Make a Blacklight-Glow Mr. HAI

StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
edited September 2010 in Life
I was told I should make this guide or I might not have otherwise.

What You Will Need

  • a compass
  • a ruler
  • one oval shaped object 6cm (2.4in)
  • 1 sheet printer paper
  • pencil
  • yellow highlighter
  • red/pink highlighter
  • black marker (preferably a sharpie)
  • blacklight light bulb

Step 1:
Place the point of your compass in the center of the paper and set your compass to 9.5cm (3.7in) to make your circle. This will make a circle almost as big as you can fit on the page. Feel free to make yours bigger.

Step 2:

Trace around your 6cm oval shaped object to make the two eyes. If you made your circle bigger than you might want to scale the size of the oval to fit accordingly.

Step 3:
Just a couple of cm beneath the eyes use your ruler to draw a 15cm (5.9in) straight line for the top of the mouth.
Step 4:
Set your compass to 5.4cm (2.2in) to connect the ends of your lines together in a downward arc. Now you have a colorless Mr. HAI

Step 5:

Color your Mr. HAI. Use the yellow highlighter for his face, the red/pink highlighter for his mouth and the black marker for his eyes. When coloring with the highlighters you may want to turn on your blacklight as this will make it much easier to see your progress.

Tada! You now have a Mr. HAI that will glow brightly under a blacklight. You can use highlighters to do this with many other things so have fun with that. Unfortunately I use my phone for a camera and all of my pictures under the blacklight turn out pitch black so you'll just have to trust me. Here is the finished product under fluorescent.


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