prepubescent pleasure as I felt our erections
rubbing, felt our skinny hips one on top of the other, his stiff penis
and mine with nothing but our silk shorts separating them from the
love they needed.

Lance giggled as his hands tried to pull me off him, but I
managed to grab his wrists, shoving them high over his head and
pinning them backward. I grinned as I looked down, my eyes gazing at
the soft, pale skin that covered his collarbones, across his small
shoulders to the smooth, white skin that covered his boyish underarms.
The cute boy kept grinning for a long time as he struggled to get free
but all his struggling did was make our bodies and erections rub
gently against each other. This steady, gentle pressure against his
penis soon began to scare him and I watched his grin slowly falter,
watched his smile fade into confused, nervous boyish fear.

"I don't want to play anymore," the boy's high-pitched voice
said softly.

"You're just lying again," I said, pushing harder against his
outstretched arms, pressing my erection between his legs and my nose
into the sweet boyish smell of his hairless armpit.

"Get off, Kelvin!" he ordered, still fairly quietly but with a
firm, definite meaning.

I swallowed, astonished that the boy had let it go this far
only to let virgin fears prevent it. Slowly, I released his arms and
slid my chest off of his, instantly missing the warm hardness of his
cock against mine. When I was completely free of him, the boy crawled
to the edge of the bed and sat down. I looked at his thin shoulders
and the back of his blond head and could tell the boy was looking down
at the throbbing erection in his silk shorts. Feeling rejected and
embarrassed, I crawled up near the headboard and sat down on the
pillows. We sat that way for a long while, neither of our penises
softening in the slightest.

"Lance," my high pitched, squeaky voice finally said. "Do you
want to see my penis?" The boy swallowed, but didn't say anything nor
did he turn around. Terrified of really being rejected, I reached
down and pulled the front of my silk shorts down. My penis looked
fantastically hard, the bright purple head swollen its full, boyish
size, the pale shaft shining red from hardness and friction. "Look,"
I said to the boy.

He sat there for a long moment without moving. "I pulled my
shorts down," I said. Slowly, almost without conscious desire, the
boy's pretty face turned around. His baby blue eyes looked at my
penis, saw its stiff, two inch erection, then slowly turned back.
"You can touch it," I said, pulling the shorts lower until my little,
hairless testicles appeared.

Lance turned and looked again, swallowing nervously as he
looked at it for almost a full minute. The little hairless boyhood
just throbbed, loving the attention of his virgin adoration. "Come
on," I said. "Touch it." My voice was soft and pleading and the boy,
as sweet as he was horny and curious, slowly turned and crawled back
toward me. His eyes never left my stiff boyhood until he was finally
laying down next to me. Once there, he ran them slowly up my skinny,
hairless body and blushed up at my face.

"I want you to touch it," I assured him. The boy's hormones
and curiosity were too much for his sweet mind to resist and I started
panting as I watched his big, tender hand reaching for my penis. He
felt along it so gently that I cried softly with pleasure, amazed by
the tenderness of his fingers as they felt along my pulsing two inch
erection, stroked the hairless skin between my legs, gently felt
around my little boy testicles.

"It's little," he said and I cried excitedly as I felt him lay
his warm palm on top of it. The excitement in my cries seemed to
astonish the boy and he looked up at me again and sensed the pleasure
behind my wide blue eyes.

My skinny thighs knocked his hand away from my penis as I
raised my legs and pulled the shorts all the way down. Once they were
around my ankles, my boyish feet maneuver them down further and I
kicked them aside and lay down straight and boyish in front of Lance,
naked and hairless, excited and embarrassed. I looked at him
expectantly and the boy swallowed as he looked at my little erection
again. Slowly his hand moved between my legs again and felt along the
little, circumcised boyhood. I let the curious boy feel me out until
the pleasure was simply too unbearable, my boyhood needing an orgasm
worse than it ever had before.

Lance's skinny little body jerked and pulled away when I
suddenly reached out and grabbed for his shorts. The boy's little
belly button looked so pretty, his skin so soft as my hand hung there,
his blue eyes staring in terror. "Let me see it," I begged softly,
still reaching for his shorts, his three and a half inch penis still
sticking out at them with boyish erection.

The boy looked ready to cry as his hormones forced him to
comply with my desires. He pulled his big hand away from his shorts
and rolled his hips closer until my hand could just reach them. My
fingers slipped down his silk shorts and felt his baby soft belly
shudder nervously. With restrained eagerness, I slowly pulled the
front of his shorts and panties down and Lance cried softly as the
smooth silk rubbed over his penis.

The young erection appeared looking as sweet and raw as mine.
The head was a bright, purplish-brown and shined like a mirror with
the intensity of his pubescent erection, the tiny slit pressured open.
The shaft was slender and smooth, nothing but a single, tiny blue vein
running along the top of his otherwise white skin. The vein bulged
out as it pumped blood into his already engorged, boyish erection,
causing the young thing to throb rhythmically with his rapidly
pounding heartbeat. We both stared at the pretty thing, Lance crying
softly as his erection was bared for the first time, its innocent
beauty and excitement shared with another boy.

I struggled to pull his shorts and panties lower and cried
myself when his soft, downy peach fuzz appeared. The hairs were so
little, all straight and silver showing their innocence against his
pink boy skin. His testicles were still boy-sized and hung in a
scrotum whose skin hadn't yet become as fleshy as a young man's. It
was still thick and lovingly held his precious balls in their soft,
hairless skin. Eager to get the boy naked, I sat up and started
pulling his shorts and panties down. His big hands tried to stop me
briefly, but I persisted and the sweet boy could only lay back on the
bed and let me peel the silk down his skinny, hairless legs and off
his big, pubescent feet.

I slowly put his shorts aside as my eyes gazed along his
slender, boyish body. He was so adorable, his skin so smooth and
hairless save for the little circle of silver fuzz just around his
small erection. His pretty face looked ready to cry as he lay
helplessly letting my eyes love his small body, his little chest, the
smooth skin around his belly button and tiny nipples. I wanted to
mount him and fuck like rabbits but knew that I would only scare the
frightened boy even more. Instead, I slowly crawled up beside him,
his skinny body stiffening as I pressed my chest, belly and erection
against his side.

His baby blue eyes looked at me in shame, but when I smiled
all my love at him, his shame seemed to ease. My small hand gently
rubbed back and forth across his little chest, soothing his fantastic
heartbeat, easing his boyish fears. Finally, he managed to smile
bashfully at me. I longed to suck his pretty penis, but the boy was
too innocent for that. I would have to let him experience his first
orgasm in a way he could handle.

"We can wrestle some more," I said.

"It feels weird," the boy's high pitched voice replied softly.

I grinned at him as my arm slipped around his neck and
tightened into a head lock. He started to fight for real, but soon
giggled and I knew he was ready for his best pleasure. I looked down
and saw how hard his penis was with its little boy fuzz and felt the
warm happiness of the boy's first time.

Soon, we were wrestling again, giggling and grinning, now
stark naked,now with bare erections sticking out from between our
skinny hairless legs with greater and greater anger, more frantic
throbbing. They wanted orgasms so badly. I managed to pin the boy on
his back again and knew my time had come. I panted as I crawled on
top of him and let out a long, astonished moan when our naked
erections finally rubbed directly against each other for the first

Lance seemed to sense what was happening to his body for he
didn't fight me once my penis was throbbing alongside his between our
soft bellies. He didn't even fight when I slowly pulled my hips back
and slid my penis against his erection; he just started to cry
softly, his blue eyes looking confused and frightened but the horny
boy needing orgasm too badly to stop me.

Soon, I lay my head down on his little shoulder, my little
butt moving up and down as I gently humped between his skinny legs.
We were both crying softly as the pleasure built in our young bodies.
Lance's big hands even reached up and held my little body on top of
him, felt across my thin shoulders, felt the slow, rhythmic movements
of my body on top of his. The look in his pretty face told how scared
he was, but he was so needing too and pubescent hormones told him
which would dominate. So he lay there, not fighting, not struggling,
allowing the last vestiges of his childhood to be slowly caressed from
his erection by the penis of another boy.

He couldn't help moaning as I felt the pleasure in him
building higher and higher, the poor boy whimpering in wonder,
startled into crying with a sudden rush of pleasure. As his very
first orgasm slowly built in his inexperienced boyhood, my first one
in several days built and the tense excitement of our soft bodies as
they rubbed together told me how good it felt for both of us.

"Ennngh," Lance's high pitched voice cried softly. I began
pulling my hips farther back, ran the two inches of my penis all along
the other boy's three and a half inch erection. My small hands held
to his little shoulders and held him lovingly as I tenderly stroked my
body up and down on him. His hard chest felt so good as it heaved
rhythmically for air, the boy's innocence amazed by the joy his penis
could give to him.

"Ennngh," the boy cried again. He was so sweet, so innocent,
so confused and excited by the pleasure in his erection. My legs were
laying alongside his and I felt his thighs ripple rhythmically as the
skinny young boy tried to press his stiff organ harder against me, his
native instincts instructing him in the pleasures he was too young to
know about. I responded by humping him faster and faster, by shoving
my hairless little penis harder against his young manhood.

"Ennnngh!" he cried out suddenly. I felt his small chest stop
breathing. Felt the soft, hairless body beneath me ripple with tense
little muscles and ribs. I could feel his orgasm washing all up and
down his young body and the thought of his pleasure instantly caused
mine to spill out the top, filled me with joy until I cried even
louder than the astonished boy beneath me. I couldn't rub against him
as orgasm raced along my throbbing penis. If my absorption in my own
joy wasn't enough, Lance's skinny arms were squeezing my skinny body
so tightly that I couldn't breathe. For a second, we lay there in
rock hard, fantastic tension, every muscle in our young bodies poised
for the ravaging pleasure of young pubescence. The second was past
and we both exploded, our skinny bodies jerking, shuddering, every
muscle contorting and propelling our boyish hips to jab our penises
into the other boy's smooth crotch and testicles until they both hurt
with the pleasure. We cried together as orgasm overwhelmed us with
excited, frantic exhiliration, our little bodies outside our control
as they humped and jerked against each other, loved each other,
worshipped the passion in each other.

Our penises flexed uselessly between our frenetic, naked
bodies but neither of us was mature enough for sperm or boy juice. We
felt the pleasure of ejaculation in the rhythmic contortion of our
penis muscles, though, and we cried for that intense pleasure. When
the young things were finally spent of their excitement, they released
the rest of our bodies and we collapsed in each other's arms, gasping,
dizzy, momentarily confused by what we had just done.

We were gasping so desperately that for a long while we
couldn't release each other and lay with our naked bodies pressed
together, crying softly, feeling the warm fulfillment in our boyhoods,
small chests rising and falling together as we tried to breathe.

We giggled no more that night, though we did smile lovingly at
each other. We scarcely spoke as we felt each other, explored each
other, came to know every precious inch of our young bodies with
loving fingers and curious minds. Long after our bedtimes, we drifted
off to sleep, still touching, still loving.

* * * *

I felt a shiver across my body and woke up very quickly. My
penis still felt the caresses of the naked boy beside me, but I caught
only the quick movement of his thin, pale arm jerking away from it.
He was rolling off the bed before I could even say good morning, and
was reaching down for his silk shorts. I was blushing to realize he'd
been fondling me in my sleep, and was too embarrassed to say anything
as the nervous boy stood up and quickly pulled the black silk shorts
up over his soft round butt. I interlaced my fingers behind my blond
hair and watched him as he quickly pulled his shirt over his arms. He
turned sideways a moment, just long enough for me to see the slender
length of his young erection sticking out at his silk shorts.

"I think it's time for breakfast," he said softly, turning to
face me as his trembling hands awkwardly tried to hold the front of
his silk shirt closed. His erect nipples made small points on his
chest through the shirt and I could see their pale darkness clearly.
I don't think Lance knew his erection was so easy to see for as soon
as he looked down and saw it he blushed and turned away again. Either
that or he was just embarrassed to see me still laying there naked
making no effort to conceal my limp, hairless little penis.

I didn't say anything at all about the night before, just sat
up on the edge of the bed and picked up my own silk shorts. We were
both too embarrassed to say anything though the silence seemed to make
us both more nervous.

"What are we going to do today?" he asked trying to fill it.
His high pitched voice sounded like a bird's song to me.

"I don't know," I shrugged, standing up and pulling the shorts
up my smooth legs.

"We could go swimming," he said.

I felt a subtle glow of delight that my young friend was
saying we still.

"Okay," I smiled, sitting down to put my sneakers back on. As
I was finishing, Lance turned back around, the bulge in his shorts now
limp though I could still see his penis move when he did, the small
head poking out against it. It was easy to see since the boy had
forgotten to put the panties back on beneath. His cheeks were rosy
making him look very cute.

Lance was as withdrawn as ever during breakfast, perhaps more
so. He didn't ignore me or anything like that but he seemed to be
shyer and more distant as if his thoughts were far away. We sat
beside each other but didn't talk, and our silence seemed to distance
the other boys for they didn't try to engage us in conversation.
Brendan said hello but I could see no sign that he might suspect what
Lance and I had done the previous night. Our activities seemed secret
enough, but Lance was obviously still very uncomfortable about it all.

Despite his earlier words, he seemed to avoid me the rest of
the day. The other pubescent boy we had rescued asked him if he wanted
to go swimming and Lance said he did without asking me if I wanted to
join them. I moped about until lunch time when Lance and his new
friend sat beside each other across from me, talking and laughing like
it was they who had been boy lovers the night before. I was very sad
about this but didn't let on.

That afternoon, John corralled me and asked if I wanted to go
to a meeting with the other Kovz Boys. Feeling very lonely at this
point, I accepted. The meeting was being held in the board room and I
was finally introduced to my magical brothers. Not that the room was
filled with Kovz Boys, but there were more here than were at the
meeting the previous day.

The main boy, of course, was Chris Anderson, the First General
of the Kovz Army. He was Brendan's superior officer and, as I'd
realized during my brief consciousness the previous day, he was very
cute. He was about sixteen and had a muscular body. There was
something boyish and young about it and I had already learned that he
was a very nice boy.

The most important of the boys I met turned out to be Captain
Curt Roberts who was also in the army, but he served under Brendan.
He was a tall, slender adolescent boy with blond hair and a handsome,
narrow face. He eyed me with no small amount of desire and I couldn't
help but look back. Like the other soldiers at the hideout, Curt wore
red, a red tank top and red shorts, and, like the other soldiers he
had a very hard, well defined chest the contours of which were easy to
see through his tank top. He had been out in the sun a lot for his
skin was a golden brown and his grinning, mischievous face was
sunburnt a cute red. The long legs below his shorts looked as smooth
as a little boy's might with short silver hairs on his calves.
Whenever he lifted his arms I could see soft, curly brown hairs on his
armpits, a notion that fascinated me more and more. The fifteen year
old boy was almost six feet tall and weighed about a hundred and forty
pounds. I was attracted to him if for no other reason than that he
showed a great deal of sexual interest in my little body and seemed to
take delight in touching me whenever he could.

"You can sit here by me, Kelvin," Curt said, holding the chair
out for me, his sexy eyes gazing down my silk clad body with more than
casual interest. I blushed at his obvious interest, but sat down
beside him anyway, the adolescent sliding the chair under the table as
soon as I was seated. I was too short to reach the floor, of course,
and I had to lift my arms to get them on the table which came up as
high as my neck. It didn't look so big for the other boys.

Brendan and John were also there, as was a young man named
Rick Stratton and another named David Ashfield. I had met them both
at the meeting the previous day. They were both older and both seemed
to think we'd met before. I didn't remember them in the slightest,
however, and just blushed when they talked about me.

"Okay," Chris opened the meeting. "Let's go over the final
preparation for tomorrow. We'll be splitting up into two groups,
three if you count Guardian David who will be staying here in Raykov.
I will command the first group. I'll be taking John, Erin, Jonathan,
Guardian Rick and the boys you guys rescued from the warriors. We'll
move directly toward Kovzland and begin re-establishing headquarters

I sat up at this, realizing that the rescued boys included
Lance. Were they going to take him to Kovzland without me? I was
about to ask, when Brendan suddenly sat forward.

"Uh, General," he said, his smooth cheeks flushing even as he
asked. "I think one of the boys from the rescue group should come
with us."

Chris tipped his head questioningly. "Which one?"

"Uh..." Brendan said bashfully. "I think his name's Lance."

"Jenkins?" Chris exclaimed, his eyes widening. "You don't
seriously want to take Jenkins to Labar."

Brendan looked confused for a minute then his cute face broke
into a huge grin. "Lance Jenkins," he said, covering his face.

"Didn't you know?" Rick asked, grinning.

"No," Brendan blushed. "The last time I saw him he was
seventeen. I forgot what he looked like when he was a boy."

"Well," Chris shrugged. "Obviously he can't go to Labar with

"Why can't he?" my childlike voice asked before Brendan had a
chance to say anything more. The older boys all grinned at me.

"Lance is a Satyr, Kely," Brendan smiled down at me.

"So?" I shrugged. "...What's a Satyr?"

"Never mind, Kelvin," David said.

"I think he should still come with us," Brendan put in.

"Come on, Brendan," Chris said. "You were in full agreement
with us yesterday."

"Yeah, but I didn't know it was Jenkins."

"A Satyr, Bren? You know what he's like. Once he learns
about sex," Chris sighed, "there'll be no stopping him. If he learns
to jack off before you get to Labar your whole mission will be in

"You're exaggerating," Curt said. "He can stay in the Keep.
I for one would be willing to take care of him."

"No way," Chris shook his head. "I'm not going to fight about
it anymore. He's going with us back to Kovzland where he'll be safe."
I fell back into my chair. Was Lance really going to be taken from
me? We'd just started to be lovers.

"The other group," Chris continued, "will be under the command
of Colonel Brendan Sanders. Brendan, you, Curt and Kelvin will
proceed to Labar to rescue Prince Tod."

"Just the two of us..." Brendan noted sarcastically.

"We've been over this already," Chris said exasperated.

"Oh, yeah, but you've got to let Kelvin have a boy," Brendan

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"If you don't," David added with a grin at me, "you have to
let him go back to Kovz City with us."

"I don't want to get into another fight with the Guardians..."
Chris said, trying to be threatening but he was so pretty his face
didn't look very mean. "Until the Royal Family is reformed, I give
the orders for them."

"Sounds like you're declaring yourself King," David said as an
aside but deliberately loud enough to be heard.

"I don't think you have any right to question my duty to the
throne," Chris countered.

"If you cared about His Majesty, you'd send Kelvin along in
case his help is needed," David said in the same, indirect,
confrontational tone.

"He's a child now," Chris said. "He's not of any use to you."

"Sure," David smiled as if Chris was being stupid. "That's
how he was able to destroy the Old One who killed Eric."

There was a tense silence. I didn't know what they were
talking about and even I felt it. They were talking about me going to
Kovzland or Labar, that much I knew. I was eager to see Kovzland, but
Eric had said that we were going to save Prince Tod and I thought I
should go there and do whatever I could. I didn't say anything,
however: I was just a boy.

"Do you want to take a No-Confidence Vote, Guardian?" Chris
asked, sending silence throughout the room.

David started to say something, but Rick touched his arm and
spoke in his place. "No, Chris," his deep voice said. "That's not
what we're trying to do. You have to understand that we are naturally
inclined to want to get Kelvin back and restore him to his full power.
King or no king, he was our leader long before Kovzland ever existed.
Now, we know he's a pretty boy, but we miss him. We miss his wit and
wisdom." Chris started to interrupt, but Rick raised his hand and
silenced the younger boy. "For that reason, we don't have a right to
object. Our interests are clear: we want Kelvin back. We want that
more than we care about the Royal Family. The Royal Family is your
leadership, not ours. Kelvin is ours. That's why David and I and all
the other Guardians, accept you orders just as we've accepted the
orders of the Royal Family for centuries. If we seem to argue against
you, it's not now and never will be a matter of us not caring about
you. Sometimes, though, we forget, and we think more about our
brothers than we do the Kovz Boys. That's why you're in charge, and
that's why..." he grabbed David's arm and squeezed it so tightly that
muscles rippled along his forearm, "...we're ready to do whatever it
is you tell us to do. That is The Law. Kelvin would have insisted on
nothing less."

I decided they were talking about a different Kelvin. I had
no idea what they were saying.

"Thanks, Rick," Chris smiled at the young man. David was
still ready to argue but after a quick glance at Rick, he fell silent.
Both young men looked at me as if expecting me to do something. I
just blushed and looked away.

"As agreed then," Chris said. "Brendan and Kelvin will go in
search of Tod. The rest of us will get back to Kovzland and join
Prince Ben. Are there any questions about that?" I started to say I
wanted Lance to come with us, too, but I felt Curt's hand on my arm
holding me quiet. I looked up at his cute face and he smiled across
the table to Brendan. I followed his eyes, and Brendan gave me a look
that told me to keep still. I sunk down into the chair and did as I
was told.

The meeting went on until lunchtime but I didn't understand
any more of what they were talking about than I had their brief fight
with David. They were talking about things like finding Eric (whom I
had thought was merely dead -- they kept talking about his death, but
that just made them think they had to find him), supplying Kovzland,
repopulating Kovzland, and what I had done to the Old One who had
killed Eric. I was confused the entire time and didn't say a word. I
tried to pay attention, but my young mind wandered. Mostly I thought
about Lance, wondering if he was playing with that other boy. But I
also tried to piece together what little I knew about my life. Try as
I might, however, I was still confused. All I knew was that I was a
boy and wanted to be loved.

"I think it's lunchtime," Chris said looking at his watch.
"We can continue this after we've eaten. We'll all meet back here at
two o'clock."

"Uh, General," Brendan interrupted their departure. "I think
Kelvin should be excused from any more meetings."

"That's not right, Brendan," Rick said firmly.

"I agree!" David said with indignation.

Brendan winked at them. "Uh, Kelvin," he said to me, "do you
want to come to the meeting this afternoon." I shrugged my shoulders,
knowing I hated the whole thought of it. "Just tell them the truth,
Kely," my young hero said. I shook my head, embarrassed at all the
eyes looking at me.

"Okay," Rick smiled. "I suppose David and I can adequately
represent the Council of Guardians this afternoon. We've been doing
most of it for the past year and a half anyway."

"You can go play then, Kely," Chris agreed with a loving

I was relieved by this and tried to scurry out the door ahead
of them, but immediately felt my skinny arm held back by Curt's strong
hand. The older boys filed out and I stood frightened that the big
boy was planning to rape me. I was so little and so weak; how could
he be so mean to me? When the door closed, however, it was Brendan's
voice that spoke and I turned to find the youth still standing on his
side of the table.

"Kely, what did you do with Lance?" he asked. I was so
embarrassed and surprised by his question that I just blushed and
looked away. I heard his smile and the smile on the tall boy who held
me. "Okay. Listen, Kely," my young adolescent friend said, "I'll try
to change Chris's mind about him going to Labar with us, but you have
to promise me not to let them find out that you guys are playing
together. Okay?"

"Why not?" I asked softly through my blush.

"He's a Satyr, Kely," Curt grinned.

"I don't even know what that is," I sighed.

"Kely," Brendan said, a loving hand on my shoulder, "a Satyr
is a kind of Kovz Boy who needs a lot of... attention. Do you

I shook my head and looked at him quizzically.

Brendan smiled at my innocence. "Look, Kely, you know what
you did with, Lance?" I smiled and blushed brighter, looking away in
embarrassment. "Well, Satyrs have to do that several times every day.
They're very rare and very special, but if Chris finds out you've
taught him about it, he'll never let him go to Labar. Okay?"

I shrugged and nodded.

"Kely's in love with a Satyr," Curt grinned. "That's

I glared at the older boy without knowing why save that I knew
he was making fun of me. Nonetheless, I was so happy that Brendan was
going to talk Chris into letting Lance stay with me that I smiled up
at him, any hope of hiding my love for the little pubescent boy now
hopelessly wrecked. Brendan and Curt both laughed and the boy let me
go. "Remember, Kely," Brendan said as I disappeared out the door in
search of the pretty boy.

I finally found Lance playing ping pong with his young friend.
The boy's name was Gavin Scott, a thin, gangly twelve year old. I
knew from seeing him naked at the river that he had peach fuzz on his
penis and I wondered if that was what attracted Lance to him so
strongly; maybe the little pubescent boy didn't like my small,
hairless boyhood. I didn't know.

I went up and said hello to them, standing next to Gavin. He
said hello back, but Lance didn't say anything; in fact, the boy who
had been giggling up until my arrival stopped smiling and seemed to
concentrate harder on his game. He was still wearing his black silk
shorts without underwear, as was I, and I could see his penis, half
erect, beneath the soft silk. He had changed his shirt, now wearing
another short sleeve, button up silk shirt with the buttons fastened
except for the very top one. The shirt was white and I could see the
dark little points of his erect nipples.

When my young boy lover didn't talk to me, I felt embarrassed
and walked away, finally sitting down on a chair in the living room
where the other little boys were playing their childish games. I
considered trying to get one of them to play with me, but I was so
infatuated with Lance that all I could do was sit there and watch him.

The two boys finished their ping pong match and went to a
video game and started taking turns playing it. I felt a pang in my
heart as I watched Lance trying to get the other boy to notice him.
Every time Gavin stepped to the machine, Lance's big hands would touch
his shoulder or deliberately rub his skinny arm against the other
boy's. At one point, I saw him unbutton the next button on his shirt,
blushing as he revealed more of his smooth skin. The pubescent boy
even tried rubbing his thin, hairless leg against Gavin's blue jeans,
desperately hoping the other boy wanted what he himself plainly

For all Lance's awkward attempts, however, Gavin didn't get
the message. In fact, he seemed to be getting annoyed with Lance's
constant caresses and clumsy seductions. By this point, I could see
Lance's penis sticking out erect in his shorts, the poor boy so horny
for Gavin and totally unable to get his attentions. All his loving
caresses had managed to do was get him more and more excited and did
nothing to excite Gavin. When Gavin lost his last ship, I watched as
Lance's face flushed bright red and the boy nervously put his arm
around the other boy's thin shoulders. Gavin looked at him like he
was a weirdo and pulled his body away, not even looking at the
throbbing, frantic erection between Lance's legs. He said something I
couldn't hear then turned and left my confused boyfriend standing
there alone.

Lance's smooth, pretty face looked near tears and he quickly
left the room. His first effort to seduce another boy had been
totally rejected and he looked very sad and frustrated. I thought
about going after him, but I didn't think it would do any good: he
wanted Gavin; a little boy like me wasn't where his interests were.
Glumly, I got up from my chair and started back to my room. I thought
about going swimming, or maybe finding Curt and seeing if he really
did want to play with me. When I opened my door, however, there was
Lance sitting on my bed.

I closed the door quickly before Chris saw me. Lance was
crying a little bit when he looked up at me. Between his smooth legs,
his erection throbbed frantically, his silk shorts wrapped about it
and draping down its three and a half inch shaft. He was so beautiful
and so incredibly horny. Just the feeling of horniness I felt from
him made my own penis stiffen and I stood there with the little thing
poking out at my shorts.

"What's wrong?" I asked the pretty boy.

He shrugged his thin shoulders and looked down at his erection
again. It looked so pretty beneath the silk as it pulsed back and
forth and I felt my lips watering as I imagined sucking on it.
Feeling queasy with desire for him, I boyishly walked over to him and
soon stood before him gazing down at his throbbing penis. I watched
his eyes looking slowly up my skinny legs, coming to rest on the
little, throbbing bulge in my shorts. He swallowed, his tear filled
eyes looking at my boyhood in pain and desire. I panted as I watched
his big hands reach out and take hold of it through the silk, the soft
fabric gently rubbing against my sensitive little head. He looked up
my skinny body and our eyes met.

"Do you want to play with it?" I asked in my childish voice.

Lance looked down at his hand fondling my bulge and I saw his
blond head nod ever so slightly. I swallowed, loving his horny
innocence and the tender love he felt for my boyhood. Gently, I laid
my hands on his little shoulders and lay forward beside him. I led
him farther up on the bed and we soon lay there facing each other.
Lance looked frightened and nervous, his hand trembling as he reached
through the hole in my tank top and slowly, lovingly rubbed up and
down on my skinny rib cage. I did the same to him, though I couldn't
feel his bare skin except through the smoothness of his silk shirt.
Our eyes were gazing at the other's small body then slowly came up and
met. His were filled with hormonal hunger, fear and aching. Mine
echoed his desire and joined them with love. He was so pretty that I
felt my face moving toward his, felt my slimy lips reach out and kiss
his small nose, finally finding his thin lips and mouth.

Lance cried softly in astonishment and tensed ready to pull
away, but as he felt our lips rubbing together, he held firm and
awkwardly tried to return it. We kissed for a long while as our hands
continued to feel our small bodies. Lance's fingers even felt up into
my hairless armpit, rubbed across my small shoulder blade. Still
kissing, I felt him pulling my little body closer to his, felt his
thin legs spreading, straddling mine as the horny boy pressed his
erection against the little bulge of my penis.

We both cried softly as the young boy slowly, cautiously
humped his penis against mine, both of us struggling to maintain our
awkward kissing. When his body started to get more excited, I
realized he was trying to have an orgasm and I pulled my body from
his, gasping with desire, feeling the passion of his pubescent need.
He looked at me questioningly, hurt and uncertain. I just panted,
wanting to cry in love. I moved my fingers to his shirt, watched them
trembling as they tried to unbutton it.

Lance lay there watching in confusion as the third button came
undone and I could see his small chest through the silk opening. He
didn't seem to care about being stripped, just wanted sex, but I
persisted and my small fingers moved lower down his shirt, undoing the
next button, seeing his baby soft skin and ribs appearing. Finally I
undid the last one and the boy's shirt fell open, the upper end
draping halfway across his thin body. I panted as I gazed at his
smooth softness, at the beauty of his small, hairless belly button and
pale skin. Gazing at his beauty, my hand slowly touched his quivering
belly, gently rubbed across it lifting the silk higher until I could
finally slip it over his side, allowing it to fall backward, baring
his soft abdomen and most of his little chest. His brown nipples were
erect on the smooth perfection of his skin and my hand held to them,
gently rubbing across the small mounds of his muscles, his chest
swelling awkwardly as the horny boy tried to breathe. I could see his
collar bones sticking out of his body, saw the smooth, slender length
of his neck moving up to his pretty face with no adam's apple. He was
so beautiful.

I sat up and Lance awkwardly followed my guidance and sat up
beside me, our legs rubbing together on the bed. His eyes looked at
me with the same confusion and desire, eager to get himself off,
confused by the gentle foreplay I was doing as I stripped him. He
cried and panted as my small hands took hold of his boyish chest,
gently relished the softness of his skin. I ran them all over the
body I loved so much, let them slip into his small armpits and feel
the dry, boyish skin on his underarms, then ran them back over his
ribs until the boy shivered with excitement and longing. His silk
shirt draped over my skinny arms as I felt his small, hairless body
out, both our organs still throbbing hungrily out at our shorts.
Finally, when even I could stand the desire any more, I slipped my
hands slowly over his little shoulders, pushed the shirt wider, saw
his smooth flesh bared still more. It slid easily back over his
shoulders and fell easily down his baby soft back, down his hairless

Still crying and eager to be touched, Lance lifted his big
hands from the sleeves, my own hands feeling more of his chest,
worshipping his beauty, worshipping his softness and boyishness. He
put his hand down on the bed to support himself and watched as I
rubbed his small chest, caressed his pale, perfect skin. I felt his
other hand reaching for my tank top, slipping beneath it, rubbing up
and down on my rib cage, crying with love and desire. He stroked the
hairless skin on my underarms until I gasped with pleasure and finally
got up the nerve to grab the strap and try to strip the tank top off.
I raised my skinny arms and let him do this. He was awkward and
trembling, but I could feel the gentle silk caressing my body as it
slid higher, baring my abdomen, moving over my chest. He pulled it
all the way up my arms and put it down on the bed, his small shoulder
rippling as his arm supported his weight, the other hand instantly
moving to feel my little body.

The only sound in the room was our desperate panting, the high
pitched cries of our young desire and pleasure. I slipped my small
hand under his hairless armpit and laid back down on the bed beside
him, my hands moving to his chest, rubbing the small boyish skin and
muscles lovingly. Lance was so horny I couldn't believe he was able
to still touch me, but his hands rubbed my body just as I rubbed his,
tickling my belly, exciting my little, pink nipples until they stood
erect and tiny on my small chest. He was horny enough now to take the
lead and I cried softly as his hand slid across my belly, awkwardly
tried to push the elastic band down my hips, trying to bare my penis.
I held to his shoulder and looked down as he uncovered the frantic
little erection, the purple head shining brightly, the little slit
gaping open with intense boyish pressure, the little penis so pink and

Hardly able to control my pleasure, I lay back on the bed,
grabbed my shorts and pulled them down my slender, hairless legs. I
pulled my feet out of them and threw them aside, laying back down
stark naked. Lance, his blue eyes so filled with confusion, looked
down at my little erection and his hand moved to it. My body shivered
with pleasure as his loving fingers felt along my boyhood, caressed
the thin, two inch shaft, felt the little testicles in their hairless
pink scrotum. I was in ecstacy, my boy cock as hard as granite,
throbbing desperately, loving every touch, every precious caress.

Knowing that my excited penis couldn't take much more of his
love and knowing too that Lance was every bit as excited as I was, I
cried and forced myself to sit up. He looked confused as I crawled up
on my knees, my hairless little penis sticking straight out between my
soft thighs throbbing fantastically hard. I rubbed my face, fighting
to control my passion and excitement, then reached down and took hold
of his shorts at his hips. Lance cried in fear and excitement,
knowing that I was going to strip him naked, knowing that orgasm was
soon to follow. He lay with his arms straight at his sides, his big
hands making fists on the bedspread, slender forearms rippling with
tension and passion. His soft body looked so small and skinny, so
hairless and smooth. It rippled with boyish muscles as I pulled on
his shorts, the boy arching his back, raising his small butt off the
bed to give clearance to the silk. They slid down his hairless thighs
so easily and he lay back down as I pulled them down over his knobby
knees, my eyes never leaving the bright red throbbing of his three and
a half inch erection. It stuck out straight and desperate for orgasm,
the little silver fuzz looking beautiful against his pink, excited
skin. I crawled lower as his silk shorts reached his bony ankles,
worked them around his big feet, finally freeing them and leaving the
excited boy totally naked.

He cried as he looked at me and I panted excitedly. The
excitement was unbearable, unstoppable. Unable to control my desire,
I lay down quickly beside him, my legs out above his head, my face
only inches from his stiff erection. Knowing I was going to suck his
small penis in my mouth made me even hornier. It looked so hard as it
throbbed between his legs, so pretty with its downy peach fuzz. I
took hold of his hip and the confused boy awkwardly turned his penis
toward me, gravity not effecting his engorged boyhood as it continued
to throb straight out from his body. It was so slender, the bright
purple head so shiny and hard. Crying again with love, I stuck out my
slimy tongue and licked all the way up the three and a half inch
shaft, over the rock hard penis head.

Lance's entire body convulsed in shock and pleasure, a high
pitched moan filling the room. Never had his young penis felt
anything like that, a slimy, warm boy tongue licking all along it. I
didn't wait to explain, my mouth hungry for the sweet taste of his
cock. I licked it again and again Lance cried out, the poor boy so
desperate, so excited, so hard and innocent. I licked him over and
over again, feeling the thin hard cock pulsing along my tongue, the
young boy crying with pleasure and desperate hardness. He needed and
orgasm so badly.

"Lick my penis, Lance," my high pitched voice cried, spreading
my legs and moving my hips closer to his face as I held his thighs and
kept licking his. The boy was so intent on watching me lick his cock I
half expected that he couldn't hear me, wasn't aware of anything but
the warm slime on his penis. Soon, however, I felt it: the awkward,
tentative touch of his tongue on my boyhood. I moaned with the
pleasure of it and licked his boy cock again. His tongue returned
again, licking my penis more fully, the slimy warmth pressed around my
throbbing erection, rubbing over my sensitive penis head.

In seconds, our tongues were lapping between the other's legs,
licking cocks that felt harder and harder, more and more pleasure. It
seemed that we must explode in orgasm but we didn't, our tongues just
lifting our erections one step closer, one step closer. We were
crying loudly now and my own pleasure was so great that I knew I would
start screaming. Crying in worship for Lance's downy puberty, I
wrapped my lips around his penis and sucked.

Lance stopped licking my cock to cry out in pleasure, staring
at his three and a half inch penis buried between my lips. It was the
perfect size for my young mouth, big enough to fill it but small
enough that I could suck on almost the whole thing. The tension and
excitement that rushed through Lance's slender body was incredible and
I felt his thighs rubbing against my cheeks as if wanting to stop me
from giving his penis so much pleasure. His hips instinctively moved
forward and back and I felt them sliding his stiff erection in and out
my lips.

"Ennnnnngh!" Lance cried, his high pitched voice so loud I
knew the entire house must have heard him. "Ennnnnngh!" he cried
again. Whether to muffle his own screams or just to taste more of my
cock, I felt the boy's mouth engulf my entire penis, felt it move
along the warm slime of his tongue, felt his cheeks sucking gently on
it, his big hands grabbing my thighs. He still cried out with
pleasure, but my hairless pubic mound cut his moans off, left their
intense, high pitched sounds to escape from his little chest, vibrate
along my erection.

Our pleasure multiplied exponentially. We lay there naked on
the bed, sucking the life out of our frantic erections, excitement
making our bodies squirm against each other, naked boy flesh rubbing
all over the place, slimy mouths fighting to hold to the small penises
between our lips, between our legs, filling our young bodies until we
screamed against them. The pleasure was phenomenal, the excitement
that ravaged through our naked innocence so intense that neither of us
could control ourselves. My belly rubbed against his chest and his
skinny abdomen rubbed against mine, squirming in pubescent passion,
crying and sucking with orgasmic pleasure. Such a sight our bodies
must have made as they grew rock hard, unable to keep from rubbing
against the other, unable to contain the pleasure that raced through
our penises, filled our tummies, blurred our minds until we were
nothing but penises, sucked in slime, sucked in love, passion that
knew no end.

How long our penises made the pleasure build I could not say.
It felt like I had no body and felt like I was nothing but body, my
mind awash with the pleasure of my penis. When it seemed the pleasure
could be no greater, it suddenly leapt up in both of us simultaneously
and our squirming bodies suddenly began to jerk so frantically that
the headboard drove against the wall banging loudly. It felt as if
the entire bed was jumping up and down as we held our boy legs to our
faces, plunged the young penises into our mouths, screamed and cried
with orgasm. I could feel muscles in my penis and in Lance's
contracting, struggling desperately to squirt out sperm into the other
boy's mouth, but neither was able to. It was horribly good, my
pleasure almost as great as it had been with Eric so many days ago, so
great that I was again afraid I could never feel anything so
wonderful, so terrifyingly intense, again. How could my little penis
have felt so incredibly good? How could it so totally dominate my
mind and body, drive to such fits of pleasure?

When the climax finally receded, neither of us could stand to
hold the other boy's cock in our mouths anymore. We let them go, fell
exhausted on the bed, crying voices heaving for air, bodies pressed
together as if begging for mercy from the orgasm. I looked at Lance's
penis, slimy with my saliva, the purple head losing its shine but the
young erection only partly softening. It bent slightly downward
toward the bed but didn't get limp. The pale shaft was red, the head
looking raw and spent but the boy didn't fully lose his erection
although the depth of his orgasm must have torn pleasure from the
roots of his body.

It took almost five minutes before either of us was able to
move again, our muscles so ravaged and torn by our orgasms. Still
panting, I turned my naked body and crawled over on him, my chest
rubbing across his, feeling them swell rhythmically for air, the still
racing beats of our hearts as they pounded together through our boy
flesh. I closed my eyes feeling our slimy penises join in a tender
kiss, my limp and little, Lance's still half erect, both slimy with
spit. I rubbed them gently together but not very hard: they were
both so raw and sensitive that even the slime made them ache with

I looked into Lance's adorable face. He was flushed from his
orgasm, his eyes half closed beneath long eyelashes, but he smiled
bashfully at me as I gasped on top of him. I lay my head down on his
shoulder and we lay there for a long time. When he was strong enough,
Lance's thin arms held my body and rubbed across my shoulders and
lower back. My arms were raised high enough that his gentle fingers
could easily pet beneath my arms, rubbed the baby soft skin on my
hairless armpits. I just lay there, eyes closed and let him enjoy the
hairlessness of my small body.

When we tired of this, I lay down beside him and we blushed
and smiled as our hands again explored each other, again felt across
smooth, boyish skin, small chests and little nipples. For more than
an hour we fondled, played with our penises until they lost the soggy
feeling of our sucking and were dry and boyish again. Lance never
lost his erection which astonished me. I had learned by now that boys
who didn't have sperm could do it over and over again, but even my
little penis needed to rest sometimes when it had a really good orgasm
like the one I had just had. For all his tender petting on my little
boyhood, the hairless penis just lay spent and exhausted, unable to
get hard again after so complete and orgasm. Lance seemed to like it
this way for his fingers delighted in feeling it, but I was curious
why, as excited as he obviously could get, the little pubescent boy
always seemed to have a boner.

"It hurts," the boy's soprano voice complained softly when his
penis was again as rock hard and throbbing as before, the purple head
shining brightly with erection. I was not surprised by his
embarrassed confession. His poor penis wasn't strong enough yet for
all the hardness and pleasure it felt and it was too horny to get soft
and relieve him of its pain. My fingertips felt along his barely
visible little silver hairs, feeling sorry for the boy's pain and more
than eager to suck his penis again. I loved his pleasure so much. I
thought about letting him stick his penis in my butt and the thought
appealed to me to no end. How nice it would be to feel his skinny
body humping on my back, jerking in orgasm. But he had other things
to learn, too, most importantly was how to masturbate: despite his
prettiness, the boy would need to know how to relieve himself so he
didn't always have to have a boy.

"Rub on it," I said, my fingers still petting his little peach
fuzz. He looked at me with his now familiar confusion and I blushed
with him. "With your fingers," I explained. "Rub on it."

When he looked down at his stiff, three and a half inch boy
cock doubtfully, I swallowed and moved my hand down to it. My hand
was small enough that I could almost make a fist around it, but I held
it between my thumb and forefinger and slowly stroked it up and down.
The boy's skinny body immediately rippled in astonishment and he lay
stiffly as he felt the pleasure of my rubbing between his legs. I
forced myself to let it go and rubbed my hand across his little belly
button and soft skin.

"You can do it, too," I said, my hand feeling the small ridge
of his firm little chest.

He still looked doubtful, but I lay my head on his shoulder
and looked down as his big hand moved to his penis. He swallowed in
nervous embarrassment as he took it between his own thumb and
forefinger. The sight of his innocence holding to his own erection to
masturbate for the first time filled me with love and I gently stroked
his small body. "Rub on it," I instructed again.

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I ached with love as I saw his tender fingers pull the soft
pale flesh of his penis down the rock hard erection that throbbed
beneath it. His body stiffened again as pleasure shot through it and
the boy stroked up and down on his penis in amazement. I said nothing
to distract him from pleasure as we both lay there watching him
masturbate. My hand continued to rub up and down his chest, back and
forth on the firm ripples of his rib cage, across his little boy
nipples, into his hairless underarms. Never did his blue eyes stray
from his erection, his head turning to keep looking at it when my hand
got in the way.

It took a while for his orgasm to start building again and as
soon as it did I could see his fingers rubbing faster on his small
penis. "Engh, engh, engh," his young voice grunted softly as he
jerked himself off. He was so pretty, his testicles moving up and
down in the pink, hairless sack between his legs. "Engh, engh, engh."
I rubbed my hand down to his belly, allowing myself to be swept away
with his soft skin, the smallness of his belly button, the gentle
shivers of his tummy. "Engh, engh, engh." His high pitched voice
grunted with his strokes on his small erection and both were getting
quicker as he felt orgasm building in his penis again.

"Enngh! Enngh! Enngh!" he grunted louder and I could feel
his slender body stiffening tighter, felt his big hand balling into a
fist as if to keep the pleasure inside. Skinny muscles rippled along
his forearm and veins bulged in his hand as his fingers held his penis
tighter, jerking on it harder and harder until I was afraid he would
break the rock hard thing off.

"Enngh! Enngh! Enngh!" he cried out. I could feel how hard
his skinny body was as the boy's legs and chest bulged with young
muscle, his body contorting tightly, the muscles preparing to hurl him
into orgasmic pleasure again. Madly the boy masturbated himself until
his big hand was a blur moving up and down his three and a half inch
erection. I stroked his chest, feeling it vibrate with the now loud
grunts of his pleasure, certain that the older boys would come in to
see what all the loud screams were for. No one came in and
interrupted poor, horny Lance, however, and the boy was free to
express his pleasure, to feel his pubescent orgasm build and grow, to
know the wonderful thing he could do to his own penis.

"Ennnngh! Ennnnngh! Ennnnngh!" he screamed and I could now
feel his entire body stiffen frantically, his muscles growing so hard
I was afraid the poor boy was going to get cramps and hurt himself.
He jerked so quickly on his boy cock, cried so loudly with pleasure,
then suddenly his body exploded, bucking his hips forward, shuddering
as every muscle released its powerhouse of pleasure and strength. The
whole bed shook as he bounced and cried desperately, pleasure racing
through his penis, causing it to flex, again striving to squirt sperm
the young boy didn't have yet. It was beautiful and my hand laid flat
on his chest feeling the contortions of his body, the pounding of his
heart as he was ravaged by orgasm.

When it finally released him, the boy collapsed on the bed
crying and gasping. He still held his penis but stopped rubbing it
and I watched as it finally gave up his erection, finally let the
horny boy go from its hormonal needs. His thumb and forefinger held
it as the head lost its brightness, finally becoming limp, the slit
getting wrinkled with its new-found softness. I smiled as I lay
feeling his chest rise and fall, gazed at his raw penis with its
silver peach fuzz. He was so small and pretty.

When he was recuperated enough, we played some more, again
exploring our young bodies as if for the first time. Our hands,
always eager for the feel of another boy, rubbed and touched and
prodded, fondled our limp boyhoods and testicles. We even wrestled a
little but Lance's penis was sensitive and he couldn't handle my body
rubbing against it. We kissed lips again and kissed all over our
bodies, giggling every time we found a new place, every time we felt a
new excitement.

I was feeling the soft little hairs around his penis when my
eyes were shocked to see the little pubescent boy's penis stiffening
yet again. Was this what the older boys meant by a Satyr? Lance
blushed in embarrassment and watched it too. He smiled boyishly at

"Suck it again," his high pitched voice begged softly.

God, how I wanted to. It stuck straight out as if the boy
hadn't had sex in a week. I was delighted by its beauty, but a little
scared too: how was I going to keep a boy as horny as Lance
satisfied? We would have to ride in the wagon naked and do nothing
but have sex from morning to sundown. Lord, he was horny.

"We have to go to dinner or they'll come looking for us," I
said, my little fingers feeling along his erection and making him
giggle. "We can play after dinner," I grinned, and the happy boy




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Ten

Lance and I got dressed, though the clothing consisted only of
my silk cloths wrapped like sashes around our private parts. They fit
so snug around our waists that our thighs were completely bare and
most of our hairless bellies were exposed above the top. Lance's
erection was still visible and we didn't want the scantiness of our
clothing to show the others what we'd been doing to each other, so we
also wore very light weight linen shirts that ended just below our
hips, almost like dresses but so short they concealed the sashes that
covered our penises only so long as we didn't move too quickly.

We were both blushing, and Lance wanted to put on his jeans.
I wanted to show the boy off, however, and his smooth, pretty legs
seemed too soft and young to be hidden. We finally compromised on a
pair of shorts for him though I still wore only my sash. The short
sleeve shirts had large necks that showed our collarbones and slender
necks. I don't know why I was so concerned about how we looked, but
was very pleased with the striking figure my boyish lover cut.
Blushing all the more, we left the room and started toward the dining

All the other boys were already there and most of them
scarcely noticed us. I could see the older boys exchanging
questioning looks, however, as Lance and I took seats beside each
other and started to eat in silence.

Most of the talk around the table was boyish giggles about
things they had done that day. They all looked very cute now, so much
happier than they had been the day before, their small bodies well
dressed in cute shirts or tank tops, and matching white shorts. "So
tell me, Lance," David suddenly said to my friend. "Are you having
fun here?"

Lance's cute face flared brighter than it ever had before, his
blue eyes widening in embarrassment before dropping back to his plate.
He nodded to answer the question, but the nape of his neck and his
ears looked very hot.

David looked over at Brendan in amusement and the handsome boy
shrugged back. "How 'bout you, Kelvin. What did you do today?"

I blushed almost as brightly as Lance and couldn't look at the
young man's innocuous smile. He knew. He had to know. Lance and I
looked as guilty as two boys possibly could. "Just messed around," I

David laughed softly to himself and shook his head, smiling
down at his plate. "Kovz!" he laughed. "Brendan, do you know what
you're doing?"

"It wasn't my fault," Brendan smiled. "Kovz! I can't be
watching them twenty four hours a day can I?"

"It's not that big a deal, David," Curt added. "We can still
take care of them."

David laughed. "I'm sure you can. Chris, I think we'd better
have a meeting after dinner..."

"Right," Chris sighed. He looked over at Lance and I. He
looked a little angry at first, then smiled and shook his head.

Dinner was finally finished, and the smaller boys scurried
about giggling and collecting the dishes. "Gentlemen," David said,
standing and motioning the older boys toward the meeting room.

They didn't invite me to attend the meeting and I was too
embarrassed to even want to go to it. Brendan was walking passed me
toward the meeting room and I stood and grabbed his arm. "Brendan?" I

"Yeah," he smiled down at me.

"Lance can still come with us can't he?"

He grinned broader. "I'll do my best. You better take a bath
tonight. It's going to take a week to get to Labar." He started to
walk away and I suddenly grabbed his arm again.

"Can Lance and I take a bath together?" I asked, blushing but

Brendan laughed. "May as well. You can hardly get in any
more trouble."

He walked away and I sat back down grinning. "What did you
say to him?" Lance asked softly.

I shrugged. "He just said we should take a bath together

Lance giggled.

There were two bathrooms in the hideout. One was a very large
hot tub that could hold several dozen boys. The other was smaller,
though it was still big enough for a half dozen boys our size. We
were going to go to the big one so we could swim around too, but when
we opened the door we could see all the other little boys there, naked
and playing innocently in the water. The smaller tub was empty and
Lance and I giggled and closed the door.

I went to test the water while Lance pulled his shorts off and
removed his shirt. When I turned around, the slender boy stood only
in the silk sash wrapped around his hips, his erection already making
a slender bulge along the front. We both giggled and blushed as I
walked over to him and started stroking his small chest with my hands.
He felt so soft and smooth I could only love him more and more. His
belly quivered as my small hands slipped down its hairless skin and
gently tugged the end of the sash from his waist. I unwrapped the boy
slowly and with delight, kneeling over to slip the silk between his
smooth, pale thighs. Lance grabbed for my shirt and I giggled as he
pulled it up my body, barely managing to keep hold of the sash as the
shirt cleared my hands one at a time. Just as I was about to uncover
his throbbing penis, the other end of the silk sash slipped from his
body, cascaded down his thigh and left him stark naked. His pale
penis throbbed up and down with fierce determination, so slender, the
purple head already shining with erection at the end of his four inch
boyhood. I could see his little silver hairs clearly and immediately
started petting them though I couldn't feel them.

