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World Paradise or War?

by Novicegod

Novicegod's Paradise Synopsis: WORLD PARADISE or War education will decide.

The paradise that could be

The world could quickly become a paradise once again if humans would begin planting food producing trees and plants everywhere (Like Johnny Apple Seed so no one would go hungry) and if they would breed responsibly. Humans take for granted sexuality and reproduction when there is enough food or jobs to buy plenty of food and resources they breed like vermin rats and rabbits and such for no purpose thinking that they are doing a favor for unborn children bringing new life into the world. Dysfunctional idiotic families giving birth to more mindless families that innocent child become born into. WHAT about the rights of the unborn to not be born to stupid or untrained parents. Human go too far and breed and consume like parasites of the earth until there is nothing left so they fight like fleas on a dog to see who will own what is left.

It usually depends on which race/culture can breed the fastest and brain-wash their offspring to carry on their way of life and fight for it. That is why one world government is tempting for so many. In a one world government we cannot fight over what we believe when we all believe the same thing bend over for the same government and worship the same god. But all this will be decided in time by elections and nations leaders so you better hurry up and become leader of a nation or you'll miss your chance to cast your vote.

Unlike the educated, the uneducated will give little resistance to any commands given by less than qualified commanders. To take away a persons education is to take away their power as well as a conscious to second guess, reason an alternative, reducing them to animal instinct.

Patriotism is second to ability to discern what is patriotic, nor what is a shameful way to run the lives of those who count on leadership for direction in the absence of their own better judgment. Humans that do not care about their education will be forever henchmen pawns and zombies of others not so sacred agenda.

Humans that do not think become animals, barbarians "savages". They ruin all progress.

Humans that think to much become machines. They begin to care more about artificial intelligence, praise it as mans next evolution. It will bring about killer machines that will destroy its creators and anything else in its way, like Frankenstein because it can it will follow the last order of the human fed up with humanity giving the last order to kill what it can not find away to change or put up with. Robot law be damned! Clone Law be damned! Even if all life is destroyed on this planet what about the countless other planets. I laugh so many that think of world conquest forgetting about the infinite mirrored planets and dimensions. They think so highly of themselves because with their riches, power, and secret societies they are so close.

Whatever life came from god or explosion humans follow absurd redundant instinctual patterns to breed and create philosophies and religions and pass the torch to children and others of impression that are suppose to carry on with traditions no matter what or how false and ignorant then eventually war with other races cultures humans of different territories of tribal conflict Savage (gang mentality).

It seems like Gomez Adams likes to watch his trains crash god likes to start life on different parts of the planet and watch them collide.

Democracies do not fight each other????? NO! Educated people do not fight each other because their love of knowledge and life is too great.

Soldiers are trained to kill for their country (way of life) and are supposed to be used as a last resort. They are someone's son, daughter, friend, wife/ husband or a strong majestic hero nomad. Too many Cowardly politicians Send soldiers to do what they are trained to do and they return to be spit on and hated even arrested. The many soldier cry inside wondering if they will go to some kind of hell, for what they have done. What about what they would have never had to do in the first place if negotiations had not failed.

It takes the killing and butchering of countless animals to fill the meat markets so humans can have their burgers etc. but when you ask children where meat comes from they tell you it comes from the store. In the same way peace with no teaching of how freedom was won has resulted in the majority of people not thinking of how many died so they can drive nice cars, play video games, go to the movies, and not have to worry that a missile will hit their city wiping out their insect existence or worse dying an agonizing death from germ warfare or by radiation flame watching their own skin melt off.

AGAIN, the humans' natural environment was and can be again, to live in the Garden of Eden surrounded by fruit trees all they could eat or need. Until they were persuaded to cut down the trees and make trinkets items to sell to each other, intentionally cutting away each others food supply so they would have to barter, steel, earn money or credit to have resources to enjoy life or survive.

They did it for profit and dominance control because power is ADDICTIVE hard to give up, thousands of generations later they still haven't quit.

P.S. Research within governments of the world is so greatly advanced past what can be found on a book shelf or internet that it might as well be considered ALIEN.

Time is the most precious substance it is constantly being wasted.


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