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The World Conservation Bank: Money Engine for the Next Long Wave?

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Money Engine for the Next Long Wave?

With this article, the Project ventures into the minefields of economic prediction. However, our predictions will not be made with the usual arrogance, buttressed with appeals to greed and fear, that is usual in the investment newsletter business. Instead, laying our assumptions bare, we will suggest what the economic consequences of our theories might be. Remember, even if the Project theory is essentially correct, our economic predictions based on "reading the conspiracy" could go astray. First of all, the plans of the con- spirators may fall short of their objectives. Second, the conspirators can change their timing and plans at will, partly, no doubt, for the very purpose of throwing sand in the eyes of "outsider investors" such as our readers! Remember, its your money! Use your own judgement, too!

Readers unfamiliar with the "Establishment's" long held plans to establish a one-world Central Bank and one-world flat currency under the color of world conservation-ecology, should read the issue of the Money Changer enclosed with this issue of the Project. While not everything George Hunt and F. Sanders say is correct from the point-of-view of the Project (too much fear-mongering, too little objective analysis), the article-interview does admirably draw together the relevant facts and background with an emphasis on the amazing intensity of conspiratorial activity right now!

Kontradiev was a Soviet economist commissioned to prove that the end of capitalism was nigh. Instead, his statistical studies revealed a 54 year "long-wave" cycle of economic activity in the Anglo- dominated world economy. According to the Project theory this cycle is driven by an unavoidable cycle of conspiratorial activity within the ruling class-conspiracy. While the conspiracy always boasts as if their plans will usher in a permanent "millennium", and might even believe such to be the case, in fact, all ruling class bolstering strategies eventually run out of steam and have to be re- invigorated on a grander scale than before. Here too the maxim, "Grow or Die" is all too true. The ruling class-conspiracy must tighten its world-dominating embrace or eventually lose it to other more robust social organisms.

As Kontradiev discovered, this cycle of conspiracy and re-conspiracy is approximately 54 years. (I don't think it is a co-incidence that 54 years is also the approximate "useful life" of a healthy, virile human being.) Thus, we saw the British prefected, but fraudulent, "gold exchange" standard wipsaw the world economy from boom to bust twice in the 19th Century with increasing force as silver and national currencies were progressively eliminated or de-emphasized by British machinations in America and throughout the world in the later part of the Century. In 1913, in conjunction with plans for world-war, the first real basis for a world flat currency was laid. The Federal Reserve Bank as founded by the U.S. agents of the ruling class- conspiracy. With the resulant, purer flat, U.S. dollar then serving as an "imperfect" world currency, the world was wipsawed from an initial boom to a 1929 bust of unprecedented proportions to the wild post WWII boom to the degrading stagnation of the late 1970's and 1980's. If the 54 year figure is exactly correct, and there is no reason to think it is exact, we should be somewhere near the "bottom" of the long-wave economic cycle, the ripest time for the conspirators to impose their strategy for their next "long-wave" of increasing economic activity on a suitably numbed, disillusioned, and shattered populaces!

We are not going to take a definitive position on the ultimately scientific question of the Establishment's "limits to growth" thesis. But make no mistake, if you believe that humanity is fast approaching the earth's ecological limits to growth, the Establish- ment's plan or some other like it, must be implemented soon! And, of course, such things as national sovereignty, prosperity, economic growth, individual rights, unrestricted reproduction, etc. have to be abolished! Frankly, while we can have no definitive scientific opinion at this time, the vested interests of the ruling class promoters of "ecological concern" raise serious doubts in our mind. Recent attempts by the mass-media to claim that this summer's dought was caused by the long-feared "greenhouse" effect were very suspicious. Many droughts of this intensity have occurred throughout history. A lack of historical perspective among the populace, including these intelligentsia, has been a major factor in allowing ecology hysteria to achieve near religious intensity in our society. Nevertheless, through skillful propaganda, ecology is now the religion of America and most of the developed world. The conspiracy has successfully set the stage for the imposition of the World Conservation Bank in the name of ecology, specifically the preservation of vast stretches of wilderness and under-developed land, approximately 30% of the earth's surface!

In ecological theory, or at least for propaganda purposes, it is believed that the preservation of these lands as wilderness areas is necessary to prevent catastrophic climactic changes and to preserve untold numbers of animal and plant species that would otherwise be rapidly destroyed. In economic theory it is necessary to put these areas "off-limits" if the next long-wave boom cycle is to have the characteristics planned by the ruling class-conspiracy. The conspiracy needs the increased economic activity to prevent wholesale revolt, but does not want to repeat the cycles of real growth and progress that have accompanied previous booms and created challenges to its rule. Without the wilderness 30% of the world's surface and the seabed, already controlled by the UN, growth in the use of natural resources will be restricted in an unprecedented way. The next "long-wave" boom, if the Establishment is really able to eliminate or even significantly slow-down wilderness development, will involve high natural resource prices and, therefore, extremely "labor intensive" economic activities. Unless human ingenuity, under the stimulus of massive money creation by the new, one-world central bank, can somehow squeeze blood out of a misery world- wide. Workers will be frantically over-employed, but, often futiley. As long-sought by establishment figures such as Bertrand Russell, they will be dropping like flies world-wide due to the imposed limits to growth. Population will have to decline or at least stay consant under the proposed system! No more surplus people idling about and getting by on handouts from abundant resources! Lets work them into early graves on a wholesale basis!

Contrary to Mr. Hunt and Sanders, however, there is no theoretical flaw in the economic aspects of the conspiracy for a world central bank based on ecology. The scheme will generate the "income" required to solve the 3rd world debt impasse by raising the price of natural resources! Fruits, nuts, hides, and berries will not be involved. Oil, copper, lumber, etc. will be involved due to restricted supplies and the world resource monopolies and cartels already in place. Invest accordingly!

Please see the reprinted map of the wilderness lands proposed to be taken off the market and used as collateral for the World Conserva- tion Bank. Note that almost none of the land is in America or Western Europe! This means that it is primarily the development of the Soviet Union, South America, Asia, and Africa that the ruling class-conspiracy plans to halt! This is in line with long standing Project claims that the conspiracy's plans aim primarily at halting the development of new power blocs. Communism was originally the prescription to stop Russia and China from catching the West. Now it appears that "Ecology" will be used for the same purposes world-wide. Though, of course, the American standard of living will be adversely affected by the World Conservation Bank scheme, the most severe damage will be done to the Soviet Union, Africa, and South America. We will not join the chorus of conspiriologists claiming that the conspircy is aimed primarily against America. As usual, America remains in the circle of the conspiracy's "chosen people". See the latest Plain Truth for the British Israel theory regarding the world's chosen countries: Britian, America, Australia, Canada, Scandinavia, Holland, Germany, etc.

By the way, expect preservation of wilderness to be more effective in South America and Africa where the Anglo-Cabal's military power can be readily brought to bear than in the Soviet Union and China. Propaganda can go only so far in enforcing this kind life crushing austerity. Will South Africa be the enforcer of "no develop- ment" in Africa? Will it be the current or post-apartheid regime that does the enforcing or AIDS?


Winter 1988/89 Volume VI, Number 1

The World Conservation Bank

In the Light of

Kontradiev and Conspiracy

To the Editor:

Your interpretation of the reasons and effects of the establish- ment of the World Conservation Bank in the Summer 1988 edition of the Project gave me food for thought. I can now see that other roads are bound to cross in 1989/90; in your eyes, the near- completion of a Kontradiev 50-54 year cycle.

I cannot help but wonder if Kontradiev was a "hired visionary" of the conspirators. Not a pure futurologist but, similar to Karl Marx, a hired author-lackey of The City of London.

EDITOR'S REPLY: Clearly, Kontradiev was commissioned by the Soviets to prove through statistics the Marxist theory that capitalism was heading for a final, apocalyptic crisis-depression that would usher in world communism. Instead, to his great surprise and to the dismay and anger of his Soviet bosses, he discovered that the London directed, capitalist world economy is cyclical and that it repeatedly has recovered from devastating depressions and, contrary to Marxist dogma, was likely to do so again! ********** Could it be that Kontradiev's views are to mislead our generation into thinking that the imminent world collapse is not actually by design; that it is "inevitable, given the natural course of conspiracy"? The idea is certainly challenging and, if I heard you correctly in your Summer 1988 World Conservation Bank article, you at least considered the possibility.

EDITOR'S REPLY: Kontradiev's ideas (written for the 20's and 30's, not our generation) are scoffed at by our generation and he made no mention of the ruling class/conspiracy as the cause of his perceived "long-cycle". In fact, he just compiled the statistics that showed the cycle. He didn't even speculate on the driving function of the cycle. =That is my theory!=

The conspiracy is preaching ecology, not 50 year cycle theory, to cover its tracks during the current "down" period and crises.

Kontradiev had no facts-at-hand with which to project a 54 year cycle.....vast increases in technology...wars, peaces, inflations, recessions, third world debt, space program...My only conclusion is that he was playing darts blind-folded--and he got close to the time target, ie Today. Or "a little red bird" told him the target date and he merely compiled his theories to fit the target. "A lucky shot in the dark."

EDITOR'S REPLY: No way! The 50-54 year cycle is very clear when such indicators of economic activity as retail prices, whole- sale prices, unemployment rates, etc. are plotted versus time. Of course, since the abandonment of gold by FDR, the cycle is no longer absolute, but a fluctuation in an overall upward motion of prices based on the now unlimited issue of flat paper money. The theory predicts wars, recession, inflation, ect! Third world debt is not something unique to our generation. Only its scale has changed. Unpayable world debt as a means of Imperial Power is as old as the Bank of England...and older still back to Venice, the Lombards, Rome, Babylon. Believe it or not, it is the boom cycle that the conspiracy "plans". The bust is inevitable and must be "managed" to avoid losing power to the inevitable populist movements that accompany "hard times".

A keen observation of your highlighted your entire article although, in your opinion, it was just a casual observation. It was your "gut feel" and came out something like this: "Kontradiev's 54 years is also the approximate useful life of a healthy, virile human being". Well said! I thought of that "virile human life-span" as the "Total activity time of a generation of Rothschilds", and all sorts of interesting hypotheses and chuckles emerged from it.

