Analish + Other stuff

DfgDfg Admin
edited April 2013 in Man Cave l

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My cousin. He was always the "hot cousin" - guy and I was one of four pretty girl cousins. Never ever thought of each other sexually growing up - he's 8 yrs younger than me. One day, in our 30's we were invited to a family party out of town, neither of us wanted to deal with family drama but.. you know its family. Because we both lived in the city and the party was in the country we agreed to drive together. He picked me up and had a blast driving up together, laughing, talking and singing to some bad dumb ass music on the radio. Went to the party and everything was "family normal" every once in while we would catch each others eye across the room and have that shared, secret smile of "omg don't really want to be here"...well it was in the country so most people crashed there because we were all drinking. By the end of the night somehow it ended up just him and I were in the hot tub alone. He grabbed my leg and started stroking in up and down so softly. Before you knew it we were both back in one my sisters spare bedrooms and ....well, yep it all happened. Have to say, - some of the best sex I have ever had.
So yes, I had sex with my cousin and it was good.....

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[h=2]My Goth sister part 1[/h] After what had appeared to be forever, I was finally done with college for the day and able to return home. Once home, I was surprised to find my goth sister on the driveway, stretched out on a folding chair, basking in the warm summer sun. She looked at me and scowled.

”Home already? I thought I was going to have the house to myself for at least another hour” she said, angrily gazing at me over the rim of her sunglasses.
“Oh, get bent Kathleen. This is just as much my home as it yours. I fucking live here too.”

Ignoring my sister’s angry retort, I went inside to get something to drink. The heat was unbearable. Dropping my bag with heavy books, I went to the fridge to finally grab my cold drink. Seizing a can of soda, I immediately opened it and guzzled it down, emptying it almost completely.

“You’re such a pig” a voice from behind me said. I turned around and, sure enough, there was Kathleen. Her hands resting on her hips, she exuded pure annoyance. From below her purple hair, she looked at me with her blue eyes.

“Now what the hell did I do?” I asked, weary of my little sister already.
She took two steps forward and ripped the can out of my hand. “That’s mine!” she said, fuming over the fact that I had dared to take HER soda. “”You are such an asshole! You’re always taking my things!” Suddenly, there were tears in her eyes. “Like you took Sarah!”

Woah. That hurt. “I didn’t take her from you. The two of you broke up!” I snarled, now angry myself. Sarah had been with my bisexual sister for a few months until she had reconsidered and had gone straight. Not long after that, she had hooked up with me. Not that that lasted long, either. We’d only been an item for 2 months before she left me, too. “And then she broke up with me, too! That fucking bitch is insane.”And there we were. Both upset at the same girl.

Suddenly, Kathleen pressed herself against me, wrapping her arms around me. “I’m sorry, Conrad!” she stuttered as she cried. “I didn’t mean to be so angry…It’s just that that bitch makes me so angry!” Kathleen explained. I nodded, gently stroking her back.
“It’s ok, Kath. All is forgiven” I told her, and meaning it. Even if she could be a gigantic bitch at times, this spunky little goth chick was still my sister. “Listen sweetie, I’m going to take a shower. Are you going to be ok?” I asked, a hand on Kathleen’s shoulder. She nodded, wiping her eyes. “Yeah…sorry about…” “I know” I interrupted her. With a smile, I kissed her forehead. “Your make up’s all runny..” I told my sister, and she smiled back. “I wonder why?” she joked, giggling a little.Yeah, this kid was going to be just fine.
After that exchange, I headed for the shower, eager to get out of this sweaty shirt and into something more comfortable.
Not much later, as I was standing in the shower, an image of my favourite professor came bubbling up into my mind and before I knew it, I was stroking myself. I thought of Madison Roberts, the 30 something year old professor. Her rack was larger than anything I’d ever seen, and her mouth seemed to be made to suck on things, preferably my cock.
“Oh, Madison…” I whispered, speeding up the movements along my shaft. Then, suddenly, the naked Madison grew a tattoo on her left side. She didn’t have that, as far as I knew. I sort of half-shrugged and kept masturbating. Then, her hair grew shorter and started going dark, until it had gone from red to purple. I realised then what I was doing. I was jacking off to an imagined version of my sister! The lightning bolt tattoo, her purple hair, even the pierced nipples, everything was there. I felt disgusted with myself that I was fantasizing about my own sister. Try as I might, however, the image was not going away.Sighing, I gave up masturbation, and finished up cleaning myself, leaving me with a gigantic erection.

I avoided Kathleen the rest of the day, locking myself up in my room to be away from her. But the erection never went away. It insisted on staying up, making me beg for release.
However, I resisted as much as I could. Later that night, I finally could stand it no longer. Lying naked on my bed, I jacked myself off, hard and fast, eager to get it over with and come to my climax. Images of Madison came and went, but my little goth sister always stayed there. Standing there as she had this afternoon, her hands on her hips and her sunglasses hiding her eyes. But I knew she was sizing me up. Checking me out. Although she didn’t see me like that in real life, in my imagination she did.

