when you are at work in their dress attire with name badge and all, and someone asks "DO YOU WORK HERE?"
one time i asked back "DO YOU SHOP HERE?"
i know you've heard there is no such thing as a stupid question, but thats fuckin' wrong. what are some stupid questions you've heard?
Me, "You need this ink."
Them, "Are you sure?"
Me, "Yes."
Them, "Are you sure?"
Me," No, I'm lying to you" followed by a glare.
"Is the sauce for the duck ravioli vegetarian?"
"Is the dish seasoned or do I have to do it myself?"
Shit like that. People suck.
"Are you ok?"
Are you working?
Man I hear them all fucking day.
cool, xxombie still posts
Cool, WAN hasn't been arrested for stalking or sexual assault.
The complete opposite of what it looks like I'm doing :rolleyes:
I'm actually a hell of a lot less grungy now. Still punx, but more 'crisp' punk then 'crust' punk. I'm still a skank though, that'll never change. :thumbsup:
get back to work faggots!
I worked in a Pizza shop, and someone came in to ask if we sold Pizza.
Why yes, yes we did. Not to retards, though.
Stupidest question ever