Guide: LightSaber Thread

DfgDfg Admin
edited September 2010 in Life
Obi Wan Kenobi Episode IV "A New Hope" lightsaber


This is the one that started it all for me and illuminated lightsabers. This is the Obi Wan Kenobi Episode IV "A New Hope" lightsaber. The offerings from Master Replicas and Hasbro have that extra fat windvane piece that is pretty much meh.

So I decided I needed to make myself one out of the most accurate reproductions of the vintage parts, or the vintage parts themselves. I set out to make the most screen accurate ANH Obi saber I could, and here is my build log for it.

I found a section of aluminum tube that I shaved down on the lathe to secure the blade tube to the inside of a RussRep emitter, it's super snug and tight, and with a few set screws on the inside of the emitter, going into a custom machined base on the inside of the polycarbonate tube, it should be sturdy enough to not move much.

Full Guide

Nonentity's lightsabers. Build log with step-by-step pics.


Howdy folks, Here I am going to post my build-it-myself lightsaber projects. These will be similar to the hasbro Force FX sabers, but brighter, louder, and more accurate to the films. Meaning, where I can, I will use the same vintage parts used in the movies, or replicas machined as close as possible.

By the way, I also post these on other forums under the name "slothfurnace" in case you've seen these already.

To begin with, here's my ANH Luke saber. I will post my earlier ANH Obi Wan Saber soon.

I wanted to go back to the roots again, this time with a Graflex ANH Luke saber. This is my interpretation of the internal lightsaber workings.



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