Assholes, I personally hate Talibans, they're cunts and if I had power to kill them I would have done it already. Lets face it, they bring nothing to this World, they're whores and the lowest of our kind. They're retarded and follow their own religion. Plus, these victims, yes victims people, were just doing their jobs as policemen, sure Pakistan is fucked up but that doesn't mean you venture into it and take hostage people like this.
SWAT was a shithole, it's not our fault they fucked with Americans. I wish America would do everyone a favor and kill these idiots. I know the Jews and other do way more but at least they don't bomb people like us who don't give a shit or aren't involved in anything. Fucking cunts.
The video sucked mainly because of the audio in the end, I don't have a personal connection with fellow Pakistani's but even I am affected by this video and I can taste the lust for revenge inside me. Fuck Islam and fuck this bastards.
The Taliban knows the Pakistani police and government are allied with the US, they'll do whatever it takes to fuck with them at this point. It wasn't this bad before the US invaded Afghanistan was it dfg?
The Taliban knows the Pakistani police and government are allied with the US, they'll do whatever it takes to fuck with them at this point. It wasn't this bad before the US invaded Afghanistan was it dfg?
Where ever there is religion like Islam involved things never are any good. I am sure one might say that the situation was pretty peaceful but honestly what did they expect attacking US. They brought it on their selves by attacking US. They're animals.
Also, WTC was the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Did they honestly think America would go "Oh noez, they mean srs bzns, kill Israel!" and everything would be dandy? Fuck, 9/11 changed EVERYTHING for the world. These assholes took a pretty decent peace situation (on a global scale, at least) and fuck it ALL up. LOOK at pre-9/11: Iraq was practically resolved, and there were maybe 5 conflicts in the world, all at localized stages; Palestine, Sri Lanka and the blood diamond crisis being the 3 main violent ones and Pakistan vs India being the passive "cold war", with the IRA holding up some dickery for practically zero reason.
Post 9/11, our world is smouldering.
I disagree with Dfg on most terms of religion and here I'll say that these people are perverting Islam to the maximum. However, whatever "version" of "Islam" they seem to be using is nothing but inhumane. It's an excuse by their leaders to recruit more soldiers and kill whoever is THEIR enemy by labeling them "God's enemy". It's the same as every militant religious organization to ever exist. These people aren't interested in religion. Bin Laden had his massive porn stash sitting around. They just want their petty gains. They deserve a slow, extremely agonizing death.
Also, WTC was the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Did they honestly think America would go "Oh noez, they mean srs bzns, kill Israel!" and everything would be dandy? Fuck, 9/11 changed EVERYTHING for the world. These assholes took a pretty decent peace situation (on a global scale, at least) and fuck it ALL up. LOOK at pre-9/11: Iraq was practically resolved, and there were maybe 5 conflicts in the world, all at localized stages; Palestine, Sri Lanka and the blood diamond crisis being the 3 main violent ones and Pakistan vs India being the passive "cold war", with the IRA holding up some dickery for practically zero reason.
Post 9/11, our world is smouldering.
I disagree with Dfg on most terms of religion and here I'll say that these people are perverting Islam to the maximum. However, whatever "version" of "Islam" they seem to be using is nothing but inhumane. It's an excuse by their leaders to recruit more soldiers and kill whoever is THEIR enemy by labeling them "God's enemy". It's the same as every militant religious organization to ever exist. These people aren't interested in religion. Bin Laden had his massive porn stash sitting around. They just want their petty gains. They deserve a slow, extremely agonizing death.
Here is the think, the Islam they preach actually is being used in majority of Pakistan, sure people act moderate but given some incentive they're quick to burn live victims or stone them to dead. I blame religion because it's actually a strong motivator in this case. I wouldn't go after Americans unless someone told me that Hey bro kill American cuz it's what the Prophet ordered. All logic would go out of the fucking window and suddenly everything will become personal. It will attain a new level which is hard to go back from.