How much damage to society can a family of Rothschilds, roving to and from upon the earth, inflict upon the human race? And how long will it take before the inevitable collapse? Answer: fifty-four years of damage before a New Era for the good of mankind will be established.

I agree that cycles of economic activity seem to be determined by the consensus of an Elite Ruling Class. The end of our 54 year rainbow is the beginning of Their Millenium -- and they designed the rainbow...I wonder what a deluge looks like!

EDITOR'S REPLY: Each generation thinks it is very special. Therefore, it tends to think in apocalyptic terms such as the above. In fact, as Kontradiev's statistics show, no millenium is coming, just another ugly cycle to dash the hopes of another generation.

The "Grow or Die" maxim of which you spoke in your analysis of the conspirators is a valid human constant on which they could readily depend. It is much like the hyper-kineticism of the Tower of Babel activists and followers which the Holy Scriptures suggest: "Go to. Let us get bricks and slime! Go to. Let us build a tower! Pant. Pant. Isn't this great? Aren't we having fun reaching to the stars?

From the multinational corporate life, the political demagoguery in the media, to church building programs, the Leaders use the rallying cry of "Grow or Die", a neurosis, an illusion, of the race of man which the conspirators have used as their carrot since the beginning of civilization. We have borne the yoke of our collective "Grow or Die" madness toward the fulfillment of the "54-year dream". This will soon be changed to "Obey! Our collective survival depends upon it!"

EDITOR'S REPLY: For those who seek power and worldly success, "Grow or Die" is not a delusion but a principle of the science of human action, ie. praxeology. This law of praxeology springs from the very nature of competition. If an organized elite does not expand its wealth and power others will!

I now address your hypothesis that the 34% of the earth's land surface which is to be set aside "for generations to come" will effectively remove the raw materials of tomorrow's "boom cycle". I agree with this, but corporate or individual creditors who own the "mortgages" on specific wilerness lands may exploit the wilderness lands in case of default. Consider the hypocrisy for a moment: hundreds of conservationists who love the wilderness and nature were deceived into believing that the Wilderness Lands of the World would actually be protected by these World Bankers. To the contrary, the "protection" of these lands can be equated to gift-wrapping them into a neat little package wherein the "protected lands" can more easily be exploited and ruined at the whim of the World Conservation Bankers. What hypocrisy! But even worse, how stupid and irresponsible of mankind to believe in the Trojan Horse! And how they swallowed it hook, line, and sinker at the 4th World Wilerness Congress! According to Maurice Strong, a key spokesman at the Congress, the Congress was conceived and convened by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Need I say more?

I also believe that there will be no "boom cycle" in the future of mankind. Rather, prosperity after the Inauguration of January 20th, 1989 and beyond might very well be defined as "a rapidly- descending curve leading to an asterisk" for no better way to explain our staggering losses to our way-of-life soon to befall us. The New Era may be the beginning of an Orwellian Consensus society in which only the very elite, ie, the Inner Party, will enjoy economic happiness.

EDITOR'S REPLY: Here I agree with only slightly different emphasis. The coming boom will be a relative increase in economic activity. However, since new natural resources will be held-off the market to an unprecedented extent, the boom will be grindingly labor intensive. I agree that the boom may lack the "feeling of prosperity" for most stratum of society, but they will be working instead of walking the streets or idling in welfare squalor. Yes, the wilderness conservation idea is likely to turn-out to be controlled < > se in practice. The purpose of the control < > s to keep natural resource < > artels. The Rothschilds have always been < > ig in mining, ie. Rio Tinto, etc.

I am reminded of the World Conservation Bank caucus which I attended on September < >, 1987, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress. < > Canadian international banker named David < > ng made an unpleasant public utterance < > follows: "We must not sell this Bank through a democratic basis. That would cost far too much in time and money to educate this cannon fodder which, unfortunately, populates the earth. We must take a more elitist point-of-view.." This poor little rich boy has lost his heart and soul to the conspiracy, it seems. We, the Common Man, the Cannon Fodder as Mr. Lang describes us, have seen the last of prosperity.

Yes, the re-designation of wilderness lands into "No Trespassing Areas" will remove minerals and productive potential from future wealth propagation categories. But they are assigned to a new label: "Reserved for religious purposes." The "wilderness experience" is reserved for some of us who have to "think about life" for a little while in the opinion of Big Brother. Far-fetched? No more so than Keynsian Economics, A Fair and Just Peace, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, a 54 Year Cycle, or the New Deal.

EDITOR'S REPLY: Apparently you find the "wilderness experience" an alien pagan-like religious ceremony based on your interpretation of Christianity. Whatever the truth of your view, the wilderness experience is very American, as old as the Frontier. It was the basis for our system of National Parks and Federal Lands promoted so lng ago by the arch-agent of the conspiracy, Teddy Roosevelt. We have already seen the "Wilderness Conservation" program in miniature here in the US. Interestingly enough, the public will be increasingly denied the "wilderness experience" such as it is. The experience with American National Parks shows that the public can only destroy wilderness if allowed near it.

Again, there is no evidence that the conspiracy pushes the little known Kontradiev theory of which we have chosen to remind our readers. It is in no way becoming a new economic catch-phrase like "New Deal", "Fair Deal", "Keynesianism", or "Ecology".

Mr. Miller, thank you for your research. Obviously, I value your opinions; otherwise I would not be a Supporting Subscriber. I hope your readers invest in my tapes and/or transcript-documentation manual of same, so that they too may listen to the voices of Rockefeller, Rothschild, Sweatman, Strong, and Lang and hear what they have to say about Our Common Future. Our Common Future ain't so bright-- the 54th year is upon us!

Respectfully submitted,

George W. Hunt, Official Host 4th World Wilderness Congress 95 Camino Bosque Bolder, Colorado 80302 (303) 449-8781


Notes taken from tape #1

Speaker: George Hunt

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-4th World Wilderness Congress -September 11, 1987, day the Congress officially started -brought in Sept. 10, 1987 as host -had on blue ribbon with name on it -could go anywhere in the Congress -ask anyone, anything he wanted to

-Edmond de Rothschild scheduled Congress -E Rothschild is foremost world-wide financier who is in charge of financing countries and kings -family has done this for 300 years -admitted at the meeting that two years after Captain Cook was in Japan, his family was already making deals in 1895 in Japan -influence is world-wide, particularly Eastern (Romanian oil fields), (world Dutch shell interest)

-David Rockefeller's interests are western -franchise on Western Oil -owners and controllers of the 7 Sisters / the 7 largest oil companies in America -"Seven Sisters" also called the Pleidas / "NA-ers" claim to get information from Pleidas / Spiritual Transmissions

-He / George Hunt / was uniquely suited to understand the "conspiracy" -used the word "conspiracy" because people whispered together in a covert connection to do some dirty work against the U.S. and Jesus Christ and against the people -"uniquely suited" because he had taught accounting at a college level, taught business at a college level -25 years business experience -19 years engaged by an enteprenuer of his own business called Medical Resources -analyzing businesses and seeing what is wrong with them and being able to take all of these valuables he had seen in the business and come up with conclusions that are correct in their business to save the business -is a "business doctor" -When he heard the under tones, the nuances, going on in the speeches of the Congress, he knew there was a conspiracy where others might have just had the words pass over their heads

-Secretary of Treasury James Baker III, made the opening (penal) address, he said that Conservation requires growth and development interest to be involved in it -Then he / GH / realized something was not true because conservation (antipathate with, growth), and development. They are mutually exclusive -Then saw the world-bankers at the Congress and the UN (under) Secretary Generals, and the Secretary General who he had dinner with, Secretary of Treasury, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds... he asked himself why they were suddenly interested in conservation -The world bankers are the ones who have destroyed the rain forests down in Brazil

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-History of World Bank under Robert S. (Maltonmerier) who designed the Viet Nam War left Viet Nam in 1967 and went over to World Bank (loans) where he became the President -Set up massive loans that were given without the permission of the American people -Was a token rubber stamp for the massive loans to go out of our world banking system and into Brazil, Mexico, and Latin American countries -Do not know ho money was spent except in Brazil where huge highway connecting inner-parts of Brazil with the coast -Highway still does not function properly because it was designed poorly and it floods when rains come and billions were spent on it and billions on dams that did not work, rain-forests were slashed down and ruined and our oxygen-generating areas of the world were desolated by the very people who were saying that they wanted to save our ecology, save our biospheres and keep world safe for mankind

-Congress was 6 days long, 1500 people were registered to attend (from 60 different countries) -When he arrived he was invited to the opening party -Noticed one of the name tags was Edmond de Rothschild

-"Our Common Future" booklet -Then went up to Estes Park after 3 days in Denver for 4 days of "short-sleeve" sessions -Under Robert S. (Malcnewmayor's) leadership in the 1960s/ an amassing today, of 1.1 trillion dollars in debt and (acrued) interest most of which cannot be paid back by the 3-world countries has accumulated -400 billion of this, according to David Rockefeller, is owed to a number of commercial banks including his own bank (the Chase Manhatten) -The Brazilian confided with him that these loans cannot be paid back, they are uncollectible / most of these loans are owed to the American banking system -We have 150 billion dollars in equities in our banks which can absorb the shock of the first 150 billion dollars which is written off -After the first 150 billion dollars is written off, next 750 billion dollars comes out of depositors' hands of the bank because the bank equity cannot handle these losses -We have been propelled by the World Bank in our U.S. economy that either way we lose -If we do not have a World Conservation Bank established as a result of this Congress that will take out this debt and refinance it using the World Wilerness lands as col- lateral / if we do not have this World Conservation Bank, our U.S. economy will collapse

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-We are at the point of collapse now -The banking authorities who investigate banks (hammering) our U.S. bank and saying 'You have to write off this debt, this is uncollectible' / the loans have gone into (non-acruel) and the countries have already admitted that they cannot repay / and you have to write this debt off, you cannot write this debt off or we will go into financial collapse - either way, you lose

