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Legions of Lucifer #006

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??? Carding ??? Phreaking ??? Hacking ??? Anarchy ??? Piracy ??? Crashing ???
Written by: Garfield Date: 06/14/90
Edited by : Wave Runner

Legions of LuciferText # 6 Part 1 out of 1
CURB SERVICE: E-Z to do Con Scam


Legions of Lucifer ('l?jen ov l?cif?r) n. 1. Any multitude of followers
of the chief evil spirit, Satan. 2. A group of Anarchists and Computer
Experts that work together as one to cause havok in the anarchy bound
society of this nation.

CURB SERVICE: An Easy 'Get Rich Quick' Scheme

Greetings once again, mates! I happened to be sitting around, casually
minding my own business, when I peered down at an enlongated flyer
laying on my coffee table. I looked at it and asked my family when it
arrived, and my mother said it just came today. Hmmmm!!!

What caught my eye was the fact that this would be a nice little get
rich quick scheme. It isn't nowhere near as clever as the home repair
scams the gypsies pull each spring, but then again, I don't know how
to bullshit my way about roofing, or aluminum siding....

The potential here is some fast and easy cash. It would be a quick
buck that is certain. I shall come back to some statements about
the rudimentary details of this scam, when to pull it, where to pull
it, what to look out for etc near the end of this file. Now I shall
proceed to show you what I received:

| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| C U R B S E R V I C E |
| |
| |
| This project is designed to aid |
| police, fire department and ambulance |
| service in finding your house at night. |
| With your permission, address numbers |
| will be painted on your curb. |
| |
| |
| These signs will be painted with a |
| permanent, incandescent paint that is |
| washable and shows up brightly at |
| night. It is guaranteed to remain legi-|
| ble for three years. |
| |
| |
| There is a $5.00 charge. If you would |
| like to help us with this effort, please|
| fill out the spaces below and place it |
| on your door tomorrow. |
| |
| You are not obligated to pay our |
| service until the painting is finished |
| to your complete satisfaction. |
| |
| |
| Name ________________________________ |
| |
| Address _____________________________ |
| |
| _____________________________ |
| |
| Phone _______________________________ |
| |
| |
| In case of bad weather, we will return |
| to paint your curb on the next good |
| weather day. Please leave this flyer |
| firmly attached to your front door. |
| |
| Personal checks accepted |

So you have a lot of key information. PLEASE take the time to delve
over it. There are a lot of potentials to it. Anyways, here is a step
by step method to making this racket work:

1. Get these flyers printed out. This is, textwise, exactly how
mine appeared. I would suggest printing it out, as is, and then
redoing it using Aldus Page Maker, or Adobe Illustrator. More
generic programs would work, but you need quality. If you don't
have those, call your friendly neighborhood pirate board...

The typing for the flyer has 'CURB SERVICE' in a VERY bold typeface.
All the rest is a 'thinner' lowercase bold, I am NOT a printer, so
I can not tell what point it is etc. The words at the bottom
'Personal checks accepted' were in a typewriter pica typeface, thus
indicating it was an addon. I would suggest omitting this. If
you want the personal checks for an 'official' look, please be sure
to tell them to pay to CASH, but I will cover that ground in a little
bit. Another note was that the key words, 'police, fire department
and ambulance service' and 'incandescent' were underlined. You
will probably want to do this as well. Also, having the document
right justified, will make it appear more 'newspaperish' and look

2. Print out the flyer on a laser printer, for maximum graphics detail
effects. If you have a buddy who owns a printshop, as I do, have
him run off 300 copies, which will be a good target goal. I have
seen similar flyers with the circles knocked out to place on
doorknobs, similar to the 'DO NOT DISTURB' signs at motels. For
asthetics, it may be desirable, as it makes it appear MORE authentic.