As my fingertips explored his stiff boyhood, Lance's trembling
hands started to undo my own sash, my little penis rapidly hardening
the closer the boy got to stripping me. When the sash fell free, my
boyhood was throbbing as madly as his, the hairless little two inch
thing pulsing with every beat of my heart. Lance's hands immediately
grabbed for it, rubbing all over and around it, both of us giggling as
we fondled each other. My small butthole started to tingle as I
rubbed Lance's hard penis and I remembered how badly I wanted him to
stick his dick into me.

"Come on," I blushed, pulling the boy's penis like a leash and
his naked body following me to the tub. We walked down into it, the
water just at skin temperature so that we could scarcely feel it other
than the tender caresses of the ripples as they touched our sensitive
skin. When it was up to my hips, I released to boy's meat and
splashed forward into the tub, turning and watching as his slender
body walked grinning down toward me. It was up to his little nipples
before he finally launched his body outward, me catching it and
pulling him into my arms, his raging erection feeling rock hard as it
pressed against mine. We giggled with delight as our young, naked
bodies rubbed against each other, delighted in the tender caresses
across our back, the rhythmic rubbing of our small, firm chests.

I grabbed Lance's hairless underarms and stroked the smooth
skin grinning excitedly at his bare chest, the sweet mounds of his
young muscles. Remembering what Eric had done to me at the Thornes, I
carried the floating boy back toward the side.

"What are you doing?" Lance's high pitched voice asked.

"Lay down on the floor," I blushed, helping his naked body up,
his small butt in front of my face until I longed to squeeze it.
"It's a new game," I assured him as he lay down on his back, close
enough to the water that I could reach him. His penis throbbed madly
on his slender hips and now looked hairless with the water covering
him. I eagerly grabbed a bar of soap from the ledge and quickly
lathered my hands. Lance just watched my hands with confusion,
following them as they reached out and started to rub soap all over
his smooth, boyish chest. He smiled as my hands stroked his body,
making it slimy, slipping into his hairless underarms and caressing
them tenderly. I could feel the firm contours of his slender ribs as
my hands rubbed soap across them, felt his belly quivering as I coated
his hairless belly button and all the soft skin surrounding it. I was
so excited by the pretty sight of his stiff erection, that my hands
slid down and started to soap it up. It felt like a bone between his
legs, so excited was the cute boy. His penis seemed to take on all
kinds of new pleasures in the slime of the soap and it was amazing how
exciting it was to feel the pulsing hardness of the shaft and head
immediately followed by the soft fleshy feel of his hairless scrotum
and growing testicles.

The boy's pale thighs were no less exciting for they were even
smoother and softer in the slime of the soap. I rubbed all the way
over his firm, knobby knees and down his shins, watching the little
silver hairs that covered them disappear beneath the soap. I even
rubbed soap over his large feet, Lance repressing a giggle as I
touched his cute toes and ran my slimy hands over his ticklish arch.
I went back up his legs with one hand on each and the boy's entire
body shivered as I got closer and closer to his naked erection. Once
there, I played with him again, his hard penis pulsing against my
hand, feeling slimier and slimier. I looked all the way up his
slender abdomen and small chest, could see the pretty white skin on
his underarms. Lance just stared at my hands as they rubbed all over
his hard, slimy penis, gasping with excitement, his slender body
starting to ripple and squirm with pleasure. I almost wanted to rub
him all the way to orgasm, but my little butthole longed to feel him
penetrate me. With no small effort, I managed to let go of the
frantic penis and Lance's abdomen rippled as he sat up.

"Don't stop," he begged.

I just giggled and crawled out of the water and onto all fours
beside him. "Stick it in my butt," I blushed, forcing my cheeks to
part and expose the small, hairless brown hole.

Lance looked visibly disturbed by the thought of this kind of
activity, but as he looked at my naked body he seemed willing to do
almost anything to please himself. He crawled up, his penis throbbing
madly, and looked at my small butt. "Inside it?" he asked astonished.

"Yeah," I gasped, getting more and more excited myself with
desire to feel his penis. Lance crawled forward on his knees,
nervously watching his frantic penis as it neared my small bottom.

"It won't fit," he said certainly.

"Yeah it will," I assured him.

Lance was smarter than I had been when I fucked Eric's butt,
for he took his young erection in his fingers right from the start and
slowly moved the slimy, shiny head toward the brown hole. I shivered
with excitement as I felt the young thing touch my butthole, felt the
sweet boy pressing it forward, the head fighting to push my tight butt
open. It was only when I remembered how my butt had felt when the
boys in the orphanage had fucked it that I knew I had to relax my tiny
sphincter. I concentrated on this and felt the little hole slowly
open, felt the slimy penis head very slowly inserted up my butt.

Lance was gasping in astonishment and pleasure. Instinctively
he tried to stick his erection farther inside me and I could feel it
slide up my butt very slowly. We both moaned delightedly. The feel
of Lance's hardness in my butt wasn't at all like the forceful pain of
the boys at the orphanage. It was more like the younger boy there had
been, the one who had almost made me feel good. Lance's penis was
slender enough that it didn't hurt me in the slightest, and the hard,
slimy length of it felt wonderful, almost ticklish inside my body. We
were both moaning softly as the boy managed to slip the last of his
dick up my butt, the slender, four inches stiff and delightful.

I didn't need to tell Lance what to do, for the boy took hold
of my hips and tenderly began to fuck me. He didn't lay over on top
of me as I had done with Eric so I missed the pleasure of his chest on
my back. This scarcely diminished the wonderful stiffness sliding in
and out of me, my little penis seeming to feel waves of pleasure along
it as if Lance's penis were rubbing inside of it. Lance gasped and
moaned louder and I could feel his sweet penis slide faster up into
me. His large hands started to rub across the baby soft skin on my
lower back, reaching farther up and stroking more of me as his slender
hips rhythmically thrust his young cock into me. He seemed to take so
much delight in rubbing across my thin shoulder blades that, for a
moment, he forgot to rub his penis, but soon started fucking me even
harder, his moans growing louder and more frantic.

The boy had delayed his orgasm for more than an hour so it
returned to his loins rather quickly; that and the fact that the boy
obviously liked the feel of his naked penis head squeezed by the
tightness of my little butt. His hands took hold of my bare hips
again and I just stood there like a dog and felt the boy madly shoving
his penis in and out of me. It felt so stiff and hard and wonderful
moving inside my body with the cute boy's frantic inexperienced
humping. I loved it as I felt his orgasm begin to climax inside me
and I smiled happily as he grunted very loudly, his naked body nearly
bucking as orgasm swept over him. His erection was thrust very
quickly up my butt as the boy jerked it back and forth with orgasm.
He was so loud for such a shy boy, but his pleasure was plainly very

His penis slipped from my butt as soon as he was finished and
he stood there on his knees gasping as I rolled over and lay on my
back, my thin legs on either side of his knees. When Lance opened his
eyes, my naked body lay there smiling at him, my penis throbbing as
excitedly as before. He grinned and blushed, finally laying his
slimy, soap covered body forward on top of me. His young organ was
still hard, but I could feel it softening against mine. Our naked
bodies felt so good in the soapy slime, that we rubbed them together
for a long time, my stiff penis starting to feel the exciting stirring
of my boyish orgasm.

"Yeah, you've been playing alright," an adolescent boy said
behind us. Lance and I jumped up in intense fear and embarrassment, my
young friend immediately concealing his pretty penis with his hands.
Curt stood there with his hands on his hips. He was wearing only a
pair of gym shorts and his naked chest was very cute. It wasn't very
big, but it looked extremely hard with muscle, the chest tapering to a
waist as soft and smooth as Lance's or mine. He had boyish nipples,
small and brown on his tanned skin, and an equally small belly button.
His legs were long and, again, looked as smooth and hairless as mine
or Lance's. I could see dark hairs under his arms from where I lay.

"I didn't mean to scare you," the adolescent boy grinned
walking toward us. Lance looked frantically around as the intruder
approached, finally found his shirt and quickly tried to conceal his
innocence with it. He looked silly, his naked body still so slimy
with soap. I could have looked little better, for I lay naked, my
little penis throbbing, my body as slimy as Lance's.

"Relax," Curt grinned at our obvious fear. "It's okay. I
just came in to take a bath, too." He stood only a few feet from us
and pulled the shorts down his long, tanned legs. Lance and I both
stared wide eyed at the throbbing penis that stuck out between the
older boy's thighs. To our young eyes, the cock was huge, though in
fact it was almost the same size as Eric's. Two things made it very
different from my first lover's. First, Curt was circumcised, the
big, brown head of his penis naked and standing out on the end like a
door knob. Second, Curt had real pubic hair, black and wiry, that
formed a small triangle between his legs and even touched his large
scrotum and big testicles. Compared to him, Lance and my penis looked
as childlike and boyish as they were.

I glanced over at Lance for boyish support, but the blond kid
just sat there, his fist still holding the silk over his limp penis,
his blue eyes staring at Curt's big penis, small mouth hanging open.
His face slowly turned up and saw Curt smiling at him which made him
suddenly blush and look away. We both watched, however, as the tall
adolescent walked down into the tub and launched his body toward the
center. Now, Lance and I looked at each other, both swallowing
uncertainly. We could hardly leave with our bodies still covered with
soap, but were both too shy to get in the tub with the older boy. My
little boyhood was gradually softening which helped me relax a little

"Come on you guys," Curt laughed at us.

Lance and I looked at each other again, his baby blue eyes
looking so shy and innocent. Nervously, our small naked bodies stood
up and Lance followed me down the steps into the tub. Rather than
grab for us, Curt backed up against the far wall, smiling at our small
penises and bashful blushes. This made both of us calmer and we were
both smiling boyishly by the time our bodies were submerged up to our

"Did they have a vote about Lance?" I asked the older boy.

"A vote?" Curt laughed. "We don't vote. Chris is in charge
and he says what goes on. At least until we have a new king."

"Rick and David didn't look very happy," I said, blushing at
the thought.

Curt shrugged. "Don't worry about it. If Lance wants to come
with us, Rick and David won't get in Chris's way. Brendan sure put up
a fight for you though."

"What were they fighting about?" Lance's soft, young voice
asked me.

"It doesn't matter." We were just sort of floating around in
the water, allowing the gentle waves to wash the soap from our skin.
Curt took a bar of soap in his hands and started to wash himself, and
Lance and I started to giggle when we watched him cleaning his huge,
hairy penis. He just smiled back at us. His big cock was still
throbbing and the sight of it made Lance and I giggle all the more.

"Why do you have hair on your penis?" Lance's sweet voice
asked shyly.

"Because I'm not a little boy like you two," Curt teased back,
making Lance giggle over at me.

"It looks funny," the young boy said. Curt just smiled at
him. He put the soap aside and splashed water up over his body to
rinse it.

"Yeah, well not as funny looking as your hairless little
penis," the older boy said.

"I have hair on my penis, too," the boy said looking suddenly

"Let me see it," Curt baited the bashful boy. Lance paused a
long moment, but the desire to show off his little silver peach fuzz
seemed to outweigh his shyness and he slowly moved closer to the
excited adolescent. When he reached the steps, he walked up two of
them, enough to lift his small, pink penis out of the water. I hadn't
seen when it happened, but the little boy's cock had gotten hard again
and it stuck out sweet and innocent from his smooth, almost hairless

"See?" he said, his small fingers bashfully pulling his stiff
erection aside so the other boy could see his little peach fuzz. Curt
looked down at the boy's fuzz and erection and smiled. Lance's
childish pubic hairs were so little I couldn't even see them from
where I stood watching.

"Hey, you do have hair don't you?" Curt said, suddenly
squeezing the nape of the young boy's slender neck. Lance blushed
with pride and shyness. "Do you have hair, too, Kely?" Curt asked me.

I blushed and shook my head, feeling very little.

"It's okay," Curt smiled lovingly at me. "You'll get some
when you get older."

"We were playing with our penises," Lance suddenly said. I
was so embarrassed I just blushed brighter, shocked that my shy young
friend was being so open with the older boy.

"You did?" Curt acted surprised. He sat down on the step, and
gently pulled Lance down beside him. "Was it fun?"

Lance was blushing but he smiled and nodded. I moved slowly
over to them, not wanting to be cut out of the conversation, but
feeling very shy nonetheless. Curt was holding Lance's boyishly
muscular shoulders and the adorable boy seemed to be fawning up to
him. His eyes kept glancing at Curt's big penis, twinkling with
boyish fascination and curiosity. I assumed that Curt noticed the
boy's glances too, for he started to stroke Lance's soft back
tenderly. I was very jealous, but stood silently at Curt's feet and
said nothing.

The older boy was now gazing at Lance's cute face with gentle
infatuation. Lance's small body seemed to be moving very slowly
closer to Curt's, guided by his small boner, and his small hands
seemed to fidget to keep from touching the older boy's big throbbing
penis. When he finally did reach out and grab it, he let out a boyish
giggle and Curt smiled delightedly.

Lance didn't hold the young cock long, for he quickly released
it and sat grinning shyly at Curt, as if searching for permission from
the older boy to touch him there. Curt just smiled at him and stroked
his boyish shoulders, gently nudging him to go ahead.

Lance was suddenly filled with boyish innocence, however, and
started to crawl away from Curt giggling with embarrassment. "Oh,
don't be such a baby," Curt grinned, easily taking hold of the
departing boy's hairless armpits and gently lifting his small naked
body between his legs. Lance was blushing and giggling and I could
tell by looking that Curt's big erection was pressed directly against
the sweet boy's slender back. His large hands held the boy gently
around the smooth contours of his small chest, his palms and fingers
slowly and lovingly caressing the boy's small body.

They both looked so happy, despite the hotness that filled
Lance's cute face, and I stood naked in the water and watched as the
older boy's hands had their way with the small boy's flesh. Curt
smiled down at me, a happy smile that was plainly getting more
excited, and I could tell that the adolescent was getting very excited
by the small naked boy between his legs. It didn't look like he was
rubbing his penis against Lance, but obviously just the smooth feel of
the cute boy's skin was very pleasing to him, that and the fact that
Lance's body would squirm slightly whenever Curt touched a ticklish
part of his smooth skin.

Not once during the entire encounter did Curt touch Lance's
pretty erection, though his fingertips did caress farther down than
the boy's little belly button. Still, he got more and more excited
and I watched as his eyes closed and he suddenly held the little boy
very closely around his small, boyishly muscular chest. Lance just
giggled as Curt's lithe young body jerked very slightly against him,
the older boy's big penis rapidly and rhythmically pressed against the
baby soft flesh of Lance's lower back. After several such jerks,
Curt's cute body relaxed, gasping softly, still holding Lance's naked

As Curt relaxed, Lance giggled all the more and suddenly
pulled his body away, whirling around to look at the adolescent.
Curt's penis was still straight and hard, but it wasn't throbbing like
it had been. I could see white, silky ribbons trailing from his penis
head into the warm water. He just smiled at both of us, and lay back
against the side of the tub. His hard chest was swelling with his
breathing, his cute face glowing red from the pleasure of his orgasm.
Lance's penis was now pulsing straight out from the little circle of
his silver peach fuzz, looking small and boyish beside the older boy's
big cock but, though the boy grinned delightedly, I doubted that he
realized Curt had had an orgasm just holding him.

"Let's have a water fight!" his cute face said splashing water
at me.

Curt grinned broadly. "Not me," he almost laughed. "You guys
go ahead."

Lance splashed more water at me and I dived toward him
grabbing hold of his small shoulders. I was all ready to wrestle the
cute boy under water, but the door to the tub suddenly opened.

"Alright," Brendan smiled coming toward the tub. "You guys
better get out of here and get some sleep." He looked at Curt a
moment, but just smiled and shook his head.

"It's still light out," Lance whined, though there were no
windows in the room. Brendan looked amused at the shy boy's sudden
argument but didn't back down.

"We have to be on the road tomorrow before the sun comes up.
You need your sleep."

"Oohh," Lance said, with a disappointment. My naked young
friend started toward the tub side and I followed him. He was smiling
lsightly and blushing as his little boner cleared the water and it
seemed strange for him to be so willing to let Brendan see him in his
excited, pubescent condition.

"Looks like you've already been to bed," Brendan said softly
behind us.

"Oh, my colonel," Curt replied. "If you order me to go to
sleep with these two soldiers I shall, but I shall be so gravely

"Not that you shouldn't be gravely stricken, but we have
another meeting with Chris to go to."

"Another one? Gees... Shouldn't Kely be there so he
understands what we're going to do?"

Lance and I were just clearing the tub when my name was
mentioned and I turned around uncertainly. The two older boys were
smiling knowingly to each other.

"Okay, I'm coming," Curt sighed, starting to get out of the
tub. "Lance likes big penises, Brendan," I heard him whisper to the
other boy.

There were towels hanging on a rack and Lance and I quickly
dried ourselves off. We were having some difficulty getting our silks
retied especially getting Lance to stop giggling whenever the silk
caressed his boner.

"That's okay, Kely," Brendan said. "You can go back to your
room without those, but stay out of the game room: two of the other
boys haven't gone to bed yet."

I understood nothing of this command except that we didn't
have to get dressed before going to my room. "Come on, Lance," I said
as the young boy tried to get himself covered.

"Wait," he said. He couldn't make the silk things join the
way I could and was trying desperately to manage it. For all his
earlier boldness with Curt and Brendan, the cute boy obviously didn't
want to go into the halls naked, especially with his slender boner
throbbing the way it was.

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"Come on," I said, gently grabbing his hairless underarm and
pulling him after me.

Brendan smiled at the pubescent Satyr, suddenly nervous and
shy again, as we passed him and shot me an oddly serious look.
"You're responsible for him, Kely," he said, his eyebrows raising to
ask me if I understood.

"I know," I said shyly.

No one was in the hall when we left the bathroom, but Lance
made me run back to my room as quickly as possible. As soon as the
bedroom door was closed, the boy started to giggle and ran across the
room throwing his naked body onto the bed. "Nobody saw us," he
giggled as if we'd gotten away with some great secret.

I tossed the silk cloths onto the dresser and walked over to
the bed. I was very tired and quite ready to get a good night's sleep
before we resumed traveling the next day. As I approached the pretty
blond haired boy on the bed, however, I realized that the night
probably wasn't over yet. His small, naked body stood on all fours on
the bed, his four inch penis pulsing between his smooth, hairless
legs. He looked so cute, his baby blue eyes smiling at me beneath his
soft, silky blond hair. I could tell he wanted to play some more and
walked toward the bed fully expecting him to do what he did do.

As soon as my naked body was within range, Lance jumped
forward and grabbed my wrists pulling me onto the bed with him. I had
come to think I was stronger than Lance, for I'd been able to best him
in all our wrestling matches before. Now, however, the baby soft
boy's smooth, slender body seemed much stronger and I could scarcely
fight back as he pushed my blond head beneath his smooth chest, his
hands grabbing my skinny body around the waist, giggling as his warm
chest pressed against my shoulder blades. I could feel his young
erection rubbing across my hair as I struggled to get free of his
hold. Lance seemed to notice it too for the very young pubescent boy
seemed to be humping his sweet dick against me.

I managed to get my feet planted enough on the floor to get
some leverage and pressed forward trying to force him to let go.
Lance anticipated my move and used my own leverage to cause me to roll
all the way over in a somersault, landing on the bed, the boy's arms
still holding tightly around my waist. Lance just giggled
delightedly, his stiff penis still being rubbed and carressed by my
soft blind hair. As the young boy realized his erection was getting
still harder, he again grew too shy to fight me very well and I
managed to pull his hands apart. Before he knew it, I had broken free
and rolled over to face him. Our faces were both beet red from
struggling, our blond hair tousled, as our naked bodies squared off
grinning and giggling to each other. Lance looked so soft and smooth,
his little penis sticking straight up between his legs throbbing
expectantly beneath his skinny belly. He looked down at it a moment,
but quickly looked back up, blushing more than before, but looking
extremely ready to satisfy the stiff thing with me.

I attacked first, grabbing the boy's small shoulders and
pushing back on them. Lance grabbed my wrists and pushed them aside,
my momentum sending me flying forward onto the bedspread. He didn't
follow through, however, and I managed to get back up on my knees. My
hairless little penis was still limp and looked so tiny on my small
body. Lance duplicated my attack on him, save that he was stronger
and resisted my efforts to push his small chest to the side. He
pushed me backward until my legs were forced to straighten out, the
slender, naked boy quickly mounting my body, his chest sliding across
my penis and belly as he crawled up between my legs. I was struggling
to get away, but the boy's stiff penis was soon throbbing against my
crotch, his cute face grinning nervously as his hands grabbed mine and
pushed them back over my head.

He seemed confused about what to do next, looking at me as if
he expected me to tell him to stop. After a moment of my grinning and
useless efforts to escape, however, I could feel his slender body
ripple and the sweet boy slowly humping his almost hairless penis
against mine. He was so cute, his smooth face filled with boyish
excitement and embarrassment as he looked at me, his body humping with
need but his face worried that I didn't want him to do it.
Understanding his pubescent needs, however, I smiled at him and didn't
fight as the pretty boy awkwardly tried to make love to me the way I
had done to him the day before.

His eyes looked intently into mine and I could see his boyish
pleasure in his bashful smile. It was more than I could bare and I
smiled broader, feeling his smooth, skinny body as it moved up and
down slowly, gently pressing his stiff little erection along my
hairless crotch. Lance's eyes sparkled and he grinned, feeling my
hairless little boyhood stiffening against his rubbing body. He
giggled as his skinny hips made a long, probing stroke of his penis
between my legs causing me to moan and to hold to his small chest,
fingers in his smooth armpits, feeling his muscles move beneath his
skin as the boy humped.

"You want to suck my penis?" the boy blushed suddenly, laying
still on me. I nodded and he started to crawl off me. I liked the
feel of his boyish weight on top of me, however, and held to his
knees, guiding him to straddle my hairless chest. I felt his small
butt slide up my belly, giggling uncertainly as he moved, his hairless
testicles finally dangling onto my chest. Grinning through his teeth,
the young boy held his penis in his hand and pointed the rock hard
erection toward my lips. I didn't even have to raise my head as his
head touched the slimy entrance to my mouth. I wanted to kiss the
bright purple thing for a while, but Lance was too eager. He leaned
forward and his young cock forced its way between my lips, pressing
them apart, sliding down along my slimy tongue.

He had to lean so far forward to accomplish this that he
almost fell over on top of me. He knew this however and his skinny
arms reached out to brace his skinny body against the headboard. It
was perfect. He leaned there giggling as he awkwardly tried to rub
his penis in and out my lips, the slender young thing feeling
incredibly erect and excited. My eyes stared directly at the little
silver hairs around the root of his boyhood, looking so pretty against
his pink skin and belly. I could feel his hairless testicles rubbing
against my chin, his scrotum feeling so nice. Slowly my eyes looked
upward, gazed across his slender abdomen and at his little belly
button. His belly rippled boyishly with his position and looked so
slender and small. Farther up, his ribcage poked through his skin and
soon my eyes could see his erect little nipples on his otherwise flat,
smooth little chest. Lord, he looked thin and unbelievably soft, his
pale skin unmarred by freckles or anything, nothing but smooth boy

His collarbones were still easy to see just beneath his
slender neck and the slightest movement of my eyes brought them over
to look up his skinny body and see the smooth, pale skin on his
underarms. These were fully exposed beneath his outstretched arms. I
looked up at his pretty face and saw his excitement, the little
pubescent boy looking at the slender erection as he tried to slowly
slide it in my warm slimy mouth. I held it with such love and
affection, gently sucking it, the boy's movements making slurping
noises as his penis slid in and out.

He tried to giggle, but it came out a high pitched squeal as
his penis grew still harder, bent at an awkward angle so it could
stick into my mouth. I raised my arms and took hold of the cheeks of
his butt, the small round buns fitting nicely in my hands. I pulled
them apart and watched his blue eyes widen as my finger probed for his
tiny butthole. When I found it, I pressed my finger against it but
made no effort to penetrate his virgin hole. He seemed to like the
feeling for he grinned and started to make the now familiar cries that
accompanied his growing pleasure.

He was trying so hard to slide his penis into me that it
suddenly slipped free and throbbed fantastically before me eyes, small
and red, dripping my saliva. He cried as his big hand moved down,
fingers quickly grabbing young boy cock, quickly pushing it back down
and poking it between my lips. I felt it throbbing between them as he
moaned and slid it back down inside until his peach fuzz again
caressed my upper lip. The sight of his skinny body sitting on top of
me and the pleasurable weight of his boyish body on my chest excited
me and I slid one of my hands down between my own legs, grabbed my own
little erection between thumb and forefinger and started masturbating.
I loved sharing orgasm with him.

Lance's body moved up and down and again his slender penis
slipped from my lips, again the boy quickly slid it back inside, again
his high pitched moans grew louder and more filled with orgasm. I
beat quickly on my penis, eager to feel an orgasm myself, eager to
have it at the same time as Lance once again. My eyes gazed up his
smooth little body, watched it ripple as he moved, watched his
hairless little underarms, watched his eyes staring at the penis
between my lips. His nipples looked so beautiful and my free hand let
his butt go and slid up his body, rubbing up his firm abdomen, across
his rippling ribs, barely reaching his flat boy chest. Crying with
pleasure, I rubbed up and down the front of his body and Lance got
more and more excited.

"Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh!" his childlike voice
grunted as he quickly poked his penis between my lips. I rubbed
faster on his chest and belly, faster on the penis between my legs,
sucked harder on the erection in my mouth. He was jerking quickly,
his little penis trying to move in my mouth without slipping out
again, his head lolling forward on his thin neck as he felt the
pleasure and cried like a baby angel.

"Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh!" he grunted frantically,
his cock desperately moving between my lips, throbbing, excited,
horny, desperate. I rubbed my boyhood in time with the frantic
pumping of his young body in cried with pleasure, fighting to breathe
but his butt forcing air from my little chest until all I could do was
pant and let the orgasm sweep into me.

"Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh! Engh!" he cried out in loud, mad
orgasm and his body started bucking in pleasure, his cock ramming down
my mouth, poking at my throat until I thought I would swallow the
young thing. The feel of his orgasm mixed with the feel of my own and
again we got the bed to banging madly against the wall as our bodies
erupted in pure pleasure, his body bouncing on my chest and forcing
the air out of me, my hand feeling all the flexing hardness in his
small chest.

Finally, he slowed down and my hand moved down his chest and
belly button, tenderly began to feel the soft little hairs around his
penis. Between my legs, I could feel my childlike penis softening,
the poor thing exhausted from its strenuous workout. It had been a
sex-filled day for a penis so small and young. Even Lance's small
cock softened in my mouth, the four orgasms he had during the day
completely expending whatever strength the boy had to keep his
erection aloft. It grew small and so limp it felt like a hunk of
flesh, not meat.

Lance blushed down at me beneath his blond hair and started to
get up, but I grabbed his thigh and held him down, moaning as I sucked
his poor exhausted penis. He giggled as he continued to lean on the
headboard baring his hairless armpits to my loving eyes. My love for
him was total as my hand again felt up and down his skinny body and
rubbed across his boyish belly button.

Finally, I let his slimy little penis slide out my lips, the
limp thing sliding down on my chin looking red and as small as mine.
Lance slid his butt down my chest and ribs and I twisted in shock as I
felt my raw penis slide along his hairless little butt. He just
giggled as he moved, my penis soon feeling his hairless testicles
rubbing it and then the slimy softness of his small boyhood. He lay
forward on me gasping, laying his head on my chest and holding
tenderly to my body. I held him around his skinny waist. I wanted to
hold him all night, wanted to feel his little body shudder in orgasm
over and over again, but before I even realized how tired I was, I was
fast asleep, Lance's naked body laying on mine, our penises hugging to
each other just as we hugged our little bodies.

It was dark when Lance and I were suddenly awakened by a big
body jumping onto the bed. Before I even knew what was happening,
Lance was rolled off me and my bleary eyes made out the veined hand of
an older boy holding my penis, rubbing the limp young thing. I wiped
my eyes and saw that it was Curt Roberts. He held my boyhood with one
hand and Lance's with the other, grinning back and forth between the
two of them, tugging on them boyishly.

"Quit it!" I squealed slapping his hand away. I was a grouch
when I didn't get enough sleep. Curt didn't seem to mind my whining,
however, for he instantly grabbed my penis again. He was wearing the
shorts and tunic that the boys usually wore under their armor and
seemed delighted to be fondling our little penises. I was going to
complain, but looked over and saw Lance blushing and grinning at him:
Lance liked it.

"Curt!" a young boy's voice barked from the door.

"What?" Curt grinned as if he didn't care, still rubbing our
limp penises.

"I told you to wake them, not play with them," Brendan sighed.

"I don't know any other way to wake little boys," Curt

"Let them go, Curt," Brendan commanded. He was plainly not in
a good mood and Curt apparently realized it. The smile slipped from
his face and he sat up, letting Lance and me go. "You guys hurry and
get dressed," he told us as Curt got up and left the room. "We don't
have much time."

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried by his disposition.

"The Raykov soldiers are here. They're going to arrest all of

Knowing we were all doomed, I dressed Lance and I up as pretty
as I could. This meant dressing much as we had the day before and we
took turns wrapping soft silk around our smooth, boyish cocks. Lance
had an erection the entire time. I thought it might be nicest of me
to let the boy have one last orgasm before he was put to death with
the rest of us, but I was too scared and I just couldn't suck his
small boyhood off as I had thought to do. We examined each other in
our silk outfits when we were finished. We were both clad in silk
wrappings around our waists, wrapped low on the belly, high on the
thighs. We also wore tight, white silk tops, cut very low on our
boyish chests and equally low under our arms and down our backs. It
was almost a religious preparation for we both struggled to find the
most beautiful way of showing how beautiful we were. Lance was more
terrified than I was since I had faced this same death several times
in the passed few weeks. He took strength in my strength, however,
and he didn't start crying.

When we both felt confident that we were as pretty as we could
possibly be, we walked out of my room in the Raykov Keep, down the
stairs and out the exit door.

I had been unconscious the last time I'd gone through this
door and I was astonished when it opened. Lance and I walked out into
a shack. It was more run down, though considerably cleaner, than the
orphanage had been. Even the door we opened, which was of a solid,
smooth mahogany on our side, was splintered, well-worn pine on the
other. An elderly man and woman were hugging each other near the
sink. She was smiling at all of us boys, tears in her eyes, holding
to her loved one. Plainly, they were the front: the ones who hid the
Keep's location from the city guard. It scarcely mattered now: a
half dozen of the city guard stood with swords drawn all around the
small room.

Brendan and Charles were the only boys from "behind the door"
in the room besides Lance and I. Charles stood with a small smile on
his face against a far wall. He was prepared to die. Brendan stood
not far from Lance and I, hands behind his back, looking proud and in
command. He was so young compared to the adult figures of the
soldiers that I found myself wishing that Eric were still with us.

"Alright, here they are," the biggest and most decorated of
the soldiers said in a deep voice to Brendan. Brendan's smooth,
boyish face didn't show reaction and the big man suddenly waved to the
other soldiers. "Tear the place apart!" he commanded. The men rushed
passed us and we soon heard them doing as the man had ordered. We
could hear the statuary being smashed against the marble floor, heard
the paintings ripped from the wall and torn apart against the rubble.
The racket continued for the rest of our time in the Raykov Keep.

"I am finished with your diversions, boy!" the big man yelled
at Brendan. "Where is the money?!"

"If there is money," Brendan replied in a voice as calm as I
had ever heard it, "you are unlikely to find it with the means you are

"We'll soon see," the man snarled. "You keep children here,
huh?" the man asked, his eyes looking at Lance and I in a manner that
made both of us lean closer to the other. Brendan just shrugged. "We
like pretty boys in the barracks," the man continued, moving closer to
Lance and I. I heard the sound of Brendan's sword pulling from its
scabbard long before I even had time to turn to see it.

"Touch those boys and it will be the last thing you ever
touch," the boy I had spent so many days with threatened. The look on
his face was pure fury and even I was afraid of the young man I saw.
Still, he was half the man's size and I knew we would soon be dead.

But the man stopped, his lip curling in anger and
dissatisfaction at Brendan. "As a soldier, you should be willing to
share a pretty boy with others of your kind," the man snarled.

"I am a Kovz soldier and an officer," Brendan said, stepping
stealthily between Lance and my cowering bodies and the bulk of the
big man. "No Kovz Boy shall ever be used for the pleasure of one such
as you!" He sounded so mean, even I was afraid, but the big man
backed away, angry, but obeying Brendan as if it were he who was being

Brendan slowly slid his sword back into the scabbard and the
tableau was held until the big man's soldiers returned.

"There was nothing, Sergeant Major," one of them reported.

"Very well," the man snarled at them, smiling at Brendan now
and dripping venom. "Your game is up, child," he said. "Under
orders of His Majesty, King of Raykov, I order you to turn over your
sword to me."

Brendan didn't let a second pass. Immediately, his sword was
redrawn before any of the soldiers could respond. "I am Colonel
Brendan Sanders of the First Kovz Army. Under the Treaty of Vinepack,
I refuse to surrender my sword to any man less than I!"

Lance and I cowered under this statement and I wanted to cry
knowing my young protector was soon going to die.

"Kovz never signed the Treaty of Vinepak," the big man said

"No," Brendan smiled. "We didn't. We were prohibited from
participating by Tarsec, but His Majesty King Michael Creagan signed
an identical agreement with me, myself, not twenty years ago."

"You are nowhere near twenty years of age!" the man scoffed,
his hand and the hands of his men reaching for their swordhilts.

"Kovz Boys do not age!" Brendan replied.

"That is legend!" the man scoffed back.

"Meet the legend."

There was silence and no one moved. "I am commanded to bring
you to my battalion commander, Colonel Johnston. Will you surrender
your sword to him?"

Brendan shrugged, his sword still aloft. "Perhaps."

"Then my men shall not touch you or the pretty boys. You must
agree not to attempt escape."

"Agreed," Brendan replied, sliding his sword back in the
scabbard and standing up with his cute, boyish smile. He was so
young. How I missed Eric.

A squad of soldiers escorted us through the dilapidated town
toward a walled palace. They left behind three other squads with a
command to burn the building to the ground and to rape the old woman
if they chose to. Brendan just grinned and did not object.

Inside the palace walls, an officer of the guard joined us and
told the Sergeant Major that we were to be taken directly before King
Michael. I didn't know if this was good news or bad, but noticed that
Brendan smiled a haughty smile at the Sergeant Major.

As might well be imagined, the palace was huge and looked
extremely extravagant. To look at the poverty of the town, I could
tell where the wealth for the palace had come from. All around on the
streets were orphan boys, most naked, all filthy. I didn't see any
girls, as if they were more cared for than the little boys. I learned
later that, despite the Sergeant Major's word, the majority of the
soldiers and many of the nobles kept girls as concubines or slaves and
they were rarely forced to eek out their lives on the streets. Boys,
on the other hand, were extremely common in Raykov where they were
more eagerly bred to breed children. By magical enchantment, three
out of four children born were boys in Raykov. There were so many of
them and the people were so poor, that they were dumped on the streets
until they were old enough to join the Army at fourteen.

There were some rich people snobbishly moving among them and
they sometimes had a boy slave or perhaps a son with them. These too
were usually naked, since boyhood nudity was considered beautiful even
in Raykov. If it hadn't been for the soldiers surrounding us, Lance
and I wouldn't have drawn a second glance in our revealing outfits.

We were led through the palace's entry and straight ahead into
a long hall. At the end of the hall was a throne and there sat the
King of Raykov. I was certain that Holy Warriors were hiding behind
the marble columns and almost started to cry as we plodded along
toward the throne. Lance walked close beside me, so close that our
arms frequently touched. I resisted the desire to hold him. Brendan
strode boldly before us and Curt came up close behind. All around our
small group were the Raykov soldiers. I tried to be glad that Erin,
Chris and the others had escaped before the soldiers broke in and were
now on their way to Kovzland, but I was so scared all I could do was
wish I was with them.

There was a young man sitting on the throne, a gold crown on
his head. He was perhaps sixteen years old. Beside the throne sat
another boy of about the same age. The first was fully clothed, but
this other one sat in a pair of shorts, his baby soft chest bare. He
was extremely cute and he looked at us with big hazel eyes as loving
and innocent as a child's.

"You may leave," the king ordered the soldiers. They balked,
but he repeated the command and they nervously retreated. No one said
a word until they had left the throne room and closed the door behind

"Well... Major Brendan Sanders," the King half-smiled.

"Colonel, Your Majesty," Brendan corrected with an equally
improbable smile. "And this, I assume, is Paul."

"I'm surprised you could recognize him. When you left he was
only eleven years old."

"I remember," Brendan said.

"Do you remember also promising me that he would always be a
little boy? Do you remember promising me that he wouldn't age? Look
at him. Does he look like a little boy, now?"

"There was a war," Brendan shrugged. "We temporarily lost the
power to stay young."

"And have you regained the power?"

"We will soon."

The King nodded. "This boy is useless to me now. I'll take
that one in his place." He was pointing at me and I felt my heart

"I'm afraid," Brendan smiled nervously, "that would be

"Then you shall not leave Raykov alive."

Brendan weighed this threat. He stepped casually back to
where Lance and I stood cowering together. "I shall make you a loan
of this child," Brendan said, motioning toward Lance. This didn't
please me much either. "He's in puberty now, but he's a Satyr. He'll
make love to you all day long."

The King considered. "Take his clothes off."

Brendan turned toward us. "We have to do it," he whispered.
"Lance, it'll only be for a few months. Once we're back in Kovzland,
we'll send another boy to take your place."

Lance looked marginally convinced but he was still scared. He
looked at me and I wanted to tell him to say no, but if he did, we'd
all be killed.

"Who is he?" the boy's childlike voice asked.

"The King of Raykov," Brendan replied. "He likes little boys.
He sends us gold and food in Kovzland in exchange for us giving him a
little boy to play with. Paul got stuck here during the war and he's
grown up now. We need to take him back to Kovzland with us."

"What about me?" the boy asked.

"Like I said: when we get back to Kovzland, we'll send
another boy to take your place. You can come live with us then...
Come on, Lance," Brendan finally added. "You like playing with older

I didn't know how he knew this but I'd seen Lance with Curt
enough to know it was true. I looked over and saw the small boy
looking at the king with more than passing interest. "I'll do it," he
said finally. "Can Kely stay with me?"

"No. We need Kely in Labar."

The decision having been made, Brendan and Curt helped undress
my young friend. I wanted to cry, knowing that again I was going to
lose my only boyfriend. They handed me his clothes and Lance stood
naked and beautiful before the King. I knew him well enough not to be
surprised when his small penis again got an erection. This seemed to
please the king, and he smiled down at the small boy dick.

"Very well," the King smiled. "You may go and you may take
Paul with you. If I don't get a new child by summer's end, I'll stop
sending you provisions."

This was all there was to it. Paul came down to us, blushing
and still looking quite young despite his physical maturity. I
watched Lance's naked body move boyishly up to the King, the little
pubescent boy looking down and blushing as the King instantly started
to fondle his hairless body. "You're dismissed," he said. We walked
back toward the doors. Near the exit, I looked back to find the King
cradling Lance's small body in his arms, Lance smiling like the sweet
child I knew he was, the king smiling at the skinny boy and
masturbating his young erection.

I was crying as we left, Brendan and Curt trying to explain to
me why they had to do it. I was having none of it, however. Paul
didn't seem to understand what had happened any more than I did, and
the half naked youth's tender concerns for me made me feel somewhat
better. We returned to the Keep and I was astonished when we walked
in and found the man and woman scurrying about the kitchen as if
nothing had happened. Brendan explained to them what the King had
done and they were appropriately sad about Lance, but they seemed to
be in good spirits otherwise.

We walked into the main structure and found it exactly as we
had left it. Nothing was destroyed, nothing damaged. "It isn't
hurt," I stammered in surprise.

"Of course not," Brendan grinned. "It's magic. Not only
could those soldiers not actually hurt it but tomorrow they'll even
forget they ever saw it. Only the King knows about it and we'd put a
spell on him but we need his help. Sad part is that he doesn't grow
old either so he'll always be here."

The house was empty except for Charles and Guardian David. We
quickly rounded up our minor belongings and David walked us out to the
stables. He was to stay behind as Guardian of the Keep. He would
come to us in Kovzland as soon as our retreat was secure. I never had
gotten a chance to know David very well. Lance and I had spent so much
time in the privacy of my room that I hadn't seen David much more than
at the meetings. Like many of the boys, he frequently acted like he
knew me better than I knew myself, which disturbed me, but I'd grown
used to it since Eric had come and rescued Erin and I from the Holy
Warriors. He was a very cute young man who smiled freely and seemed
to like just being with people. I felt sad leaving him and wished I'd
had the chance to know him better. Everything seemed to be hurry,
hurry, hurry. Every time I came to a new place I liked, it seemed I
was supposed to leave it to find someplace else. It had been like
that at the Thorne's and now Raykov. I hoped that someday I would
have a permanent home and would be able to stay there safely.

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We mounted horses, one for each of the bigger boys and I was
to take turns riding with each of them. It didn't matter much to me:
Lance was gone and I felt terribly lonely. I missed him so much that
I didn't have any desire to have sex, though Curt frequently
propositioned me and even tried to get me erect when we bathed in the
river together.

It took seven days of hard riding to reach Labar. The
mountains around Raykov gave way to foothills and then into rolling
plains. Soon, farmlands started appearing, growing in stature until
there were actual castles surrounded with farmlands. We went through
several small villages. Brendan and Paul became lovers on the road
and they went off into the woods every night to play with each other.
I was left with Curt who frequently tried to seduce me to no success.
He didn't seem to mind this and didn't make me do anything. Curt
turned out to be an extremely nice boy. He joked a lot and always
seemed ready for sex, but he was also gentle and compassionate. Those
nights on the road, after Brendan had snuck off with Paul, Curt and I
sat and talked, the young adolescent listening to all my sadnesses and
longings. I ended up telling him virtually everything I could
remember, the young man even prevailing upon me to tell him all the
little details of my sex life. He listened to all with those loving,
caring eyes and didn't take advantage of my weak moments.

Toward evening of the seventh day, we rounded a small hill and
there stretched out before us was a tremendous green valley. To the
north, I could see the luxurious city of Labar. Around it were fields
of waving wheat and grain, small castles dotted around the landscape.
We rode through several more little villages before we actually
reached the city and it was dark as we rode through the front gates.

"We'll need to make sure the Keep is safe," Curt whispered
ahead to Brendan as the city guards watched us suspiciously.

Brendan nodded. "We'll stop and get some dinner, then you and
I can go check it out."

We checked our horses at the stables, then walked through the
city. It was much nicer than Raykov or Tarsec, but there were still
pockets of poverty. The boys here, even the homeless orphans, wore
clothes. The buildings were as tall as three and four stories. None
looked more than ten years old. Even in the fading light, I could see
flower boxes and whitewashed buildings. Most of the streets were
cobblestoned and relatively smooth. Brendan seemed to know his way
around for we winded through many dark alleys and side streets until I
couldn't even tell what direction we'd come from. Finally, we came to
a pub called the "Slumbering Serpent". We went inside.

This was very thrilling for me. In all our days and weeks of
travel, we never once went inside a pub or cafe. My eyes were big as
saucers and, for the first time since leaving Raykov, I didn't think
about Lance or Erin or Eric. This was something new and my boyish
heart was beating as my blue eyes tried to see through the darkness of
the smoke-filled room.

Men were almost the only occupants. There were two women but
they seemed to work there and were busy serving huge mugs of beer to
the patrons. Somber, threatening eyes turned and watched as Brendan
led us to a corner with a table in it. He told Paul and I to sit
toward the inside of the room and he and Curt sat in the chairs
against the wall where they could see if trouble approached. This was
wise: I was wearing nothing but a short sleeve shirt, a pair of
shorts and white tennis shoes. Paul wore blue jeans and a t-shirt.
Brendan and Curt on the other hand, were in breast armor and had their
swords strapped on. I noted with some caution that they freed the
scabbards as we sat, ready to pull the swords if need be.

I turned in my chair, curious about everything, wanting to see
everyone and what they were doing. One table had four dwarves sitting
at it, lapping up beer madly and laughing all the while. Everyone
else was human sitting in small groups, speaking in quiet voices,
glaring at me when I looked at them.

"Kely," Brendan cautioned. "They get mad when people stare."
I swallowed and sat back around in my chair. I had noticed that the
dwarves had special chairs that lifted them high enough up to the
tables that they didn't look silly. They're feet didn't touch the
floor, but at least their chests were higher than the tabletop. I had
no such chair and sat swinging my little legs back and forth, the
table almost as high as my neck.

Paul sat at his chair silently, not looking around, not
speaking. He was a quiet boy. When he did speak, he sounded like a
boy my age. Not that his voice hadn't changed, but he didn't seem as
mature as Brendan and Curt. These two sat with their chairs against
the wall, glaring at the other men with equal intensity. I was
feeling excited and curious, but their expressions made me keep my
mouth shut and hold my excitement in.

A big man came by the table. "We don't want any children in
here," he said glowering at me. Brendan reached in a pouch and threw
a gold piece at the man who caught it, bit it and put it away.
"What'll it be?"

"Four steaks and four beers," Brendan said in a soft, rumbling
tone. He was so cute I was surprised at how tough he could sound.

The man didn't say anything more, just looked at me with
distaste again and walked away. I suddenly didn't want to be in the
tavern, but didn't want to say anything. I was startled to see that a
man in full armor was standing beside Brendan. I was about to warn
him when the man leaned down toward him.

"You're losing your grip, boy," he said in a quiet voice.
Brendan was so startled he almost fell out of his chair and both he
and Curt half drew their swords before looking.

"Potus," Brendan sighed, returning his sword. "How did you do
that? I was being so careful."

The man brushed it aside. He pulled up a chair and sat down
on it, facing more toward the room than toward Brendan. I felt his
eyes glance over Paul and I very quickly but intently enough that I
knew he had seen everything there was to see about me. He had sized
me up perfectly and knew that neither Paul nor I was any sort of
threat. After that, his eyes watched the room. He was a good-looking
man in his mid-thirties. His eyes were blue and his hair a sandy
brown. His expression never changed in the slightest.

"I didn't expect to see you again," he said in a firm but
quiet voice. His lips scarcely moved as he talked and his face still
showed no expression. Though he spoke softly and had his head turned
from Brendan, my young friend seemed to hear him perfectly well.

"You heard about the war?"

The man gave a quick nod. "Rumor I heard was that all the
Guardians were killed."

"Just Kelvin," Brendan replied. "All the others were away on
missions or vacations. We're rebuilding now."

"Who's the boy?" Potus asked, not looking directly at me.

"Kelvin," Brendan replied.

Potus nodded. "Pretty," he said.

"Always was," Brendan agreed as I blushed.

"I take it he hasn't melded yet. He looks like a real
innocent boy. I saw him two years ago. We drank quite a fill."

"You saw Kelvin? I didn't know you knew each other."

Potus nodded. "We know each other very well. That last time
we traveled together from Martel to the Elven Wood."

"That's a long trip."

"We went straight across the mountains."

"That's a dangerous trip."

Potus nodded. "It's not bad with Kelvin though. That was one
man who knew how to handle a fight. When's he going to be back? I
need to speak with him about a real estate deal I've put together for

Brendan shrugged. "We have business in Labar. We should be
back in Kovzland in a few weeks."

"I'll stop by in a few months and talk to him then."

"Uh," Brendan said with sudden uncertainty. "You're not a
Kovz Boy..." Potus shook his head. "Well, uh, only Kovz Boys can go
to Kovzland. I'm afraid our magic prevents anyone else from finding

Potus smiled at that, an expression that struck me, if for no
other reason, then the fact that it was so rare. "Remember, Kelvin:
I'll be by exactly six months from today."

I felt very strange at these words. I always felt strange
when I listened to people talk, especially when they talked about
Kelvin. Sometimes they talked about 'him' as if he were me and other
times it sounded like somebody I didn't know. What was even stranger
about Potus was that even I had this incredible feeling that I had met
him before. I could almost believe that we had traveled together
before, that we'd traveled a lot together before. I was only a little
boy, however, and I knew that I hadn't met him in all the time since I
first awoke in the alley in Tarsec.

"I heard you killed Cyamorra Dragon."

"That was years ago," Potus replied. His blue eyes turned
back to the room and he watched the entire place at once. Though he
didn't look straight at me, I knew he could still see every move I
made. "The Old Ones have put a hundred thousand gold on your head,"
he said as if talking about the weather.

"Is that why everyone's staring at us?"

Potus gave a barely perceptible shrug. "I don't think word
has reached Labar yet. There's another rumor, probably wrong, that
says an Old One was killed and that you did it."

"Old Ones can't be killed," Brendan said.

Potus shrugged again. "It's only a rumor, but that's why
they're trying to kill you. You play your cards right, you could end
up with one hell of a legend. No one's given me a reputation as an
Old One killer and I've been in the business for a very long time.
They say you did it. Pretty soon, everyone's going to be gunning for

"Can you help?"

Again, he shrugged. "Over the years, I've helped Kovzland out
when I could. I'm not a Boylover, though, and I don't really care
myself if your particular kingdom survives or not. Still, I owe
Kelvin a few favors and you've seen me through a few tight jams too.
Anyway, I don't want to throw my lot in with you boys, but I've got a
lot of money and when I can help out, I do. So, I gave the High
Priest at the Analeeya temple a million gold to provide any Kovz Boy
who asked whatever help they needed. It's not much, but it's a big
church and it should give you boys some help in just about any city so
long as there's an Analeeya Temple."

"Can we trust them?"

"Analeeya has no argument with Kovzland, Brendan. You know
that. What you boys want to do is none of their concern. If they
make money, they'll do what they have to do to get more." He suddenly
gave an ironic laugh. "I'm the richest man around. I'm richer than
King Labar, King Raykov and King Singar put together. I'm even richer
than the Daireans. Now, Analeeya thinks I'm one of you. They'll be a
good ally. They know where the money is. Analeeya will help."

"You know," Brendan smiled, leaning forward on the table.
"I've never been able to figure you out. You do things like this all
the time. You act like you give us some penance, but I know from the
records that you've been giving Kovzland millions of gold a year for a
very long time. In fact, you give more support to it than anyone or
anything else. But I also know you don't get anything in return, and
you don't make us send you little boys. Nothing like that."

Potus laughed. "What I need to talk about with Kelvin is a
lot bigger than anything else I've done."

"Yes, but why? I mean, what do you get out of it?"

"Does it matter?"

"I don't know," Brendan admitted. "Sometimes I think you know
more about Kovzland than I do and I've been a Kovz Boy for five
hundred years. You blithely state that you and Kelvin traveled across
the Centron Mountains together and act as if it were nothing, yet I
know that Kelvin was on a quest to find the lost Kovz Boys two years
ago. That's when he was killed. I know you're not a liar, so I know
that there's an impossible situation here. You know what the answers
are, but you don't say anything. Sometimes, I think you're the only
one who knows."

