
DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
edited May 2012 in Spurious Generalities
Not sure if this is the right forum for this or not. I hate faggots. I remember when I first learned what a gay was and picturing two dudes making out both with mustaches that were rubbing against each other. The image sickened me. No other group can I say I hate based on one simple fact. Even though I'm a racialist good blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc do exist. This isn't the case with gays. It's a deviant lifestyle plain and simple. The very fact that they can't procreate makes it unnatural. To argue that it's natural is a false argument. People say that some monkeys or other animals exhibit homosexuality on occasion. So as a people have we lowered our standards to the point that a wild animals actions are proper justification? Monkeys also throw shit and eat lice from each others heads. Would that behavior be acceptable in humans? According to gays I guess it would be.

Now I'll move on to the argument that being gay isn't a choice. They were supposedly born that way so we should just allow it right? People shouldn't be afraid to be who they really are right? So does that mean pedophiles and people who fuck animals are ok? After all they were born that way and it isn't a choice. The fact is everything anybody does is a choice. These people may have deviant thoughts but that doesn't mean you act on them. If somebody has the urge to kill or rape should they act on it?

Now onto the argument that what somebody does in the privacy of our homes isn't our concern. The problem with it is that they don't contain it to the privacy of their homes. The gay community has made it a point to shove this unnatural lifestyle down peoples throats. They demand to be allowed to serve openly in the military. My question is what does someones sex life half to do with being in the military. Dont ask dont tell was a perfectly reasonable thing but the gays couldn't let it go. They have gay pride parades. I would never host a straight pride parade because I'd feel like a jackass and my sex life isn't something I feel the need to advertise to the world. They force kids in school that this is an acceptable lifestyle. The media actually promotes it as a "cool" thing and that's why you have so many highschoolers claiming to be "bi" for the attention. I could go on but the fact is it's a sick and deviant lifestyle that needs to go back in the closet.


  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited March 2012
    I disagree with you entirely. I personally see homosexuality as an acceptable form of sexuality.

    I'm not going to debate you point by point, but consider this: The Cat's out of the bag. Permissiveness if the norm. Nothing can put it back in.

    If people want to do something and it doesn't harm others they should be allowed to do it. It's the basic tenant of western, liberal democracy.

    You make an interesting (ultimately facetious) point relating to LGBTs and the way they display themselves. It's because they're a community and a minority identity. They're also under attack and feel the need to assert their identity. All minorities struggling for some goal do this. It will probably stop when their rights are recognized to be as legitimate as heterosexuals
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited March 2012
    I disagree with you entirely. I personally see homosexuality as an acceptable form of sexuality.

    I'm not going to debate you point by point, but consider this: The Cat's out of the bag. Permissiveness if the norm. Nothing can put it back in.

    If people want to do something and it doesn't harm others they should be allowed to do it. It's the basic tenant of western, liberal democracy.

    You make an interesting (ultimately facetious) point relating to LGBTs and the way they display themselves. It's because they're a community and a minority identity. They're also under attack and feel the need to assert their identity. All minorities struggling for some goal do this. It will probably stop when their rights are recognized to be as legitimate as heterosexuals

    But who said western, liberal democracy is a good thing? What good is a society that doesn't have an ounce of tradition, morality or decency left?
  • SlartibartfastSlartibartfast Global Moderator -__-
    edited March 2012
    But who said western, liberal democracy is a good thing? What good is a society that doesn't have an ounce of tradition, morality or decency left?

    well I'm doing pretty well. My living standards are great. The society i live in follows the rule of law, it honours contract law. It is competitive and the cream rises to the top. I have rights and am my own free man.

    Tradition, Morality and "Decency" are all pretty ways for vested interests to keep the staus quo and order you around. They're vague and completely meaningless. Laws should, be dynamic,reflect societal opinion and be based around equality and liberty. This is the definition of morality. You don't have a monopoly on morality/values and neither do i.
  • DaktologistDaktologist Global Moderator
    edited March 2012
    The very fact that they can't procreate makes it unnatural.

    I'm straight and don't want to have children. Are you saying that people such as myself are as bad as a homosexual?. Personally I don't give a fuck about homosexuals, Sure I find it weird but each to their own.
  • fagfag Regular
    edited March 2012
    How can you even compare homosexuality to bestiality or pedophilia? For one, neither of the latter two involve the sexual contact of consenting adults.

