Infraction for shockshockshock: Spam Bots

KatzenklavierKatzenklavier Regular
edited December 2010 in Infractions
Post: All of the number 1 best sellers in audiobook format! Low cost too!
User: shockshockshock
Infraction: Spam Bots
Points: 12

Administrative Note:

Message to User:

Original Post:
I found a few months a go. It's owned by and sells all of the best sellers in audiobook format. It's one of my favourite websites.

You sign up for an ongoing subscription. It costs $7.49 for the first 3 months then the price increases to $14.99. It's worth it as you get one free credit included each month and with that credit you can purchase most audiobooks.

I've found that I save between $10 and $25 per audiobook I purchase. It's a great way to get through books quickly as I can listen to them as I go about my day.

I hope it helps you!


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