-They plan to create a Super World Bank that will absorb all debts that the World Bank has created -Every bank has to have capitalization -It might be the equity that the people who start the bank pump into the bank / 'Here is $100,000 from me and $100,000 from this guy and let's run this off and get the bank going.' -The collateral in this bank is going to be the 34% of the earth's land surface that is designated by the World Wilerness Leadership Foundation of which Edmond de Rothschild is a trustee, and 34% of the earth is going to be used to collateralize a new currency system -New currency system will be a One World dollar / a United Nations monetary unit and will be administered to the Royal Bank of Canada -Michael Sweetman who is designated by Edmond de Rothschild as the World Conservation Bank President

-Had lunch with Michael S. and said, 'Michael, I have analyzed what I have heard in this Congress up to this point, and cannot see how it can survive because I as an accountant always look for an earnings (engint) in the capital statement and in the capitalization of the bank, something's going to produce earnings, interests, dividens, to keep the bank running and to pay the employees and I don't see it in this bank. I see collateralization coming from worthless wilerness lands and that is why they are "wilderness" lands because no one can get economic order out of it. What's going on Michael?' -Response, 'We're working on it.' -GH> 'You don't have an answer as to how this bank is going to survive and you're going to the IMF World Bank Congress at the end of this month?' -Response, 'We're working on it,' he said in his thick English accent / many Englishmen, Canadian, and common-wealth people attended -GH asked what is going on and Michael responded and promised that he will have a chance to ask these questions in a half-an-hour at the World Conservation Bank caucus -Michael did not call on him -The caucus was a group of his friends

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-Caucus: On Michael Sweetman's right was Morris Strong -Strong is one of the most powerful world figures in world politics -Has had 112 UN laws come up for a vote and all 112 have passed, GH believes, unanimously

-On Sweetman's left was Edmond de Rothschild

-GH had lunch with Michael S. and Mrs. Rothschild and laid out his fears -A "World Banking authority" confirmed his suspicions that the U.S. will go down the tubes very shortly

-John D. Rockefeller, IV / February 1, 1988 / -"I do not know what is going to happen in 1988, but I do know that in 1988 that we've got to lay our base for either this year or surely for next year. Because all of those people out there running for President are making the largest mistake that they've made in their professional lives, because when one of them gets elected in 1989, all of the chickens are coming home to eat. It is going to be an extraordinary year of reckoning in terms of budget process, bold action... it will be the time for it because of a new administration and all kinds of old habits to go out the window if we are going to survive as a nation." -David Rockefeller states that the "Good News" is the collapse of the monetary system that has been predicted by some regarding by each of the major borrowing countries, has been resolved temporarily by extending the debt -"Bad News" is that the collapse of the monetary system will occur in or soon after 1989 -By design brought as a nation to this "crisis"

-Edmond de Rothschild announced the creation of the International World Conservation Bank enactments which includes the Second Marshal Plan -Marshal Plan is used to bail out countries wallowing in their mire / U.S. will be one of them -Dollar will go down the tubes and will have inflation and depression simultaneously / same conditions that existed in pre-revolutionary France 200 years ago and pre-Nazi Germany -U.S. has no culture but to worship the "Almighty Dollar" and when that goes, you are going to see a country that is going to go into "bezerk" areas

-Banks are going to come to these countries including the U.S. and say, 'We have the only dollar that is worth anything.' That is what Rothschild is going to tell the U.S. economists / the World Conservation Dollar because is is the only one that is capitalized and it has value behind it... but there is no value in wilderness lands and there is no earnings (engint) in the World Conservation Bank / It is a fraudulent bank

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-The nation will believe it -We will pledge our natural resources / our natural assets / to this bank... a debt-swap and counter-trade -Every bit of our wealth is going to be counter-traded out of the country and into the Royal Bank of Canada which is a collection (base) for American swapping activities -They will come along as say, 'You can't pay your mortgage, and you're down on your knees, and you're gonna lose your farm? Here, take a WCB loan... 5 years before the first payment and payments are low and it's only 3% interest and you'll be helping "Mother Earth"

-Religious pride -Hitler came and shouted, "The Father Land" -The WCB will sell the Bank as something helping "Gaia" / Mother Earth

-(Embissaries) of Divine Light are into Mother Earth worship

-Earth cannot sustain 6 billion people -Concern that the earth could only sustain 4 billion people -Barbara Marx Hubbard, a channeler in Boulder, CO, stated that her spirit beings said that anyone who was not in the "harmonic vibration" of Mother Earth "Gaia" will be given an opportunity to "reincarnate" / said this at Congress -Who are people who will be given an opportunity to "re- incarnate"? Those who worship the One God / Christians, Jews, Moslems, who will be annihilated

-In booklet everyone received "OUR COMMON FUTURE" - it is a protocol of the UN Environment and Development Commission under leader of Prime Minister of Norway who has been designated by the elite to receive this plan for "Our Common Future" -Booklet involves growth and development choices we must make on capitalism verses allowing human life to be sustained -It is the way natural man will vote / because of our selfish, natural inclination/ for the continuation of growth and development and annihilation of people -People are not important and Mother Earth comes first in New World Religion and people come second -If need quick solution, people will go in order to save Mother Earth or to keep their bellies full because people's God is their belly when speaking of the natural inclination of Mankind

-Currency matters were cloaked under "creating currencies for under- developed countries" -They are called "blocked currencies," or "soft currencies"- which are currencies that are held within the country for environ- mental reasons

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-That these countries... $10 billion to Brazil, in soft currencies, can be spent in the U.S. or England on anything that will aid their conservation efforts -So soft currencies can be created by this bank and converted into hard currencies so we can be debt-swapped by Brazil and people who control Brazil are going to take what we have in our Treasury / which isn't much / and will take soft currency by an enactment and trade it for goods (that services) out of the U.S., pay it from the soft currency and the soft currency will become (de facto) hard currency in the U.S. creating terrific inflation

-Rothschild just came across and was just enacted "yesterday" by the World Economic Summit of the Basic Seven, in Toronto, they are coming up now with 2 exchange... 2 currency determinants that will be based on a (basket of goods)... oil and gold will be included in this barometer of what currency systems should be worth -So we now have a world currency system which is under the manipulation of the Rothschilds because the Rothschilds set the price of gold in London and now the price of gold will be a determinant on the value of currencies

-Rothschilds own the eastern oil

-Rockefellers own the western oil

-Oil will be a determinant in value of currency -So we have families now controlling our currency

-Rothschilds said 150 years ago, "Whoever controls the currency of the country, controls the wealth of the country, and therefore controls the people."

-Personages of the countries / Canada in particular / represented their country and the Environmental Administer of Canada was there and said, 'Canada will support this.' Has had correspond- ants with many provincial Premieres of Canada who also said they will support the Canada's joining the One World Government

-There were no statements, 'My country will do it,' because this Congress merely created enactments that then went to the UN and passed by the UN in October that showed that the people at the Congress were concerned about conservation. Now the UN is going to come back to the countries and at a General Assembly in a UN vote, the U.S. will join the One World Government -The U.S. will not go along with it now since we value our freedom and constitution but when the economy col- lapses and we don't have a leg to stand on, and we saw that revolution was coming up in America because nobody had jobs and food / only 8% are farmers... food distribution will break down / then we will join because of the rumbling of our bellies and the fear

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-People will call upon a savior to save them and the Rothschild bank will come along and debt-swap our freedom for the One World Dollar to save us and will become included in the UN of the world and the U.S. will just be another country under Marxist Constitution -The new One World Government Marxist Constitution says that everyone has freedom of religion unless laws say otherwise

-Ranch in Southern CO -Man who sat to Michael Sweetman's right as Maurice Strong and his wife, Hanna Strong, who own the Baca / an old Spanish-land grant ranch in Crestone, CO in the San Louis Valley -East of the ranch are the Blood of Christ mountains -To the northwest of the ranch are the St. John mountains -Water flows from these mountains into the San Louis Valley and great underground streams which feed the Rio Grande River and Arkansas River -Ranch is 160,000 acres on the (St. Christo mountains) -In the ranch are world-spiritual ashrams from India, England, a Catholic monastery, etc. -Episcopal church has a representative there called (Lindespharn) which turns out is the Protestant representative of bringing Protestant, Catholic, and spiritual religions together because on the ranch is a temple that was built by the (Lindespharn) people in a conformance with Babylonic numerology systems with a lot of 6's in there / 72 seats... 6X6X2 / where leaders of religion sit around in a Rosicrucian-Babylonic system seating arrangement where they will incantate during the sexual union of God the Father and Mother Earth, Gaia, to bring forth the Christ, Matraya -This is at the ( ) where the eastern (rim) meets the western (rim), at the western slope of CO is the point where they feel the Eastern Pacific (rim) is and it is where they meet

-When we join the One World Government, they'll also inaugurate the One World Religion at the same time which comes out of "New Age" and Conservation which will be a worship of "Mother Earth" -The Roman Catholic and Episcopal church are representing Catholicism and Protestantism and the spiritual religions will be in the "Union" / will have a Triad

-(Lindespharn) Temple -Maurice Strong and his wife / who is Bhuddist / said in 1978 that they wish to pursue a dream which is to establish a One World Religion centered in Crestone, CO in the ranch -Margret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger, and many other world leaders are all going down there and nobody knows why

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-Lindespharn is the Episcopal organization that is behind this unholy Temple that is going on down there -GH is an Episcopal and there have already been Satanic rituals in Boulder, CO being allowed in the sanctuary of St. John's Church -Lindespharn was established in 625 by Aden -Aden Christianized the rest of England -Aden founded Lindespharn as the area where the monks worshipped and is now called Holy Island, off the coast of Scottland -Now there is a new Lindespharn here GH shows a picture of Shiela Devi placing a mark on Gary (Broice)'s forehead, a local resident, after their "Fire Ceremony"

-Shows Article: 'At 7 a.m. each morning when John Hayes heads to work in in his truck, Shiela Devi is a short distance away presiding over a Hindu Fire Ceremony and Tessa Bilecky / a Catholic nun / is finishing morning prayers at the Carmolite monastery.' -Catholic monastery at the Baca -GH talked to Catholic priest / Father Victor / there -GH asked, 'What is your mission here on the Baca with this monastery? Doesn't it give you a feeling of insecurity to know that there is a Temple up there that is going to commune God with Mother Earth and that you have all of these Eastern religions around?' -Fr. Victor responded, 'No. We just sit here in this monastery and contemplate. We're not concerned about that.' -GH: 'What do you contemplate on?' -Fr. Victor: 'We contemplate on the sexual union of the Church with God.' -GH asked him to elaborate -Fr. Victor: 'We contemplate on the sexuality of the Church as it is expressed in the song of songs.' -GH: 'Well I'll admit that (there is) a real love poem of Christ and Church, but why is it sexual union and so on...' -Fr. Victor: 'That's our mission.' -The Pope has given them a special mission, directly from the the Pope, and were told to be certain that their mission was fulfilled -GH: 'Why did the Pope tell you that your mission was to be fulfilled and was absolutely necessary?' -Fr. Victor: 'Because we are fulfilling a role that the Pope wants us to fulfill. I don't know, we are just contemplating on the sexual union of the Church with God.' -GH: 'Could it have anything to do with the Lindespharn Temple that has been built there by the Episcopal Church, by the Protestant sector, where they are going to have a so-called sexual union of God with Mother Earth? Are Catholics providing contemplation into the sexual union?' -Fr. Victor: 'I don't know anything about that.'

