Old LSD trip report i wrote

JayJay Acolyte
edited July 2010 in Man Cave
Well, since i want to collaborate somehow, and BLTC needs some threads, i decided to post this. It's an old trip report i wrote roughly a year ago about a tip with a few friends. The experience was interesting but one of our friends tripped out and that brought our whole trip down, as we were all rather inexperienced.

Anyways, here it is. Might have some typos and mistakes, bare with me. It's kind of a long read.
I’m going to begin by stating my prior experience with psychedelics. I started off trying weed, which I rapidly learned to love. After hearing about LSD, reading a bunch about it and finally getting someone to acquire it from, I tried half a hit with my then girlfriend. You could say it was a longer-lasting weed high with minor visuals (some walls breathing and such) and it was a rather enjoyable experience.

About 6 months later, I started pondering the possibility of trying it again, now in a higher dose. I got myself a better dealer, and after talking to a few of my friends to see who would be up for the experience, I ended up taking it with my brother and a close lifetime friend. I will be referring to them as “J” and “F”, respectively.

Once we decided the dosages (2 hits for me, one for J and one for F) and purchased the goods, we still had something to make our minds about: the setting. The sober friend (I’ll be calling him “N”) that was going along with us *just in case* suggested a nice area next to a river and a forest where we could camp and avoid, for the most part, other people.

After a few weeks of mentally preparing myself, and deciding all the details for the trip, the day finally arrived. I was surprised to see that N had brought along his cousin (Let’s call him “M”), who I didn’t know too very well. We would be taking an hour long train ride to get to our desired location. The ride in question was rather nice; we spoke about the oncoming trip and set a good mood for the experience. Of course, we never expected what was about to unfold in our minds and all around us.

As soon as we arrived, we crossed the river by foot (a low part of the river) and set up the camping site. This was around 11am. The place looked beautiful, lots of nature, a gorgeous river with a giant metal bridge standing in the middle of it and many other natural wonders. The lack of clouds in the sky announced a gorgeous, sunbathed day that would welcome us with its warmth. Once we had everything ready to go, we sat in the sandy floor and proceeded to put the hits under our tongues. As I felt a somewhat bitter taste while the two hits dissolved in my mouth, J, F and M decided to go swimming while the acid kicked in. I stayed in the sand with N, just talking.

20 or 25 minutes had already passed by. As I was speaking to N, I noticed a tingling anxiety building inside me. Boy, we were in for a ride; I just didn’t know it yet. The minutes kept on passing and this weird feeling started to get stronger and stronger. Out of nowhere, a gigantic grin got stuck in my face, which N thought was quite funny.

The comeup was coming on full strength, when J and F came back from the river. They had a pretty similar grin in their faces themselves, and as soon as they got to where we were, we all started laughing hysterically. I can’t even remember what set off the laughter, but at the time it seemed as it’d never cease. We proceeded to sit down in the sand. I was trembling, but the weather wasn’t cold at all.

I was just starting to see what this wonderful substance had to offer. At this point, as we were sitting, my perception started to get greatly altered. The sounds and color around me seemed to be intensified thousands of times, while things started to breathe and wave. My arms started going numb, with that tingling sensation of millions of ants running under your skin. So much information was coming to me, all of my senses were overwhelmed. I became overwhelmed. I leaned over, staring at the floor, as I was feeling all of this to be too much for me to handle. I threw up a little bit, and for a second got concerned about the trip going bad. I scratched it off immediately, since I did not wish to set up a bad trip for myself.

I laid on my back for a few minutes, to help myself relax and just let go. Staring at the sky was a wonderful experience; the gorgeous and intense blue sky, filled with puffy white clouds, started swirling before me in beautiful fractal patterns performing stunning motions. As I stared at it in amazement, the velocity of these movements started building up, reaching a steady rhythm. I looked at this unfold for what seemed hours, and finally decided to go back to sitting in the circle J, F and me had set up.

I looked to my right, just to witness another gorgeous scene; N was coming down from a small hill, accompanied by an unknown, white dog that had been with us. The hill was covered with the greenest grass I’ve seen in my life and the most gorgeous flowers as well. This scene seemed out of a fairy tale. He sat next to us, and had brought along some oranges, and my guitar.

Now, I had heard about how eating oranges while tripping was fantastic. I think the word “fantastic” doesn’t make justice to this experience; it was the single, most delicious piece of food that had gone to my mouth. I peeled them off (which proved to be a rather intricate task) and squeezed that nectar of life directly into my mouth. ‘This is delicious’ - I said to my brother - ‘why do we look for artificial flavors when the earth provides us with such delights?’ He agreed with me, with his mouth half-stuffed with the fruit. The slight nausea I was having earlier vanished away with this citric joy.

