TheKanefromCitizenKane · Semo-Regulars


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  • Then please seek professional help. There is a link between people who torture animals, and murderers/rapists/serial killers.
  • Yes, you did "go out of your way". That would not necessarily imply physical movement, but from normal routine. You spent an entire fucking hour torturing something when you just could have killed it anyway... and for what reason exactly? Is this how you entertain yourself? Gosh, go find another hobby.
  • Having an interest in anatomy doesn't make you a bad person, no. But torturing something painfully to death for kicks does, however. No sane or rational person would go out of their way to torture an animal to death - morality aside, it serves absolutely no practical benefit and is a waste of time. The only reason someone…
  • Then you're either a sociopath or a poor troll. :D
  • Do you laugh at little animals being tortured on traps? No? Then the comment was not directed at you. As far as being worthless goes, well, considering many life saving medications and cures to diseases were developed because we tested it on them, I wouldn't say so. Oh, and there's something called the food chain. Read it…
  • The irony is delicious here. You're the one who enjoys watching little animals suffer, you sadistic cunt. :) From your lack of empathy, and your sadism - yeah, you are definitely a sociopath. Get some therapy before this manifests to something worse. I never asked for your sympathy you sad sack of shit, but you were…
  • Impressive. You must have very quick reflexes.
  • So were people. What's your point? I think some people are more nasty than a mouse ever will be. In fact, it was people that directly contributed to the spread of plague in the first place by being unsanitary as hell, killing off the rat's natural predator like cats and snakes because they were "the devil", etc. I see…
  • Comrade, mice have no concept of human law, and do not fall under the realm of human law, so it is stupid to use legal terms with their actions. And I hate PETA (which has nothing to do with the point I was making).
  • Wow, how'd that happen?
  • The only reason said concept is fucked up is because the people behind it are fucked up. I don't have anything against killing animals, but torturing them and causing them massive amounts of pain when it's not needed just crosses the line. It is quite pathetic the justifications some use for such behaviour - and worse that…
  • I'm no PETA fan, but I think glue traps are a little too sadistic. I don't see the point and necessity of causing them additional suffering when you can just kill them swiftly. Plus, glue traps are unhygienic as hell. I don't think you're being a whiny bitch at all, your complaint is valid - most people dislike animal…