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-GH: 'You mean you've been here for over a year and a half and you don't know what's going on in this place here?' -Fr. Victor professed ignorance about it although pictures in local newspapers have shown marks being placed on people's foreheads from ancient Fire Ceremonies at the Baca

-When things fall here in America and we join the One World Government, there are going to be events very similar to the rallies Hitler used to capture the minds and imaginations of the German people -(Juadic) types of rallies to usher in the new World Religion founded around Mother Earth -Mother Earth worship system that will be connected with ecological and environmental laws

-William (Reckleshaus), head of the Environmental Protection Agency -GH shows official picture from the Congress -GH points to Wil (Wilgram), William (Reckleshaus) the head of the EPA, and David Rockefeller the head of the Chase Manhatten Bank -William (Reckleshaus) was called, at the Congress, "Mr. Environment" / He is Vice-President of (Wirehauser) Lumber and now suddenly he's "Mr. Environment" which is one of the funny things you see happening in this system -David Rockefeller represented "Mr. Development" and shows David Rockefeller and William (Reckleshaus) having a great "struggle" with one another as one wants to "protect" the environment and the other wants "growth and development" -This was an equation that was presented at the Congress / Conservation vs. Growth and Development -- they say you must "equate" these / -William (Reckleshaus) is ( ) as a ( ) shareholer in American (Water) Development Incorporated that he and Maurice Strong / head of Baca / have a corporation where they want to suck the (Acrofers) dry -(Acrofers) get their water from the Blood of Christ mountains and the San Juan mountains down there / there is a lot water in the San Louis Valley -- millions of acre feet of water -- 1 acre foot is the size of a football field 1 ft high with water -They want to pull 200,000 acre feet (for openers) out of the Baca -GH did a survey and asked the people living down there: 'What will happen if Maurice Strong and William (Reckleshaus) and others pull 200,000 acre feet of water out of the San Louis Valley?' -Without hesitation there was a unanimous response that their land would turn into a waste-land, a desert -These people, at an "environment" Congress, are then going 200 miles South of Estes Park, down into the San Louis Valley of CO and suck the (Acrofers) dry and turn it into a desert

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-Hypocrisy is so deep with these people / they are so false to their word -- Michael Sweetman promised to call on GH, but did not -- and now, to turn their beloved "New Age Capital" into a desert waste-land -These people have no value system except money and power -There are unimaginable amounts of greed on the high levels

-GH shows picture of Satanic alter coming from the Babylonic Kabbalah -Is inside of Temple -Shows (grail) where communion between God and Mother Earth are suppose to take place -GH has full knowledge of how the Babylonic numerology system works -Only a Satanic-minded person could think of something like that / that's not something a person dreams about while they are driving a car up Interstate 65 -Comes from an ax to grind that goes beyond power and money -GH believes that there are people in connection with the One World Government that are "interfacing with Lucifer" -There are rites, according to GH, in the Illuminati organization / the "illuminated ones," you can read about it in the Encyclopedia Britianica (Adam Vicehopp)'s Illuminati organization -Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 / "Mayday" as it is celebrated in Communist Russia -GH believes that this conspiracy exists on an international and Spiritual level and that we are going to come under a "Satanic World Government"

-First part on side 1 of a tape from a World Conservation Congress caucus -Baron Rothschild laughs at humanity by his announcing the idea of using dry ice machines to absorb the earth's CO2 and then transporting the dry ice to the polar ice caps to keep them from melting -Baron Rothschild stated, 'We can solve anything in our World System, all you need is innovation.' -Baron Rothschild: "...come the chilling, doom (layden) ( ) of Dr. Irving (Minser)'s 'Greenhouse Effect.' Perhaps it could be possible to utilize CO2, carbon dioxide, one of it's main (causes), to manufacture dry ice, to maintain the polar caps and actual temperature of the ice there, and maintain that present temperature." -People at Congress swallowed it hook, line, and sinker / they couldn't pick up on the absurdity of that comment that Rothschild made

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-Other side of tape -David Lang, a friend of Michael Sweetman the President of the World Conservation Bank, speaks -Hear mentality of the international banking mind exposed -David Lang, who was one of those who were called on instead of GH / who says he had honest questions about how the Bank was going to survive / urges his friend Michael Sweetman that the International Conservation Banmk not be shared with the common man because we are merely "cannon fodder," rather that the Conservation Bank should be run by the elite society because it is not for us, the common man -He suggests that the International Conservation Bank create a fraudulent situation in the Bank whereby extra currency will be made at the outset so that these developing countries will be given the appearance of paying their interest and loans on time, but is really coming from extra currencies that the Bank is going to create out of worthless wilderness lands -This is a Bank, from its conception, which is already bankrupt / the people who put it together, their morals are "bankrupt" -These people are going to tie in a One World Dollar based upon moral bankrupt principles and The People will believe it -The U.S. will be in (the mire) -We will be given emergency issuances of paper where our Constitution will be abolished "temporarily" by the President under military rule -That general order has already been signed and passed by Congress / that in case of a general emergency, the President can abolish the U.S. Constitution -We will be put in an emergency monetary situation -GH says that the money has already been created and is in vaults, but cannot prove nor disprove it

-Interviewer interjects for a comment -Is not at liberty to use any names -Had interesting phone call from the North East -Person and family had been present in one of his seminars -2 of the persons were Christians and their relatives were not -Relatives came out of curiosity and had been invited by their daughter and son-in-law -Within 2-3 weeks after the seminar, the father paid a substantial sum to take part in a millionaires' forum that was held in San Diego, CA -Person returned and stated to daughter and son-in-law that everything he had heard in the conference at which he had paid a substantial sum to attend, he had heard in religious seminar he paid nothing to attend

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-Daughter called interviewer and requested that he call her father -Interviewer called father -Father said: 'I have friends who have called me in the last several days urging me to take all of my wealth out of this country immediately, that the economy will collapse and is only a matter of time and design, you are too smart to keep all of your money in this country, take it into an offshore bank, translate it into gold, bullion, other currencies... get your money out of this country.' -Father stated that in recent months, he had been down at the Marina where he was giving some attention to his boat and he noticed a gentleman who was having difficulty getting his boat started and decided to go over and offer assistance and became acquainted -This gentleman was a Canadian who stated that he was on assignment in the U.S. and was working with the Canadian Treasury -Gentleman stated that they have printed new money money and they have it in vaults in warehouses in Canada -Gentleman stated that Americans haven't the expertise nor the experience to print colored currency and that the new currency was being printed by contract in Canada, and is presently held in large warehouses awaiting the proper time for distribution -Interviewer says that there is a very sensitive discussion circulating -Acquaintance called interviewer from the West coast, a monied-person -Monied-person said: 'I had made an acquaintance in my travels, a gentleman that is one of the wealthiest men in the world. Because we were making investments in the same areas, I had an occasion to chat with him. He said to me, 'There are things I would like to tell you. I cannot tell you over the phone. I cannot tell you in ordinary places, but when we meet again at a place I choose, there are things I would like to tell you. The American people have no idea what's about to happen to them. They are being manipulated, they are being used. The economy will be brought down by manipulation under the control of certain people in very high places where upon a whole new order will be established, an ordinary people, the working people, will pay a great price.''

---------------------------------------------------------------------- For part 2 of this file, see OWGTAPE1.002 -- Mike Carrillo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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-GH believes there is a time table for setting this all up -Enactments of the Fourth World Wilderness Congress were presented to Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway and head of the United Nations's Environment and Developmnt Commission, on the 200th anniversary of the framing of the U.S. Constitution / celebrated around Sept. 16 / -Go by birthdates -Next summit conferance was held in France on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the French Revolution -GH believes this time table, for the most part, is based on "spiritual information" / Astrology

-World Wilerness Congress is planning on dividing the world into 10 regions -(Archerbald) Roberts handled GH's expose, and knows more about the 10 regions -U.S. has been broken down into regions -Denver, CO is the region center for Montana, Wyoming, and CO -Montana did away with their Constitution -People voted in favor for their Constitution, but the Governor overrode the voice of The People and said they were going to have a new Constitution anyway / now Montana has no free Constitution and they take their "marching orders" from the regional center in Denver, CO instead of their own state -Going on already / going on at the levels of health and human services, H.U.D. -- Health and Urban Development, Federal bureaucracies worked with Montana out of Denver

-David Lang, an elitist, speaks on tape -D Lang: "... when he finally gets his hands into the balance sheet. I suggest therefore, that this be sold not through a Democratic process, that would take too long and (devour) far too much of the funds to educate the cannon fodder, unfortu- nately, that populates the earth. We have to take (almost) the elitist program that we can see the ( ) ( ) ( ) and look to the future in time frames and in results which are not easily understood or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some simplistic definition." -He wants to set up a fraudulent situation to create currency to help the developing countries seem to be paying off their loans -D Lang: "... financial capital base, so that the income (in local) currencies from that capital base could be used with ( ) ( ) capital. Those obviously are very high ideals and (they may not be) realizable. But I fear that if you do not strive for that as your objective...

