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A Date For Nate (mf, ff, mc, star_trek)

All stories on this web site are purely FICTIONAL. The people depicted within these stories only exist in someone's IMAGINATION. Any resemblence between anyone depicted in these stories and any real person, living or dead, is an incredible COINCIDENCE too bizarre to be believed. If you think that you or someone you know is depicted in one of these stories it's only because you're a twisted perverted little fucker who sees conspiracies and plots where none exist. You probably suspect that your own MOTHER had sex with ALIENS and COWS and stuff. Well, she didn't. It's all in your head. Now take your tranquilizers and RELAX.
The buzzer rang on the cabin of Ship's Counsellor Deanna Troi. She
looked down at her schedule and noted this name, Pisarkiewicz. Petty
Officer 2nd Class Nathaniel Pisarkiewicz. It must be him, she thought.
She composed herself for a moment.

"Come in." she stated in a firm, confident voice. She hoped he
would pronounce his name for her.

The man who strode in was about 70 inches tall. He had darkish
brown hair, parted on the side. He also had a bit of a pot-gut, look-
ing a bit like a Tellarite. Deanna could feel apprehension from him
as he walked to her and reported.

"Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz, reporting as ordered, ma'am." he
said, standing at attention.

His discipline is good, she thought. And his name is much easier
to pronounce than spell.

"Take a seat..." she checked his file, "Nathaniel, or do you prefer

"Nate is fine, ma'am."

"And call me 'Counsellor Troi'. No need to be too distant." She,
of course, could not say 'Call me Deanna'. There had to be some
distance between him and her in this formal meeting.

"OK, Counsellor Troi."

"Now, you were referred to me because you seem to have chronic
depression. What are you angry about?" Depression, after all, was
anger turned inward.

"Uh, well, um..."

"Just say it. This is all strictly confidential. And you won't
embarass me. Think of me as an officer, not as a woman." This was
a standard line Deanna said to all male crewmembers who hesitated.
97% of those were hesitating because their problems were sexual.
Maybe Freud was right, maybe all man's problems were caused by sex.

"Well, it is kinda lonely on ship."

"Do you socialize? Departmental parties? Crew social gatherings?"

"No, they're pretty boring. At a party, there is nothing really to

"Do you use the Holodeck?"

"It is too long of a waiting list. Only officers and chiefs can
get in there."

Deanna nodded. It was felt by StarFleet that rank had its
privleges and the Holodeck was one of them. Any officer could bump
a lower ranking officer off the Holodeck schedule, for the simple
reason that officers had more expected of them, so they needed a
greater release from stress.

"How do you unwind?"

"I write. I play games on the computer. I listen to music."

His leisure activities are all done alone, thought Deanna. This is
not good.

"Don't you do anything with other people?"

"Not really."

"Do you ask female crewmembers out?"

Nate pulled out a small notebook. It is spirally bound and had
real paper(!) in it. Deanna looked more closely at it. Nate showed
her several pages, filled with names of women.

"Twenty-seven women have turned me down."

"What are those marks near their names?"

"Well, this one indicates if the woman is a liar, for instance."


"Yes, if she said that she is not looking, but has gone out with
a man." Deanna had the answer!

"Well, I have just the thing for you!" She smiled at him. "With
your permission, I will match your name with that of every woman on the
Enterprise who is single and wanting to go out with men." The computer
will choose the ones who are the most compatible. We will then know who
on this ship it would be worthwhile for you to ask out."

"Wow! Go ahead, I'm anxious to know."

"All right. Computer, match Petty Officer Nathaniel

"No match." answered the Computer.

Deanna was stunned! She had used this program a dozen times
before and had always gotten at least three matches. There had to
be an error.

"Computer, what was your last command from me?"

"To match Petty Officer Nathaniel Pisarkiewicz in the ship's
standard compatibility date test."

"Run program again."

"No match."

Deanna looked at Nate. His mood, which had been happy and
anxious, now became even more morose. She had to act fast. She
could not tell him HE was the problem; it would crush him. She
tried a new approach.

"Nate, dealing with the day-to-day frustrations, boredom
and loneliness on ship is an important skill to acquire. I
am going to recommend you try competitive athletics to work off
your hostility and I an schelduling you for another session. OK?"

"All right, Counsellor Troi. I sure hope it works."

"I'm sure it will. Have a nice day, Nate."

"You too, Counsellor."

They shook hands and Nate left. Deanna could see no reason
why women on the Enterprise would not go out with Nate. He was
friendly, intelligent, and had had a very interesting lifea, prior
to StarFleet. She continued to read his file. The answer must be
in there somewhere.

Lt Worf stood before the three women and one man who had
enrolled in his self-defense class. He liked teaching the first
class, then passing the course to one of his juniors.

"Good afternoon, I am Lt Worf. I, and other members of my staff,
will be instructing you in self-defense. Now, you, here!"

Nate exited the line and walked to Lt Worf.

"Now, an inexperienced assailant will often attack you with an
overhand right. I am going to teach each of you basic block and counter
. You will block my right hand with your left and punch me in the
abdomen. This tactic is usually effective against a typical thug or
goon. Now, set in this position."