Potus shook his head, eyes still scanning the crowd. "Not at
all, boy," he sighed. "Your problem is that you live in Kovzland and
pretty much always have. You don't know what happened before you

Brendan laughed uncomfortably. "Yeah, but you're not that
old," he said doubtfully. "I've only known you for ten years."

Potus nodded. "Do I look any older to you, boy?"

Brendan shrugged. "No."

Potus let it sit. "There is more under heaven and earth than
you have dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Something written by a Kovz
Boy a very long time ago."

"But you're not a Kovz Boy?"

Potus shook his head. "Boys are nice, but I don't sleep with

"Then what do you care what happens to Kovzland?"

Potus shrugged again. "I like you boys, always have, and not
because you're all so cute. I've been all over this world and I know
there isn't a single country that desires nothing more than to be left
alone. I respect that. Hell, I don't want to hang around all day and
watch boys having sex, but that doesn't mean I have to try to kill
you." He paused. "What do I get out of it? Well, if you get Kelvin
back again, ask him. I could tell you, but I don't want to. If he
wants to, he can and I won't mind in the slightest. Until then, all
I'll say is that I owe Kelvin and the rest of the Guardians." He
smiled again. "Your only problem is that you're mistaken about women."
His eyes were following someone approaching and I started to turn to
look just as the woman reached me. I was so startled I let out a
little cry as the woman slipped a smooth, cool hand down the front of
my shirt and slowly rubbed my chest. I turned to look up at her and
came face to face with her huge breasts, half held up by her bodice.
They were tremendous. The face above was pretty and looked down at me
with a love that made me feel uncomfortable.

"What have we here?" she asked as her hand freely felt along
my skinny body. "Aren't you a pretty boy."

Potus smiled at the astonished, frightened look on my face and
said nothing as the woman leaned forward and rubbed down to my belly.
"We don't get many little boys in here. Would you like to come
upstairs with me, honey?" she asked. I jumped as I felt her hand on
the small bulge in my shorts. She fondled it and I heard her smile as
I got an instant erection. "Oooh, I think he wants to, don't you, you
sweet little boy?"

I looked over at Brendan and Curt for help, but they just
grinned as I felt the woman's hand holding my stiff little erection.
She let it go and I was ready to sigh my relief but I soon felt her
fingers slip down the front of my shorts, holding my naked penis, her
arm rubbing against my chest beneath my shirt. "He's only a child,
Nancy," Potus finally said.

"You don't feel what I'm feelin', Potus," she smiled, her cool
fingers gently tugging on my stiff boyhood. "He hasn't got any hair
yet but he's definitely ready to be a man."

I whimpered as she felt my penis. It hadn't been touched in a
week and I was so horny I couldn't think straight. I sat there stiff
and uncertain and let her feel between my hairless legs. The big man
came with our beers and the woman's hand quickly slipped out of my
shorts. She still felt across my little chest, however. As soon as
the man left, she knelt down and licked my ear. "You want me to show
you what you can do, sweetheart?" she breathed softly. One of her
hands held my small shoulder blade as she slipped her hand down my
belly again, beneath my shorts, holding my throbbing little penis and
hairless testicles. "Oooh, you're so hard," she said, as her fingers
began rubbing my penis. I was panting frantically, blue eyes staring
out blindly, little body stiffening and about to start jerking with

"That's enough, Nancy," Potus grinned at my embarrassment.
"You're scaring the little boy to death."

"Oh no I'm not," she said, pulling on my penis until I
whimpered again. Just a couple more strokes and I knew I was going to
have an orgasm. "He likes it, don't you, honey?"

Potus grinned as he stood up his full six feet two inches.
"You want to play with a hairless little boy or with a man?" he asked
the woman.

I gasped as her hand slipped from my penis, gently rubbed over
my chest. I sat there panting, turning back to her a little, childish
eyes begging her to masturbate me some more. "You're not as soft as
this boy is," she smiled seductively at Potus.

"You can feel two inches or eight, Nancy," he said, turning
from her and starting toward the stairs.

"We could take the little boy with us," she grinned at him.
"He'd like to watch us, wouldn't you honey?"

"I don't sleep with boys, Nancy," Potus said, grabbing her arm
and speaking softly into her face.

Her hand rubbed my chest as she bent over and kissed my smooth
cheek. "I have to go, honey, but if you ever want to, you can come
back. I'll let you do it for free." That said, the woman was dragged
giggling and happy after Potus. The man led her up the stairs and
they were gone. Curt and Brendan were laughing hysterically.

"What did she want to do to me?" I panted in confusion causing
the boys to laugh harder. Paul seemed equally confused but stayed
quiet as usual. When it was clear they weren't going to tell me, I
took a sip from my beer. It tasted bitter and I didn't like it much,
but the other boys were drinking their's and I wanted to be like them
so I drank mine. By the time the steaks arrived, I felt a strange
glow in my stomach and I was sitting forward listening as Curt and
Brendan told each other jokes. I didn't understand what the jokes
were about, but they laughed, so I laughed too.

I could see that Brendan and Curt were almost done with their
beers. I had only had half of mine. I knew they were going to order
another one so I quickly poured mine down my throat. When the man
came at their call, I was as empty as they were.

"Three beers," Brendan said.

"I want one, too," I said.

"Uh, Kely, maybe you should wait a little while."

"If you get another one, so do I," I whined. I didn't
normally act like this, but I was determined to keep up with the older
boys and I felt strange somehow. I must have said it pretty loud
because Brendan immediately motioned for me to keep quiet. I felt
weird inside, but happy too and I giggled reflexively. Brendan and
Curt exchanged a grin.

"Make it four then," he told the man, and the two older boys
broke into laughter. I didn't know what they thought was so funny but
they looked like they were having fun so I laughed, too. I liked

We were finishing our steaks and the second beer at about the
same time. My steak was only half eaten, but I didn't want anymore.
It was too much and my belly felt really full. Brendan and Curt were
still telling jokes to each other and saying something about the
waitress. I didn't understand. It didn't seem like they were making
any sense, like they were talking a foreign language. The room seemed
to be moving and I felt really weird.

"How much you want for the little boy?" a grizzled man asked,
leaning forward on the table. He had come from another table with
four other men at it. I was suddenly scared without knowing why. I
wanted to go back to my room with Eric.

"He's not for sale," Brendan replied. His voice had been
light and giddy before, but it now took on a hard sound that scared me
still more.

"We don't want to buy him. We just want to rent him."

"He's not for rent either," Brendan replied. I could tell
that he and Curt were now poised for battle, ready to jump at any

"Then we'll just take him," the man said. I felt his hairy
hand grab my shirt and with a mighty rip he tore it clear off my body,
my necklace flying about on my neck. There was a blur as I started to
cry and when I looked around again, Brendan and Curt were standing,
the hairy man was screaming, his severed hand laying on the floor
still gripping what remained of my shirt. His remaining hand was
clutching the stump of his arm as blood spurted from it.

"Get Kely, Paul," Brendan said. He and Curt stood side by
side, their swords lowered and pointing at the four men from the hairy
man's table. I was still crying as I felt Paul's gentle hands leading
me behind Brendan and Curt, our small group backing slowly toward the
door. I couldn't walk. I didn't understand why, but my legs seemed
to be made of rubber and were ready to collapse at any second. Paul
had to half carry me to the door his big hands feeling nice against my
naked chest and ribs. As soon as we neared it, Brendan and Curt gave
us a mighty heave and I stumbled out of it, Paul falling with me as we
fell onto the dirt road. The other two boys backed out of the door
behind us.

"Go to the Analeeya Temple," Brendan ordered. "Tell them
Potus sent you." Paul scrambled to obey as the group of men came out
the door now carrying swords. "Move!" Brendan shouted.

In the cold night air, I heard the loud clanging of sword on
sword, felt Paul's gentle hands holding me up and leading me down the
dark streets. "We're lost," he said after we'd been traveling as if
for days in the darkness. Distantly. I was aware of a boy near us
telling us to come with him. We followed. Soon we were disappearing
into a door. An ugly man met us.

"You'll be safe here, my boy," he said. I felt Paul's and
other hands pulling me up stairs, long endless stairs. My feet
dragged along them, bouncing on each one. We were in a filthy room,
smelling of smoke. Hands grabbed at my shoes and shorts, stripping
them off. Soon, I was naked and cold, huddled on a dirty bed of some
kind. I didn't know. I slept a short while.

"What have we here?" I heard the man's voice saying. I felt
him pulling the necklace from around my head. I was going to stop
him, but I soon drifted off to sleep again.




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Eleven

The long ride into Labar and the beer I had the night before
made me sleep like a baby through the night. Despite the building's
run-down condition, it was kept warm by the chimneys that ran through
it from the floors below and I lay naked on the small couch as
comfortable as I had ever been. I awoke, however, with that strange
feeling of knowing that somebody was watching me and suddenly jumped
up expecting to see the Old Ones, the Prince of Raykov, or the men who
had challenged us at the bar. Instead, my eyes stared out at a circle
of young boys standing around the couch watching me.

There were a full dozen of them, the youngest ones as stark
naked as I was, their little, hairless penises sitting on their small
bodies as if they were naked all the time. The older ones (though
none looked to be much older than thirteen) wore nothing more than
white cotton underpants, bulges showing where their rubbery young
penises were between their smooth thighs. When I realized they were
only boys not much older than I was, I relaxed and sat naked wiping
the sleep from my eyes.

"What are you staring at?" I asked, but the boys just looked
at me and didn't say a word. A dark haired boy with a pronounced
bulge in his underpants reached his hand back to scratch between his
shoulder blades, but they otherwise just stood there. I noticed my
necklace was gone and rubbed around my thin neck trying to feel for
the gold chain before remembering that the man had taken it. Not
feeling particularly frightened by the boys or embarrassed at being
naked, I stood up and looked around for Paul. The young boys cleared
a path for me and I finally saw the older youth laying on a bunk
against a far wall.

The room I found myself in was the attic of an obviously very
old building. The ceiling was sloped with the roof and the walls were
made of brick, the upper reaches of the chimneys, stained black with
soot. There were several beds and bunks against the walls, enough for
all the boys if a few of them slept with each other. Paul was
sleeping on one of these and I went over and shook his bare shoulder.

"Huh?" the adolescent said, quickly jumping up and looking
around. The naked and half naked boys formed a circle around us,
still watching quietly. Paul looked at me. "Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded. "We need to find Brendan," I said.

Paul sat up on the bunk and jumped down to the floor. His
feet were bare as was his well formed chest, but he still wore his
blue jeans. "Where did that man go?" he asked the boys assembled

The boys glanced around at each other, but didn't say
anything. I scarcely thought to notice how cute they all were, for I
was afraid and wanted only to get back to Brendan.

"Here, here, now, boys," the man who had found us the night
before said, appearing as if from nowhere and shooing the boys aside
to reach us. "You mustn't stare at our guests." He pushed their bare
backs away from him firmly but gently and they all slumped to the
sides but didn't leave us or stop looking at us. "Did you sleep
well?" the man asked us, rubbing his hands together and smiling
warmly. He was an odd looking man, rather tall but very slender, his
hair and beard made of wispy brown hair turning gray. There was
something unsettling about him, but I couldn't figure out what.

"Yes, but we must be getting back to our friends," Paul said,
taking up his shirt and slipping it over his arms.

"Not before breakfast, surely," the man said turning away
before Paul could protest. Paul shrugged to me and followed the man.
I swallowed nervously and realized that the boys all hung back waiting
and watching me. I hurried after Paul, smelling the sweet smell of
their young bodies as I passed them.

The boys remained silent throughout the breakfast that
followed, though the man carried on an almost constant monologue. His
name was McGyver, or so he said, and somewhere in all his talking he
managed to say very little but managed to get Paul to say quite a bit
in only a few words. He didn't mention Kovzland at all, and I felt
somehow glad that part of our story was secure. Concern for my
necklace started to grow in my mind during their talk, for I was very
anxious to keep it on my neck until my lamp caught up to me as Brendan
had promised it would. I stayed silent for most of the meal, however,
very aware that none of the other boys had said a word.

"What about my necklace?" I blurted out when we had finished
almost the last of the biscuits and greasy gravy he had served us.

"What necklace is that, child?" McGyver asked with feigned
ignorance that even I could spot.

"You took my necklace last night and I want it back." I
sounded pretty tough to myself but doubtlessly sounded like a
precocious boy with my soprano voice and childlike face.

"Don't be so rude, Kely," Paul hushed me up. "It was just a
piece of junk anyway."

Paul seemed to like McGyver, but I disliked him instinctively.
Still, not having the older boy's support quieted me, though I focused
on giving McGyver as threatening of looks as I could manage with my
innocent eyes. Paul didn't know what the necklace was and I wasn't
about to explain it to him in front of McGyver.

After breakfast, the man talked Paul into going with him in
search of our friends. I was told to stay in the attic until they got
back and McGyver said that my clothes were out being cleaned so he
couldn't give them to me just yet. I didn't believe him. Somehow I
knew he was only saying that to keep me naked and thereby trapped in
the room. The other boys, having dressed in outlandish clothes that
were either far too big or far too small for them, were preparing to
go "to work" as McGyver instructed them. They bantered quietly to
each other, but still didn't say anything to me. In the end, only one
boy was left in the room to "keep me company" (though I felt very much
like a prisoner). Paul, McGyver and all the other boys took off and
left me there with him. I turned from the door they had left from and
faced the boy who stood, still in just his underpants, leaning back
against one of the bunks.

With the other boys gone, he suddenly grinned at me. "What's
your name?" he asked. His arms were folded across his bare chest and
I looked up at him as I crossed to the couch to sit down. He was a
very skinny boy and puberty had made his arms and legs outgrow his
small chest. He stood perhaps six inches taller than me with long
slender legs that were still completely hairless.

"Kely," I said, my small, naked body sitting down on the

"My name's Travis," he grinned. To my dismay, I suddenly
realized how pretty I found the young boy. He had blond hair, brushed
back from a very smooth, boyish face. His eyes were blue and his nose
was very small and pug, a trait I had found very attractive in the
other boys I had met. He had thin lips pulled back as he grinned from
straight white teeth. Beneath his smooth face, his skinny neck joined
to his small shoulders, broad despite the thinness of his body. His
collarbones stood out clearly and his small chest swelled out slightly
beneath two very small nipples almost the same color of his tanned
skin. As stated, his arms looked too long for his body, but they
swelled at his shoulders and biceps with cute, boyish muscle. Even
his tanned forearms bulged with very small and slender muscles as he
held them wrapped across his abdomen. Just beneath them, I could see
the soft skin of his hairless belly, his little belly button, the skin
looking even prettier against the elastic band of his underpants.

The most striking thing about him was the size of the bulge
between his legs. It was obvious that his penis wasn't erect, but it
still made a very clear mound in his underwear. I stared at it for
some moments wondering just how big his pubescent penis was, and
blushed immediately when I felt my little boyhood stiffen into a
frantic little boy erection. It had been more than a week since I had
last played with Lance and I felt queasy with desire looking at the
cute boy in front of me.

I blushed in embarrassment when I looked up and found the boy
still grinning at me, his eyes glancing down at my stiff, hairless,
little penis and over my body, still leaning back against the bunk.
He sighed loudly, and I felt myself tighten in fear as he stood up and
started to come toward me. It wasn't that I was such an innocent boy
anymore, but to be so vulnerable to this perfect stranger, to know
that he knew what he was going to do to me. He was so pretty and I
needed him so badly, but at the same time I needed to be on guard and
ready to escape.

By the time Travis reached the couch and sat down beside me,
the bulge in his underwear had grown tremendously and I knew he had an
erection as horny as mine. He just smiled, however, his slender arm
slipping around my thin shoulders and pulling me against his chest as
I stared at the throbbing mound of his big penis. "Don't be afraid,"
he cooed to me, his free hand reaching out and stroking my small chest
as he held me. "We're just going to play a game."

There was no doubt that the boy thought I was a complete
virgin for that's what I looked like and that's what I acted like. I
was terrified of him, terrified of my desire for him, and couldn't
help gasping boyishly as I felt his tender hand caress my chest, his
fingers probe my hairless armpits. "You're so soft," he whispered
against my tender ear. Despite his thinness, it was obvious that
Travis was stronger than me and I probably wouldn't have tried to
escape even if I could. The young boy excited me in ways neither
Eric, Erin or Lance ever could. Perhaps it was only the very young
pubescent needs of my hairless body not being relieved in so many days
or perhaps it was the smooth warmth of his slender body against mine.
All I knew was that my penis felt hard as rock and I needed the boy's
caresses as badly as he wanted to give them to me.

I gasped more nervously as I felt his trembling fingertips
sliding down my boyish body, over my little belly button until they
were very gently petting the smooth, hairless flesh around my little
penis. Travis seemed to like what he was doing for he was panting as
quickly as I was as his hand reached lower and lay his palm directly
over my boyhood, giggling softly as he felt it throbbing with boyish
need. His smooth cheeks were rosy and the happy grin on his cute face
made him look even prettier.

"Do you like that?" he smiled, his fingers caressing my little
testicles as his warm palm slowly rubbed against my erect little

I blushed and smiled up at his cute face loving the growing
pleasure between my legs and excited at the prospect of having a
boyish orgasm with the thirteen year old. I nodded, my childish blue
eyes twinkling with the excitement in my erection. Travis's other
hand still held to my thin shoulders and he pulled me even closer to
him, my upper arm rubbing against the smooth warmth of his skinny
chest. I looked down at the bulge in his underwear again and could
tell that the young teenager's big penis was curled inside them,
throbbing madly and sticking out at the fabric with incredible
hardness. He just kept rubbing my little dick as I blushed and
reached my hand out between his hairless thighs.

His young cock felt even harder than it looked and felt even
bigger as I held the big bulge in my small hand. "Yeah," he breathed
softly, his slender hips reflexively pressing his big dick outward. I
giggled slightly and tried to straighten his penis out, feeling the
boy's relief as the six and a half inch organ finally stuck out
straight across his white underwear. It felt so warm and excited and
I was very curious about what it would look like.

Travis's eyes were closed and his hand left my penis to slide
slowly up my skinny body. He was smiling happily as he pulled my
little chest over to his and I felt his hands caressing my baby soft
back and small shoulder blades. Awkwardly I managed to get hold of the
elastic to his underwear and tried to pull them down. His raging
erection found the opening immediately and I could see the
uncircumcised brown inches of it stick up against his belly. It
looked clean and beautiful, the smooth, warm brown flesh feeling nice
against my little hand. Travis didn't let go of me as I struggled to
strip his clothes off, but he did move his small butt enough for me to
finally unveil the full length of his pretty penis.

As mentioned, his penis was six and a half inches long and was
throbbing with excitement. It was colored a very soft brown that ran
almost without blemish all the way to the fleshy foreskin that
completely covered his penis head. The only marks in the smooth skin
was the faint, baby blue vein that pulsed along its length pumping
blood to the excited boy's pubescent cock. His penis stuck out so
straight and looked hard despite the soft flesh that covered it. His
testicles were equally large for his small, skinny body and hung in a
loose, hairless scrotum of baby soft skin between his thin, hairless
thighs. The boy did have some pubic hair and it was very pretty:
short and boyish looking, but dark brown and curling with pubescent
growth. It was still very sparse and I could see the smooth flesh of
his belly through the small circle around his erection.

Travis leaned back enough to look down our small bodies at our
young penises throbbing together, his looking all the bigger against
the hairless little boyhood sticking out from my body. He smiled down
at them and I could feel his hand again sliding down my body to caress
my private parts. He pressed his hips forward and I soon felt the
warm hardness of his penis joining mine in his large hand. The boy
rubbed the two young things together and it felt very good. He even
held them tightly enough that he could press his hard, brown penis
head out of his fleshy foreskin, the shining head looking very hard
and beautiful, darker brown than the shaft of his penis, the small
slit gaping with hardness.

He giggled suddenly and I looked up into his cute face
grinning at me as he rubbed our young boyhoods. He was blushing as
his bright, baby blue eyes gazed at me and I couldn't help blushing
and smiling back. He was so very cute, his warm hand and hard penis
filling me with a boyish excitement I hadn't felt before. I longed
desperately to feel my little penis pulsing with orgasm again, knew
that this was going to be my most exciting orgasm yet in the strong
arms of the skinny young boy. I was equally excited about seeing
Travis's orgasm and the radiant beauty that would fill his pretty face
when that glorious feeling raced along his big penis. With his
smooth, slender arm holding to my bare shoulders, I could feel the
soft, warm flesh of his hairless underarm against my skin and it felt
delightful. He was such a pretty boy that I felt the same excited
love for him that I had for all the other boys who had played with my
penis. It was a strange love, one that ached with desire to be
consumed with the other boy's orgasm, to feel our young, boyish bodies
thrusting and jerking together in orgasmic passion.

Travis gasped, the cute boyish smile still on his thin lips,
as he lay back on the couch and stared down at the huge, throbbing
penis between his legs. His foreskin hadn't released his penis head
and the pretty young thing still looked soft in the smooth brown flesh
of his body. His short, sparse pubic hairs looked adorable against
the soft brown of his throbbing shaft and hairless brown testicles, so
pretty I couldn't help reaching out to pet them. They felt wiry but
soft with boyhood, still looking more brown than black and so short
and cute at the base of his throbbing penis. Travis just grinned
delightedly at my small fingers petting his little pubic hairs and I
soon felt his enlarged hand moving between his legs to take hold of
mine. With trembling excitement and gentle insistence, the thirteen
year old boy tenderly raised my hand up and lay it against the warm,
hardness of his beautiful young penis. I knew well enough what the
boy wanted and bashfully took the thick organ into my small fist. My
fingers couldn't fit all the way around it, but I could hold enough of
it to make the boy's smooth belly ripple with muscle and make his high
pitched voice crack suddenly.

I pulled the boy's loose foreskin down his big penis and his
brown head reemerged in shining boyish glory. I grinned up at his
face and the young teenager lay smiling with joy at the feelings in
his penis, his beautiful eyes wide with wonder and delight. My hand
moved back up his long shaft and I watched the soft fold of skin again
rub over his large head and cover it leaving a fleshy nipple at the
end. I took great delight in seeing his foreskin sliding over his
rock hard penis head and started to rub rhythmically up and down on
the sweet thing, feeling it throbbing with boyish erection, knowing
that I was masturbating him and that he was filled with the excitement
that comes with young orgasm.

Travis wasn't to be alone with pleasure, however, for the
young teenager's hand was soon slipping between my legs again, his
long fingers caressing my hairless little erection, the tiny purple
head shining in boyish glory and excitement. His hand was too big to
grip my little boyhood in his fist, but the cute kid lovingly took the
skinny throbbing erection between his thumb and forefinger and I
started gasping as I felt him masturbating me with gentle tugs between
my legs. I didn't have enough flesh on my penis to cover my shiny
little head, but I still had enough that the pale skin along my shaft
moved up and down on my hardness, the pretty boy's brown hand making
it look even smaller and more pale.

I was so very excited that I immediately gasped and moaned, my
high pitched voice sounding like a puppy whining as Travis's fingers
rubbed madly up and down my little penis. The pleasure in my
childlike body felt so good that I found myself laying slowly over
until my baby soft cheek was pressed against the other boy's hard,
skinny chest, my eyes gazing at the smooth beauty of his tanned skin.
His chest was so small and I panted boyishly as I looked at his little
nipples, only slightly darker than his young boy flesh. My hand still
managed to awkwardly rub the boy's big, stiff penis and his sweet
soprano voice was grunting as I stroked up and down the hard meat.

Travis strong arm pulled me even closer against him, our
little chests and baby soft sides pressing against each other as his
long, hairless legs rippled and his slender body tightened. He seemed
to be as excitable as I was, for we both grew louder as we jerked our
penises with boyish enthusiasm. I cried lovingly as I rubbed my
beardless cheek against the small contours of his chest, hearing his
heart beating rapidly, feeling the firm ridges of his prominent collar
bones, the warm skin of his living body. His cock felt so big in my
small hand, pulsing with throbbing hardness as his fleshy foreskin
continued rubbing up and over his big, brown penis head. I loved the
warm feel of it, the excitement that I knew was building in his
pubescent testicles, longing for the relief his horny young body
needed so desperately. Still he tugged on my little erection and the
pleasure in my own body was no less than his. I had needed to be
played with for so long, my boyhood so hard and excited now that it
seemed like a separate thing, a thing of beautiful pleasure, pleasure
only a young boy on the brink of puberty can fully appreciate. It
filled my mind with dizzy swirls of happiness, caused me to beg and
grunt with frantic hardness.

I was already shuddering as intense pleasure consumed my
little penis and swept over my belly, when Travis suddenly cried out,
his beautiful voice so squeaky with childhood. His smooth thighs
rippled with beauty, pleasure caressing him no less quickly than the
pretty brown foreskin rubbing over his penis. I was jerking with
boyish orgasm and swimming in pleasure, watching the beauty of his big
cock, the pretty little hairs around his thick base, hearing the music
of his pretty voice crying in orgasm as his entire body grew so hard
it must have hurt him. The loose fold of his foreskin was still
rubbing up and down his thick penis when the young boy's penis head
suddenly squirt thin, clear boy juice out, the sweet young semen
squirting into my face and across his little chest. I watched it
speckling his soft belly, the smooth skin around his little belly
button as he continued crying with pleasure, his lungs sucking in air.
The boyish cream made his penis head glisten as his foreskin spread it
across it, the loose flesh dripping onto his tummy, boy juice
trickling over my small fist as I stroked him.

Our small, naked bodies slowly relaxed though they continued
swelling rhythmically as we sought to breathe, our high pitched
squeals growing softer but just as pretty. I still held to Travis's
big cock and he still held my little penis as they both softened into
boyish innocence. I could feel a thin trickle of his clear semen
against my lips and I licked it up amazed at its sweet flavor and warm
feel. Travis was still laying exhausted, his beautiful little chest
still swelling as I turned my head enough to lick his young sperm from
his body. He half giggled through his gasps as my tongue lovingly
tasted every glorious drop of boy sperm from his little nipples. His
chest felt nice against my tongue and I smiled, licking his smooth
skin long after I'd cleaned up the little speckles of penis juice.

The door to the attic suddenly burst open and Brendan and Curt
poured inside, swords fully drawn, the cute boys looking very tough in
their leather armor. Their eyes shot across the room then they
relaxed as they saw Travis and I, still naked, boyish penises still
half hard but softening. We were even still holding onto them, but
gradually let them go with bashful smiles and blushes of

"I guess we didn't need to hurry," Curt smiled as they lowered
their swords.

"Kely, do you have to play with every boy you see?" Brendan
grinned coming over to the couch. Travis and I sat up still blushing
but neither of us making any effort to hide our limp cocks. He was
blushing a frightful red but smiling, leaning his elbows forward on
his knees, quiet but happy too.

"He did it to me first," I defended weakly.

"We'll have to take him with us," Curt nodded at my newest

Brendan shrugged. "Eric didn't bring that boy he stayed with
in Tarsec."

"That was only because of the Old Ones," Curt countered.

Brendan nodded. He thought for a moment then looked over at
Travis who grinned as if he knew he had gotten away with something my
friends couldn't stop him from. He was such a cute boy, the rubbery
penis between his legs looking big on his small, pubescent body,
fleshy foreskin and downy pubic hairs looking even prettier than

"Okay," Brendan said at length. He tousled Travis's blond
hair and the boy grinned. "How would you like to go to a new home?"
he asked the boy.

"Good, sir," Travis said, bowing slightly which looked silly
with his skinny body and big penis dangling, "it would be my pleasure
to accompany your fine band wherever you choose to go."

Brendan looked down at him for a moment then broke into a
grin. he turned to Curt and the other adolescent grinned back and
shrugged. "Well, you're quite a gentleman, aren't you?" he said,
turning back to the young teenager.

"That I am, sir," the boy bowed again. "I am the son of the
Earl of Martel. It has been my misfortune to have been kidnapped by
this band of thieves and ruffians. As my saviors, you shall surely be
richly rewarded."

I was very impressed by this. Imagine: I had played with the
son of a nobleman! I looked at Brendan to see the impressed look on
his face, but Brendan was smirking at Curt again.

"Well, my lord," he smiled, returning the younger boy's bow.
"May we prove worthy of your trust."

"But of course, my good fellow," Travis replied, strolling
away from the couch as if he were in charge. "Now, might I suggest
that we leave this place before the villains return."

"Oh, yes, certainly, my lord," Brendan smirked. "But..."

"Yes, my good fellow?"

"Don't you think you should get dressed first, my lord?"

Travis looked down at the big penis dangling between his
slender thighs and nodded. "Yes, quite," he said.

"My necklace," I said, rubbing my bare neck again.

"What's that, Kelvin?" Brendan asked.

"That man stole my necklace, Brendan. Eric told me to never
lose it."

"Do you know where it's at, boy?"

"But of course."

As the older boys looked about the filthy attic, Travis took
me to the man's bedroom. He pulled up a floorboard and took at a
small chest which contained my necklace and a lot of other jewelry.
"Here," the boy said, handing me my necklace and a handful of the

"We shouldn't take his things," I said.

"Why not? He stole them anyway."

We returned to the main room still naked. Paul had found some
dirty shorts, a t-shirt and a filthy dress shirt which he gave us, and
we got dressed. I buttoned up my shirt and watched Travis's firm,
skinny belly disappear under the t-shirt.

"Where did you get that jewelry?" Brendan asked.

"It belongs to my father, the Count," Travis replied solemnly.
"That knave absconded with it when he kidnapped me."

"Return it, Travis," Brendan instructed. "We won't need it
where we're going."

Travis looked ready to argue, but he thought better of it and
I tagged along with him as he went back into the man's room.

"What are you doing?" I asked when the boy started putting the
gems in his pockets.

"Quiet," he whispered to me. "Here, put these in your
pockets. Don't tell anybody. It's our secret."

I knew it was wrong and that I shouldn't do it, but I was very
attracted to the tall boy a lot and I wanted him to like me so I did
as he told me. I was afraid the older boys would notice the bulges in
our pockets when we returned. If they did, they didn't say anything.

We didn't pass anyone as we crawled out of the ruined slum
building and back into the city streets. Travis and I were still
barefoot, which drew some stares, but the people here were used to
seeing orphan boys, albeit a lot fewer than in Raykov. If they looked
at us, it was mostly because we were with Brendan and Curt who looked
so sharp in their shiny armor and nice clothes. Travis and I were
dirty and were so skinny, we looked underfed. The fact that our
shirts were definitely too large for our skinny bodies did little to
help our appearance.

The looks became more frequent as we left the slums and moved
into the more common streets and we were even stopped by guards as we
entered the nicest part of town near the palace. Brendan explained
that he was using Travis and I as chimney sweeps for Sir Calvin and
the guard nodded us through. All of the buildings here were clean and
the streets were smooth cobblestone and beautiful. Shining white
townhouses lined either side of the street and trees and flowers
filled a median down the center. It was the most beautiful place I
had seen in all my travels.

Brendan led us to one of the townhouses and he rang the
doorbell. The door was answered by a smartly dressed butler about the
same age as Charles. I wondered if he was part of the front of the
Keep, but Brendan greeted him as an old friend. It turned out that
the Keep in Labar didn't have a front, and we were led directly into a
beautiful and ornate entryway complete with plush carpet and beautiful
oil paintings. It was even nicer than the inner Keep at Raykov.

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No sooner had the butler greeted Brendan when Travis pressed
himself into the Keep and surveyed the accommodations with great
discrimination. "Yes," he nodded approvingly, looking and sounding
silly in his ragged clothes and bare, dirty legs and arms. "Yes, this
will do quite nicely. My good fellow," He said turning to the butler
solemnly. "Please see that fresh clothing is brought and I shall
require a hot bath."

The butler looked down at the boy then cocked an eyebrow at

"This is Sir Travis, James" Brendan winked to the older man.

"I see, Colonel Sanders," James shrugged with a wink back.
"Well, we shall have to see that his needs are met."

"Brendan, Curt," a voice sounded. I turned to see a tall,
handsome young man strolling into the room from an opened archway. He
was about twenty years old and very handsome, his muscular body
pressing through the tight t-shirt he wore. He went to Brendan and
gave him a hug.

"Calvin!" Brendan grinned. "Boy am I glad to see you."

The young man smiled and nodded knowingly then turned to me.
"And Kelvin," he smiled, leaning over to meet my eyes. "You look, uh,

He seemed to know me, but I didn't recognize him in the
slightest. I felt embarrassed in my dirty rags and looked away
blushing. He tousled my hair and stood back up.

"And who is this?" he asked, putting his hands on his hips and
looking at Travis doubtfully.

"Good fellow," Travis said, stepping forward and offering an
overgrown, dirty hand. "I am Sir Travis of Martel, heir to the Martel

"I see," Calvin smirked, looking at Brendan quizzically.
Brendan grinned and shrugged. "Well, Sir Travis," Calvin said taking
the boy's hand, "I am Sir Calvin Starr of His Majesty's service. Be
welcome in our home. Is he one of us, Brendan?" he asked the

"No, Cal, but that didn't stop Kelvin..."

"Ah, I see," Calvin said smiling down at me.

"He did it to me," I defended weakly, blushing in
embarrassment. I could tell they were talking about Travis and I
playing together. I couldn't help it: when a boy touched my penis,
playing with him was all I wanted to do.

The older boys laughed at this. "James, they'll need food and
a shower. Perhaps you'd better call a tailor, as well. They can't be
out on the streets looking like that."

"Of course, sir," the man bowed.

"Will you boys want to share a room?" he asked turning to us.

"Trust me," Curt grinned. "They definitely will."

This made the older youths laugh again and I blushed brighter,
wishing they'd stop making fun of me every time I played with a boy.
I couldn't help it. They did it, too.

"I suppose I shall be willing to allow this child to share my
quarters," Travis said, embarrassing me by what had become a
transparent pretense even to me. "Do show us the way, my good

"Of course, Sir Travis," James bowed politely, "...if you will
be so kind as to return the bracelet that must have slipped from Sir
Calvin's wrist..."

Travis stopped, blue eyes widening, smooth face flushing
crimson. He started to open his mouth to protest, but instead held
out his hand and gave the golden bracelet back to Calvin.

"My thanks for finding it for me, Sir Travis," Calvin bowed
and smiled.

This little embarrassment managed to silence Travis and the
boy didn't say anything as James led us up the stairs and down a hall.
He opened a door for us and we entered a large room with a king-sized
bed. James strolled passed us to the drawers and the man returned to
the bed with two pairs of silk shorts and tank tops of the type I had
grown accustomed to wearing.

"Thank you, my good fellow," Travis said, the filthy boy's
pretense returning now that he was out of sight of Calvin. "That will
be all."

"My boy," James said, suddenly with sternness in his voice,
"Calvin and Brendan may be willing to tolerate your behavior, but I
will not. If you think to dismiss me or to give me orders again I
shall bend you over my knee and spank your bare bottom until you
scream. Do you understand?"

Travis looked up at him, gauging his seriousness. The boy
swallowed in embarrassment and nodded.

"I choose to leave now. You boys will get cleaned up and
dressed or you'll be spanked severely." With that, James turned
smartly and left, closing the door behind him.

"Why do you have to treat people like that?" I asked,
embarrassed for my friend.

"Why, he's a servant, my boy," Travis said. "You have to
remind them of their place."

"He's not a servant," I sighed, wishing he'd behave normally.
"He's a Kovz Boy. They take turns serving in the Keeps."

"What's a Kovz Boy?" he asked.

"It's what we are."

Travis looked at me a moment then shrugged. He started
looking around the room and I prayed that he wouldn't steal anything.

I found the bathroom. It was attached to the room and private
with a large, tiled shower. When I returned to the bedroom, Travis
was busy hiding his jewelry under the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Here, give me those gems I loaned to you."

"You don't need to hide them," I said as I dug in my pockets
and gave them to him. "Kovz Boys have no reason to steal."

He didn't say anything to this and proceeded to hide them
anyway. When he had finished, he stood up and walked to the bathroom.
"Hey, this is ritzy," he said from inside. He stepped out of it and
grinned at me. "Come here, kid," he said.

"What for?" I asked.

"He said we had to take a shower. Do you want to get a

I doubted very strongly that James would spank me, but
swallowed and walked over to the tall boy. He was giving me that look
that told me he was horny and I could see the front of his shorts
swelling as his big penis got hard again. I didn't feel real horny,
but I still wanted to be the boy's friend and so I stood there in
front of him and felt him starting to unbutton my shirt and unveiling
my little boy chest. His hands looked so big and so confident and I
knew that he had done this same thing with a lot of little boys.

When the last button was undone, his big hands slipped inside
and rubbed slowly down my chest and ribs, the pretty boy smiling at my
innocence, my mouth hanging open as I breathed. He grinned as his
hands slid over my small shoulders and pressed the shirt back, soft
palms slipping it down my skinny arms and letting it drop to the floor
behind me. He rubbed down the small mounds of my chest again, and
down my ribs to my shorts, undoing the button and unzipping them. He
pulled them down my thin legs and my hairless boyhood was again bare
and naked, laying limp and childlike on my little testicles. Travis
didn't bother removing the shorts from my feet and I stepped out of
them as the boy's big hand reached between my legs and took hold of my
boyhood and balls.

I panted softly as the boy rubbed his palm on my soft penis,
making my legs feel weak and causing a warm pleasure to build between
my legs. I felt the now familiar hardness start to fill my cock and
it stiffened again into a little erection that throbbed against the
boy's hand.

"Yeah, you like this a lot," he grinned down at me. He kept
his hand pressed between my legs as he reached up with the other and
took hold of the neck to his t-shirt. He pulled it up over his face
and I saw his skinny, firm belly appear. As his rib cage was exposed,
he was forced to let my cock go to take the shirt off and he did this
quickly, almost tearing the shirt over his head and throwing it aside
as his sandy blond hair fell into his eyes. His hand returned
instantly to my erection and he stood bare chested, watching every
expression of desire that touched my soft cheeks.

I continued to pant as the boy's other hand moved to his
shorts and unbuttoned them. The brown head of his hard penis
immediately pressed up through the fly, the foreskin forming a fleshy
pillow around his shiny knob. He rubbed my penis and moaned as he
unzipped his fly, his soft brown penis emerging looking as adorable as
before. It was so slender for being so long, like the boy's entire
body. I thought it was beautiful in its young puberty.

When his shorts were unzipped, he pressed them down enough to
completely free his big six and a half inch cock and to reveal the
little bush of sparse black pubic hairs just touching the base of his
penis. He took hold of his big erection now and stepped closer to me
and I gasped as his big hands held our penises pressed against each
other. He rubbed both of them together which wasn't easy considering
how much larger his was than mine. His felt so hard and warm against
my boyhood and I stared at his hands holding them there, comparing my
childish penis to his young manhood. His little pubic hairs looked
pretty against the smooth skin that covered my boyish pubic mound. I
was embarrassed at how immature mine was, but Travis plainly was proud
of his big cock.

"That's it," he sighed happily, one of his hands holding my
small shoulder as his other masturbated our penises against each
other. His foreskin felt nice against my naked penis and it was even
nicer to feel his brown penis head slipping from it and rubbing
against my hairless skin. "Yeah," he breathed heavily, and I started
to hope that he would squirt his sperm directly on my penis. That
would feel nice.

He didn't, however. To my disappointment, he let our cocks go
and they stuck out straight and throbbing from our young bodies. He
still held to my shoulder as he walked beside me and guided me to the
shower, my hairless erection glowing with eagerness, the little head
shining in its bright purple glory. It was so beautiful, a feeling
Travis apparently shared for the boy giggled as he let my shoulder go
and took hold of my boner, making me whimper as he pulled it after him
into the bathroom.

I stood there with my erection in his fingers as the boy
reached in and turned on the water to the shower. He giggled at my
panting cries as he stood reaching in and feeling the water getting
warmer, his hand tenderly tugging on my stiff, hairless wiener. I
looked up at his firm, skinny chest and could see his smooth
underarms. I was so glad the boy was going to play with my penis

When he was satisfied with the water temperature, he stepped
into the shower and pulled my penis after him. It did hurt a little,
but it was nice, too, my small body being guided by nothing but its
hairless little erection. I stepped in and felt the warm water on my
bare feet, some of the spray bouncing off his hard body and sprinkling
mine, feeling like a young boy's warm sperm.

"Fuck, you're hard," he giggled, giving my boyhood one last
tug before letting it go. He took hold of my upper arms and guided me
into the water, the warm spray splashing my hair and quickly dousing
my body with warm caresses. He stood grinning down at me as he took a
bar of soap from the soap dish and lathered up his hands. He giggled
frequently at my innocence as his big, slimy hands held the bar
against my bare skin and started washing me. The dirt that covered my
body was washed clean by the water and I stood panting as my soft skin
was rubbed by his big hands.

He looked so happy and he rubbed all over my chest and across
my back, up into my armpits, down over my ribs. I cried softly as his
hands rubbed the bar of soap across my belly button making the boy
giggle again. He rubbed lower and my belly quivered with
anticipation. Finally, the soap rubbed down and pressed against my
hard erection. My skinny legs almost buckled and I had to grab the
boy's thin arms to hold myself up. He laughed at my prepubescent
excitement and rubbed my penis delightedly, stroking my hairless
testicles and up and down my little two inch penis until the head
shined still brighter and grew even redder with hardness.

Just when I thought I would have an orgasm, the boy's hand
rubbed the soap back up my belly and I almost collapsed with pleasure.
"Turn around," he grinned, building more lather in his hands. When I
didn't move the boy took my shoulder and turned me around himself.
Still needing support, I pressed my elbows against the tiled wall and
stood there whimpering as his big hands rubbed across my thin
shoulders and back. "That's it," he moaned. "God, you're a skinny

His slimy hands rubbed up and down on my ribs before moving
down and covering my bottom with soap. I cried nervously as he
started pressing the bar down the crack of my butt. I could feel the
corner of it pressing at my little butthole, heard the boy giggle as
he pushed it in harder, my sphincter starting to relax against the
slimy hardness. I could feel it slipping partway inside me and it
made my penis feel really excited. I let out a boyish moan at the
pleasure and I heard Travis giggle again.

"Oh, you like that, huh?" he asked, pressing the bar a little
harder into my little butthole until I moaned and whimpered again. My
high pitched voice echoed making it sound louder and prettier.
"Good," he said.

He pulled the soap back and I felt his tall, skinny body
moving under the spray beside mine, gently pushing me aside. I stood
up and turned to watch him standing beneath the spray, the water
splashing against his hair and running down his smooth, tanned young
body. His big penis was still sticking out straight and pulsing up
and down and I stared at it, panting and wondering if he was going to
try to shove such a big thing inside me. It looked thinner than the
big cocks that had raped me in the orphanage and I hoped that he would
be more gentle. I wondered if he would stop if I asked him to, but
didn't say anything as I watched him quickly soaping himself down,
watched the dirt clear from his smooth skin. I swallowed, embarrassed
to realize that I wanted him to do it, that I wanted to know what it
would feel like to have his penis sticking inside my small body.

Travis had the biggest smile on his face as his big hands
started soaping his long, slender erection, rubbing it rhythmically in
the slimy soap until his slimy foreskin couldn't protect his throbbing
penis head any longer. The last two inches of his penis were glowing
red from desire and eagerness and I could see long, slender muscles in
his thin thighs ripple as he stroked himself. His immature pubic
hairs were plastered to his smooth skin by the soap, filling me with a
queasey sense of envy. He let the water wash his big cock clean,
holding his smooth, hairless testicles so they could be rinsed off,
too. When he had finished, he turned back to me as excited as a
thirteen year old boy could get.

"Turn around again," he told me. I swallowed again, staring
at the raging hardness of his cock, and did as the boy told me,
reflexively putting my elbows against the tiles again and bending over
slightly, knowing he was going to stick his cock inside my butthole.
"Yeah," he sighed and I quickly felt his slimy hands rubbing the bar
of soap over my little bottom again, long fingers pulling the cheeks
apart and probing along the hairless crack. I could feel him
separating my cheeks and exposing my tiny butthole, soon felt his soap
covered finger poking at it. It pressed against my tiny sphincter,
gently but insistently forcing it open and I soon felt the stiff
hardness of his finger sticking inside me. I panted rapidly because
it did feel very good and the young boy slowly pushed it farther
inside. His fingers were long and I felt every precious inch pushing
their way inside until the knuckles of his other fingers were pressing
against my bottom and my bony knees felt ready to buckle. "You like
that?" he giggled as my high pitched moans echoed in the tiled shower.
I didn't answer but the boy said "Yeah" again as if I had. I felt him
pulling his hard finger back out but he didn't completely remove it.
When just his finger tip was inside me, he reinserted it again and I
felt it pressing its way up my tight hole.

He pulled it back out and this time completely removed it,
covering it with more soap as I leaned over, looking back to see what
he was doing and seeing nothing but his frantic penis pulsing up and
down, shiny head looking eager to penetrate my small body. When his
finger was really slimy again, he again pulled my butt cheeks apart
and I felt it pressing against my butthole. It opened easier this time
and I moaned with pleasure at the hardness I felt entering me.
Despite my pleasure at his finger, however, I knew that it was about
the same size and thickness of my own little erection, much smaller
and thinner than the raging pubescent cock between Travis's skinny
legs. I wanted to cry, knowing that his penis was going to hurt.

I could feel my butthole relaxing as it got accustomed to the
finger sticking up inside it, rubbing slowly in and out as Travis
prepared it for its ultimate penetration. I was moaning steadily now,
my boyish voice crying with pleasure, little boy penis pulsing madly,
enjoying the gentle caresses inside my butt as much as I did. It was
getting really hard and looked small and pretty between my hairless
little legs as it pulsed up and down, tiny slit gaping open as if
smiling at the pleasure in my butthole. It liked it a lot. At the
same time, I knew my butthole was being seduced into believing that a
penis as thin and long as Travis's finger was all that was going to
penetrate it, and I knew better that the boy was seducing it on
purpose. My butthole felt happy and eager to admit Travis now and,
when the big knob of his penis started poking at it, it would only
naturally open up and let him in. I thought that I could probably
stop it if I wanted to, but I didn't want to. I was as eager as my
butt was for his young penis.

Travis pulled his finger out again and I felt my nervousness
grow greater as I heard him turning the shower off. "There we go," he
giggled. I looked over my shoulder again and saw the boy grab his big
penis with both hands, soap bubbles forming a thick lather as he
worked the bar up and down his six and a half inch erection. His legs
moved back and forth with pleasure and it looked like he was going to
just stand there and masturbate himself all the way to orgasm, but he
finally stopped rubbing it, gasping loudly. His skinny legs looked
weak as the boy put the soap aside and put one of his hands on my
bottom. He pulled the cheek apart (not an easy task considering how
slimy his hands were) and held his big cock pointed at my tiny hole,
grinning, breath hissing through his teeth as he moved his penis head
between my legs.

I turned back to the front, crying softly, closing my eyes and
gritting my teeth against the pain I knew was coming. I felt his
smooth penis head press against the sensitive orifice to my little
butt, and could tell the boy was trying to force my sphincter open.
He was very insistent, but my butthole was so little it couldn't open
for him at first, no matter how much his finger had seduced it.

"It's too big," I whimpered, feeling his cock pushing my hips

"No it isn't," the older boy gasped. "Lean over farther."

His big hands grabbed my hips and he pulled them back, my
skinny little legs moving quickly to keep from getting pulled out from
under me. My arms reached out and my hands pressed against the tile,
leaning over so far now that I would have fallen if my skinny arms
didn't support me. I could feel my bottom spreading open now and knew
that my little sphincter was there for the boy to see.

I was crying softly as the boy again spread the cheeks apart
and guided his throbbing penis head up against my little butthole. He
made crying noises too as his young hips tried to shove his big penis
passed my innocent butthole. I could feel the pressure against my butt
growing greater and whimpered louder, my high-pitched voice echoing
between the tiles. It started to hurt as I felt his penis head
pushing harder and harder, my little sphincter starting to weaken
despite its best efforts. Ever so slowly my hole started to open and
ever so slowly the thirteen year old boy buried his penis head inside
of me.

We were both crying as I felt my butt squeezing hold of the
hard knob of his cock. "God, it's so tight," Travis cried, sounding
like it hurt him worse than it did me. Once the head was inside, his
penis grew skinnier along the shaft and it didn't hurt me very badly.
My butt seemed to have more room once the boy's penis head got past my
sphincter. I wished I could see the throbbing length of his penis
shaft sticking straight out from his sparse bush of young boy hairs
into my tight butt hole, but that was impossible.

Travis cried loudly as he shoved harder on his penis, forcing
it to shove farther up my little bottom. I couldn't help but cry
louder with him, his cock feeling so big as it abused my little butt,
forcing my young body to let it inside me, to please the pubescent boy
with its innocence. His big, slimy hands took hold of my naked hips
and held them tightly, using them as leverage so he could shove more
of his penis inside me. He was crying so loudly, his soprano voice,
like mine, echoing loudly between the shower walls. I could feel his
penis sliding in farther and farther and it seemed like it would never
stop. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I stood there impaled by the
boy's big penis, the young thing feeling bigger and harder than I ever
thought possible. Still he forced it inside of me until it seemed to
be more than a foot of rock hard boy cock shoved up my butt.

"It hurts, Travis," my childish cries echoed, wondering if it
would ever be all the way in or if Travis cared at all about how I
felt. I could feel my insides being pressed against each other as
they were joined by the hard, foreign thing probing inside with them.
His penis head seemed to have hit some sensitive part deep inside my
little penis and I felt a rush of pleasure that made me cry out still
louder, pain and pleasure mixing together, my little erection filling
with joy as if ready to squirt in excitement.

Travis was crying too and our childish boy screams echoed in
the shower until the boy suddenly leaned forward, his small, skinny
chest laying down on my back. "It's all the way in," he cried. I
felt his long skinny arms wrapping around my chest and hugging my rib
cage so tightly that I had still greater difficulty breathing. Crying
softly, the boy slid his hand down my belly and found my little penis,
instantly coating it with soap and making it slimy. I moaned my
approval but I was still crying and it probably didn't sound as
pleasant as it felt. My penis had become intensely sensitive with the
boy's big cock up my little ass and I cried with wonderful delight as
he fondled it.

I was so glad that Travis didn't even try to fuck my butt. He
just lay there on my back, his penis buried up inside me all the way
to his little pubic hairs without moving. This seemed to be
sufficient for the growing tightness in his skinny body made it pretty
evident that he was getting close to an orgasm anyway.

His fingers were rubbing my penis as if they couldn't feel
enough of it and it felt wonderful. He even rubbed soap over my tiny
penis head, which was the most sensitive part of my boyhood and which
quickly sent waves of intense pleasure through my penis. We were both
moaning loudly now, Travis's smooth cheek laying on my shoulder blade
and rubbing softly across it as his penis filled with pleasure. My
penis felt so little in his big hand but it felt so good it seemed to
be three times bigger. I looked down at it through my tear filled
eyes, watched his hands rubbing the hairless white flesh and shiny
purple head.