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all the good work, all the good wishes, all the good money will very quickly come to nothing." -D Lang said that what you have is a capital base that the bank creates wealth from all of these world wilderness lands and that is the capital base that the countries use for their currency, and to get their countries running again -Then Lang wants to create additional currency beyond the capital base in the amount of the interest and loans that will have to be paid off by these countries to give the banks an appearance of profitability -This is obscure and esoteric, but GH was able to catch on to what they were saying -GH spoke to a reporter of a large newspaper who he sat with and said, 'Have you caught on yet with what's really going on at this Congress?' -Reporter: 'What do you mean?' -GH: 'Don't you realize that there is a One World Dollar being set up right in front of us?' -Reporter: 'No. I missed it.' -GH explained to reporter, showing him the capitalization of the bank and how currencies were going to be created -Reporter: 'Is that really going on?' -GH saw him a "recently" and reporter still really couldn't figure it out

-Baron Edmond de Rothschild speaks on tape -This World Bank program / all of these new enactments / are going to be given the Title of The New Magna Carta -Old Magna Carta gave baronial land rights to Barons in England -New Magna Carta will give Baronial land rights to the world -Rothschild announces the creation of the International World Conservation Bank enactments which will include a second Marshal Plan / bail the U.S. out / , includes a Third World debt relief, and a new world currency system -B Rothschild: "... but perhaps this conference might like to think more about the Marshal Plan which had been mooted and put forward very candidly at the Denver conference. Perhaps this might be the keynote of what you have heard today and perhaps what you might like, in perhaps some (amended) form to help put forward, at this conference, recognizing the needs to protect our ecological and environmental heritage within the concept of the World Wilderness Congress, World Wildlife Fund, and all other bodies involved in the preservation of life on our planet. ( ) Prime Minister of Norway ( ) ( ) ( ) of Gro Harlem Brundtland and one of the world's leaders of a greatly respected community to be the promoter of this International Conservation Bank. I have Brundtland's report, which has been widely circulated to world leaders... she could follow-up this report with her recommendations to promote a Second Marshal Plan, the Third World debt relief, and ( ) for a stable development." <APPLAUSE>

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-These three pronouncements have set in motion a One World economic system with the United Nations becoming the legislative Congress, the Royal Bank of Canada being the federal reserve of the world, and the dictators of the world being that (hub) of people in London -GH says that London is the creator of the ills of mankind and the common-wealth countries are the ones who have done us in

-The international Harry Shultz Letter says: "Short the world, especially the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan -In financial jargon, "short the world" means that you expect the world to go down in flames and go economically bezerk -Harry Shultz has gotten numerous awards for his international reporting and so H Shultz says, 'Short the world, get out of the human system, pull your money out of the banks, convert it into food, whatever might "save" you if there is such a thing with what is about to happen.'

-Member of audience speaks -"People might wonder why, if it's a matter of public record, people don't catch on to what is going on. And the problem is that the finances that are involved in all of these balance sheets are so astronomical, that people don't understand... and you have reporters that sit through these sessions and Rothschild speaks and he says, 'Well, then this must be the best for us.' And they don't even understand what's involved in these financial transactions and by the time we do understand, it's going to be too late and that's why they can make it a matter of public record." -GH agrees -GH claims that there is a spiritual warfare behind this -The Pope has given blessing to the Carmolite monastery at Baca to involve the Catholic Church into this One World Religion / beyond that he can only speculate about the Catholic Church's role in this alleged conspiracy -GH believes that when God "mates" with Mother Earth, it is an abomination to the Lord, and a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy as earth religions are increasing in these so-called "Last Days"

-Person once asked GH, 'What about these people on government checks, social security, etc?' -GH: 'All of those things will be wiped out, all of your savings will be wiped out, silver and gold is not going to save you. You are going to be dependent on the World Conservation Bank and the "goodness" of its officers to provide you with the living you need to sustain your Life, or you are going to trust in God to sustain you.'

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-Choice between adopting the World Religion under a One World Government system, or God is seen as a spiritual choice by GH

-Summit conference held in Toronto -"Third World debt," appeared in small print, "10% of the Third World debt was 'forgiven' to the countries that couldn't pay." -Debt is 1.1 trillion dollars, so 10% of 1.1 trillion dollars was 'forgiven' and stated in one small sentence in the report / $110 billion was written off which was owed to the various banks - GH speculates that the governments are going to fill the gap -There has been creation of mysterious money that's going to come from the U.S. tax payers into the World Bank and then the World Bank is going to re-channel that money into the Third World countries and then that money will be repaid by Brazil and Third World countries, to the Chase Manhatten Bank, Citicorp, and Bank of America -Taxpayers are now taking on the burden of paying off the Third World debt -The commodity exchange mechanism proposed by ( ) Rothschild has been accepted -There's going to be a "basket of goods" that will determine the value of the One World Dollar

-It has been officially announced in Boulder, CO that ( ), the One World Broadcasting System for the One World Religion has now officially begun out of Boulder, CO -CO is fast becoming the "New Age" center of the world according to GH

-World Conservation Bank is going to be the ( ) mechanism for the wealthy to disengage themselves from Capitalism and go to the back of the bank, so-to-speak, and become the creditors of the bank and then wind up as the world's dictators -GH says that how this will happen is extremely complicated but tries to explain briefly -Right now we have the wealthy of the world invested in Capital currency, and the creation of Capital currency. Manufact- uring is the haven of the wealthy of the world, preferably war manufacturing, but the citizens are tired of war and they see that Capitalism is about over. They are going to turn over their Capitalism to the World Conservation Bank where they will be repaid for the wealth that they have turned over. They will take their worthless money based on world wilderness lands, while they will think it worth something because it's popular and it's World Conservation Bank money

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-The Capitalists will take this money that they've been paid to trade the dollars for their factories which are defunct, and they'll go to the back of the bank and will start loaning these dollars to the bank that will be on an accrual accounting system -Accrual means that even if you don't get paid, it still shows up on the (ballot) ( ) profit and loss statement as if you got paid by these countries -The World Conservation Bank is going to own mortgages on all of the wealth from nations throughout the world and when the bank goes bankrupt, the creditors of the bank / as it is done in international law / will move into the bank and take over its operation and will take all your mortgages and my mortgages and the the wealth of nations. The cities will not be able to pay their debt, they are going to go deeper and deeper into debt with the World Conservation Bank. They will own New York city, Boulder, CO, Bermingham, AL, etc. and all creditors will move in and take over all mortgages and the very wealthy of the world will counter-trade the bad World Conservation Bank dollars in for the claims on the real wealth of nations and when the bank goes bankrupt, we will end up serving the people who are pulling the strings -The World Conservation Bank will be used as a ( ) mechanism for the Capitalists to become Socialists / it's a dirty trick

-GH believes Satan is setting up his own government here on earth and for a purely Satanic government, he must own us body, mind, and soul -Mark of the Beast is a 3-fold giving of body, mind, and soul to the anti-Christ / there are going to be people who will give themselves body, mind, and soul to the One World Government -Body = Bank, mind = government, and soul = One World Religion


This file is based on notes taken from tape #1, part 1 (name of program is unknown). Due to the poor sound quality of the tape, I have put parentheses around any word or phrase that was unclear to me while transcribing these notes, therefore, much of the text is difficult to understand.

Additional information concerning this subject will be uploaded in the near future as a part of a series of files on this subject. ANY and ALL information that you may have concerning this topic may be sent to Mike Carrillo, 2419 Forest Shadows, St. Louis, MO, 63136 You may also contact me on Wierdbase (314) 741-2231, CIA (314) 739-0262, or the Darkside BBS (314) 298-7486

OTHER RELATED FILES: GUNCTL.TXT - Gun Control and the Plot for a Fascist Police State in America by David Hammer (also provides information concerning Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission which has openly called for "restricting democracy").

---------------------------------------------------------------------- T H E M O N E Y C H A N G E R

Vol.1, No.6, December, 1987 Information deadline December 1, 1987

------------------------------------------------------------------------ F.Sanders,S.P.,MONEYCHANGER*5705 Stage Rd., Suite 164*Memphis,TN.38134 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Beware the bankers bearing gifts

An interview with Mr. George Hunt

Mr. George Hunt has been an accountant for small businesses, corpo- rations, and partnerships for the past 18 years, specializing in physicians and dentists. He works also with general businesses, doing consulting, accounting, and tax work as well as investment counselling. He kindly made time for this interview on November 18, 1987.

MONEYCHANGER - What was the Fourth World Wilderness Congress that took place September 11th through September 18th?

HUNT - It was billed as a world-wide meeting to address global environmental concerns. As far as the public was concerned, it was produced by a chap named Ian Player, a wealthy, wealthy in- dustrialist of (I believe) English descent. I'm sure he'd be in Who's Who and so on. As I found out it was not really produced by him, but by the moneychangers in London and Europe.

MONEYCHANGER - That is a far-reaching charge. What basis do you have for that?

HUNT - Well, the London banker Baron Edmund de Rothschild was at the meeting for 6 days. Edmund de Rothschild was personally conducting the monetary matters and creation of this World Conservation Bank (WCB), in the company of I. Michael Sweatman of the Royal Bank of Canada. Those 2 were like Siamese twins, and that's why I say that it appears they were running at least the money side of this conference, and I would say the conference was primarily to get money. Also, David Rockefeller <of Chase Manhattan Bank> was there, and gave a speech on Sunday.

MONEYCHANGER - How many people were there?

HUNT - There were 1500 from 60 countries sign up at the first meetings in Denver. That was first 3 days before it went up into the mountains, where the shirtsleeve work was done.

MONEYCHANGER - Into the mountains where?

HUNT - We went up to Estes Park, Colorado from Monday through Friday, after the meetings the preceding Friday through Sunday afternoon at Currigan Hall in Denver. Rockefeller spoke that Sunday and there were keynote addresses about how great this whole idea was. Then we adjourned to the YMCA camp facility in Estes Park for another 5 days of meetings.

MONEYCHANGER - What whole idea?

HUNT - Oh, conservation, ecology, the world has a chance, we're going to beat the ozone deterioration, we're going to get the rain forests back together again. The thing that really set me off was <Secretary of the Treasury James> Baker's talk.

MONEYCHANGER - Was he there?

HUNT - Oh yeah, he was there. He gave the keynote address. He said that conservation requires "growth and development". There was a HUM around the audience, because they knew that "growth and development" are antagonistic to conservation.