Next, I imagined myself standing in the shower, just as before, but this time, when Kathleen’s face replaced that of Madison, it wasn’t just my mind messing with me. Now, it was actually Kathleen who came into the shower. She was completely naked, this time. As she pressed herself against me, she wrapped her arms around my neck. My erection pressed against her tummy and she smiled.

“Is that for me, big brother?” Kathleen asked, her eyes peering at me from behind a curtain of her now wet hair. I could barely reply.

“So it is, hm?” My sister giggled. “I must be hotter than I always thought.” With a wink, Kathleen suddenly sank to her knees. “But this looks pretty hot too..” she mumbled right before beginning to lick at my cockhead.

“Aw, fuck!” I moaned, caught off guard by her action. Her tongue piercing scraped across my tip and I had to take hold of my sister’s shoulders to stop myself from falling over. “You like it?” she asked, going back to licking me as soon as she was done asking.

“Oh, fuck yes Kath, but…you can’t do this! We’re…” I began. She interrupted me before I could finish: “Brother and sister? Fuck that. If I want to play with my big brother’s big cock, then that’s my business.”

Then, she sank her mouth down my cock, her lip piercing sliding across my length, making me shiver. At first, Kathleen bobbed up and down slowly, but soon, she sped up, her wet mouth making me crazy.
“Oh god…I’m going to come, Kath” I warned her, trying to make her stop. I didn’t want to come yet. “No…Kath…not yet…” But she insisted, her mouth moving up and down my shaft, her head a purple blur near my crotch.

“Fuck…ah…” I moaned, resigned to my fate. “So good, sis..” I muttered as I felt the familiar pressure building up inside of my shaft. I bit my lower lip, trying to stop myself from crying out, but failed miserably. As my hot seed shot out from my cockhead, I cried out:

[h=2]My Goth sister part 2[/h] Coming hard, I blasted my seed all across my chest. As I bucked my hips in bliss, I was oblivious to the door opening.

“What is it?” a voice asked.

I was pulled back into reality by the voice. Oh shit! I’d forgotten to lock the door and now somebody had walked in on me. Caught in the throes of my orgasm, I could do nothing but just lie there as my seed shot and oozed out of my cockhead.

A gasp. “Holy shit!” the voice cried out. I recognized it as Kathleen’s.

“What is it?” I heard a voice shouting from down the hall.

“Nothing mom, Conrad just startled me, is all” Kath replied before coming in and shutting the door.
“Holy hell, you fucking pervert. Did you just jack off to your own sister?” she asked. I figured that since I had gotten caught red handed, there was no use to lie.
“Yeah, I think so” I told her.

She looked at my still erect cock and then at the pools of cum on my chest and stomach. With a grin, she asked me: “Was it good?”
I nodded, moving to get up and cover myself.

“Uh-uh!” Kathleen said, wagging her finger at me. “You stay right there, mister.” I wanted to protest, but she pre-empted me. “If you don’t do what I say, I will tell mom and dad” she threatened.

Resigned, I laid back again, my cock still erect, making me painfully conscious of the fact that my sister was able to see me at my most vulnerable.
“It’s a pretty nice cock, though…” she said, locking the door quietly before moving over to sit at the foot of my bed. “And that’s a lot of cum..All of that because you thought of me?”

Helpless, I nodded. “Yeah…” I told her, ashamed of what I had done.
Smirking, Kathleen ran a finger across my chest and gathered some of my cum. To my surprise, she then tasted it. “Mmm..not too bad. You taste good.”

Still smirking, my sister gathered up some more and offered it to me. Disgusted, I turned my head away from her. “Eat it, Conrad. You’re my bitch now” she said, grabbing my head with her free hand and pushing her cumstained finger to my lips. Reluctantly, I licked it, tasting my own cum for the first time.

Kathleen smiled. “Tastes good, doesn’t it?” I had to admit, it did taste pretty good. Leaning down, she licked my chest, getting some cum on her tongue.
“What are you doing?” I asked. Kathleen answered that question pretty easily. With that grin on her face that meant she had an idea, she kissed me full on my lips, pressing the cum into my mouth with her tongue as we kissed. I tried to reach out and embrace her, my inhibitions gone now that I was making out with my very own goth sister, but she stopped me.

“Keep those hands to yourself, Conrad” she said after quickly breaking the kiss. “You’re my bitch, not my lover.” Smirking, she grasped my cock and gave it a squeeze. “You’re such a pervert, bitch boy” Kath told me. “Jacking off to your own sister, still hard even as she’s coming into your room. And then eating your own cum.”