"Oh, God, Kely!" Travis cried out loudly. "Oh, little Kely."
I felt his body shoving his penis harder into me, felt it pushing
against the inside of my penis, felt pleasure shoot through my little
erection and small body. "Oh!" he cried as his hips suddenly bucked
his entire body against my butt with so much power I almost fell.
"Oh!" he cried again, with another hard jerk of his hips. Each time
he jerked, his penis head hit my erection deep in my body and this was
so frantic that my boyhood couldn't hold on any longer. Orgasm raced
into it with furious intensity and I cried in excited moans as his
fingers caressed the slimy white skin.

Deep inside of me I could just feel the warm slime of his
sperm squirting in my body, felt his long, slender penis flexing as it
ejaculated his young seed into my butt. Our skinny bodies were barely
able to stay standing as our legs thrust and jerked our bodies like
frantic dogs in heat, his pressing his penis into my butt, mine
tightening around the hardness of his cock like a vice grip. In
rhythmic waves of passion and rhythmic cries of released, boyish
orgasms, we jerked and jerked together, Travis squirting his young
semen inside me while my little erection just flexed with the effort.

It was so intense that for a long time after it was over I
didn't realize it was over. It was as if the pleasure was continuing
while that big cock was up my butt. Travis's penis had finished
unloading his sperm, however, and, having done its duty, the pretty
young thing was beginning to soften inside me. The boy was too spent
from orgasm to remove it, though, and he lay there with his skinny
little chest heaving on my back, long fingers still caressing my
hairless, little erection in the soap, long, skinny arm still holding
tightly to my rhythmically swelling little body.

The shower was filled with our frantic gasps and neither of us
tried to move for long minutes after it was all over. My arms ached
from supporting both our weights, but I didn't feel like I had enough
energy to move. I adored the feel of the naked, skinny boy on top of
me and the feeling of his young penis, soft now, buried in my body was
wonderful though I still whimpered from the strange, pleasant ache it

Still gasping, Travis slowly let go of my penis and his arm
relaxed its tight hold on my skinny chest. I stood motionless as he
stood up and I listened to the boy crying softly as he pulled back on
his hips. His limp, rubbery penis slid slowly out of my tight body,
stretched out as if my butt didn't want to let it go. It felt like I
was going to the bathroom and my bottom felt oddly lonely when the
last of his beautiful penis slipped out and fell between the boy's
skinny thighs totally exhausted.

The tall, skinny boy fell back against one wall of the shower
gasping heavily and I stood and fell back against the other. He was
staring at me with wonder and adoration as I stared at the long, limp
cock that had been shoved up my butt. It was still slimy with soap,
soap that still plastered his little pubic hairs to his smooth skin,
and little droplets of boy juice dripped from the fleshy end of his
foreskin. I don't know if it was the sight of his smooth, skinny
body, his big pubescent penis, his little bush of pubic hair or what,
but my little boyhood still stood proudly at attention, still pulsing
up and down in a slimy coating of soap.

"Come here, Kelvin," the tall boy said, and I awkwardly
managed to walk over to him. He took me in his long, clumsy arms and
pulled my small body against his chest, his limp cock and little boy
hairs pressing against my stiff little erection. He held me in his
arms, big hands rubbing across my thin shoulder blades, and I knew
that he loved me as much as the other boys had. It was as if all the
boys I played with fell hopelessly in love with me. I liked that.

When we were both strong enough, Travis turned the water back
on and we continued our shower. He took great joy in washing my
entire body, taking particular pains to gently clean my sensitive butt
hole and seeming to return to my penis often enough to keep my
innocent, hairless little erection as hard as he could. I felt so
happy that even the violation of my butt didn't hurt much at all.
Soon, we were both squeaky clean and we stepped out into the bathroom
naked and dripping. Travis delighted in drying me off, kissing my
bare skin frequently, as if he couldn't help himself. When he started
kissing my penis, I wasn't at all surprised and I let him kiss and
lick it for a long time, until it was covered with his saliva. My
knees felt like rubber and it was getting harder and harder for me to
stand up.

Finally, the boy's long arms wrapped around my little
shoulders and chest and he guided me back to the bedroom. My skinny
little legs were buckling with almost every step but I managed to get
them to straighten out again and awkwardly managed to reach the bed.
The weakness of my naked little body seemed to delight Travis and he
helped me lay down, his tall, skinny body joining me. We hugged and
rubbed our bodies together a lot, Travis feeling my body all over
again, fondling my boyhood as if for the first time. When he was
ready, he lay me out on the bed and devoured my little erection in his
mouth, sucking and licking it until I squirmed and moaned, finally
jerking in orgasm. After that, we hugged and experimented with our
bodies some more. We had all but forgotten about dinner in the
pleasure and love of our young bodies.

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We got dressed just in time for there was a knock on the door
and James came in with a mousy little man who wanted to measure us for
new clothes. Although my legs still felt weak, I managed to get around
with only a little awkwardness.

"These are the boys in questions," James introduced us. "This
is Master Travis, and this is Master Kelvin." The middle aged man
looked Travis and I up dissaprovingly, and we giggled to each other
without regard to his obvious displeasure. We were both wearing
nothing more than panties. Travis's cock was making a big bulge in
his and my little penis had an erection again, one that was pretty
easy to see through the tight silk.

"They're both very skinny," the mousy man said dissaprovingly,
putting his measuring instruments on the drawers and pulling out a
measuring tape. The way he moved made it look like he was going to
use it as a weapon against us, a thought that made Travis and I giggle
some more.

"Is that a problem?" James asked, a little on the haughty

"Well, everything will have to be made from scratch," the
tailor said. "It will cost extra."

"I believe Sir Calvin is good for it," James said, with a
subtle but snide drawl that told us all that the man had no position
to question our size. In fact, we learned later, the man's problem was
that he knew what we did in the Keep. The thought that Travis and I
played with each other, magnified by the older boy's big penis bulge
and my stiff little erection, just sent willies all over him. He was
probably jealous.

"I'll measure the bigger one first..." the tailor said, his
eyes widening and his face growing red as he said it. He looked so
ashamed at his comment that Travis and I giggled delightedly.

The measurements went fine except when he measured our
inseams. Travis's legs were so long and the man so unaccustomed to
measuring pubescent boys, that the man's hand rather frequently and
seductively touched the big mound in the twelve year old's panties.
When the boy got an erection, he was intensely proud of it (it did
swell out the front of his panties quite prominently) and seemed to be
poking it outward in display. The tailor was thoroughly flustered.

It was little better when he got to me. I still had an
obvious little boner, of course, and the tailor took so much effort to
avoid touching it that Travis and I giggled most impolitely; even
James was smiling a little despite himself.

By the time he was finished, he was so agitated that his hands
were shaking as he returned the measuring tape to his bag. Travis and
I just giggled at each other, our young penises throbbing in our tight

"Very well," the tailor said. "You may inform Sir Calvin that
the complete wardrobes for both boys will be furnished tomorrow
morning per our agreement."

"I'm sure he will be pleased," James suppressed a smile that
Travis and I took as approval.

"Excuse me, sir," Travis said walking up to the tailor.

"Yes," the man said, turning impatiently. "What is it?"

"Have you ever seen a twelve year old boy naked?" my young
friend asked, instantly pulling his panties down to his knees and
nakedly displaying his throbbing, six and a half inch erection for the
nervous man.

The man looked down at the excited boy's cock and his eyes
widened in shock. He tried to look disgusted and angry, but even I
noticed that he looked at it and the little bush of sparse little boy
hairs for longer than a passing moment. After that moment, he wheeled
and was followed out of the room by James.

Travis and I contorted in laughter, though I, personally, felt
more than a little ashamed by the older boy's naked bravado. Still,
his erection had been inside my body, he and I had shared our penises
with each other. I didn't much care what the tailor thought beyond
that. Well, that and the fear that what had happened to us in Raykov
would happen in Labar.

Despite our frantic little boners, Travis and I got dressed
with giggling jokes about the tailor. We didn't play with each other,
though I would have been more than eager to. Instead, we went
downstairs and found the other boys waiting for us on the back patio.

The townhouse that was the Keep, had a high fence surrounding
the back yard, with a large patio and swimming pool just outside the
door. Tall buildings surrounded our little courtyard, easy for the
neighbors to look in on us, and I preferred the rooftop accommodations
in Raykov. There was a glass table with a half dozen chairs around
it, Calvin, Paul, Brendan and Curt already sitting and waiting for us.

"Gees, I didn't know they were thieves until the boys started
stealing stuff," Paul was explaining, making the others laugh.

"Don't trust any kids in the Fourth Quarter," Calvin smiled.

"And here are the boys now," Brendan smiled at us.

We had changed into gym shorts and were a little bashful about
our bare, skinny little chests, but cruised up to our seats and joined
them, sitting side by side. Travis tried to put on his airs, but
every time he started he'd look at me and start giggling. We were
both being silly and loved every second of it. He was a wonderful

James served us a big meal of ham, eggs and fresh fruits and
we ate ravenously listening to Brendan recap the story of the fight at
the bar and Paul talking about his escapades with the boys from the
attic. Travis even told his story, about how McGyver employed boys to
steal for him and even more frankly about the sex pot the attic was
whenever the man was away. I could guess this by the boy's
forwardness but it was odd hearing him talk about all the sex the boys
did there, how they hid it from the man, all told with only a slight
blush and more than an occasional boyish giggle. It was plain that
Travis liked having sex with other boys a lot and he wasn't terribly
shy about telling the other boys. I just sat blushing crimson,
wishing he weren't so honest and discriptive.

"Well, it's nice to have a boy who understands this stuff,
Travis," Calvin said after the dishes were removed. "But it's
extremely important that no one else knows about this."

"I know," Travis said. "That's why we never let the old fart

"It's even more important now, Travis," Brendan said. "We
have some important business to take care of in Labar and we think you
could help us out. We, uh, we're hoping that you can get into the
Labar School with Kely."

"The Labar School?" the boy said. "They're sissies. I don't
even like school."

The older boys quickly told my friend their plan. Apparently
they were planning to use him the same way they had planned to use
Lance before him: as a watchdog over me and to help me locate Tod.
Travis didn't seem to care for it much. Calvin switched his arguments
and started talking about how there were nothing but boys in the
school, how the boys probably had to shower together, how difficult it
must be for the young kids going through puberty, what with being
horny and having to hide it from the teachers. Travis was soon
shrugging his tanned, bare shoulders and it was obvious that he was
going to go along. He had a distant look on his face as if he were
imagining all those boys.

It was then that I learned the full scope of the plan and was
even more frightened when they told me that it was going to go into
effect the next day. Travis and I would then be taken as Calvin's
nephews to the Labar School for Young Gentlemen. We would take a test
there and be placed in the appropriate grade level. Once inside, I
had to find Prince Tod. There was a picture of him and they showed it
to me causing me to blush in embarrassment just looking at how cute he
was. It was only a portrait, but he was, without doubt, the most
beautiful boy I had ever seen. The problem was that Tod was older
than me and would probably be in a higher grade. That was where
Travis could help in locating him.

They assured me that Tod would be willing to do almost
whatever I asked him to, but that he still wouldn't remember who he or
I was. I had to find a way to get Tod out of the school with only me,
that with a boy who hadn't left the school without his guardians or an
escort in four years.

"What if he won't go with me?" I asked.

"He will," Calvin nodded knowingly. "Tod is a Kovz Boy and
he'll be one wherever he ends up. He may be a sweet schoolboy right
now, but in his soul he's a Kovz Boy. Once he sees you, he'll be
unable to keep away from you. That's where we have the edge."

I shrugged and blushed with embarrassment, sensing what they
meant. Still, the thought of makin glove to a boy that pretty was an
intensely attractive thought.

"You have to remember though, Kely," Brendan added. "Whatever
his soul may be, Tod is a very normal boy right now. He's thirteen
years old. All he remembers is what he's learned since he came here."

"Right," Calvin picked up. "See, after the Holocaust..."

"What's the ho.. ho..." I tried to say.

"The Holocaust," Calvin completed. "Well, about two years
ago, the Old Ones managed to break through to Kovzland. They killed
everyone, including the Royal Family. In the years since then we've
been trying to locate everyone but it's been difficult. That's why we
have to strike now while we know where Tod is. Once we can get him
back to Kovzland with the other princes, we'll be able to collect the
other boys much faster. Do you understand?"

"I think so," I said slowly, thoroughly confused.

"Look, Kely," Calvin smiled, seeing that I was confused. "Two
thousand years ago, eleven men came from another planet and we were
made the rulers of it by God. I was one of those eleven and so were

"Eric, Rick and David were, too," Curt cut in.

"'The Guardians,'" I said.

"That's right," Calvin smiled approvingly. "Now, we tried to
rule this world as perfectly as we could, but some other people had
different ideas and they were just as powerful as we were. They are
the Old Ones. God brought them here, too, and said that we had to
rule Destinial together. The problem was that the Old Ones didn't
like Kovz Boys, they hated us and they refused to work with us. They
tried to destroy us and they almost succeeded.

"Before the Holocaust, we were safe in Kovzland with
everything just as we wanted it to be. There were ten Guardians (us)
and the Royal Family: ten boys who passed all the laws and rules.
Two years ago, the Old Ones managed to get into Kovzland and they
killed all the boys, all but three of the Guardians because we weren't
in the city. That may or may not be how they succeeded in destroying
it, we don't know. Anyway, the Kovz Boys who were killed were reborn
at random locations on Destinial as prepubescent boys. Normally, they
would have been reborn at the Kovz Temple, but the Old Ones destroyed
it so the boys went all over the place. Not only did we not know
where they might have appeared, but their deaths also kept them from
remembering anything at all about Kovzland. Now you see what happened
to you and why you don't remember anything before a few weeks ago.

"You were out searching for the Royal Family and the Old Ones
must have found you. They killed you in body, but you were reborn in
Tarsec, I'd say about eleven years old, and not remembering who you
were or what you were doing. I understand you've been disturbed about
Eric's death, but let me tell you now: he's out there somewhere, ten
or eleven years old, just as lost and confused as you have been."

I wasn't a great deal less confused by his speech, but I
understood the salient points. Most importantly was the idea that I
wasn't a boy at all, just a man temporarily in a child's body. Not
only that, but I was apparently a very powerful man. The notion of it
appealed to my boyish discomfort as it does all boys.

"Now we have one of the princes located and, as Brendan says,
you have to keep in mind who he is now. He appeared here after the
Holocaust and was only three years old. He was lucky: he was adopted
by a very wealthy family who live out in the valley. They're an
elderly couple, very nice actually (I've been to dinner there a few
times) and when their adopted son was old enough, they sent him to the
Labar School for Young Gentlemen, a boarding school but one of the
best of its kind anywhere. Tod's a sweet boy, very bright and very
shy. We suspect that he... well, never mind. The thing is that you're
the only one of us young enough to get into the school and go get him.
He never leaves the school grounds alone, has body guards with him
whenever we have a chance to steal him, and the school is too
protected to go in and get him without arousing the Old Ones'
curiosity. That's why we're sending you in. All you have to do is
find him and talk him into leaving the school alone with you. We'll
be watching and waiting to grab him."

"You want to kidnap him?" I asked, shocked that they would be
so cruel.

"It sounds like that, Kely, but you must understand: Tod
needs us. Without us, he'll die one day, plain and simple, and we'll
have to try and find him again. The Old Ones are looking for him too.
They know that they can't just kill us. Next time they'll lock him in
a prison for all of time. He may not want to go with us, but he has
to. Once we can get him to Kovzland, he can go through the melding
and will remember everything, just as you will when we have time for
you to go there."

I sighed, confused but boyishly determined not to let them
think I was stupid. I didn't believe any of it, really, but I wanted
to so I tried. "Hey," I said suddenly realizing something. "What's
to stop the Old Ones from attacking Kovzland again?"

Calvin's eyebrows raised, apparently impressed that I'd
thought of that. "Well, mostly we're ready for them now. But also we
hope we've found a defense against them. You see, Kovz Boys, the real
ones, give off a very strong signal psychically. The Guardians give
off the strongest and the Royal Family isn't far behind. We've always
had a lot of non-Kovz Boys in the city. We buy slave boys, adopt
orphans, etc. Now we're going to make sure that half the city is made
up of these types of boys. They stay children like real Kovz Boys,
but when they die, they actually die and we can't bring them back.
Their presence will make Kovzland nicer and will diffuse the intensity
of the Kovz Boy signals. We also plan to confuse them by having a new
king who isn't a real Kovz Boy, but a transplant. Furthermore, he'll
be uncircumcised: the Old Ones truly believe that all Kovz Boys are
circumcised. That isn't true."

"Erin," I whispered, suddenly putting some pieces together.

"That's right," Calvin smiled again. "Erin is going to be the
next king of Kovzland and Jonathan is going to be the next High Priest
of Kovzland. We're hoping that will change things just enough that
they won't be able to attack us. That and, in the future, we'll make
sure that at least three guardians are in the city at all times."

I was more than a little confused. It all seemed terribly
complicated. I didn't understand the difference between a 'real' Kovz
Boy and normal boys and it also seemed to me that one of the original
member of our group was missing: Calvin had said eleven men had come
to the world, but there were only ten guardians. What had happened to
the eleventh? Rather than think about it, however, I made a silent
agreement with myself to focus on immediate things and let the bigger
ones wait for later. I had to meet this adorable boy named Tod and
had to talk him into leaving the school with me. I didn't know how I
was going to do that, but I was ready to try. Later I would try and
figure out what it was all about and just who I was.

"What am I supposed to do?" Travis asked as if he understood
it all already.

"You just keep an eye on Kely," Brendan smiled.

"What about after that?"

"After that, you come along with us. You won't have any
problems after that, Travis."

Travis seemed confused by this but accepted it with a shrug.
There was a long pause as we all sat sorting out our own thoughts.
Curt suddenly laughed. "How 'bout an orgy tonight?" he asked.




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Twelve

The next morning was one filled with excitement and nervous
anxiety. I had never been to school before, but I had some idea of
what one was. Still, I was filled with uncertainty and I could tell
by Travis's behavior that he wasn't any more sure than I was. Most
notable was the fact that he didn't even try to sneak into the shower
with me, just moped around in the room until I was finished and he
could take his turn. Our new clothes were dropped off before we were
even awake and James dutifully picked out a pair of grey slacks, white
shirt, bow tie and blue blazer for me. When I was dressed, I cut
quite the figure of a young aristocrat and felt eager to show off my
nice clothes even as I felt frightened at facing the school.

Travis wore a matching outfit and the two of us sat silent and
nervous at the breakfast table as Calvin repeated warnings to us about
the proper behavior for young gentlemen. Afterward, our suitcases
were loaded into a very nice carriage and a coachman drove the three
of us across the wealthy parts of town toward the school. As it
turned out, the school was located just outside the walls to the
king's palace and we could see the ornate structure looming higher
above us as we approached. It was mid-semester and all the other
schoolboys were already inside the school walls so ours was the only
carriage headed in that direction. We couldn't even see the building
from outside the high wall because trees completely blocked our view.

The coachman drove through a wrought iron gate without
stopping, two guards snapping to attention and apparently recognizing
the coach as being one too nice to be challenged. Perhaps they had
been expecting us, but I felt very wealthy indeed. We rode up a
cobblestone path and gradually the trees thinned until we could see a
huge, three story brick building before us, with smaller, matching
buildings scattered about the courtyard. The road ran all the way to
the large building and turned around a marble fountain that spouted
water. Everywhere there were flowers and grass, well cared for and
immaculate. Travis and I looked at each other nervously, wanting to
be excited by our wealthy new home, but feeling small and unworthy
beside it. As soon as the carriage stopped in front of the school,
Calvin was jumping out and motioning us to come with him. Swallowing
a moment of panic, we obeyed.

"Sir Calvin, of the Starr Estates," Calvin greeted the elderly
woman behind the desk we arrived at.

"Of course, sir," she nodded demurely. "And these must be the
young men you spoke about."

"Travis and Kelvin," Calvin nodded, the two of us giving
slight, crisp bows as he had instructed us. "They shall study here
until their father returns from the Farlands."

"Yes, of course. Miss Millicent?" she called over her

From a back room, a young woman in her mid-twenties appeared.
She was a very pretty woman, though she carried herself with aloof
pride and obedience, an odd mixture but one she managed quite well.
Even in her full length dress, her figure was evident, for she had
large, firm breasts and a slender body.

"Miss Millicent will take the boys for testing, Sir Calvin,"
the elderly woman explained. "It would be best if you were to say
your goodbyes here."

"There's no need for all that," Calvin brushed it aside.
"Their father and I have little room for such niceties." He had
warned us to be prepared for this brusk sendoff because warriors
weren't supposed to show any affection. Still, it made me feel rather
sad and I wanted him to stay and watch over us.

"Very well, then." She waved the other woman away and I could
feel her hands pressing my thin shoulders toward the door she had
entered from.

"But what about our suitcases?" I whined, anything to delay
our entry into that foreign place called school.

"They shall be taken care of, dear," Miss Millicent assured
me, urging both Travis and I toward the door with slightly more
persistence. We walked weak kneed and frightened toward it until it
closed behind us and we were along in the room with the young woman.
It was a dimly lit room but was nonetheless very formal and nice. A
half dozen student desks were lined up in front of a much larger desk
that I took to be Miss Millicent's.

"Take a seat there now, boys." She had a nice voice that
relaxed me somewhat, but I still felt alone and Travis's tense silence
didn't help matters much. We sat in the desks beside each other and
Millicent put a stack of papers in front of each of us. "Now, boys,
this is a standardized test to find out how smart you are. You have
one hour to complete it, but you can't look at each other's paper,
okay?" We both nodded. She gave us pencils and we were told to

Calvin had told us about the test; they would be used to
decide what grade to place us in. I was frightened of it for I wasn't
even sure if I could read very well; as soon as I got started
however, it was as if someone were telling me the answers for I was
soon scribbling them down with ease. I finished the test in twenty
minutes, but Travis was sweating over his and ended up taking the
whole hour.

It had been assumed that Travis would just naturally score
higher than I would and that he would just naturally be put in a class
with other boys his age. When the tests were graded however, a very
different outcome presented itself: I was to be placed in the seventh
grade and Travis was going to be put in the fourth. This would hold
true only for the academic classes, we were told. I would still be in
the younger boys' P.E. Class and would live in the younger boys'
dormitory. Travis would be with the older boys. I didn't understand
why they made this distinction; all I knew was how badly I felt
knowing that Travis and I were going to be separated.

A second young woman arrived and she led me upstairs to the
little boys' dormitory, leaving me there with instructions on how to
get to the dining room and telling me to be there in two hours for
lunch. My suitcase was sitting on one of the top bunks still
unopened. After lunch I was to start attending classes with the other
boys. The dormitory wasn't very private. In size and layout it
actually resembled the boys' room at the orphanage in Tarsec. From
there the resemblance stopped for this room was very nicely furnished
and smelled like fresh wild flowers and just a hint of the sweet smell
of boy. There were twenty sets of bunks along either side of the dorm,
separated by a fifteen foot wide aisle. At one end was the entrance,
and at the other was a sitting room with a small stage. There was a
door on that end that said "Boys' Bathroom", and three tables with
games neatly stacked on them. The floor had a very soft, clean
carpet. Each set of wooden bunks was separated from the one next to
it by a closet that held the belongings of two boys. I opened the one
assigned to me and found the clean, starched clothes of a boy about my
size already hanging there. His were on one side, however, and I
unpacked my bags and hung mine on the opposite end.

I killed time waiting for the two hours to pass, finally going
down to the boys' room to tinkle. It was only one large room, with
sinks and toilets lined against one wall and showers against the
other. There were no stalls or dividers. Mirrors lined the wall
above the sinks and there was a dutch door with a half dozen clean,
white towels hanging on it. The room had vents and smelled and felt
clean and dry.

When the two hours had gone by, I adjusted my bow tie, combed
my silky blond hair, and followed the woman's directions to the dining
room. It was on the ground floor and I passed through the double door
entry immediately amazed at the beautiful accommodations. The tables
were long and continuous like they were at the Work House, but they
were clean and smooth. Adult servants, male and female, were busy
setting them for lunch; not gruel here, but plates of beef and
vegetables and sauces. There were bay windows along the walls looking
out over lush green lawns and colorful flower gardens. There was even
carpet on the floors.

About two dozen boys were already milling about the dining
room, though it was plainly meant to hold several hundred. They all
looked at me and nudged each other, pointing at me with silent
questions and occasional giggles. They all dressed like I did so I
wasn't out of place in that respect. It was only that I was the new
boy. They were of a wide range of ages as were the additional boys
who were soon flooding through the doors. Some looked like they were
only six or seven years old and others looked to be in their
mid-teens. I just stood looking silly until a middle aged man
approached me.

"You must be, Kelvin," he smiled at me, putting an arm around
my shoulders.

"Kely," I corrected softly.

"I'm Dean Carlson, Kely. We're very happy to have you and
your brother with us."

I was about to correct him about Travis, but he was motioning
to a little boy and I managed to catch myself. The boy who approached
us looked younger than me and was a couple of inches shorter. He had
blond hair and blue eyes and looked very skinny in his slacks and
white blazer. He smiled bashfully at me, but seemed to be very

"This may be a bit confusing," the man smiled, "but Kely, this
is Kelly. Kely is a new boy with us, Kelly."

The whirl of similar names made both me and the little boy
giggle but he held his hand out and, after a moment, I shook it with
boyish awkwardness. "Maybe it would be better to call me Kelvin," I

The boy smiled and nodded.

"Well, then," the man nodded. "Kelly, Kelvin is a new boy
with us. He'll have the bunk above your's. I'd appreciate it if you'd
keep an eye on him and make sure he knows where everything is."

"Sure," the boy smiled. He was very cute, his high pitched,
childlike voice sounding like an angel's song. I liked him
immediately. "Come on," he said. He motioned with his head and I
followed him to one end of one arm of the tables. "This is where we
always sit," he explained, taking one seat and me sitting beside him.
"Where are you from?"

"Vinepak," I said, using the cover story Calvin had told us

"Wow! That's a long way away."

"My uncle lives here," I said. "My brother and I are staying
with him while my father is in the Outlands."

"Gee. Is he a knight?"


Our boyish talk went on like this as the room gradually filled
with boys. All the ones who sat near us were introduced to me. They
were all little boys between nine and twelve years old and all were in
the same dorm room. I made friends very quickly but none so quickly
as I did little Kelly. We seemed drawn to be friends and by the end
of lunch it seemed as if we had known each other for years.

"Let me see your class schedule," Kelly said as we were
finishing lunch. I gave him the sheet of paper they had given me and
after a moment his pretty blue eyes grew wide beneath his long
eyelashes. "Wow. These are all seventh grade classes," he said.
"Hey, look at this. Kelvin's got all seventh grade classes."

It embarrassed me to have my status shown about the table but
the boys were obviously very impressed. "He's in our P.E. Class," an
eleven year old boy named Blaine said.

"Yeah, but they always put younger boys in the same P.E.
Class," another little boy said.

"You must be really smart, Kelvin," Kelly said looking at me
with admiration. I could only blush and shrug. As if on cue, a boy
slightly older than us came up to the table.

"Kelvin? My name's Bryan. Doctor Carlson said I should take
you to your first class."

"Hey, Stargel," Kelly cut in. "Why's he in your classes?"

"Beats me," the cute boy shrugged. "I guess he's some kind of
brain or something. Still looks like a squeaker to me."

Kelly and I parted with reassurances that he'd see me at P.E.
class later that day and I left with Bryan. It wasn't easy keeping up
with the older boy for he walked his normal speed and didn't seem too
concerned if I kept up or not. He was positively darling, however,
and I really wanted to be friends with him. I could do nothing but
tag along behind him and follow him through the halls and into a room.
He didn't tell me where to sit, so I followed him and sat in the desk
right behind his. The boys filling the classroom were older than me
and I felt very little. To make matters worse, they were all paling
around and being friendly with each other, the most I got was a brief
gawk and giggles. Suddenly I felt a boy shove me.

"Hey, squeaker. You're sitting in my seat."

"I'm sorry," I said, quickly standing up and getting out of
his way. He was a couple of inches taller than me, a very cute blond
haired boy with deep brown eyes.

"That's telling him, Joshua," one of the boys jeered. The
others laughed at me and I felt like crying. Sadly, I slumped back to
the back of the room and found an empty desk. I was still getting
stares and giggles, but at least the boys left me alone. My only
relief from their taunts came when the teacher arrived and I was
relieved to see that it was Miss Millicent. She gave me a friendly
nod and smile and I was relieved when she didn't make me stand up and
introduce myself.

The class was History, something I had no reason to think I
knew the slightest about. I was so nervous I could scarcely pay
attention to her lecture. Instead my eyes drifted nervously about the
room, looking at each of the thirty boys and wondering if any of them
would be friendly. My eyes were suddenly caught by a blond haired boy
and I felt a queasy sickness in my stomach. I couldn't see his face,
just the silky yellow of his hair, the young contours of his back
through his blazer.

"Kelvin, can you tell us what dynasty followed the Amok
Dynasty?" Miss Millicent asked, cutting through my daydreaming.

All eyes were turning on me and I felt my face growing hot and
red as I stood beside my desk. I looked over at the blond haired boy
wondering if he would turn around so I could see his face, but he was
writing something on his desk and didn't turn.

"Mam'n, the Martel Dynasty followed Amok in the year 231,
a.a." I had no idea how I knew the answer. It just seemed to jump to
my mouth. It was enough to make the other boys break into a round of
whispers and even enough to make the blond haired boy turn to look at

The shock of seeing his face was even greater than the shock
of being asked a question and I felt my heart lurch in my chest as his
eyes and mine met for the first time. It was Prince Tod, there was no
doubt about it. Still, the beauty of the boy in the portrait came no
where near the beauty of the adorable boy sitting in front of me. Had
I the power to change a single cell in that beautiful face I would not
have changed a one. He was perfect, absolutely without fault or
blemish. As I said, he had blond hair, but it was so blond that the
silky, yellow sheen off it appeared almost white. His eyes were a
dazzling blue, perfectly clear and filled with boyish innocence,
gazing at me beneath two thin, light brown eyebrows. His eyelashes
were very black and long and beautiful. The most dazzling thing about
him was the smoothness of his angelic face. It was a very soft brown
in color that contrasted with his pale hair with incredible beauty.
Even his small chin and small ears seemed to tug at my heart until I
felt like my knees were water and I would crumble before him if only
to look at that beautiful face a moment longer.

"Thank you, Kelvin," Miss Millicent smiled at me.

I managed to lower myself into my desk, Tod's eyes staring at
me as much as mine were staring at him. He must have become aware of
how awkward it looked for us to gaze at each other as deeply as we
were for he suddenly blushed and looked away. Finally he turned back
in his seat and I was left trying to still the frantic pounding in my
small chest.

I could scarcely concentrate on the last part of the class, so
enraptured was I by the young prince. When the bell finally rang, I
could feel Tod's nervous eyes watching me and I walked toward the door
feeling awkward. As if we were both subconsciously trying to do it,
we ended up at the door at the same time. I glanced up at the same
time as he did and our eyes met, me feeling like I would melt into the
clear blue of the cute boy.

"Hi," he said softly. His voice was still a high pitched
soprano just touched with the crackling edge of puberty. My heart,
already pounding, lurched with boyish adoration.

"Hi," I swallowed back. The press of the other boys forced us
out into the hall and Tod was whisked away before we could exchange
another word, leaving me to catch my breath and cool the blush from my

I was rather pleased to finally get to gym class where I met
with Kelly again. The coach assigned me to a locker right beside the
little boy and I hurried to change into my gym clothes to catch up to
the others. P.E. was easy and undemanding. We played dodge ball and
had a great deal of fun. I liked being with the little boys. They
were all so cute in their white gym shorts, smooth, slender legs
exposed to their tennis shoes. My team was skins so all the boys
around me were bare chested, their soft, hairless bodies looking so
adorable. Kelly was on the other team so he was wearing the same
white t-shirt as those boys.

We were both giggling as we walked back to the locker room
together. All the boys were growing less noisy the closer they got to
having to shower together and by the time we started to strip most of
the boys were silent. I untied my shoes then peeled out of my gym
shorts. Feeling shy and embarrassed, I didn't wait for Kelly to get
naked and joined the crowd of naked little boys walking toward the
shower. I couldn't help stealing glances at their small, hairless
penises and I could even tell that they were all doing the same with
each other. We were all so curious and the beauty of all those small,
hairless bodies nervously showering together was delightful. I didn't
see any pubic hair on any of the boys, nothing but soft skin leading
to cute uncircumcised little penises. I could tell that several of
the boys had noticed that my penis was circumcised, but none of them
stared at it or said anything.

I was just finishing my shower when Kelly nervously entered
the tiled part of the locker room. He looked even cuter without his
clothes on, so smooth and hairless. I could see the pretty mound
between his slender thighs, pink and boyish, holding to a tiny pink
penis and little testicles. I was astonished, however, to see the
small, purple knob of his penis head. Kelly was circumcised, too! I
tried not to stare at the pretty little thing but he was so adorable.
Swallowing nervously, I quickly rinsed off and walked past him. He
was so shy, so embarrassed by his nude body.

I took my time drying off and was just drying my feet when
Kelly came hurrying back to his locker. He had his towel wrapped
around his waist, but he dropped it as soon as he was back against the
wall. I smiled at him, sitting with my knees spread, inviting him to
look at my little boyhood. He was blushing but his cute blue eyes
slipped between my legs and he smiled back up at me, looking relieved
to see that our little penises were so much alike. He seemed more
relaxed from then on and didn't make any effort to conceal the pretty
boyhood of his youth. I was looking at it even as he stepped into his
underpants and slowly pulled them up his legs. He knew I was looking
at it, but just smiled and blushed.

Kelly and I were almost inseparable from then on and spent the
rest of the day at play. P.E. was our last class so our afternoon was
spent frolicking around the wide lawns and horseback riding down at
the stables. I didn't understand what was happening between us, but I
soon felt myself drawn to the small boy and found my hands frequently
finding any excuse to touch him. My little penis got stiff every time
we came in contact and I was going crazy with desire for him. By the
end of the day, I was so frustrated I felt like grabbing Kelly and
fucking him through our clothes. It was a strange fixation for a boy
my age, but I found Kelly so adorable I could scarcely help myself.
The way his small, slender body moved, the way his gym shorts rubbed
against his smooth, hairless thighs, the beautiful smile on his cute
face. I was absolutely infatuated with him.

By the time dinner was over, I was willing to try almost
anything to make love to him, to take his clothes off and see the
beauty of his hairless little boyhood again. We were in the dorm room
and a few other boys were there playing games but I was scarcely aware
of them. I was sitting on Kelly's bed, my eyes gazing at his sweet,
boyish face and glancing slowly over the slender curves of his body
through his t- shirt. The small boy even seemed to sense what I was
doing for he was blushing and wasn't saying anything. Occasionally
our blue eyes would meet and we would both blush brighter, quickly
looking away at the floor or at our shorts. I didn't know if he could
see my erection in my shorts or not, but it felt huge to me.

Feeling sick with nervousness, I slowly reached out and
started to lift the tail of his t-shirt up his body. His baby soft,
slender belly appeared before his hand reflexively jerked his top back

"Kelvin," he whispered, but there was a glint of boyish
excitement in his eyes and he even smiled at me. I was so horny I
couldn't help reaching for his shirt again and the small boy looked
around to make sure none of the other boys were watching as he allowed
me to lift the front up.

I fell in love with the little chest before me. It looked so
soft and hairless, the small mounds of his boyish muscle as smooth as
a baby's bottom, his nipples tiny little purple dots on his pretty,
pale skin. Kelly was biting his lower limp bashfully as I looked up
and smiled at him and he swallowed nervously as he felt me pulling his
shirt even higher. He was gasping as he raised his thin arms and I
pulled the shirt all the way up and off him.

Kelly immediately looked around the room again as I gazed at
his little chest and soft skin. His yellow hair was in disarray
around his cute face but it only made him cuter, the silky strands
looking beautiful against the rosy color of his cheeks. His chest was
so pretty I couldn't help touching it and slowly ran my hand from the
baby soft nape of his warm neck, over his small shoulder and down
across the slender contours beneath his childlike nipples.

"Kelvin," Kelly warned again, but his eyes were watching as I
caressed his little body and he liked it. My fingertips slid very
slowly across the small ripples of his rib cage and were soon petting
the warm flesh surrounding his little belly button. For all his
nervous breathing and excitement, I could tell the little boy was
afraid of my proximity to his gym shorts and I could feel his smooth,
skinny abdomen twitching nervously. Nonetheless, my fingers slowly
took hold of the elastic to his gym shorts and Kelly did nothing more
than tense visibly. I pulled the yellow fabric down low enough that I
could actually make out the slender little bulge of his penis in his
tight underpants. It was obvious that the boy had an erection at least
as stiff as mine and I longed to see that beautiful, hairless little
penis naked.

With Kelly sitting down, I couldn't take his shorts off any
further, and I was astonished when the cute boy suddenly stood up in
front of me. He looked around to make sure the other boys were still
busy on the far side of the room then turned and smiled at me.
Blushing thirty shades of red, the sweet little boy reached out and
started pulling on my t-shirt. I let him pull it off and we were soon
both topless, our small, hairless chests looking almost identical in
their smooth, boyish innocence. We were both having trouble breathing
as I stood up beside him and we were both glancing nervously at each
other's gym shorts. I don't think Kelly had any real sexual desires
despite his stiff penis. It was more like boyish curiosity because I
really doubted that the virgin boy had any idea what he could do with
his little erection. I was not so naive, however, and all I could
think of was how nice it would be to suck his pretty penis and feel
his little body shuddering with orgasm.

Kelly looked at me expectantly a moment, then looked down and
pulled the front of my shorts down to uncover my little penis mound.
I giggled softly in response and Kelly immediately pulled the shorts
all the way down to my knees. I still had my underwear on, but my
erection was obvious and we both repressed laughter as I quickly
pulled Kelly's shorts down to his knees. We stood there in our
underpants grinning and blushing, both very shy about going the next
step we both wanted so badly. Finally, however, I reached out and
pulled his underwear down far enough to look in.

The sight that greeted me was so beautiful I could have cried.
The boy's penis, looking so lovely in its pale, hairless innocence,
stuck out so hard I could see it throbbing madly. The little head was
a very bright purple and the sweet skin surrounding it had already
grown red from excitement. His little slit yawned open on the
intense, shining glory of that little head. Farther down, I could see
the beginning contours of his little testicles and hairless young
scrotum. His sweet boyhood was about the same size as mine and stuck
out so straight I longed to feel it between my lips.

Smiling in embarrassment and curiosity, Kelly quickly reached
out and jerked my underpants all the way down to my shorts and I stood
there with my little erection frantically throbbing toward the cute
boy. We both blushed down at it, throbbing so frantically it hurt
with its hardness. It looked so straight, its slender two and a half
inch length sticking straight out from a small, hairless mound between
my skinny legs. As if only playing, Kelly grabbed my little penis
causing me to jump, his awkward fingers caressing the stiff erection
as he felt the hairless skin around it. He was grinning at me and I
wondered if the sweet boy knew how good it felt having him touch my

"Okay, boys, it's time for bed."

Kelly and I were so startled by Millicent's entrance that we
frantically grabbed our shorts and pulled them back up. We were
sitting down on the bed and blushing brightly before Millicent even
reached our part of the room and he didn't see what we were doing to
each other. The rest of the boys in our room were filing in with him
and they all started stripping out of their clothes to get into their

"How was your first day at school, Kelvin?" Millicent stopped
to ask me.

"Fine," I said, certain she knew everything that had happened.

"That's good." She smiled and brushed my hair. "Looks like
you two were in a hurry to get to bed," she said nodding to our bare
chests before continuing on. Kelly and I swallowed to each other in
uncertainty, but there was no sign that she knew.

All the boys were going ahead and changing with the woman in
the room and I could see her looking at their small naked bodies.
Kelly and I were more cautious than the others, because our penises
were still throbbing like mad and we tried to conceal them from the
other boys and from the woman. When we'd finally managed to get into
our pajamas, I quickly climbed up on my bunk and crawled beneath the
covers. I lay there silently until the other boys were all in bed and
breathed a nervous sigh of relief when the lights finally went out.

I tried to forget about Kelly, but every time I closed my eyes
I could see his little penis throbbing and longing for relief.
Despite all my efforts, I couldn't get rid of my own erection and it
seemed to beg for more attention with every passing minute. After
more than an hour of painstaking desire, I finally gave in and crawled
down off the bunk.

I could hear the steady breathing of the other boys in the
room and was confident that they were all asleep. I could even see
Kelly's sleeping form in the moonlight, the small mound of his body
beneath the covers. Swallowing nervously, I reached out my hand,
lifted his blankets and slowly slipped into bed beside him. I could
feel the small body beside me moving as Kelly rolled over and looked
at me. As soon as he recognized me, he smiled. "What are you doing?"
he asked softly. He was so cute I could hardly believe it.

I didn't know how to answer him except to shrug and my
trembling hands were already reaching out to start unbuttoning the
boy's pajama top. "Kelvin," he cautioned, his sweet eyes looking down
to watch as I slowly bared his cute little chest again. I smiled
bashfully at him as the shirt fell open and my palms tenderly rubbed
across the unbelievable softness of his prepubescent body. My fingers
even got to slip into his hairless little armpits and they felt as
soft and warm as the rest of his smooth skin. Kelly was embarrassed
by my contact, but he leaned back on his elbows and smiled with me as
I rubbed up and down his chest and belly.

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Utterly infatuated by the little boy, I pulled his blankets
all the way off his body and tenderly lay my head down on the baby
soft skin of his skinny abdomen. I could feel his body swelling
rhythmically as he breathed and couldn't resist rubbing my cheek back
and forth across that smooth boy flesh. Kelly stroked my hair almost
maternally as we lay there together but I soon felt his boyish
curiosity urge him to take my shirt off too. His small hands
nervously tugged at the shirt as if to tell me to take it off and I
willingly sat up and unbuttoned it. Kelly just gazed at my little
chest as I pulled the shirt free of my arms and tossed it on the
ground. As soon as my chest was bare, we took his shirt the rest of
the way off. Soon he was laying on the bed and I was sitting beside
him, both gazing at our half naked bodies, both taking brief glances
at the other boy's pajama bottoms. Despite the fact that we had both
already seen the other boy naked and both shown marked interest in the
other's penis, we were both very shy about taking the initiative. We
knew we probably weren't supposed to be playing with each other as we
had been, but our desires were so sharp and longing we couldn't help
ourselves. I just about jumped off the bed when I suddenly felt
Kelly's little fingers caressing my arm and the boy was soon very
gently pulling me down beside him.

We both almost giggled when I lay down next to him and our
small, skinny chests were almost touching. Our blue eyes gazed into
the other's and we were smiling despite the deep affection we felt for
the other. Being more experienced than the cute virgin boy in bed
with me, I very tenderly slipped my hand beneath his underarm and very
lovingly pulled his little body against mine. Our chests, as soft as
any baby, rubbed against each other with such amazing smoothness I
immediately felt my penis filling with excitement. For a moment I
thought I would have an orgasm just holding the soft little boy but I
didn't and was soon stroking his small shoulder blades and the smooth
flesh across his slender back.

Kelly seemed to take his cues from me for I soon felt his
small hands exploring and caressing my body the same way I was feeling
his. It was a strange and exciting thing for us to be doing. On the
one hand, we could both sense the powerful pleasures lurking just
beneath the surface in our blooming bodies, on the other was the shy
and embarrassed humor we felt at touching another boy like we were.
We were still smiling as we touched and caressed each other but we
were blushing and awkwardly squirming with growing passion.

As Kelly's small body grew closer and closer to mine, I
suddenly felt the stiff little erection between his legs rubbing
against my thigh. He still had his pajama bottoms on, of course, but
he wasn't wearing underwear and the bottoms were so light weight that
it was very easy to feel the innocent size of his boyhood. The
pleasure the boy felt at that gentle pressure obviously surprised him
for he tensed and gasped suddenly, quickly pulling his hips away from
me. His face, though still smiling, glanced quickly down our bodies
in surprise and wonder. I didn't give him too much time to wonder,
however, because my own penis longed to feel his hard body against it
and I pressed my hips forward until both our stiff little erections
were rubbing against each other through our pajamas. Kelly stopped
smiling and started panting very nervously. He was obviously very
astonished and confused. It almost felt like we were naked already,
so little did the pajamas interfere with our tender penises. We tried
to keep our breathing quiet as our skinny little bodies slowly and
rhythmically rubbed against each other, our small chests pressed
nipple to nipple, our excited erections growing ore sensitive at every

Kelly apparently couldn't handle the pleasure in his penis for
he suddenly pulled away from me. "No more," he said. He rolled over
on the bed and refused to look at me. I just lay gazing at the
slender beauty of his smooth back for the boy hadn't put his shirt
back on. He lay as if expecting me to go back to my bed, but instead
I reached out and started petting his shoulder blades again. The skin
was so soft, so warm. Gasping with nervousness and pubescent
hormones, I crawled closer to him and gently pressed my little chest
against the soft skin across his thin shoulders. I could feel my
erection press tenderly against the small crack of the little boy's
butt and it felt wonderful through the fabrics. Kelly didn't move
during the entire encounter and I was soon slipping my hand around his
skinny body, tenderly stroking his baby soft sides, reaching up to
feel slowly across the little mounds of his chest, my fingertips just
touching his tiny nipples, the warm skin on his hairless underarms. I
could feel his little body still swelling for air but the boy made no
move or said anything. Panting softly against the soft nape of his
neck, I very slowly rubbed my hand over his thin rib cage, down his
warm abdomen until I suddenly felt the elastic band to his pajamas
against my fingertips.

I longed to touch his sweet, hairless penis, but held back and
slowly rubbed across his belly instead. I felt like I was in Heaven
and lay my cheek against his small shoulder as I tenderly caressed his
body. As if reeling in the pleasures of orgasm, I very slowly reached
between the child's legs and softly lay my hand on his pulsing little
penis. This startled Kelly and I could feel his body jump in shock,
but still he didn't stop me. My fingers thrilled with the beauty of
his penis as they lightly felt the slender little erection through his
pajamas. Even through the fabric, I could tell how soft and smooth
his hairless pubic mound was, could feel the soft contours of his
little testicles in his boyish scrotum. I knew I was going to have an
orgasm at any moment, so excited was I by his stiff penis, but Kelly
started to move and I moved back as the adorable boy lay over on his
back. He looked confused as his pretty eyes looked up into mine.
"Why are you doing that?" he asked softly.

I didn't know what to say and just shrugged looking away. I
could tell Kelly was looking at me, but I was too embarrassed to look
back. When I realized the little boy was taking his pajama bottoms
off I looked up in excited wonder.

Kelly stripped quickly out of the pajamas and then lay back
down on the bed stark naked. He was so beautiful. Like a childlike
Adonis, smooth, naked, hairless. I was gasping even faster as I
stared at the unbelievably pretty penis sticking straight out from his
legs, so little, so incredibly smooth and hairless. Our eyes met
briefly and Kelly managed a bashful smile. "Take your's off," he said
quietly. I needed no further encouragement and sat down on the bed to
pull my pajama bottoms down. As soon as I was naked, I laid down
beside Kelly, our small bodies looking like twins, both so skinny and
hairless, both so childlike. The only thing that detracted from the
innocent beauty of our naked bodies was the intense erections that
stiffened our hairless little penises, both throbbing frantically and
begging to be caressed and sucked. We lay there beside each other for
long moments, both looking at our penises, both wondering what to do
next, how to satisfy the hormones inside us.

I couldn't look at his beautiful penis without dreaming about
what it would feel like to touch it and I finally gave into my desires
and reached between the child's legs again. I took the cute little
penis in my fingers and practically moaned at how wonderful it felt,
so hard, so little. It obviously made Kelly very nervous to have his
penis held by another boy, but he just lay gasping, watching
everything my fingers did to his little boyhood. Adoring his hairless
innocence, my fingertips slipped down and very slowly rubbed the warm,
hairless crevice where his small scrotum joined to his smooth thighs.
It was so wonderful to feel his little testicles rubbing softly
against the back of my hand, to feel the intense hardness of his penis
as I held it. My fingertips took great liberty in feeling every
precious inch of Kelly's penis and scrotum, even reaching down between
his legs toward the hairless crack of his bottom. I could tell that I
was really getting the boy excited and his rock hard little penis
seemed to get even harder. I actually giggled when I saw his small
hand slip between my legs and start fondling my own penis.

We again spent several minutes discovering the warm, hairless
pleasures of our penises, taking delight in their small sizes, the
wonderful pleasures of their smoothness, the frantic throbbing of
their erections. After a time, we started to smile at each other
again and Kelly started taking more and more liberty with my penis
showing how much he liked it, how much he liked having me feel his
penis. We were both so horny by then that I knew the little boy and I
were going to go all the way. I wanted to suck his penis so bad I
could scarcely think straight, and I hoped desperately that the boy
would be willing to suck on me. I couldn't bring myself to talk about
it, however, just swallowed and turned my body around.

Kelly looked confused as my naked body rolled around until my
feet were near his head and his feet near mine. It didn't take long
before I could see his sweet, hairless, little penis sticking out only
inches from my eyes. I was gasping with horny excitement as I stared
at the pretty boy's erection and very tenderly took it in my fingers
again. The little head was shining and I very slowly moved it toward
my slimy lips. Rather than insert it right away, however, I stuck out
my tongue and licked the two and a half inch length of the young
penis. I could hear Kelly gasp in shock but his penis tasted so good
I didn't take time to explain anything to him. My tongue slid along
the boy's hairless scrotum, tenderly licked the soft contours of his
small testicles, licked around the skinny, hairless base of his penis,
his belly as soft and hairless as a child's.

His sweet penis was very slimy by the time I again returned to
the pretty little head. I couldn't believe how hard the boy was, his
little erection feeling like a slimy rock in my fingers. Hearing how
heavy the boy was breathing, I very slowly pushed my head between his
legs and pressed his little penis head against my lips. Kelly gasped
even louder in amazement as his small penis slowly pressed my lips
open and the little penis head very slowly slipped into my mouth. The
hardness of his erection could be so easily felt in my mouth, the
little ridge that separated his purple head from his pale shaft felt
rock hard and throbbed madly. I allowed the pretty boyhood to slide
along my tongue and I was able to fit all of it into my warm, slimy
mouth until I could feel the hairless skin around his penis pressed
against my upper lip, felt his warm, hairless testicles against my
chin, smelled the clean fresh aroma of his youth with my nose against
his belly.

Kelly gasped with every beat of his heart but he didn't moan
during the three minutes it took to get his first boyish orgasm to
climax. I loved sucking on his little penis so much that I didn't
slide it in and out of my lips like I had with my other boy lovers.
Instead I held it all the way in my mouth, sucked gently on it, licked
it with my tongue. It was plain the boy liked it and I liked sucking
his hairless boyhood. It felt so nice, tasted delicious, smelled like
the sweet aroma of boyhood. I just lay there with my blond head
between his thighs, my lips making slurpy noises as I sucked him, my
hand rubbing rhythmically up and down on his soft belly helping to get
him off.