MONEYCHANGER - Wait now. There are some code words passing here, aren't there? When Baker says something like that, he's talking in code about something else.

HUNT - Exactly. He's talking in code about the *formula*, the "equation" of conservation and growth and development, that is, assets equals liabilities plus net worth. There were a lot of these *double intendres*.

MONEYCHANGER - How did you get in to these meetings?

HUNT - I was watching public television one night before the congress. A week earlier my 21 year old son had said to me, Dad, you know I'd like to go up to the Arctic and repair the rangers' huts up there. They need repair and I could do it, and I'd like to be up there alone. So I filed that away. Then as I was watching public television they announced that the Fourth World Wilderness Congress as coming to Denver Sept. 11th. They showed pictures of reindeer and all that kind of stuff. I said, Gee, that would be great, I bet I could rub elbows with the Smokies (the U.S. Forest Service) there, which I did by the way. There were 90 smokies there.

So I got on the phone, and because I'm a businessman and have a sales background, too, I was able to wangle myself in, free of charge. There was a F$650 charge for attending.

MONEYCHANGER - Wait a minute. You're telling me that all these GREENIES who live out in the woods on berries and nuts came up with F$650 plus travel to Denver?

HUNT - A good question. I think a lot of those Greenies were sponsored to be there. It was a contrived conference. So I called around and it turned out that the FINDHORN GROUP in Loveland, CO, were the official hosts. They call themselves "The Emissaries."

MONEYCHANGER - Aren't they an occultist New Age group?

HUNT - Heavy New Age, but they were in charge of the host functions at the Congress, and I finally wound up being interviewed by them. I told them I was a Christian, I was transparent with everybody. Turns out that a Christian within their group -- you know, New Age includes Christians, too, they're just off on a little tangent maybe <THE MONEYCHANGER vehemently disagrees with this statement. -Ed> -- interviewed me and I was passed with flying colors as a good guy to meet and greet these attendees. My job was to act as a host to the dignitaries, coming in from various parts of the world. I loved my work, because I love people, and I did a good job for these folks.

When my work was through, I sat in on all of the meetings that were of a business nature. Baker got up and spouted his "conserva- tion requires growth and development" line, and a lot of other things. I've got a copy of his speech, and it sounded good if you just listened to the words, but it was cloaked with a lot of innuendos. I said to myself, this is a SCAM. Here's the 1st speaker, and immediately I was alerted, because I know the history of these people.

MONEYCHANGER - "These people" means bankers and money people, or New Agers, or who?

HUNT - Bankers and money people. I've delved into conspiracy. I don't know where you're coming from on this, but I checked it out and researched it for 5 years and I am *convinced* there is a conspiracy.

MONEYCHANGER - Well, at the very least some kind of Insider network that arranges things to their own benefit.

HUNT - James Baker is the Edward Mandell House <Col. House was the alter ego of Woodrow Wilson and a virulent elitist -- Ed.> of the U.S. Treasury Department. So I wrote an open letter of rebuttal to distribute at the meeting the next day. I printed 700 letters. Thank God I didn't distribute them. The thing that caused me not to distribute it, besides fear, was compassion. When I saw Rothschild and Rockefeller sitting up in front before Rockefeller's talk, I thought, Would you want someone to do that to you, George, distribute a rebuttal that makes you look silly, when you're a national figure?

As it turns out my distributing that wouldn't have any impact *at all* on that audience because they were either ig- norant or bought. But I went back to the pressroom after Rockefel- ler's speech, and presented it to him -- to his bodyguard really, his bodyguard up between me and David. He did read it, because the next da I received a warning from Rockefeller's office that I'd better stop politicking or I'd regret it. Which was good for me, since it made me shut my mouth and open my ears. I was warned by the Findhorn Group, and I complied. It was good that I was obedient to my superiors, because I was allowed to stay at the congress and hear a lot of interest- ing things.

After the talks for the public and the newspapers were finished on Sunda afternoon, we went up to the shirtsleeves sessions in Estes Park. I had lunch with Michael Sweatman and Mr. and Mrs. Rothschild, and I was able to ask them how this bank was going to continue to operate***

MONEYCHANGER - By "this bank" you mean the WCB?

HUNT - Yes. I didn't see any earnings engine inside it. Where are the earnings coming from, if all you have in it are these wilderness lands, reindeer hides, and so on? I didn't say exactly that, but***

MONEYCHANGER - Reindeer hides don't pay much of a dividend.

HUNT - No. They're planning on re-financing, debt swapping <for assets> one trillion dollars of Third World debt into this new World Conservation Bank. I told a high official of the Brazilian finance ministry, Dr. Jose Pedro de Oliveira-Costa, I don't see how this bank is going to survive. Is this really going to benefit Brazil?

He sad, last night I could not sleep all night long. There is no benefit that anybody's going to get from this bank. If they give us a refinance, in the short run, yes, we will benefit. We will get soft currency from them, we'll be able to get our economy going again, but in the long term, he said, we won't be able to pay those loans back. We've devalued as far as we possibly can in our country, we're at the brink of poverty.

MONEYCHANGER - Well, how did Sweatman answer the question of where the earnings would come from?

HUNT - He said, "We're working on that."

MONEYCHANGER - <Laughter>. "We're working on that"??

HUNT - "We're working on that." He's an evasive guy. In fact, he's already lied to <US> Senator Tim Wirth <of Colorado>.

MONEYCHANGER - How will this World Conservation Bank scheme work exactly?

HUNT - The WCB will be enacted by the United Nations, and will need to be approved, I wuld think, by every country participating. Let's assume that our senators and representatives allow this thing to happen. Then the Bank will be endowed with 30% of the earth's land surface.

MONEYCHANGER - Now WHO is going to do that? Governments around the world will give title to their wilderness lands to th WCB?

HUNT - Will give title to the lands to the World Wilderness Land Inventory Trust. It will be en-trusted. Sounds good, huh? We know about trusts.

Then this Trust will go floating into the WCB by the unanimous decree of the world's people, saying, God Bless you for saving our reindeer. That kind of a mentality is where they're coming from. Those people at the congress were ignorant. They don't suspect anything. They're VERY naive. Not stupid, ignorant.

MONEYCHANGER - Which people do you mean?

HUNT - I'm talking about the conservationists. Conservationists and ecologists comprised about 60% of the people there. About 30% were government, United Nations and other bureaucrats. The other 10% were world banking heavyweights who were there with axes to grind and pencils to sharpen.

So the bank is endowed with an asset, an asset worth how many trillions? I don't know. Their accountants are going to evaluate this 50 million sqaure kilometer <twelve and a half *billion* acres, 5 million hectares> hunk of wilderness lands. then the WCB will have the power to act as a world central bank. It can create soft currencies, not hard currencies, at this point. Soft currencies are used, as you probably know, for some purpose WITHIN a country. But what I picked up on is that the soft currencies can be spent outside of a country for environmental and ecological equipment. Well, hello, International Harvester, Mack Truck, etc., they're going to bring those soft currencies into the US and we're going to have inflation.

MONEYCHANGER - That will be an international currency, in other words. You're calling it a soft currency, but in effect it'll be an international currency.

HUNT - It's not an international currency in the sense of a one world currency because it's not a hard currency, it's not legal tender for all international transactions, yet. Now you know and I know that by currency and debt-for-equity swaps they're going to wheel and deal it from soft into hard somehow. These guys are smart.

MONEYCHANGER - Let me see if I understand. A World Conservation Bank will be set up and into a trust will be vested title to 30% of the world's land surface, 12 1/2 *billion* acres. Against this the WCB will issue loans to various countries to buy, what did you say, environmental***

HUNT - No, no, no, they could issue loans, but I'm talking specifically about currencies. They can create currencies for in-country use.

MONEYCHANGER - Well, that's issuing loans. It's the same thing. They will loan money for certain spceified purposes to these countries. Now am I to assume that say, for example, Brazil, puts up the Amazon Basin, and they get credited a certain amount? Then there's a certain amount of loans they can draw down against that "deposit", so to speak?

HUNT - How it will work I'm not sure. They didn't get into technique, they went into policies and enactments and resolutions. BUT, there could be a gradual loan swap for Brazil, taking them out of their old loans and putting them into a new WCB loan, which will then sweeten the loan on the Chase Manhattan's balance sheet, and will take it out of non-accrual and put it back into the healthy loan column once again.

MONEYCHANGER - or else pay it off.

HUNT - Or they could pay it off, right. They could call it any shot that they wanted to. They could pay them off lickety-split.

MONEYCHANGER - But what's really happened is that the Brazilians will have given up title to millions of acres of land and in exchange the Chase Manhattan will get its loan to Brazil paid off by the WCB.

HUNT - You got it.


<Here's how the 'Fact Sheet: World Conservation Bank' published by the Secretariat of the Fourth World Wilerness Congress states the scheme:

"The World Conservation Bank would finance, direclty and through syndicated and co-fincancing arrangements:

"1) the preparation, development, and implementation of national conservation strategies by developing country governments:

"2) the acquisition/lease of environmentally important land for preservation of biological diversity and watersheds:

"3) the management and conservations of selected areas.

"And plans for the WCB propose that it act as intermediary between certain developing countries and multilateral or private banks to transfer a specific debt to the WCB, thus substitu- ting an existing 'doubtful' debt in the bank's books for a new loan to the WCB. In return for having been relieved of its debt obligation, the debtor country would transfer to the WCB natural resource assets of 'equivalent value'. Or, developing country debts under foreign assistance programs, which have little hope of repayment, could be retained in-country and applied toward conservation, reforestation, or rural agricultural programs through the WCB.">

HUNT - I believe that World Bank loans, as they stand now, are not collateralized. Now they're entering into a new era of loan collateralization. They're saying, Okay, the next step is that we ant collateral, so that when we loan-swap this debt, and we're going to own the Amazon if you default. Remember, as the Brazilian Oliveira-Costa sad, they're not going to be able to pay that off. That's why he couldn't sleep that night, because he *knew* that they were going to loose the Amazon <or whatever they put up as collateral>.

MONEYCHANGER - These are debt for equity swaps, which they've been talking about for several years. They're going to make their bad loans good by collateralizing them after the fact with all of this land, and somebody, somebody, SOMEBODY is going to end up with title to *twelve and a half billion acres*. Is that right?

