I am the law

DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
edited August 2010 in Help and Suggestions
Can I post info on crime in general like famous heists and murders in I am the law? I know it dosnt really deal with the legality of things but its interesting and I have an ass load of knowledge on the subject.


  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited August 2010
    Hmm, you can try BI but I think I understand what you want.

    I say go for it. It won't hurt the section anyway.


    Famous Heist

    In the late 1977 when the US Justice System was under great pressure ........ certain groups... etc

    Then you can talk about famous robbers etc.

    But you must add the legal element. Like what happened to them, were they jailed, who sentenced them. This small bit of information will actually make the threads legit and stand out and it will also educate users.

    And in the same way, it will encourage users to experiment more. What I am trying to say is, make the content fit in such a way that will educate and entertain and fascinate users. I know it's difficult but it will keep you entertained :)

    Good luck
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