Worf had Nate get into a fighting stance. He then tried to punch
with the right, slowly so Nate could learn. After 2 or 3 times, Nate
had the block and counter down. His punches on Worf were ineffective.
Worf was tough!

Worf had the whole class learn the manuever. It wasn't long before
the class was blockeing and countering effectively.

As Nate waited, he noted the woman next to him. She worked in
the Replicator Lab. Nate had asked her out a couple of times and she
had told him she was not interested. He had seen her out with other
crewmen. She was a bitch.

"All right, you two. Let's see it. Don't really hit each other."

Nate and...Jerene, that was her name, moved to the mat. Jerene
executed the block and counter well. She then attacked Nate. Her punch
was too fast and it landed squarely on Nate's jaw. The impact spun him
around. He moved towards Jerene by she took this as an attack. She
kicked him hard to the head. He collapsed.

Worf moved to stop the woman. He grabbed her.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I was executing the move!"

"Wait. You don't even belong in this class." Worf hit his badge.
"This is Lt. Worf. I need a medical team in Gymnasium 2."

Some time later, Nate began to wake up. Standing over him was
Dr. Beverly Crusher.

"How do you feel?"

"Kine a weir."

"You'll be fine. You still have your teeth and there are no
broken facial bones."

"Grea." Nate's face was mostly frozen in place.

Lt Georgi LaForge came in.

"How's he doing, Doc?"

"He's going to be fine, just a little hard to understand for
a bit." Geordi walked over to Nate.

"Hurry up and get better. We need you back in Engineering."

"Ye, ir." It was hard for Nate to make the 's' sound.

"OK." Geordi turned back to Dr. Crusher. "Hey, Cmdr Riker
wants to see him when he feels better."

"I'll tell him."

"Thanks." Geordi left.

Within minutes, modern medicine had cured Nate's jaw to a
working point. The magna-casts were removed and Nate was discharged
from sick bay. He changed back into uniform and walked to Cmdr.
Riker's cabin, having been informed by Dr. Crusher.


"Come!" The door opened and Nate stepped into Cmdr. Riker's

"Petty Officer Nathaniel Pisarkiewicz reporting as ordered,

"At ease, Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz. Have a seat." Riker
gestured to a nearby chair.

"Thank you, sir." Nate sat down.

"Let me get to the point. I have been informed that you are
depressed and lonely here on ship."

"Yes, sir." Nate wondered what point Riker was going to make.

"There is no reason for you to feel you are alone in this.
Everyone here on ship feels the same way. Don't worry about it.
Just do your job and stop thinking about anything else."

Nate thought about his reply for a moment.

"Sir, can I speak freely?"

"Go ahead."

"Sir, from what I have heard, you're in no position to talk
about loneliness. You are beaming down to planets, meeting exotic
women, constantly doing different jobs, and you have priority access
to the Holodeck. Sir, you couldn't be depressed, bored or lonely
if you tried."

Riker was about to answer the enlisted man when he realized
the P.O. was totally right. His world was far different than Petty
Officer Pisarkiewicz's. Riker had had no right to talk to him this
way. Riker had been slammed and he knew it.

"Well, I will get back to you on that. You...uh, are dismissed."

"Thank you, sir."

Nate left Cmdr. Riker's cabin a tad smug, smug in the fact that
he had finally been able to confirm that rumour about the XO, but
still bummed that Riker scored far more often than he did.

Riker later went to Cmdr. Troi's cabin to discuss the results
of his conversation. He didn't want to do this, but had promised
Deanna he would.

"Come." Shhhht.

"Deanna, you free?"

"Of course, Will. Did you talk to Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz?"

Deanna came right to the point. Deanna always came right to the

"Yes, I did."

"Did you solve his problem?"


"I thought you, as someone who had done a lot of space time,
could help him."

"He said something to me. He told me my ship life is too
exciting for me to understand his problem."

"Is it?"

"Well, yes..."

"Well, apparently, he needs either a woman to take interest in
him ot a better way to deal with his anger."

"What do you suggest?"

"I am going to talk to the Captain. I think he might able to
help me."

A little later, Deanna Troi was entering the cabin of Captain
Jean-Luc Picard. Picard sat in a blue robe with the initials 'J-L P'.

"Counsellor, what can I do for you?"

"Captain, it is about one of the enlisted who work in

"Enlisted? What are those?"

"Sir, they are the crewmembers who are not officers. The ones
who do almost all the work."

"Impossible, the bridge crew does it all. I think you have lost
it, Counsellor, or may I call you Deanna?"

"You are not the Captain." Q appeared where the Captain had

"I could never fool you, Counsellor."

"Q! What are you doing here?"

"Sightseeing. Ta ta." He disappeared. The form of Picard lay
sleeping on the bed.

Troi moved to the bed. She tapped the Captain on the shoulder.

Picard woke up immediately. He looked up at Counsellor Troi.
He had been only a tad asleep.

"What is it, Counsellor?"

"Captain, I need to speak with you regarding a problem with one
of the enlisted men."

"Go ahead."

"Well, sir, he seems to be suffering from chronic depression."

"Is it interfering with his work?"

"No, he seems to be bottling up a lot of anger."

"Hmm, let's look at his file."

"Computer, access service record, Petty Officer Nathaniel

"On screen." said the Computer.