HUNT - That's right. The collateral behind whatever loans are in the WCB at the time, if the WCB goes belly up. There's a whole see-saw of things that are going to happen. They have multi-, multi-trillions of dollars upon which they can create currencies and loans, and they're going to begin to barter and counter- trade and loan-swap against the United States.

MONEYCHANGER - Have you ever heard the name John Law?

HUNT - No.

MONEYCHANGER - Are you familiar with the French hyperinflation during the French Revolution, 1792 - 1798?

HUNT - Oh, yeah, when they issued assignats!

MONEYCHANGER - Do you know what the assignats were? The assignats were the ASSIGNMENTS of a mortgage on what were called the "na- tional domains", and those were confiscated (mostly church) lands and properties. In other words, it was a scheme to *monetize* land. Now, what you have just described to me as the World Conservation Bank is a scheme to monetize land.

HUNT - Very good, sir. You are right. Now I reeber John Law. Didn't he convince the French in the 1720s to monetize land in the Mississippi Bubble?

MONEYCHANGER - No, but he had come up with a land monetization scheme and presented it to the Scottish parliament in about 1694, and he was literally laughed out of the country for it. But this is the same crooked scheme, and moreover it will function was a world central bank, and out of that world central bank there will grow a one-world flat currency system at the same time. This scheme is like a box of Cracker Jacks: it's just loaded with prizes and nuts.

How will this project be put into effect? Will it be installed under the auspices of the United Nations?

HUNT - I think so. There was a United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development created in 1982 that published what's called the Brundtland Report, actually entitled OUR COMMON FUTURE <Readers can order a copy of OUR COMMON FUTURE: A READER'S GUIDE, which is a short abstract of the Brundtland Report, for F$4.00 postpaid from Earthscan, 1717 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 302, Washington, DC 20036.>

Gro Harlem Brundtland is the <Social Democrat> prime minister of Norway. She is the mother of four, 49 years old, and she was at the conference. The UN said, Brundtland, Go for it! Find out the conditions in our world. She came back with her study and said, The conditions are *terrible*. The UN then said, What do you recommend? And she said, I recommend a conservation bank, dot dot dot***

Her report set the stage for unlimited enactments to take over ecology, environmental and pollution laws throughout the world. This includes international dictation to the US about its "smoke- stack" industries.

So not only do we have a Bank forming as a result of the Brundtland Report, but we also have a proposal for very harsh, quasi-spiritual ecological laws for "Mother Earth". You're going to have a "Mother Earth Comes First" mentality arising throughout the world as a result of this legislation.

MONEYCHANGER - One is tempted to say a *Mother Earth cult*.

HUNT - It is already turning into a Mother Earth cult. The Brundtland Report is the precipitating event for putting the entire scheme into effect. Brundtland was there at the conference on Thursday, and I saw her receive the enactments and resolutions that they had created. I do not have a copy of them. They went underground. Senator Wirth's office has been looking for them. He's the only senator that has yet had any kind of an interest in this. I kind of wonder if he's just prying for the benefit of those others, because Timmy's been a representative or senator since 1972, so you know he's been pretty well processed by the one-world people. Yesterday Tim Mahoney from Tim Wirth's office called me and said, I talked to Michael Sweatman and Michael Sweatman sad they weren't really there at that conference to create a World Conservation Bank.

I said, "What??" Mahoney said, They were just there to see what could possibly be done in that area. I said, Hey, take a look at that copy of Baker's speech that I sent you. He told us on the first day in his keynote address that the purpose of this congress is to create a World Conservation Bank. You know, con- gressmen and senators are looking for an excuse NOT to pry. This is a hot item, they don't want to touch it.

MONEYCHANGER - How fast are they moving? When will they try to put this WCB into action?

HUNT - As soon as they can, because as Rockefeller said in his speech, "the good news is that collapse f the monetary system that was predicted by some regarding each of the major borrowing countries has been resolved 'temporarily' by extending the debt."

"Temporarily" -- that means he wants some *permanent* solutions. "They bad news is that lower petroleum prices in 1986 <have> caused countries to renegotiate the schedule for debt repay- ment again. The borrowing countries are in better shape because interest cost of servicing the nearly F$400 billion in Latin American debt is still enormous. One-third of Latin America's Export earnings are devoted to paying interest on this debt, according to the Institute for International Economics in Washington. Two-thirds of the nearly F$400 billion in debt is owed to a number of commercial banks, including Chase Manhattan. Most are paying only interest payments, not principal, and while economic conditions have improved the countries still face political and structural problems that could hamper repayment."

As you will recall I talked to Oliveira-Costa, a Brazilian finance ministry official, and he said, There is no way that we could pay off that debt. So the bottom line says, We're going to have a financial collapse in our country if they DON'T get the WCB.

MONEYCHANGER - Then there's not much time. But you don't have any idea what the actual time framework is.

HUNT - I tried to extract that. I had dinner with James MacNeill, the Secretary General, UN Commission on Environment and Development in Geneva. That's the commission that Gro Harlem Brundtland headed up which will present its report to the UN in which all of these resolutions will be contained. Nobody's been able to find out where it is. I think they're going to pull a little Federal Reserve trick on us, you know, present it sometime like midnight on December 25th, when nobody's watching.

At the congress I said to Michael Sweatman, There is no earnings engine in the balance sheet of this bank that I can see, and you're taking in wilderness properties and trillions of dollars in bad debts. Where are the earnings going to come from to keep this bank afloat? He answered, We're working on that; you'll have a chance to express your concerns and your questions in a half and hour at our caucus.

I said Sure, you're going to call on me. This thing seems to be contrived from the beginning to the end, frankly. He said, No, I'll call on you. I sad, "You promise?" He said, "I promise."

He did not call on me. There was NO pro and con offered at the caucus, it was just Baron de Rothschild spouting non-entities. He said, Innovation is the key to the pollution problem. We need growth and development. For instance, we have a CO2 problem. I propose that we create large dry ice machines that will absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere, and then take the dry ice that we create and take it up to the polar ice cap to keep it from melting.

MONEYCHANGER - Oh, come off it.

HUNT - I am NOT kidding. I said to myself, That guy has either lost his mind, or***

MONEYCHANGER - (uncontrollable laughter and howling)

HUNT - ***or he is just *laughing* at us. Isn't that something? And by the way, I've got the whole conference on tape.

At the end of the caucus, Baron Rothschild, "You have decided. This will be a second World Marshall Plan." And I said to myself, "Did we say *that*? Nobody said anything here." When I got home I realized the significance of what he had said. That will be a resolution, because he wrote it on a resolution sheet, I saw him do it. That means that the governments are going to guarantee the debt of thw WCB. Now Russia was a lot of the wilderness lands, and I see that Russia is going to get a lot of the loans. When they default, and the US is going to be the turkey again.

MONEYCHANGER - But still, in the end, SOMEBODY is going to end up with title to those lands, and I suggest that these somebodies are these same moneyed interests that were so much in evidence at this Fourth World Wilderness Conference.

HUNT - Exactly, and they're going to be in back of the bank loaning currency and cash flow to the WCB to keep it alive, to give it the *appearance* of profitability. The bank will be running on an accrual basis. On paper it will be recognizing profits received on interests, but the interests will NOT be coming in because these countries cannot pay. So my hypothesis is that the kings, capitalists, and moneychangers of the world will be in the back of this bank in the position of *creditors*.

MONEYCHANGER - The Federal Reserve type scheme, t ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT

Notes taken from tape #1

Speaker: George Hunt

( ) = shows uncertainty

-4th World Wilderness Congress -September 11, 1987, day the Congress officially started -brought in Sept. 10, 1987 as host -had on blue ribbon with name on it -could go anywhere in the Congress -ask anyone, anything he wanted to

-Edmond de Rothschild scheduled Congress -E Rothschild is foremost world-wide financier who is in charge of financing countries and kings -family has done this for 300 years -admitted at the meeting that two years after Captain Cook was in Japan, his family was already making deals in 1895 in Japan -influence is world-wide, particularly Eastern (Romanian oil fields), (world Dutch shell interest)

-David Rockefeller's interests are western -franchise on Western Oil -owners and controllers of the 7 Sisters / the 7 largest oil companies in America -"Seven Sisters" also called the Pleidas / "NA-ers" claim to get information from Pleidas / Spiritual Transmissions

-He / George Hunt / was uniquely suited to understand the "conspiracy" -used the word "conspiracy" because people whispered together in a covert connection to do some dirty work against the U.S. and Jesus Christ and against the people -"uniquely suited" because he had taught accounting at a college level, taught business at a college level -25 years business experience -19 years engaged by an enteprenuer of his own business called Medical Resources -analyzing businesses and seeing what is wrong with them and being able to take all of these valuables he had seen in the business and come up with conclusions that are correct in their business to save the business -is a "business doctor" -When he heard the under tones, the nuances, going on in the speeches of the Congress, he knew there was a conspiracy where others might have just had the words pass over their heads

-Secretary of Treasury James Baker III, made the opening (penal) address, he said that Conservation requires growth and development interest to be involved in it -Then he / GH / realized something was not true because conservation (antipathate with, growth), and development. They are mutually exclusive -Then saw the world-bankers at the Congress and the UN (under) Secretary Generals, and the Secretary General who he had dinner with, Secretary of Treasury, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds... he asked himself why they were suddenly interested in conservation -The world bankers are the ones who have destroyed the rain forests down in Brazil

( ) = shows uncertainty

-History of World Bank under Robert S. (Maltonmerier) who designed the Viet Nam War left Viet Nam in 1967 and went over to World Bank (loans) where he became the President -Set up massive loans that were given without the permission of the American people -Was a token rubber stamp for the massive loans to go out of our world banking system and into Brazil, Mexico, and Latin American countries -Do not know ho money was spent except in Brazil where huge highway connecting inner-parts of Brazil with the coast -Highway still does not function properly because it was designed poorly and it floods when rains come and billions were spent on it and billions on dams that did not work, rain-forests were slashed down and ruined and our oxygen-generating areas of the world were desolated by the very people who were saying that they wanted to save our ecology, save our biospheres and keep world safe for mankind

-Congress was 6 days long, 1500 people were registered to attend (from 60 different countries) -When he arrived he was invited to the opening party -Noticed one of the name tags was Edmond de Rothschild

