Vineman's got a present (and also wants your opinion)

edited November 2010 in Help and Suggestions
Incoming immediately is some nice, new, dedicated hosting. Myself and abrn are renting a server for personal projects and we have plenty of resources to offer on the side. Let's look at a few things: TOTSE running out of space? Laughable. Running out of bandwidth? A joke. Dedicated IP's for some SSL action? Why yes.

TLDR: Shiny new server, etc.

While I'm here and having built myself a small pedestal, I'd like to say one thing while I have an audience.

:thumbsdown: This is in no way appropriate. :thumbsdown:


I mean, c'mon. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard than this. What are we, 4chan? I don't really see the point of having ads like this run when they bring in what surely amounts to a negligible sum. I feel that it just degrades any image someone might have. First impression matter, you know?

Just my two cents.


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