Ad Nauseam · Acolyte


Ad Nauseam
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  • Oh, Motherless, why do you load videos so slowly? Still, it's nice in it's unique stuttering way.
  • It's always been a bit of fun on a Saturday evening....though I must admit the newest series has been grating on my nerves somewhat, which is a shame because I think Matt Smith's really good I just hate the assistant he's got. It doesn't look set to change any time soon either. Ah, well. Summary: Good show, past it's…
  • Probably, the robot's voice is odd already, anything other than that might just be on your end.
  • Is it just me, or does that look like it could be quite a lot of fun? Retrospectively, most likely.
  • Uhmm....fair enough. I can imagine many moments from this video making quite amusing gifs, if only I could be bothered I'm sure I'd try to do it myself.
  • Usually I'm up at 7:30am or so and go through until 5:00pm whereupon I take a short nap, or in some cases quite a long nap, and then I go to sleep at around 4:00am. That parts not so much choice, it's just the only way I get any work done.
  • I still don't know how it works, but in this case it's probably best not to question it. But hey, with this and the superposition of electrons we keep getting closer to quantum computers...about bloody time.
    in Eep Comment by Ad Nauseam March 2011
  • Well, it's a hell of a lot better than the original, even if that's just for the intentional comedic value. Hopefully intentional I should say.
  • That looked like it hurt....this makes me happy. No idea why they let the other kid off though, unless he's been permanently maimed, that would be fair if unlikely.
  • So that's $50,000 for a little over 686 litres? Hmmm, I thought they were exaggerating in Spiderman 2 but it would seems they weren't. I can imagine these being pretty useful on night hikes, maybe not as good as a decent headtorch, but if you just want some low level lighting......damn, now I want one.
  • Someone pointing at a scatter chart.
  • Now I just wish they could make a genuinely good game with all their technology. Ah, I suppose I can dream. On the bright side, this will make for some very nice environments in the near future....then again that will probably result in a greater reliance on CG than enacting stunts and events in near-reality which usually…
  • Since rape has already been mentioned I'll have to go for my number 2 reason, we can rob banks easily, not for any reason...I just always wanted to know what it would be like to rob a bank. This is more or less why I mentioned it in the shapeshifting thread.
  • The ability to pause time around oneself.
  • Maybe, it's been a while since I've played a decent zombie game....first person just makes it all the sweeter. It's going to be a good year for games in general, methinks.
  • Just as I was considering making a thread with the same topic... Still, regardless of how good the trailer is, I'd appreciate if they could just release the game, like they were supposed to 4 years ago.
  • League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Troy Last Samurai Fistful of Dollars They aren't even that good (generally) they just have a distinctly watchable quality.
  • I still can't believe you had a "text war" even though you were both capable of talking face to face. Really, it seems stupid on both sides to keep it going at all...if you want further advide I suggest duct taping his head to his bed and putting post it notes everywhere. It would be so bad-ass.
  • Hmm....I didn't notice the pun, but I guess it works. The worst thing about "suicidals" are the ones who never even get it done. They just keep whining on and on and on... Do you often see people with crossbows and get horrific flashbacks? I can imagine that would be a great way to meet women.:thumbsup:
  • I would rephrase my original answer in song, but I'll suffice to say "do it". At least it's different with all the stubby arms and what not...can't stop you choking her easily either. The possibilities are endless.:thumbsup:
  • Just remember that she's a person too....she may also be desperate, it would be cruel not to do it. Also, are we talking genuine dwarf, poorly proportioned limbs and all, or just short?
  • I saw some guy jump under a train on the 18th of October last year....or maybe he fell, something like that. It was bloody inconvenient, I was seeing a play that night and the fucker screwed up the eastbound lines. I had to run for twenty minutes to catch it, only to find they'd pushed back the start because "something's…
  • Yeah, that's where I got it from, apparently there are some other suppliers but I can't recall them off the top of my head.
  • Either Solaris (given the fact that it bored me to tears, I'm pretty sure most of it was a close up on George fucking Clooney) or anything with Gerard Butler in it....oh, how I loathe that man.
  • So, do blind people always walk in circles? Because that could make for some interesting afternoons by the roadside.
  • Well, even if I doubt it will come to fruition, may as well through my username into the ring, I don't really mind how long it takes if you do get round to it. As bizarre as you can manage, sir! 1680x1050
  • Call in a bomb threat in a heavily populated area, leaving the smallest possible firecracker with some preposterously long fuse. Leave a note with it.
  • Yes, the birthday idea is good, it will take longer but also makes it easier to treat as a joke.....good times. For the person who asked, she's 16, her perception of masturbation was influenced, as I said, by her first experience of a tampon. She was put off "fingering" as she put it, which at least over here in the UK…
  • So far the consensus seems mixed. I understand it would almost certainly make things weird, but on the other hand, I can imagine her reaction being worth it. At the very least it would funny for a few weeks. Looking back, it's obvious I need to find something to do other than bizarre schemes.
  • Possibly, that's a good way of thinking about it, we are fairly close....I suppose it depends on what my intentions actually are. I'm not sure if I'm considering it because I think it would make her uncomfortable, which is always funny. Never....although if I did, maybe I'd be allowed to stay at barbecues for longer.
  • Shake it really hard until the bug falls out. Or, if it's alive you could tempt it out with a Mars bar. Couldn't you just get it replaced under warranty or something?