-"Our Common Future" booklet -Then went up to Estes Park after 3 days in Denver for 4 days of "short-sleeve" sessions -Under Robert S. (Malcnewmayor's) leadership in the 1960s/ an amassing today, of 1.1 trillion dollars in debt and (acrued) interest most of which cannot be paid back by the 3-world countries has accumulated -400 billion of this, according to David Rockefeller, is owed to a number of commercial banks including his own bank (the Chase Manhatten) -The Brazilian confided with him that these loans cannot be paid back, they are uncollectible / most of these loans are owed to the American banking system -We have 150 billion dollars in equities in our banks which can absorb the shock of the first 150 billion dollars which is written off -After the first 150 billion dollars is written off, next 750 billion dollars comes out of depositors' hands of the bank because the bank equity cannot handle these losses -We have been propelled by the World Bank in our U.S. economy that either way we lose -If we do not have a World Conservation Bank established as a result of this Congress that will take out this debt and refinance it using the World Wilerness lands as col- lateral / if we do not have this World Conservation Bank, our U.S. economy will collapse

( ) = shows uncertainty

-We are at the point of collapse now -The banking authorities who investigate banks (hammering) our U.S. bank and saying 'You have to write off this debt, this is uncollectible' / the loans have gone into (non-acruel) and the countries have already admitted that they cannot repay / and you have to write this debt off, you cannot write this debt off or we will go into financial collapse - either way, you lose

-They plan to create a Super World Bank that will absorb all debts that the World Bank has created -Every bank has to have capitalization -It might be the equity that the people who start the bank pump into the bank / 'Here is $100,000 from me and $100,000 from this guy and let's run this off and get the bank going.' -The collateral in this bank is going to be the 34% of the earth's land surface that is designated by the World Wilerness Leadership Foundation of which Edmond de Rothschild is a trustee, and 34% of the earth is going to be used to collateralize a new currency system -New currency system will be a One World dollar / a United Nations monetary unit and will be administered to the Royal Bank of Canada -Michael Sweetman who is designated by Edmond de Rothschild as the World Conservation Bank President

-Had lunch with Michael S. and said, 'Michael, I have analyzed what I have heard in this Congress up to this point, and cannot see how it can survive because I as an accountant always look for an earnings (engint) in the capital statement and in the capitalization of the bank, something's going to produce earnings, interests, dividens, to keep the bank running and to pay the employees and I don't see it in this bank. I see collateralization coming from worthless wilerness lands and that is why they are "wilderness" lands because no one can get economic order out of it. What's going on Michael?' -Response, 'We're working on it.' -GH> 'You don't have an answer as to how this bank is going to survive and you're going to the IMF World Bank Congress at the end of this month?' -Response, 'We're working on it,' he said in his thick English accent / many Englishmen, Canadian, and common-wealth people attended -GH asked what is going on and Michael responded and promised that he will have a chance to ask these questions in a half-an-hour at the World Conservation Bank caucus -Michael did not call on him -The caucus was a group of his friends

( ) = shows uncertainty

-Caucus: On Michael Sweetman's right was Morris Strong -Strong is one of the most powerful world figures in world politics -Has had 112 UN laws come up for a vote and all 112 have passed, GH believes, unanimously

-On Sweetman's left was Edmond de Rothschild

-GH had lunch with Michael S. and Mrs. Rothschild and laid out his fears -A "World Banking authority" confirmed his suspicions that the U.S. will go down the tubes very shortly

-John D. Rockefeller, IV / February 1, 1988 / -"I do not know what is going to happen in 1988, but I do know that in 1988 that we've got to lay our base for either this year or surely for next year. Because all of those people out there running for President are making the largest mistake that they've made in their professional lives, because when one of them gets elected in 1989, all of the chickens are coming home to eat. It is going to be an extraordinary year of reckoning in terms of budget process, bold action... it will be the time for it because of a new administration and all kinds of old habits to go out the window if we are going to survive as a nation." -David Rockefeller states that the "Good News" is the collapse of the monetary system that has been predicted by some regarding by each of the major borrowing countries, has been resolved temporarily by extending the debt -"Bad News" is that the collapse of the monetary system will occur in or soon after 1989 -By design brought as a nation to this "crisis"

-Edmond de Rothschild announced the creation of the International World Conservation Bank enactments which includes the Second Marshal Plan -Marshal Plan is used to bail out countries wallowing in their mire / U.S. will be one of them -Dollar will go down the tubes and will have inflation and depression simultaneously / same conditions that existed in pre-revolutionary France 200 years ago and pre-Nazi Germany -U.S. has no culture but to worship the "Almighty Dollar" and when that goes, you are going to see a country that is going to go into "bezerk" areas

-Banks are going to come to these countries including the U.S. and say, 'We have the only dollar that is worth anything.' That is what Rothschild is going to tell the U.S. economists / the World Conservation Dollar because is is the only one that is capitalized and it has value behind it... but there is no value in wilderness lands and there is no earnings (engint) in the World Conservation Bank / It is a fraudulent bank

( ) = shows uncertainty

-The nation will believe it -We will pledge our natural resources / our natural assets / to this bank... a debt-swap and counter-trade -Every bit of our wealth is going to be counter-traded out of the country and into the Royal Bank of Canada which is a collection (base) for American swapping activities -They will come along as say, 'You can't pay your mortgage, and you're down on your knees, and you're gonna lose your farm? Here, take a WCB loan... 5 years before the first payment and payments are low and it's only 3% interest and you'll be helping "Mother Earth"

-Religious pride -Hitler came and shouted, "The Father Land" -The WCB will sell the Bank as something helping "Gaia" / Mother Earth

-(Embissaries) of Divine Light are into Mother Earth worship

-Earth cannot sustain 6 billion people -Concern that the earth could only sustain 4 billion people -Barbara Marx Hubbard, a channeler in Boulder, CO, stated that her spirit beings said that anyone who was not in the "harmonic vibration" of Mother Earth "Gaia" will be given an opportunity to "reincarnate" / said this at Congress -Who are people who will be given an opportunity to "re- incarnate"? Those who worship the One God / Christians, Jews, Moslems, who will be annihilated

-In booklet everyone received "OUR COMMON FUTURE" - it is a protocol of the UN Environment and Development Commission under leader of Prime Minister of Norway who has been designated by the elite to receive this plan for "Our Common Future" -Booklet involves growth and development choices we must make on capitalism verses allowing human life to be sustained -It is the way natural man will vote / because of our selfish, natural inclination/ for the continuation of growth and development and annihilation of people -People are not important and Mother Earth comes first in New World Religion and people come second -If need quick solution, people will go in order to save Mother Earth or to keep their bellies full because people's God is their belly when speaking of the natural inclination of Mankind

-Currency matters were cloaked under "creating currencies for under- developed countries" -They are called "blocked currencies," or "soft currencies"- which are currencies that are held within the country for environ- mental reasons

( ) = shows uncertainty

-That these countries... $10 billion to Brazil, in soft currencies, can be spent in the U.S. or England on anything that will aid their conservation efforts -So soft currencies can be created by this bank and converted into hard currencies so we can be debt-swapped by Brazil and people who control Brazil are going to take what we have in our Treasury / which isn't much / and will take soft currency by an enactment and trade it for goods (that services) out of the U.S., pay it from the soft currency and the soft currency will become (de facto) hard currency in the U.S. creating terrific inflation

-Rothschild just came across and was just enacted "yesterday" by the World Economic Summit of the Basic Seven, in Toronto, they are coming up now with 2 exchange... 2 currency determinants that will be based on a (basket of goods)... oil and gold will be included in this barometer of what currency systems should be worth -So we now have a world currency system which is under the manipulation of the Rothschilds because the Rothschilds set the price of gold in London and now the price of gold will be a determinant on the value of currencies

-Rothschilds own the eastern oil

-Rockefellers own the western oil

-Oil will be a determinant in value of currency -So we have families now controlling our currency

-Rothschilds said 150 years ago, "Whoever controls the currency of the country, controls the wealth of the country, and therefore controls the people."

-Personages of the countries / Canada in particular / represented their country and the Environmental Administer of Canada was there and said, 'Canada will support this.' Has had correspond- ants with many provincial Premieres of Canada who also said they will support the Canada's joining the One World Government

-There were no statements, 'My country will do it,' because this Congress merely created enactments that then went to the UN and passed by the UN in October that showed that the people at the Congress were concerned about conservation. Now the UN is going to come back to the countries and at a General Assembly in a UN vote, the U.S. will join the One World Government -The U.S. will not go along with it now since we value our freedom and constitution but when the economy col- lapses and we don't have a leg to stand on, and we saw that revolution was coming up in America because nobody had jobs and food / only 8% are farmers... food distribution will break down / then we will join because of the rumbling of our bellies and the fear

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-People will call upon a savior to save them and the Rothschild bank will come along and debt-swap our freedom for the One World Dollar to save us and will become included in the UN of the world and the U.S. will just be another country under Marxist Constitution -The new One World Government Marxist Constitution says that everyone has freedom of religion unless laws say otherwise

-Ranch in Southern CO -Man who sat to Michael Sweetman's right as Maurice Strong and his wife, Hanna Strong, who own the Baca / an old Spanish-land grant ranch in Crestone, CO in the San Louis Valley -East of the ranch are the Blood of Christ mountains -To the northwest of the ranch are the St. John mountains -Water flows from these mountains into the San Louis Valley and great underground streams which feed the Rio Grande River and Arkansas River -Ranch is 160,000 acres on the (St. Christo mountains) -In the ranch are world-spiritual ashrams from India, England, a Catholic monastery, etc. -Episcopal church has a representative there called (Lindespharn) which turns out is the Protestant representative of bringing Protestant, Catholic, and spiritual religions together

T H E P R O J E C T ----- -------------

An Executive Summary of the Progress of a Private Network of Researchers Dedicated to Identifying the Nature of the Ruling Class Conspiracy === "The British Empire (Overt and Covert) is the Central Phenomenon of World History Since the Decline of the Vatican" === A-ALBIONIC Consulting and Research * P.O. Box 20273 * Ferndale, MI 48220 ---Summer 1988, Volume V, Number 3

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