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Excerpts from The Myth of Male Power by Dr. Warren Farrell

Excerpts from "The Myth of Male Power" by Dr. Warren Farrell.

The Draft

"95% of women's experiences are about being a victim. Or about being
an underdog, or having to survive... women didn't go to Vietnam and
blow things up. They are not Rambo." --Jodie Foster, The New York
Times Magazine.

Muhammad Ali's refusal to participate in what he felt was the criminal
nature of the Vietnam War forced him into prison during the height of
his career and deprived him of four years that could never be
recovered. At the same time Jodie Foster was safe at home, becoming
wealthy and famous and cashing in on her sex appeal.

What would Jodie Foster have said if a sexist law kept her in prison
when she was 24, 25, 26, and 27? Or if her body was valued so
minimally that the only way she felt she could make millions was to
subject herself to batterings that could eventually lead to brain
damage and Parkinson's disease?

By the 1970's, the American woman was being called "liberated" or
"superwoman" while the American man was being called "baby killer" if
he fought in Vietnam, "traitor" if he protested, or "apathetic" if he
did neither. It saddened men who watched women their age get a head
start on their careers while they fought in a war that tore their apart
their souls, to return from that war to hear a woman call herself the
only victim of sexism because she was asked to make coffee at a job
that no law required her to take.

The "Work Obligation Gap"

Women interpret men's tendency to earn more for different work as an
outcome of male dominance rather that male subservience: they did not
see it as outcome of male obligation -- obligation to go where the
money is, not where fulfillment is.

Feminists focused on the fact that women as a whole earn less without
focusing on why women earn less: full-time working men work 9 hours per
week more (in the workplace) than full-time working women (Martha Hill,
Univ. of Michigan)*;

Men are more willing to relocate to undesirable locations, work the
less desirable hours (doctor vs. nurse), take jobs that are: dangerous
(firefighter vs. receptionist), high risk (venture capitalist vs. file

Women more than men can afford to take jobs that provide: high
fulfillment relative to training (child-care professional vs. coal
miner), contact with people in a pleasant environment (restaurant
hostess vs. long distance trucker), the ability to psychologically
check out at end of day (department store clerk vs. lawyer) and jobs
that are indoors (secretary vs. garbage collector) and jobs with no
demands to relocate (corporate secretary vs. corporate executive).

Desirable jobs pay less because they get plenty of qualified
applicants. Instead of calling their refusal to take these undesirable
jobs sexism, women could take the higher paying jobs (making the
necessary sacrifices) that men took to allow women to stay home, and
return the favor (don't marry for money; marry someone with a lower
income, like men do.

With men taking time off from work as much as women, there goes their
advantage in being hired and promoted. By eliminating the glass
cellar, women would eliminate the glass ceiling. By allowing men equal
access to his children, women would gain equal access in the job
market. Giving up her advantages in the homefront, annihilates his in
the workplace. To get equality, she merely had to give it. But while
demanding that men give up their advantages, feminists are unwilling to
give up theirs and instead are forcing everything and everyone to adapt
to them. Sooner or later this is going to backfire.

*When you combine hours worked inside the home with hours worked
outside the home the average man works 61 hours per week, the average
woman 56 -- University of Michigan study reported in the Journal of
Economic Literature in 1991.

The preceding was paraphrased or quoted from The Myth of Male Power by
Dr. Warren Farrell.
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