Preventative Care Is A Waste Of Time And Money

ProtopangraphyProtopangraphy New Arrival
edited July 2010 in Spurious Generalities
Preventative health care is a waste of time and money. Schools and workplaces continue to revamp their physical education programs, but despite this Americans are still growing fatter, according to a 2010 study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Why are some people in some countries growing fatter despite increased attention towards living a healthier lifestyle?

The answer is simple. It's the economy. People are not going to eat vegetables, whole grains and lean meat when they can go to Burger King, a Chinese restaurant and Wendy's instead.

Excessive hydrogenated oil, sugars, salt and grease are more appealing than simpleton foods.

A comparison can be made between a dieter and our modern economy. Most people who decide to go on diets get really excited about eating "right" and losing weight. They go to the store and buy a bunch of "healthy" food and they start the day off right.

But a few days later, they start to see a Snicker's bar or a Big Mac around every corner. They start to hallucinate over the idea of eating junkfood and they eventually succumb to their lust for shit.

Our economy is the same way. We have an abundance of healthy foods to choose from, but it's simply too difficult for many people to resist the temptation to eat fast food and sugary cereals and candies.

If we want to improve the health of our Nations we need to SMASH fast food and junk food! The people running these businesses don't care about anyone's health. They're just out to make a buck. But believe me, America and the rest of the world will never lose weight if we don't get rid of the junk food. People won't overeat if all they have access to is vegetables and pasta. Basically all other foods should be banned except for some meats like chicken.
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