So I was Googling around after watching a show on TV (Hardcore Pawn, for those who wish to know - basically a show where black people sell shit for crack, including a Cadillac with a dead body in the trunk, and a crazy white woman selling "Nazi Memorabilia" which was clearly fake).
But anyway, I was wondering - If I, RemadE, were to move to the States (yes, the US of A)
a) How long would I have to wait until I could legally own a firearm?
b) I am diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (not that it means much) but it is a recognised Mental Illness.
Would option "
b" impact my ownership of a firearm at all? I have looked but can only find discussions, no actual laws/statutes. I'm guessing it differs from State to State. Also it's hypothetical. I'm not planning on moving to the States anytime soon (I'd be moving to North Africa long before then just because it's like the Wild West)
Also update for
my trip to Virginia next year - my Nan is petrified of Snakes, to the point where she wanted to cancel the trip altogether. After a good metaphorical slapping around I convinced her to go, but the people we are staying with.
Well, they are Republican mad and the Husband of the Family is a Lawyer.
Might pretend I'm gay. If I get shot, then I apologise.
But anyway, what definitions are there for restrictions on firearms in the United States? EG - convicted Felon etc. and will these laws cover my mental illness? (although i don't see it as that, just an eccentric side to me, which has the odd peak and trough at times - they can result in euphoria to suicidal and homicidal tendencies, however) but everyone gets that at one point or another in their lives.
5th Amendment (Note that it states any person not ay sovereign or any citizen.)
But again what is legal under the constitution on paper when it comes the the 2d Amendment (which is a simple straight forward one sentence statement with little room for interpretation regardless the rhetoric which the neo liberal freedom stealing gun control lobbyist spew) and what is in practice are not only two different worlds but vary in all 50 states.
Here is a state by state list of gun ownership laws as per the language of the actual statutes as passed by the several states respective legislatures.
The adverts in "southern paper" for firearms, I think I would steer clear from just in case any eyebrows were raised - "Oh you're an alien (lol, that term..) and you have an unlicensed firearm?", fuck I don't even want to imagine the consequences.
I was gonna say, the 2nd amendment can't go far wrong as it's not long. Which makes me wonder how it differs so much but I think the legal way is the most safe one to take. Either that or go to Canada, eh
But I didn't know about Arkansas. That's mad. Guessing firearms are rather widespread there (pretty stupid question considering the States..derp)
Ps. Hmm, Virginia.."mentally incapacitated". Heheh. What they won't know won't hurt them :hai:
Last year me and the wife took a gun safety course with the thought that we could then get a permit for a home defense type weapon.No way hosey not that easy.
After the safety course there is the permit application process,which ends in an interview with chief of police in your town.If he don't like your face no permit, no ifs and buts about it,he has the finial say.
So until I move I'm not going to bother trying to get a permit.Me and the Chief have met a few times and he don't like me.