“You made me” I answered, looking at her indignantly. “And you obeyed, like a good bitch boy. Now get cleaned up, I’ll be back for you later” she said. “But…” I began. “But what?” she snapped. Gathering some courage, I gestured at my erection. “What about this?” I asked her.

“That won’t be going away” she said, grinning. In one swift motion, she took off her top and pushed her breasts out.

She was right. That hardon was not going anywhere.

[h=2]My Goth sister part 3[/h] Kathleen left the room for a while after putting her top back on, leaving me naked and confused. I thought about what just happened. My sister caught me jacking off, even saw me come. And then she tasted me, called me her bitch and then kissed me. I was confused, but also horny as fuck. Even though I had just come, my dick was still pointing right at the ceiling.

I wondered whether I should obey my sister or just forget about it, risking our parents’ wrath. Would that be worth it? Still, who knew what this might lead to? If I got to tap that sweet little ass…

Deciding that I would wait and see what would happen, I snuck out of my room and into the bathroom, cleaning myself up for my sister. Moving fast, I went right back to my room, finding my sister already there. With her arms crossed in front of her chest, she stood there waiting for me.

“So you decided to wait for me? You’re such a good boy” she said, tussling my hair as if she were patting a dog. I grumbled, but did nothing. I told myself to be patient. If I liked where she was going with this, I do what she told me. If not, well, I was the bigger and stronger sibling, after all.

“And you’re still hard” she said, completely oblivious to my plans. “Good…”
“What took you?” I asked as I sat down on my bed then lied down.
“There are a few things that I wanted to show you” Kath said, smiling her wicked smile. “Starting with this.” She took a dildo from one of her pockets. “This is my favourite toy. I’m hoping to make it yours, too.”

Next, she produced a vibrator from her other pants pocket. “I also love this one. And guess what? I’m going to use both of them on you. Lastly…I have another surprise for you, but it’s in here” she said, patting the front of her jeans with a grin.

“Are you in, or out, bitch boy?” Kath asked, throwing the toys on my bed, awaiting my answer. I thought about it a moment. “Alright” I said eventually, which made Kathleen giggle. Immediately, she took off her top and this time, her bra too. I smiled. She had a nice pair of tits. “Alright baby…just relax. I’ll do the work” she said as she sat down on my bed, between my legs. “Ah..I’m fucking sopping wet, you know that? All the things I’m going to do to you..”

Reaching down, she began to stroke my dick with practiced ease, her hand knowing exactly how to please a man. I let out a soft moan, loving the feeling of her soft hand on my cock. Kathleen grinned. “Don’t enjoy this too much, or you’ll have no energy left for the best part” she said with a wink.

Her hand slowly went down to my scrotum, where she started massaging my balls as she sized me up with her eyes. “Mmh…I don’t know what I’m looking forward to the most” she said, “Me fucking you or you fucking me.” I grinned. So she WAS going to let me fuck her? I would gladly let her do whatever she want if it did indeed lead to me fucking this fine goth chick. To hell with her being my sister, she was hot and hell, she initiated it.

“Are you ready?” she asked, rubbing my balls while her other hand stroked my chest. “I think so” I answered, tensing up slightly in anticipation. “Relax baby..Remember, if you let me do this, you get to play with THIS.” To demonstrate what she meant, she took my hand and put it between her legs. “You ARE fucking wet! You’re loving this, aren’t you?” I asked. “More than you know” she answered. “Roll on your side” she told me next. Obliging, I rolled on my side, my back to her. “Relax…this won’t hurt.”

“What won’t h…Ah!” I exclaimed when she pressed a finger into my asshole. “Oh..hell..that’s…fuck!” My sister grinned. “That feel good, huh? That’s right…I can see your cock twitching, you little bitch” she whispered in my ear as she pressed up against me from behind. “I’m going to fuck you with every toy I have until I say you’ve had enough. And then…you can do whatever you want with me. Sound like a deal?”

more here:


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  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited April 2013
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited April 2013
    He parks in front of his office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he gets out, a truck passes too close and completely tears the door off of the driver's side. The counselor immediately grabs his cell phone, dials 911, and within minutes a policeman pulls up to take a report.
    Before the officer has a chance to ask any questions, the lawyer starts screaming hysterically. His Ferrari, which he had just picked up the day before, was now completely ruined and would never be the same, no matter what the body shop did to it.
    When the lawyer finally winds down from his ranting and raving, the officer shakes his head in disgust.
    "I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are," he said. "All you care about is money and your possessions."
    The lawyer unleashes a stream of obscenities before the officer can calm him down.
    "Hear me out...see, you are so worried about your car, you didn't even notice that the accident took off your left arm."
    "Oh my god!" screams the lawyer. "Where's my Rolex!"
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited April 2013
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