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The United States of Hypocracy

by Rebelde para Siempre

What is the American public's view of their own nation? The people believe that the United States of America stand for the ideals of freedom, justice and equality. It is sad that the people have been blinded to the truth about their own nation. The media and the spirit of patriotism that has been instilled within the people have aided the U.S Government in it's aims of world domination, both economic and culturally. If we were to study the true nature of U.S foreign policy and plan of the U.S from the end of World War II you would find that the United States is the largest criminal in the world, controlling and influencing every other nation through force and violence. And then the citizens of America ask themselves "Why are we hated in this day and age?".

Well my unenlightened friends, I will tell you why you are hated.

The U.S Government says it stands for EQUALITY. Now here is a fact - over 30 million Americans are homeless and live in poverty. That is nearly double the entire population of Australia. Over 35 million have no health care. Hundreds of children are born into poverty every day. Yet, the richest 10% of America control approximately 80% of the country's wealth. Is this your definition of equality?

Article 3 of the Declaration of Human Rights is "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person". Do these homeless people have a "right to life" or "security of person"? Article 25 (i) says "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control". Well I'm sorry, but to the American Government this is bullshit. They continue to spend billions of dollars on weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION and NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Spending money on things that are used to kill people.

It has been said that America has a "civil responsibility" to take action and take care of the problems faced by people worldwide (a popular reason to "liberate" Iraq). Well the truth is that over 2 billion people in this world are living on less than 1 dollar a day. Obviously the U.S doesn't give a flying fuck about these people, although it owns over 25% of the world's wealth.

In fact America promotes this global inequality with the help of the World Bank and World Trade Organisation, along with other "agreements" and "acts". The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico supposedly would bring prosperity for both countries, that the flow of cheap goods into America would increase living standards, and the flow of capital into Mexico would benefit it's economy. The opposite happened. The introduction of U.S agribusiness into Mexico meant that peasant farmers could not compete on the local market and were forced off their farms into the cities. In the cities, wages went down because of the large number of people unemployed seeking work. The agreement definitely benefitted the U.S but left Mexico in extremely poor condition. Article 27 of the Mexican constitution decrees that peasant farmers will always be entitled to collective land on which to grow crops. NAFTA abolished Article 27. It abolished the very rights of the people. The situation eventually culminated in the "Zapatista" or EZLN rebellion against the U.S backed Mexican PRI DICTATORSHIP.

The World Bank and WTO are involved in similar schemes in other countries. Each plan of these organisations is carefully organised to be of benefit to the people who organise it, but not of benefit to the people of third world countries. Living standards are kept down. People work for less than minimum wage in corporation sweatshops. Here is an exerpt from Noam Chomsky's "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" - Overt military control is no longer necessary as new devices become available -- for example, controls exercised through the International Monetary Fund (which, like the World Bank, lends Third World nations funds largely provided by the industrial powers). In return for its loans, the IMF imposes "liberalization": an economy open to foreign penetration and control, sharp cutbacks in services to the general population, etc. These measures place power even more firmly in the hands of the wealthy classes and foreign investors ("stability") and reinforce the classic two-tiered societies of the Third World -- the super-rich (and a relatively well-off professional class that serves them) and an enormous mass of impoverished, suffering people. EQUALITY MY FUCKING ASS.

The U.S Government says it stands for FREEDOM. FREEDOM to do what? If you are an American the only thing you are free to do is to be brainwashed and made passive. You are free to have basically no part in the way your country is run. The Government doesn't take kindly to people who oppose it. In the past they called you a "communist", now they shout "terrorist". They make people who have seen the truth seem rediculous, calling them "radicals" or "extremeists". The protests in Seattle against the WTO is a prime example of the Government's policy of supression of "free speech".

Article 19 of the Declaration of Human Rights says "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers". Article 20 (i) says "Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly and association", yet the protests were met with riot police wielding batons, tear gas and rubber bullets.

The U.S has also supported several oppressive dictatorships throughout the 20th century. All part of it's foreign policy. Read Noam Chomsky's "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" for more information on America's plans since World War II. Here is a quick run down - America knew that coming out of World War II it would be the most powerful nation in the world, both economically and militarily. It was planned by American officials that for the U.S to stay this way, it would need to phase out such "out in the clouds" things like welfare and human rights etc, whilst having massive Government spending on military intelligence and weapons. As long as America could keep right wing capitalist regimes in power they would have many allies with which to trade and prosper. It didn't matter if these regimes were oppressive and brutal, as long as they were in power then they would be tolerated. If people were to rise up against these regimes the U.S would provide "aid" to those Governments to quell these rebellions. People who fought for better living conditions and DEMOCRACY were murdered in the name of big profits and power. America feared the "threat of a good example" to other oppressed nations.

JUSTICE in Amerika? What you have already read shows just how much America believes in the concept of "Justice". Individual cases add more fuel to the fire against the American system. Mumia Abu-Jamal, an african american was arrested and put on death row for supposedly killing a police officer who was beating his brother to death. Leonard Peltier, an american indian was given a life sentence for supposedly killing an FBI agent who was part of a squad which constantly harassed Peltier's native american reservation. Che Guevara's death was organised and backed by the C.I.A. Che, a man who fought for the liberation and FREEDOM of thousands of South Americans was executed.

United States of America? Freedom, Justice, Equality?

All bullshit.

The United States of Hypocracy, Brutality, Inequality.

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