    For two, there are physiological and neurological differences in homosexuals. You can google that fact on your own time if you want to educate yourself.
  • chippychippy <b style="color:pink;">Global Moderator</b>
    edited March 2012
    I think Hitler used similar arguments to justify the holocaust. We live, but not all of us learn. I think nowadays there are as many if not more people that abhore homophobes as there are homophobes.
    With that in mind, a homophobe conciously and by choice place themselves outside the norms of society to a greater degree than the homosexuals they claim are abnormal.

    Brave move Sanchez LOL.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited March 2012
    They have gay pride parades. I would never host a straight pride parade because I'd feel like a jackass and my sex life isn't something I feel the need to advertise to the world.
    I see DS's point on the gay pride parade. We as heterosexual don't need to advertise the fact that we are what we are. We naturally accept it. All the parade is doing is separating homosexuality from heterosexuality. How? by placing themselves in a minority group by organizing their own little "gay day" parade. Sure everybody is welcome to join in on the festivities. But at the end of the day, it's all about being gay. Not as an equal.....just gay.

    The question is how can gays fight for equality if they separate themselves from society with things like the parade.

    Don't get me wrong! I'm not gay bashing nor am I homophobe, but merely voicing my opinion as I see it.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited March 2012
    Because we're the norm. Heterosexuals are not considered freaks, nor abminations, nor killed because of our preferred sexuality. Take, for example, Jamaica. Extremely homphobic. Ever watch "How Stella got her groove back"? The man she married was gay, and married her to get out of there. So.
    As far as "killed because of our preferred sexuality." goes. Give me aaaaa break. Gays were a small minority of prejudice genocide within the pages of history compared to other atrocities. It's almost a joke to even mention it. In fact there are probably more albino africans killed for magical body parts than there are gay murders. :rolleyes:

    I haven't seen it..."How Stella got her groove back" :confused:
    They're not segregating themselves from society. The parade, as you said, anyone can participate. It is not inclusive to only gay people. It is a celebration of gayness and- I think, any LGBQT people feel free to correct me- recognizing that it is not something to be ashamed of; a triumph in and of itself. It is overcoming society's stigma and of not feeling ashamed of who you are- which is still a problem, as the gay teen suicides demonstrate.

    There you go! it's a stab at the world for the oppression gays suffered in the past. No more hiding ones sexuality from society. Out and proud. I'd compare it to a troll upon all that aren't or the previous generations. Thats bound to cause conflicts with some hetros due to the fact some feel shit on by it. They don't necessarily have to be homophobic either, it just feels like the parade is shitting on our parents / grandparents / etc beliefs. Future generations change as time progresses. Leave the past in the past.
    As a parallel, let's take one of the Black movements of "Black is beautiful". As a minority group, they still want equality. But equality does not mean of getting rid of unique attributes of a minority.
    Who's the president of the good old US of A again????
    It's recognizing, celebrating, and accepting differences instead of being assimilated into a primarily heterosexual, male, and white society, and not to feel ''less as'' just because of those differences.

    The parade is advertising. The way I see it, we are all people. As soon as the branding stops then perhaps prejudice may take a huge step back.
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited March 2012
    Why leave the past in the past when it still effects them?
    Prejudice is still gonna be a part of human nature. Whether you are gay, black, asian, short, fat, unemployed, poor, stupid etc. There's not just me,me,me in this great big cruel world.
    Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd, and Kathryn Johnston. Just because a Black/African-American man made it as president does not mean racism is suddenly gone.
    Read 1st quote response.
    Which we are. But saying "We are all people" is being dismissive of an integral component of a person's identity.
    You are so focussed on being gay you seem to have forgotten other identifying features you possess. That's a shame. I'm sure there's more to life than just being gay.
    You're the one that goes on about "the normal world" I picture you standing on the outside of the world looking in when you should be on the inside looking out. I'm not saying you should become hetro & shit, but naturally your gay oppressed reasoning would be thinking it. You's are so defensive, and huddle in your corners. You remind me of those kids in school who brand themselves as the popular kids, the jocks, etc. If that's not segregation, Then what is?

