So I the next week or so, I'm getting 200mgs of 2c-e and 5 grams of dxm. Then I'm gonna celebrate the shit out of this good weather. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
So TOTSE what is your favorite substance for this time of the year?
Some good coke, some good summer ale, and a fat doobie. thats my line up for summer weekends. $ provided of course. if im low on dough ill stick to weed. otherwise i get what i can of the 3.
Nice one, I hope you enjoy your drugs :thumsbup: How about getting a trip report to go with that as well, eh? Not really sure about substances though... If anything, I'd just stick with alcohol or weed.
maybe weed. perhaps morning glory. no doubt some booze. boring stuff i know. acid would be nice, but i've only ever come across it once. i wouldn't mind taking a hit or two of that and wondering through the woods with some friends.
Like the ice-rain/snow that is fucking up my week? In motherfucking March?
Its been sunny and 65-73 all week here.:D
thats all you need homie.
Its fiesta time in S.A. so time for tequila
and or course soda
Do it, also maybe a trip report for us?
Sounds quite amazing.
Then again, you can only hope that she doesn't morph into some weird shit during intercourse due to the shrooms.