Picard began to look at the service record, with Troi looking
over his shoulder.

"Hmm," said Picard, "graduated from the University of Michigan
in Electrical Engineering. Grades not really impressive."

"It seems he joined StarFleet after being rejected in the
Earth job market."

"Hmm, passed both advancement exam with high marks. Not stupid
at all."

"He has no disciplinary actions against him; he's well-liked and

"I think it is a simple matter of his approach. Have Cmdr. Riker
talk to him."

"Sir, it seems Cmdr. Riker is too...sexually well-adjusted to...
understand the problems that Nate is having."

"Does he have a physical problem?"

"Well, I could have Dr. Crusher run some tests and see if that is
the case."

"Make it so. Have her report her findings to me."

"Very well, Captain." She left. She was one of the few people
who did not wait for Capt. Picard to dismiss them.

Within an hour, Nate found himself back in Sick Bay. Dr.
Crusher was asking him some medical questions.

"These questions may seem personal, but it is important that I
know the answers."

"OK, Doc."

"First, have you ever had a problem with impotence?"

"No, none at all." Certainly not with you around, Nate thought.

"Estimate the number of times you have had sexual intercourse
in the past three years."

"None. I'm a virgin."

"Oh." Virgin? At 27? thought Bev. What planet is he from?
"Well, that eliminates a lot of the rest of the questions."

"Hi, Mom." Wesley walked into Sick Bay.

"Wesley! I am with a patient!"

"Oh, I just came to get some stuff. I won't be long."

Many, many of the enlisted personnel did not like Wesley. An
acting Ensign, they had to call him 'Sir', something that no one
thought he even deserved, the little brat. He was spoiled and got a
lot of special attention from the ship's high-ups, way too much.
Nate thought that he could do anything Wesley could, with the same
opportunities and education Wes had had. Nate's job was incredibly
dull, menial and simple.

Bev turned to consult some readouts and data in Nate's medical
file. Wes had a gizmo in his hands and he turned to Nate.

"Mom fixing you up?"

"Yes, sir, she sure is." Nate kept his voice mellow.

"Great. Later, Mom." Wes left, mercifully.

Later, Dr. Crusher reported her findings to Capt. Picard.

"Here is the report, Captain."

"You were able, I take it, to diagnose Petty Officer
Pisarkiewicz's problem?"

"Not really. However, I did discover several important facts."

"Go on."

"Well, he does hold the antiquidated belief that a man should
remain a virgin until his wedding night."

"There are several cultures which still hold that belief, it
shouldn't be a problem."

"There is more. He has a great imagination and he spends most
of his off-time writing, fantasizing or playing text-based virtual

"Text-based! That is quite odd."

"His family were all anachronists. He spent a great deal of
time in school catching up. He still deals with a lot of things in
a 20th century way."

"What do you recommend?"

"It is difficult to say, Captain. He is so...odd in so many
ways. I like him but if I was young again I would have to turn him
down for a date."

"I want you, Cmdr. Riker and Counsellor Troi to make a full
report on this case."

"Very well, Captain."

"Good, dismissed."

By this time, Nate had been given the royal run-around. He had
seen several of the ship's top officers and they had seemed incompetent
as hell. He began to write a new story and he had a group of main
characters already selected...

The next day, Picard called a staff meeting. In attendance were
himself, the XO, Troi, LaForge, Crusher, Worf and Data, who had not
been involved in the situation yet.

"Well," said Picard, "you have studied the issue at hand, the
service and medical record of the crewman involved and the report
submitted. Opinions?"

"Captain," began Troi, "in my opinion, the crewman has never
really learned to socialize with women. He needs exposure."

"How do you intend to get him exposure?"

"By use of the Holodeck."

"Wait a minute, Counsellor." interjected Riker.


"If we let a crewman this low-ranked use the Holodeck to solve
his problems, it will set a precedent. That will begin a situation
that we will have great difficulty extracting ourselves from."

"Data, what do you think?"

"Cmdr. Riker is correct. StarFleet policy states that use of
the Holodeck is a privilege reserved to officers and chiefs. Use of
it as therapy would be against StarFleet policy."

"What is your solution, Data?" asked Troi, miffed her
solution was not chosen.

"I do not have enough experience in this area to offer a
viable solution."

"Very well. Mr. Worf, how about you?" asked Picard.

"Captain, I do not see where a problem exists. The crewman
is doing his job so I don't see that there is any problem at all."

"Lt. Worf," interjected Dr. Crusher, "I treated the injuries
inflicted on the crewman. Any man who inspires that kind of
behavior has a problem."

"Mr, LaForge, would you agree with Mr. Worf that the crewman
is doing his job?"

"As far as I've seen, Captain." He chuckled a bit at the pun.

Worf looked at Crusher and narrowed his eyes in a look of
controlled rage. He had been slammed.

"Dr. Crusher, what do you recommend?"

"Well, Captain, I think the crewman needs some one-on-one
interactions. If he was more adapted to life here, he would be
able to interact with other crewmembers on a more than merely
formal basis."

"Interesting suggestion. Who did you have in mind?"

"I think it should someone of his owm peer group."

After a short time, it was agreed that this idea was no
good because there were no members of the crewman's peer group.

