Let me do a representation of your username.
They'll be @ wallpaper size. If you are gonna use them as wallpaper please give me your resolution.
I did this shit on zoklet for a lot of members and thought I'd do the same here but with an &T represent.
This forums name must be on the image "totse.info/bbs/"
If your name has no particular meaning you'll need to give me input.
and please be patient I will get to them.;)
Mine should be fairly easy and dull.
Prove me wrong
1600*1200 or higher if possible.
I loved what you did with the old one
You know what you be cool? If you did avatars as well seeing that we can now upload them to &T
1280 x 800
edit: oh yeah, forgot the meaning lol. Morningside is the name of the tall man from the movie Phantasm.
Blunderful is the name that defines my life. It's wonderful, but the whole thing's a blunder.
Preferably a deluxe model of a well-calibrated-and-computer-operated-anal probe. Thanks much for all time and consideration.
Edit: Put anything in there you like.
If you want some info on the background of my name for inspiration here you go
Dysgraphia: impaired ability to learn to write.
Oughta be easy. 8)
1600x1200 would be great.
Well a new one would be coolio for shojazz.
Fry is for frying on lsd, but I use philip j fry as an alias. SO a LSD induced one woud be tighto.
My res is at 1280x800 (Quite small. Laptop)
I think you would have a fair bit to work with with my username. If you didn't know it's just Psilocybin (The active chemical in Psilocybe Magic Mushrooms) phonetically spelled. You could make it look all trippy 'n' psychedelic etc.
True indeed sir
If you insert a black panther somewhere on there I will get an erection
Dose Me = I'm on the market for some LSD
1280 X 800 (Laptop)
You got 2 because I wasn't sure which one I liked the best and to honest, I needed the practice because it'd been so long since I did one.
Sorry for the delay all.
I reloaded my OS and lost my Gimp Scripts. My stupid mistake, I forgot to save them. I'm rollin olskool @ teh moment.
Plus good old updates managed to loose my GDM Desktop and other assorted things...:facepalm:
Reason I did mafiabro. I knew where to find his images because I did his avatar back @ zoklet.
So lets do it.
Thanks man, They're fucking awesome:D
My screen res is 1680x1050
You could do something with my avatar in it.
Erect away bro. (nohomo though)
The answer to your question about why I didn't continue doing these @ zoklet was because I was studying @ the time. I didn't get much time for these then.
The studies are over (for now) I enjoy this sorta shit & this forum is winrar. We need more publicity than zoklet @ this stage and the Deviant page these are hosted on will hopefully serve that purpose.:cool:
No time frame here, just ideas....it's all good. Listed;)
Thanks mang....I didn't really wanna do a frozen penis.