Finally, the little boy let out a very soft, high-pitched cry
and his skinny body tensed visibly. His orgasmic pleasure was so deep
I could feel it caressing his little penis even as I continued sucking
it. With an electrical feeling of boyish pleasure in the air, Kelly's
naked little body suddenly shuddered and I felt his pretty little
penis flexing against my tongue, uselessly trying to squirt sperm the
little boy was too young to have. His orgasm lasted for more than ten
seconds and he lay there squirming with the pleasure, his eyes closed,
his little chest bulging with his small muscles as he fought to keep
from crying out. Loving the length and breadth of Kelly's first
orgasm, I watched as his small body slowly grew still, watched his
little chest shrink as he let out a long breath of relief, watched his
naked body relax.

The hairless little penis in my mouth was already almost
completely limp before the little boy opened his eyes and looked down
at me. Mostly, he looked afraid and very confused, but when I smiled
up at him, his boyhood still between my lips, he suddenly grinned and
looked very happy. I let his rubbery little penis slide out of my
lips and we both stared at it, laying slimy and very small on the
boy's hairless belly. With a delighted giggle, I twirled around and
lay back beside Kelly, pressing my chest and naked body against his.
My penis looked almost funny, so small and sticking straight out
between my legs. I didn't expect Kelly to know what to do with it,
but as I slipped one of my hands around his shoulders, my other hand
reached between my legs and immediately started to masturbate my
hairless erection.

Kelly seemed to think masturbation was pretty funny, because
he had to fight to keep from laughing at me jacking off. I just
smiled happily as I gazed at his pretty face and chest, smelling his
fresh youth still, exciting myself with the love I had for his naked
body. I even managed to rub my sensitive little penis head against
the other boy's hairless thigh as I rubbed up and down on it. The
little boy excited me so much that my orgasm climaxed even faster than
his had. I gritted my teeth to hold my explosion in and my naked
little body jerked frantically against Kelly as orgasm flooded my

When we were both finally relieved of our hormonal needs, we
collapsed against each other. We didn't speak, so content did we
feel, just curled our soft body's together, let our penises touch each
other, and happily drifted off into boyish slumber.

When we awoke the next morning, we were instantly aware of the
mass of little boys huddled around our bed. Most of them were still
in their pajamas, but a few wore only their underpants and a couple
were naked, their little hairless penises scarcely detracting from the
embarrassment Kelly and I faced. Not only were we laying naked in bed
together, but we hadn't even thought to cover ourselves with the
blankets. All the little boys could see us and, to make matters
worse, Miss Millicent was scurrying down the room toward us.

We sat up, both frantically looking for something to conceal
our naked little bodies, as she approached.

"Oh, dear," she sighed stopping before our blushing young
faces. At first she looked angry but her face gradually relaxed into
amusement. "Well, you don't look old enough for this sort of thing
but some boys are faster than others. Quickly now," she said pulling
our bare shoulders to our feet. "Get dressed. You'll have to see the
Dean of Boys immediately."

Kelly and I were certain we were going to get a spanking as we
sat nervously waiting to see the Dean. We didn't say anything to each
other and I sensed that the little boy beside me was very ashamed of
what we'd done the night before. My heart was in my throat when the
door opened and we were told to come into the office.

"Well, boys," the graying man said after we'd taken seats in
front of his desk. "What were you doing in bed together last night?"

"It was cold," my high pitched voice blurted out.

"'It was cold', huh?" he echoed. "Then why didn't you have
any clothes on?"

It went from bad to worse with the Dean telling us how naughty
it was for boys to sleep together and how we weren't to do it ever
again. He tried to get us to tell him we'd had orgasms, but we evaded
the issue and he seemed to doubt it. Finally, he explained to us that
we would both be moving to the older boys dormitory immediately,
though he never told us why. We didn't even go to get our things from
the old room for they were being moved without us. It wasn't until
second period before I got back to class, feeling shy and embarrassed.

The boys in the new dorm weren't very much older than Kelly
and I were. In fact, some looked even younger. It was still a large
room, but the divisions between bunks was less clear and all the boys
could see anything that went on at any of the others. After classes,
Kelly and I stayed very close to each other. The little boys in P.E.
had made jokes about us sleeping together and soon the whole school
knew about it. It didn't seem to matter. Even though we scarcely
said a word to each other all day, and certainly not the gentle
pleasures we had with our little penises, there was an unspoken
closeness between us that was enough to stay strong despite the other
boys' jokes.

I sat on the bench after P.T. and watched Kelly peel his gym
shorts down his legs, a loving ache in my stomach as I saw his sweet,
hairless little penis sitting on his pale scrotum. He stood there
naked and waited for me to undress too and it was all I could do to
keep from holding his skinny little body against mine. We walked
together to the showers along the river of naked little boys, my eyes
gazing at their beautiful young bodies with appreciation. It was
exciting to be around so many naked boys, all of them in the hairless
flower of boyhood, all of them with little, uncircumcised penises that
I longed to fondle with my fingers. They didn't make fun of us once
we were all naked, in fact they seemed to join us in the nervousness
of boyish nudity, silent, blushing boys who inevitably took turns
glancing at sweet, hairless penises.

Kelly and I watched each other dress with blatant smiles at
the other's little penis. We both knew how pleasant they could feel
and both longed to play again. When we were finally dried and
dressed, we left the little boys behind and quickly went out to find
some privacy in the schoolyard. There were several copses of trees
and Kelly and I went to one without speaking. My heart was beating
faster and I could feel my penis already stiffening. Soon we were
hidden in a small clearing in the woods and turned to face each other.
We didn't say a word to each other, just blushed and smiled down in
embarrassment. Our boyish excitement filled the air and I could
actually see the sweet bulge of Kelly's little erection in his jeans.

When Kelly finally reached for my pants, my body flinched and
I gasped in nervous passion. I looked down and watched as his
trembling fingers unsnapped my pants and very slowly unzipped them
revealing my boyish underpants. Only then did he look up at me, his
cute face blushing, his blue eyes filled with fear and desire. His
small hands awkwardly pulled my pants down to my knees and I stood
there with my little penis throbbing visibly through the white cotton
underwear. Very nervously, his fingertips caressed the stiff little
mound of my boyhood and a shiver of pleasure swept along it's length
and all through my body.

Feeling no less nervous than he did, I took hold of the snap
to his pants and undid it, unzipping them and pulling them down the
boy's legs very quickly. Kelly giggled softly and lifted his shirt
above his belly so he could look down at his penis bulge. I didn't
stop to fondle it, just took hold of the elastic band to his
underpants and jerked them down too. Kelly's pale, boyish penis stuck
straight out between his legs, slender, pulsing, pretty, the little
head shining a pinkish purple color, the tiny slit pressed open. I
swallowed as my mouth watered, longing desperately to suck on the cute
little thing, but still feeling shy and nervous. Trembling, my
fingers took ginger hold of the rock hard little penis and nervously
felt along it's short, boyish length.

Kelly still grinned and watched his little penis as my
fingertips lightly petted the soft, hairless skin all around it. It
was so pretty and felt so hard and excited. The boy's heart was
pounding and I could feel the blood pumping into the sensitive tissues
of his beautiful young penis. Kelly let his shirt drop back into
place as he giggled and quickly pulled my underwear down. If his penis
looked stiff, mine looked stiffer and frantically pulsing. I was so
excited I could hardly contain my half naked body. I was still
holding Kelly's penis and I soon felt his warm, trembling fingers
reaching out to fondle mine.

We stood there, two excited little boys, our innocent
fingertips gently petting and probing our hairless boyhoods. They
were both so hard and frantic, and all Kelly and I could do was blush
and feel them, smiling boyishly at each other. I could feel Kelly's
finger and thumb slowly grip my slender little erection and he was
soon masturbating me, his small hand tugging my hairless penis with
rhythmic, boyish pleasure. I was so excited that my sweet erection
was instantly filled with the stiff joy of delight and I giggled with
pleasure as he stroked and tugged my little penis.

Kelly was just as excited as me and he immediately gasped as I
started to rub his hairless little erection. Soon we were both
giggling and gasping as we rubbed each other, our slender legs feeling
weak, our faces bright red with embarrassment and pleasure. We both
looked down at the little penises in each other's hand, watching them
being quickly masturbated, each short stroke sending joy through our
young bodies. They were both so small and hairless, both so stiff,
our little penis heads both shining with purple excitement, the tiny
slits both yawning open. I longed to suck on Kelly's penis, but I
couldn't bring myself to pull away from his tender hand. My body was
filled with excited expectation of orgasm and I could only stand there
gasping and feeling the joy in my penis.

My orgasm climaxed so suddenly I felt a wave of terror sweep
me as the pleasure became unbearable. I almost fell to my knees as I
felt my body shudder with wonderful excitement, felt my little penis
flexing as the other boy kept stroking it. I made little crying
noises with each jerk of my small body but didn't cry out. It felt so
good, so innocent and I longed for it to go on forever. Eventually,
however, the crest broke and I felt my intensely excited little body
quickly relax into warm and happy relief. Kelly giggled and I could
tell that he knew what had happened. He blushed at me as my little
penis softened between his fingers, his still rock hard and pulsing in

Still gasping from my pleasure, I looked down at his sweet
erection, the beauty of the hairless mound between his smooth legs
that stuck his penis out from his young body. Though still dizzy with
happiness, I could now focus on that pretty little penis and on the
love I felt for the little boy standing beside me. Trembling with
expectation, I found myself slowly dropping to my knees, my hairless
little penis slipping from the boy's fingers and sitting limp between
my legs. Kelly looked confused and startled as he saw my face come
directly in front of his slender hips, staring at his hairless little
erection and licking my lips. I still held the slender little penis
between my thumb and forefinger and I gazed at the swollen little head
feeling my mouth water. He was so hard. The cute little boy was so

My eyes filled with the beauty of his hairless innocence and
little testicles, I gently pressed his little penis head against my
lips. The little boy gasped immediately in shock. "Hey!" his sweet
soprano voice exclaimed. I pressed his penis persistently against my
lips and the little thing very slowly pushed them apart, the hard
erection slowly slipping into my warm, slimy mouth.

I could feel his penis head slip into my mouth and it tasted
so sweet and good. My tongue immediately licked the boy's tiny slit
as I let the throbbing little penis slide ever so slowly into my
mouth. It felt so small but so incredibly hard. Kelly was already
crying, his bright blue eyes staring in wonder as his hairless penis
disappeared into the warm slime of my sucking mouth. Such a sight it
must have made, so slender and stiff, sticking out from his hairless
body and directly into my slimy lips. Kelly was so small that I was
able to fit all of his adorable erection in my mouth and I soon felt
the smooth hairlessness of his belly against my lips, his warm, little
testicles against my chin. I sucked on his pretty penis very gently
and allowed it to slide very slowly from my mouth only to again feel
it push its way back inside. The little boy felt like he was about to
fall over with pleasure and I could hear his squeaky young voice
moaning in frightened wonder and delight. I held onto his waist and
kept him in place as my loving lips sucked up and down the short
length of his hairless little boyhood, sending shivers of pleasure all
through his small body. I could actually feel the skinny boy
squirming as prepubescent orgasm filled his sweet penis with pleasure.

Kelly was soon jerking with orgasm and I could feel his stiff
erection flexing in my mouth. How I longed to taste the boy's sperm,
but he didn't ejaculate, just stood there moaning and jerking, his
voice crying with pleasure. His orgasm was so wonderful to the little
boy that I could feel his skinny legs buckling. His penis slipped
from my mouth as the boy fell to the grass, sticking out stiff between
his hairless young legs. He looked frightened that he had fallen over
but didn't look hurt as he sat gasping and feeling the peak of his
orgasm begin to flow out of him. I stared at the beauty of his little
penis, shining red with my saliva, still looking so small and hairless
as the stiffness very slowly left it.

When the little boy had finally recuperated, we both stood up
and pulled our pants back on. Reclaiming the hairless little boyhoods
that had so pleased us. We both were very embarrassed and didn't say
anything to each other until we were more than half way back to the
school. "Why does it do that?" Kelly whispered. I just shrugged.

I didn't understand my feelings for the little boy walking
beside me. It felt as if I had known him for years and I couldn't get
the image of his cute little body out of my mind. He was so pretty,
his skinny chest and smooth skin so beautiful. I wanted to see him
naked all the time, to gaze at his innocent beauty, the perfection of
his little circumcised penis, the hairless beauty of his testicles and
slender legs. I loved him more than I had loved any boy I had met
thus far and I longed to be naked and making love with him all the
time. I liked being with him so much that I felt a sad regret that we
had to go back into the school with all the other boys.

I followed Kelly's skinny little body up the stairs and all
the way back to our new dormitory room. Only a few of the boys were
there, most playing games at the tables at the far end, a few laying
silently on their bunks. The room was big enough for about a hundred
boys. Kelly and I went to the bunks that were reserved for us and we
sat down on his bunk.

"What do you want to do?" Kelly asked.

I shrugged. A blond haired boy was laying on the top bunk
opposite us facing away. I was looking up at him when he suddenly
rolled over and faced us. It was Tod! My heart caught in my chest,
pounding frantically, a sick feeling in my stomach as I gazed at that
face of perfect beauty. His blue eyes locked onto mine and widened,
looking as if he were as shocked and delighted to see me as I was him.
Still, we were both too shy to say anything, just lay there staring at
each other, Tod's beautiful eyes glancing over at Kelly with equal
uncertainty and nervousness. He was so incredibly beautiful.

"Kelvin! What are you doing here?" I turned and found Travis
in the aisle grinning from ear to ear. Another boy his age was
standing a few feet away, looking shy but trying to be tough all the

"They moved us in here today," I explained nervously. Tod was
still staring at me and I wished for all the world that the other boys
would go away so I could talk to him.

"Eh, you know why they move boys in here..." Travis giggled as
if I should know. "Hey, we're going down to the gym. Wanna come?"

I shrugged. I wanted to talk to Tod, but Kelly would still be
there even if they left. It was hopeless for then. "Sure," I said.
"This is my friend Kelly," I introduced standing up. Travis
introduced his friend as Billy Boyer, who just nodded at us then
looked away. Tod and I exchanged a long, almost painful look, then I
turned and followed the other three boys out the room.

The gym was the same place we had P.E. and was filled with
boys of all ages from six to eighteen. There were a handful of male
coaches around leading the boys in basketball games and other sports.
Travis and Billy were already in their gym clothes, so Kelly and I
left them to go and change in the locker room. We were the only ones
there and happily pulled off our shirts and started to change. Soon
we were both naked again and we giggled as we looked at our bodies in
no hurry to put our shorts on. Kelly looked so pretty, his little
hairless penis bouncing about as he moved. We played around naked for
awhile before suddenly realizing someone else had entered the room.
We both turned to again find Tod staring at us, this time with even
deeper pain as he saw our naked little bodies, hairless penises bared
to the loving boy's eyes. He looked like he was gasping as he went to
his locker across the aisle from us.

Kelly and I fell silent as we dressed more quickly. "Who's
he?" Kelly whispered to me as he squirmed into his jock strap.

I shrugged and squirmed into mine.

"Why was he staring at us?" Kelly whispered again.

I shrugged again. Once our shorts were on, we slipped
oversized tank tops over our heads and emerged looking cute and
skinny. We slammed the lockers shut and I followed Kelly toward the
door. I only caught a the briefest glimpse of Tod's penis as we
passed and it was enough to make my heart cry. Not terribly large or
terribly small. A sweet, young boy size. Limp and brown. His penis
head fully exposed from the smooth shaft. I could tell that he had
some pubic hair but it didn't look like much. My little friend and I
returned to the gym with my heart pounding.

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We could see Travis and Billy already engaged in a basketball
game with other boys their age and we went over to watch them. Travis
was on the skins team and the shirtless boy looked so skinny as he
moved, his rib cage visible through his smooth, pale skin. He had a
happy smile on his face and it was plain that he was having a good
time. Billy still had a t-shirt on but I could see the small curves
of firm muscle through it. He wasn't muscular really, but he had the
broadening shoulders of a young boy and I could see the boyish mounds
of his chest clearly. Beneath his shorts, his legs looked hairless
and very smooth, a soft tan color that looked very pretty. Both boys
were fairly good at basketball and Kelly and I seemed satisfied to
watch them.

It wasn't long before Tod appeared from the locker room. I
watched his eyes scan the gym until they found Kelly and I, quickly
looking away as if he hadn't been searching. The adorable blond
haired boy walked around the courts until he was only about ten feet
from us, then casually joined a small group of older boys who were
shooting baskets. After a while, they got a game together and Kelly
and I were asked to join in. We agreed, but were the last two to be
picked. Not surprising since the other boys were much taller than we
were. My team was skins so I stripped out of my tank top and bared my
skinny chest. My only regret for this was that Tod was on Kelly's
team and they were shirts.

Kelly and I were assigned to guard each other: a simple task
since neither of us ever got the ball. It didn't matter; we ran
around for an hour and had fun, and if we had gotten the ball we would
only have embarrassed ourselves. Tod, on the other hand, was very
good and the older boys threw him the ball frequently even though he
was only five foot, four. I enjoyed watching him. Like Billy, his
legs were tanned and very smooth without a trace of hair. They flexed
as the boy jumped and ran with long, slender muscles of pubescent
beauty. He wore a tank top that provided glimpses of soft, rippling
shoulders suggesting the smoothness of the body beneath. He was
slender and looked a little lanky with his long legs and arms, but his
body was beautifully rounded with boyish muscle. As he played, his
blond haired flopped about his head looking soft and silky. His face
never lost its adorable, angelic perfection and I fell deeper and
deeper in love with him.

When the game was over, the other boys congratulated each
other and Kelly and I slipped away unnoticed. "Let's go swimming,"
Kelly suggested and I willingly agreed. It gave us another chance at
the locker room, a place that seemed to excite me just by entering it.

Kelly and I didn't have swimming suits, but they weren't
required for little boys anyway. Giggling with bashful nudity, we
took brief showers then walked, with our little hairless penises
dangling, into the room with the pool. The pool was filled with boys,
most no older than we were and almost all of these were naked.
Hairless little boys stood shivering on the decks and swam about on
the shallow end giggling and boyish. The older boys wore swimsuits,
but there weren't as many of them.

There seemed to be an understood rule that boys who were naked
in the pool could be openly stared at and I could see almost all the
boys taking frequent glances at all the little penises bouncing about.
Kelly and I got more than our share since our's were the only
circumcised ones in the place. I liked the rule and took great joy in
looking at all the naked children.

Though Eric had taught me how to dog paddle, I still wasn't a
very good swimmer and Kelly couldn't swim at all; so we jumped down in
the shallow end with all the other little boys. There were a few
older boys around, but most of them were in the deep water or diving
from the boards. There are a lot of games for boys to play before
they can swim and Kelly and I joined some others in twists, twirls and
floating. I got the most fun out of a little nine year old boy named
Scott. He was so little it was easy even for me to throw him out of
the water and watch his naked body splash a few feet away. We did
this over and over again, me holding to his skinny rib cage, balancing
him on my knees with his little penis only inches from my eyes, then
hurling him up and away. He was a beautiful little boy and I was so
entranced by his little, brown, hairless penis that I got a very stiff
erection. A few of the boys noticed, but they just giggled and
ignored it.

It wasn't long before Tod followed us into the pool. Even wet
I could see how blond his hair was. He spotted Kelly and I rather
quickly and came nonchalantly near us and sat down on the edge.
Though his eyes glanced about the room, they focused most often on
Kelly and I. I doubted the thirteen year old could see very much
through the water, but he must have been trying for his eyes were
looking right down at our penises. He didn't have to try hard for
long, for we were soon involved in a floating contest, little,
hairless penises balanced on our bellies as the water lapped across
our skinny bodies. Tod looked more and more nervous, and, when I
stood back up, I could see a pronounced bulge in his baggy swim suit.
He seemed to have seen that I noticed his erection, because he
suddenly swallowed and slipped down into the water. It came up only
to his belly button leaving his beautiful body exposed.

The perfection of Tod's body was unbelievable. Beneath the
boyish beauty of his adorable face, his neck ran slender and tanned
down to his soft collar bones. I could see the small mound of a
pubescent adam's apple, but his neck was otherwise smooth and
unmarked. His shoulders had only begun to broaden with puberty and
were left between the broadness of an adolescent and the thinness of a
little boy. Nonetheless, they were well rounded and blended into
long, slender arms of firm muscle. His chest was indescribably
beautiful. Not only was it boyishly muscular, but the ridges of
muscle looked very firm and well rounded. His nipples were very tiny
and were erect with the cool water. They were a dark brown color,
contrasting with the otherwise perfect, unblemished, soft brown flesh
that covered the rest of his body. Below his nipples, his chest
tapered to a slender abdomen that rippled softly with his ribs and
then with his stomach muscles until it blended into a narrow brown
abdomen with the cutest little belly button. His skin was undeniably
the smoothest, softest I had ever seen. His arms were raised slightly
from the water and I couldn't see any hair on his armpits yet.

It was only after I caught my breath that I realized how stiff
my penis was. It stuck out its two and a half inches, straight and
hard, pulsing slowly up and down in the water. Tod stared at it a
long moment and I longed to feel him sucking on it, longed to hold on
to that incredibly beautiful body, to be held and cradled against the
beauty of his boyishly muscular chest. The older boy just sat back
against the edge of the pool, however, his beautiful blue eyes staring
at my erection, his red lips looking slimy as he pursed them.

"Kelvin," Kelly interrupted. "We're going to have chicken
fights." The skinny, little boy grabbed my shoulders and I felt his
smooth, slippery chest and belly climbing up on my back, felt his
sweet, hairless little penis rub against my skin as he latched onto
me. I turned with my naked cargo, holding to his slender legs as he
pointed out opponents. It felt nice having my body between the naked
boy's legs, to feel his small penis being humped against my skin. We
made a good team because we soon had unseated all the other little
boys. Kelly raised his arms and crowed our success and I giggled and
bounced up and down with him. This caused the cute boy's penis to rub
against my skin and I felt it stiffen instantly into another erection.
Mine had softened during the battle and now Kelly was throbbing
against my back. I felt his arms encircle my neck and the boy lay
forward on me, but all he did was giggle, briefly squeezing me between
his thighs. The other teams were slowly remounting their naked steeds
and I delightedly bounced up and down in the water. I could feel
Kelly's slippery little body rub up and down on my back, felt his
stiff little penis being rubbed between our bodies. It felt so neat
and I wondered how excited I could get the boy before the battle was

A pair of naked little boys were soon attacking us and I
bounced into battle feeling Kelly being rhythmically humped against me
as my young friend fought the other boys off. His little cock felt
very hard. Another pair of boys attacked and I had to move even
quicker, intensifying Kelly's humping, making his penis rub faster
against me. Kelly continued to fight, but I could tell that his gasps
were more from pleasure than from exertion. I could feel his thighs
tightening around my skinny waist, felt the little boy pressing his
stiff erection against me all by himself. He had an orgasm, but it
wasn't so bad that he cried out or anything. I just felt his hips
shove harder against my back then felt the pleasant jerking of his
soft, naked body against me. Kelly let out a long sigh and his skinny
arms seemed to lose strength. Another little boy pushed on him and I
felt his slippery body slide off me as we crashed into the water. I
turned around and we smiled at each other, Kelly blushing as I looked
at his red, little penis in the water. It was softening but had
plainly been very excited.

"Alright, boys," the lifeguard suddenly announced. "Time to
go get ready for dinner. Pool's closed."

A lot of the boys sighed, but Kelly and I hurried toward the
showers. We were the first to them though a flood of naked boys soon
followed us in. It was so crowded that we were all rubbing against
each other, fifty naked boys pressed like sardines into the shower. I
felt little boy thighs and butts rub against my penis and it felt real
good. Only once did contact seem deliberate and I turned to find
myself pressed right against Tod. He was at least six inches taller
than me and was looking nervously down at my skinny little body.
Before I could get a real good look at him, I was pushed away by some
other naked boys and soon found myself back at my locker. Kelly was
already there drying himself and I reflexively glanced at the hairless
little penis dangling between his thighs.

There was a strange sensation inside me, a fight between my
love for little Kelly and my desires for the beautiful Prince Tod. I
didn't understand any of it, only knew that I hurt for it somehow.
Kelly and I changed back into our clothes then went back to the room
to change into our slacks and blazers for dinner. Tod arrived shortly
after us and all three of us were very quiet.

After dinner, Kelly and I joined with the other little boys in
the dorm to play some board games. The older boys tended to ignore
those of us who were still prepubescent, but that was okay because we
had each other. I liked the little boys well enough and was happy to
be with Kelly at any rate. At nine o'clock, we were hurried into bed
by Millicent who supervised our change into pajamas, then left turning
the light out behind her.

It wasn't long before I heard boys moving around in the dorm.
For a little while, I had visions of the boys at the orphanage and was
afraid that they were all out raping some little boy and that maybe I
was next. I heard no cries of protest, however. A boy would move to
another boy's bed and climb under the covers with him. I could hear
pajamas being unsnapped, heard clothing rustling as the two excited
boys stripped each other, heard their paintings as they groped for
each other's body. There were the exciting sounds of flesh rubbing
flesh, occasionally the high pitched moans of a young boy, the
creaking and groaning of a bunk, the rhythmic strokes of boys having
sex. I listened to it all with growing desire, my little penis stiff
as a board in my pajamas. I could even hear the soft sound of juice
squirting across some boy's chest. The noises went on for more than
an hour until it seemed that every boy in the place had slept with
someone. Still, I heard no sounds and saw no movement in the sleeping
form of Tod in the bunk directly across from me.

When everything finally started to get quiet, and the sounds
of pubescent orgasms faded into the soft snores of a hundred boys, I
got very thirsty and decided to get some water. I woke Kelly as I was
climbing out of the bunk. "What are you doing?" his high pitched
voice whispered.

"I'm thirsty," I explained.

"Me, too," he said, pushing his blankets aside and following
me toward the bathroom.

Kelly was finishing the last of his glass when I asked, "Did
you hear all those boys?"

"When?" he asked. I just shrugged, assuming Kelly hadn't been
a witness to the orgy that had taken place in the dorm only minutes
before. We started toward the door when it suddenly opened and in
strolled Travis and Billy. Travis was still grinning and Billy looked
as tough and nervous as ever.

"What are you guys doing up?" Billy asked.

"Getting water," Kelly stammered. He seemed very frightened,
as if he thought we were going to get in trouble. Travis suddenly
giggled and pointed between Kelly's legs. Billy looked and soon he
was laughing too, the perfect smile looking very cute on the light
brown haired boy.

I looked down and could see that Kelly had wet his pants, his
pee flushing down the front of his pajamas. "Gees, we didn't mean to
scare you, kid," Travis laughed. "Here, let's get you cleaned up."
He was kneeling in front of Kelly before the little boy could even
think how to respond, Travis's large hands already grabbing for the
boy's pajama bottoms. Kelly stared wide eyed as the older boy gently
popped the snaps of his pajamas opened and spread the fly wide enough
to look at Kelly's penis. "That's a good boy," Travis cooed, smiling
at the hairless little penis as he slowly pulled the wet bottoms down.
"Yeah, you're a good boy."

Kelly obediently stepped out of the pants, and Travis threw
them aside, his hands instantly going up the front of the little boy's
shirt and feeling up his skinny abdomen and little chest. "You're so
soft," Travis smiled. "Don't be afraid." His hands slipped back down
Kelly's chest and slowly unbuttoned the little boy's shirt until the
small body was revealed. "That's it," Travis said stripping the
little boy naked.

I was so transfixed watching Kelly's pretty body, I hadn't
noticed Billy coming up to me. "Did you wet your pants too, kid?" he
asked, is trembling fingers already grabbing my pajama top and
unbuttoning it.

"No," I half-cried, watching him bare my little chest.

"Well, we'd better make sure," he said, his hands slipping the
shirt back over my shoulders until it fell down my arms. Immediately
they started caressing my naked flesh and I could hear Billy begin to
pant. He was obviously very excited because I could see the rounded
head of his big penis poking out at his own pajama bottoms. Still, he
couldn't be too worried about my reaction to his caresses because my
penis was equally visible as it frantically throbbed in mine. Billy
had noticed it too for his hand suddenly reached down and grabbed my
little penis. The cloth was so light that he could feel every bit of
my throbbing boyhood, could probably tell that it was small and
hairless. "Yeah," he grinned at me. "You got a boner, don't you?"
With little ceremony, Billy popped my pajama bottoms open and stripped
them down my skinny, hairless legs. As soon as I was naked, he jerked
his own shirt wide and pulled it off, revealing a very hard body of
small rounded muscle.

He was a very well built boy for being so young, but his body
was still pubescently small. His chest made very hard mounds beneath
two small nipples that stuck out erect on his tanned skin. Muscle
rippled all down his narrow abdomen and even his biceps bulged. I was
certain he could beat me up without thinking twice, but I thought he
was so cute and I was so horny I didn't see any need to fight with
him. I liked him and I knew what he wanted. Still looking about my
pulsing little penis, Billy grabbed his pajama bottoms and tore them
open immediately stepping all the way out of them.

The pubescent penis that emerged wasn't near as big as
Travis's, but it was still very pretty. It stuck straight out, about
four inches long and throbbing madly as the young boy looked at my
little erection. He was so excited that his brown penis head was only
half covered by his foreskin and I could see the little slit yawning
open as if eager to squirt his boy juice. His scrotum and testicles
looked very large for his small penis but they looked very warm and
hairless. Billy did have pubic hair, but it was very young and
boyish, not much more than black peach fuzz with a few longer, curly
hairs, and even what he had was limited to a very small circle around
the base of his pretty erection. His small, rock hard chest gasping,
Billy slowly came forward and enfolded me in his arms. I could feel
his hot penis throb against mine as the taller boy's hands slowly
rubbed across my back and shoulders.

I turned to look at Travis and Kelly. Travis was already
sucking on the little boy's hairless erection and Kelly looked like he
was near orgasm already. Meanwhile, Travis's big hand was stroking
rhythmically up and down on his own six inch throbbing organ, moaning
as he masturbated himself and sucked on the childlike penis between my
young friend's soft legs. Kelly seemed to like it.

"Come on, kid," Billy said guiding me down on the floor with
him. I watched his slimy mouth descend on my crotch and engulf my
entire penis between his lips, instantly sucking on it and moaning.
He didn't slide it in and out, just sucked very gently with his slimy
mouth. I watched his hand creep between his legs and immediately
start masturbating himself between a thumb and forefinger. It looked
very cute, but I could see his little slit and I wanted to taste the
juice I knew the young boy was going to shoot. The pretty dick was
only inches from my face and I very slowly leaned closer to it.

Billy's foreskin rubbed up and over his penis head with every
frantic stroke he made on his cock and looked cute. Without warning,
I slipped out my tongue and licked up the warm, fleshy length of
Billy's young penis. Billy moaned immediately, startled by the eager
warmth of my slimy mouth. He let go of his penis and I soon felt his
large hand move down to take hold of my smooth thigh, his own face
still pressed into my crotch as he sucked on my little penis. He was
such a wonderful young boy. I slowly felt his penis slip between my
lips, allowed it to fill my mouth with its throbbing excitement, felt
his fleshy foreskin retreat from his hard head. His cock was bigger
than Kelly's and I couldn't fit all of it in, but what I could suck I
relished and made rhythmic tugs between the boy's creamy thighs
feeling the living beat of his heart pounding all along the four
inches of his pretty erection.

The bathroom was filled with the slurping noises as young
penises were sucked and filled more with the muffled, high pitched
moans of the four of us feeling our tender bodies fill with pleasant
wonders of boyish passion. Kelly was the loudest of us but only
because his mouth wasn't filled with another boy's cock. I could
still see his skinny body rippling with small muscles and with his rib
cage as his stiff, hairless penis slid in and out Travis's loving
mouth. The little boy was squirming slowly on the floor and I could
see all his pleasure in the beauty of his contorted young face. His
little chest swelled out around his tiny, pink nipples, looking hard
but still small and soft. The hairless mound between his legs looked
so pretty as the slender base of his penis disappeared between
Travis's slimy lips, reappearing as those lips slipped slowly to his
tiny penis head only to go down on the little boy again.

I sucked on Billy's penis with the same rhythmic pattern,
sliding the hard cock in and out of my mouth, sucking on it just
enough to tug the boy's fleshy foreskin over the head. Billy was
plainly loving it and his smooth thighs rubbed rhythmically against my
cheeks as he pumped them back and forth, moaning with pleasure. Our
penises were small enough that our naked bodies could lay against each
other and I could feel Billy's hard chest against my belly, felt his
warm hairless abdomen against my nipples. He was such a smooth soft
boy and I loved the feel of his body squirming against mine. His
penis felt so hard against my tongue that I knew the boy couldn't last
much longer.

I don't know if it was Billy's obsession with his own pleasure
or his young inexperience, but all he did was suck on my little penis.
I could feel his lips pressed all the way against my hairless pubic
mound, his chin rubbing against my hairless little scrotum. It was
still wonderful and I was moaning against his crotch as loudly as he
was against mine. We just lay there sucking each other off and I half
wanted to keep from orgasm just to enjoy the warmth of his smooth body
against me.

I looked over at Travis and Kelly again, the little boy still
squirming slowly as his little penis was sucked in and out of Travis's
slimy mouth. I don't know if Kelly stiffened in orgasm or not, but
his moans suddenly fell quiet and a warm, happy smile appeared on his
cute young face. Travis continued sucking on his penis, but Kelly
didn't seem as excited anymore. I imagined that he'd had a very
innocent boyish orgasm. It was after all the third one his hairless
little penis had had in one day; that's a lot of sex for an eleven
year old, prepubescent boy's little cock.

Travis seemed to sense that the little boy's pleasure had
climaxed for he began stroking his long penis even faster. I had
almost forgotten how pretty a boy Travis was, so long and slender, his
body so smooth and still boyish despite puberty. I could see the
sparse little hairs around the slender base of his big cock, the large
testicles in his hairless scrotum bouncing madly between his soft
thighs. Again, I watched his foreskin most because it looked so
exciting the way it rubbed frantically all the way over his swollen
penis head only to be jerked back by the delighted young masturbator.
His entire body was slowly pumping his hips back and forth as one of
his large hands stroked himself off and the other held to the base of
the hairless little penis still being sucked between his lips. I
watched the smooth, tanned young body growing tenser and tenser as the
older boy filled with pubescent orgasm.

Muscles along his slender abdomen suddenly rippled and
Travis's entire body seemed to grow as rock hard as his sweet penis.
He started to grunt quickly against Kelly's hairless crotch and I
watched in growing pleasure as his hips jerked frantically back and
forth. He managed to hold his foreskin back and thin droplets of his
boyish sperm suddenly started squirting out of his big penis head,
sailing in an arc and finally splattering all across Kelly's naked
body. Boy juice sprinkled all across the little boy's soft belly and
even a few droplets landed on his small chest, causing the innocent
little boy to stare at them with shock and confusion. Travis was
hardly ready to talk, however, for he collapsed between the boy's
legs, still sucking the little penis and still holding to his own as
it softened, dripping thin sperm onto the floor. His small, almost
flat chest swelled for air and I could tell that he had a very good

Just thinking about it seemed to get me more and more excited
and I felt myself pulling tighter and tighter against Billy's soft,
warm body. Boyish orgasm was already sweeping down he slimy penis
between my legs, emanating pleasure from the base and all through my
tummy. I was locked in orgasm, my face pressed so hard against
Billy's penis that I actually felt his little pubes against my lips.
He seemed as excited as I was and I felt his soft thighs tighten
around my ears, holding my head in place as he wailed and his
beautiful body grew even harder as it squirmed and tightened. It was
wonderful, both our bodies so filled with intense pleasure, both of us
holding to each other's bodies and feeling all the rock hard pleasure
that filled the other. It was like a massive orgasm being shared
between our two writhing bodies and we were both taken away with it.

My orgasm was more pronounced than young Billy's. Not only
did my naked body shudder with ticklish pleasure against his, but I
almost bucked my hips against his face, my little erection desperately
trying to deposit the sperm I was too young to have as pleasure filled
my eyes with dizzy delights. Billy's body didn't explode with quite
so much force, but I could feel his penis propelling his precious
cargo up it's four inch length, both of us wailing with orgasm as it
started to squirt out his hard penis head and into my mouth. I was
very lost in orgasmic pleasure, but I couldn't mistake the sweet,
delicious taste of a young boy's seamen as it squirted onto my tongue.
Boy sperm was so special, so wonderful, especially knowing the
pleasure that he felt in providing it to me, in depositing it inside
my body where I could taste its warm sliminess fresh from his young
testicles. The only thing I missed in having sex with Kelly was that
the little boy had no sperm. He would one day though, and so would I.
It would be so nice to be able to share our boy juices with each

The bathroom was less loud as we lay there recuperating.
Billy and I let the other's penis go so we could breathe better and
all we could hear was our ragged breathing. He spread his hips apart
enough that I could move my head and I soon felt my cheek resting
directly against his limp, slimy penis, the sweet smell of his boyish
sperm still fresh in my nose. I could even feel his sparse little
pubic hairs and the soft peach fuzz just at the base of his young
penis. It felt neat. Better still was the feel of his warm cheek as
he rubbed it all over my slimy boyhood, drying off his saliva and
sending post orgasm pleasure through my little penis.

Billy didn't make any comment when the four of us finally sat
up. He and Travis quickly pulled on their pajamas, Travis keeping up
a constant monologue as he explained what sperm was to Kelly, even
getting the cute boy to taste some of the little droplets on his
chest. After that, they were gone, leaving Kelly and I laying naked
and exhausted on the floor. We blushed warmly to each other and were
soon pulling our own pajamas on.

Feeling weak-kneed and very tired, we went back to our bunks
and crawled under our respective covers. My bed felt so nice that
night as the soggy feeling between my legs slowly disappeared, leaving
me feeling warm and content.




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Thirteen

"Hey, you guys better get up," I heard a young boy's cracking
voice say, felt a large hand gently shaking my shoulder. By the noise
in the dormitory, I could tell that all the other boys were already up
and busy getting dressed. Wearily I rolled over and saw Tod's adorable
face looking at me, his cheeks so smooth and his blond hair so silky I
could tell he had already taken a shower. His baby blue eyes gazed
intently at mine for a long moment.

"It's almost eight o'clock," his beautiful voice said.

This shocked me, but I was so exhausted from our late night
party I couldn't do more than sit up and rub the sleep from my face.
Tod swallowed and disappeared beneath the bed and I could hear him
shaking Kelly awake. "Get up," he said softly.

"What time is it?" Kelly's groggy, high-pitched voice asked.

"Almost eight." Tod turned back to his own bed and started
folding his pajamas. It had been very nice of him to wake us up
because breakfast was served promptly at eight and late boys were
given spankings even if their "uncles" were knights. There wasn't
time for showers so Kelly and I hurried to get dressed once we were
enough awake.

I didn't notice Tod taking any particular attention of us as
we changed, but we did smile boyishly at each other. Despite the full
night's sleep, our hairless little penises dangled limp. I was
pleased again at how happy a boy Kelly was. He didn't seem in the
least troubled by what he had been doing and I had little doubt that
he'd be more than happy to have boy sex all day long if only his
little prepubescent boyhood would have handled it.

We didn't mention our experiences with Travis and Billy the
night before, even when we saw the two of them pass by us nudging and
giggling to each other, but we did have our boyish chatter running all
through breakfast. We had become such good friends in so short a
time, had already shared things that many boys several years older
than us were too afraid to share.

Finally, we were required to part; me to my eighth grade
courses, Kelly to his fifth grade ones. I would miss him all day long
and expected that he would feel the same about me.

Nothing of note happened during classes that morning until
History. Tod had smiled and nodded at me when I came in and took my
seat in the back of the room and I had favored him with my sweetest,
boyish blush and smile. The class went on much as it had the previous
day and I again distinguished myself with my knowledge of history
(though I still had no memory of ever learning it). Near the end of
class, the boy in front of me secretly handed me a note behind Miss
Millicent's back. Delighted by the trickery, I waited until it was
safe for me to open it. The writing looked young but it was still
fairly neat.

How'd you learn so much history?! I'm

probably going to flunk the test.


I looked up toward him and he smiled back to me, shrugging
hopelessly. He turned back quickly before Miss Millicent saw him. He
was so sweet I couldn't believe it. I wanted to be his friend so bad
I didn't even think about what it would be like to make love to him.
He was such an adorable boy.

With the note secure in my fist, I felt brave enough to go up
to him as soon as class was over.

"History isn't that tough," I said.

He smiled, a pretty blush creeping into his smooth cheeks.
"Maybe not for you. It's my worst subject."

We walked out of the classroom together, our books held
beneath our arms as we entered the mass of boys scurrying along the
hall. "I could help you study... if you want," I said.

"Would you? I could really use it."

"Yeah. You want to get together after sixth period?"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the library."

"Okay." He was such a nice boy. While the hallway was filled
with other boys screaming and calling out to each other, Tod's
pubescent voice remained soft and quiet. "See you then," I said,
continuing on when he stopped at his locker.

"See you," he smiled.

Kelly was still working the combination to his basket lock
when I arrived for P.E. "I got an A in biology," his high-pitched
voice grinned. Somehow I wasn't surprised, but all I could think about
was Tod and I didn't say much to Kelly. Soon he was naked and he
paraded his hairless penis in front of me as I sat undressing. I
grinned at him but didn't touch him or anything: there were a dozen
other half naked boys along the aisle who would have seen. My
curiosity about Tod did nothing to lessen my love for Kelly's penis
and I would have loved to have sucked the limp little thing right
there. Nonetheless, we both changed into our gym clothes and headed
happily out with the other little boys.

The lesson for the day was wrestling and Kelly and I eagerly
took each other as partners. We spent the entire hour enjoying the
flexing pressures of our skinny little bodies rubbing together and we
both got expectant erections. Kelly didn't seem to mind that the other
boys were around or even when the coach was watching us particularly:
I kept feeling him deliberately rubbing against my penis, sometimes
only with his thigh, other times actually grabbing it with his hands.
If anybody noticed, it was the coach, but he didn't say anything. It
seemed to me he watched us more than the other boys, maybe even liked
our boyish fondling and giggles. We liked wrestling together.

Afterward, we strolled into the shower with the press of other
naked little boys. Our penises were limp, but had grown a bright pink
after an hour of being rubbed through our jock straps. The little
boys were all too innocent to notice and I don't think Kelly did
either. We were just boys and boys did things like that.

"You want to go to the lake?" Kelly asked as his skinny,
hairless legs squirmed into his underpants.

"No," I said. "I'm helping Tod with history in the library."

"Who's Tod?" he asked.

"That boy on the top bunk next to us," I said.

"Oh. He's nice."


Kelly didn't seem to mind that I was going to see Tod. He was
so young and innocent that something like jealousy wouldn't enter into
his mind anymore than it would mine. He said he was going to ride
bikes with some of the other boys that afternoon and I said I would
join them after helping Tod.

I entered the library and was quickly waved to a table by Tod
who was already to go. For the next hour, we went through all the
material that was going to be covered on the next day's test. The
thought of sex with him scarcely entered my mind the whole while but I
was acutely aware of his presence, could sense and feel the warmth and
beauty of his body so close to me. I was too shy to change the study
relationship we were establishing, and Tod gave no sign that he had
any other thoughts on his mind either. We weren't having sex, but we
were becoming friends and I liked that almost as much.

Miss Millicent had given us some practice questions for the
test and I left Tod to work on them alone. Having nothing better to
do while he finished, I started to wander through the aisles of
scrolls and books that made up the library.

Without doubt it was an impressive collection for not being a
university. There were row on row of shelves a dozen feet high,
crammed with material, thousands of volumes, step ladders on every
aisle to help small boys get to the highest shelves. I browsed
through them, occasionally pulling down a scroll or book and glancing
through it. Mostly, my interests seem to lie in magic and myths, but
I was also interested in the pictures of goblins, trolls and dwarves
that decorated some of the volumes. It was all very interesting.

I was caught up in my explorations and had wandered rather
deep into the shelves. I hadn't passed any other boys that deep
though I was so caught up in the books that I hadn't realized it.
Everything was so quiet, the musty smell of old leather and wood
dominating the air, that a sudden gasp startled me and I jumped back
against a shelf with my heart pounding. I looked up the aisle and was
surprised to see two boys.

Both were older than me, but one looked about sixteen and the
other only about thirteen. The younger boy was pressed against the
same row of books that I was, cornered against them by the older boy.
He was wearing a loose-fitting tank top, the type that left so much of
his side exposed that his chest was almost totally visible from the
side. The older boy's hands were reaching up beneath it, rubbing the
skinny boy's chest and belly as his lips kissed and caressed his neck
and shoulders. The smaller boy's palms were spread wide against the
books as his body was felt out and kissed. He was very cute, his eyes
closed, thin lips parted as he gasped in fear and surprise. He was a
few inches taller than me but an equal number of inches shorter than
the older boy who was molesting him.

Neither of them noticed me there, and I was so astonished to
stumble across them that I just stood there watching. The older boy
had long dark hair and I could tell he was very muscular. His hands
rapidly rubbed the smaller boy's skinny body, running up and stroking
his hairless underarms and up and down on his rib cage. His mouth, as
it kissed and sucked the other boy's slender neck and collar bones,
made gasping sounds, his eyes closed and totally consumed with passion
for the youth. He was wearing flannel shorts and I could see the huge
bulge of his erection pulsing out at them.

The younger boy looked powerless, unable to do anything but
stand there and have his skinny body caressed and stroked. This isn't
to say that he didn't enjoy what was being done to him, for he looked
very excited by the attention, the bulge in his shorts every bit as
throbbing as that of the older boy. I could see the smooth, hairless
skin of his skinny abdomen as the older boy's hands rubbed up his
chest; pale, soft, beautiful flesh. He looked familiar and I was
pretty sure he lived in my dormitory.

I felt my little penis stiffening as I watched them. They
were so caught up in passion, the older boy starting to moan with
pleasure as he kissed the younger one. My boyhood stood stiff and at
attention as I stared at them, watched as the older boy's hands slid
down the other's flat belly and cautiously slipped beneath his shorts,
both boys moaning when it was obvious that his hand was holding the
boy's naked erection. The big bulge of his hand moved up and down
beneath the younger boy's shorts and I was astonished at how excited
they were, how eager they both were for sexual relief.

I hadn't realized it, but I had started to gasp with amazement
and the older boy must have heard me for he suddenly looked up at me.
He jerked his hand from the other boy's shorts and jumped back,
staring at me with a mixture of fear and anger. The other boy flushed
bright red immediately and grabbed his shorts making certain that they
were all the way on.

"What are you doing here, kid?" the older boy's baritone voice
asked with a touch of malice.

"Nothing," I stammered, my stiff penis softening in terror and
ready to pee at any second. The boy against the shelves looked every
bit as afraid as I was.

"Get out of here," the older boy ordered. I was so afraid, I
seemed rooted to the spot and I didn't move. "Get!" the boy hissed
menacingly. I got.

I dived away from the aisle and back toward the front of the
library. My heart was pounding, half from terror, half from
excitement. I had managed to keep from wetting my pants, but I knew I
had to go real soon. I saw Tod at the table and quickly went and sat
down. He didn't even look up at me. Within seconds, the skinny boy
who had so recently been fondled appeared. He glanced at me briefly
then he and his bright red face quickly went to the library door and
departed. A few seconds later, the older boy appeared. He shot me a
glare filled with acid then he too left.

"Done," Tod smiled looking up at me. "What's wrong?" he asked
immediately, his face losing its happiness. "You look like you've
seen a ghost."

"Nothing," I dismissed, though I was breathing quickly in
fear. What if that boy was so mad at me he was going to beat me up?
What if he was waiting just outside the library door for me? I
grabbed Tod's pad and started checking his answers. He didn't say
anything and his aura seemed to indicate that he had dismissed my
apparent terror.

"Good," I said at length. "You don't have any trouble with
history," I charged, though most of my mind was still thinking about
the muscular, older boy.

"You're just a good teacher," the adorable boy smiled. He was
so innocent. He didn't have the foggiest notion that I had just seen
a ghost: mine! That guy was going to kill me. "You want to go
swimming?" he asked almost immediately.

"Uh," I stammered. My young brain thought quickly. I did
want to go swimming with Tod (anything to see that beautiful body
again), but I also wanted to scurry back to Kelly. He wasn't tough
enough to defend me from the older boy, but he was familiar and I
would feel safe with him. "No," I blurted without realizing what I
was saying. "I'm supposed to meet a friend of mine."

Tod looked genuinely hurt. "Oh," his voice cracked. "Okay."

"We can play War tonight, if you want to," I said, hoping not
to hurt the boy's ego as I stood up.

"Okay," he smiled. God, he was cute.

Tod and I spoke our good-byes, and I left the library like a
criminal avoiding the FBI. Everywhere I turned I was certain that the
older boy would be there, but I never saw him. I avoided the open,
walking close to the walls and behind pillars, hoping beyond hope to
avoid getting beat up, but the boy never appeared. Eagerly I checked
out a bike and finally found Kelly out on the dirt tracks with a group
of other little boys.

The dirt tracks occupied a large corner of the school grounds.
It was a fairly large wooded area with steep hills and trails for the
boys to ride bikes on. Most of the boys at the school were very good
at negotiating them, jumping over the dirt ramps, careening around the
banked curves and such, but I was fairly new to the game. I knew how
to ride a bike, obviously, but I didn't ride one all that often.

Like all the other boys, Kelly was wearing a tank top and gym
shorts when I found him surveying the trails from the highest hill
atop his bike. I rode up to him and tried to do one of those skidding
slides that the other boys did so well. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't
as good as the others.

"What's up?" I asked, walking the bike over beside him.

He shrugged nonchalantly. A boy atop his bicycle feels every
bit a king. "Not much," he said. "Did you finish studying?" He
behaved so much cooler and older now than normal it was almost funny,
but I was just happy to be with him. He may not have been as big or
as strong as the boy who was out to kill me, but he was my friend and
I felt safe.

"Yeah," I said, rearing my bike into a standing wheeley. It
was an easy feat, but it looked cool nonetheless.

"You want to race?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Nah."

"Hey, Kelly!" a little boy called from a pack of racers
causing us both to look. "Come on!"

"Come on," Kelly said, his slender, hairless legs all ready to
kick off after them.

"No, you go ahead," I said. I had other things on my mind. I
didn't need to go racing to feel safe, just needed to be near him.
The dirt track was close enough and I certainly didn't feel like
explaining to him what was on my mind.

Kelly looked disappointed in me, but shrugged his thin
shoulders in the tank top and pushed himself over the hill. At the
bottom, he stood up on the pedals and rapidly caught up with the other
boys, performing a skidding, whirling stop that put mine to shame.

I leaned back on my seat, my skinny arms reaching out to hold
the handlebars. In many ways, the whole scene in the library already
seemed like a dream, but I was still nervous and wasn't about to leave
the safety of my friends. I also didn't want to be atop the hill,
however, and I leaned forward and went over it, braking to keep from
going too fast: let the other boys show off, I just wanted that good
a rider.

My plan was to ride around for awhile, then Kelly and I could
go to dinner and I would be safe from the older boy. I still felt
nervous, but I was safe. At the bottom of the hill, however, I
discovered the other boy, the younger one, the one who was being so
overpowered by the boy I feared. My heart instantly started pounding
nervously and I looked anxiously around for the boy who was going to
kill me.