Plus, it's the same throughout Pakistan. But I do see a wind of change mainly because the taliban are fucking up as well. With open killing of innocent, even there die-hard supporters are thinking twice BUT I have seen many interviews on TV and the public isn't that angry about things. I mean two guys where shot down and etc. people will blown to bits and the public was just saying that those Talibans are not Muslims that etc. isn't this and that. I was like WTF! There should be widespread protest against them and an order of shoot to kill be placed on them.
This is how to roll but again being Pakistani's they don't have any incentive to try. Bunch of pussies.
All I ever see is protests against them. I hope you didn't miss the 2000 man rally that hapened on the Main Double Road, in front of Blue Area. That shit was hardcore.
All I ever see is protests against them. I hope you didn't miss the 2000 man rally that hapened on the Main Double Road, in front of Blue Area. That shit was hardcore.
Hhahah, nope I didn't miss it, but after that cunt Zardari took command, things have been going downhill man.
There are no "rational" religions, and you cannot fully wipe any of them out. Appeasement doesn't work, either. There will never be a shortage of poor miserable people who look to an "afterlife" for hope, all the while fucking this world while they're here.
For thousands of years, civilization has been unsuccessful at wiping out Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I think the best you can do is keep a low profile while they perpetually attempt to wipe each other out.
They're truly lucky that they weren't beheaded, though. This could have been much worse.
The Taliban deserve nothing less than hell itself and if hell does not exist, one should be created to torture them in. BASTARDS.
That was nothing compared to what Israel does...
Assholes, I personally hate Talibans, they're cunts and if I had power to kill them I would have done it already. Lets face it, they bring nothing to this World, they're whores and the lowest of our kind. They're retarded and follow their own religion. Plus, these victims, yes victims people, were just doing their jobs as policemen, sure Pakistan is fucked up but that doesn't mean you venture into it and take hostage people like this.
SWAT was a shithole, it's not our fault they fucked with Americans. I wish America would do everyone a favor and kill these idiots. I know the Jews and other do way more but at least they don't bomb people like us who don't give a shit or aren't involved in anything. Fucking cunts.
The video sucked mainly because of the audio in the end, I don't have a personal connection with fellow Pakistani's but even I am affected by this video and I can taste the lust for revenge inside me. Fuck Islam and fuck this bastards.
Post 9/11, our world is smouldering.
I disagree with Dfg on most terms of religion and here I'll say that these people are perverting Islam to the maximum. However, whatever "version" of "Islam" they seem to be using is nothing but inhumane. It's an excuse by their leaders to recruit more soldiers and kill whoever is THEIR enemy by labeling them "God's enemy". It's the same as every militant religious organization to ever exist. These people aren't interested in religion. Bin Laden had his massive porn stash sitting around. They just want their petty gains. They deserve a slow, extremely agonizing death.
Here is the think, the Islam they preach actually is being used in majority of Pakistan, sure people act moderate but given some incentive they're quick to burn live victims or stone them to dead. I blame religion because it's actually a strong motivator in this case. I wouldn't go after Americans unless someone told me that Hey bro kill American cuz it's what the Prophet ordered. All logic would go out of the fucking window and suddenly everything will become personal. It will attain a new level which is hard to go back from.
Plus, it's the same throughout Pakistan. But I do see a wind of change mainly because the taliban are fucking up as well. With open killing of innocent, even there die-hard supporters are thinking twice BUT I have seen many interviews on TV and the public isn't that angry about things. I mean two guys where shot down and etc. people will blown to bits and the public was just saying that those Talibans are not Muslims that etc. isn't this and that. I was like WTF! There should be widespread protest against them and an order of shoot to kill be placed on them.
This is how to roll but again being Pakistani's they don't have any incentive to try. Bunch of pussies.
Hhahah, nope I didn't miss it, but after that cunt Zardari took command, things have been going downhill man.
Fucking taliban gotta stop livin in dusty ass caves so we can bomb em
For thousands of years, civilization has been unsuccessful at wiping out Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I think the best you can do is keep a low profile while they perpetually attempt to wipe each other out.