"Any other suggestions?"

There was silence in the room.

"We have battled Q, the Romulans, the Ferengi, mind-
control devices and so on. Are you telling me we can't solve
one man's minor problem?"

"Yes." said most of the officers together.

"The conference is over. Dismissed."

Picard left the conference for his cabin. He was angry.
The problem was simple, yet solution-less. There had to be
something he was overlooking. It was as plain as...

"The nose on your face?" It was Q.

"Q! What are you doing here?"

"Enjoying a good laugh, Picard."

"What is so funny?"

"Your inability to solve so simple of a problem."

"And you can?"

"Well, I would have to think about it."

"Oh, you can't solve it by..." Picard waved his hand
in the Q-style.

"To solve it that way would be trivial, Picard. I
have started to enjoy challenges."

"So, you don't have the solution yet, hmm?"

"I am limiting myself to solutions you could devise.
It is tedious to think on such a primitive level."

"So you can't do it?"

"I have done it. What you should do is..."


"I am R. I am superior to Q in every way."

POOF! Q was gone.

"You'll not get it that easy, Picard."

POOF! He was gone too.

DAMN! thought Picard. He had almost gotten Q to help
him. Picard mused more. Some solution had to be forthcoming...

"Department Head Log, Stardate 13.87.6, Chief Engineer Geordi
LaForge recording. The ship has docked at the planet Ogimmemo in
order to resupply the colony there. I have given Petty Officer
Pisarkiewicz a 96 hour liberty on the planet, per Counsellor Troi's

Nate exited the shuttlecraft, in his civilian attire. He wore
a long set of white pants with several pockets and blue and orange
hi-top tennis shoes. His shirt was also white with a small collar.
He wore a thin tie and a black vest, with a long purple cloak and
a flat hat (called a union cap) that was grey. He looked truly odd.
Odd enough to be mistaken for a Time Lord.

Nate wandered into the main area of town. The people of
Ogimmemo were all over, as it was a market day. The planet itself
was in a summer-type season, and the clothing was light or non-
existent. The people of this planet had never developed a taboo
against public nudity and especially among the younger, the custom
was fairly common. Nate walked right by a very pretty lady, buying
a bunch of imported bananas, nude save for a pair of sandals. Her
tan was perfect, and Nate was in love. Then he remembered the
Counsellor's advice, Try to relax. Nate pressed onward but vowed
to see this girl again.

"Hey you! Come here!" The voice was that of an older gent and
called in Nate's general direction.

"Who, me?" Nate answered.

"Yes, you, come here!"

Nate moved into the alleyway and passed through a swirling vortex
of orange light. He found himself in a bedchamber. He had no idea
what had happened. He looked about a bit.

The chamber was large, about 30 foot square. By one wall was a
large canopied bed and a man, about his own age, sat on it. The
walls were sparkling white. He and the bed seemed to be the only
other things in the room. He spoke again to Nate. His voice was
that of an old man.

"Greetings, Nathaniel Pisarkiewicz."

"Good afternoon, um, whoever you are."

"My name is Ktree. I am happy to see you, my successor."


"300 years ago, I was given the power. Now, I wish to once
again take up mortal existance. You will succeed me."


"I hereby give you all powers and talents I possess. Good
luck in fighting those who are evil."

"Wait! I don't understand!"

Just like that, Nate was back in the alleyway. Two men, with
laser pistols, stood before him.

"All right now. Hand over your credits!"

Nate knew the self-defense class was useless, you could not
have defended himself if they had had passion fruits, let alone
lasers. He looked back at them.

"Listen, guys, I need my credits. Please don't."


The pistol burned into Nate's belly. Talk about pain! He
doubled over. The other thief gave him a knee to the face. He
flew back and whacked his head on the wall. He passed out.

As Nate awoke, he found himself in an area, an area that
really smelled BAD! He could feel squishy things all around him
and paper and...NUTS! I must be in a dumpster, he thought.

Moving about, Nate got his bearings. The wound on his
belly hurt! It must be infected, he thought more. Damn!

With some degree of difficulty, Nate got out of the large
trash container and worked his way to the ground. He was naked.
Kinky thieves, he thought. It was dark and quite cold out.

Counsellor Troi looked at the comatose form of Nate. He
was in some kind of mental reverie.

Nate looked about. He needed first aid, shelter, food and
a whole list of other things soon! He walked along the street and
the two visible moons of the planet helped illuminate his way. He
came upon a house, a house which he remembered a family lived in, a
family with three VERY attractive daughters and one very nice mother.

But it was of course, late at night, and there no way he could
signal them to let him in. Damn, was he in pain! He sat down by the
door and rested. He needed help and he could not ask people he did
not even know for help...

The door opened and Nate barely caught himself. Two figures
walked out. He looked up at them through eyes that were not quite
working. He could not really tell anything about them. He felt hands
grabbing onto him and carrying his tired and hurt body up, up some
stairs. He barely heard footfalls, so the two must be barefoot. He
lifted his head to speak.

"Thanks, thanks for letting me in."

The figures did not respond. They carried him up to the 2nd floor
and Nate could hear water running, like in a bath. The footfalls
changed, and Nate knew they were on tile. He could also see 2 more
figures here and one was quite tall. His poor vision prevented him
from seeing more but he saw he was being lowered into the tub.

