Ramblings, or 'approaching bliss.

Big baby jesusBig baby jesus Regular
edited July 2010 in Spurious Generalities
In the hopes which our fears allow, there is cause to cast off the shackles of oppression which religion has beome. Many who see the way of God in violence conquest and oppression have now been excommunicated from the universal unconciousness, as they severed their own ties to the life. There's no recourse for those taking God's word to inflict pain, the new way is one of love and life, not control of emotion or will. The cancelled imprint of God's will so embodied by the man who wishes to subvert love remains as a beacon of love lost, as in the cross and other symbols. The reliance on foreign oil will be the catalyst for hell allowed to return to Earth, return to Mother, if these people will do nothing.

I've seen the pain and the fortune but no approaching bliss because the bliss is that which lives inside the fold, the bliss is that which God infused our souls with, with the sun and with the stars. The ocean with which we are all one, which I am one with as I am not we, I am the embodiment of One Soul and One Love which will impeach hate and allow Zion on Earth. The control of our hate is not the aim and the suppression of war is not feasible. To approach this bliss which lives inside the hearts of mankind, the hate and ignorance which comes from ignorance of Lord must be silenced.

A call to arms then. An approaching destiny, a way which was always one with the way of the man. A way forgotten and a message denied, until the savior of man returns to Earth. Who now hears the winds blow softly, one with locomotion highways and the word? Who now feels the sun beat down, concentration of this wrath our foundation incurred. I see the truth, and it is love, but there aren't ways, there is just one, there are no failures, only spun impeachment tailored to keep I a slave. Am I slave? It is to I to decide.


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