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Legions of Lucifer #001

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.
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??? ????????????????0m?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[0?8 [0;35m??? Carding ?
?? Phreaking ??? Hacking ??? A ??? Piracy ??? Crashing ???[H[01;31mWritten by: Wave Runner
Edited by : DarkmageLegions of Luciferxt # 1Part 1 out of 1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Howt aeSRING BREAK even phunner!!

Spring break. We all know what goes on during this
vaction... Parties, riots, rapes, things blowing up, cops raids,
etc... basically anything illegal. The tyme of year when all the
tired, lazy, bums who call theirselves students finally awake to
be the true party animals they really are. In other words, total
ANARCHY!! Yes, the tyme of year when all the students travel to
Palm Springs or Fort Lauderdale to party till they are dead or
arrested, whichever comes first.

For all you guys and gals out there that just love to destroy
things, this is the text file for you... This one will tell you
how to do some real evil stuff. Like burning down houses, Blowing
up animals and other sadistic stuff...<grin>, The kinda stuff that
makes being a teenager worth while.

Let's say you have an enemy, or a friend, or just feel like
making anyone have a very bad day, week, month...etc... try this.
Most of you have access to small explosives, or big explosives
like M2000's. And if you don't, WHO CARES, make some of your own!
All you need is a good and powerful explosive and a fuse that is
atleast 20 - 30 feet long, and if you are really in to explosives,
get a tymer or a detenator. Go to the house of your choice, find
the fuse/electrical box on the side of the house and place your
explosive in the box, and set the fuse. Make sure you're very far from
the house you are doing this too, just so you don't wake up with
a piece of alluminum siding in your face. Now lite the fuse and...
POW!!! By the tyme the fire engine and cops get there, the house
should be atleast half burnt down by now, if not the whole mother-
fucker! I would say that all of their worldly possesions have been
turned into toast by now. And if you are lucky (and they are not),
they don't have fire insurance! Muahahaa! I suggest you try to stay
as far as possible from the house, unless you think it is safe.


We all know that alot of teenagers will have Jeeps. Those are
great fun, you could strip those things down to the bare tin in
about 1 min. Just get the nessacery stuff and you can unscrew the
doors off, the windshield off and the roof. Also, you can open
the hood by just pulling up on the small black nobs on the both
sides of the hood. That is cool because you can place an explosive
in the engine and say goodbye to that car REALLY fast! HAhaa..

Wanna blow up a dog or a cat? Just shoot the motherfucker as
it walks by.


I hope this text file will help you next tyme you decide to get
revenge on someone or just want to have phun... Latr!


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