FromThe253 · New Arrival


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  • @CulinaryOverlord: hahaha you are correct, about not judging people too harshly. But I have been judged all my life, you don't need to hear people express it when you can see them do it the repulsion the look of repugnance from some, people who are easily caught off guard by things that are out of the ordinary, you can see…
  • Wait...That sounds a little too defensive lol
  • Actually No I wasn't. there isn't anything in my writings to even suggest that.
  • They're on tour yet again, I can feel my urge for gunniess rising! Lol but seriously they're going to be seattle here soon I am going to have to buy some gunniess and have him sign me a can or two.
  • Their on tour yet again, I can feel my urge for gunniess rising! Lol but seriously they're going to be seattle here soon I am going to have to buy some gunniess and have him sign me a can or two
  • I could post my gj but she's still considered Cp cause she's all "under age" and shit, I hate it but I loves the pussy
    in Sup Comment by FromThe253 May 2011
  • No I'm not saying that terrorism isn't real I am saying that too put a face or a color too it is fucking ridiculous
  • From One of the officials said that American forces, acting on intelligence, launched a “targeted assault” that killed Mr. Bin Laden, whose ability to elude capture for so long deeply frustrated the Bush administration.<--- yes you are…
  • Moose you can't put a face to terrorism no matter how hard you try, terrorism is just a means to manipulate groups of people through terror. Winston Churchill said it best "We have nothing to fear except Fear itself....Well and spiders cause they creep the shit out of me. Oh and werewolves, Yes like i said nothing to fear…
  • I wish that was how he "died" but it's not, supposedly it was a missile strike.
  • what's to say he's dead? why cause we say he is? we also said he flew two 747's into the new york city skyline because of his religious extremism actually our excuse for blaming bin laden was a tape they "intercepted" and by that I mean they dubbed, not saying that the guy is a good guy at all but there has been so much of…
  • First off to the pederast who told me "TOGTFO seriously" I'm a guy SO no...? I don't think I shall. Gary oak your just mad your grandpa didn't give you a reach around while he lubed your crack up. Dfg I kinda figured it was a site just reserved for the porn lol I have enjoyed it so far. Louis yup WA all the way mang. to…
    in Sup Comment by FromThe253 May 2011
  • Honestly it sounds like you took some exaggerations from the book "The Lost Symbol" way to literally, while yes more than 78% of the universe can't be accounted for, Not all of that is anti-matter/dark matter, some are planets we can't see Brown dwarfs, Black holes. it is strange to think of it. But it's better to have…
  • Guys and well I haven't seen hide or hair of a female so guys! Flogging Molly is one of the best bands I have ever hear, I mean I went through my fazes as a teen we all did. Weather it's Punk Rocker, Goth, Anarchist, Prep, Jock or Thug. I went through the punk rocker faze and am now a rapper, not a thug but an honest to…
  • thanks man
    in Sup Comment by FromThe253 April 2011
  • I googled Porn site passwords and it led me to one forum that led to another that led to another that lead to another that lead to here, I followed the proverbial bread crumbs as it were. This site seems...Interesting to say the least. I was looking into joining one of the militant social groups but it seems that none are…
    in Sup Comment by FromThe253 April 2011
  • Nerdy bitches can be sexy too! and most of the women in that video proved it, the music was priceless lol