lack of the desire for a social life/relationship

MorningsideMorningside Regular
edited October 2010 in Life
Over the last year or so I have been having less and less of a desire to socialize with people in any way. Same with my family. I DO love and care about my family, but I don't know how to show that I do, or even how to act when I'm around them. I know they think that its because I have some sort of dislike towards them, but it isn't really the case. I haven't talked to my dad in over a year because I'm ashamed of how I am.

It's the same with finding a girlfriend. I want to get laid, sure, but being in a relationship holds little to no appeal to me anymore. I'm about a hair away from looking up craigslist hookers.

I think the reason I liked my last GF so much was because there was a sort of distance between us. I cared about her, and I hope she cared about me, but we respected each others privacy and right to live our own lives, if this makes any sense.

I'm worried now because my mom thinks I hate her because I never talk to her. I don't want to upset her because she has health problems out the ass and doesn't need the stress. Should I try to fake an interest in conversation, or should I tell her whats going on in my head?


  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited August 2010
    I try to do that, but it just makes me seem even more awkward than I really am. Basically I'm a terrible actor. The only personality I can project that is natural is a morose, sarcastic, misanthropic asshole. And I don't want the people I care about to know that I'm such a dick.

    When I'm around people I don't want to offend, I'm a meek, quiet, weakling with no opinion. I pull that off convincingly, because I can put myself in that frame of mind when I'm around people I care about. Otherwise I'd be ripping into every flaw that people expose. I even try to alienate people purposely by telling them about my bad habits with needles.
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited August 2010
    You have to make a choice here. Do you want to be socially accepted, or do you just want to do what appeals to you? If the latter, no need to read further.

    However, if you want to make others feel happy and be socially accepted, put your desires or lack thereof last. Do stuff with people, even if you don't want to. Put on an act. If you ever feel that you're doing something you don't want to do, just tell yourself it's just an act (queue lame joke about winning an Oscar). Don't tell people about how you really feel, everybody will think you're screwed up.

    I don't have your exact same problem, but I lack empathy and can't relate to people. I tried telling people, but they just told me I was just cold blooded. So I do roleplaying and tell people what they want to hear.

    All of this takes practice. Eventually it'll almost be as if it's your real personality.
  • CaesarCaesar Regular
    edited August 2010
    I am in a simmilar situation. It is getting particually tense with family members. I think that communication is only possible between equals, and so long as one or the other is operating from a position of assumed authority; intellectual, moral, social or otherwise then communication is impossible.

    I have decided that any obligation towards friends or family only go so far as mutual respect exists, at least at some level. If things are getting tense it is probably due to conflicting lifestyles and worldviews. If you want to get allong, then you need to overlap occasionally and compromise. It only works with a give and take though. If someone is trying to dominate me one moment, then wondering why I am an anti-social asshole the next, at some point I stop giving a fuck beyond what is in my direct interest. Unfortunatly in close quarters this becomes a self pepetuating cycle, but we are only human I suppose.
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited August 2010
    Fake it. That is what I do and it works. Then again I am a good actor. Generally people don't really want much more than a little input and the company of presence. Try to appear chipper and they'll assume you are. Tell them what they want to hear and the annoyance of the situation will subside much faster. This takes practice. The main thing is you have to TRY to act otherwise you'll just alienate everyone and then you will have to get craigslist hookers.
  • RemadERemadE Global Moderator
    edited August 2010
    I have no desire for relationships. The amount of girls I have pissed off by refusing to commit is quite shit. The paranoia, constant thoughts and pretending to give a shit of a relationship just put me off.
    I treat my mates like partners, but if you want to make things "official", you will become my worst enemy. It's like a flip. I would not hesitate to beat up a girl who got that close to me. It scares me.
  • edited September 2010
    I do shitty in relationships. I'm too distant. It's hard for me to get interested in things.
  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited September 2010
    spazz wrote: »
    wow dude, I totaly feel you on this. its like, since I left arkansas. other than totse. everyone is a "contact" not really a friend. and it dosent really bother me any HA! the only family I talk to is my sister and my mom about every 6 months.....they arent doing anything ever...all I do is work,drugs, internets,work,maybe get a chance to crew on a boat. but once your off the boat you never see them dosent really bother me but I sure do feel....solitary.

    That sounds eerily similar to my life, as in the only family members I have really talked to within nearly a year are my mom and step sister. How do you get into working on a boat? I've been hoping to get a factory job but that's not really happening, and being on a ship would be a welcome escape from my shithole "city."
  • MayberryMayberry Regular
    edited September 2010
    I'd think that a boat wouldn't be the best fit for you. You'll be around people all day and more or less have to interact with them. Not the ideal environment for someone who likes to keep to themself and have more privacy.
  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited September 2010
    Mayberry wrote: »
    I'd think that a boat wouldn't be the best fit for you. You'll be around people all day and more or less have to interact with them. Not the ideal environment for someone who likes to keep to themself and have more privacy.

    It's not being around people per se that i have a problem with. I can be around people with no problem as long as I don't have to be overly friendly or something. I'm pretty drunk so you'll have to forgive my lack of eloquence. Working on a boat is for work, not social interaction. It would be a job, nothing else. It also affords me the opportunity to slip off to another country and disappear, if I were disposed to do so....
  • LMSLMS Regular
    edited September 2010
    How do you communicate with your family? How about emailing them....stay in touch with them that way, without the pressures of verbal communication till you can work on your anti-social issues.
  • edited October 2010
    Wow, who would have thought totseans would have so much in common. I was doing some online dating sites recently and I realized I was much more interested in just connecting with some women and re-affirming my view of myself as a desirable property.

    When I really thought about being in a relationship again I realized I could really care less if it happens. Sure sex is good, sometimes great, and the "love buzz" is a better stone than most drugs. But the commitment's, the attachments, making face time with her friends, fuck that shit. As for my family, I let them know where I am, and not much else. The only one that gets much of my time is my cousin who made me his child's Godfather, I'm gonna spoil that kid rotten. I have some long term friends, and do pretty well making connections with those around me as I make my way through life, but totse probably sees more of the real me recently than they do.
    "a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped with bacon, lightly seared, and cooked at 300 for 2 hours in a pre heated oven"
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