When I didn't seem him anywhere, I let my bike slow down and
looked at the skinny boy. He was sitting under a pine tree still in
the tank top and shorts I had seen him in earlier. A moto-cross bike
lay in the brown grass near him. He hadn't seen me yet and I was far
away enough to run, but he didn't look mean like the other boy had.
He looked scared and depressed. Maybe if I made friends with him, the
other boy would leave me alone... It was a long shot, but he was such
a cute boy and looked so nice that it was worth it. Besides, I knew
what they had been doing and I didn't mind it at all; they had
nothing to fear from me.

I paddled my way toward him with my feet: still sitting on
the bike, I had the feeling that I could ride away faster than he
could run if he got mad at me and wanted to catch me. I got very
close before he noticed me and looked up. Immediately his eyes filled
with terror, then were just as quickly replaced with sadness. He
didn't look mad at me in the slightest, however, and I stepped a
little bit closer.

"Hi," I said. Oddly enough, the boy looked so sad that I lost
any fear I'd had of him altogether. He had a twig of straw in his
hands when I rode up and he sighed and looked down at it glumly now
that I was there.

"Hi," his high pitched voice cracked hopelessly.

I sat there for a moment uncertain what to say. "My name's
Kelvin," I said finally.

The boy was silent for a long moment, then shrugged.

"What's your name?" I asked when it was obvious he wasn't
going to answer.

"Sean," he said. He didn't look up at me at all, just sat
twirling the straw in his hand. He wasn't making it easy to make
friends with him, but I didn't feel afraid of him and leaned my bike
over on the grass as I stood up. I didn't say anything as I sat down
against the tree beside him.

For a long moment, I looked around at the sunlit scenery, then
slowly found my eyes creeping toward him. He sat with his legs
extended and crossed. They were beautiful legs, long and hairless save
for little silver hairs on his calves just above his socks. They had
a light brown tan and the farther up them I looked the smoother his
skin looked until I passed over his soft thighs and my imagination had
to make do for what lay beneath his white gym shorts. Above then, I
could make out the skinny contours of his abdomen through the baggy
red tank top he wore.

The tank top was so loose on him that I could see a good
portion of his small chest and I found myself looking slowly up it, up
his slender neck to a very cute face of innocent fear. "I won't say
anything," I found myself saying, making sure my eyes were fixed on
his as he looked at me.

"About what?" he asked with a nervous shrug.

I just shrugged, too. Far be it for me to say something
embarrassing when it was his activities being discussed. I looked
away and for a long moment we sat there silent. In my mind, however,
I was dreaming of him, dreaming of how pretty he was, how sweet a boy
he looked and acted. I loved him without knowing why and wished I
knew some way to tell him that.

Kelly and the other racers suddenly leapt over the hill where
I had been sitting a few moments before, twisting as much as they
dared as their bikes caught air and hurled them toward the dirt ramp
below. They didn't notice us sitting alone beneath the tree and we
didn't draw attention to ourselves.

Sean suddenly sighed. He dropped the piece of straw and
pressed his palms together between his thighs. I wanted to be his
friend so much, wanted to be able to talk to him, to explain to him
how I understood what he and the boy were doing, but he said nothing.
Slowly my eyes scanned along his smooth, boyish legs again, marveling
at how pretty they were, at how pretty and sweet he was. Slowly I
gazed up his skinny abdomen and chest again, marveled at the beauty of
the smooth, clear skin beneath his tank top. Suddenly I was looking
at his cute face and I realized with a start that he was looking at
mine. Our blue eyes met for a long moment.

"You're really cute," he said in a boyish voice little louder
than a whisper.

I blushed immediately and looked away. "So are you," my
little voice replied. Kovz! He liked me! That's why he was so
nervous. He wasn't worried about me telling anyone about him and the
other boy. He wanted to play with me! I knew it. I knew it
instantly. And it filled me with terror.

Another long moment passed before I suddenly felt Sean's
skinny arm moving behind my neck, slowly encircling my thin shoulders.
He did it with such gentleness and yet with so much tenseness that all
I could was allow my smaller body to be slowly brought down next to
his. He felt warm. My shoulder, bared beneath the strap of my tank
top, slipped into his smooth underarm and I could feel the softness of
his side as I pressed my elbow down between our skinny bodies. I felt
my cheek come in contact with his chest where it met his shoulder
beneath his tank top and I let it rest there. Feeling sick with love
for him, I slowly lifted my face and looked at him.

Sean tried to hold my gaze, but after a few brief seconds he
turned away and sighed. I think he'd have pulled his arm from around
me if it weren't for the fact that doing so would have required him to
shove my head forward or to scrape his upper arm against the bark of
the tree. Instead he sat there with his limp arm around my shoulders
and his pretty eyes looking out over the trails, looking as sad and
unhappy as a boy could look.

I felt as afraid of him somehow as he must have felt about me,
but he had obviously taken the first step. As cautiously and gently
as I could, I slowly reached across and lay my arm across his skinny
abdomen. I could feel his body briefly tense at this contact, but
after a few moments, I spread my fingers and very slowly, very gently,
took hold of his small abdomen and held it. I could feel his ribs
beneath my palms through his tank top, could feel them awkwardly swell
as the boy struggled to find an acceptable way to breathe. The large
hand wrapped around my thin back answered this contact by gently
taking hold of my little shoulder, the grip as loose and uncertain as
a question, the boy asking me if I wanted more, not demanding. He was
so afraid, and I could feel his fear.

I was limited in how I could respond. My right arm, the one
farthest from him, was already reaching across his belly. The left
one was pinned between our rib cages and I could not have extracted it
without upsetting the moment. Instead, I slowly, gently, lovingly
stroked up and down on his body with my hand, feeling the life inside
him, feeling his fear. Did he understand how I felt about him? I had
no way to know. He felt so innocent, so pure. I knew he was
interested in me, but he didn't know what to do next, and I was
terrified of frightening him.

The boys broke over the hill again, their bikes taking air and
them squealing with pleasure, hitting hard against the dirt below and
standing to pedal faster as soon as they could. Again, they didn't
notice Sean and I, and our bodies tensed only in momentary fear at
discovery, neither of us letting go of the other.

When the other boys had passed, I slowly moved my hand down
and slipped it beneath his tank top. He let out a silent cry as I
slid my hand against the baby soft side of his body, felt the slender
hardness of it gently, lovingly. I knew I was frightening him, just
as that boy in the library had frightened him, but I knew just as well
that he wanted it, needed it, just as badly as I did. His skin felt so
warm, so smooth, so soft. Feeling his fear as my own, I looked up at
him, and his cute face turned down to me. His eyes were filled with
fear and pleading, longing but so very afraid. We gazed into each
other's eyes as my hand felt along his beautiful body. For a brief
moment, he looked ready to cry and I instinctively responded by
pushing my lips against his. His body tensed in uncertainty again,
but his hormones understood quickly enough, and I felt his awkward
lips pressing back.

By the time our lips parted, we were both gasping nervously.
I lay my head against his small, skinny chest and he held me there.
Slowly, cautiously, his fingers started to tug at my tank top, pulling
it up from my body. I let him lift it as high as he could with me
pressed against him, felt his trembling fingers reaching to pet my
skin. Feeling an aching in me that corresponded with his, I slowly
sat up. Our eyes met, both pained, confused, uncertain. To answer
his, I sighed nervously and pulled my tank top up my skinny body and
arms. With bare chest and belly, I held the skimpy garment to the
side, releasing it only when I felt both of his big hands reaching out
to hold my warm body.

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I melted against him. Bare chested now, I felt free to tug at
his tank top, and I lay gasping as I tugged on it, Sean's hands
nervously but excitedly feeling across my back, along my sides, over
my hairless armpits. We were both gasping by the time the cute boy
finally sat up, his body pushing me away. I sat up uncertainly, then
watched as he swallowed and pulled his own tank top off, his thin back
laying against the tree trunk as he swallowed with fear that I might
again turn him away. Free of his tank top, the boy's little chest was
as long and skinny as it had been in it. He had almost no muscle and
his little nipples sat on an all but flat chest, skinny rib cage
rippling gently beneath it. With a slight whimper of love, I again
melted against him, burying my cheek against the incredible softness
of his boyish chest. My arm again took hold of his skinny body, this
time feeling the warmth of his smooth, bare skin against mine as I
slowly rubbed up and down his young rib cage.

It is impossible to calculate how long we sat there in each
other's arms. My hands were slowly feeling along his pretty body and
his were rubbing against mine while the bike racers rode by twice.
Both times we tensed with fear, but neither of us let go. We just
closed our eyes, felt each other, loved each other. I felt so totally
content with this relationship that I never made a move to go farther.
The feel of Sean's skinny, bare chest and soft, smooth skin was all
that I seemed to want for the thought of his penis never occurred to
me. It felt so good to have him holding me, loving me, and to hold
him, love him, that his penis and mine didn't seem to make much
difference. At any rate, I didn't think about it until I suddenly
felt Sean's tender hand moving down my body and very gently rub his
fingertips along the limp bulge between my legs.

I became erect within a second, my body tensing with so much
astonishment that he was touching my penis after all that Sean felt
obliged to squeeze my shoulder and reassure me. "It's okay," his
cracking voice said softly. "It's okay." As tenderly as can be
imagined, the cute boy gently caressed the stiff, skinny, little bulge
in my shorts, and I fought to calm myself. It was such an odd thing
to me: I, who had been to bed with so many boys in the past few weeks
was suddenly being reassured by a boy I believed to be a virgin. Yet,
there I sat, as if I had never had a boy hold my penis before,
reveling in his loving attentions as I had no other boy before. I
felt like a little boy beside him. By touching my penis, Sean had
become my master.

Nonetheless, I wasn't so silly as to cry out about this
contact. Without doubt I had gotten intensely horny in a very short
time, but I continued to feel his skinny body, caress his beautiful
flesh without pause save for that brief moment of surprise. The
sudden tenseness in my body did not deter Sean. His fingers, long and
awkward, continued to probe and feel my small erection through my
shorts. I felt suddenly embarrassed at my lack of size and pubic
hair, but Sean, if he had noticed how immature I was, said nothing as
he felt along my stiff, two inch boyhood. For a long while I let him
do this without response, just lay there against his bare chest and
let him fondle me however he liked. After a few moments, however, I
started to feel an orgasm building in my little penis and I didn't
want that to happen before Sean understood that I could do something
for him, too. If nothing else, I didn't want to have an orgasm with
my shorts on. I wanted to feel his fingers touching it raw and naked.

Almost crying from the pleasure the cute young boy was evoking
in my penis, I slowly let my hand slide down his skinny abdomen, over
his gym shorts until it came to rest on the gifted young erection in
his shorts.

The boys broke over the hilltop again and our bodies twitched
with surprise, but neither of us let go of the other's erection.
Their temporary presence only seemed to get us more excited and Sean
started to pant with nervous pleasure, spreading his legs wider as my
small hand felt slowly along the six inch, rock hard penis in his
shorts. He held my little erection between his thumb and forefinger,
pulling on it through my shorts until I looked up at his cute young
face. Our eyes locked for a long moment, wide and filled with
frightened passion, mine with the added intensity of a prepubescent
orgasm. I felt his arm tighten around my thin shoulders, felt his
smooth face move closer to mine until his moist lips pressed against
mine in an awkward first kiss. He didn't hold it for long but when he
pulled his head back it was obvious that he liked it. His pretty blue
eyes looked into mine with desire pleading with me not to be ashamed
if we went farther. His fingers still pulled gently on my penis and I
started to cry quietly as I felt it growing still harder, felt it
building to a mind blowing orgasm.

Sean seemed to know what was happening for he looked down at
the little bulge he held in his hand, my blue eyes gazing into his
pretty face and telling him that he didn't have to bring me to climax
yet, but that I would do it if he wanted me to. After a few seconds,
he finally let the little boner go and I could feel it throbbing madly
with pubescent demands for relief. Gently the boy brought his hand
down on my bare belly, lovingly caressing the baby soft skin around my
little belly button. It tickled and made my abdomen twitch nervously
but his hand felt so warm, so gentle. I could feel his hard penis
throbbing as he slowly pressed his fingertips beneath the elastic band
of my gym shorts and started moving them down toward my naked little

I stared with mouth hanging open seeing that big, beautiful
hand sticking down my shorts, his wrist and forearm looking so smooth
and skinny. I gasped in shock as I felt the raging head of my little
penis against it, felt the boy's long fingers ever so gently take hold
of my stiff boyhood sliding down the shaft until I felt his fingertips
pressing against my hairless testicles and pubic mound. My body was
totally emersed in pleasure as I watched the moving mound in my shorts
and I felt him reassuring me by rubbing back and forth on my thin
shoulder blades. The nervous boy obviously enjoyed hairless penises
for his fingers gently petted the area where peach fuzz would one day

Gasping and crying with passion, I pulled the boy's hand back
and he sat up, blue eyes filled with fear that I was going to stop.
But all I wanted to do was bare my little cock to him, let him see it
as he felt it, before it started jerking with pleasure. I sat up on
my knees and whimpered as I peeled the shorts down my hips, gasped
against the feel of it dragging across the sensitive erection between
my legs. My penis emerged looking pale and little and pretty, the
head a shiny, pale purple knob, the little testicles held tight by my
smooth pink scrotum. Sean stared at it with his thin lips opened, his
blue eyes wide with awe and love. When I had worked my shorts down to
my knees, I pulled my hands up to my chest and held them there
bashfully, watching my hairless little penis pulsing up and down with
its horny erection.

Sean sat farther up though I could see it must have hurt the
big cock in his shorts. His cute face looked up at me questioningly
for a moment, then his big hands moved out and lay on my smooth,
skinny thighs. He rubbed one of them slowly upward and his trembling
fingertips nervously glided over my hairless scrotum, gently prodded
the little balls, slowly stroked the soft, warm crevice between my
testicles and thighs. I allowed the boy to explore me without
comment, though my little chest was swelling rapidly for air. His
fingers rubbed over the hairless base of my penis then slowly,
nervously began to feel up the two inch shaft, feeling its hardness,
its visible throbbing. Slowly he took the little erection between his
thumb and forefinger and I moaned with pleasure as I felt him squeeze
it slightly, felt the loose boy flesh that covered it slide slowly
toward my shiny little penis head. I could see saliva glistening on
the boy's lips, fought down a desire to beg him to suck on me. Instead
I just stood there on my knees, felt him caress and rub my hairless
boyhood until the pretty thing was teetering madly close to orgasm.

Sean stopped suddenly and quickly crawled up on his knees
facing me. Panting and staring into my eyes, the adorable pubescent
boy's hands took hold of his own shorts, and we both turned to look as
he pulled them down, unveiling his young cock with bashful, immature
innocence. As I could tell by feeling it through his shorts, his
penis was six inches long which looked big on the skinny boy in front
of me. It stuck out straight and hard as a board now, throbbing
slowly up and down from beneath his smooth, skinny belly. It was a
slender penis, running his gifted length lined with small, scarcely
visible, purple veins. The soft looking flesh of his penis shaft
continued up and still covered almost half of his purple head, his
foreskin looking thin and fleshy. His enlarged testicles hung in a
soft scrotum that revealed their oblong shape. The whole of his penis
and scrotum were still the pale pink color of a little boy and it
looked very attractive as it blended in with the smooth, pale tanned
color of his thighs and around his little belly button. So childlike
was his penis's coloring that it was almost surprising to see that he
had pubic hair. It was not very much and was not very long, nothing
but sparse, little, curly, black hairs in a little circle at the root
of his cock. I could actually see the pink skin of his pubic mound
more easily through the boy hairs than the hairs themselves. It was a
beautiful penis.

I looked up at his cute face as he moved toward me on his
knees. His big hands took hold of my thin shoulders and he kissed me
on the lips again, his warm, skinny chest ever so gently pressing
against mine. I could feel his throbbing cock sticking against my
belly, felt the boy's hips gently press it there, rubbing the half
covered head all around my hairless navel. It felt very warm and
incredibly hard. He pulled my little body closer to him, his smooth
arms encircling me and stroking across my skinny back. I could feel
my sensitive little erection rubbing against his testicles, felt it
slide up between his hairless scrotum and thighs until the shiny
little head was petted nd caressed by his sparse little boy hairs. He
was so gentle as he held me and his skinny body felt so hard and
smooth that I heard my high pitched voice whimpering with pleasure. I
could actually feel his erect little nipples rubbing across my skinny
chest, felt the warmth of his flat belly rubbing against mine, the
throbbing hardness of his big penis between them.

Seeming more confident now, Sean slowly moved back away from
me, his pretty face looking into my eyes as he gently pulled me back
with him. His cock stuck out from his skinny legs as he sat back
against the tree on his small butt, guiding me to sit back down beside
him. He wrapped one of his skinny arms around my thin shoulders
again, burying my little shoulder in his smooth, hairless armpit. I
lay my little chest against his warm side, my arm only naturally
laying across his skinny abdomen, feeling his muscles rippling and
hard beneath his soft skin.

I looked down his skinny belly and saw his big hand slowly
gripping his penis, encircling the long slender cock in his fist and
absently pulling his foreskin back. His penis head thrust its way
out, a shiny, pinkish purple knob of hardness swelling from his
slender shaft. His small slit yawned open, ready, eager to ejaculate
his precious seed. I glanced up at his cute face as he started to
masturbate himself. His eyes were closed, hidden behind long black
lashes, head lolling to the side as a soft moan escaped from his
little chest. Feeling his pleasure, I looked back down his smooth,
skinny body to the straight cock jutting between his legs in a young,
bony fist. He stroked himself slowly, rhythmically, the pace so
seductive that it made me feel even more horny. His thin foreskin
rubbed up and down over his shiny penis head, causing the skin at the
base of his cock to ride slightly up the shaft pulling the little
circle of his pubic hair with it. I was so awed by the beauty of him
masturbating that I just lay there and watched, the thought of sucking
that pretty penis not even entering my mind.

Sean still held to my shoulder and I could feel his large hand
gently rubbing it, squeezing it as he moaned and jacked himself off.
Transfixed by his pretty penis, I absently rubbed across his abdomen
and rib cage, felt the soft smoothness of his skin, so clear, such a
pale shade of boyish tan, little nipples standing erect and tiny as
his cute face rolled slowly from side to side. I could feel the
rhythmic beating of his heart in his body, the rhythmic swells of his
ribs as he breathed and moaned. Slowly I ran my small hand up his
body and gently felt across his small, almost indiscernible chest, the
skinny boy so devoid of muscles that I could just feel where his ribs
ended and his chest began. My fingertips gently petted the skin
around his nipples, feeling their hardness against his otherwise soft
flesh. He was so pretty.

I could feel his skinny body stiffening and his moans grew
slightly louder. My hand slid back down to his little belly and I
stared at his penis again. He was rubbing faster on it now and I
could see that he was close to orgasm. His foreskin moved faster up
and down on his penis head, rubbing it, caressing it, each thrust of
his fist filling the boy's cock with still more pleasure.
Rhythmically I rubbed back and forth across his belly, feeling it
rippling harder, feeling the little belly button and the baby soft
skin around it.

Sean's skinny body stiffened frantically suddenly and his fist
started pounding rapidly up and down on his slender penis. He was
yanking on it so hard that it looked almost painful. His teeth were
clenched and muscles bulged out along his neck as he fought to keep
from crying out, instead just making desperate little crying sounds
and rapid gasps from his rock hard chest. His penis head frantically
popped in and out of his foreskin, so quickly that it was little more
than a blur to me, the boy so excited he looked ready to pull his cock
all the way off his body. Muscles along his thighs, abdomen and
forearm rippled boyishly as he lost himself in the pleasure of
pubescent orgasm, allowing it to sweep over him but struggling to keep
from crying out as the bike riders once again started popping over the
hill with shrill cries of boyish delight. They were farther apart now
and it took longer for the whole group to pass but it scarcely
mattered. Poor Sean was so lost in his penis that he wouldn't have
been able to stop himself even if they had seen him.

I lay beside him quietly, feeling his arm hold me tighter, and
gently stroked up and down on his chest, loving the feel of his skinny
body tightening with orgasm. He seemed to lose control momentarily
and let out several loud, astonished gasps as he peaked. His baby
blue eyes stared down at his penis suddenly and the immature teenager
cried out with pleasure. I watched his cock too as the boy's skinny
young body began to jerk frantically around his penis. He jerked
several times with no results and I thought for a moment that he was
still too young for sperm, but his penis suddenly started squirting
out juice, the thin droplets speckling his cute face, his skinny chest
and my thin arm. It was a beautiful thing to see; every time the
boy's fist jerked his foreskin back, his shiny penis head appeared,
the slit opening and obediently spitting out immature sperm, the
droplets squirting across Sean's skinny body and looking so terribly

Sean's little chest collapsed into gasping as his penis
finished its pubescent duty and I looked down at the beautiful young
cock. He held it in his fist still, but it was already softening, a
thin trail of clear juice oozing over his foreskin and down over his
fingers and hand. The boy's almost naked body felt relieved against
me and I did to. Without thinking, I leaned over and started licking
his boy sperm from his chest, the sweet taste of it filling my mouth
with the pleasure it had so recently discovered in the young penis of
the other boy. I realized with a start that Sean might think it was
gross that I was licking his sperm from his skinny chest and belly,
but he just lay there breathing and I lovingly tasted his immature
cream as my tongue lapped it up from his tiny nipples.

Before I could reach his cute face, Sean sat up, his smooth,
slender forearm wiping off the droplets before taking hold of my
little shoulders. Gently, tenderly he lay me back on the grass.
"Don't be afraid," he said, as if still believing he was talking to a
virgin child. My shorts were still down around my knees as I lay on
my back, legs straight below me, arms awkwardly laying on my chest. I
looked down at my hairless little penis and saw that it was as stiff
and erect as ever. Sean crawled up on his knees beside me, his half
hard penis swinging gently, a glistening drop of thin sperm still
forming at the end of his foreskin as it reclaimed his pretty penis

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, as his big hands moved
between my legs and again started to feel around my hairless penis.
They were so gentle, so tender, and the boy seemed entranced by my
hairless testicles as he fondled them. Scarcely looking up at me, he
leaned his cute face forward and I realized with joy that he was going
to suck me off. It didn't look like he had ever done anything like
this before, however, for he paused when he was very close to my
penis, stared at it uncertainly, sighed and swallowed nervously.
Finally, his long fingers pointed the hairless little thing upward and
the adorable boy slowly engulfed it with his mouth.

Sean's high pitched voice moaned softly and I let out a
startled cry of pleasure as his warm, slimy mouth descended on my
hairless erection. I could feel his moist, mushy tongue against my
rock hard shaft and the boy swallowed nervously as his thin lips
slowly met the hairless skin around my penis. It was exciting to feel
his inexperienced mouth around my stiff boyhood, and he apparently had
never done it before because he sucked it like a boy who had only
heard of blow jobs, of sucking cock. He held it in his mouth and
sucked steadily, not moving his lips from my pubic mound, just sucking
gently on it as if trying to coax it into squirting sperm. One of his
palms lay on my smooth, skinny thigh but he didn't rub on it. Slowly,
the other hand slipped from my testicles and lay low on my little
belly button, low enough to feel the smooth, hairless skin surrounding
my little cock, both hands trembling with his excitement at sucking on
a little boy.

All I could do was moan and cry as the thirteen year old boy's
slimy mouth made love to my penis, feeling the gentle tugs as his
smooth cheeks sunk in, the tender caresses of his tongue as it slid
nervously against the stiff, skinny boyhood. Loving the tender
pleasure in my penis, I gazed at Sean's skinny chest with boyish
enthusiasm, his little nipples now laying almost smooth on his pale
skin, a cute, innocent purple against the soft flesh. His shoulders
looked so thin and small that I reached out and rubbed them gently
filled with affection for his young body. He was sitting on his knees
and his penis, still filled with enough of an erection to make it look
smooth and rubbery, lay on his smooth, hairless thighs, the little
circle of his sparse pubic hair looking pretty between his boyish

I lay there admiring his innocent beauty as the pleasure in my
penis became slowly unbearable. I could still feel it throbbing in
the warm slime of the boy's mouth and it felt so big and hard, so
exciting and wonderful. I let out a moan and closed my eyes as I felt
orgasm flowing across my small body, felt my mind grow dizzy from the
wonderful pleasure between my hairless legs. Distantly I could feel
Sean still sucking lovingly on my penis as I felt my slender boy hips
making quick, frantic little jerks, warmth and joy and pleasure
flowing into me until I thought it would never end.

It did end and I lay there on the grass feeling the hardness
in my hairless little cock seeping out of me with the boyish orgasm I
so loved. Ever so slowly, Sean let it slide from his lips, both
looking very slimy with his saliva, my hairless cock looking limp and
exhausted. His cute face looked at it for a moment, then he turned
and looked solemnly at me. He didn't smile, just gazed at me with his
gentle, innocent brown eyes. We looked at each other for a long
moment and I felt his fingers reach between my legs and gently rub
around my slimy penis. I smiled at him with all my love but he just
watched my face with pained gentleness.

Finally, he let my penis go and stood up. He quickly jerked
his shorts up his legs causing his big, young penis to flop about
until it was concealed. I felt too good in the afterglow of orgasm to
move until the boys again broke over the hill on their bikes. With
bashful terror, I pulled them up my hips and grabbed for my shirt but
the boys just rode by as they had before, oblivious to the loving boy
sex that had just occurred beneath the tree. I watched Sean's
hairless underarms as the boy slipped his tank top back over his head.
Dressed again, he put his hands on his hips and looked at me, his cute
face blushing or perhaps just flushed from his orgasm.

He watched me as I put on my own tank top then took my hand
and helped me to my feet. "That felt good," I said, hoping to ease
the boy's uncertainty but only making him blush more.

"Don't tell anybody," he said, looking at me with his
guileless face.

"I won't."

He looked at me as if to confirm this for a moment, then
relaxed a little. His cute, boyish face looked down my skinny body
and smooth legs then stood there bashfully a moment. "We can do it
again, sometime," he said, not looking at me. "If you want..."

I stared at him adoringly and nodded, wondering how I could
take the pretty boy with me to Kovzland. He wasn't as pretty as Tod,
but he awful darn close. He looked up at me, filled with worry that I
hadn't answered and I nodded my head quickly, finally smiling at him.
He smiled and blushed back, looking away again in boyish innocence.
He was a hundred times cuter when he smiled. Yes, Tod was still
cuter, but Sean was a hundred times closer... Oh, heck! Any boy I'd
just had an orgasm with was pretty darn cute. Sean was just as cute.
I wished we could stay under the tree and play again, but the tall,
skinny boy turned and picked up his bike. His long, bare legs
straddled the seat and one overgrown foot in tennis shoes stepped on
the pedal.

"See you later," he said, not turning as he pedaled away from

"See you," I said after him, gazing at the beauty of his thin
back and bony shoulder blades as he pedaled toward the complex. I was
still watching after him as the boys came to the top of the hill
again. Rather than flying over it, however, this time they hit the
breaks and careened to a screeching halt.

Kelly, who'd wheeled in fourth, grinned down and saw me
underneath the tree. "Hey, Kely!" his high pitched voice called.
"We're going swimming. You wanna' come?"




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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Fourteen

A clear blue sky brought sunlight streaming into the room that
Saturday morning. I felt very happy that it would be a day without
classes and I would be free to go visit my friends in town. What made
it even better was that I would be taking Kelly with me. Happily, I
jumped off the bunk and shook the little boy awake.

"Get up, sleepy head," I said. "Let's go to town."

Kelly wasn't a very fast riser, and lay bleary eyed in the bed
as I pulled off my pajama top. The other boys were getting up all
around the room and Tod suddenly jumped off his bunk beside me. "Hi,"
I blushed at him, feeling too good to be too shy. We had become good
if cautious friends in the past few days and the adorable young prince
smiled back at me and said good morning. He had a beautiful voice to
match his face and body. It was still rather high pitched, but it
crackled with puberty and wasn't near so high pitched as Kelly's and
mine. As usual, he couldn't think of anything more to say and put on
his bathrobe and went to the shower.

Kelly was finally crawling out of bed as I squirmed out of my
pajama bottoms and I stood before him naked and smiling. "Come on," I
said messing up his blond hair. He smiled up at me, the cute smile I
had grown to love so much. He was such a pretty boy. He stretched and
I could see the small contours of his skinny body through his shirt.
"Come on," I giggled and suddenly flew on top of him, tickling his
skinny ribs and feeling the smooth hardness of his body through his

"Kelvin," he giggled, fighting to escape from my tickles.
When I finally thought he was awake, I rolled off him and sat back
down beside him, me stark naked, the cute boy grinning with his pajama
top torn half open and revealing his little chest. He stood up and
pulled the rest of the shirt off, me watching his smooth, skinny body
appear. I didn't sit watching him get all the way naked, just stood
up beside him, our naked bodies soon jostling each other as we fought
to get things out of the closet. I again lamented having to put on my
clothes and even more that Kelly was going to put on his. I longed to
be naked with him all the time, our hairless little bodies there for
us to look at and fondle. Nonetheless, I squirmed into my underpants,
and Kelly did the same. By the time Tod returned, we both had our
slacks and shoes on, only our bare chests testifying to our boyish

"Hey, Tod," I said, startling the cute boy. "You want to go
to town with us today?"

"No," he voice cracked, though he looked pained to say it.
"My body guard is coming to take me home for the weekend."

"You can come with us," Kelly said. "Kelvin has some friends
who are going to let us stay with them all weekend."

"Don't you have to go see your parents?" the thirteen year old
asked the little boy.

"Nah. They're not my real parents anyway. Kelvin and I are
both orphans."

Tod seemed touched by this and he looked at both of us;
still, he didn't admit that he was an orphan too. I guess I could
come over for lunch," Tod said. He started to untie his robe and my
heart skipped in anticipation of seeing his beautiful penis, but the
boy turned away from us just as he opened it, quickly grabbing his
underwear and pulling it on before we could see anything more than the
pretty bulge left in them.

"Yeah!" Kelly said. "We could play games!"

"How am I going to get away from the guard?" Tod said glumly.

"We'll just sneak out," I said.


"Easy. We'll leave before he comes."

"We better hurry then," the boy said quickening his pace just
as we did.

Travis appeared just about the time Tod was finishing. "You
ready to go Kelvin?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. "Tod wants to come too but we have to sneak
him passed his guard."

I looked at Travis solemnly and he got the message. "Uh,
right," he nodded. We hadn't even mentioned Tod since we got to the
school, now he was practically doing the job of kidnapping him all
alone. "Billy's coming, too," Travis said, for my benefit. "I think
he'll like it."

I envisioned how angry it would make General Anderson if he
found out, but Brendan and Calvin seemed more understanding. I nodded
my understanding and repressed a boyish giggle.

Smuggling Tod out of the schoolyard proved to be easier than
expected. Simply put, he walked out with the rest of us and didn't
draw a single stare. He even grew more relaxed as we started down the
hill, away from the palace and into the busy streets of Labar. It
felt like being released from prison, though I had actually enjoyed
the school a lot. I had met some very nice boys, especially Kelly who
was my favorite even if Tod was cuter. Besides, Tod and I had never
had sex and I didn't think we ever would. He seemed to want to
sometimes, but most of the time he was just shy and embarrassed.
Nonetheless, walking into the town was delightful, the sun warm, the
five of us looking like a matching set of brothers in our blue

We walked toward the townhouse where Calvin lived, me keeping
an eye out for them, wondering when they would show up and get Tod.
They never did, however, and soon the five of us were strolling up the
steps and being ushered into the house. James met us at the door and
bowed as we entered. Calvin entered as soon as the door was closed, a
delighted smile on his face, wearing a pair of slacks and a red
smoking jacket.

"Well, it seems we've picked up some friends along the way,"
he said coming straight over and giving me a hug.

"Calvin," I said, "I'd like you to meet my friends Kelly, Tod
and Billy. Travis and I thought they might be able to stay with us for

"Of course, Kelvin. I'm pleased to see all of you here." He
seemed to be in an oddly delighted mood, but I figured that was
because of Tod. Still, his eyes twinkled just as much when he looked
at Kelly, though he scarcely gave Billy a second glance.

"James, would you please find accommodations for these boys
while I have a talk with Kelvin and Travis?"

"Yes, sir," James bowed.

"I only came for lunch," Tod cut in, stepping away from James.

"Oh, well wouldn't you like to stay for the weekend, Tod?"
Calvin asked, kneeling down to the smaller boy's level.

"I'm supposed to go home..." Tod faltered.

"They won't mind if you stay here for one night, Tod," Calvin
assured him.

"They won't mind if I stay here one night," Tod said

"It would be nice to spend some time away from home, wouldn't
it?" Calvin continued.

"Yes, it would be nice to spend some time away."

"And you could play with your friends here, you could play
with Kelvin..."

"I could play with my friends..."

"James, Tod would like to spend the night, too," Calvin nodded
to the older man.

"Very good, sir," James nodded back. With a gentle arm around
Tod's shoulder, James slowly led the boy's toward the stairs. I
watched the dazed look on Tod's adorable face. He looked confused but
suddenly shook his head and continued on under his own power. I had
seen Eric do the same thing to boys on the road to Labar many days
ago. It was a trick I was hoping to learn, but the front door
suddenly opened. Brendan, Curt and Paul strolled in beaming from ear
to ear.

"Can you believe it!?" Brendan exclaimed, coming over to me
and lifting me off my feet in an embrace.

"Hey!" I giggled.

"Let's discuss this in the den, gentlemen," Calvin nodded.

We all followed him in, Brendan carrying me effortlessly in
one arm, beaming proudly at me. As soon as we were inside, Calvin
closed the door. "Do you know who he is, Kelvin?" Calvin asked

"He's Prince Tod. I know he is," I said, feeling confused

"Oh, yeah, he's Prince Tod," Brendan giggled. "But your little
friend used to go by the name of Prince Kelly."


"That's right," Calvin nodded. "We didn't even know where he
was and you've brought him to us on a platter."

"I didn't even know it," I said, grinning with false modesty
myself. "I just thought he was from the Southland."

"It's Kelly, sure as shooting'," Curt laughed. "We got two
for the price of one. But what about that Billy kid?"

"He's my friend," Travis defended immediately. "And he's a
good fellow, too."

The older boy's seemed taken aback by Travis's insistent
defense, but soon smiled with understanding. "I guess some things
even get through the walls of the Labar School," Calvin said mostly to
himself. Travis looked ready to retort, but when he understood what
Calvin meant, he just blushed brightly. "It's okay, Travis. If he
wants to go, he can go. But what about his parents? We don't want any

"He doesn't have any. He goes to school under some trust fund
left behind for him."

Calvin shrugged. "Well, then, so long as he's willing to give
that up, we'll let him come."

"You have to let him come," Travis grinned impishly.

"Wha..." He cut himself off as all eyes turned to look at me
as I stood small and blushing.

"Well, he started it," I defended.

Calvin put an arm around my shoulder. "Did you do it with
Kelly and Tod, too, Kelvin?"

I shook my head.

"Well, that's..."

"Just Kelly," I answered. I must have looked terribly
embarrassed because the other boys all started laughing at me. Calvin
squeezed my shoulders and smiled.

"Not with Tod?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Honest."

Calvin looked at Brendan briefly a moment, then squeezed my
shoulders again and let go of me. "Alright. Why don't you boys go
off and play? We have some plans to make."

Travis and I both felt a little put off by the older boy's
dismissal, but we allowed it mostly because neither of us wanted to
sit around and talk about a bunch of boring stuff with those guys when
we had our friends waiting for us. Travis grabbed me and whirled me
around to face him as soon as we got to the stairs. He was grinning
and I soon felt his hands rubbing across my chest through my shirt and
jacket. "Wanna take a bath?" he asked seductively.

I blushed and smiled. "Nah. I just wanted to see what Kelly
was doing."

"Come on, Kel. Billy really likes you..."

"Not now, Travis. Maybe tonight."

He shrugged and let go of me. "Suit yourself." We walked
together up the stairs and went back to our room to find James putting
out our play clothes.

"Welcome home, Master Travis, Master Kelvin," he bowed

"Thanks, James," I said plopping down on the bed. "What room
is Kelly in?"

"His Highness is in the room next door, Master Kelvin, and
Prince Tod is on the other side."

"What about Billy?" Travis asked.

"The young squire is in the Blue Room, Master Travis."

"That's the one with the big bed, isn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

Travis looked down at me with a questioning smile and I
grinned back. "Go ahead, Travis. It's okay."

"Thanks," he said giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Good fellow,
could you have my things transferred to the Blue Room, please?"

James arched an eyebrow at him and gave him a brief, sardonic
smile. "As the young man desires."

"A thousand thanks," Travis said, whirling on his heel and
strolling promptly out the door, presumably in search of Billy.

"Master Travis seems none the worse for wear after a little
schooling," James remarked more to himself. I shrugged.

"Did you know Kelly was a prince, too, James?"

"Yes, of course. Does it make a difference?"

I shrugged again. "I guess not..."

James gave a brief laugh then sat down beside me. "Everyone
has their station to fill, Kelvin. You should try to remember that
you are a Guardian and in Kovzland that is considerably higher than a

"But I don't know anything about being a Guardian."

"Of course you do, you just don't remember it, anymore than
Kelly remembers being a prince."

"Why does it seem like every boy I fall in love with is a

James just laughed and returned to his chores, now beginning
to put Travis's things in suitcases. I stood up and pulled my jacket
and tie off, laying them neatly folded on the bed, and started
unbuttoning my shirt. I stripped all the way down to my underwear
then slipped into the shorts James had left out for me. He had also
laid out a yellow tank top and I pulled that over my skinny body. It
was loose and baggy, the arm and neck holes enlarged to the point that
much of my body was visible when I moved my arms.

"I like this," I giggled, raising my arms and exposing the
baby soft flesh of my sides.

"I thought you might," James smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse
me, I'll see what I can do about settling Master Travis in."

"Uh, James," I stopped him at the door. "You better wait a
few minutes. They..."

"Not to worry, sir. The young gentlemen are already in the
tub together."

With that he was gone though I had no idea how he knew where
Travis and Billy were. I was nervous about going to find Kelly,
particularly since he was a prince. It seemed as if he were a
different person, but he didn't even know about it yet. I fought down
my fear and finally plodded bare footed down to his room.

There was a video game in the corner of his room and the short
boy sat at it, his body squirming as his fingers madly pounded on the
buttons. "This is great!" he exclaimed as I came up beside him.

He was wearing clothes identical to mine except that he had
put on white sneakers. I gazed down the silky smoothness of his thin
legs then watched his tiny nipple and small body through the hole
under his arm. Why did he have to be different? I finally turned to
watch the game he was playing and I was soon engrossed in it. For the
next few hours, we took turns playing, competing for scores that got
higher and higher as we got better. By the time James came to get us
for lunch, we were both famished, having not eaten breakfast.

The other boys were already there, even Tod who seemed too shy
to look at anybody. I still couldn't get over how cute he was.
Despite his shyness, he was still the prettiest boy I had ever seen.
But he was so shy, I was afraid to even talk to him for fear of
scaring him. I was certain that he knew nothing about what the other
boys in the school did after the lights went out because he gave every
sign of being totally clueless.

I could feel Brendan and Calvin looking at me almost all the
way through lunch, stealing occasional glances at each other. I tried
to ignore them; I could tell they had something they wanted me to do,
but I was starting to grow wary of such things. They weren't the only
ones looking at me: every time I looked up, I could see Tod watching
me beneath his beautiful blond bangs. The rest of the boys kept the
conversation going, Travis giggling as he and Billy exchanged jokes
and, I suspected, under the table caresses. I could see that Paul and
Curt had grown much closer during the past week, but that hardly kept
Curt from directing more than passing comments to Kelly. Kelly
replied like any polite boy would, but I could tell that he wasn't as
interested in Curt as Lance had been. I think Kelly wasn't interested
in sex so much as he was interested in me. To my knowledge, he hadn't
played with any other boy except Travis that one night.

Calvin and Brendan excused themselves early and went to the
den. After I was finished, I snuck up to the door to listen.

"What's the big deal about it?" Calvin was asking. "Christ,
he's not even looking at anybody else. It has to be Kelvin."

"Oh, come on, Cal," Brendan said. "You can't just make him do
it. Gees, if we get into that kind of business the whole thing is

"All I'm saying is to ask him..."

"And throw him in with some hormone crazed kid..."

I was suddenly pushed from behind and forced into the room.
Calvin and Brendan sighed as I whirled around and saw James standing
there looking down at me in disappointment. "My apologies, Master
Kelvin," he said, his voice sounding sincere despite his face. "I
thought you were having trouble with the door."

I swallowed, realizing I'd been caught spying.

"It's okay, James. He may as well be in here."

James gave a stiff bow and a wink to Calvin, then left closing
the door behind him. I stood there blushing and feeling embarrassed.

"How much of that did you hear, Kely?" Calvin asked me.

"Just a little."

"Do you know what we were talking about?"

"Not really."

Calvin sighed. "Sit down, Kely," he instructed and I
obediently walked over to one of the armchairs, my bare legs dangling
over the end. "Kely, what do you think about Prince Tod?"

I could feel myself growing hotter. I shrugged. "I like him,
I guess."

"Kely," Brendan sighed interrupting Calvin. "What Calvin
wants to know is whether or not you'll go to bed with Tod for us."

"Why?" I asked, flushing brighter but genuinely curious now.

"Well, like we said before: any boy who goes to bed with you
will be very willing to go to Kovzland with us. Right now, we're
afraid Tod won't come willingly and that will mean a lot of trouble
for us if we're searched. Calvin could do the same thing, but Tod
doesn't seem to be interested in him and we don't want to have to mind
warp him his first time."

"But he's not interested in me either," I said certainly. "I
tried when we were at school." As soon as it was out, I blushed
again, brighter still.

"He is interested in you, Kely, believe me," Calvin said. "He
just doesn't understand what it means. Tod has never been with a boy
before and he doesn't understand how he feels."

I shrugged. "He still won't do it with me."

"Yeah he will," Calvin said. "We put some potion in his lunch
just now and we're going to give him more at dinner. It will make him
extremely... uh, interested in... things..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to Kely," Brendan assured
me. "But he does love you very, very much. He just needs a little

I sat still for a moment. Lord, I'd been dying to go to bed
with Tod, having held back only from certainty that he wouldn't do it.
Now they were telling me that he wanted to even more than I did.
"I'll do it, but I don't think he will."

"He will, Kely, trust me."

I spent the afternoon in Kelly's room playing another video
game. I had almost managed to get my mind off of Tod when the door
opened and he came in.

"Hi," he said nervously. "Am I interrupting you?" His voice.
Lord, I thought I would grab him and hug him right there it was so
beautiful. Knowing what would come that evening made Tod's full
beauty come to my attention and I stared at him now with an aching
desire I hadn't been ready for.

"Sure," I said softly, Kelly entranced with the video game. I
watched Tod's lithe slender body cross the room toward us. Like us,
he was wearing white gym shorts and his legs were adorable beneath
them, long, slender and hairless, a soft brown color that looked
smoother than Kelly's or mine. I was even in love with his soft knee
caps, the huge tennis shoes on his growing feet. He even smiled at me
and I could feel the warmth of his young heart radiate from those
perfect teeth, that adorable face as it blushed slightly beneath his
lightly tanned skin.

He stood between Kelly and I and leaned forward to watch my
young friend firing at the creatures on the screen. I couldn't manage
to keep my attention on the game, however, my eyes continually
drifting to the godlike perfection of the boy prince. Everything
about him was exquisite and I could feel my breathing growing heavier
just being beside him, feeling the pleasant warmth of his soft body
only inches from me. His adorable face was so smooth and clear he
almost looked like a little boy beneath his silky blond hair. His
blue eyes stared at the video screen beneath long, black eyelashes and
slender brown eyebrows. Even his nose was perfect, small and slightly
pug, its brownish-pink skin blending in perfectly with his soft,
beardless cheeks.

Like Kelly and I, he was wearing an oversized tank top and I
gazed at the smoothness of his neck where it swelled into what was
obviously a beautiful young chest. He leaned forward on one arm and I
stared at it, long and slender, firm with thin muscles, the soft brown
skin marred only by the straight, silver little hairs along his
forearm. His shoulders were well rounded and looked unbelievably
smooth. The low cut of the tank top beneath his arms gave an achingly
beautiful view of his baby soft side, hinting still further of his
boyish chest, and just revealing one of his small nipples, dark brown,
erect, tiny. I wanted to hold him so bad I thought I would get sick.

"Darn!" Kelly exclaimed, slapping the machine with his palms
and stepping back. He looked so cute when he was angry. "Your turn,"
he said to me.

"You want to play, Tod?" I asked, my voice sounding weak and

"Sure," he said, stepping up to the buttons and levers.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Kelly said, immediately whirling
away and leaving us there by the video.

"How do I start?" Tod asked me. For a long moment our eyes
locked and we stared at each other. The taller boy looked down at me
as if longing for me as much as I was longing for him, but he didn't
say anything.

"You push this button," I said pointing to it. Tod let out an
audible gasp as he turned to the machine and pushed it.

The game started out easily and Tod picked it up rather
quickly. He had been playing for almost a minute, when my desire for
him got the better of me. Trembling and gasping softly, I slowly
reached out and put my hand on his lower back. "That's it," I
encouraged as my heart started pounding with passion. The feel of his
hard body through the tank top was unbelievable, so warm, so exciting.
I could feel it swell with his breathing, sway with the gentle
movements of his body, fantasized about how wonderful he was. I could
even smell him, a sweet, boyish smell, clean and warm and exciting.

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Tod lost his first ship immediately and I felt his body twitch
nervously. I didn't let go of him, however, and he said nothing as he
turned to face the second wave. Taking that as permission, I slipped
my hand further around his narrow back, felt my fingers slip across
the firm contours of his baby soft side. The little penis in my
shorts was positively throbbing with boyish excitement as I felt him
and longed to feel more. Swooning with the warmth of his body and the
desire for him that burned in my stiff little boyhood, I felt my other
hand reaching out and moving between the boy's legs. I grasped the
bulge in his gym shorts and gasped at what I felt. Tod was obviously
very hard and his penis felt warm and exciting in my small hand.

The cute boy was so shocked that I had grabbed him that he
couldn't move for a moment. It was only that long, however, for he
quickly jumped away from me, jerked my hand from his excited cock and
stared at me with his blue eyes wide and filled with shock. "What are
you doing?" his sweet, young voice exclaimed.

I was so embarrassed, I started to cry almost immediately.
Not only was I embarrassed for grabbing him, but the incredible,
aching desire I felt for him made my heart ache to know he didn't want
me to do that. I would have made some numb apology to the shocked
thirteen year old, but I could only wipe by eyes and hide my blushing

"It's okay," Tod said suddenly. "Just don't do that anymore."
His tone was soft and quiet and I looked up at him. He was looking at
me with a mixture of compassion and confusion, his face a bright red
contrasting with the pale yellow of his hair. Lord, he was cute.

Kelly returned and I quickly dried my eyes. "Whose turn is
it?" he asked.

I sat and watched Tod all through dinner and our eyes met more
than once. The older boys were watching us, too, and I knew what they
were thinking about: wondering if Tod and I would be having boy sex
that night or not. It angered me to know that they were thinking of
us that way, but I didn't say anything to them. Just ignored them.
Mostly, I watched Tod shovel down his food, every bite laced with the
magic hormones that would turn him into a sex-craved boy in a matter
of hours. I found myself hoping that they'd given him enough, for I
wanted the young teenager so badly I felt like masturbating just
looking at him.

Kelly tried to engage me in our usual boyish chatter, but I
didn't pay much attention to him. As the meal went on, I could
practically see the hormones having their effect on Tod, could see his
face blushing brighter, could see him fidget nervously, could feel the
aching and confusing desires in the boy whenever he looked at me.
Despite that knowledge, I was still confused when he asked to be
excused early. The front of his gym shorts swelled with his stiff
erection and he looked like he was on the verge of crying as he
quickly turned and darted from the dining room.

"Why don't you go see how he's doing, Kelvin?" Cal asked, his
blond head tilting in the direction Tod had left in. It was time and
I knew it; however angry I got at Cal's blatant instructions, I felt
my heart pounding with excitement, my mind swooning with visions of
Tod's beauty. Swallowing nervously, I excused myself and followed
after the adorable, young prince.

I found Tod in his room. I didn't bother with knocking, just
walked in and found the young boy sitting on his bed crying. "What's
wrong?" I asked, closing the door and walking over to sit beside him.
He was so cute that my penis immediately stiffened. I needed him so
badly, ached to be so close to him and yet not be able to make love to
him yet.

Tod frantically tried to dry his eyes. His soft, brown hands
were crossed in his lap only partially concealing the throbbing mound
in his shorts. "Nothing," he said. He couldn't look at me and turned
away, still fighting to keep from crying. Longing to comfort him, I
reached my hand out and wrapped my arm around the young boy's
broadening shoulders. I could feel his shoulders, smooth and warm,
around the silky straps of his tank top.

Touching him seemed to make him even more nervous and I could
feel his slender body tighten, physically shutting himself off from
me. But I knew what was wrong with the boy and I wasn't about to give
up on him just because he was scared and confused. Feeling more than
a little frightened myself, my small fingers took gentle hold of one
of the straps and I started to pull it up his silky blond hair.

"What are you doing?!" Tod jumped back. He moved so quickly
that I lost my hold on his tank top. He sat there staring at me like
he was ready to run away and I knew I daren't reach for him again.
Fighting to control my fear, I swallowed and very slowly pulled my own
tank top off my skinny little chest and dropped it on the floor. The
terror in Tod's eyes scarcely diminished, but the teenager couldn't
help but look at my bare chest and tiny pink nipples. Still afraid, I
slowly lay back on the bed, my blue eyes watching his for any sign
that he was going to leave. Then, very slowly, my small hands slipped
down to my gym shorts.

No matter how slowly I moved, I couldn't give Tod enough time
to react for the adorable boy just sat there and stared as the elastic
band to my shorts slipped lower, my smooth, hairless belly slowly
appearing. His eyes filled with greater and greater confusion as I
pulled my shorts down and grew even wider when my little penis head
appeared from the top soon followed by the short length of my
throbbing boyhood, the soft hairless skin between my legs. Poor Tod
looked so close to tears I was afraid he would run away at any second,
but he sat there as I lifted my butt and pulled the shorts farther
down my hairless legs until my penis and hairless little testicles
were completely naked.

I had an erection that wouldn't quit, throbbing visibly, my
boyish penis looking so clean against my hairless skin. It looked so
pretty that even I looked down at it, smiling slightly at how nice it
felt. Despite Tod's obvious interest in my stiff penis, he didn't
seem to be getting the idea of it all, just sat staring with his
beautiful face. When our eyes met, I thought I would melt in love for
him so pretty did he look, but still he could do nothing but stare at
me, his bright blue eyes glancing quickly down at the hairless little
erection between my legs.