The water was perfect. Ahhhh... Nate felt hands, soft hands
spreading something on his wounds. The pain began to subside, and
his vision began to clear. What he say was...

A woman, in what looked to be a brown towel and nothing else was
cleaning his wound. He saw her hands and several rings with gems
adorned them. He looked up and saw it was the mother of the house, her
hair and body quite wet and a little soapy, washing his wound. She was
showing Nate a good deal of cleavage and he could see her exposed
bottom as the towel was not terribly wide. He looked to the others
in the room and sure enough, her three lovely daughters, stood there,
each one nude.

But the strange part were the looks on all their faces. Their
eyes were shut, save for Mom's and their mouths were a little open.
They looked like zombie women and darn sexy ones too!

The old voice came back to him, about the giving of power.
Power, over these women? It was too good to be true. He, as a
test, mentally ordered the tall daughter, Stephanie, was her name,
(how did he know that?) to kiss Monica, her mother. On the lips.

And she did. Steph moved to her mom, and her mom turned her
head towards her daughter. The two passionately kissed. Monica
returned to her work while her daughter returned to a standing
zombie-like position.

So the impossible was real. His wounds were being taken care
of, and three young nude women awaited his orders. This was too
good to be true. Nate's stomach took this opportunity to growl and
he thought of how really hungry he was.

Terri, the short red-head with the big tits, then turned away
from him. She left the room, walking slowly, hands hanging to her
sides limply. Nate noted how all he had to was to think about eating
and Terri left to take care of it.

Kelly, with black hair, was the 4th woman there. Her bod was
nothing to sneeze at either. She was also the prettiest of
the bunch.

Monica had finished with his wound, now Kelly moved to him,
stepping into the tub in the process. He was thinking in terms of
general erotica as the two remaining daughters helped him to his feet.
As they did this, their mother removed her towel and dropped it to the
floor by the tub. She placed one hand on Nate's back and the other on
his ass and kissed him, passionately. Nate could feel her breasts,
nearly as big as her daughter Terri's, pressing into him. He was in
semi-shock. He still was dumb-founded.

"I don't believe this." Nate commented, semi-audibly through
Monica's kiss.

"What do you want me to do now?" Monica answered.

"You can talk?" Monica stopped kissing him.

"Yes, I can talk. I will do anything you want me to."

"I am so confused about this." stated Nate, after some
consideration over his words.

"How may I relieve your confusion, Nate?"

"How did you come to be doing this? This slave thing."

"I was near the end of taking a shower. I heard something
telling me to get out and get a bath ready. I got out and put
the towel around myself. Then I saw my daughters bring you in.
I knew that your word was law and I had to serve your needs.

"Well, why are your eyes open and the girls' eyes closed?"

"They were all napping in their rooms. They are asleep."

"So I have some sort of mental control on all of you?"

"Of course."

"Will any of you remember any of this?"

"Our minds are yours to mold. We will remember as much or
as little as you command. You can alter our minds by a single

"So you are not embarrassed by doing this."

"I have no emotions now. All I want to do is hear your
commands so I can obey them."

"This is impossible! I told your own daughter to kiss
you. You must've felt something."

"All my normal reactions are meaningless now. Obeying you
is my only reaction."

"Would you hurt one of them if I said to?"

"Of course I would."

Nate was harder than neutronium! This was the greatest
situation a guy could hope. Absolute control over 4 nude
beauties! Wow...

Monica continued to respond to Nate's unspoken requests.
Her hand reached down to his crotch and she gently stroked his
cock, for her hand was being guided by Nate's desires and she
could stroke for his maximum pleasure.

In just a few moments, Nate feel an orgasm coming. Monica
bent down and took his cock in her mouth just as he came. His
ejaculation was quite powerful and Monica swallowed a great deal
of it, as this was Nate's pleasure. Some of it ran out of her
mouth and when she stood again, it dribbled down her neck a bit.

"Your power over me can allow me to fulfill even unspoken
desires. We are the ultimate slaves." As she said this, Kelly
and Stephanie licked the come off her face and neck, thoroughly
cleaning their mother.

For some odd reason, Nate now became very tired. He was
instantly supported by the two daughters and helped out of the
tub, to a nearby bedroom. Monica turned down her bed as Nate
was placed in it. She then crawled into bed next to him, laying
half-on him, so one big tit was on his chest. The other two
returned to their rooms and went back to normal sleep. Terri,
who was making food for Nate, continued to cook, nude.

"Well, what is your report, Doctor?"

"Captain, he seems to have just had a wet dream."

"I see, continue to update me if anything else like that
happens, Doctor."

"Understood, Captain. Crusher out."

Hmm, the Captain wants to know if he has another wet
dream, hmm, thought Beverly. Her suspicions about him were
now completely confirmed.

Nate awoke to a female lying next to him, a large tit
providing a support for his cheek. Monica opened her eyes at

"Good morning, Nate. How may I serve you this morning?"
Her disposition was sunny.

"Hello, Monica." Nate was still a little confused.

"Do you like the way my big tit is against you like that?"

"Uh, yes, it's nice."

"Would you like your breakfast?"