    Categorising is the essence of prejudice.
  • MarineBoatMarineBoat Regular
    edited March 2012
    Even though I'm a racialist good blacks, Jews, Hispanics etc do exist. This isn't the case with gays.
    Let's take Lenny Bruce for instance. Perfect example of a 'good Jew'. Why? If Lenny wasn't racially Jewish and was all else the same, I think you could probably agree his being good or not wouldn't change. Add the jew-ness back in and the 'good' part still doesn't change, but the jew or gentile part does. Now consider Elton John. If Elton wasn't gay, you'd more likely view him in a positive respect. Here, you're letting that one little attribute (jew / gay / whatever) change the other (good or bad). You don't do this with Jews, Hispanics, Blacks, whatnot, as is evidenced by your saying that they can still be good. Thinking that being gay is bad, therefore gay people are bad, therefore there are no good gay people which is reason to believe that gayness is bad is bullshit circular logic that you're using to single out homosexuals from other people that are different than you.

    On a lighter note:
    The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.

    if you want to educate yourself.
    That's a pretty damn big if.
  • Pill PopperPill Popper Regular
    edited April 2012
    I have no issue with them being gay and if it makes them happy then so be it

    However I do strongly disagree with the overly excessive shows the men put on
    You want to make out ...... Fine but when they grope each other in the middle of a mall or near a school which I have seen .....it goes too far
    I was at the mall near my house a few months ago and was stuck in an elevator while two men discribed very dirty details of what they had done to each other the night before . There were children in the elevator who seemed shocked and the parents were obviously mad and I was just plain creeped out about the ball and gag shit . One of the parents asked them to watch thier language in front of the kids and was rudely told he was a filthy bigot who hates gays. I piped up and told the douchebag to shut up as it was a proper request as the kids did not need to know what ball gags were and what dildos were ..... I was told I was a dictaor trying to ruin gay fun . Felt like punching the fucker but stopped myself thinking they would probobly cry hate crime
  • SpinsterSpinster Regular
    edited April 2012
    Thats unacceptable even for a straight couple, what are these people on?
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited April 2012
    Wait, what?
    You advertise the fact your gay because you're proud of who & what you are? ORLY? Or is it to rub it in the faces of every homophobe out there who opposed, persecuted, ridiculed and treated you like shit in the past. Because honestly! Thats how I see it & I'm not even a fucking homophobe.

    Here's a good pic example:


    With this attitude you'll never become an equal ^img^ Why?....Because you can't even protest like every other minority group. Heres the irony. You wish to become an equal yet you protest more flamboyantly and differently than anyone else. You need to learn the difference between Individuality and equality. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  • CyberthaneCyberthane Semo-Regulars
    edited May 2012
    Dirtaaay; your argument is slightly flawed. While it may not be 'natural' (although homosexuality can be found in many, many species), there are many things in our lives that aren't natural. The plastic your keyboard is made out of is way more of a twist on the state of nature (look up Locke) than homosexuality is. We are humans with animistic instincts - and just because you don't get why two dudes have a great time together doesn't mean it's wrong.

    You know what they say about homophobes, right? You should ask me what I say about homophobes, lolz....
  • bornkillerbornkiller Administrator In your girlfriends snatch
    edited May 2012
    Many people actually don't 'advertise' because of how unsafe it is to be 'out'.

    Huddling in corners is because of the violence. There's safety in numbers.
    Homophobes find us. They find us and use that excuse, which carries stigma, to carry out violence.

    Ohhh...Pl0x...Give me a break!
    Hmmm....Let me see.

    Pick the one who is less likely to be in danger.

    A - Hot looking girl walking around on the street by herself @ night
    B - Black kid walking around in a white hood @ night
    C - White kid walking around in a black hood @ night
    D - Gay dude looking a paranoid & shit thinking "Fuck! The whole world knows I'm gay & want to pwn my ass"

    "D" would be the most obvious choice. But to a gay person "A, B are C" are non existent because the world doesn't revolve around them, only you. There's a bigger picture in the world than just yous and guess what! You are merely a pimple on the face of all those oppressed. All I hear from you is us, us, us. You are self centered, overly dramatic and as paranoid as fuck. Dude! Stop taking GLEE so seriously. It's time to merge now.........Like a zipper.

  • (nameless one)(nameless one) Regular
    edited May 2012
    I love gay folks, in a non-sexual way. They're usually the happiest people in the worst situations and they make for a damn good wingmen.
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