Realizing that I would have to show the boy how to do
everything, I lovingly reached up a hand onto his shoulder and gently
pulled him back onto the bed with me. His small but muscular chest
was swelling quickly for air and I could hear it as it passed through
his thin lips and small nose. Never had I seen a boy who looked as
horny as the beautiful prince beside me and never had I longed so much
for a youth. As he lay down beside my almost naked little body, I
slipped my arm around the creamy nape of his neck and pulled our
bodies together, Tod still wide-eyed and confused, not just by my
actions but by the instinctive needs of his hormone ravaged body. I
took one of his hands in mine and brought it to my lips, gently
kissing it and feeling the boy grow even more confused and desperate.
The passion in his body seemed to excite me to new heights and I found
myself filled with images of me tearing the scant clothing from his
adorable body. We were both gasping as I pressed his shoulder back on
the bed and slowly crawled up on top of him. I was gasping loudly,
even moaning with desire as my naked thighs straddled the boy's
slender abdomen, my stiff little penis sticking straight out between
my legs.

I held to his shoulders as I slid my small butt down until I
felt the warm hardness between his legs throbbing against my crack
through his gym shorts. Tod was stunned into silence, gasping loudly
and letting out occasional little cries of wonder, but not making any
effort to stop me. I found my hands groping for his tank top, felt
the confused boy squirm slightly as I tugged on the straps, felt his
warm, baby soft belly bared against my little testicles. Stripping him
was like wrestling an elephant for the boy had obviously never had
another boy take his clothes off. Nonetheless, he raised his slender
arms above his head and allowed me to pull the shirt over his blond
hair, his smooth, hairless underarms looking like the softest of

I was practically crying with love as I gazed at the bare
chested boy beneath me. His flesh was like none I had ever seen
before, soft and smooth and so very clear. I could feel the heat of
his body between my legs, saw his boyishly muscular chest swell for
air, ached to know all the beauty that he held in his adorable body.
His brown nipples were shrunk erect on the smooth, soft brown of his
gently rounded little chest and I couldn't believe how pretty they
looked. His slender neck jutted out with soft mounds at his collar
bones then melded beautifully with the adorable boy chest I gazed at.
Above that chest, the cutest face I had ever seen stared at me,
gasping, confused and yet very, very hopeful.

I was no less excited than the sweet virgin boy beneath me and
even I was shocked by the intense passion and desire that filled my
childlike body. I was gasping so loudly as I gazed slowly down Tod's
beautiful chest, down the soft ripples of his boyish ribs and abdomen,
until my heart caught in my chest gazing at the beauty of my stiff,
hairless little penis, sticking straight out from my thin thighs and
throbbing, the perfect beauty of Tod's baby soft, brown belly directly
beneath it. I could even see my tiny testicles as they lay on that
warm boy's tummy, nothing but hairless, smooth boy skin everywhere, my
boyhood and Tod's small belly button echoing the innocence of our
youth. It was almost more than I could bear and I could feel the
tingling pleasure of another boyish orgasm already tickling my stiff
little erection.

Tod didn't say a word, just lay still, staring at my hairless
nudity as much as I was, his adorable face as confused and frightened
as before. I felt almost as confused as the young teenaged boy and
wasn't sure what to do next. I wanted desperately to pull his shorts
off and expose the beauty of his pubescent penis, but I was afraid
that he would run away if I crawled off of him. My problems were
solved, however, as Tod's soft hand slowly came up trembling as the
cute boy instinctively reached for my stiff boyhood. He touched it
and even I could imagine how terribly hard it must have felt to him.
The pleasure of his awkward, boyish fingers nervously touching my
penis made me want to shout in orgasm but I remained just on the brink
as Tod very slowly slid his fingers down my stiff, throbbing shaft and
very lightly caressed the soft, hairless flesh that surrounded my
young testicles.

I smiled my encouragement to him and was greeted by a faint,
uncertain smile from the adorable virgin child. We both watched as
his fingertips caressed my hairless pubic mound, gently prodded my
warm, fleshy scrotum, then nervously returned to the slender, pulsing
little penis. Knowing now that Tod was getting the idea, I slowly
crawled off him and sat on my butt facing him, my stiff, hairless
erection sticking straight out between my thin legs. Tod looked
momentarily frightened, but when I smiled at him, he blushed back and
crawled up onto the bed with me.

The cute boy shot a nervous glance to his gym shorts which
throbbed with the visible mound of his young cock, but his eyes
quickly returned to my naked penis as he lay his smooth young body
down beside me. He was laying on his side and took no further
initiative, so I smiled at him again and slowly stroked up and down
the baby soft skin beneath his arm, from the warm, boyish armpit to
the firm contour of his hip. Tod was all but willing now and I felt
my heartbeat quicken as I took hold of the snap to his shorts and
undid it.

Like a sweet little boy, Tod's soft body flinched as the snap
came undone, and his baby blue eyes stared down as my small fingers
took hold of the zipper and slowly pulled it down. For long moments,
all I saw was more of the thirteen year old's soft brown flesh appear,
growing paler as his slender belly melded into his sensitive pubic
area. I could feel the warmth of his penis through his fly but didn't
see it until it suddenly slipped from the fabric and pressed itself
through the boy's zipper. It was all I could do to keep from moaning
in worship for the beautiful boy penis that met my eyes. He was so
unbelievably hard, his five inch penis looking slender, but throbbing
with the strength of his young pubescent hormones. His penis head was
more brown in color than purple, but it shined a purplish red with the
pressure of his erection, the cute knob swollen, forcing his tiny slit
open, making a firm, red ridge where the head joined the pale, pinkish
brown beauty of his penis shaft. It was absolutely adorable and I
worshipped the boy for the perfect beauty of his young body.

It wasn't until I had the zipper all the way down before I
finally caught sight of his pubescent pubic hair. It might be more
accurate to call it peach fuzz for it looked as soft and downy, but
the hairs were longer and curly covering only a small circle around
the base of his penis and curling around the shaft against otherwise
smooth brown boy flesh.

I couldn't pull the shorts down with Tod laying there, but,
after a tender look for support, Tod gasped and rolled over on his
back. His hands, looking slightly large for his sweet body, took hold
of his shorts and the adorable child willingly pulled them down his
smooth, hairless legs. I stared at his penis as it swung between his
thighs, the awkward boy fighting to get the shorts around his large
feet. Finally, the deed was done and Tod lay back on the bed looking
shy and embarrassed by his nudity. He had nothing to be embarrassed
about for he was positively exquisite.

With his shorts fully removed, I could now see his scrotum
clearly, the soft brown sack pulled in tightly to the excited boy's
body. He had large testicles for so young a boy, but they were still
completely hairless and looked soft and warm. The downy pubic hairs
that curled from the base of his penis just touched his cute balls
accenting the beauty of their hairless youth. His penis looked bigger
now that he was fully naked and it was a sight of such perfection and
loveliness that I felt terribly envious of the thirteen year old.

Tod was just laying there, allowing me to soak in the beauty
of his pubescent penis and the soft perfection of his tender young
body. His eyes were staring at his intense erection and his slender
arms were laying straight at his sides, too shy and nervous to move.
The boy was plainly in need of relief and I longed desperately to give
it to him. As he lay there, I slowly reached out between his legs and
my delighted fingertips started caressing his penis as he had been
doing to mine. It was wonderful. The hard cock felt as excited and
beautiful as it looked and I marveled anew at how stiff it was. My
greatest pleasure came in feeling the softness of his boyish pubic
hairs. There were so few of them and they looked so cute, black
against the smoothness of his pale brown belly. My fingertips
trembled as they felt along the hard curves of his penis, the soft
flesh feeling as smooth as it looked, nothing but a slender blue vein
along the top to mar its smooth perfection. Feeling every bit as
excited as the older boy, I gently took the five inch cock in my hand,
wrapped my fingers around it and held it in my small fist. My fingers
were just able to reach around it and I could feel the power of his
heartbeat as the sweet penis throbbed and pulsed with erection.

I didn't delay the young boy's satisfaction. As soon as I had
a good grip on his warm, stiff erection, my small hand began rubbing
slowly up and down it. Tod's beautiful body, looking so soft and
smooth as to make a boylover cry, tightened immediately and I could
see the shock and wonder fill his innocent eyes. He couldn't stop me.
Not only did he lack the inner strength to deny his penis's deepest
need, but the boy was so filled with pleasure that he couldn't control
his awkward, pubescent muscles enough to get me to let go of that
beautiful young boy meat. I could hear the soft, high pitched cries
of his moans as his mouth hung open, staring at his penis with
amazement as I stroked slowly, rhythmically up and down the five inch
erection, coaxing it to reveal the wonderful pleasures it could give
to the thirteen year old.

Tod was so filled with pubescent hormones and by the hormone
inducing drugs slipped into him by the older boys that it was no
wonder his excited pleasure was so great. It was made even more
beautiful by the confusion it generated in the boy who had never
experienced such intense pleasure before, had never known how
unbelievably good his penis could feel. It was no doubt frightening
to the young boy, but it was something he needed so much and had never
yet discovered. A boy's first orgasm can always be unsettling, but
Tod seemed to be more eager for the climax of his pleasure than he was
afraid of it and his soft, naked body squirmed slowly on the bed as
the boy fought to understand with a mind made foggy with delight.

The joy that was building in the thirteen year old boy was so
intense that I could feel it even as I sat there stroking his sweet
erection. When he climbed the rapid thrill of pleasure to orgasm, I
didn't need to see the hardness of his innocent young muscles to know
that the boy was being tossed on the waves of that ultimate pleasure.
His naked hips were pumping slowly back and forth and his moans were
beautiful and continuous, though still not very loud. His soft,
boyishly muscular chest was glowing a faint red and his slender neck
stood out with slender muscles and veins as he struggled desperately
to contain his pleasure. Even his smooth, slender abdomen, looking so
soft and boyish, rippled with the hardness of his excitement. With
the beauty of a Greek god, the body of that adorable young child
suddenly jerked spasmodically and he let out a final, squeaky moan of
boyish innocence. I hadn't even thought to wonder if Tod had sperm or
not at his tender young age. I wanted so much to give him pleasure
that it hadn't even occurred to me to think about it. When the
beautiful, swollen head of his young penis started to squirt thin
juice, however, it only made me love him all the more. He was still
too young to have very much sperm, and what he ejaculated was thin and
very boyish, but it was as beautiful as a dream. The little droplets
squirt from his five inch penis with boyish determination and I
watched them sail up his body squirting across his soft cheeks and all
across his smooth, little boy chest.

Tod collapsed gasping on the bed, his face filled with relief
and confusion as I continued to stroke his penis. Thin trails of his
first ejaculation oozed out his penis head and trickled over my
fingers feeling warm and wonderful. He was looking at me, begging for
answers to questions he was too shy to ask, but I just smiled and
slowly leaned forward, lovingly licking the sweet seamen from his
penis head and from my fingers. It was unbelievable how delicious his
sweet, immature young boy sperm tasted, like nectar, like a wonderful
taste of boyhood that I adored. It was so good that I didn't stop
when I'd licked it all from his penis and my fingers, my slimy tongue
eagerly going to the boy's soft, hairless belly.

"Hey, stop it," Tod finally managed to say, his hands gently
pushing my blond head from his body. "What are you doing?"

I sat up and smiled at him with all the love of my boyhood.
"It's okay," I said. Our eyes met for a long moment, and I could see
that Tod was now terribly confused and frightened. Something inside
of him had burst with pleasure and it all centered on his secret young
penis. It was no wonder the virgin was so confused.

I let his penis go and it lay down on his belly looking raw
and beautiful. It didn't get limp again, but it did grow softer than
it had been. Lovingly, I stroked up and down his soft belly and chest,
smearing some droplets of his boy sperm across his smooth skin. I
tried so hard to reassure Tod with my eyes, but the innocent boy was
just too frightened. He suddenly jumped up and grabbed for his gym
shorts still sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hey, what's wrong?" I

The adorable boy said nothing as he quickly pulled his shorts
back on and just as quickly reclaimed his tank top. "It's okay, Tod.
All boy's do it," I said. It didn't seem to reach my young friend,
for he left the room still gasping from his orgasm.

After Tod had gone, I sat on his bed for long moments and
tried to figure out what I had done wrong. By everything I had been
told, everything should be fine: Calvin and Brendan said that once
Tod had gone to bed with me there would be no further problem. Yet he
had walked out on me and it was obvious that he was more than a little
bit disturbed. So troubled was I by the young boy's reaction that my
stiff erection softened without relief; I had no desire to jerk off
when my thoughts and desires were so filled with concern for the
lovely boy I had deflowered.

After about fifteen minutes, I finally got up, picked up my
clothes and left. Brendan caught me in the hall long before I could
get to my own room only one door away. I was embarrassed to see him,
mostly because I was still naked and the older boy made no effort to
conceal his interest in my prepubescent body.

"So, how'd it go?" he smiled as if certain that all was well.

"Awful," my boyish voice replied. "After he... you know... he
just took off. I think he's really mad at me."

Brendan looked very concerned by this response, but the
tenderness in his eyes made me feel that he was more concerned about
me than Tod. "That's normal, Kely," he said encouragingly. "It can
be pretty scary for a boy his first time." When I didn't say
anything, he reached out and stroked my shoulder. "He'll be back,
Kely. I promise. He's a little confused right now and he doesn't
understand what happened, but trust me, he'll be back."

He was smiling at me with compassion, but I wasn't so sure.
Feeling even more embarrassed by my nudity, I shrugged my shoulders
and got around him. Feeling tired and rejected, I went passed my door
to Kelly's room. I entered without knocking.

My beautiful young friend was standing at the video game
again, but now he was completely naked. I watched his little butt
wave as his body wriggled and had to smile in spite of my depression.
"You're still playing that?" I teased, closing the door and crossing
over to him.

"Yeah," he grinned at the screen. "I'm almost to a hundred

I wanted to be interested in my friend's score, but I had so
many things on my mind. To every thought that entered my mind all I
could do was look at Kelly's butt again. It was a very pretty butt,
as soft and smooth as the rest of the boy and as small as was
befitting his tender eleven years. Sometimes when he moved I caught a
glimpse vision of the tiny brown hole along his pale crack and I found
myself infatuated with that image. Brendan had told me when we first
came to Labar that every room had a jar of jelly that made it easy for
a boy to stick his penis up another boy's butt and I found the words
popping into my head over and over again. I wondered if Kelly would
let me fuck his little butt and the more I thought about it the harder
my little penis got. In seconds, it was sticking out as stiff and
hard as ever and my boyish mind was soon engrossed in no thoughts
except about how I could get the naked little boy's cooperation.

"I just got a hundred thousand, Kely," the sweet little boy
exclaimed, his skinny body swinging even faster and getting more
engrossed in the game.

I could glance down his skinny little chest and see his
hairless penis dangling between his legs as he moved. Lord, he was a
pretty boy. If nothing else, I knew that he wouldn't be as scared as
Tod had been. Smiling with nervous hope, I reached out my hand and
tenderly cupped one of the boy's cheeks in my hand. He giggled
immediately, but his attention was otherwise on the game. His buttock
felt so good in my hand, so soft and yet rippling with muscles as the
boy squirmed to play the game. I let my hand rub gently across it,
slowly moving my fingers toward the crack. Kelly did nothing more
than giggle, his high pitched voice blending in with the electronic
sounds from the video game. The feel of his hairless, boy crack made
me even more excited and I secretly probed for his butthole, my
fingertips moving slowly along the boyish flesh until I found it.

"Kely," my young friend giggled, not turning from the game.

My finger probed the little hole so tenderly that the boy
would likely not have known what I was looking for were it not for the
fact that the little thing was so small. Still, all he did was giggle
and all I could think about was how Brendan had said you had to use
this jelly. It didn't seem terribly odd to me; all the other times
I'd had anal sex there was soap around to make the hole slimier. I
thought about trying to get Kelly to take a bath with me, but I was
very curious about the jelly too.

By this time, my penis was positively throbbing. I swallowed
and managed to tear myself away from the naked child long enough to go
to the bedside table. Sure enough, there was a small jar of jelly
there and I knew in an instant that must be the stuff. Growing more
excited with every second, I unscrewed the top and set it aside. The
green stuff inside did look very slimy and I could see how it would
make it easy for a penis to slide up a tight little butthole.

"I got a hundred and ten thousand," Kely crowed from the
machine as I excitedly dipped into the cream and started stroking it
along my intensely stiff little erection. It was the stealth that
seemed to excite me more than anything else. Only a few feet from
Kelly, I was busy getting my little penis ready to stick up his little
butthole and he didn't even know it. I felt the cool jelly caress my
penis as I rubbed it on and stared at the skinny little boy's body
squirming with his efforts. He looked so cute and small, his pale
skin so soft and smooth. I needed him so badly.

When my little erection was completely covered in thick gobs
of the jelly, I set the jar aside and returned to the naked young boy.
He was grinning at the game as I came up behind him, and I was panting
as my dry hand slowly began to stroke his thin shoulders. "Kelly," I
said softly. "You want to try something new?"

Kelly giggled. "Yeah. But not now. I just about made it."

I paused for a long moment and thought that maybe I should
wait, but the desires burning in me just wouldn't wait. I took hold
of the little boy's shoulder and desperately stuck my penis into his

"Hey!" Kelly exclaimed as he felt my stiff, slimy penis poking
at his butt. "Kely, wait!" He continued trying to play his game, but
I didn't wait. I could tell that my penis wasn't up his butt, but I
was desperately trying to find the tight warmth I knew would be inside
the little child's body. My slimy little erection was rubbing all
around the crack of his butt hopelessly, the little head unable to
find the hole my fingers had just barely managed to find.

"What are you doing?" Kelly giggled again. I could feel his
skinny little body moving as he continued playing his game. He felt
so small in my arms as my slender hips rhythmically stroked my slimy
boyhood up and down the hairless curve of his bottom. I could hear
Kelly's breath as the boy giggled at my humping and heard the
machine's electronic noise saying the boy had lost his last ship.
"You see what you made me do?" the child giggled.

I was having an impossible time trying to find his tight
little butthole but he felt so good against my chest that it didn't
matter. I could feel the pleasure rising in my erection and smiled at
how nice it felt. I realized that my other hand was still slimy and,
still holding his skinny shoulder with the dry one, I tenderly reached
around his naked body and my slimy fingers soon felt the limp little
penis between the eleven year old boy's legs. Kelly giggled again and
let out a boyish moan as my slimy fingers gingerly fondled his
hairless little boyhood, rubbing cream all along the little shaft and
stroking his hairless little scrotum and small balls lovingly. My
chest lay forward on the skinny boy's bare shoulder blades and he felt
so smooth and warm. Soon, he was leaning way forward on the video
game and I realized that the small cheeks of his butt were spread wide
enough to expose his little butthole.

"Stay like that, Kelly," I said, conquering my passions enough
to lean back. I still held to the boy's slimy, limp penis as my eyes
gazed down his thin shoulders and saw my stiff erection. My penis was
so hard it looked like granite, throbbing a boyish red, glistening
with the jelly, looking small and hairless despite its intense

"What are you doing?" Kelly asked, his high pitched voice
still edged with boyish giggles and excitement.

"I'm going to stick it in your butt," I giggled as I took the
little penis in my hand and guided it to his crack. The idea must
have tickled Kelly quite a bit for the child giggled louder and his
body squirmed with nervous excitement. "Stay still," I said. I could
feel my swollen little penis head sliding along Kelly's hairless crack
again and, though gasping with impending orgasm, I could soon feel the
tight puckered hole of his butt against my sensitive penis. I felt as
excited about what I was doing to him as I felt about my orgasm and I
gasped delightedly as the hard knob of my little boyhood pressed
against that tiny butthole.

Kelly had never been buttfucked before and he didn't know how
to open his tight sphincter to let a boy's penis enter. This just
made it more exciting, however, and I pressed forward harder, urging
the tiny hole to open. Finally I felt it loosen ever so slightly, just
enough that my skinny little penis head was able to slide very slowly
through it. It penetrated the boy's tight butt with patient
insistence, pressing the hole open a little wider and I stared down at
where the hairless little base of my penis stuck out of the child's
body, the head already gone inside him.

We both giggled with delight and I felt Kelly relax his butt
as much as he could. It was still unbelievably tight, but I was able
to shove my little penis farther in until it was buried down to the
hairless little balls. "That feels good," Kelly moaned as he felt my
chest laying forward on his skinny back again. I lay there for a
moment trying to control my excitement as I felt Kelly getting an
erection in my slimy fingers. I fondled the rapidly stiffening little
cock and moaned at the pleasant feel of the boy's butt as it squeezed
on my penis. Kelly just giggled again, lowering his blond hair so he
could look down at his slimy penis in my hand.

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Oooh, it felt wonderful there, holding Kelly's sweet little
erection and feeling the warmth of his butt caressing my penis. I
would have been willing to lay there all night, but my penis was eager
for relief and I felt my instincts urging me to fuck the little boy.
Gasping with pleasure, I slowly pulled my hips back and felt my stiff
penis slide slowly out the tight warmth of Kelly's body. It was so
small it almost slipped out but I managed to stop it in time and my
thighs rippled with boyish muscles as I gradually reinserted it in the
tight orifice. I could feel the warm sliminess of his body rubbing
all across my tiny penis head as it moved inside his butt and the
pleasure made it feel stiffer and stiffer. I lay my cheek down
against his thin shoulder blades and moaned in joy as my fingers
fondled his hairless little testicles and the hard two and a half
inches of his childlike penis. Orgasm was already drowning my
thoughts as I again pulled my hips back and slid my hard erection back
out of his butt.

I was just starting to stick it back in when my body was
racked with joyous pleasure, driving my hips forward in spasmodic
jerks that forced it to fuck the boy very powerfully. It was a
beautiful orgasm and I could almost imagine that I'd squirt my sperm
inside Kelly's body. I was too little, of course, but it's a pleasing
thought to a little boy on the brink of puberty.

Kelly knew what had happened and he giggled as I lay gasping
on his body, my hips slowing until my hairless little penis was buried
all the way up inside him. I lay in the warm afterglow of orgasm just
fondling the little boy's penis and loving the feel of the small body
in my arms. "That felt so good, Kelly," I cooed to my young friend.

I could both hear and feel him smiling, his young breath
blowing through his small nose as the child grew more and more excited
by the slimy caresses of my fingers all over his boyish penis. It
felt so small and I could feel the hard ridge of his little penis head
where it swelled out around his skinny little shaft. "Can I do it to
you?" the boy grinned, already starting to stand. I could think of few
things nicer than that little erection in my butt and I stood with

"Yeah." My penis, already limp, slipped quickly from the
moving child's butt and fell looking spent and exhausted between my
legs. Kelly and I both giggled down at it and the soft naked boy flew
into my arms in excitement. I held his skinny body in my arms and
felt the wonderful pleasure of his rock hard little penis rubbing
against the slimy limp meat between my legs. Kelly was too excited to
hug for very long, but I could have held him all night long. "Let's
do it on the bed," I said when the boy stood there, little cock
throbbing in the air, waiting for me to turn around.

"Okay," he grinned, bouncing excitedly over to the bed and
jumping up on it. He crawled on all fours facing me, his slimy,
hairless little erection sticking straight out between his legs as I
approached. I jumped up on the bed like him and turned my little butt
toward him. The eleven year old was so excited he couldn't stop
giggling as the smooth warmth of his body moved up behind me. I could
feel our hairless legs rubbing together as he walked on his knees up
to me. I soon felt the hard length of his little erection rubbing
against the crack of my butt.

"Just stick it against the hole and push," I encouraged the
delighted little boy. He was still giggling but his breath was faster
and he seemed to be filled with wonder as he took his little penis in
his fingers and guided it to my butthole. I felt the small head touch
the sensitive entrance to my body and heard the boy grunt as he
started to push it in. My butt relaxed and allowed the little penis
to penetrate it, the skinny stiffness of it slowly sliding in. Kelly
giggled and panted as he pushed harder on it until his hairless little
testicles were pressed all the way against my bottom.

If Kelly was a bit immature still, his instincts were working
fine for his hips were soon rhythmically humping against me, his
little boyhood sliding in and out of my body. He still giggled
boyishly, now tinged with the high pitched moans and grunts of his
childhood. Not once did that sweet little cock slip out of my butt as
the boy continued fucking, his small hands holding to my hips to right
himself. His skinny body undulated with pleasure and he rubbed
himself slowly in and out of me like an old pro. I could practically
feel the pleasure building in his small penis, the hard stiffness
seeming to flex with the pulses of his excited heartbeat.

For an eleven year old boy, Kelly was almost certainly
oversexed as of late and the boylike innocence of his young orgasm
wasn't very strong. He seemed to enjoy it, however, for I could hear
him giggling excitedly as I felt his hairless body jerking against my
butt. Scarcely had he finished the job when he pulled his penis out,
smiling down at it and watching as the little thing lost its throbbing
madness and relaxed into limp boyhood again.

I turned around and smiled at him, both of us grinning at his
hairless little penis and small testicles. "That was fun," he
giggled, falling back on the bed, his little cock rolling on the
hairless skin between his legs. He looked so young and hairless I
just had to feel him and quickly crawled on top of him pressing our
limp slimy penises together. We grinned and giggled at each other as
our boyhoods rubbed in hairless innocence, our small chests pressed
together, tiny nipples so small and cute. We wrestled for about five
minutes before deciding to take a bath together before bedtime.

There seemed to be no reason to get dressed before we went to
the bath and we were too foolish to think about wiping our slimy
penises off so we bounced innocently down the hall, naked little
bodies happily turning into the bathroom and closing the door. There
was no one there and we crawled into the steamy water without delay.
Several minutes past with us just talking boy talk and splashing water
at each other. Sometimes we grabbed the other's penis and laughed
hysterically, but it was all just boyish play. Kelly had just grabbed
my hairless limp boyhood and started massaging it when the door
opened. It so surprised the little boy that he quickly let go and
fell back against one of the steps.

I was astonished to see that it was Tod and the thirteen year
old pubescent boy entered looking embarrassed and bashful. "I'm
sorry," his childlike voice said. "I didn't know someone was in
here." He started to leave, but Kelly stopped him.

"There's room for you in here," the little boy grinned,
sliding his naked body over and leaving a wide space between he and I.
Tod looked nervously down at the empty spot in the tub, then suddenly
shrugged and closed the door. He was still wearing his tank top and
gym shorts and he sat down on the wooden bench to remove them. Kelly
and I watched expectantly as the adorable boy's beautiful abdomen and
chest were exposed, gazed at the hairless smoothness beneath Tod's
soft, brown arms. I was watching with adoration. Kelly just grinned
boyishly. When Tod looked up and caught our stares, his cute face
blushed bright red.

He didn't look at us as he stood up, but we were watching him
as his fingers took hold of the snap to his shorts and he undid them.
I couldn't believe it when the beautiful boy's adorable penis pressed
through his fly, throbbing as madly as if he hadn't had sex in a year.
He swallowed in embarrassment, but went ahead and slipped the shorts
down his long, smooth legs until he could step out of them. He looked
so beautiful when he finally dropped the shorts on the bench and
crawled nervously into the tub with us.

Kelly's smiling eyes never left Tod's face as the older boy
sat down. He was a bundle of nerves and I could see his by blue eyes
glancing back and forth between Kelly and my boyhoods. His was the
only one that was hard and it looked so big to me and the other little
boy. I gazed at it through the water wishing I had another erection
so the boy wouldn't feel so embarrassed.

It was apparently too embarrassing for Tod to just sit there
naked with us, so the young boy picked up the bar of soap and started
to lather his arms. Kelly giggled and turned on the step to face him.
He didn't say anything, just watched as Tod's large hands slowly
washed over his shoulders and started rubbing slowly across his
unbelievably smooth chest. His body looked even more beautiful with
the slimy soap covering his pale brown skin and his little nipples
stuck out erect and dark through the white lather. The nervous boy's
penis didn't soften in the least.

"I'll wash your back," Kelly volunteered with a boyish grin of
utterly innocent beauty.

Tod swallowed nervously. "Okay," he said after a moment. The
little boy stood up in the water and I could see Tod's curious eyes
glance over at the hairless little penis between Kelly's legs. It was
red and very limp with the heat of the water but looked so cute on the
little boy's body.

"Here, give me the soap," Kelly grinned, taking the bar from
the older boy as Tod turned his back to the naked child. This brought
him face to face with me and our eyes met briefly before Tod looked
down at my hairless little penis then quickly away.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked the horny boy, as Kelly's little
hands started to rub across his broadening young shoulders.

Tod just shook his head. He was so shy, but so adorable I
couldn't take my eyes off him. I looked down at his five inch penis
again, throbbing madly in the water, his sparse little pubic hairs
just visible. "Brendan told me what you were doing," he said after a
moment. I looked up to find him looking at me and our eyes met for a
long moment. Blushing slightly, I smiled at him and was rewarded with
an adorable smile from the cute boy.

"What did you do, Kely?" my little friend asked, crouching
down as his hands went beneath the water to wash Tod's lower back.

"Nothing, Kelly," I replied to save Tod any embarrassment.

The little boy just grinned. "I know what you did," he said
knowingly and Tod suddenly jumped as the little boy grabbed his
throbbing cock. Kelly didn't keep hold of the pubescent erection,
just crouched where he was looking impish but confused. Tod had
jumped all the way to his feet and his throbbing glory now stood out
in full view, perfectly straight, pulsing up and down with his intense

"I'm sorry," Kelly stammered, his blue eyes wide in
uncertainty. Tod's shock quickly waned and he swallowed as his eyes
drifted down to the hairless little penis dangling between Kelly's
thin thighs.

"Do you play with it, too?" the older boy asked bashfully, his
cute face immediately blushing.

Kelly nodded. "It feels good," he said, grinning again. Tod
swallowed again and lowered his naked body back into the water. He
seemed to be distracted in thought then slowly turned and looked at
Kelly's little penis again. He glanced at the innocent boy's face
then his large hand moved up between Kelly's legs. Kelly giggled as
the awkward fingertips of the older boy very cautiously felt out the
limp little penis. It looked so small and hairless in Tod's hand but
that didn't seem to detract from Tod's curiosity. He glanced up at
Kelly's eyes again then his fingers slowly moved down and petted the
hairless flesh along the base of the child's penis and all over his
hairless little testicles. Kelly just crouched there grinning down at
the trembling fingers caressing his little penis.

After almost a minute of this, Kelly's thin legs started to
ache and the young boy sat back down next to Tod. Tod let his little
penis go and his eyes slowly looked over at mine. When he glanced
down at my penis, I smiled and nodded encouragingly to him and I soon
felt those beautiful hands fondling my own penis. He was so tender
with my penis, his fingers so probing of my hairless boyhood, that I
was surprised I didn't get an erection. My limp penis just sat there
looking small and childlike. If I didn't get excited, however, young
Tod seemed to be unable to control himself. He looked frightened as
his other hand crept between his own legs and took a firm grasp of his
young cock. The way he stared at it, it almost looked like the hand
didn't belong to him as it started to rhythmically stroke his erection
in the water.

Never did the gasping boy's fingers leave my penis as he
masturbated himself faster and faster, nor did he squeeze it or tug
it. He was so enraptured by the frantic rubbing of his hand on his
cock that he seemed to be in a different world, as if Kelly and I
weren't even there. We could see the hard curves of his boyishly
muscular chest swell with his breathing and watched as his entire body
grew tighter and tighter.

It took the excited boy very little time to have an orgasm, so
desperate was he. He fought so hard to repress his moans that he
ended up grunting like a baby piglet and his smooth, rock hard body
started to pump rhythmically up and down. He looked like his entire
being was going to explode in passion, his forearm rippling as he
squeezed his cock and desperately tried to rub faster on it. Finally
his beautiful youth started bucking boyishly on the steps of the tub,
his young voice cracking with puberty as he cried and grunted. I
stared at his penis head in delight and watched as the little droplets
of his boy sperm squirt into the hot water forming little ribbons of
boy cream trailing from the brown head of his penis. It was such a
powerful orgasm for a boy who had had his first one only an hour
earlier, but it was plain that the boy had needed it very badly.

When his body finally stopped jerking, he sat there still
rubbing his hard penis and crying softly. The cries quickly faded to
heavy gasps for air and a young mind fighting to understand the joy it
had experienced. He stopped rubbing his penis and sat staring at it,
still holding it. He was also still holding onto my little boyhood
and he finally glanced over at it and up at me. I gave him a boyish
grin of knowing delight and he blushed and smiled back. Then he looked
over at Kelly who was equally delighted by the boy's pleasure.

"Do you want to come to our room and play?" Kelly asked, his
small hand taking hold of Tod's soft, round shoulder.

"Okay," Tod blushed.

Kelly and I didn't bother drying more than our hair, but we
had to wait for Tod to dry himself and get dressed. We stood there
waiting, our naked little bodies shivering and looking small and
hairless until the older boy stood up with a happy, albeit bashful,
smile on his face.

"Come on," Kelly giggled, quickly leading us out the door. No
one was in the hallway again and our naked, skinny bodies giggled as
we ran back up to our room and entered. Tod followed only steps
behind. As soon as he entered, he closed the door behind us.

Kelly and I were already bouncing around naked on the bed.
The wait in the bathroom and the quick run up the hall had dried off
all but our hair and even that was drying quickly. We were giggling
delightedly as we chased each other around, little hairless penises
dangling beneath our bodies, little testicles bouncing in their
hairless young scrotums. We were both such happy little boys, happy
just to be naked and be with each other. Now we had a third friend
who was as beautiful as an angel.

"Come on, Tod," Kelly giggled. I turned to find Tod still
standing beside the door, a shy smile on his face as he watched us.
The cute boy's gym shorts were already throbbing with the young bulge
of his excited penis and I grinned my pleasure.

"Yeah, come on," I joined in.

Tod blushed brighter then slowly walked over to us. He was
still smiling shyly, his young arms crossed over his boyishly muscular
chest. He stopped beside the bed and Kelly and I stood on all fours
waiting for him to do something. He was too shy, however, and just
stood there.

"Get him," I screamed, diving forward and grabbing around his
waist. He was too big for my small body to overpower, but he didn't
try to escape and when Kelly got hold of him too he willingly fell
over onto the bed with us. He was laying on his stomach and I giggled
as I grabbed his tank top and started pulling it up his back. Still,
Tod did nothing to stop me, but he did nothing to help either. His
slender lower back appeared looking as soft and boyish as ever and I
soon managed to get the shirt all the way up above his broadening
young shoulder blades. The skin looked so incredibly soft and smooth.
Even with Kelly helping, we couldn't get the shirt above the boy's

"Help, Tod," Kelly whined.

Finally Tod sat up and Kelly and I smiled excitedly as he
pulled the shirt up his body and tossed it aside. When his beautiful
chest was naked, the adorable boy climbed up on the bed and lay down
on his back. He interlaced his fingers behind his blond hair and lay
there still smiling boyishly. I was caught again with how beautiful
he was, laying with his hairless underarms fully exposed, his boyish
chest looking thinner with his arms raised but still soft and smooth.
His little brown nipples still looked tiny and erect. We grinned at
the big bulge in his shorts, but the older boy didn't take them off.
Kelly and I grabbed for them simultaneously, and Tod let out a squeal
of delight as our little hands pulled them down. He got control of
himself and let us strip him by raising his butt off the bed and the
shorts slipped down his creamy legs in an instant. Kelly got the
prize and threw them away as Tod lay back down on the bed, his smooth
legs crossed now. As we suspected, his penis was as hard as it had
been in the bath and the boy was more than ready for another orgasm.
It was so hard that it stuck out between his legs pulsing well above
the soft flesh of his hairless belly. My eyes fell on that beautiful
symbol of Tod's young manhood with renewed love, so pretty with its
soft, curly black pubic hairs, sparse enough that I could have counted
them. Beneath the hard shaft, the boy's smooth scrotum held his
enlarged testicles close to his body, a soft hairless mound of pretty
brown skin.

Kelly was probably as entranced by Tod's beauty as I was, but
the little boy could just blush and giggle sitting there on his knees
and watching the older boy throb. Tod didn't seem to mind our
childish attentions but his smooth cheeks were flushed a bright red
despite his boyish smile. He still lay with his fingers interlaced
behind his head and his naked body was truly beautiful to behold.
Kelly and I crawled forward on our knees until we were right beside
the thirteen year old angel and our inquisitive hands reached out to
touch him. I rubbed slowly up and down Tod's smooth hairless thigh as
Kelly caressed the quivering firmness of the blond boy's belly. I
smiled over at the little boy, his hairless boyhood still laying
between his thin legs. The two of them were so pretty, their young
skin so soft and smooth looking. All I could do is blush and giggle
as the other boys watched my little penis stiffening into a boyish
erection. It tickled me to feel my little boner again and my free
hand slipped between my legs and caressed the little thing to make it
tickle more. It was very hard and so smooth and hairless.

Tod seemed both relieved and excited by my erection and his
blue eyes stared at it with a nervous smile still on his lips. I
could see Kelly's small hand between his own legs, saw him stroking
his limp penis with boyish delight, giggling as he felt it growing
hard between his fingers. Such a sight the little boy's small,
hairless cock made stiffening, first his skinny, pale shaft
straightening and widening and then the tiny penis head swelling out
until it formed a cute, sculptured knob with its immature little slit.
In seconds all three of us sported intense erections that throbbed
madly, Kelly's and mine in the small, hairlessness of boyhood, Tod's
in the growing, fuzziness of puberty. We all blushed and giggled,
freely examining each other's private parts with curiosity and

I was eager to suck on Tod's pretty penis, but before I could
get to it I saw Kelly's small hand moving down to fondle it. He was
still fingering his own hairless erection with the other hand and it
must have made quite a contrast to the young, boyish pubic hairs
around Tod's cock. Kelly giggled through his teeth as he petted them,
the older boy's penis looking so large beside the little boy's hand.
He took the slender pubescent cock between his fingers and I gazed
with delight at the innocent blush on his face as he held the
throbbing meat. Tod seemed to grow momentarily childlike again, but
when he saw the happy grins on Kelly and my faces, he giggled again.
He was a very bright red, his blushing cheeks looking so pretty
beneath the pale yellow bangs of his blond hair.

Kelly's small fingers seemed to enjoy holding Tod's penis and
I saw them feeling the hardness of the older boy's swollen penis head.
He made no effort to suck on it, however, and I wasn't about to give
him the idea when I wanted to taste that sweet boy sperm squirting
into my mouth. Grinning like the Cheshire Boy, I slid farther up on
the bed until my knees were beside Tod's beautiful chest. He looked
up at me and smiled, then turned his eyes back to the little boy
fondling his penis. I swallowed in excited anticipation, then slowly
crawled over on the boy.

He must have been confused to find my thin, hairless legs
poking up around his neck as I maneuvered downward. His firm belly
felt so soft and warm against my little chest as my face came closer
to his throbbing cock. I smiled up at Kelly who giggled delightedly
and let go of the young penis as I took hold of it.

"What are you doing?" Tod managed to cry as he lost sight of
his penis. He must have been looking right at my butt, so I raised my
hips up on my knees so my little, hairless testicles were dangling
right in front of his eyes.

Closing my eyes to relish the moment, I leaned forward and
made a long, slow lick up the warm erection between Tod's smooth legs.
"Hey!" the young boy gasped immediately. I didn't let him stop me as
my tongue again dragged along the five inches of his cock. It tasted
so boyish and felt warm. I could smell the sweet aroma of his
childish seamen around his hairless scrotum, could feel his downy
pubic hairs near the fingers that held to the slender root of his

"Kely!?" Tod's boylike voice cried. I licked all over his
penis loving the taste and feel of it against my tongue, the smooth,
warm flesh, the throbbing hardness beneath. My excited mouth was
salivating in expectation and the young penis was soon slimy with my
saliva. Still I licked and could feel the smooth body between my legs
already hardening with orgasm.

"Lick his, Tod!" Kelly giggled delightedly. There was a long
moment of silence broken only by the slurping noises as my tongue
caressed the sensitive, horny boy's cock, then, hesitantly, I felt a
warm, slimy caress against the stiff little penis between my legs. A
brief moment past before I felt Tod's tongue again, this time licking
my hairless testicles before sliding all the way down my skinny shaft
and just touching the rock hard ridge of my sensitive penis head. I
moment my pleasure and felt my heart pounding as my lips slowly,
lovingly encircled the young boy's penis head and stuck it gently into
my mouth.

Tod let out an immediate cry of surprise and shock and I
moaned again as I slipped more of his hard penis between my lips. I
could taste it fully now, could feel its warm hardness pulsing against
my tongue. I sucked on it tenderly as I slid as much of it in my
mouth as I could hold which was only about two inches. This part I
sucked on with all my love while my thumb and forefinger gently took
hold of the exposed three inches and very slowly started to masturbate
the young boy.

Tod was moaning very loudly by this time, the moans broken by
occasional high-pitched cries of particular wonder. I could see
Kelly's naked little body moving toward Tod, stiff little erection
still throbbing like an excited child's. Soon I felt small fingers
holding my hairless penis, felt it pulled backward, then moaned as I
felt Tod's warm, slimy mouth suck it between his lips muffling his
excited cries. It was incredible how good Tod's mouth felt on my
little penis, the gentle boy sucking on it tenderly, all two and a
half inches in his mouth where he held it in slimy warmth and gently
sucked. I rubbed faster on the bottom inches of his sweet cock and
moaned loudly as my lips rubbed all over his swollen penis head then
lovingly reinserted his penis into my mouth.

Kelly reappeared and sat down on his butt in front of me,
pale, skinny legs spread wide. I could see his stiff little penis
sticking out from his testicles in hairless boyish glory, the little
thing looking so cute and innocent. He grinned at me, his hands
holding his thin legs apart, blushing as if showing me the most
beautiful penis in the world. It was terribly pretty for such a
sweet, little boy. I smiled even as I moaned, the older boy's penis
still between my lips, and gazed at the little boy's naked body.
Smooth and hairless are the two words that described him best, for his
bare chest and skin as soft and smooth as silk, and the child didn't
have a single hair on his body except for his blond head. From his
thin calves, along his skinny thighs and all the way up and around his
little penis was nothing but smooth, hairless boy flesh. His scrotum
was tight and held his tiny testicles in his hairless sack like a
precious cargo of the family jewels. It was only slightly wrinkled
and mostly looked smooth with the two little mounds of his childlike
balls the only distraction. The flesh of his scrotum met his thin
boyhood on his hairless pubic mound and the little erection stuck out
pulsing, leading all the way to the swollen little head, already
shining a bright purple around his tiny pee hole. Above his penis,
his slender belly ran smooth until it met his skinny rib cage which
rippled beneath his boyish skin all the way up to the slight mounds of
his childish chest. His nipples were so tiny and erect, a pretty
purple against his otherwise pale skin. From where I watched him
beneath my eyelashes, I could even see the smooth, pale, hairless skin
that covered his little armpits. Finally, his thin shoulders led to a
slender neck that met with a face as angelic as a little cherub. I
didn't dwell long on his face, for my passions were all for his
little, hairless penis.

Tod continued to moan louder, his soft, warm body humping
slowly, rhythmically against my chest and belly as I continued to suck
his five inch, pubescent penis. I could feel my own excited erection
filling with pleasant tickles as Tod's awkward mouth and tongue sucked
and licked it, tugging at the little head with such gentleness that I
knew the boy liked sucking prepubescent cocks. Our young boy voices
sounded like music as orgasms built in our naked bodies, both of our
innocent minds floating on the pleasant tides of puberty, sailing into
the powerful ravages of pubescent orgasms.

To my loving delight, little Kelly's small fingers slowly
slipped between his legs and I watched him take his little penis
between his thumb and forefinger. The throbbing thing was so hard,
the little head so swollen. With a delighted, boyish grin of
excitement, the hairless child started to stroke slowly up and down on
the little penis. I watched the loose flesh along the smooth, pale
shaft, rub up against the purple head, gently tugging the hairless
little testicles up before the boy's fingers rubbed down again and
lowered. Kelly did this with such rhythmic perfection that it felt
like my own penis he was masturbating. He still grinned boyishly and
his small chest swelled as he sighed and moaned with Tod and I. I
smiled up at him around the rock hard cock in my mouth. He was so
pretty, his smooth cheeks so rosy with the boyish orgasm he stroked
into his penis.

Tod's cock had gotten so hard in my mouth that only the warm
smoothness of his boy flesh told me it was still a penis I was
sucking. I realized with a start that my own penis was filled with so
much pleasure it was amazing the hairless little thing could contain
so much joy. The warmth and softness of the boy I was laying on made
my small body feel like it was all just one hairless boy's cock, being
coaxed and seduced into delicious orgasm.

The penis in my mouth started to squirt boy juice suddenly and
I gasped at how wonderful and sweet it tasted, not as spicy as the
pubescent sperm I had tasted before. That and Tod's louder moans told
me that he hadn't reached his full pleasure yet. Nonetheless, I
rubbed the juice's he'd spurt all around my mouth and savored the
sweet boy taste. It tasted so good and the boy, who now started to
squirm slowly with pleasure, was still growing harder with his
impending orgasm. I just sucked and sucked and sucked, my seamen
treated mouth now so desperate to give the boy his ultimate pleasure
that my slimy lips rubbed all over his penis head, sucked it back in
then did it again, faster and faster. I thought I was exciting Tod,
but it seemed to excite me just as much. My little penis felt like it
would burst with the hard throbbing pleasure that filled it.

Suddenly it did burst and even Tod's big five inch penis in my
mouth couldn't muffle the pleasure of my boyish cries. Orgasm flooded
into me with such power that it felt as if my mind were floating in
space as my hairless little body jerked and bucked, the little penis
between my legs shoved rhythmically against the adorable boy's slimy
lips. I don't know if my pleasure triggered Tod's orgasm, but within
seconds he was squirming and crying as loudly as me. Suddenly his
hard body grew straight as an arrow and it started to buck
frantically. The swollen head in my mouth started squirting again,
this time filling my mouth with the thin boy sperm of his puberty. I
savored the little drops all the more with the pleasure of my orgasm
just beginning to taper off. My fingers still stroked the base of his
sweet dick, coaxing it to ejaculate more boy cream, tasting the sweet
juices that squirt from the dear boy. The first few squirts had been
very powerful, but they grew weaker until I felt the little droplets
just burst from the head before my tongue could lick them away. Soon I
felt his body relaxing beneath me, but my fingers squeezed along the
five inches of his penis and I tasted the last precious droplets of
his boy cargo ooze into my mouth.

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The Second Chronicles of Kovzland
Book 1: Return of the Kovz King
Chapters 01 - 15
By Kelvin Guard

Oh, as Charles Dickens once said: this might have happened;
this might not have happened; but it could have happened...


Kelvin Guard
Somewhere on Earth
1993 Anno Domini
Internet: [email protected]

Book 1: The Return of the Kovz King
Book 2: The Guardians of Kovzland
Book 3: The Quest for Eric
Book 4: On His Majesty's Mission
Book 5: The Prince of Kovzland


Chapter Fifteen

Yet another day dawn in the city of Labar with me in the arms
of a beautiful, young boy. Sometime during the night, Tod, Kelly and
I had managed to crawl under the covers and our smooth, naked bodies
lay close together between the clean, starched sheets. The sun was
just rising through the open window and I sighed, pillowing my cheeks
against the soft warmth of Tod's chest, my face feeling the little
impression of the boy's tiny nipple brushing against it, feeling the
steady, rhythmic swells of the pubescent body as the boy breathed.

"Come on, everybody up," an older boy's voice insisted. Tod
woke up then and the blankets were lowered from our heads. Calvin
stood above our bed smiling lovingly. "Well, looks like you guys got
a good night's sleep." Kelly was on the opposite side of Tod and we
grinned at each other as our skinny, little bodies sat up.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" Kelly's boyish voice
whined sleepily.

"So you can get a bath and breakfast before we leave."

"Where are we going?" I asked as Tod sat up between us. His
blond hair was a mess making him look all the cuter.

"Kovzland!" Cal grinned. "Hurry up now. Travis and Billy are
going to beat you." With that, he whirled about and left the room
closing the door behind him.

I crawled out of my side of the bed and Kelly crawled out of
his. Fondly, I looked down at my little, hairless penis, laying
between my thin legs looking small and limp. I smiled happily and
stood up. "Come on, Tod," I urged the older boy who still lay in the
bed. The sheets came just up to his belly and I gazed at his smooth
chest again, his tiny nipples shrunk smaller in the chill morning air.
Kelly's naked little body was standing at the foot of the bed, leaning
forward on the bed posts and smiling at our new boylover.

Tod was looking around for his clothes, I could tell, but I
wouldn't have any of that. Grinning, I grabbed his slender wrist and
started pulling him from the bed. "Come on," I said again.

"Where's my shorts?" the shy boy asked, allowing his body to
be pulled from the bed only because he was too bashful to fight.

"You don't need them," I grinned.

The sheet fell away as the boy stood and his young penis fell
naked between his legs. It looked smaller now that it wasn't erect
like it had been the previous day, but it still dwarfed Kelly's and my
little boyhoods. It looked very pretty, too, laying snugly on his
enlarged testicles, his soft, black pubic hairs looking cute against
the pale brown skin between his smooth legs. He was blushing like a
little child as I led him toward the door, Kelly in happy tow. The
little boy marched with a big grin on his face, little boy penis
bouncing about on tiny boy testicles, so hairless and pretty.

I opened the door and pulled our bashful friend out into the
hall, leading him all the way to the bathroom, not another soul
intruding on our naked trek. I pushed open the door and saw Travis
and Billy already in the water. They had both been playing with each
other, but let each other go and turned to see who had entered. When
they saw us, Travis broke into a huge grin and Billy's nervous eyes
took on that petulant boyish look of his, staring at our naked penises
like they were meat. Tod seemed ready to dart away, but I pulled him
in and Kelly, more nervous now, came in with us.

"Well, look who's here," Travis grinned. The boy's stiff
penis was easy to see in the tub, but he floated back against a step
anyway and stuck it up out of the water to show it off. The throbbing
six and a half inch penis looked as beautiful as ever, the brown head
still half concealed in the smoothness of the boy's fleshy foreskin.
I could see the sparse light brown hairs of his puberty just caressing
the base of his gifted penis and he seemed terribly proud of the large
young manhood. His pubic hairs weren't as long as Tod's, but Tod's
were sparser, their darker color all that made them easier to see than
Travis's. Travis's little chest looked as small and skinny as ever,
his legs and arms still awkwardly long for his boyish trunk.

"We got the water hot for you," he grinned as my friends and I
walked toward it. Billy still sat against the far wall, his eyes
gazing up at us as we moved, or, more accurately gazing at our
penises, mostly Kelly's I guessed by the look in his face.

The bath wasn't as large as the one in Raykov, but it was
still large enough for five grown men and we were only boys, so I
stepped down into it and felt the steamy water moving up my hairless
legs. I could feel Tod coming close behind as if eager to keep close
to me as I crossed to the wall near Billy. I sat down there and felt
Tod's smooth, naked body sitting down very close beside me. A quick
glance into the water told me that Billy was as hard as Travis and he
returned my glance with a much longer one at my penis. It was plain
that he loved little boys and that he wanted one desperately just

I turned to find Travis still floating with his throbbing
erection exposed as little Kelly took a seat beside him. Kelly looked
nervous, but not near as nervous as Tod felt beside me. The older boy
seemed determined not to so much as glance at anyone else. For my
part, I took up a bar of soap and started washing as if nothing was
going on. "Cal said we were leaving today," I said casually.