"Good, Terri is getting up now to obey your order. Your
control over my sleeping daughters is total."

"They are still asleep?"

"You only have to will them awake."

Nate could feel them waking up. Everything about their
bodies could now feel. This included the fact that all three
girls had to go to the head. It took but a thought of permission
to get them to the bathroom.

"Monica, why are you like this?"

"Like what, Nate?"

"If I were not controlling you, how would you really feel
about me and your daughters?"

"In what way?"

"Like controlling them."

"It would irritate me if I found out my daughters were
your hypnotic slaves. I would be furious."

"So could I make it so you would never know."

"Of course. My mind is yours to program. I can feel or
remember whatever you desire. It is that way with all of us.
Your control over our minds and bodies is complete."

Kelly entered her mother's bedroom. Her attire was as
absent as the night before. She had a smile on her face and
she sat on the bed, next to her mother.

"Hello, Nate."

"Uh, hi, Kelly."

Kelly reached over and began to gently stroke her mother's
nether region. Her fingers lightly explored her mom's muff.

"Thank you, Kelly."

"No problem, Mom."

"Uh, am I making you do that?"

"Your lust is so strong, I cannot help myself."

"Do you two do this...uh...normally?"

"No, Nate, all the women of this family are completely
heterosexual. But your lust fills all of us and my offspring
and I must act upon it. Kelly is most sexually active of all
of us, so she contains her desires poorly."

"You are the most active, Kelly?"

"Oh, yes, Nate. I fuck at least three times a week."

The extreme casualness of this remark excited Nate.

Stephanie and Terri arrived at about the same time.
Terri set down the tray over the top of Nate's belly while
Steph moved him to a sitting position.

The breakfast looked and smelt great! Eggs over-easy,
bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, fresh fruit, it was all
good and in mass quantities. Nate could see no beverage
though. He looked up at Terri, who was standing next to him,
Steph being to her left.

"Here is a drink." Terri said as she leaned forward and
put one of her tits in Nate's mouth.

The milk was warm and sugary. It tasted pretty good.
Nate was beginning to develop a second skin about things, less
and less was bothering him.

He ate the great breakfast and drank from Terri's tits,
as the morning rolled on.

"There is no other way, I must go in."

"Deanna, do you understand the risks? With the strange
energies now coursing his mind, it could trap you too, just
as he is trapped."

"I've got to do this, Will. I should have seen the
signs sooner. I don't know why I didn't. I cannot turn my
back on someone who needs my help."
"Ship Counsellor's Log, Stardate 13.87.7. I have decided to
enter the mind of Petty Officer Nathaniel Pisarkiewicz to attempt
to see why he has entered a coma-like condition. It is risky, as
unusual mental energies are travelling through his brain. I see no
other way to help him. I feel responsible for failing to see how
desperate his condition was and I hope I can bring him back to

Deanna then left her office and travelled to Sick Bay, where
Nate still rested on the diagnostic table, unaware of anything.

She entered and saw Dr. Crusher and Data, discussing his

"So you see Data, his body is mutating. Into what I don't

"It would seem reasonable to assume that the unusual lump of
muscle forming in his chest is a second heart."

"I agree. Heart muscle is only found in one place in the
human body and is used for only one thing."

"I am ready to go in now."

"Oh, Deanna, great. I have set up a bed next to his, so you
can touch him if you need to."

"I won't need to touch him, but I do need to be as close as

"Counsellor, is this technique similiar to the techniques
used by Vulcans?"

"Yes, it is."

Ever since he had met Spock, Data was most intrigued by
anything Vulcan.

"Would it be a disturbance if I were to observe?"

"No, Data. Not at all."

Deanna lied down on the table next to Nate. She shut her
eyes and projected her mind out to Nate's. Entry was surprisingly
easy. This worried her. Usually, only a willing fellow psionic
could make the entry this easy.

And so Deanna attempted to probe what was the universe like
that Nate's mind had been trapped in. She looked into his thoughts
and found something she hadn't expected.

Four nude women surrounded him in his fantasy-trap. One lay
next to him, while a younger one probed her vaginal area. A third
was withdrawing her nipple from Nate's mouth, while a fourth stood
next to the bed, tall and waiting, so it seemed. Deanna was not
the voyeuristic type and so let Nate be. She had to find a way to
link a fantasy creation of her own into Nate's fantasy and have him
travel into it. Then she could pull him out. She decided the direct
approach might be best.

A security team beamed into the bedroom which currently housed
Nate and his 'friends'. Lt. Worf spoke to him.

"Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz!"

Nate immediately noticed the burly Klingon and his 2 fellow
officers. The women all fell fast asleep in an instant. Nate did
not answer the Security Chief but looked at him, his face turning
quite a few different shades of red.

"Worf to Enterprise. I have located Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz.
Four to beam up."

Just like that, the four spacers left the bedroom on the planet
Ogimmemo and arrived in the transporter room. The transporter operator
at that time was Ensign Kate Terwillinger, who had been seduced by a
roguish pirate several seasons earlier. She vowed not to let it
happen again.

Worf turned to one of his security men, to have him get a uniform
for the enlisted man with them, when he noticed this was not necessary.
The enlisted man was already dressed. He was sure that he had been
naked on the bed a few moments before. Worf decided to think about this
later and said to his men.

