Windows 7 Loses Internet Connection [LAN Adapter]

DfgDfg Admin
edited July 2010 in Tech & Games
I am using D945GTP with Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Adapter. I used the default Windows 7 driver and I had problems using Internet. It seems I would lose Internet connectivity and LAN Connectivity to my router completely.

To fix this I would usually disable and enable the adapter. That fixed the problem and it wouldn't occur until I restart. So, I thought about this problem and applied a simple fix. I used DHCP [Static IPs won't work for some reason] and the set the lease time to max on my router. This fixed the startup problem where my Adapter would deny Network access.

Next came the issue with drivers. I downloaded the latest drivers from Intel: Installed it and then reset the computer. It seems to work.

In case it doesn't work for you, follow these simple suggestions:

  1. Set you router DHCP to set a max lease time.
  2. Change your DNS settings and use OpenDNS/Google DNS as secondary DNS.
    Primary : Router IP
    Secondary Google DNS
  3. Make a script that will refresh your LAN IP or disable and enable it at startup. I planned to implement this if the above doesn't work.
  4. Get a second hand or old Intel NIC. I have one and it works without any problems. I might use it if everything goes down the drain.

More information:


  • edited July 2010
    Cool, thanks for this. My router kept dropping out the other week, and this might have fixed it. Oh well, I ended up buying a new, better router in the end.
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