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ICML Common Object Element Types

by IC Sub-Working Group

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ICML Common Object Element Types
The column headings of this table have the following meanings:
·	Name:  The identifier of a specific element type.  Must be unique within the class of documents defined by a DTD or schema.  It is the tag name.
·	Content:  The type of content permitted for the named element.  The four supported content types are elements, mixed, text, and EMPTY.
à	Elements means that the named element consists solely of sub-elements; it does not directly contain any character data.
à	Mixed means that the named element contains character data (text), but that other non-structural elements may be floating in the text.  This is the type of content represented by an ordinary paragraph that contains such floating elements as footnote references, the names of persons, bold-faced or italicized strings, etc.
à	Text means that the named element contains only character data.  The character data will not contain any tags.
à	EMPTY means that the named element has no content.  The named element may be a placeholder for content that will be inserted later by the software
·	Content Model:  The DTD syntax for the model of the named element’s content.  The following symbols are used in this column to denote optionality and repeatability.  An object must occur exactly once, unless modified by one of these symbols.
?	a question mark indicates that the object is optional; that is, it may occur 0 or 1 times
+	a plus sign means that the object is both required and repeatable; i.e., it must occur at least once, and may occur multiple times in sequence
*	an asterisk means that the object is optional, but also repeatable; i.e., it may occur 0 or more times
·	Attributes:  The names of the attributes of the named element, if any.  Descriptions of the attributes may be found in the second table of this report.

Name 	Content 	Content Model 	Attributes 
security	Elements	(US-SECURITY | NONUS-SECURITY)?	secur-display
portionmark	Elements	(US-SECURITY | NONUS-SECURITY)?	secur-display
emphasis	Mixed	(#PCDATA | location | event | country | facility | date | mil_unit | org | person | nomen | georef | term | time | emphasis | superscript | subscript | source | footnote | quote | equation | rewrite)*	type
superscript	Text	 	 
subscript	Text	 	 
quote	Elements	(portionmark? , text)	orignator, date
source	Elements	(portionmark , text)	type, docno, agency, vendor, producer, origdate, title, identifier
footnote	Text	 	 
equation	Elements	(portionmark? , graphic , source?)	 
rewrite	Elements	(orig , sub+)	 
orig	Elements	(text)	 
sub	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
description	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
media	Elements	(portionmark, (audio | graphic | photo | map | imagery | montage | video | i3do | animation), title , caption?, textbox? , mediacopyright? , legend?)	refid
audio	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation     
graphic	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
photo	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
map	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
imagery	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
montage	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
video	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
i3do	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
animation	EMPTY	 	file, exhibit_id,             graphsty, llcordra,              rucordra, reprowid,                     reprodep, hscale,                      vscale, scalefit,                     hplace, vplace,                       coordst,             coordend,           rotation
caption	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
textbox	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
mediacopyright	Text	 	 
legend	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
text	Mixed	(#PCDATA | location | event | country | facility | date | mil_unit | org | person | nomen | georef | term | time | emphasis | superscript | subscript | source | footnote | quote | equation | rewrite | para | media | table | textlist | note)*	 
para	Elements	(portionmark , title? , text , textlist?)	 
textlist	Elements	(item+)	type
item	Elements	(portionmark? , text , textlist?)	 
note	Elements	(portionmark , text)	 
verbatim	Elements	(portionmark? , text)	 
sidebar	Elements	(portionmark , title? , (para | media | table | textlist | note | quote | equation | verbatim | fielded_data)*)	 
fielded_data	ANY	 	 
acronym	Text	 	 
abbrev	Text	 	 
definition	Elements	(text)	 
Attributes of the Common Elements
The column headings of this table have the following meanings:
·	Attribute Name:  The identifier of a specific attribute of a given element.  Must be unique within the set of attributes defined for the given element.
·	Element:  The name of the element to which the named attribute applies.
·	Data Type:  The type of value permitted for the named attribute.  The five supported value types are string, name, id, idref, and enumeration.
à	String means that the value of the named attribute may be a string of arbitrary (that is, not restricted by a pattern or length) character data.  
à	Name means that the value of the named attribute must be made up of the same types of characters as are permitted for use in element and attribute names.  The permissible characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen, underscore, period, colon.
à	id means that the value of the named attribute is a unique identifier; that is, the value does not appear as an attribute of type id anywhere else in the containing document.  This type of attribute serves the same function as a bookmark in conventional wordprocessing.  It provides a uniquely-named target for cross-referencing.
à	idref means that the value of the named attribute corresponds precisely with the value of another attribute whose data type is id.  In other words, this attribute is pointing to (cross-referencing) a bookmark elsewhere in a document.
à	enumeration means that the value of the named attribute is a “pick list” of alternatives.  The person authoring the data may pick one alternative from those enumerated in the vertical-bar-separated list.
·	Constraints:  This column shows the enumerated alternatives.
·	Use:  Usage of the named attribute is either required or optional.  Required means that the author or other creator of the data is obligated to provide an explicit value for the named attribute.  Optional means that it is not a parsing error if the named attribute has not been specified.  This parameter is used by authoring and parsing software to alert the data creator or consumer when a required attribute has been neglected.
·	Value:  A default value to be used by a software application in the event that a value has not been explicitly specified for the named attribute.  Only meaningful if the Use parameter is optional.  If a default value has not been defined for the named attribute, it’s value is undefined; however, a software application may have been programmed to interpret the omitted attribute in a given way.

Attribute Name 	Element 	Data Type 	Constraints 	Use 	Value 
agency	source	string	 	optional	 
coordend	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
coordst	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
date	quote	string	 	optional	 
docno	source	string	 	optional	 
exhibit_id	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	string	 	optional	 
file	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	string	 	optional	 
graphsty	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
hplace	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	enumeration	left | right | center	optional	 
hscale	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
indicator	shared (3)	enumeration	y | n	default	n
llcordra	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
origdate	source	string	 	optional	 
orignator	quote	string	 	optional	 
producer	source	string	 	optional	 
refid	media	id	 	optional	 
reprodep	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
reprowid	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
rotation	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
rucordra	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
scalefit	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 
secur-display	shared (2)	string	 	optional	 
title	source	string	 	optional	 
type	textlist	enumeration	bullet | number	default	bullet
type	source	enumeration	sourcenote | ba-sourcenote	required	 
type	emphasis	enumeration	b | i | u	default	b
vendor	source	string	 	optional	 
vplace	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	enumeration	top | middle | bottom | none	optional	 
vscale	audio, graphic, photo, map, imagery, montage, video, i3do, animation	name (nmtoken)	 	optional	 


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