Infraction for Dan Saltman: Spam Bots

DfgDfg Admin
edited January 2011 in Infractions
Post: Dan Saltman says what's up
User: Dan Saltman
Infraction: Spam Bots
Points: 12

Administrative Note:

Message to User:

Original Post:
Yea I know, I know, everyone is thinking "not another stupid introduction thread" right? Well I swear this will be my 1st and last one haha

Anyhoo, just saying what's happening to everyone. My name is Dan Saltman as you probably have figured out by now haha Sometime my friends call me D, Danny, or Saltman but I'm open to pretty much any name so long as it's not too harsh lol

I live in North Florida with my amazing wife and the most awesome tots. Looking forward to meeting new people and hanging out. Happy to be here! Thanks!
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