I had already finished my orange, so I proceeded to grab my guitar. The numbness in my arms made it really difficult to play, but I tried nonetheless. F grabbed the tambourine and started playing along. The two or three consecutive chords I was (difficultly) playing sounded like the most beautiful song ever played. As I switched chords and rhythms, it seemed as if completely different songs were being played, going through intricate verses, delicious choruses and elaborate solos, even though I must have played around 4 or 5 different chords. I remember thinking of them as “the soundtrack of our trip”. Some of these chord progressions even inspired some songs later on, and they give me the chills every time I play them.

Around this time was when my friend F started getting lost in his trip. He had never tripped before, and didn’t quite know what to expect really. As we started walking towards the forest, he seemed to got stuck in his first thought loop. ‘Let’s go back to the tent’ he said. We insisted it was going to be okay, but he kept on repeating the same idea. ‘What if something happens to the tent? We should go check on it’ and so on. After a while of this, we decided it was best to go back to the camping site, just to make sure F wouldn’t be too worried about it.

We were already on T+4 or something along those lines. This means it was around 3 or 4 o’clock, and the sun was starting to be quite an inconvenience, to say the least. Since we had no shadow anywhere –and the inside of our tent was boiling hot and filled with gigantic mosquitoes – we decided to head down to the river, to get some refreshment; this turned out not to be such a good idea.

Now, this river was really shallow (around our knees) until you reached a certain point where it would be too deep for you to be standing, so we had to walk around 100 meters on the water to be able to actually swim. During this walk, F started getting afraid, and started mumbling again about the tent. J and I started insisting that we should really go swim for a while, since the heat was being a bitch. F could only scratch off the idea with a loud ‘no’ and started with the ‘Let’s check on the tent’ all over again. We determined that the best would be for me and my brother would go swim while F waited for us. We swam to one of the bridge’s giant iron pillars and admired the beauty of the scene, and then headed back to where F was.

Then I started noticing something strange about F, he was simply not answering. When we sat on the edge of the river, he started eating sand and drinking the (not healthy at all) water. At this point J, N (who was sober) and me started getting really worried. Was he going to stay like this? Had the acid unleashed a state of autism which would make us lose one of our dearest friends? This all pretty much made us ‘forget’ about our trip and concentrate on him getting better, even though we were still tripping.

During the course of the following hour, F did some rather strange and unspeakable things, like bathing himself in coke-cola, destroying food inside our tent, destroying the tambourine (which was an item he was quite fond to) and such. The worries kept growing on us as the time passed and he just wouldn’t come back.

At around T+8 or so, he started recovering himself. He started speaking a few words, and slowly improving from there. Even so, he was quite ‘weirded out’ the rest of the day, which I assume was because he was trying to make something up all of what had just happened to him. He took a few days to fully recover, but he’s perfectly fine as of now (2 months after the experience). Before going to bed that night, I remember laying on my back thinking about the whole experience, and watching the start, which were still *slightly* swirling.

F would later confirm me (around a month later or so) that he was ego-dying most of the time, and was desperately fighting it, since he didn’t quite know what was happening to him. I feel guilty over this, since he’s like a little brother for me, and I did not prepare him enough for the experience. My brother J had a great time (except when the whole event with F took place).

What did I take out of this trip? That’s actually a good question. The first half of it (until we started worrying about F) was amazing, and everything I had hoped for. However, in the second half, the trip seemed to vanish, leaving us without a smooth comedown to think about the experience. I will definitely be tripping again though, (hopefully) in a month or so, again with 2 hits (in a better setting and just with my brother, who seemed to handle the trip quite well).

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it (or that somebody at least read it). Peace out.


  • DaSkipperDaSkipper Regular
    edited July 2010
    Nice. Too bad for F though. I hope I don't fuck up like that during my first trip.
  • mashlehashmashlehash Regular
    edited July 2010
    I think there were some mistakes on your guys part during F's bad trip. If he keeps repeating to go back to the tent, then you really really should just for the sake of saving him the anxiety that has the potential to ruin his trip.
  • JayJay Acolyte
    edited July 2010
    mashlehash wrote: »
    I think there were some mistakes on your guys part during F's bad trip. If he keeps repeating to go back to the tent, then you really really should just for the sake of saving him the anxiety that has the potential to ruin his trip.

    We did go back to the tent. Several times. That's when he decided to butcher all of our food inside the tent, get naked and put on a pair of pants of mine that didn't even fit him, then proceeded to go to the river and bathe with said pants.

    Where we did fuck up was in overreacting to the way his trip was developing. We should've just scratched it off as him tripping very intensely and waiting a few more hours before getting concerned. He later told us that our reaction (my brother got to the point of crying over it) made him even more concerned, which threw him into more thought loops.

    It was just too intense for him, as he was mostly unprepared. And our concern about it didn't help at all. Our concern was somewhat understandable, tho, since we weren't too experienced and he did stuff like eat sand, drink river water, dance the macarena at random times (like, wtf, you haven't spoken more than 2 words in the last 3 hours and then you decide to do that, what a mindfuck) and stuff like that.
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