"Counsellor Troi wishes to see this man right now. Can you make
it to her office on your own, Petty Officer?"

"Yes, sir, I am pretty sure I can."

"Very well." With that, Worf and the team left. As they did so,
Kate reactivated the transporter and beamed four more people up from
the surface. Her look was a bit on the blank side. Monica and her
three daughters materialized on the pads, nude of course.

"Is there anything else you require of me, Nate?"

"No Ensign, you can just forget this and start a Level 1 diagnostic
on the transporter."

"Sure, no problem."

"Not in uniform, of course, in much more erotic attire."

"It shall be as you wish."

Kate left the transporter room to change her clothes.

"Ladies, follow her. No one should see you."

"Of course, Nate. Come on, girls."

The four women left the transporter room. Nate felt much more
confident about his powers now. Much more...

"Dr. Crusher, has there been any change in the patient's
state?" asked Captain Picard.

"No, Captain, he seems stable."

"Well, that means he isn't getting worse or he is adjusting to
his new condition."

That is obvious, Jean-Luc, thought Beverly.

"That would be my assessment of the situation also, Captain."

"Very well, keep me posted. Picard out."

Beverly loosened the front of her uniform to the middle of her
chest. She hoped whatever Deanna was doing, it could bring her
patient back. She walked over to Deanna and looked at her
fellow officer. Don't lose him, she thought to Deanna. Nate's
mind was already getting into her head, though she could not
realize it.

In Nate's fantasy, Commander Riker entered the transporter room.
He was the first inroad that Counsellor Troi had managed to establish.
He saw Ensign Terwillinger, clad in a short, lacy robe, performing a
diagnostic it looked like, on the transporter.

"Ensign, what are you doing?"

"Performing a level 1 diagnostic on the transporter, Commander."

"On whose orders?"

"Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz's."

"Ensign, I don't know what has gotten into you, but stop the
diagnostic and get back into uniform."

"No sir. I must do as I am ordered."

"I am giving you a direct order, Ensign. Now do it."

"A higher authority has overridden your orders. I cannot obey you."

"That does it." Riker hit his comm badge. "Security, this is
Commander Riker. Send a team to the transporter room, I am confining
Ensign Terwillinger to quarters."

"This is Security, we are on the way."

"Sir, wouldn't you want my body?" Kate dropped the robe to the
ground and walked nude to Commander Riker.

Deanna, who was controlling Will, made him realize what was going
on. Will was separate from her and had his own personality.

The team arrived and escorted Kate away, putting her robe back on
her. She did not resist their efforts. In a few moments, the Ensign
had left the room. Riker called out.

"Computer, location of Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz."

"Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz is in enlisted quarters 34."

Riker headed off. He was going to get to the bottom of this.

Meanwhile, in another part of the galaxy...

Dum, dum, DUM!

"Boulder?" asked the Cylon with Johnathon Harris' voice.

"Yes, Lubricant?" answered the human, spinning around in his

"When will we beat the humans?"

"Now." Boulder pushed the button and the humans were destroyed.
Of course, he was destroyed too, everyone but Doctor Z and most of
the girls he had inoculated (Doctor Z, that is) lived. But that is
another story (Galactica 1993).

And now back to the story.

Commander Riker arrived at Enlisted Quarters 34, one of whose
occupants and it's sole occupant at this time was Nate. He, being
polite, buzzed for entry.

"Come in." called back Nate.

Riker entered. Nate was in uniform now and was currently combing
his hair. Deanna remembered that Nate had many antiquidated procedures
about his upkeep, hair combing being one of them.

Nate looked at Riker and acted on reflex. He came to attention.

"All right, Mister, what did you do to Ensign Terwillinger?"


"You heard me. You did something to Ensign Terwillinger. What was

"I did something, sir, that is true. How I did it, I have no idea."

"So you admit to doing something. What exactly did you do?"

For some odd reason, Nate knew exactly what had transpired between
Riker and the Ensign in the transporter room. He told Riker of the
orders he had given her, leaving out the four women, just saying that
he had ordered her to perform a level 1 diagnostic in something sexy.

"Well, Counsellor Troi should be able to get to the bottom of this.
I suggest you report for your appointment immediately."

"Aye, aye, sir." Nate left his cabin and began to walk down the
corridor. He decided to skip a bit and...ZOOM! He was flying down the
passageway. He shifted his body and...WVUMP! He stopped and righted
himself. He could feel things on his body, a belt with items on it,
some sort of skin-tight suit under his uniform. It was strange.

"Doctor, why are you undressing?"

"What do you mean, Data?" answered Beverly.

"You are naked from the waist down."

Beverly looked. Sure enough, Data was right. She had removed her long
jacket and pulled her uniform down around her waist. Her undergarment
lay on the floor. She scrambled quickly to redress as she
answered Data.

"I don't know, Data. This is all quite odd."

Data nodded. "Could it be Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz's mind,
controlling you?"

"It is possible, Data. Then again, we don't know what is happening
to him."

