Reported Post by Helladamnleet

HelladamnleetHelladamnleet Banned
edited September 2010 in Infractions
Helladamnleet has reported a post.

Improper use of the "How-To" prefix. We can see how to spell it just fine by looking at it. This is a text based means of communication, isn't it?
Post: How-to Spell my username.
Forum: Spurious Generalities
Assigned Moderators: HTS-Noob, :mad:ijuana

Posted by: Namaste
Original Content:

Since none of you seem to ever get it.

Just kidding around, really, but I was just thinking about it. So, yeah. :p

I don't know if this counts as my normal crappiness or not... because I thought it was sort of funny, but y'all might not, so just go ahead and trash it if it's a step in the wrong direction.

I sort of made this to ask more advice though.
As y'all can see, I made my first "quality" thread, which it's really just luck it turned out not being shit.
But I used my best idea, and the other will be harder.
So I was thinking someone should make a guide to guide making. XD
No, but can y'all just give me a few tips on how to keep it organized and on track? Thanks.

(I really do apologize if this is a step in the wrong direction, if it is, just trash it or let it die, and mail me advice on guide-making, perhaps? I really am trying, guys. Just... obviously bad at this sort of thing. But I'm learning...)


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