3. Assuming you have run these off with a Kodak Hi Speed copier on
8 1/2" x 11" stock, you will need to take it to a paper cutter and
size it down. The dimensions on my sheet were 4 1/4" x 11". This
suggests they PROBABLY had two of these flyers on a single 8 1/2"
x 11" sheet and merely cut them along a dotted line in the middle.
To conserve paper, you may wish to use their method of printing.
Another note about the paper, is that it was white, because black
on white provides maximum legibility. Besides, if people see pink
or yellow papers, many assume they are pizza ads and instantly rip
them up...

4. Now the footwork and scheming begins. This scam should be pulled
in the early summer months, preferribly around May-June. The first
thing to do is to buy a graphic street index of your county, or a
neighboring county. These can be found at most drug stores for
approximately $2-3 each. Proceed to stake out an area in another
city. Remember, what you are doing can get you prosecuted for
trespassing, impostering, etc, so you don't want to do this in your
end of town. I personally would not even suggest pulling it within
10 miles of your house, as you may accidentally go to the door of
a fellow church perishoner, club member, whatnot, and they can foul
things up very fast. You will probably want to pull this in a
ritzy neighborhood, for reasons I will discuss later, but at any
rate, pull it where they already have the house numbers spray painted
on the curbs, otherwise you have to do a lot of talking,
salespitching, etc and they may get suspicious... Plus they may
remember your face and be able to identify you in a wanted poster
or lineup.

5. Now to start the sting... Get a couple friends, the real workers
usually work in pairs of two or three, and go door to door handing
them out in the door, or mailbox. Age is also a critical factor,
because they are usually college students trying to make an extra
buck for tuition. Don't have your 12 year old brother do this...
An ex-friend of mine when he was about 9, used to pull con jobs
by stealing a CANCER SOCIETY, UNICEF, EASTER SEALS, or other similar
cannisters and go door to door with as a home volunteer and he almost
got nailed because a neighbor of mine saw him open the container
take the money out, throw down the container, and head towards the
local candy store... So, watch it!!

6. Ok, now the footwork takes another light, called day 2! The next
day, go door to door again in the same neighborhood and pick up
the filled out forms. This time, you will want to have some fake
ID on you, just in case. Head back to the ringleader's house and
delve through the stack and map out a plan of attack.

7. Now you will DEFINITELY need a fake ID. Just some bullshit card
such as the following:

| _city___ Curb Painting Worker |
| |
| Name: ______________________________ |
| _______ |
| Address : ___________________| | |
| | Photo | |
| Signature: __________________| | |
| |_______| |

The signature makes it look SHARP, and the photo makes it look
very sincere and authentic! If possible, get the card laminated,
and by ALL means have an alias and a fake address, in that city.
This should be easy to make, especially if you have print shop
connections, as many do passports etc... And have a fake Driver's
License with the same info in your possession, ready to show
nervous, suspicious old bitches. Besides, if you are underage,
the fake DL can make you 21, and you can then get into bars, buy
drinks etc.

8. Now you will want to make out the business forms. I suggest taking
a generic form from FormTool, Xerox FormBase, or PerFORM and
editing it with the same name as the title of your card. Be sure
to have a worker area at the top prefilled by you, with all kinds
of bullshit like name, worker #, signature, date, street you are
selling this on etc. At the bottom, have some 'legalese' hocus
pocus such as, 'The Anytown, USA Curb Painting Commission is NOT
affiliated with the local municipality of Anytown, USA. Civil,
puntitive, and other damages are not the responsibilty of the local
municipality of Anytown, USA. All work is final, no refunds are
issued. If the work is found incorrect or defective, please call
the Anytown, USA Civic Building and address the complaint to the
head of the Anytown, USA Curb Painting Commission'. Again, have
work spaces on the 'worker area' and the 'customer area' that
includes the cusomter's name, address, and telephone number.
As for the PAY TO CASH idea, have printed on the 'work order'
soemthing to the effect of 'The Anytown, USA Curb Painting
Commission is a NON-PROFIT organization dedicated to making
possible emergency runs by police, fire department, or ambulance
service run more smoothly by an easy to read and locate house
address. The organization does not have a formal civic statute
and therefore all personal checks are to be made out to CASH.
In the memo portion, please note Anytown, USA Curb Painting.
Thank you for your cooperation and concern.' [sucker!]
Print these forms out on a thicker cardboard stock used for raffle
tickets etc. Also, for officiality purposes, have matching numbers
on both portions in a bold type such as '1932926E'. You will need
to make five of these in a sequential manner, and then proceed to
run off 60 of each, so that people don't look down to see the SAME
work number right below, or if 2-3 are misaligned... If possible,
use a perforated paper stock for these, or use a perforation
machine and MAKE them perforated for easy tearing.