Not far away, the real Ensign Kate Terwillinger decided to take a
stroll as her sleep period continued. Her long white nightgown was
comfortable and sexy as she rose from her rack, her eyes closed and a
pleasant smile on her face. Nate was getting more powerful very
quickly, and he had to be brought out of his state within the next
two pages, before all the women of the Enterprise would answer his

Nate arrived at the office of the Ship's Cunt-seller, I mean,
Counsellor, and buzzed for entry.

"Come in, Nate." Deanna said.

"Petty Officer Pisarkiewicz reporting as ordered, ma'am."

"Sit down, Nate." Nate did as he was asked. Deanna was close to
bringing him out. She just needed a little time alone with him.

"What did you want to see me about, Counsellor Troi?"

"Nate, I have to tell you that you and I are not really here."


"I have joined minds with you as an emergency measure."

"I don't understand."

"You are in Sick Bay now, in a coma. I am next to you."

"Oh, come on! With all due respect, Counsellor, how can that
be? We are here in your office."

"Nate, I don't know if this is a result of the injuries you
sustained in the martial arts class or not, but you are living a
freeform delusion, which you are making up as you go along. None
of this is real."

"But how can you prove it, Counsellor?" Nate was getting more
bold now.

At that moment, the four young ladies from the planet entered
the room. Monica moved to Nate's side, while the other three
moved towards Counsellor Troi. Nate grinned. Troi knew she was

"You had Ensign Terwillinger beam these women aboard?"

"Yep, gotta have some cool women onboard."

"Nate," she decided to appeal to his sense of duty," this is
against Star Fleet regulations."

"Counsellor, I kinda feel unrestricted by regulations now. I
mean I was able to hide these four lovely ladies from the whole crew.
Kinda cool, don't you think?"

"Nate, there is no other crew! We are the only ones who are real
on board!"

"What about Lt. Worf? And the XO?"

"Lt. Worf and Commander Riker were mind-manifestations I created,
just as these four women are mind-manifestations of yours."

"I still cannot believe you."

That is an interesting choice of words, thought Deanna. Cannot
believe, instead of will not believe.

"I can prove to you that this is all a dream."

"Go ahead."

"Troi to Data."

"This is Commander Data. I can't talk for very long."

"You see, Nate? Data's voice is a mind-manifestation, you see
how he used a contraction?" She spoke to Data on the badge again.
"Everything is all right here, Data. Troi out."

"OK, so this is fantasy. So what? It's alot better than
reality." Stephanie moved behind Deanna and placed her hands on
the Counsellor's breasts, while her two sisters stood along side her.

"Nate, you can't spend the rest of your life in this fantasy!"

"Why not?"

Deanna thought for a moment before she confronted Nate with
the answer. She knew, on his world, families were very important,
and that Nate was the only son of his father.

"Nate, your father is counting on you to continue the family
line. How will it look to him when he is on his deathbed and you
are somewhere, on a machine, and he dies without a grandson with
the Pisarkiewicz name? Would you wish that on your father, Nate?"

Nate froze for a moment. His father's voice rode through his
mind. It was not pleasant. He looked up to Deanna.

"That's playing dirty. Don't bring my dad into this!"

"It's true. Your father, in fact your whole family loves you,
and you're going to leave them for a fantasy! All they will see
of you is a shell of a man, in a life support unit. Is that what
you want?"

Tears formed in Nate's eyes. It was time for a catharsis and
Nate cried. He cried and cried. Deanna began to cry too, she was
receiving so much repressed anger and pain that she sobbed. She
walked over to Nate as he stood up. The two embraced and cried
on each other.

The Enterprise Sick-Bay lost power for a moment or two, then
Deanna opened her eyes.

"Deanna," asked Beverly, "what happened? His vital signs, brain
activity all seems to be returning to normal levels."

Deanna wiped her eyes. "I was...successful."

As quickly as Nate's vitals had stabilized, they began to wildly
fluctuate. Data, Beverly and Deanna watched as Nate's features
became soft and white, like a moulder's clay. And then they changed
again, this time, becoming human-looking once more. But they were
not Nate.

The man who now lay on the table and whose eyes had just opened
with a shock, had blonde hair, light and thin. He looked up at
everyone with two green eyes. His features were far from the general
...ugliness of Nate, this man had a boyish handsomeness about him.
But his feet now were over the edge of the table. He was much taller
than his predessecor, over a half meter.

He looked about in wonder at all the people around them, but did
not speak. Deanna heard a voice speak.

"My dear Counsellor."

"Q! I should have known you were behind this."

"I am merely excersizing my ability to reward humans, Deanna."


"Yes, I glanced at his satire at the crew of this ship. Amazingly
amusing. It was a stroke of an angry wit, much like my own."

"So you have changed him into this?"

"Yes, it was a passionate desire of his. He may find though, that
beauty is a curse as well as a blessing. I would hope so."


"Now as for you, for your brilliant performance in extricating him
from his ultimate fantasy, I will not bother Star Fleet for the rest of
this season. Farewell, fair Counsellor!"

And with a wave of his hand, Q departed and Deanna returned to
normal time flow in Sick Bay.

No one, not even Wesley could figure out what had happened to Nate,
but after a few days rehab, he was back at his same job. He felt
better about things, and would spend long hours by himself, sitting
and grinning as he travelled to a Holodeck Of The Mind.

(Good title for the next story, huh?)

END OF PART 3 and the STORY.

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