Shared Media on Networks

edited October 2011 in Tech & Games
It's amazing what people share on a network when they connect their computer to it. A lot of the time, people don't even realize that they're sharing any of it, which can lead to some very disasterous consequences (nudes, personal files, etc) ! Before I plugged my laptop into the Uni network, I made CERTAIN that I disabled network file sharing, made my computer invisible to the network etc etc. You really can't take any chances (unless of course, you want people to be able to steal your files).

If you want to poke around any shared machines on your network, simply open up a file-explorer window (assuming you're using a Windows box right now) and click on the "network" link on the left panel. You need to have network sharing enabled to actually see others who are also sharing, so just make sure you're not sharing anything and enable the setting temporarily. Anyway, this should bring up a list of all the connected computers who have sharing enabled :)

From here, you can actually click through the computers and find some with their shit wide open. You can also guess a few usernames/passwords if you're feeling lucky. Basically, a lot of the stuff you might find can be a goldmine. I recall RemadE telling me about the time he discovered a bunch of weird pictures on someone's computer :thumbsup: Maybe you'll get lucky as well.

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