9. THE STING... Ok, get your friend, dress in a nice conservative
college style manner.. Docksiders, preppie shirts, acid wash jeans,
and go back to the neighborhood for round #3, the knockout...
Best done on a weekday or Saturday afternoon. Each of you will be
donning your fake ID badges, and each carry a clipboard with the
forms. Go to the addresses of the marks, which will already be
prefilled on your worker portion. Plus have a 8 1/2" x 11" manilla
envelope in your possession with your fake name and the street
name written in big block letters on it. This will be your
collection envelope, as it looks better than having the sap, er ah,
customer see you stash the dough in your wallet.

10. The Confidence Man -- When the man/lady of the house comes to the
door, smile and be real polite, and feed them some line of bullshit
such as:

' Good afternoon [sir/maam] my name is [fake name] and I
am working for the Anytown, USA Curb Painting Commission.
A few days ago, myself or another worker placed a CURB
SERVICE slip at your door, which was promptly filled out
and collected. Therefore, we are aware that you are concerned
with the public safety aspects of the curb painting which
will allow the police, fire department, or ambulance service
to locate your residence easier in the event of an emergency.
The Anytown USA Curb Painting Commission is a NON-PROFIT
[haha] organization that uses your $5.00 payment to pay
for the cost of paint and materials, printing work, and
worker's salaries.'

That is a good generalized speil that should convince them. Then
all you do is ask for $5, if cash [yahoo!!!] and place it in the
envelope. If they want to write checks, please describe the
portion about the Payable to CASH written on the work form. In
any event, if they want a work number etc, be sure to give them a
local carrier number that will ALMOST always be busy. Of course
hah, not YOUR bbs number :)! Then tear off the customer portion
with your fake signature done real sloppily so no handwriting
analysis can trace it to you, and tell them that a worker will
come next weekend to do the service. THANK them, wish them a nice
day etc, then go to the next house, etc etc etc.

11. After you and the other accomplices have covered the area, return
to base and plan the next phase of attack.

12. Operation PayDay! Okay, now throw all accumulated funds in the
pot, and divide it up amongst the con artists. Take all the
incriminating evidence, such as the fake licenses, fake ID, work
forms, checks etc and hide them. With the checks you have two
options, either you can just open a fake bank account under an
assumed name and cash em, or what I would do, is just keep em, and
use them for possible future fraud, seeing as you have their bank
account number, signature etc handy haha!

13. Later on, about 3 months, if you are daring, tough, and have some
big balls, you can add insult to injury by going and breaking into
the homes of all the suckers, first call, if nobody is home, case
the house and then use burglary techniques available in many other
fine files available for download from good boards near you. Also,
while you are doing the confidence man racket, you may wish to write
a few notes on the worker's portion, such as if you see dogs,
burglar alarm stickers in the window, etc.

Welp, I hope you don't feel that was too lame. Hah! Remember, ???
is providing this file merely as interesting reading, and informative
purposes. The data contained above is NOT to be tried. LoL and the
author assume no responsibilty for any police problems that may arise
due to the usage of the information previously stated.

+ Look for more good files soon, from the ?egions ?f ?ucifer tfile group!

>> This has been an ?.?.? presentation...

'Money, that's what I want.'
--The Beatles
The Beatles Second Album © 1964
Capitol Records / EMI Ltd.

"Anarchy is the base of todays society, without it, we would be in chaos"
- Anarchist

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