LoL TroLL IdeA

bornkillerbornkiller AdministratorIn your girlfriends snatch
edited September 2010 in Life
Can you Foshoop this pic to something else?
It can be porn, shoopdawoop, whatever you fucking
want. (nothing illegal though.) As long as you can recognize it's
part of that image. You can use MT/MS Paint, photoshop etc.
Don't have to be pretty but lolz is a good thing.
Sorry about the resolution:(

Clandestine photo upsets CTA rider
Request to remove image from Web site met with resistance.Heres the story:

"People of Public Transit" were hosting the image but it seems the page is now 404d. So they obviously took the advice & removed it.
So I figured. "fuck it!" lets bring her nightmare back. But with an &T twist. want a news article to.:angry:


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