Welcome to The Great Outdoors. READ ME BEFORE POSTING HERE.

buddhabuddha Regular
edited July 2011 in Life
This forum is for discussion of all things outdoors, from plants and animals, green and alternative energy, to travel and camping.

Please keep all discussion on topic, avoid derailing threads by posting off topic. You can always make a new thread (or I will).

I reserve the right to trash/move/delete/unapprove posts which I feel are off topic or just plain old spam.

The totse.info admins have given the Mods the right to run their sections as they see fit, so to avoid any future arguments and butthurt, I will determine what is off topic/spam as I see fit.

:) Have a nice day. :)

If you need any help, or have any other concerns, feel free to PM me, and I will try and be as helpful as possible.


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