In addition to keeping a dream journal, there are a few other things that will obviously aid one in reaching lucidity. Some people take supplements specifically geared toward lucid dreaming, such as Brilliant Dreams.
Personally, I know that drinking Peppermint Tea before bed can cause dreams to become more vivid. I've also heard that making Turmeric Tea (simply putting a teaspoon of Turmeric in hot water) can produce pretty vivid results as well, along with B6.
So what I was wondering was if anyone had tried Turmeric Tea and got good results? I just bought some ground Turmeric today and was wondering if it benefit to put the Turmeric in my Peppermint Tea.
Though in regard to the Peppermint/Turmeric Tea I took last night before bed, I felt NOTHING!! Yeah, what the fuck, right? I can't even remember having any dreams, it's really frustrating. I know that the Peppermint Tea is only supposed to work for like 2-3 nights in a row before you build a tolerance and have to wait like a day or so, but it was only my second night.
I'm just going to try Turmeric Tea tonight and see what happens. Possibly bump up my reality checks during the day as well? We'll see what happens.
silene capensis
shit like that's what you be looking for, I do believe my good sir.
Also, go for B-complex vitamins; particularly B6. Cholinergics are important, and you can get choline in Lecithin supplements. For increased vividness of dreams, go for Melatonin or Valerian supplements.
Melatonin is completely safe to injest. because your brain makes it. Basically during your sleep cycles, the body tries to create melatonin for the REM stage. This is why some people don't have good sleep: a lack of melatonin. In fact lights all around us stop the production of melatonin in the brain. I actually take melatonin supplements and i will have crazy, vivid dreams! Not only that, i only sleep at night for four hours, and I feel that I have the energy to EASILY wake up =]. REM cycle is the most important cycle in sleep.
BTW. If you guys obtain melatonin pills, put it under your tounge so that it will go into the blood stream faster.
Just make sure you get pure melatonin that means, no animal bi-products added. I can't believe a lot of people do this..the BURST..of..STARS, for example, is made of animal lard :mad: and coated with sugar
fucking lack of better term but everytime u dream
memorize an object that's particular from the dream so that
whenever u see the object again, u'll realize that you're dreaming
Are you fucking kidding? Like no one else here saw Inception? lol We even have a fucking thread on it.
say it outloud before it becomes obvious,
This is not a real totem, a real totem is one item that you know the quirks to
like a loaded die or a forever spining top
Here I mean things you see in your dream like People or animals
Totems in inception exist in both reality and dreams
my so called symbols of your dreams (a better phrasing for the sake of not confusing anyone anymore) exists and originates FROM your dreams.
Totems exist and quirks are known before a dreamer thinks them up
while My so called Dream SYmbols are invented PURELY from the dreams state
reality checks are really simple. during the day take 5 seconds and ask yourself if you are dreaming. take a quick look at your surroundings and thats it. its a simple yes or no question and then get on with whatever you are doing. do this as many times as you think is necessary and keep it scheduled. the more you do in irl, the more you will start to do that in your dreams and realize that you are dreaming.
"totems" work the same way. it could be anything really. i like using my watch bc i check it so often during the day and in dreams watchs and clocks are always obscure and messed up.
ive used these methods to some success and usually have 1 lucid dream a week which is pretty good so far. ive only been keeping up with this for a little over 2 months and my results and dreams get better and better.
whens the best time to take the b6?
THANK YOU thats what its called, REALITY CHECKS!!!
It has been proven that along a dream journal's whole freaking point
is to find out what are your "reality checks" are