Anyone ever had Chemist mishaps?

RemadERemadE Global Moderator
edited February 2012 in Man Cave
So today I went to the chemist to pick up some of my non-regular pills. Diazepam, lactulose (not a pill, rather a laxative that dfg is familiar with) and Oramorph (more Morphine coming tomorrow).
I was expecting the 100ml Oramorph I had ordered which looks like this

Instead after waiting around for 2 hours, I get this bad boy. 300ml!

Now I gave up on recreational Opiate use a while ago, and this is a good years supply (the 100ml bottle has lasted me since last October for Christ's sake) so nice one Chemist. Also checked out their Methadone dispensers. Looks like absinthe.

So, anyone else here had any over-zealous dispensaries? Pretty sweet error I must say.
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