Firefox 6 Released Delayed Due to a Critical Flaw

DfgDfg Admin
edited August 2011 in Tech & Games
Just as the Mozilla Foundation was set to release the final version on 16th August, a bunch of fatal security flaws popped up. Mozilla in there internal e-mail requested the mirrors to take down the versions and currently the release has been delayed till 20th August 2011. Users are advised to revert to Firefox 5 or just switch to another browser completely.

This flaw was uncovered by a hacker named DaGuru who calls himself the master of the Universe. Using his 8bit processor he was able to hack Firefox internal security parameters and take down NSA and NASA website along with users using Firefox 6 nightly builds. In an exclusive interview DaGuru shared that he had major help from a user named Spectral who using his uber skills killed bears and took down the local power company.

The flaw is flagged as critical and patches have been released but it's hard to keep up when hackers like DG and Spec are attacking something. An FBI investigation is underway.

Users can download the Firefox 6.0 version from here.


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