Experience Project (Website/Forum)

DfgDfg Admin
edited July 2010 in Spurious Generalities
What is Experience Project (EP)?

Experience Project is the first social experience website where people are connecting with each other around experiences and ideas that matter the most, with people who just "get it." At EP it isn't about who you know, it's about who you are


Pretty interesting site with lots of members and also it's a pretty good place to troll others.

A sample:
This week a homeless woman who kept her possessions in a shopping cart died and on her body $300,000 was discovered along with a note donating the entire sum to different charities. She was a holocaust survivor. I am deeply and profoundly touched by this remarkable human being. Her story is just the thing I needed to read tonight. I can do better. I can be stronger. I will never forget her story.

It would be fun to write erotica's in the confession section.


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