Set Up a Fully Automated, Torrent-Seeding Media Center

DfgDfg Admin
edited August 2010 in Tech & Games

I am a fan of automation and when it comes to downloading episodes and sorting the files, I always tend to fuck up from time to time.I found this great guide on Lifehacker which gives you step by step instruction to set up a Torrent/Seed Media Center, capable of handling all your multimedia needs.

Be advised it does use some batch files but it's a simple copy pasta job. Although I can't use this Guide due to lack of HDD space and resources but I am sure some users looking for this type of solution might find this helpful.

This guide can be adapted to Linux as well.
We've featured a fully automated media center set-up before, but Lifehacker reader Andre has improved on these methods, allowing you to download torrents to your media center while still seeding them to others.

The basis for this guide was this fantastic guide written by Alex Ward. Kudos for alerting me to the existence of The Episode Downloader and The Renamer which is integral to this setup.

Following the instructions in the guide above, however, does not allow you to continue seeding a new torrent. The Renamer moves the file into a new location. By following this guide it will be possible to continue seeding your torrents for as long as you like while still getting your files added to the media centre as soon as they become available.

This guide is written with Windows users in mind. It should be relatively simple to adapt for other operating systems. Also, the XBMC installation described here is a stand-alone Linux version.


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