Seriously, I can't stop biting my fucking nails. I'm talking like ripping the nail off and chewing it up into dust and swallowing it good. This leaves my fingers painfully pulpy.
What are some ideas on how to stop biting my nails? I'll try anything at this point...
Nervous anxiety? Intestinal worms? Nutritional deficiency? Oral fixation? Recently quit smoking?
It's anxiety. Any time I watch a suspenful movie or TV show, I'm biting them. Any time I read an engrossing book, I'm biting them. When I'm on a tough project at work, I'm biting them.
I bit them a lot up into my early 20's, then stopped for a few years, then started again. I hear putting band-aids on each finger for two weeks helps you get over it, but I really don't want to look like Michael Jackson.
I really don't want to put any chemicals or bad tasting stuff on my nails, if I can avoid it. I've tried the brush on hardener, and it doesn't work.
I love chewing up the hard nail, and then munching on the fleshy skin pieces I bite off on the tips of my fingers. Does a bail of nail clippings really get stuck in the bottom of your stomach?
"me, on toast, not too well done please"