Infraction for hb88lt73: Spam Bots

DfgDfg Admin
edited January 2011 in Infractions
Post: cheap prada shoes Province
User: hb88lt73
Infraction: Spam Bots
Points: 12

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reaction from the film which, for example,cheap prada shoes, sodium metabisulfite, calcium chloride, sodium cyclamate, which are all food additives. However, does not mean that food additives can be added without limit to the inside. Must be in accordance with the strict requirements to food products, and if additives, if excessive, long-term consumption of consumers, especially children, will trigger asthma, headache, diarrhea, resulting in gastric mucosal damage. Another, some experts now find that it enters the human body may be converted into carcinogenic substances.Moderator:and Hebei Xinglong Food Hawthorn cooperation of these manufacturers of these food companies, said plainly, they are packaging company, they do not own workshop, no own production facilities that this cooperation between them should be like how to cooperate between each other what kind of constraint?experts:from business operations and relations of production in terms of speaking, this form exists, not only domestic, but also permitted. In fact,cheap NBA jerseys Aircraft, some large international companies, it also exists such a business and production. However, I think, from the yard to see this film, how these companies to our countries, to the best of the modern enterprise to learn is very important. For example, foreign enterprise, his Chinese production (food) of these factories,kids air jordans,expensive perfume Early, plants, plant health, quality of personnel, production standards, mechanical equipment, process, there is a strict requirement, and must be in accordance with their requirements. Second, they in the production season, is stationed in the Mill member of the technical, management, comprehensive health supervision. From this point on speaking, we in the so-called packaging companies or distributors Shang Yi Ding to attach the importance to Tisheng from Ziji the quality, improve and manage their own in the modern Yi Shi Shui Ping. So I think this film is actually told the businessmen, the real purchasing mechanisms and to establish good control standards or management procedures, making unsafe counterfeit goods do not enter your own supermarket. To truly protect their reputation, popularity and trust. Finally get the loyalty of our customers.Moderator:good, thank you to our studio. Although these inferior products for the packaging,pumas shoes Casual Hotel Kaohsiung Hotel by Ji Lij, and also changed his identity, but people eat after all, not packaging, the problem is always to be eaten out of the same, the shopping arcades selling these inferior products will follow damage to their reputation.
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