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My Abduction by Extraterrestrials

by Luc D'aubigne

This is a true story about the horrors I endured when I was abducted by extraterrestrials when I was twenty two years old. These creatures have no soul, the are evil, they care about no one but themselves. If you see a strange object in the sky coming at you, take my warning and run, it will save you alot of mental and emotional pain.

It was a cool summer night on Thursday, August 1987 while I walked along a road on the outskirts of Strasbourg. The moon was full and a gentle wind blew causing the high grass to sway along the road.

Around 1:25 A.M. There was a bright white light coming toward me down the road, a motocycle I thought, but as it came closer I noticed the light was much higher off the road than a motocycles would be. Then when it got about sixty meters to me it rose up in the air and flew above my head and stayed stationary. I could see that there was more than one light, there where three large white lights at the corners of this flying triangle shaped object.

As I gazed up in wonder at this aerocraft it began to slowly spin in 360 degrees, while it was doing this the center of the craft opened up. A strange yellowish-red light came from the opening and the craft had the light centered on me. A strange tingle and burning sensation came over my body, my hands and feet felt like thousands of needles were pricking them.

I started to rise up off the ground, As I rose closer to the opening I could make out details of the underside of the craft, it was a silverish-black reflective metal that I could see my reflection in. In my reflection I could see my eyes were wide open and my mouth slighting hanging open, but I could not feel that they was in this position because my body had become numb.

I was at the opening of the craft and my body began to spin slowly around and I was able to get a 360 degree view of the room I was being lifted in to. The room was circular with what looked like flat moniters with various images, schematics, and sometimes the whole screens had just text on them.

The opening I came through closed and I fell to the floor. I layed there for about five to ten mintues, my body was still numb and I could not move, although I did fall in a position that did allow me to see some of the monitors. On the monitors I saw images of drawings of the human body, images of human organs, and same images of the landscape on Earth.

Then I heard a slight wooshing sound and the sounds of light foot steps coming over to me. The creature came over to me and then walked around to see my face. The creature had brown slick skin, it's head was lightbulb shaped and it had large eyes with irises that were green and it's pupils black. The eyes were mostly white and looked like our human eyes, the irises & pupils were the same size as ours, but the shape of the eye in general was large.

It leaned down close to my face and squinted it's eyes. I heard inside my head a monotone voice that said "This one is still conscious." and another monotone voice also filled my head that said "Bring him in, it doesn't matter." At that the creature took a small eletronic device out of the sliverish-blue jumpsuit it was wearing and pointed it at me. It pressed some buttons and my body began to rise off the floor and I was put in flat on my back position and the creature then led me through the door it came through into a dimly lit room and then rested my body down on a table.

I heard the wooshing sound of the door close and the light footsteps of more of these creatures, the came over to the table and looked down on me, there was five of them, they all looked like the first one I encountered, except one was wearing a solid green metalic jumpsuit that had some kind of insignia on it that was shaped like a half circle with a triangle in the middle with letters of some langauge at the bottom of the insignia.

It leaned close to my face and I heard it speak inside my head, "I see you're a tought one, normally your kind goes unconscious once the lifter-beam hits them. How unfortunate for you, although it shall be most interesting for us." He motioned for the others to get to work, I saw out of the corner of my eye that he moved over into the corner of this square shaped room.

One of the creatures placed it's hand on my forehead and moved my head from side to side looking at my face. Then it lifted an instrument with a light at the end and shone the light in my eyes then put the instrument away. It then lifted a handheld device and started to press various buttons. After it had finished it another creature on the other side picked up a long slender metal instrument and inserted into in the flesh of my arm, I had felt it since my body was no longer numb. After it removed the instrument it handed it to another creature and it went over to the creature holding the handheld device. He took the instrument and did a type of scan of it and handed the metal instrument back.

Two of the creatures sat me up right and took off my shirt then laid me back down. The other two then slipped off my pants and underpants. I heard the creature in the corner say inside my head "What is about to happen to you is small compared to what we could do to your species peach skin." Peach skin probably was in reference to my Anglo skin color, and probably meant to be offensive, but I took no bother at his name calling.

A sharp instrument was inserted into my leg and I begain to move a little, but not enough to defend myself. I looked around and saw one of the creatures take it's jumpsuit off. Its body was slender and brown. The creature then stradled me on the table and rub up against my penis. This caused me to get an erection, after I had obtained an erection it then placed it's hand on my penis and guided it into the hole inbetween it's legs that was seeping some type of blue sticky liquid. Once the head of my penis touched the orifice it begain to burn, the my whole penis was inside it the pain increased, the green liquid that came out of the hole began to burn my penis and testacles. It moved up and down on my shaft and then I reached orgasm, the creature then moved off of me and put it's cloths back on. I looked down and saw my penis, testacles and surrounding skin with acid burns, the pain was unbearable. I could not scream out or pass out, whatever they injected me with early must have prevented from these things.

They turned me over and then spread my buttcheeks and then inserted various sharp instruments into my anus, one instrument they inserted in me travled through my intestines and into my stomach. Pain filled my instestines and stomach during this and my eyes rolled in the back of my head. After they finished with the anal tests the flipped me back over.

The creature that brought me in came through the door and then used that electronic device to lift me off the table and take me into another room, which was quite large and triangluar. In the center of the room was a big machine type device that looked like a large tanning bed with tubes and wires sticking out.

I was placed in this tanning bed type device and the lid was shut. A greenish-blue light scan down my body and to my amazement the pain started to go away and the damage done to my body began to heal. The lid opened and I looked down at my penis and testicles and there were back to normal.

Another of these creatures came in the room with my clothes and threw them at me and I heard it say inside my head "Get dressed." and I did as I was told. They then led me back to the circular room I had arrived in. Various images of humans were flashing across the monitors in the room and then part of the floor opened up again from the same spot I had came up through. We were close to the ground I could see grass about nine meters from the opening. The creature pushed me and I fell through the opening and hit the ground with a slight thud.

I rolled over on the ground and looked up. The triangluar shaped craft flashed it's three white lights at me and took off with great speed. I looked at my watch and it was now 3:50 A.M. and I was in the same spot I had been taken from.

I had noticed I was trembling and slowly got up off the ground and then went into town. I told no one, of all things I had forgotten to bring the gas can. I called a tow truck service and had my car brought to the gas station so I could fill it up.

I have kept my experience to myself until now. It is July 17, 2003 that I decided to write this down and release it to the internet community. Please take care on walking along the deserted roads at night.

(Translated to English from French in June of 2004.)

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