Stryker · New Arrival


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  • The Dacians were a branch of the Greco-Armenics and settled on the eastern side of what became ancient Greece. Their language was a dialect of Tocharic. Ultimately it evolved (with some outside influence) into the Serbo-Croat group today.
  • Oh my how eloquent you are! Such a great command of the English language too! Can't you say anything sensible? Without using foul language? Others would be more interested in what you have to say then.
  • A most interesting and sadly a non-informative thread! Each of us are allowed our opinions and have the right to express them. Now I am expressing mine based on my studies of Philology (the relationship of languages and how they relate to each other). Comments have been made about the "purity of the European 'White'…
  • You're right we don't. We just fly over their countryside at 30,000ft and carpet bomb their farms and fields. We just spray them with phosphorus and other nasty chemicals or stand off 2000 miles away and lob missiles into their villages. Damn! we are so civilized! Not to mention the Crusades where every man, woman and…
  • Yep.Seems pretty normal to me too.
  • Aye. Ben Franklin once remarked, "Democracy is the tyranny of a majority". Still support Wikileaks all the same.
  • The original Celts came from the south of Russia and Ukraine. The Greeks called them "Keltios" meaning those people (not us). In the east they were known as the Scythians and incidentally gave us some great agricultural tools that are still used today. e.g. the scythe (which hasn't changed on 2500yrs), the mould-board…
  • Never said that Muslims are so good. Just remarked that they are no better or worse than Christians or Jews for that matter. Some Xtians believe that they are the only chosen people (tribe if you like) and the rest of us are destined to fry in horrible agony! It's all farm fertilizer my friend. Designed to frighten…
  • I'm a fully signed up follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  • Aye and the Bible is just as bad. Most Muslims I know are just like us and working away to pay the bills at the end of the month. To confess I didn't read through all of the stuff posted here. I have got s full translated copy of the Q'ran here, as well as a copy of Talmud and a full copy of the Bible (not the sanitized…
  • Best way is to go and live there. You'll pick up the language very quickly then. I lived in Russia for two years and when I went there all I knew was the Cyrillic Alphabet and was able to count to ten. And a few necessary words: Vrach -doctor, Aptyekta- pharmacy, twalet- toilet etc.
  • English: native. Russian: Fluent Lithuanian: so-so German: Okay to get by. Swedish/Danish: Okay to get by. And Greek and Latin (learnt both in school). Gaelic; Somewhat badly!
  • Llanfair (Pron: Clanfay) is a town in Wales.
    in Welsh Comment by Stryker November 2010
  • Nah mate! English is!:D Welsh - Cymric - is one of the Goidelic group. Includes Norwegian, Faroese, Icelandic, Gaelic and Earse (Irish Gaelic). Also the now almost dead Cornic From Cornwall. No-one but a natural born Welsh person can ever speak the compound consonants the prevail within that Language Properly! . e.g.…
    in Welsh Comment by Stryker November 2010
  • In the Latin I learned at school "Hodae or Hodi" means "Now" The immediate time. Perhaps the language has changed over time.:cool:
  • Yup. Indo-European was the granddaddy of most of the western European lingoes. There were Indo_European, (West Europe), Indo-Sinetic (East Europe, Asia--including the Native American languages except for Navaho and Korean) and Kokatuan (the languages of sub-equatorial Africa). The exception in Europe is Euskari (Basque) is…