Last week I had the pleasure of trip-sitting a very close friend who was curious about psychedelics for a long time. She is a great looking girl, quite Tomboy-ish so we get on (despite my dislike for public displays of affection when she does get a bit girly, but I digress).
I weighed out 2g for me and 1.5g for her of dried psilocybin mushrooms.
At 6pm I took them, and at 7pm she took hers (I rolled them into pellets for ease of consumption, if anyone has ever taken dried mushrooms you know what I am on about).
After gauging her response, I sat in the garden for a smoke, and she was convinced there was "dry rain" in the air. She kept saying "but I can see the rain, it's just not wet!". I just enjoyed the body load and we went in to watch 20 minutes of Futurama while we got ready to go out. By now the sun was setting. It was about 19:45hrs.
At first, after I giggled a load, we walked to a bar in Town and I had a couple of beers. I got her a vodka and coke, and rightly so - she declined to drink it as she wanted to see the raw effects of the mushrooms. I agreed, as for her first trip I would hate for it to be jaded by alcohol. Me? I have tripped over 30 times (no bragging) and so sank a couple of bottles and finished her vodka and lemonade off in 5 gulps.
While we were there, however, she was transfixed by the ice and lemon slice in her drink. Spending upwards of 10 minutes staring at the ice, moving it round with her straw, commenting on how it was like a microcosm of an iceberg. Just the beginning.
Our attention soon turned to the carpet and general decor.
Much like in Fear and Loathing, both of us could see the shapes shift slightly and I blurted out "Holy hell, where did that couples' food come from?" as it just appeared from nowhere. I looked up to see her pupils had enlarged quite a bit, so I knew my job as a trip-sitter was going well.
After about 30 minutes in an ever-increasing capacity restaurant/bar, we headed to the river in the City where I went to university (she is going into her second year) and took in the noise, reflected light and general aura of the river, surrounded by rich, Roman and Saxon history.
Sitting in silence for the best part of 20 minutes we then headed off, both commenting on how we felt like we were floating, up to a hill overlooking the City. The best comment by far from her was, as there was a metal fence, "the City is tamed - it's behind a cage and I can finally feel free". It sure did look that way and having someone elses' view on the same thing was great. I really valued it.
We just sat, listening to the bats and birds flying and chirping around us. Watching the city, alive below us. People were going around their nightly business, feeling enlightened.
As a Student at the University I often came here, and we both did when I lived with her in my final year as it allowed us to escape the "pressure cooker" feeling of the University and City life.
Walking back we passed the ecclesiastical quarter of the City, looking at houses that could have been straight from the Lord of the Rings movies. There were also Police to which I said "heh, we can't get in trouble as we've eaten all the evidence".
We looked at the massive Church, thinking it seemed totally out of place despite being there from 1066AD or so. The architecture took on so much more detail, the starlight reflected off the chrome where the flag was flapping on top. So natural, so elegant.
So carefree.
From below the lights showed up parts of the building and we just stared in awe, appreciating the man-made beauty of it, but the "wrong" placing of it. A real headfuck.
The night ended buying a kebab (she did) and literally gliding home, watching Scrubs and then appreciating the bedsheets and being very glad I was chosen as her trip-sitter.
Her friend gave her a lot of shit for doing mushrooms, saying (I quote) "they can kill you!". As a grower I took that as someone saying to me "your cooking sucks and can kill people". As following my guidance she had her phone turned off the whole time, I had 5mg valium on me for her in case of emergency to stop the trip and had a clear plan of where to go. Practicing with people in a shallow manner to gauge her reactions, or just to spend time alone if we wanted.
Everyone should try mushrooms at least once in their life. Seriously. I just hope there are friends you can count on to trip-sit for you.
Just thought I'd put this out for you lot to read
This is gonna be one helluva time. The short hair on one of them :fap: psychedelic gangbang please.
And yep, she tells all those who want to hear about it and I am now seen as some Timothy Leary character in my old University City.
Always chop and change. They call me the wanderer...