"Yep," Travis grinned. He was grinning down at his penis, not
at me, loving the big cock as much as I did. "You want to taste some
sperm, Kelly?" Travis asked the little boy, causing him to blush and
giggle. "Come on. It'll taste so good."

Kelly sat there blushing and giggling and his thin shoulders
gave a barely perceptible shrug. For Travis, that was all the
encouragement needed and he quickly pulled himself up on the ledge of
the tub and sat with his feet dangling into the water. His big cock
stuck out straight between his legs, throbbing up and down as he waved
the little boy toward him. "Come on," he grinned, watching
delightedly as Kelly giggled and moved up between his legs. "Yeah,
that's a boy," Travis coaxed.

Kelly's baby blue eyes were wide with the size of the big six
and a half inch cock in front of him and he looked innocently up at
Travis and smiled. "Go ahead, Kelly. You know how to do it."

Billy, Tod and I sat there and watched as the little boy's
hand took hold of the hot, thick penis of the other boy, stared as the
brown foreskin was slowly pulled back revealing the swollen penis
head, gasped to see the little boy's thin lips open and devour the
older boy's cock. Travis moaned immediately, his skinny little chest
already swelling for more air as he held Kelly's blond head between
his legs with his hands. "Yeah, suck it, Kelly," he moaned, closing
his eyes and rolling his head with pleasure.

We could see the back of Kelly's head bobbing as he sucked on
the pubescent boy and all three of us stared at the sight of his
skinny shoulders between Travis's legs.

"Hey, kid," Billy said, one of his hands already caressing my
hairless penis. "Suck on mine." His other hand wrapped around my
back and started pulling me toward him.

"No," I said pulling away. Billy pulled me back harder and he
was much stronger than me, his hard, little chest bulging with
insistence. The truth was I wouldn't have minded sucking on Billy's
cute four inch penis at all, but I didn't want to embarrass Tod.

"Leave him alone," Tod said, suddenly standing and stepping in
front of me to face Billy. It was strange to see bashful Tod so
protective and forward. His own penis was throbbing like a jackhammer
and Billy's mouth dropped open as he gazed at the beautiful youth
before him.

"It's none of your business," Billy's voice cracked boyishly.

"Just leave him alone," Tod said again, his young voice
sounding higher pitched than Billy's.

"Says who?" the other boy said standing. Billy's penis was
definitely excited and stuck out from his hard body menacingly. He
was several inches shorter than Tod, but his chest looked harder as
did his smaller cock. Water dripped from his dark peach fuzz, his
penis looking so straight, the head completely bared of his foreskin,
his testicles looking large for so young a penis.

"Says me," Tod stood his ground, giving the shorter boy's bare
shoulder a push. They looked so adorable, their beautiful, naked
bodies only inches from each other, their pubescent penises throbbing
with all the more excitement as the tension rose.

Billy's excited boy dove at Tod's with enough force to throw
the bigger boy off his feet causing his back to fall against Kelly's
who let Travis's penis go and turned with a start. The two boy's in
the water were splashing madly as they wrestled and it was all we
could do to keep from getting hit by their kicking feet. Kelly
managed to avoid them and his naked little body scurried over next to
me, our little penises the only limp ones in the place. Travis
scarcely reacted at all, just grinned broader and took his cock in his
hands, stroking the big cock with delight.

Somehow Billy had managed to wrestle to the top of Tod and
stood up. Kelly and I simultaneously shoved so hard on the boy's
rippling shoulder blades that he was forced to run up the steps of the
tub to keep from falling over. Tod was out of the water after him in
no time. Now the two combatants faced off out of the water, both
still dripping wet, both young cocks still throbbing madly.

Despite the tension, the fight that followed was one of the
most exciting things I had ever seen. Both boys were fairly well
built for boys and their muscles bulged and rippled with every hold
they threw on the other. Billy probably was the better wrestler (for
neither boy threw any punches) because he had more experience and his
chest, though small, was very hard and well built. But Tod was taller
and faster and he soon had wrestled the smaller boy around and held
him around his chest so tightly that Billy couldn't escape. Trying to
break away, Billy fell to the floor, but Tod held firm. It was like
watching two slimy serpents entangling with each other, smooth boy
flesh rubbing against smooth boy flesh, stiff cocks rubbed across
backs and shoulders and each other.

Tod's thigh muscles rippled as he pressed Billy forward and
the smaller boy's resistance buckled. In seconds, Tod's soft, naked
body mounted Billy's back and I stared in amazement when I realized
that Tod's hard penis had to be laying right along the crack of
Billy's butt. They were both gasping and panting, but I sensed more
surprise in the boys than weariness. It was as if they suddenly
realized how nice it felt to be rubbing each other. Billy tried to
escape, but Tod just held tighter his penis driven against the other
boy's butt even harder, his adorable face filled with awed pain.

"Engh!" Tod suddenly cried, and his slender body was soon
jerking like mad, droplets of his sperm squirting between his body and
the other boy's, his back and shoulders rippling beneath his smooth
skin as he lost all power to his orgasm. Billy still seemed to be
struggling as Tod had his orgasm, but he didn't seem to struggle any
more than it took to keep Tod at the pleasant peak of pubescent
climax. The boy on top seemed to be jerking forever, his little butt
bucking rhythmically against Billy as his penis squirt his boy juice

"Yeah," Travis suddenly cooed and Kelly and I turned and
watched as the boy with the big penis suddenly stiffened in his own
orgasm. He was stroking his long cock rapidly with insistent jerks of
pleasure, holding the young meat in his fist as his hand rode up and
down the six and a half inch length. His foreskin rubbed rhythmically
up and over his swollen penis head filling him with still more
pleasure until the young boy sat right where he was and jerked
spasmodically. Boy sperm sailed from his penis as it ejaculated, thin
little droplets of juice that sprinkled into the water wasted.

But we were more curious about Tod and Billy and turned just
in time to see Billy wrestle out from under the exhausted Tod. The
victor stood up proudly boasting his four inch erection, his muscular
little chest heaving as he caught his breath. "I won," he gasped down
as Tod's body rolled over. He was gasping as hard as Billy, his penis
rolling over on his thigh as he turned, still dripping his thin sperm.
The first thing Tod did was look at Billy's stiff little penis then up
at the cute boy's face. Blushing and shy, he sat up then crawled over
back into the tub with us. He was soon sitting beside me, looking at
Billy to see if he was going to try and get me again. Billy didn't
seem to give it too much thought. His eyes were all on Tod as he
started to rub his sweet meat rhythmically. One got the feeling that
the two were making love to each other with their eyes and Billy came
very quickly.

All four of us watched as the excited boy's thighs rippled and
his rock hard cock squirt his own boy juice out. The droplets of
sperm flew several feet in the air before splattering on the floor,
the enlarged testicles beneath his erection still bouncing with his

"That was great," Travis giggled, sliding back into the water.

"I won," Billy said again, his chest now glowing with post-
orgasmic blush. He crawled down into the tub still trying to look

"Oh, chill out, Boyer," Travis said. "We all squirt."

Billy remained silent from then on as we all finished washing,
but his eyes seemed to be watching Tod more closely now, as if the boy
had found a new object of desire. Tod seemed reasonably attracted to
Billy, too, but he still spent his time washing Kelly and my backs and
not Billy's.

The five of us got out of the bath together and returned to
our respective rooms. James had laid out our traveling clothes. They
turned out to be nothing but plain brown bathrobes. This confused us,
but we obligingly put them on and left the room following the pleasing
smell of breakfast.

We found Brendan, Calvin, Curt and Paul already at the table
and Travis and Billy appeared soon after. All of us were dressed in
the same brown robes with the exception of Cal who was dressed in a
full military uniform.

"What gives?" Travis asked as he and Billy slumped down into
their chairs. Travis hadn't tied his sash and the front of his robe
hung wide open exposing his skinny body for all to see. The older
boys, particularly Paul, seemed very interested.

"You'll be traveling in disguise," Cal explained. "These are
the robes of monks. No one will stop to search us."

"You sure?" Travis asked doubtfully. Only his small chest was
visible with him sitting down and he looked kind of funny, but very

"Well, not if you don't show your little penis to everybody,"
Cal said causing all the boys to laugh.

After breakfast, we said our goodbyes to James and we all
loaded up on a wagon as large as the cage we had used some weeks
before. This time, however, it was a very nice carriage. It had
wooden walls with windows along them and only one entrance at the
rear. There were two wide couches set lengthwise to the carriage and
a plush red carpet on the floor. There was plenty of room for all of
us to sit and Cal took the driver's seat. On one couch sat Brendan,
Curt, Paul and Travis. On the other, Tod, me, Billy and Kelly. We
were told to keep our hoods over our faces until we left the city
gates so no one would mention the group of boys posing as monks should
anyone come looking for the deserters from the school. The curtains
were pulled wide and no one stopped us. We were long outside of Labar
before Cal finally knocked on the ceiling.

"Okay," Brendan said, pulling the hood from his face. We all
did likewise and I turned to watch the countryside passing by the

We headed southwest out of Labar, the green hillsides growing
more rolling the farther we went, the scattered farmyards growing
farther apart until we rarely saw anymore. It was moving on evening
when Cal brought the wagon to a halt and we all got off.

There was no fear of pursuit, so we made no effort to be quiet
or to keep the fire small. It was a festive mood that night around
the camp. Brendan and Curt fixed us all a large meal and we all sat
laughing and telling stories as we ate. I couldn't help but remember
the other camps we had been to, the ones with Jonathan and Eric, the
one where I'd met Lance. It all seemed so long ago.

It was a warm night, but only Travis had shed his robe and
walked happily about with his big penis dangling. I could tell that
Paul was growing more and more attracted to him, but I'd stopped
noticing casual nudity. Billy, oddly enough, was saddling up next to
Tod and my bashful friend seemed embarrassed, but interested. For my
part, I hung close to Kelly who remained my true companion.

After dinner, Curt pulled out a harmonica and Cal produced a
guitar and the two young men played festive music as the sky grew
dark. "Hey, Kely, why don't you dance for us?" Brendan grinned that
toothy grin of his.

"Okay," Kelly and I answered at the same time.

This made the other boys laugh, but both Kelly and I got up
and started to dance in each other's arms around the fire, casting
long shadows as our robes blew about us.

"I meant naked," Brendan giggled after a few minutes. This
caught both Kelly and I by surprise and we looked at each other
blushing. Telepathically we asked each other if the other wanted to,
and we both ended up blushing and giggling.

"Okay," I said, causing all the boys to laugh and gather

Kelly and I were too young to have any thoughts about
seduction so we both just stepped back and untied our robes, slipping
them over our shoulders and tossing them aside. We both emerged stark
naked, looking small and skinny. Our boyhoods, small normally, were
even smaller in the night air, little, hairless boy penises cradled on
little hairless boy testicles. The cutest thing was how skinny we
were and how much our bodies looked alike in boyhood, both so soft and
smooth, both so young and innocent.

We didn't really know how to dance without any clothes on, so
we just giggled and swung our hips, blushing at each other as the
older boys all grinned and watched. The firelight kept our naked
bodies bright in the darkness, our bare feet plodding about on the
dirt, little penises dangling for all to see. We were both so bashful
that we didn't even notice as Travis and Paul disappeared, or Billy
and Tod, or Cal and Curt. All we could say for certain was that when
the music stopped, only Brendan was there to watch us.

"Where'd everybody go?" Kelly asked.

Brendan grinned. "To bed," he said. "But I thought you guys
did real well." We both blushed. "Come on over here. No... leave
your robes," he added when we started to search for them.

Kelly and I glanced at each other boyishly, but smiled and
walked over to the older boy. "Sit down here," he said, spreading his
arms to show a seat for either of us at his sides. Kelly sat on one
side, I sat on the other. The warmth of Brendan's strong arms
encircled us immediately. "Are you guys cold?" he asked. "Then why
are you shivering?" in response to our head shakes. Brendan laughed
and held us tighter.

"Don't worry," he grinned. "I just want to teach you some new
ways to play with each other. Okay?"

"Like what?" I asked, after Kelly and I exchanged boyish

"Come on, I'll show you."

Brendan led us back to the wagon and, to our surprise, none of
the other boys were inside. We stepped up inside, and Brendan turned
on a lamp then pulled the curtains closed. "We don't want a bunch of
boys watching," he grinned and Kelly and I giggled again. Our skinny
bodies were both huddled up together awaiting the lessons Brendan was
going to teach us. We weren't in the least bit afraid, for we knew
that all Brendan could do was be kind to us. "Let's see here," he
smiled taking a jar from a hidden drawer in the wall. "Kelly, let's
let you have the fun first, okay?" Kelly just giggled and walked over
to the older boy. He stood directly in front of Brendan, his skinny,
naked body looking so small beside him, his hairless little penis
sitting there expectantly.

Brendan looked at the tender little meat with love as he
opened the jar and pulled out a gob of cream on his hands. He put the
jar aside and I watched as his dry hand very gently took the little
penis between his fingers and held it. Temptation got the better of
him and he apparently couldn't help himself, his warm, slimy lips very
lightly sucking Kelly's boyhood just long enough to get the taste of
it in his mouth. "A kiss for luck," he smiled at the delighted boy.
The tender way he held the little boy's penis seemed to really
entrance me and I watched his gentleness in awe even as I felt my own
little penis growing, standing out from my crotch and pulsing into a
boyish erection.

"Now," Brendan said, slowly bringing the cream to Kelly's
little boyhood and lovingly rubbing it across the little child's penis
head. I could see Kelly's body sway with pleasure at the slimy,
tender caresses on his penis as Brendan very slowly rubbed cream along
his little penis shaft, covering the naked boy's little cock with the
warm slime. He rubbed so slowly, so tenderly, it was no wonder when
Kelly's erection rapidly flared into his boyhood, swelling it out it's
childlike two and a half inches until it throbbed frantically. I was
only watching the caresses and I was as stiff as a board. How
wonderful it must have felt to have your penis rubbed by so tender a
boy. I could even hear Kelly's high pitched voice panting happily as
his little cock grew rock hard and ready for love.

"That's it," Brendan smiled, his slimy fingers making certain
the stiff little penis in his hands was completely coated. "Oh,
Kelly, you have such a pretty penis." There was more than a hint of
heavy breathing in Brendan's voice and it was little wonder: the
sight of Kelly's hairless erection was enough to make any boy horny.
"Sit down now," Brendan said, standing and guiding the thin, naked
child back onto the couch. We both stared at Kelly's slimy penis as
it throbbed straight out between his legs, so stiff and little.

Brendan was gasping in love for the little boy and I watched
him untying his robe. When he slipped the ends over his shoulders, I
was astonished by the godlike body that appeared. I hadn't realized
it before, but in all our weeks together since first leaving Tarsec, I
had never seen Brendan naked. Oh, I had imagined it, but my
imaginings never came close to the beauty of his adolescent body. I
needn't describe how pretty his face was. Beneath it ran a slender
neck marred only by the small bump of his adam's apple. That then
widened into broad shoulders, rippled with very hard muscles, two
pronounced color bones, and the hard mounds of his muscular, young
chest. Brendan was only fifteen years old and wasn't full-grown. He
stood at just over five and a half feet tall. He also wasn't fully
developed muscularly, but the muscles that he did have were so smooth
and so incredibly hard that he looked as solid as granite. His skin
was as smooth as any boy his age and covered his hard body so tightly
that it looked even smoother. The hard mounds of his chest ended in
two small, brown nipples that stood erect in the boy's excitement.
His long arms were as well rounded as his chest and we could see the
young boy hairs on his underarms as he dropped the robe.

What stood out most pronounced on this slender young man was
his penis. Neither Kelly nor I had seen a cock so big. Not only did
it stand straight out a full eight inches, but it was at least twice
as thick as Travis's. It throbbed like a little boy's which is to say
that I could see it moving up and down with the beat of his heart.
The knob at the end was large and swollen extremely hard. Below his
penis, his large testicles hung in his scrotum, sparse little hairs
caressing the fleshy bag. Around his penis was a small triangle of
fresh pubic hair, thicker than Tod's and Billy's put together, but not
so thick as a man's and still limited to the small triangle between
his legs. His thighs were as smooth and hairless as mine or Kelly's
as was his thin, flat belly.

Brendan smiled at the astonished looks Kelly and I gave his
big penis. "Yours will be this big," he grinned, though we doubted it.
He looked over at me and grinned broader when he saw my stiff
erection. "Well, it looks like everybody's ready. Come here,
Kelvin." He motioned with his arm and I walked nervously over to him,
actually feeling frightened by the adolescent boy's huge cock. He
wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me over to where Kelly
sat on the couch, the little boy's mouth still hanging open, his stiff
little penis still coated in slimy cream.

"Have you guys butt fucked yet?" he asked. He was the only
one grinning. Kelly and I were still in awe.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That's when you stick your penis in another boy's butt,"
Brendan explained.

I nodded at him, momentarily terrified that the much bigger
boy wanted to stick that huge penis in my tiny butthole.

"Well, that's all you're going to do now, but this time you
get to do it facing each other."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Brendan smiled and moved my shoulders to face Kelly. The
little boy's cute face looked up at me with the same nervous concern I
felt. Our little penises were so young and small. What was the older
boy planning to do to us.

"Now," Brendan said. "You just sit down on Kelly's lap,
Kelvin, and let him stick his penis in your butt." I was a little bit
frightened to do this, but I soon felt Brendan's big hands guiding my
shoulders downward and I sat forward, my legs straddling Kelly's as my
throbbing little penis approached his. Our blue eyes met and we
watched each other bravely as the older boy instructed us. "That's
it. Now, Kelvin, you lift up a little and I'll guide Kelly's penis."

Both Kelly and I swallowed nervously, but I raised myself up
on my legs, my hands taking hold of Kelly's shoulders as I felt him
holding to my skinny waist to steady me. I tried to look over my back
to see what was happening but could see nothing as I felt my little
body being moved above Kelly's penis, felt myself slowly lowered down
to it. I felt the little head suddenly rubbing against my butt and
immediately realized how wonderful it was going to feel. Delightedly I
turned to Kelly and saw that he understood too.

Brendan had the little boy's stiff little penis in his fingers
and was guiding it to my butthole. I could feel it actually tickling
my eager butt as he probed for my tiny hole. Kelly was smiling up at
me, not even watching the manipulation of his penis as his hands took
greater pleasure in rubbing up and down my skinny body, as if I were
his penis and he were masturbating me. I felt his penis head slimily
tickle the outside of my butthole then felt Brendan lowering my body
until the little penis slowly pressed my little butthole open and
forced its way into my butt. Kelly and I giggled excitedly. It felt
so nice to feel that little stiffness slowly sliding into me. Brendan
let us both go, and I continued to lower myself on the little boy's
cock, thrilled by the easy way it slipped up me, delighted by the
exciting stiffness of it. It was so little that I soon felt my butt
sitting all the way down on his lap, his penis buried all the way
inside, me imagining the hairless little testicles I knew must be
pressed against me.

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It was a wonderful way to be sitting. Not only were my arms
wrapped around the boy I loved's thin shoulders, but he was still
helping me keep my balance by holding to my skinny body. His penis
felt small but nice inside me and mine, mine stuck up between our warm
bellies and throbbed, its hairless erection telling the story for both
our beating hearts. I looked down our skinny chests, so close
together we could feel the warmth of the other boy's body against us,
and down to where my hairless penis was, the smooth flesh of my body
and of Kelly's moving down to join in the perfect softness of that
prepubescent little cock.

"That's it," Brendan cooed, coming over to sit beside us,
close enough to watch everything happening. He had already taken his
huge cock in his fist and I watched as his hand rubbed slowly, so
slowly, up and down that throbbing organ. "Now you just move up and
down, Kelvin," Brendan said rhythmically, "up and down on Kelly's
stiff little penis."

The pleasure in his voice was intense and I willingly obeyed.
Still holding to Kelly's skinny shoulders, I was just able to move my
skinny legs enough to raise my body a little bit. It was enough,
however, for I could feel the little boy cock in my butt sliding
inside me, felt it starting to slip out before I stopped and sat back
down on his lap again, the little cock slipping back in. Kelly smiled
a warm, blushing smile of pleasure and I knew he had enjoyed it as
much as I had. Smiling a toothy, boyish smile at him, I did it again
and felt his penis slide first out then in my butt.

"Oh, yeah, Kely," the little boy moaned. It was wonderful and
got even better the more I did it. I found just the right length of
the little penis that I was able to hump faster up and down on it,
riding the little cock up and down faster and faster until it seemed
as if I were bouncing madly up and down on the little boy's body. Our
skinny chests, bellies and legs rubbed against each other and we
looked like two frantically rubbing little boys, my erection all the
while tucked between the soft rubbing flesh of our bodies. I could
tell Kelly was getting more and more excited and I started to go even
faster up and down on him, the little boy starting to wail with high
pitched pleasure, his innocent penis fighting to hold back from the
pleasure the little boy just had to have.

His pleasure was my pleasure and my pleasure demanded that I
hump faster and faster. My skinny legs ached, my thighs burned but I
had to bounce even quicker on the horny manchild beneath me. It was
as if our bodies were squirming madly but the movement was all up and
down and all Kelly was doing was sitting there letting my butthole
ride up and down on his hairless little penis like a pogo stick. I
was so close to coming, so close, my little body so eager to climax...

I could scarcely believe that Kelly was jerking beneath me.
It had seemed as if he would only naturally feel the same way that I
did, but plainly the little boy was having an orgasm. The sweet,
pained look of pleasure in his eyes, the moaning sighs between his
lips, the frantic jerking of his little hips all told me that the
child had had his orgasm. Such a pretty little boy in his excitement.

I tried to hump on him some more, but his penis softened
rather quickly and I soon felt rather foolish. I collapsed on the
gasping boy and felt my burning legs begin to recover.

"Oh, yeah," Brendan suddenly moaned beside us, the older boy
standing up, rock hard, humongous cock waving as he stroked it.
"Kovz! You're such cute little boys. Oh, yeah, my cute little

We were still laying chest to chest, but the excited Brendan
pushed his hot cock down between our shoulders. We could feel the
thick, throbbing organ rubbing between our collar bones and chests as
the adolescent forced it down as far as he could. His large hands
held to both of our backs and held us tightly together against the
throbbing hardness of his huge penis as he pushed it in and out
between our baby soft little chests. "Oh, God!" he cried. Suddenly
the rock hard boy grew even tighter and every strand of muscle in his
body seemed to strain and ripple. He shoved that huge penis of his
down between us once more and we could feel it swell against us as the
horny thing madly started to ejaculate.

The intensity and power of Brendan's orgasm cannot be
described, but some attempt must be made to describe the slimy hotness
of his adolescent seed as it shot out against Kelly and my chests.
Our bodies were already pressed tightly together, separated only by
the sheer strength of Brendan's erection between us. Add to the
warmth of our bodies and the heat from the big boy's cock the hot,
slimy feel of teenaged sperm shooting out of a penis like a gun and
you can imagine our thrill. Brendan's first few shots were nothing
more than pre-cum, thin sperm like Tod's, but he shot out more than a
tablespoon of it. Almost immediately came the real seamen, a flood of
boy sperm that instantly coated Kelly and my chests, made our bodies
slimy as they held each other. Still the older boy ejaculated and
still the hot slimy sperm coated our bodies until even my little penis
down near our bellies could feel only the slimy hairlessness of
Kelly's body against it. In all, Brendan shot more than a half cup of
teenaged sperm, enough to turn two little boys like Kelly and I into
absolutely slimy children.

The big cock between our chests slowly slipped out still
oozing sperm that splattered over my shoulder. Brendan didn't say
anything, just fell back onto the couch and stared at our naked bodies
as they held each other, a happy smile on his face. He looked so
happy, in fact, that Kelly and I couldn't help but feel happy, too. I
still sat on the naked boy's lap, his little penis still sticking up
my butt, though it was now so shrunken and small it was almost out. I
pulled my hips back without standing and felt it slide out all the
way. I also felt, however, my still throbbing erection rubbing up and
down Kelly's firm belly in the warm, thick slime of Brendan's sperm.

I did it again and found that the thrills given to my swollen
penis head were incredibly nice. "Go ahead," Kelly encouraged, trying
to move my body with his little hands. We smiled at each other and
within seconds I was humping against him again, this time trying to
relieve the intense hardness between my own legs. My skinny little
penis was so hard it was all I could do to think about where I was. I
knew that Brendan was sitting there watching me, but all I could think
about was how badly I wanted to feel my little, hairless penis explode
in orgasm again. The naked body against me was so warm and slimy and
felt so small and skinny. With every passing day I fell more and more
in love with Kelly, my dearest of friends, and as the childish orgasm
in my little penis began to spread and fill my whole body with
pleasure, so did my love for him fill my whole being.

I started jerking against the naked little boy and he held me
in his arms as he had so often before. My little, hairless penis, so
like his, filled me with the ticklish hardness of pleasure that is so
loved by boys of all ages and I hugged him tightly, feeling the joys
of his skinny body against mine as I jerked my hips rhythmically
against his abdomen, lost in the sea of love and passion.

* * *

The next few days passed in similar fashion. All of us boys
made love to each other, Kelly and I sharing the beauty of our
hairless boyhood, the others sharing the experience and passions of
their puberty. It was a trip that I'd almost wished would never end.
It did end, however, at around noon, eleven days after our departure
from Labar.

"How much farther, Cal?" Brendan asked through the open window
that led to the coach's seat.

"Just over that next rise," Cal replied. "Maybe five

The excitement of finally arriving at the legendary City of
Kovz seemed to infect all of us, whether we remembered what it was
like or not. We all sat on the couches stark naked, as if clothing
would only get in the way of our fully appreciating what we had been
through and where we were going. Kelly and I sat side by side on our
knees, peering out the windows as the mountains we'd been traveling
through for days again became foothills, this time of lush green
meadows. Rabbits and deer appeared and didn't seem concerned by our
passage. Everything was beauty and tranquility.

Finally, the carriage started to bounce along on some rough
cobblestones. Kelly and I looked at each other in confusion for a
moment then turned back to our windows. The city we were entering
wasn't a towering city of awe and wonder but a run down, almost
deserted ruin. There were small and large buildings, none of them
very close together, but all of them destroyed or half destroyed.
Rubble crowded the streets. Melted iron fences seemed to cry in pain.
Papers and rotting clothing were strewn about everywhere.

"Brendan..." I said turning to him.

"We told you: there was a war..."

I turned back and watched as the carriage found its way over
the rough roadway. Nothing moved. There was no life save for an
occasional squirrel or bird. The trees that had once lined the lanes
and walkways were now charred and dead. Instead of a paradise of Kovz
Boys, all we found was a ruin. Perhaps it had all been some crazy
dream. Perhaps the worst of my nightmares didn't lie behind me, but

The carriage stopped in front of an imposing building that had
probably once been quite remarkable. Now, the south half had been
blown away and the rest looked dirty and weather beaten. "All out for
Kovz City," Calvin announced, as if there was something worth stopping

Curt was near the door and opened it, the rest of us following
him out into the ruin. I had clutched my robe as we left as had all
the other boys, and we were all scurrying into them as we came out.

"Gees, what a dump," Travis remarked. "This is worse than the
Fourth Quarter."

Everyone seemed to have the same, disappointed look on their
face, everyone that is, except Tod. The beautiful boy looked around
with an odd smile of contentment on his face, an odd look that made me
realize that I had truly brought him home again. His beautiful blue
eyes were filled with wonder and awe and I wished that I could see
whatever it was that he was seeing.

"Welcome home, gentlemen," a young boy's voice called from the
building we had stopped at. It took me more than a passing moment to
recognize the youth walking down the crumbling steps to us. When I
did, I ran toward him and threw myself in his arms. It was Erin, the
second great love of my life. He laughed at me as I snuggled against
the warmth of his slender body through his t-shirt.

"What have we here? Kelvin, you really must stop these sorts
of displays."

He may or may not have understood what it meant to see him,
but it meant a great deal. It was as if I had a link back to myself
after the long, bewildering trip I had gone through. Only seeing Eric
might have been greater. "Erin," I said turning. "This is His

"I know, Kelvin," he dismissed me. "We know all about it..."
He walked toward Tod with a look of enchantment and uncertainty in his
eyes, then looked at little Kelly in a similar way. "Well," he said,
finally slipping his hands in his jeans pocket and turning away.
"Won't you please come inside?"

* * * *

All totalled, there were fewer than two dozen boys in the
large city of Kovz after our arrival. Apart from our group, there
were the following. From what was to become the new Royal Family:
King Erin, High Princes Tod and Ben Alfors (who'd been holding the
fort), and Prince Kelly. Of the Guardians were myself, Calvin, Terry
Carver, and Rick Stratton. Of the boys I had met during my travels
were John Clack and Chris Anderson. Aside from these were ten other
Kovz Boys I had not met before and the little boys we had rescued from
the Daireans long weeks prior.

The interior of the north end of the palace was intact and
still gave the impression of the majesty of the great building before
it had become the half destroyed ruin we'd seen outside. Though the
King's personal quarters had been in the south as had many of the
guest rooms, there were still plenty of rooms for our small band of
boys if we converted the offices on the second floor into bedrooms.
After we were all introduced, we shared a rather generous meal of
quail, hunted by Chris and John that afternoon, and vegetables picked
from what remained of the garden by some of the other boys. These
other Kovz Boys, who were all called just Boys since they were neither
royalty nor guardians, were mostly older, the youngest one being about
sixteen and the eldest perhaps in his early twenties. They had been
the first Kovz Boys to return to the city and had already aged as they
waited for the princes and Guardians to return. It was hoped that our
band, only half of the total, would be sufficient and, if nothing
else, Cal promised them that they could all become children again once
the rest of us had been reunited with our prior memories and could
take on the duties of defending the city.

The Boys weren't treated on any lower plane than the rest of
us, but I did notice that they did all of the work and seemed happy to
be serving and cleaning up after us. They also looked just as
handsome and just as well fed as the rest of us. In short, there was
nothing to distinguish them from us save for their insistent desire to
call us by titles. This formality was quickly dispensed with by the
Guardians, but the Boys refused to address the Royal Family by
anything but their proper titles. Thus little Kelly was forced to
blush beneath the respectful title of Prince Kelly and Your Royal

Very little clothing remained in the city following the war,
but what remained was split up equitably between all. Kelly and I
were assured that it would be just fine if we went naked, but we both
accepted a pair of underwear each and paraded around in them with our
little penis bulges showing through the white fabric.

"White's the color of innocence," Rick smiled at the two of
us, causing us to blush. "It's okay for His Royal Highness, since
he's the Prince of White. But you, my fellow guardian, ought you to be
wearing such a color?"

I blushed in embarrassment before the laughter of the other
boys made me realize that it had been a joke.

Brendan tried to explain the nature of life at Kovz to me as
he, Kelly and I poked around in the rubble of the fallen buildings.
There weren't very many of them, actually, but the size of the rubble
piles told of their former size. The first building we went to was
the White House. It was located just outside the Palace gates,
through a warped, wrought iron fence and far secluded through a
forest. It was by far the most remote of the Houses. The reason for
this was that White was the home for the youngest of the Kovz Boys,
the boys who hadn't reached puberty yet and still hadn't discovered
the pleasures of their penises. It was in that house that the boys
grew up pure and innocent, their bodies not molested by the others,
and them kept in innocent ignorance about sex. Here they went to
school and played and grew, each boy inspected regularly and watched
carefully to see if he had begun to show signs of puberty.

Once they did begin to show signs, they were quickly
transferred to the Baby Blue House before they ended up molesting any
of the other little boys. Baby Blue was called the transition house.
It was here that the boy discovered other boys and learned to accept
the new desires of his pubescent hormones. The boys here were allowed
to play naked and were silently encouraged to experiment with each
other, the Keepers of Baby Blue calmly organizing the boys into games
and sports that required a lot of physical contact. Eventually the
boy would discover pleasures and learn to accept them. It was at this
time, that the Keepers would recommend the novice boy up for draft.

The Draft was a great social event in Kovz. All the
recommended boys were moved up to the Palace where they had reserved
rooms. For the next week they would be courted by the Major Houses,
each house seeking to learn whether or not the boy would fit into
their particular house's character, for each of these invariably
became very different. On the final day, the Draft itself would be
held. Each of the house's had numbers for the Draft as assigned by
the Senior Guardian (which was currently Cal). These numbers
represented the order that they got to pick from the dozen or so boys
up for draft. The numbers, or picks as they were called, were
frequently traded between houses for other boys they wanted. Anyway,
on Draft day, each house would present its bid to the boys in order.
The boy could then accept the Draft, or refuse it. If he took it, he
then joined that house. If he refused, that house lost its pick until
the end. It was all very exciting and they were held about once a

The other six houses also were named by colors: Blue, Red,
Grey, Purple, Green and Yellow. Each of them had a patron Prince and
a President who ruled the house according to their own desires subject
to the King's veto. Of the two, the Prince technically had all the
power, but they tended to stay at the palace a lot and the presidents
frequently got to run everything they wanted to.

All this we learned as we walked through the rubble. We saw
the ruins of all the Great Houses and the ruins of the building called
the City Center. This was where the boys from the different houses
could meet and play with each other, aside from White, of course, who
were never allowed there. Even Baby Blue boys came to the Center, but
they were strictly protected from abuse by the Law which said that no
boy could touch a Baby Blue boy accept by his expressed permission.
Boys from the other houses were pretty much fair game, although they
could sometimes be punished or protected by the president or Prince
and not allowed to be touched at all. This was a very effective tool
for houses who had the really pretty boys and wanted something in
return for their sex.

The last of the buildings, aside from the stables and
storehouses, was the Great Temple of Kovz where all of the Guardians
kept offices and where they conducted meetings and services. This had
plainly been an opulent building, its spires and steps all made of
pure gold, gold which had now been melted and destroyed. It was
obvious that this was where the Old Ones had hit hardest, and it was
here that most of the Guardians died.

Seeing the city told me how great an accomplishment the boys
had made in getting so many of the princes at one time. Erin was new
royalty, of course, but it was still a tremendous feat. I was
bashfully proud that I had been such a part of it, however

Evening had begun to fall before we finally returned to what
remained of the palace and we walked up the steps filled with the
solemnness of the duties ahead of us.

"Gentlemen," Calvin said after we'd finished dinner and the
Boys were dismissed. "Tonight, we must have the melding."

It seemed a heavy thought, this odd ceremony we had all heard
mentioned so many times but did not understand. Would we still be
ourselves when it was over? Did we die to be replaced by some boy we
used to be? I was afraid immediately and I could tell that my friends
were, too.

"Kelvin, Tod and Kelly, each of you has lived before. You
have forgotten your prior memories and it's necessary for each of you
to remember if we are to be able to save Kovzland."

"What do we have to do?" Kelly's weak little voice asked.

"Just what you've always been doing: make love to each other."

This made us blush and look away, but Cal continued. "All
melding consists of is the putting on of a magic potion and your
saying that you want to meld. After that, all you have to do is have
an orgasm. I just assume that you'd want to do it together."

"What about Erin and Jonathan?" Tod asked softly.

"They're not Kovz Boys yet so they don't have to go through
the same ceremony."

"What do we have to do?" Erin's childlike voice asked for both
of them.

"Well, tomorrow we'll hold a coronation ceremony for you.
Jonathan will need a lot of training and a lot of ceremonies. It may
take a long time."

"Can't we still be part of their thing?" Erin asked, blushing
even as he asked it. His big brown eyes were glancing at Kelly and I
and I realized how eager he was to play with a little boy again. He'd
only just met the little prince that morning but was obviously
infatuated with his childish beauty and enthusiasm.

Cal shrugged. "Do you see any reason why not, Guardians?"

"Not if they all want to," Terry blushed. Terry was an
extremely attractive, fifteen year old youth. He had lost most of his
pubescent awkwardness, but his legs and arms were still long and his
hands and feet still a little too large for his growing body. I
thought he was extremely cute. "The important thing is that they all
really want to do it."

"I do," Jonathan's deeper voice smiled immediately.

"Me too," Erin agreed.

"How about you boys?" Rick asked us as we sat blushing.
Having sex with the older boys was fine by me, but it did embarrass me
when they just talked about it like it was the same as going for a
walk. Having an orgasm with a boy was nothing like that at all and I
somehow thought the older boys should talk about it more reverently,
the way I thought about it. It was fun, of course, but there was
something far more powerful about it than just fun.

Tod, Kelly and I didn't respond immediately and I eventually
swallowed and asked what we all feared. "Are we going to die,

Cal smiled. "No, of course not," he said soothingly, his
large hand gently rubbing the nape of my neck. "I know it seems
strange to you, but you won't change very much. You'll just know
more, understand more. Once you've melded with the past you'll be
able to help rebuild Kovz into a great city. Trust me, all of you:
you won't die."

We thought about this for a moment, but knew we had little
choice. Actually, I don't think we were even afraid anymore. "I guess
if we're going to do it..." I started. "Well, we may as well do it
with our friends."

Erin and Jonathan smiled, both boys obviously eager to share
in the experience with the three of us.

"Kelly? Tod? You all have to want to..."

The two cute, blond haired boys nodded and blushed. Just as
Erin was infatuated with Kelly, I could tell that Tod was quickly
growing infatuated with Erin. I saw all this with a little bit of
jealousy. It wasn't that I minded them being attracted to each other
or anyone else for that matter. It was just that I sensed something
very powerful in their infatuations and I somehow knew it was because
they were older. I wanted to feel as infatuated with boys as they
did. Being a horny little boy could be a little awkward. Infatuation
seemed directly linked to this otherworldliness I sensed in the sexual
act. I knew that when I was older, that feeling would get even
stronger just as it was becoming stronger in Erin and Tod's bodies
now. Puberty was beautiful.

The decision was made.

There seems little reason to go through the entire ceremony.
A cool, slimy potion was rubbed on our chests and foreheads and
Calvin, who was acting as the Priest, even reached down our shorts and
rubbed cream on our penises. As the cream was applied to my penis, I
felt it growing warm, felt it tingling and quickly stiffening into a
very hard erection. The fact of the matter is that it instantly made
me so horny I couldn't think straight. All I wanted was to get a boy
between my legs and fuck him till I cried.

I could tell at a glance that both Tod and Kelly were equally
affected, all three of us glancing at each other in nervous
fascination. The desire for making love was incredible and none of us
listened as Calvin made some speech or other. I didn't hear a word.
It felt like a hand was pulling between my legs, urging my little
boyhood to have sex. A few feet away, Erin and Jonathan were grinning
at the confused, astonished, embarrassed looks on our young faces.
Kovz, I was only eleven years old. I had no idea how to cope with
desires this great.

When Calvin finished talking, both Erin and Jonathan eagerly
asked the young man to give them the hormone therapy, too. I didn't
really know what hormones were save for remembering that they'd been
used on Tod in Labar to make him more suseptible to my sexual
advances. I realized that that's what they'd given Tod, Kelly and I
as Calvin rubbed the potion into their chests and foreheads and, as
he'd done with us, reached into their shorts and rubbed it on their

Erin's face instantly lost its excited smile and filled with
the same surprise, wonder and awkwardness that I felt. Plainly he
hadn't expected the intensity of his desires to be so great and he
immediately looked as frightened by it as I was.

Jonathan, being considerably more mature, handled it a little
better but hissed "Shit!" as I saw the mound in his underwear swelling
dramatically and immediately. "Man," he gasped, rubbing his face and
looking at the rest of us like he would attack us at any second and
rape our smaller bodies.

Afterward, Brendan and John led us up to the room Erin was
using as the King's chambers. All five of us were filled with the
same horny passion and truly had to be led. Kelly and I were
whimpering and the older boys were all panting. Our legs were rubbery
and I doubted they would support me long enough to reach a bed. I
wanted to drop on the floor right there and rub on my stiff little

"You guys may as well sleep in here tonight," Brendan smiled
at our confused faces, holding the door open for us. "We'll see you
in the morning."

The door closed behind us and we were alone.

Erin had a large room on the 4th floor. It was decorated with
the seven colors of Kovz and looked very nice. There was a huge bed
against the far wall and thick, white carpet on the floor. We stood
there nervously, not sure how to proceed when the reality of our
activity was clearly before us.

"What do we do now?" Kelly asked nervously. He looked like he
was going to cry. We were all wearing only underpants and the
intensity of our erections were evident by the bulges in all of them,
young penises swollen to the breaking point. As could be expected,
the eldest boy took the initiative.

"Just relax," Jonathan said though the frantic gasps and
frantic edge to his mature voice did little to ease our near terror.
His muscular arm slipped around Kelly's bare shoulders and he
awkwardly led both Kelly and Tod toward the bed. I glanced over at
Erin and saw my old lover smiling at me and gasping. He was looking
at me like Jonathan had been doing before and I had the strange
sensation that he was thinking about raping me. Sexual desires were
frantic in his twinkling brown eyes. Nonetheless, he managed to take
hold of my elbow and led me over to the other boys.

Jonathan and Erin sat down on the bed and stood Tod, Kelly and
I up in front of them. Tod stood in the middle, Kelly in front of
Jonathan and me in front of Erin. The two horny boys smiled up at us,
their large hands moving immediately to Kelly and my underpants,
taking them in their fingers and stripping them down our skinny,
hairless legs in unison. Our little penises stuck out in circumcised
hardness, pulsing up and down as always. We looked at their hairless
smallness as the sitting boys took hold of Tod's underwear and each of
them pulled on his until his throbbing cock popped out of his drawers
and throbbed out from the soft, furry hair of his puberty.

Jonathan took one of Kelly's hands and one of Tod's as Erin
took one of mine and the middle boy's, and they pulled the three of us
down onto the bed with them. I was so inflamed with passion that my
mind became a blur in what followed. Warm boy flesh seemed to be
rubbing all over me, first a boy's legs, then his chest,then his back,
all the while as other boy's bodies rubbed against me elsewhere. A
penis came in front of my eyes and I gasped as I took hold of it,
realizing that it was Tod's, as hard and throbbing as my little one.
I was distantly aware that both Jonathan and Erin were practically
crying as they fought to rip their underwear off in the press of naked
bodies. Tod was being rolled away from me, his hard penis slipping
from my hand and the rounded contours of his smooth bottom taking its
place. His cheeks parted and I could see the small, hairless brown
butthole between them. I crawled frantically toward the boy's soft
back felt my little penis just begin to rub across his butt before a
pair of hands grasped me beneath the underarms and effortlessly pulled
my little body away. I was face to face with Jonathan who looked
incredibly soft and hard as he lowered my skinny body between his legs
and held me against his smooth chest.

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I could feel Jonathan's six inch cock and mature pubic hair
rubbing against my sensitive penis as the smiling, moaning boy
tenderly rubbed my body up and down between his legs. The hard bulges
of his chest felt so warm and smooth and I could feel the strength of
his arms as they still held me, big hands caressing the hairless skin
on my underarms. All five of us were crying with pleasure as our wild
bodies rubbed and caressed each other. I was so moved by the pleasure
of Jonathan as he rubbed me against him that all I could do was close
my eyes and revel in the rhythmic passion of our young orgasms.

I felt a soft body crawling up on my back, felt a stiff,
little, hairless penis poking at my butthole and knew that Kelly was
trying to butt fuck me. Fingers poked my ribs as large hands grasped
the little boy's skinny rib cage and I felt his frantic erection being
pulled away from me. Jonathan just moaned as his strong hands
continued rhythmically rubbing me between his legs, the pleasure in
his body plainly building rapidly. He was so strong. All my skinny
little body could do was lay there and let him manhandle me up and
down his throbbing six inch cock.

It was as if we were all already in the throes of orgasm and
the way my little penis felt I would have thought I was save for the
fact that the pleasure just kept getting greater and greater. The
little thing felt like an intense rock of pleasure as the older boy
slid my body up and down on his own rock hard cock, my hairless
boyhood caressed by his soft, curly pubic hair. I controlled myself
enough to look over at the three other boys, saw Kelly frantically
trying to stick his stiff little penis into Tod's butt as Tod and Erin
lay a desperately sucking sixty nine, young heads buried into the
other's crotch as they frantically sucked their pubescent penises.
The startled look of wonder and surprise that suddenly filled Kelly's
blue eyes told me that the little boy had managed to penetrate Tod's
hairless little butt and he immediately began to stroke the little
thing in and out of it.

I felt faint with pleasure and Jonathan was wailing as his
entire body tensed beneath me. "Oh, God!" the boy yelled, his arms
bulging as he held me beneath my armpits and rubbed me faster against
his cock, his hips now pressing the hard penis rhythmically against
me, his smooth body squirming with pleasure.

Everywhere were the loud cries of boys in orgasm, the slurpy
sounds of Tod and Erin sucking cock like they were going to suck them
clean off, the air echoing with the high pitched cries of Kelly and I,
the cracking, pubescent squeals of Erin and Tod, the deep, baritone
moans of Jonathan. The youth beneath me suddenly started to grunt,
forcing his big, hairy erection between my legs, humping it madly as
orgasm filled his hard body, made him cry with pleasure. I felt his
hot sperm squirting from his penis, felt it coating my stiff boyhood
and rubbing across my thin belly. His sperm felt so warm and slimy,
so nice against me, his body slowing until his arms wrapped around me
and hugged me lovingly. He was temporarily satisfied and didn't rub
me on him anymore, but my sperm coated little penis was still stiff
and throbbing and I desperately starting to hump against him as his
hard penis softened. I could feel the wiry hairs around his penis
rubbing my little cock as I fucked him and could only moan my

I turned my head and saw Erin's round, little butt still bare
as the older boy sucked on Tod. Rubbing my penis against Jonathan was
no longer enough and I felt myself crawling off him, crawling toward
the beauty of the hairless, brown butthole I saw. Erin looked so
skinny and soft as I moved his body between my legs, my slimy little
penis throbbing angrily, demanding it be rubbed. Crying desperately,
I shoved it toward the boy's little hole and missed. I was too horny
to try again and grabbed his thin shoulders, pressed my chest against
his soft back and settled on humping my little penis against the crack
of his butt. The first hump I made miraculously slipped my sperm
covered penis head against his butthole and I frantically pushed it
inside, felt the tight little hole widen and admit my stiff little
cock. The hairless rock slid in easily and I soon felt it buried to
the testicles.

Kelly was just as frantic at fucking Tod's butt and I watched
the pleasure in his cute face as we both frantically fucked the
sucking boys. He was so excited his little penis slipped from Tod's
butt and I stared as the desperate little boy fought frantically to
reinsert it. It took him several tries but his terrified face relaxed
into a delighted smile as he felt it slide back in. For my part, my
hairless little penis just slid in and out of Erin's tight butt with
rhythmic pleasure, the passion in me growing stronger and stronger. I
could feel his body jerking suddenly and knew that he was squirting
his boy seed into Tod's mouth. The thought of it made me even more
excited but still I couldn't reach the orgasm I wanted so much.

Tod gagged on Erin's thin sperm and the milky juice trickled
out of his mouth with the slimy penis of the other boy. He was so
deep in orgasm that all he could do was roll his head back on the
sheets and moan, his own penis still being sucked by the other boy,
his butt frantically fucked by the excited child. Tod looked like he
was crying as if from great pain, the wails from his pubescent voice
sounding like a wounded animal until he suddenly grunted frantically,
pumped his smooth hips madly out at Erin. Erin slipped the hard penis
from his mouth and held it as the swollen head started squirting Tod's
boy sperm all over his smooth, adorable face. The thirteen year old's
semen looked milky and slimy and splattered on Erin's nose and cheeks,
the adorable boy smiling and letting the sperm trickle between his

Kelly and I were the only ones who hadn't climaxed yet and our
sorrowful, eager eyes looked across at each other as our naked little
bodies still humped against the older boys. As if in a dream, we
pulled our little penises out and I madly crawled over Erin to him.
Gasping and crying to each other, I let Kelly guide my body above his
hips as the little boy lay down on the bed. I could feel his hairless
little penis touch my butthole, felt the eager child pressing it
desperately at my tight hole. It slipped inside of me like a stiff
finger and I felt its hardness in my butt with joy. The little boy
lay there, his small hands rubbing across my little chest as I slowly
humped my body up and down on his little cock. The feel of the skinny
hardness sliding in and out of my body was wonderful and mingled with
the frantic intensity in my own little erection. My fingers took hold
of the hairless little thing and I started to masturbate it in time
with our humping. Our eyes were locked on each other as we finally
felt our pleasure growing uncontrollable, finally felt the ticklish
pleasure of our intense boyish orgasms.

Kelly and I were both crying out in childlike grunts of
pleasure and both our little bodies started to jerk at the same time.
My mind flew out of my body reeling in orgasmic pleasure and images
started to appear before me in mad succession, each of them feeling
like orgasm itself. Somewhere my body was jerking, my little boy
penis pounding with orgasm, the softness of Kelly's skinny body
bucking between my legs, his little erection poking quickly inside my

We had loved before, a hundred times. I had seen him grow to
manhood, his little penis growing bigger, the first traces of fine,
silver peach fuzz on his little testicles, them growing darker,
longer, curly. His skinny chest grew bigger and thicker with boy
muscle. He grew taller, prettier. And he had seen the same changes
in me. Other boys, a flood of them. Mostly Tod. Like Kelly I had
watched him grow from hairless boyhood to loving young manhood, had
made love to him a thousand times. There were so many boys, so many
beautiful, passionate boys and I had loved them all, my penis like an
insatiable animal, always searching for the pleasure of another boy,
longing to feel his tight butt, to suck his hard penis. A boy named
Deane dominated most of the images, a young Kovz Boy I had been in
love with as if forever. Another boy named Toby; Kral, Teddy, Conrad
and Scotty. Little Pud and Ricky and Brian. Precious, horny David
with his hairless five inch erection so eager to masturbate himself.
Boy after boy after boy. A hundred lifetimes of loving them over and
over again.

There was Kovzland in its beauty, the golden streets filled
with naked, happy boys. Manhood ceremonies. Boyhood ceremonies.
Innocence and passion. There had been a small farm, a bed I shared
with two brothers who had first taught me about sex in a new world I
had helped to create. There was David and Chad and Korey. Naked,
twisting, squirming boys. So many orgasms in their arms that it
seemed like orgasm was my natural state.

There was another world of pain and lost loves; of pollution
and terror and war; of aging and aching and dying. Across the images
of their tragic world, I could see the faces of the Old Ones, the ones
brought to Destinial with the other guardians and I by a young man I
knew to be God.

There was the day when that world, when the Old Ones, found
Kovzland and attacked it with mad, violent explosions of hellfire. My
boys lost, my love lost, my dream lost. There were the boys who'd
shared it, the Guardians, the boys who'd come from that first world
with me longing to make a new world of boyhood and joy, only to be
countered by the Old Ones, the Evil Ones who would destroy boyhood
forever. There was Kelly, floating naked toward me, taking me in his
arms, his limp little penis and mine mingling as we held each other.

"I remember, Kelvin," he moaned as he held me. "I remember."

Then Tod came toward us, the beautiful Tod, and he held to
both of us and pressed his warm, young penis between our bodies. "I
remember, too," his pubescent voice cracked in astonishment.

I nodded, still have floating with orgasm, my hands feeling
their baby soft young bodies in pleasure and love. "I do, too," I
gasped softly. "Now we must go and bring the boys home again."

- Finis -

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