Its about 8:00pm fucked up, Had about 4 vodkas and just downded 15 mlgrams of adder-all ya man I'm in it for the long haul./
listening to black sabbath faeries where boots man.My drink is leaning like the tower of piesa .
Fuck you I gotta go~!!!the lawn needs to be mowed.
Fuck I'm going to regret this later.
Maybe if I smoke some weed it will make it betterr lol:facepalm:
Haven't smoked ant weed yet,not sure if I;m going to,gona pop some benzo's and screw my wife see ya.
Hope you live to tell the tale, Brother :hai:
Edit - Hivemind. Glad to hear an update. I've not smoked weed in months...hmm..a trip to Amsterdam after my surgery would be great *rubs chin*