Some airline secrets?

DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
edited February 2011 in Spurious Generalities
- Your flight was delayed from 1-7 hours because of a mechanic's incompetence or failure to check off [sign] a check list. Sorry dudes. :cool:

- When you board a plane, you can hear a faint buzzing. That's the APU running. The APU is a small gas turbine engine that provides backup hydraulic and pneumatic power and electricity in case of an emergency.

- Luggage isn't lost systematically. It's disposed by faggot airline workers. They use the 'ballpoint pen trick' but with metal punches
If you don't have shit, your luggage is trashed. It's a random selective process. Nothing to do with the TSA.

- Engine failures occur daily. An airplane can take several flights with 3/4 engines on.

- Another reason for delays are "work strikes." Aircraft mechanics are bound to follow rules 100% in accordance to the maintenance manuals. There are several "bibles" and in order to "fix" something, you should always refer to them. At least that's what the FAA wants.

No one gives a shit. No one is going to look up how much torque is needed for screwing something in. In '08 and '09 when AA cut everyone's salary by $2.50 or something like that, the union told every mechanic follow the rules. What could have taken an engine change 6 hours, took 4 days. You could imagine how pissed off the maintenance managers were. But they couldn't do shit. FAA standards > shitboss. :D

--I'll update this later
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