Hey, I'm just about to buy a 1953 Remington typewriter for $33 off of Craigslist, but the guy says the only problem with it is that it needs a new ribbon. Now, I know you can get ribbons at a lot of different places, but are ribbons brand specific? Or can I get a pretty much generic ribbon and put it in this one?
None of this wimpy ink jet bullshit:D
I bet if you where a student you would not be accused of copy pasta either,even if you can type.
I have a 1960 Olympia and can usually find ribbons at staples. I love the look of the old font and the slight unevenness of the print, it makes anything look like a ransom note, or the lettering from a punk album cover.
"whackitty, whack, whack, whackitty, whack, zzzziiip, ''''ting''''"
Plus, I can't wait to see the look on my professors face when I turn in my screenplay from something made with a typewriter
Oh dear, I almost wish you hadn't said that, as I am now looking at the family heirloom typewriter and thinking,'I could always put it back together".