Thinkbox Deadline 5.0 [Deadline Render Farm Management System]

DfgDfg Admin
edited May 2011 in Tech & Games
Deadline is a hassle-free administration and rendering toolkit for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX based render farms. It offers a world of flexibility and a wide-range of management options for render farms of all sizes, and supports over 40 different rendering packages out of the box.

The latest version of the render queue management system offers a variety of work flow improvements, helping you streamline your production pipeline. Updated Monitor options allow artists to save their layout presets and the new slave availability filter helps them troubleshoot their jobs faster. Farm administration is made easier with increased security for authenticating Deadline users and streamlined configuration options improve system roll out times.


Deadline Clients run on 32 and 64 bit Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX.

Windows: XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008 (you need the Microsoft .NET 2.0 SP2 Framework runtime).
Linux: RedHat, Fedora, CentOS, SuSE, Open SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu (you need Mono 2.6.7 or Mono 2.10.x runtime).
Mac OSX: Leopard (10.5), Snow Leopard (10.6) (you need Mono 2.6.7 or Mono 2.10.x runtime).

Deadline Repository

Windows Server editions (2000 and later).
Any x86 based *nix with Samba.

Please note that Windows XP or Vista in standard configuration will not allow more than 10 simultaneous inbound connections. Windows 7 is limited to 20.

Thinkbox Deadline 5.0 (Windows)Thinkbox Deadline 5.0 (Mac)[URL=" Deadline 5.0 (Linux 32-bit)[/URL]
Thinkbox Deadline 5.0 (Linux 64-bit)

Found this amazing peice of software.
Deadline 5 is the latest version of Thinkbox Software's render farm management system. It offers a variety of work flow improvements, helping you streamline your production pipeline. Updated Monitor options allow artists to save their layout presets and the new slave availability filter helps them troubleshoot their jobs faster. Farm administration is made easier with increased security for authenticating Deadline users and streamlined configuration options improve system roll out times. Click here for printable one-sheet.

New Features
Auto Configuration:

Simplify farm administration by configuring slave settings like the repository path and license server in a single location. If the repository path or license server changes, just update the auto configuration settings instead of applying the changes to each machine individually.

New User System:

Administration features are optionally password protected and all modifications to jobs, tasks and slaves are logged and easily traceable. Deadline’s Access Control System prevents users from inadvertently disrupting other rendering tasks. Additionally, administrators can prevent user impersonation by configuring Deadline to use the system user as the Deadline user for even greater security.

Slave Availability Filter:

Allow users to quickly diagnose a failed job. Click on the job to filter the slave list and display those slaves available to render the selected job. This feature factors in Pools, Groups, White/Blacklisted slaves, and any Limit Groups the job uses.

Flexible licensing model:

Bump up the size of your farm to handle larger loads during crunch time. Our Surge Rental Program makes it easy for users to quickly increase the capacity of their render farm on a weekly basis at affordable rates.

Event plug-ins:

Create plug-ins to have Deadline update in-house pipeline tools such as databases when jobs start and finish rendering. Write custom scripts to submit jobs to the farm or to perform custom pre/post rendering tasks as the job is rendered. All scripts can make use of Deadline’s Iron Python script-based SDK, resulting in endless possibilities.

Statistic Improvements:

Increased accuracy for slave and repository statistics when specifying any given time frame. These statistics can now be displayed in a new detailed graphing system that offers improved controls for viewing and saving graph images to disk.

Remote Mode:

This feature allows companies with multiple facilities to improve performance and latency when controlling and managing massive global render farms remotely.

Deadline Mobile:

Updated for iPhone and Now Android: makes it easy to keep tabs on your render farm by letting you monitor your Deadline jobs from anywhere. With the simple touch of a screen, you can view your render jobs in real time and check on their status within seconds.

I am going to give it a try.
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